From: Bill Gates
To: Bernard Vergnes: Brian Fleming; Chris Peters; Hank Virgil; Jeff
Raiks; Joachim Kempin; John Neilson; Lewis Levin; Mike Brown; Mike
Maples; Pate Higgins; Pete Pathe; Richard Fade; Steve Ballmer
Cc: Bill Gates; Executive Staff and Direct Reports
Subject: "Sea Change" brings oppurtunity
Date: Thurdsay, October 06, 1994 11:35 PM
This memo looks at the opportunities created for DAD and other groups
over the next decade as the
framework of computing changes.
One "sea change" that is still at least three years away but probably
not more than 6 years away is the move to extensive use of voice input.
This will catch on more rapidly than graphics did. This will have a deep
effect on Office. This is one we should be spending time on today.
I still believe that once tablet sized computing has the right accuracy
and physical characteristics that pen based computing will be successful
and that either mainstream applications will address this or a new
category will emerge.
court documents in the case of Comes v. Microsoft.