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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Monday, May 04, 2020

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schestowitz> May 04 01:11
schestowitz> What do I need to do? Do I owe you anything?May 04 01:11
schestowitz> May 04 01:11
schestowitz> Hope you’re doing wellMay 04 01:11
schestowitzWe''ll renew for another 2 years.May 04 01:11
schestowitzI think from prior work the sum owed isn't much, I'll need to check my notes.May 04 01:11
schestowitz> incidentally, if you resize the logo to 480 x 480 it fits without being oval.May 04 01:13
schestowitz> May 04 01:13
schestowitz> the html says its being treated as full size, 480x677. thats half-right. its about 677x677. if you change that to 480x480 its a circle again, without image editing. though image editing also works. May 04 01:13
schestowitz> May 04 01:13
schestowitz> i will try to send images that are 480 width max in the future. the previous one resized alright. May 04 01:13
schestowitzWith phones, many people zoom/resize either way, so extra pixels are OK.May 04 01:13
schestowitz 04 01:58
schestowitz"I heard many firms have given their trainees who have been affected by the cancellation of EQE a significant pay rise (as if they passed a few exams). I salute those firms and encourage others to follow suit as not everything should depend on exam results. You should also take into account the benefits a trainee gives to the firm especially when they are at a finalist stage. Many trainees at this level would have contributed May 04 01:58
schestowitzenormously to the firms. "May 04 01:58
-TechrightsBN/ | No European qualifying examination will be held in 2020 says EQE Supervisory Board - The IPKatMay 04 01:58
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 04 03:26
*schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 03:27
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)May 04 03:27
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 03:27
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzMay 04 03:27
schestowitz 04 03:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WillowWyse: @schestowitz Are they online? 🙏 Gates is going to be very much in my sights if we ever get out of this mess!May 04 03:46
schestowitzI wrote a lot about this in the past 04 03:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Gates Foundation Critique - TechrightsMay 04 03:46
schestowitz 04 03:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@a9ymous: @schestowitz @wikileaks he knew enough to know that pretending to kill it would appeal to everyone who understood w… 04 03:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@a9ymous: @schestowitz @wikileaks he knew enough to know that pretending to kill it would appeal to everyone who understood w… 04 03:48
schestowitz"he knew enough to know that pretending to kill it would appeal to everyone who understood what a disaster NAFTA was for real people--and it wasn't the only plank he copied from Bernie in 2016 (only to discard it later)"May 04 03:48
schestowitz 04 03:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fcassia: @schestowitz I don't know either. 😬May 04 03:48
schestowitz 04 03:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fcassia: @schestowitz Having said that, do I want my emails going through Microsoft's servers? Absolutely not.May 04 03:48
schestowitz 04 03:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fcassia: @schestowitz Truth be told, I recently discovered the new Outlook web interface, and as far as proprietary web host… 04 03:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fcassia: @schestowitz Truth be told, I recently discovered the new Outlook web interface, and as far as proprietary web host… 04 03:48
schestowitz"Truth be told, I recently discovered the new Outlook web interface, and as far as proprietary web hosted email interfaces go, it's cleanliness and simplicity is undeniable. Google totally destroyed Gmail's UX thanks to Jason Cornwell after the #newcompose fiasco."May 04 03:48
schestowitz 04 03:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fcassia: @schestowitz Heck Google even profits from movie piracy on YouTube.May 04 03:49
schestowitz 04 03:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz @ioerror @EFF You disingenuous ghoul, you know very well that free speech doesn't mean I have to liste… 04 03:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz @ioerror @EFF You disingenuous ghoul, you know very well that free speech doesn't mean I have to liste… 04 03:50
schestowitz"You disingenuous ghoul, you know very well that free speech doesn't mean I have to listen to every asshole who comes by. I don't remember unblocking you, must be a bug."May 04 03:50
schestowitzI hadn't even spoken to you; you blocked me after I merely retweeted something about @ioerrorMay 04 03:51
schestowitz 04 03:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@robdykedotcom: Oh really... 04 03:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #techdirt #Patent Patentw ☞ We're Saved! Company Claims It's Patented 'Containing the Spread of Disinforma… 04 03:51
schestowitz"I'd rather not be quoted like that, especially with a detail like "xxxxxxxxxxx" that only about five people at the hospital are aware of.  "Jumped out of" is also  something people who know me might recognize.  The language and topic are a dead give away if it gets picked up, but that pick up is what we want."May 04 05:01
schestowitz"I need more cover.   Let me get a better round up which does name hospitals blown up.  I found a dozen or so the last time I looked, I can turn it into a list.  xxxxxx has been named in a couple of articles now because some May 04 05:01
schestowitzemployees are complaining about payroll being broken.  The outage at xxxxxxxxx is still on and it might spill out without any help.  A Techrights  article might help and it might direct coverage in the right direction.  This is a national and world story because the same thing has been happening all over.  An article naming dozens of hospitals around the world and putting it  in proper context would be much more powerful than a May 04 05:01
schestowitzstory that pins the  whole thing on xxxxxxx necks in xxxxxx.  I'll put some time into it over the  week.  May 04 05:01
schestowitz               <li>May 04 07:26
schestowitz                  <h5><a href="">Judge Orders FCC to Hand Over IP Addresses Linked to Fake Net Neutrality Comments</a></h5>May 04 07:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 400 @">Judge )May 04 07:26
schestowitz                  <blockquote>May 04 07:26
schestowitz                    <p>A Manhattan federal judge has ruled the Federal Communications Commission must provide two reporters access to server logs that may provide new insight into the allegations of fraud stemming from agency’s 2017 net neutrality rollback. </p>May 04 07:26
schestowitz                    <p> A pair of New York Times reporters—Nicholas Confessore and Gabriel Dance—sued the FCC under the Freedom of Information Act after it refused their request to view copies of the logs. The logs will show, among other details, the originating IP addresses behind the millions of public comments sent to the agency ahead of the December 2017 net neutrality vote. </p></blockquote></li>May 04 07:26
schestowitzx 04 07:46
-TechrightsBN/ | DHS Reiterates Recommendations on Securing Office 365 | SecurityWeek.ComMay 04 07:46
schestowitz 04 07:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )May 04 07:53
schestowitz May 04 07:53
schestowitz 04 07:53
-TechrightsBN/ | Drew DeVault: "The ONLY way to make reliable, working software i…" - MastodonMay 04 07:53
schestowitz 04 08:11
-TechrightsBN/ | FibroGen v. Akebia: Arnold LJ addresses insufficiency, equivalence, second medical use claims, and much more - The IPKatMay 04 08:11
schestowitz"May 04 08:11
schestowitzThank you Léon Dijkman for this very useful analysis. I hope you won't mind a couple of questions.May 04 08:11
schestowitzYou wrote: "Two claims – one from each family – survived the invalidity challenges,"May 04 08:11
schestowitzDid any of the claims in issue from Family B survive? I think claim 36A of patent EP'333 is found to be bad for obviousness although not insufficiency.May 04 08:11
schestowitzAlso, why is the exclusive licensee, Astellas, suing the patent owner Fibrogen? And what for? Sorry if the answer to that should be obvious to me.May 04 08:11
schestowitzThanks againMay 04 08:11
schestowitz"May 04 08:11
schestowitz 04 12:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz Raise an army.May 04 12:47
schestowitz 04 12:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz I didn't want to see lies about that asshole. That's my prerogative.May 04 12:48
schestowitzYou could block the person who wrote them then, not someone who merely pressed "RT" in TwitterMay 04 12:48
schestowitz 04 12:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz And you could choose not to defend a rapist.May 04 12:50
schestowitzI choose due processMay 04 12:50
schestowitz 04 12:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz If you'd never tweeted at me prior to that, and I don't follow you, I'm not sure why you care so much.… 04 12:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz If you'd never tweeted at me prior to that, and I don't follow you, I'm not sure why you care so much.… 04 12:51
schestowitz"If you'd never tweeted at me prior to that, and I don't follow you, I'm not sure why you care so much. I see now that you've tweeted about my blocking you several times. What gives?"May 04 12:51
schestowitzI think it matters a great deal when @eff puts you in a "Free speech" positionMay 04 12:51
schestowitz 04 12:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz Ugh. You have a PhD and yet you're not smart enough to recognize all of the ways in which the judicial… 04 12:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz Ugh. You have a PhD and yet you're not smart enough to recognize all of the ways in which the judicial… 04 12:52
schestowitz"Ugh. You have a PhD and yet you're not smart enough to recognize all of the ways in which the judicial system regularly fails rape survivors?"May 04 12:52
schestowitzI read enough about the allegations, which German media studied more carefullyMay 04 12:52
schestowitz 04 12:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz @EFF You can think whatever you want, but EFF supports the right of (non-state actor) individuals usin… 04 12:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz @EFF You can think whatever you want, but EFF supports the right of (non-state actor) individuals usin… 04 12:53
schestowitz"You can think whatever you want, but EFF supports the right of (non-state actor) individuals using blocking tools to curate their own online environment."May 04 12:53
schestowitzFine, but the founder of EFF would disagree May 04 12:53
schestowitz 04 12:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz @EFF I mean it kinda sounds to me like you don't know what EFF stands for.May 04 12:53
schestowitzWhen I support the EFF it's because it supports bloggers like me, among other reasonsMay 04 12:54
schestowitz 04 12:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz Oh fuck all that. I don't need a random journalist to tell me what my community knew for years.May 04 12:54
schestowitz 04 12:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz Not only that, but a journalist that was overly friendly with some of his buddies and enablers. Please… 04 12:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz Not only that, but a journalist that was overly friendly with some of his buddies and enablers. Please… 04 12:54
schestowitz"Not only that, but a journalist that was overly friendly with some of his buddies and enablers. Please - I know way more about this than you do."May 04 12:54
schestowitzYou know so much that you block people who merely RETWEET something you do not agree withMay 04 12:55
schestowitz 04 12:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz @EFF I'm not getting into that discussion, but the founders of EFF have entrusted the organization to do its work.May 04 12:55
schestowitz"I'm not getting into that discussion, but the founders of EFF have entrusted the organization to do its work."May 04 12:55
schestowitzI recent years, since he died, the EFF was not doing its work anymore. I wrote about 6 articles about it this past year.May 04 12:55
schestowitz 04 12:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz @EFF Yup, and that's core to our work. But petty arguments about who blocked whom are not and will never be.May 04 12:56
schestowitzI agree it can be petty but quite frankly that block seemed a tad overboard and we can agree on something amicably...May 04 12:56
schestowitz 04 12:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz For fuck's sake, have you considered that I might have been traumatized by what happened in my communi… 04 12:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz For fuck's sake, have you considered that I might have been traumatized by what happened in my communi… 04 12:57
schestowitz"For fuck's sake, have you considered that I might have been traumatized by what happened in my community and didn't want to see tweets about it?"May 04 12:57
schestowitzOK, I understand better now. Thanks for clarifying. Have a good day.May 04 12:57
schestowitz 04 12:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz @EFF Good for you.May 04 12:57
schestowitz 04 12:58
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz Well, if you still think a rapist that nearly ruined my community is innocent, we have nothing further to discuss.May 04 12:58
schestowitzYou call him a rapist and there was nothing to be seen in courts, just anonymised claims in tweetsMay 04 12:59
schestowitz 04 13:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz False. Several women came forward using their real names. It was covered by the New York Times, among… 04 13:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz False. Several women came forward using their real names. It was covered by the New York Times, among… 04 13:01
schestowitz"False. Several women came forward using their real names. It was covered by the New York Times, among others. That's not "anonymised claims in tweets""May 04 13:01
schestowitzCan you get me the link. I'd like to read it.May 04 13:01
schestowitz 04 13:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz But just out of curiosity - why do you think the right to free expression includes the right to be hea… 04 13:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz But just out of curiosity - why do you think the right to free expression includes the right to be hea… 04 13:02
schestowitz"But just out of curiosity - why do you think the right to free expression includes the right to be heard by everyone? It never has, and it never will."May 04 13:02
schestowitzBlocks in Twitter are also removal of one's own visibility, in my case against someone whom you never even spoke toMay 04 13:03
schestowitz 04 13:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz So many articles. Not "anonymised tweets." 04 13:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Developer Tells Her Story Publicly as Hacker Community Struggles to Address Sexual AssaultMay 04 13:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Tor Project Confirms Sexual Misconduct Claims Against Employee - The New York TimesMay 04 13:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Power, secrecy and cypherpunks: how Jacob Appelbaum ripped Tor apart | Technology | The GuardianMay 04 13:07
schestowitzThanks, I will rereadMay 04 13:07
schestowitz 04 13:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz Sure, but that still has nothing to do with your freedom of expression. You remain free to express you… 04 13:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz Sure, but that still has nothing to do with your freedom of expression. You remain free to express you… 04 13:07
schestowitz"Sure, but that still has nothing to do with your freedom of expression. You remain free to express yourself, and I remain free to cover my ears."May 04 13:08
schestowitz 04 13:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jilliancyork: @schestowitz Contrast that to ONE article in Germany written by a journalist who hangs out with the accused's friends.May 04 13:08
schestowitzI'll bear this in mind, thanks JillianMay 04 13:08
schestowitz>> I'm neutral on what to use; I call him Richard when I write to him.May 04 14:14
schestowitz>>May 04 14:14
schestowitz> It's definitely not highly important.  So whatever works then.  PerhapsMay 04 14:15
schestowitz> it may be a generational thing too.  I had only ever read of himMay 04 14:15
schestowitz> referred to as RMS until very recently, again, except by his opponents.May 04 14:15
schestowitzThe latest article says rmsMay 04 14:15
schestowitz> TR was briefly inaccessible via HTTP this morning about 03:35 UTC or so.May 04 14:15
schestowitz>  However, it was only some brief load or congestion.May 04 14:15
schestowitzThat's probably mysqldump and gzip, which run at around that time.May 04 14:15
schestowitz> Ok.  Those are already niced and ioniced as far down as they can go.May 04 14:17
schestowitzAnd timed for quietest part of the day afaikMay 04 14:17
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)May 04 16:38
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellMay 04 16:38
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzMay 04 16:38
*swaggboi has quit (Quit: C-x C-c)May 04 16:45
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