To: FY98 WWSMM Attendees
From: Brad Chase
Date: April 24, 1997
Re: FY98 Planning Memo "Preserving the desktop paradise"
Our competitors are still hard at work trying to obsolete Windows. More
people then ever now believe they will. Netscape and Sun endeavor to
commoditize the OS and drive developers to adopt their technologies and
APIs. This is more true today then ever and these technologies are
precicly those that may make the NC viable.
But Windows is not the only Microsoft franchise at risk. Our Office
business is now in danger too. Netscape and Lotus clearly want to attack
and obsolete Office as well. Netscape is replacing Navigator with
Communicator, a rich applications suite with email, scheduling and
collaboration. They are using their position with the browser as a
foothold onto the desktop to sell the new killer applications: email and
We will be making changes to the way we articulate our Platform
strategy and these changes reflect market feedback (the Active platform
will be renamed and we will continue to strengthen out Java offering
while dispelling the Java myths that Sun want to promote)
Winning the Internet platform battle ..
Netscape will try to use email and the browser as a Trojan horse into
the productivity apps and workgroup space.