To: Don Casey
cc: Alex Morror, Frank King, AI-ESC, AI-PSC, AI-TSC, Richard Wolf
From: Richard Wolf
Date 09/11/91 07:03:09 Pm
This memo lists and briefly describes items in the draft Microsoft Style
Guide for Windows that are biased towards Microsoft applications.
Individually, none of the items are major changes. They are a collection
of small arbitrary decisions without clear user benefit that taken
together give Microsoft an advantage because most of their applications
already conform ..
Second, the style guide provides little or no indication of future
object oriented user interface directions that Microsoft is developing,
including property sheets, direct manipulation, pop-up menus, and
notebook techniques. Essentially, current and somewhat arbitrary GUI
practices of Microsoft applications are being set up as detailed
standards while Microsoft works on new approaches that obsolete these
standards. Microsoft has privately disclosed to Lotus some elements of
their intended direction.
court documents in the case of Comes v. Microsoft.