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IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, March 02, 2023

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*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.15 [SeaMonkey 2.53.15/20230121223026])Mar 02 02:54
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@4wdz55cy37z58.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMar 02 02:56
*DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)Mar 02 02:57
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@4wdz55cy37z58.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMar 02 02:57
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Mar 02 03:26
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@amrs5w4z676gy.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMar 02 03:46
techrights[sec]People /still/ don't see ByteDance for what it is, even in spite of Mar 02 06:20
techrights[sec]the CBS 60 Minutes segement covering it.  Mar 02 06:20
techrights[sec] 02 06:20
techrights[sec] 02 06:20
techrights[sec]It's not a privacy matter, it's more health matter.  More than that, it Mar 02 06:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Watch 60 Minutes: The question about TikTok - Full show on CBSMar 02 06:20
techrights[sec]is a culture, value, mores, and customs matter.  The kids which have beenMar 02 06:20
-TechrightsBN/ | TikTok in China versus the United States | 60 Minutes - The Global HeraldMar 02 06:20
techrights[sec]programmed by ByteDance via Tiktok may speak English natively but are notMar 02 06:20
techrights[sec]AmericanMar 02 06:20
techrights[sec]It (ByteDance) does need to be banned.Mar 02 06:21
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Mar 02 07:30
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMar 02 07:31
techrights[sec]More precisely it is psychological warfare, out to harm and destroy.Mar 02 07:42
techrights[sec]It gets ignore because it is "on a phone"Mar 02 07:42
schestowitz-pi2no wonder thy hire lobbyists, rebranded, and bought puff pieces latelyMar 02 07:42
schestowitz-pi2<techrights-news> "This reflects a loss of 4,638,508 sites, 240,148 domains and 13,907 computers". The Web is shrinking. Many sites go offline. ☞ 02 07:51
-TechrightsBN/ | February 2023 Web Server Survey | Netcraft NewsMar 02 07:51
schestowitz-pi2i think i got into the rhythm and am posting more articles, linsk etc.Mar 02 09:37
schestowitz-pi2while culling bad onesMar 02 09:37
schestowitz-pi2i must admit: it's MENTALLY DIFFICULT to not have RSS reader in the routineMar 02 09:37
schestowitz-pi2for the sole reason that I used one for 20 yearsMar 02 09:37
schestowitz-pi2now, I always feel like I "need to check out RSS feeds"Mar 02 09:37
schestowitz-pi2but remind myself rssoql/thunderbird/quiterss are no moreMar 02 09:37
schestowitz-pi2*rssowl (iirc, the first one I used)Mar 02 09:37
schestowitz-pi2so everything goes through kate by defauly Mar 02 09:37
schestowitz-pi2editor and command laneMar 02 09:37
schestowitz-pi2*lineMar 02 09:38
schestowitz-pi2kate has a command lne component too, but I prefer terminals detached Mar 02 09:38
schestowitz-pi2vonick has about 20 terminals, two for password managementMar 02 09:38
techrights[sec]The new work flow cuts way down on unscheduled surfing, at least for me.Mar 02 09:38
schestowitz-pi2in a sense, the programs have turned the www into geminiMar 02 09:42
schestowitz-pi2or plain text with mild formattingMar 02 09:42
schestowitz-pi2mind as in, just some formatting and hypertext, hrefMar 02 09:42
schestowitz-pi2that in itself can be more readable then a web page because i don't need to click or hover on linksMar 02 09:43
schestowitz-pi2i can see right there in the text where they'd goMar 02 09:43
schestowitz-pi2years ago I did wonder if I could quickly extrtact richer text than what I got off quiterss (uses blink or simiMar 02 09:43
schestowitz-pi2lar)Mar 02 09:43
schestowitz-pi2today i configured the desk to dim down all screens except one when afkMar 02 09:43
schestowitz-pi2turns out we pay for power almost half what some other couples payMar 02 09:43
schestowitz-pi2but i want to stretch it further so that never again i'll do a job i don't like for companies I cannot trustMar 02 09:43
schestowitz-pi2i'd work casually, upon needs, there's a new report saying for "Software Development" 40% of workersMar 02 09:43
schestowitz-pi2will one day be "remote"Mar 02 09:43
schestowitz-pi2the important thing is to keep the skills and practice themMar 02 09:43
schestowitz-pi2mMar 02 09:46
schestowitz-pi2the unlterior goal is to transition from "i earn, you earn" to "i work all year long, you are free to do projecMar 02 09:46
schestowitz-pi2ts"Mar 02 09:46
schestowitz-pi2iow, competing over salaries vs. competing over freedom/happiness (very few jobs mean "freedom")Mar 02 09:47
techrights[sec]The push for new PCs is about getting TPM2.0 out among the population inMar 02 09:55
techrights[sec]great enough concentrations as to be able to force more software complianceMar 02 09:55
techrights[sec]Less freedom becomes even theorertically possible with each step in thatMar 02 09:55
techrights[sec]direction.Mar 02 09:55
schestowitz-pi2TPM2 is being pushed by Club Gulagboy into LinuxMar 02 09:56
schestowitz-pi2Torvalds can no longer speak his mind outMar 02 09:56
schestowitz-pi2that's "hate"Mar 02 09:56
schestowitz-pi2<techrights-news> "reason: Because a Chinese company owns TikTok — a smart phone app for creating and sharing short videos — the Chinese government may be using  it to spy" ☛ | Source: Counter PunchMar 02 09:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-The Proposed TikTok Ban Goes Too Far. The Current TikTok Ban Doesn't Go Far Enough. - CounterPunch.orgMar 02 09:59
schestowitz-pi2the worst part about brexit and cambridge analytica is... PRIVACY?Mar 02 09:59
schestowitz-pi2some computing freedom might "always" be possibMar 02 10:20
schestowitz-pi2but "powers that be" will keep it niche, with things like Chrome OS to neutralise Mar 02 10:20
schestowitz-pi2it as means of compromiseMar 02 10:20
schestowitz-pi2Windows is still bleeding (see TR post)Mar 02 10:20
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.15 [SeaMonkey 2.53.15/20230121223026])Mar 02 10:31
techrights[sec]Yes, Windows is declining, they're way below the point where they can  Mar 02 10:32
techrights[sec]demand monopoly rents.  Thus the overwhelming majority of their incomeMar 02 10:32
techrights[sec]from Windows has vanished.  Their only other traditional area of income Mar 02 10:32
techrights[sec]has been their monopoly rents from the productivity software via theirMar 02 10:32
techrights[sec]control of the ever-changing proprietary formats it spreads and exploits.Mar 02 10:32
techrights[sec]There have been a lot "bill sez" latelyMar 02 10:32
schestowitz-pi2the corporate media is of course all over thisMar 02 10:33
schestowitz-pi2reporting the "facts"Mar 02 10:33
schestowitz-pi2or bagging money from "bill h. sez" and microSoftMar 02 10:33
schestowitz-pi2i hope more people nowadays know how to respond to the billness puff piecesMar 02 10:33
schestowitz-pi2even if almost no site allows  comments anymoreMar 02 10:33
schestowitz-pi2the criminal will be gone in a decade or twoMar 02 10:33
techrights[sec]Hopefully soonerMar 02 10:43
schestowitz-pi2With the Lord Mayor of Manchester 02 10:52
-TechrightsBN/ » Blog Archive » With the Lord Mayor of ManchesterMar 02 10:52
techrights[sec]checkingMar 02 11:24
techrights[sec]Good photosMar 02 11:24
techrights[sec]Quite an honor that the lordmayor was thereMar 02 11:24
schestowitz-pi2apparently it's quite the exception (they said)Mar 02 11:25
schestowitz-pi2and they also did the group photoMar 02 11:25
schestowitz-pi2mike is rianne's refereeMar 02 11:25
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@cbcfptirpkfqa.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMar 02 11:26
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@3khny76cn5jaq.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMar 02 11:34
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.15 [SeaMonkey 2.53.15/20230121223026])Mar 02 12:26
schestowitz-pi2<techrights-news> Sometimes it seems like Techdirt isn't just running Microsoft ads but it also habitually lobbying for GAFAM interests, including for Microsoft, while bagging "deregulation" Koch money ☛ 02 12:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Microsoft Inks 10 Year Deal To Bring Xbox Games To Nintendo Consoles | TechdirtMar 02 12:58
techrights[sec]What happened?  He used to be quite good on /tech/ matters?Mar 02 13:02
techrights[sec]However, I stopped reading the site ages ago as fewer and fewer of the articlesMar 02 13:10
techrights[sec]were either good or relevant, unlike when he started out. Mar 02 13:10
schestowitz-pi2techdirt historyMar 02 13:13
schestowitz-pi290s: short pists by young man, some links to long articles outsideMar 02 13:13
schestowitz-pi2*postsMar 02 13:13
schestowitz-pi22000s: longer posts by one man, very high volume, focusing on copyrightsMar 02 13:13
schestowitz-pi22010: a team of people, many covering politics, don't always agree with themMar 02 13:14
schestowitz-pi22015: bad words in headlines, koch money (shiva "help"), pushing to deregulate everythingMar 02 13:14
schestowitz-pi2"leave FB alone"... leave tiktok alone... microsoft doing better nowMar 02 13:14
schestowitz-pi2i am still in love with the old techdirtMar 02 13:14
schestowitz-pi2so it has ok karma, like sjvn had until ~3 years agoMar 02 13:14
techrights[sec]I forgot about the Koch money :(Mar 02 13:14
schestowitz-pi2this is where T.D. and go off the railsMar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2except. reason is worseMar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2it attacks net neutrality and some decent politiciansMar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2esp. in the past 2 weeksMar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2i stopped even staring at itMar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2as it published some truly disgusting thingMar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2so i feel more gulty linking to that domain Mar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2*thingsaMar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2*thingsMar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2( taks koch money, reasons means whatever kochs call "freedom"... libertarian think tanks)Mar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2Federalist Society.. same ones pushing for patent maximalists while at the same time shoutingMar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2"DEFMar 02 13:29
schestowitz-pi2i was just thinkingMar 02 14:16
schestowitz-pi2(and hoping) that rather than or not onlyMar 02 14:16
schestowitz-pi2banningtiktokfor kids' use Mar 02 14:16
schestowitz-pi2they will compel politicians to not use FB etc. for "privacy" reasonsMar 02 14:16
schestowitz-pi2no high-profile people active in social control media Mar 02 14:16
schestowitz-pi2can help wean billions off it Mar 02 14:16
techrights[sec]Weaning billions of it would be a good thing but as long as they are distractedMar 02 14:22
techrights[sec]by the strawman of privacy they will not address the even more severe problemMar 02 14:22
techrights[sec]of maniuplation and intentional damage to mental and physical health.Mar 02 14:22
schestowitz-pi2it is currently about whose manipulationMar 02 14:23
schestowitz-pi2not the manipulation itselfMar 02 14:23
schestowitz-pi2and certainly not a matter of public healthMar 02 14:23
schestowitz-pi2like the "residue" or "side effects" of "info" ny algorithmsMar 02 14:23
schestowitz-pi2misframed as "by peer"Mar 02 14:23
techrights[sec]Yes and it appears they'd really prefer to keep attention off the manipulation.  Mar 02 14:23
schestowitz-pi2twitter timeline (not sure about other sucj sites)Mar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi21) people to follow, chronology and subs honoursMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2nothing "injected" from outside who you follow, no "algo"Mar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi22)manipulationstartingMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi23) shadowbanningMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2there are many other aspectsMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2it sort of peaked around 2015, i thinkMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2it manipulated lessMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2after 2016 lots of mass cullsMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2and optimising for "engagement"Mar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2adsMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2sort of like gulag youtube in more recent yearsMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2in 2010 i watched lots of youtubeMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2it only presented to me new stuff from channels i had subscribed toMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2this limited "provocation" and time-wastingMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2youtube quality was also higher back thenMar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2now a lot of youtube is the "bitchute of tiktok"Mar 02 14:46
schestowitz-pi2iow, people crapflooding youtube with useless crap they make for the "opium" platformMar 02 14:46
techrights[sec]The biggest turning point against Twitter was the move to aglorithmic sortingMar 02 14:47
techrights[sec]of messages away from chronological order.Mar 02 14:47
schestowitz-pi2<techrights-news> ➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW): Meeting Manchester's Mayor Yesterday ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Mar 02 15:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Tux Machines — Meeting Manchester's Mayor YesterdayMar 02 15:09
schestowitz-pi2ACLU: banning TikTok would ‘violate the First Amendment’ ☞ 02 15:27
-TechrightsBN/ | ACLU: banning TikTok would 'violate the First Amendment' - JURIST - NewsMar 02 15:27
schestowitz-pi2Lithuania won’t ban TikTok from official devices ☞ 02 15:36
-TechrightsBN/ | Lithuania won’t ban TikTok from official devices - LRTMar 02 15:36
techrights[sec]Someone has infiltrated the ACLU and inverted them?Mar 02 15:36
techrights[sec]They're taking the opposite stance, one against the public health of the nation.Mar 02 15:36
techrights[sec]s/the/an/Mar 02 15:36
techrights[sec]s/an/a/Mar 02 15:36
schestowitz-pi2we're at the cusp of debate consensus being soldifiedMar 02 15:39
schestowitz-pi2and i think it already gravitates towardsMar 02 15:39
schestowitz-pi2tiktok=militarised=ban itMar 02 15:39
schestowitz-pi2and any other claim would seem insaneMar 02 15:39
schestowitz-pi2this is where they rebrand, lobby, and buy "happy stories"Mar 02 15:39
schestowitz-pi2critical timeMar 02 15:39
techrights[sec]Yes, there is currently a flood of "happy" stories about social control media Mar 02 15:40
techrights[sec]going on.  It'd say, without much evidence, that it sure seems related to theMar 02 15:40
techrights[sec]ongoing debate about ByteDanceMar 02 15:40
schestowitz-pi2i saw the link above hours before you had sent it Mar 02 15:43
schestowitz-pi2seeing it now again as I am catching upMar 02 15:43
schestowitz-pi2the weekend is, near so i can complete the catchupMar 02 15:43
schestowitz-pi2we're going to the library soonMar 02 15:43
schestowitz-pi212 min walkMar 02 15:43
schestowitz-pi2rianne drops off her resume thereMar 02 15:43
schestowitz-pi2then I check the tesco 200m from thereMar 02 15:43
schestowitz-pi2they are showing her aroundMar 02 15:43
schestowitz-pi2we're trying to establish a plan to 67Mar 02 15:44
schestowitz-pi2wherein we are mostly free and happyMar 02 15:44
schestowitz-pi2no more 24/7 shiftsMar 02 15:44
schestowitz-pi2they are building a massive arena across the road from here, next to the stadiumMar 02 15:44
schestowitz-pi2that too can open up some "walking distance" opportunitiesMar 02 15:44
schestowitz-pi2like a few hours a nightMar 02 15:44
schestowitz-pi2my sleep, diet, family life improve, aside from online activitiesMar 02 15:44
schestowitz-pi2next to rianne sat a young gentleman from HK, tall and maybe 25 years oldMar 02 15:47
schestowitz-pi2i think they managed to "suck" some talent out of PRCMar 02 15:47
schestowitz-pi2after that in the restaurant chinese... btw...Mar 02 15:47
schestowitz-pi2a friend noted that had hire some guy form HKMar 02 15:47
schestowitz-pi2who said that over there they worked 8am till 8pmMar 02 15:47
schestowitz-pi2at the officeMar 02 15:47
schestowitz-pi2some stayed in the office till 11pmMar 02 15:47
schestowitz-pi26 times a weekMar 02 15:47
schestowitz-pi2sounds no better than japan and s koreaMar 02 15:47
schestowitz-pi2now he can work from home 4 hours a day and is very pleasedMar 02 15:47
schestowitz-pi2they do highway engineering and suchMar 02 15:47
techrights[sec] 02 15:48
techrights[sec]aka modern slaveryMar 02 15:48
-TechrightsBN/ | 996 working hour system - WikipediaMar 02 15:48
techrights[sec] 02 15:50
-TechrightsBN/ | 'Lying flat': The millennials quitting China's '996' work culture to live 'free of anxiety' - ABC NewsMar 02 15:50
schestowitz-pi2for full time work i am "done"Mar 02 15:52
schestowitz-pi2casual? okMar 02 15:52
schestowitz-pi2things will come by, over time, but i don't need to hoardMar 02 15:52
schestowitz-pi2living large => slaveryMar 02 15:52
schestowitz-pi2opposite => more personal freedomMar 02 15:52
schestowitz-pi2we still have (some level of) national insurance to "fall back" onMar 02 15:52
schestowitz-pi2no eye-watering hospital billsMar 02 15:52
techrights[sec]ExactlyMar 02 15:52
schestowitz-pi2btw, look up microsoft github 996Mar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2and "censorship" Mar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2many people forgot about thisMar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2also "gvreat cannon of china" (ddos, iirc via brwoser extensions)Mar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2in china, gulag search is small Mar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2and bing is not smallMar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2because his billness made a pact with .... his kind of peopleMar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2from what i recall, when not cheating on his wife with lolita express Mar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2he may have gone with some adults of chinese lineageMar 02 15:55
techrights[sec]Yes, a distraction;Mar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2but I am not sureMar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2the latter is mostly used as a distraction from his complicity in outrightMar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2crimesMar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2and maxwell is back in the news again, pleading her innocent while india mediaMar 02 15:55
schestowitz-pi2is in "spread buttcheeks, publish bill sez"Mar 02 15:55
techrights[sec]"bill sez" puff pieces do double service: they distract and they launderMar 02 15:58
schestowitz-pi2they're done for a feeMar 02 15:59
schestowitz-pi2i think more people now resist this BSMar 02 15:59
schestowitz-pi2Young Chinese feeling 'political depression' amid hopelessness about future ☞ 02 16:02
-TechrightsBN/ | Young Chinese feeling 'political depression' amid hopelessness about future — Radio Free AsiaMar 02 16:02
techrights[sec]nderMar 02 16:06
techrights[sec]One can hope, but there was a time 20 - 25 years ago when /everyone/ knewMar 02 16:06
techrights[sec]what Bill was about.Mar 02 16:06
techrights[sec] 02 16:06
techrights[sec]*All* the tech magazines and any newspaper which even had a tech column knewMar 02 16:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Invidious: 02 16:06
techrights[sec]about him.  Mar 02 16:06
techrights[sec]If the same situation were today, he'd be described "as a meme"Mar 02 16:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Homer Simpson and Bill Gates buy out - InvidiousMar 02 16:06
schestowitz-pi2the library is nice, connected to a schoolMar 02 17:00
schestowitz-pi2lots of PCs thereMar 02 17:00
schestowitz-pi2so i assume a lot of activity is people "online"Mar 02 17:00
schestowitz-pi2the books are "modern" or contemporary ventilation OK Mar 02 17:00
schestowitz-pi2sanitaryMar 02 17:00
schestowitz-pi2back to the news now...Mar 02 17:00
techrights[sec] 02 17:01
-TechrightsBN/ | ‘Let it rot’: Once-flourishing middle class faces end of ‘Chinese Dream’Mar 02 17:01
schestowitz-pi2<techrights-news> Many in Hong Kong continue to wear masks despite end of mandate ☞ 02 17:03
-TechrightsBN/ | Many in Hong Kong continue to wear masks despite end of mandate | The Straits TimesMar 02 17:03
schestowitz-pi2we were the only ones in the library wearing masksMar 02 17:03
schestowitz-pi2<techrights-news> That seems like a smart move from Japan. Why the negative tone? Because this paper is owned and controlled by PAP and its ilk? ☞ 02 17:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Japan’s birth rate plunges to a record low in 7th year of decline | The Straits TimesMar 02 17:07
schestowitz-pi2cphpost publishing spam, as do some other sites, might need to add a filter for these to my scripts as even just scrolling past them is unnecessary distraction (notice URL): 02 17:10
-TechrightsBN/ | A New Fitness Supplement: SARMs - The Post – The PostMar 02 17:10
techrights[sec]checkingMar 02 17:21
techrights[sec]It'd be hard to filter from the feed itself though there is /sponsor/ in the Mar 02 17:21
techrights[sec]URL pathMar 02 17:21
schestowitz-pi2it's the first time i see them do thisMar 02 17:23
schestowitz-pi2techdirt has that, the-scientist has loads of theseMar 02 17:23
schestowitz-pi2aap in michaelwest is not a solved issueMar 02 17:23
schestowitz-pi2algorithmically, not with the gui in quiterss ("filter")Mar 02 17:23
schestowitz-pi2but i still have an abundance of "signal"Mar 02 17:23
schestowitz-pi2with 1000+ feeds and two ways to see themMar 02 17:23
techrights[sec]Let me check on the Michael West links...Mar 02 17:24
schestowitz-pi2you've fixed it already, i follow that via "merged"Mar 02 17:26
schestowitz-pi2today i did lots of catching up with storiesMar 02 17:26
schestowitz-pi2phipps just covered FRAND/SEP in OSI's siteMar 02 17:26
schestowitz-pi2rianne added this despite it being OSIMar 02 17:26
schestowitz-pi2he's still the least sinister person in OSIMar 02 17:26
techrights[sec]I thought the automated script now skips the AAP posts thereMar 02 17:26
techrights[sec]FRAND is pure toxic wasteMar 02 17:26
schestowitz-pi2yes, it is fixed thereMar 02 17:27
schestowitz-pi2but i use two modes, even threeMar 02 17:27
schestowitz-pi2the falkon stuff is best for "sweeping"Mar 02 17:28
schestowitz-pi2it shows only headlines and is conciseMar 02 17:28
techrights[sec]and amounts to shilling for software patents    Mar 02 17:28
techrights[sec]In -merged AAP posts are culled from Michael West's feed.Mar 02 17:28
schestowitz-pi2<techrights-news> The title here is misinformation which serves Microsoft 02 17:36
-TechrightsBN/ | Pop!_OS Is Working on a New Text Editor Based on Vim, VS CodeMar 02 17:36
schestowitz-pi2"Based on Vim, VS Code"Mar 02 17:37
techrights[sec]The python script cannot process content.  That'd be a waste of time and Mar 02 17:38
techrights[sec]effort each time it was run unless there was some major change to the workMar 02 17:38
techrights[sec]flow such that it would make sense.Mar 02 17:38
techrights[sec]It's slow as it is and making a full HTTP request for each item in the feed    Mar 02 17:38
techrights[sec]would take tens of minutes to complete each time.  That's just fetching.Mar 02 17:38
techrights[sec]Then parsing the HTML would slow that down further.  Mar 02 17:38
techrights[sec]A more serious problem is that there were 202 links in the latest post     Mar 02 17:38
techrights[sec]containing links.  Regardless of what's in them, that's way too many forMar 02 17:38
techrights[sec]a single post.  Mar 02 17:38
schestowitz-pi2what's a good number or "sweet spot"?Mar 02 17:39
schestowitz-pi2100?Mar 02 17:39
schestowitz-pi2i try to focus on technical things and judge by importance, i.e. no sport, gossip...Mar 02 17:39
techrights[sec]I'm not sure.  Maybe 100 or less for now.                 Mar 02 17:57
techrights[sec]The thing is that there are quotes included along with the titles soMar 02 17:57
techrights[sec]even 100 is a lot to wade through.  Quality is better than quantity.Mar 02 17:57
schestowitz-pi2ok, i will finalise my current batchMar 02 17:59
schestowitz-pi2it's mostly gnu/linuxMar 02 17:59
schestowitz-pi2if we have MOAR of those links, the betterMar 02 17:59
schestowitz-pi2as they're not so easy to find anymoreMar 02 17:59
schestowitz-pi2and you can see sites like linuxtoday slowing down to like 4 posts per day, half of which howtosMar 02 17:59
schestowitz-pi2and missing some very important news of the dayMar 02 17:59
schestowitz-pi2the quality, i think, is in the topology and clustering Mar 02 17:59
schestowitz-pi2both in TM and TRMar 02 17:59
schestowitz-pi2other sites lack the tools and workflow to organise them similarlyMar 02 17:59
schestowitz-pi2some tried and gave upMar 02 17:59
schestowitz-pi2and we have 3 people working on it, if not more if you count mariusMar 02 17:59
schestowitz-pi2so emergent news can come within <1  hour, almost real timeMar 02 18:00
schestowitz-pi2even when we're outside the houseMar 02 18:00
schestowitz-pi2the problem witn long Daily Links is,Mar 02 18:00
schestowitz-pi2the entaiol a lag between breaking news and appearance in TRMar 02 18:00
schestowitz-pi2so breaking them down into smaller batches means latency is lowerMar 02 18:00
schestowitz-pi2biab, finalisingMar 02 18:00
techrights[sec]ity.Mar 02 18:06
techrights[sec]Given the work flow as it is, there is not a way to shorten the cycle that I Mar 02 18:06
techrights[sec]can think of.  Mar 02 18:06
schestowitz-pi2with the new cms we can tailor-make and change workflowsfMar 02 18:08
schestowitz-pi2for irc, links, short posts, in-depth Mar 02 18:08
schestowitz-pi2but the transition takes planningMar 02 18:08
schestowitz-pi2today rianne did a "blog" in TMMar 02 18:08
techrights[sec]I think so.Mar 02 18:08
techrights[sec]Nice.Mar 02 18:08
schestowitz-pi2eeting Manchester's Mayor Yesterday ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Mar 02 18:09
-TechrightsBN/ | Tux Machines — Meeting Manchester's Mayor YesterdayMar 02 18:09
schestowitz-pi2you might also say she is gemlogging nowMar 02 18:09
techrights[sec]Which one?  It is not distinguished by title.Mar 02 18:10
techrights[sec]CheckingMar 02 18:15
techrights[sec]Excellent!Mar 02 18:15
schestowitz-pi2the important thing is that she's almost always happyMar 02 18:16
schestowitz-pi2it's all about perspectiveMar 02 18:16
schestowitz-pi2and it helps keep oneself focused, motivatedMar 02 18:16
schestowitz-pi2no social control mediaMar 02 18:16
schestowitz-pi2not comparing to anyoneMar 02 18:16
techrights[sec]Great news.Mar 02 18:17
techrights[sec]Social control media is about dissatisfaction by exploiting negative emotions.Mar 02 18:17
techrights[sec]Happiness is inversely proportional to exposure to it.Mar 02 18:17
techrights[sec]there are other factors in happiness, of course, but exposure to social controlMar 02 18:17
techrights[sec]media is a guaranteed path to miseryMar 02 18:17
schestowitz-pi2is it fair to say "happy" people buy less?Mar 02 18:18
schestowitz-pi2or is another work more suitable here?Mar 02 18:18
schestowitz-pi2*wordMar 02 18:18
techrights[sec]ProbablyMar 02 18:20
techrights[sec]Fear and jealousy are usually the main emotions used to drive advertising andMar 02 18:20
techrights[sec]thus sales.Mar 02 18:20
schestowitz-pi2social control media is for people who want to show, not doMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2esp. the facebook branchMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2i think tiktok rewards westerners for mischivious, unruly behaviourMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2sort of like youtubeMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2had a chat about it with mike yesterdayMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2people making a "scene", giving the cops extra jobMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2just so that they can cause drama and make videosMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2provocationMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2re "fear and jealousy", they are connected in the sense that the latter is relatd to "social anxiety"Mar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2class consciousnessMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2fear of losing connection due to perceived "poverty" ('failure')Mar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2but that's going into psychological philosophyMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2ryan has been clinically sad latelyMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2he chats with me more privately sometimesMar 02 18:22
schestowitz-pi2same with trmancoMar 02 18:22
techrights[sec]The "mischevious" aspect of tiktok is actually highly destructive to the Mar 02 18:32
techrights[sec]individual and society, on purpose.  ByteDance is a propganda company, and  Mar 02 18:32
techrights[sec]up front about that.  The damage to the individual is both physical and toMar 02 18:32
techrights[sec]the psyche.  It's warfare.  Psychological warfare but warfare nonetheless.Mar 02 18:32
techrights[sec]Worse, it is aimed at pre-teensMar 02 18:32
techrights[sec]and thus the real damage escapes the attention of ignorant adults who dismiss Mar 02 18:32
techrights[sec]the attack as "just a phone" or "just playing on the phone"Mar 02 18:32
schestowitz-pi2i did not watch the documentary, only read articlkes about it (at the time)Mar 02 18:32
schestowitz-pi2if they actually do call it spinach and opium, then it sounds like they Mar 02 18:32
schestowitz-pi2justify this by recalling the opium wars I and II by the britishMar 02 18:32
schestowitz-pi2but that was so long agoMar 02 18:32
techrights[sec]With enough exposure, they become culturally removed from the preceding  Mar 02 18:33
techrights[sec]generations and no longer culturally part of the nation they reside in despiteMar 02 18:33
techrights[sec]speaking the local language(s).Mar 02 18:33
techrights[sec]A more recent article called it digital fentanyl, as a nod to both the harm Mar 02 18:33
techrights[sec]and to the origin.   If ByteDance is digital fentanyl, then M$ is digital Mar 02 18:33
techrights[sec]krokodil.  :(Mar 02 18:33
techrights[sec]People might make some money selling it, but anyone on the receiving end is Mar 02 18:33
techrights[sec]worse off and for businesses the injection will prove very harmful if notMar 02 18:33
techrights[sec]outright fatal.  Mar 02 18:33
schestowitz-pi2at the library i spoke to one staffer, who was nice and helpfulMar 02 18:35
schestowitz-pi2i checked their computer terminals but could not figure out the OSMar 02 18:35
schestowitz-pi2as there is just a login screenMar 02 18:35
techrights[sec]Likely Vista10 there unless they are modern and use LTSPMar 02 18:57
techrights[sec]the latter is increasingly rare though. Mar 02 18:57
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