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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Tuesday, May 05, 2020

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schestowitz 05 00:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )May 05 00:07
schestowitz"May 05 00:07
schestowitzEuh, ça c'est Alpine Linux, moi ce qui m'intéresse, c'est Alpine JS May 05 00:07
schestowitz@tuxmachinesMay 05 00:07
schestowitz"May 05 00:07
schestowitz 05 00:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )May 05 00:19
schestowitz"good morning baby"May 05 00:19
schestowitz 05 00:20
schestowitz"May 05 00:20
schestowitzGNU is not UnixMay 05 00:20
schestowitzUbuntu is not LinuxMay 05 00:20
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:20
schestowitz"May 05 00:20
schestowitz 05 00:20
schestowitz"cc @gael"May 05 00:20
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:20
schestowitz 05 00:20
schestowitz"i would like to subscribe to just that."May 05 00:20
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:20
schestowitz 05 00:21
schestowitz"@schestowitz an interesting question. I suspect something like an underground movement will keep the free software going, and in places where M$ can't reach."May 05 00:21
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:21
schestowitz 05 00:21
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:21
schestowitz"Let me interject for a moment, actually, it's not Linux, and not GNU-slash-Linux, and not even GNU-plus-Linux. Now there is GNU and there is Linux."May 05 00:22
schestowitz 05 00:22
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:22
schestowitz"May 05 00:22
schestowitzCongratulations! After,,, ,  the site I recommend people to visit is . Please keep up the good work!May 05 00:22
schestowitz#gnu #fsf #stallman #rms #techrights #freeswMay 05 00:22
schestowitz"May 05 00:22
schestowitz 05 00:22
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:22
schestowitz"Ah the American Dream"May 05 00:22
schestowitz 05 00:23
schestowitz"Give sources please"May 05 00:23
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:23
schestowitz 05 00:23
schestowitz"May 05 00:23
schestowitz@charly @schestowitz May 05 00:23
schestowitzDésolé, je n'ai jamais été confronté à  ça.May 05 00:23
schestowitzPas de gamers dans mes relations.May 05 00:23
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:23
schestowitzIl vaut mieux éviter les arguments de rhétorique, « hors sujet », j'ai toujours honni les profs de lettres et banni définitivement les dissertations, ce dès le lycée, ça fait un bail, hélas pour moi.May 05 00:23
schestowitz"May 05 00:23
schestowitz 05 00:23
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:23
schestowitz"May 05 00:23
schestowitzJe suis en contact rapproché avec beaucoup de ces professionnels qui sont sous mac (arts, culture, université). Évidemment, difficile de généraliser sa propre expérience. Néanmoins, l'emprise d'Apple dans ces secteurs économiques est très, très forte.May 05 00:23
schestowitzPour le grand public, c'est autre chose, beaucoup plus irrationnel. Les macbook sont très chers, heureusement, mais, la qualité matériel y est, macos est très stable. C'est néanmoins très fermé et coûteux en utilisation.May 05 00:23
schestowitz"May 05 00:23
schestowitz 05 00:24
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:24
schestowitz"@Egide @schestowitz De plus, désolé mais " la plupart des gens que je connais qui utilisent windows ne sont pas des joueurs du tout." est hors sujet. Je n'ai pas dit que les gens restent sous windows à cause des jeux. J'ai dit que certains ne passent pas à Linux pour cette raison mais peuvent passer sous MacOS alors que le problème est le même dans les deux cas."May 05 00:24
schestowitz 05 00:24
schestowitz"@Egide @schestowitz Je n'ai pas les chiffres mais je doute que la majorité des utilisateurs d'Apple le soient pour ces raisons. Je pense que les utilisateurs qui sont sous Mac à cause du choix logiciel n'est qu'une minorité, même si je préférerais croire le contraire."May 05 00:24
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:24
schestowitz 05 00:24
schestowitz"De qui s'agit-il ? J'ai pas compris."May 05 00:24
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:25
schestowitz 05 00:25
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:25
schestowitz"May 05 00:25
schestowitze Ça fait bien longtemps que je ne l'écoute plus lui... rien de bon, définitivement.May 05 00:25
schestowitz@schestowitzMay 05 00:25
schestowitz"May 05 00:25
schestowitz 05 00:25
schestowitz"May 05 00:25
schestowitz@charly @schestowitz May 05 00:25
schestowitzNon, je ne crois pas, la plupart des gens que je connais qui utilisent windows ne sont pas des joueurs du tout. May 05 00:25
schestowitzApple fonctionne bien, mais surtout chez les professionnels arts, culture, enseignements, édition, graphisme, audio-vidéo à cause de la palanquée de logiciels spécialisés et qui font autorité dans ces professions.May 05 00:25
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:25
schestowitz"May 05 00:25
schestowitz 05 00:25
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:25
schestowitz"@Egide @schestowitz Oui mais l'histoire du poste client, c'est un faux problème. Si tu écoute les gens… ils ne peuvent pas passer à GNU/Linux à cause des jeux qu'ils ont sous Windows.  Mais quand c'est pour passer à du Apple, tout à coup ça devient secondaire. Parce qu'Apple connaît bien les ressorts psychologiques et entre autre les marqueurs sociaux, tout ça… Ce qu'on évite d'utiliser dans le libre parce qu'on se May 05 00:25
schestowitzconcentre sur l'éthique. Il faudrait rendre l'éthique sexy."May 05 00:25
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 05 00:26
schestowitz 05 00:26
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:26
schestowitz"May 05 00:26
schestowitzEnfin, il y a cette astuce, malheureusement, dont Microsoft abuse, c'est de proposer Office gratuit pour ceux qui bénéficie d'une licence professionnelle.May 05 00:26
schestowitzAinsi, les étudiants et les enseignants de l'université de Poitiers ont pu obtenir cinq exemplaires d'Office 365 pour peu qu'ils aient un compte Microsoft Éducation. Environ 25000 téléchargement en un an.May 05 00:26
schestowitzDifficile de lutter contre le principe de moindre effort.May 05 00:26
schestowitzNe pas se décourager.May 05 00:26
schestowitz"May 05 00:26
schestowitz 05 00:26
schestowitz"'May 05 00:26
schestowitzEn ce qui concerne le logiciel libre, ça ne manque pas d'influenceurs.May 05 00:26
schestowitzSimplement leurs moyens sont beaucoup moins considérables que ceux des éditeurs de logiciels privateurs. Et puis, il y a ces situations difficiles à contourner :May 05 00:26
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:26
schestowitzLes postes clients des entreprises tournent sous  windows, les ordinateurs portables sont pré-installés avec windows. Excel, word et power-point font des ravages, je ne parle pas de photoshop et autres  qui n'ont pas d'équivalents  en libre.May 05 00:26
schestowitz"May 05 00:26
schestowitz 05 00:26
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:26
schestowitz"@Egide @schestowitz Pourrait-on imaginer un genre de lobbying façon fils de pute comme les géants mais avec pour objectif le logiciel libre ? À première vue non, puisqu'il s'agit de prendre les gens pour des cons pour leur faire faire ce que l'on veut mais si quelqu'un a un plan façon méchant de James Bond et capitalism-compliant pour faire que les gens deviennent libristes ça m'intéresse vraiment…"May 05 00:26
schestowitz 05 00:26
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:26
schestowitz"@Egide @schestowitz On ne peut pas le nier… Ils sont doués en lobbying chez Microcrotte"May 05 00:26
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)May 05 00:27
schestowitz 05 00:27
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:27
schestowitz"@avalos @schestowitz Yo lo intenté pero sin éxito. Me conformaré con eliminar todo Google excepto los servicios que no se pueden quitar"May 05 00:27
schestowitz 05 00:28
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:28
schestowitz"May 05 00:28
schestowitzWow. Stores. What a foreign concept. I haven't even seen over of those synced the first storm that dropped snow on Thanksgiving, and even though it's starting to warm up now and I no longer need to fly my chainsaw for wood to cook and heat my cabin, it's still gonna be a while before I finish eating everything that I've been killing and subsequently filling up my deep freezes with.May 05 00:28
schestowitzIs it still a zombie apocalypse down there where people are? All I hear about on the radio is the Chinese Wuhan flu even still - it's almost as bad as when the only thing on the news was coverage of the speculation as to who was gonna get control of Anna Nicole Smith's orphan baby and the bazillion dollars that came with all those diaper changes.May 05 00:28
schestowitzWell everyone..., peace, love, and don't get all distressed over a little Wuhan - it's how we chose to be towards our fellow man when all is said and done, and after the cows came home 🤘😎🤘May 05 00:28
schestowitzAnd remember, you can haz #cheezburgerz! 🍔May 05 00:28
schestowitz"May 05 00:28
schestowitz 05 00:28
schestowitz"@schestowitz ... 👍😆😏"May 05 00:28
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:28
schestowitz 05 00:28
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:28
schestowitz" anyone have a torrent?"May 05 00:28
schestowitz 05 00:29
schestowitz"May 05 00:29
schestowitz> middleware is always necessaryMay 05 00:29
schestowitz...unless nick szabo is to be believedMay 05 00:29
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:29
schestowitz 05 00:29
schestowitz"May 05 00:29
schestowitz 05 00:29
-TechrightsBN/ | The God Protocols | Satoshi Nakamoto InstituteMay 05 00:29
schestowitz"got any old examples?"May 05 00:29
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:29
schestowitz 05 00:29
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:29
schestowitz"Reaching such position of power for a sarcastic humorist is a fine achievement  (i'm sarcastic) #Trump"May 05 00:29
schestowitz 05 00:29
schestowitz" I used to blindly trust it for being more transparent than the others. Now, it seems careless. No vetting is done."May 05 00:29
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:30
schestowitz 05 00:30
schestowitz"May 05 00:30
schestowitzVia @schestowitz May 05 00:30
schestowitz«  Une histoire qui a fait grand bruit à la Cour des comptes et au Conseil d’État, mais elle n’a guère bruitée au-delà de ces deux institutions :  les mêmes irrégularités qui auraient pu être imputées à l’ancien secrétaire général de l’Institut national de la propriété industrielle (INPI), celui-ci  a été relaxé par la CDBF tandis que la comptable publique qui a laissé passer les versements contestés a May 05 00:30
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:30
schestowitzété condamnée par la Cour des comptes. » @Mediapart #prévaricationMay 05 00:30
schestowitz"May 05 00:30
schestowitz 05 00:30
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:30
schestowitz"@sgag @schestowitz Nunca he instalado LineageOS en Xiaomi. Una vez intenté instalarlo en mi Samsung S4, pero no pude."May 05 00:30
schestowitz 05 00:31
schestowitz"You're tooting links from a 130-year old Indian newspaper? Are we that loud :-[]"May 05 00:31
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:31
schestowitz 05 00:32
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:32
schestowitz" but does it have RGB lights?"May 05 00:32
schestowitz 05 00:32
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:32
schestowitz"May 05 00:32
schestowitz“As a 2nd generation tracing technology, the Apple|Google approach has learned from its predecessors and has significantly better scaling, privacy and cryptographic qualities.”May 05 00:32
schestowitzjack_black_this_statement_sound…May 05 00:32
schestowitz"May 05 00:32
schestowitz 05 00:33
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:33
schestowitz"¿Por que es tan complicado instalar Lineage en mi Xaomi? Ya lo tengo desbloqueado pero los siguientes pasos son demasiado complicados. No hay manera mas simple de instalar lineage? Y olvidarme de gogle en mi android para siempre?"May 05 00:33
schestowitz 05 00:33
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:33
schestowitz"@schestowitz Trudeau will not live this one down.  This is the fall of his government come next election for sure.  No debate, nothing - just a sweeping loss of rights for canadians with no democratic input."May 05 00:33
schestowitz 05 00:33
schestowitz" relevant:"May 05 00:33
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:33
schestowitz 05 00:34
schestowitz"May 05 00:34
schestowitzHi Doc,May 05 00:34
schestowitzWe really look forward to having a read. Although this site isn't secure, which is fine, do you have a PGP fingerprint? If so, it would be great to get your signed (ascii-armoured?) version that we can download, verify, and read.May 05 00:34
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:34
schestowitzIs PGP signed versions something that you might consider?May 05 00:34
schestowitzIf so, feel free to provide your PGP fingerprint below. :)May 05 00:34
schestowitz"May 05 00:34
schestowitzI really need to reconfigure that siteMay 05 00:34
schestowitz 05 00:35
schestowitz"old people get hit harder than the young rather.  Either way it's not distributed equally"May 05 00:35
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:35
schestowitz 05 00:35
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:35
schestowitz"May 05 00:35
schestowitz this isn't true.  Young people get hit harder than the old.  The costs are unequally distributed across the economy and across nations.  And millenials might soon have affordable housing available.May 05 00:35
schestowitzCERB mean A LOT of canadians are suddenly doing better than they were before.  May 05 00:35
schestowitzcanada post employees have all the overtime they want, same goes probably for their competition in fedex,ups.May 05 00:35
schestowitzthe US government just threw 20T$ into the market.  Someone walked away with some of that.May 05 00:35
schestowitzThe canadian government is spending something like 20B$/week.  People are walking away with profits.May 05 00:35
schestowitz"May 05 00:35
schestowitz 05 00:35
schestowitz": …I mean why to drink coffee more often?…"May 05 00:35
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:35
schestowitz 05 00:36
schestowitz"Once-twice a week seems to be the norm."May 05 00:36
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:36
schestowitz 05 00:36
schestowitz" 3 here, "not making ends meet" gang"May 05 00:36
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:36
schestowitz 05 00:36
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:36
schestowitz"This wasn't meant to happen %)."May 05 00:36
schestowitz 05 00:36
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:36
schestowitz"for now."May 05 00:36
schestowitz 05 00:37
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:37
schestowitz"@dsfgs @schestowitz So democracy should only be exercised when it works out in your favor? Hmm..."May 05 00:37
schestowitz 05 00:37
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:37
schestowitz"May 05 00:37
schestowitzIf he’d exist at least some of his elves would be intelligent enough to not need buzzword computing.May 05 00:37
schestowitzthe-secret-world-of-santa-claus…May 05 00:37
schestowitz"May 05 00:37
schestowitz 05 00:37
schestowitz" true"May 05 00:38
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:38
schestowitz 05 00:38
schestowitz"But.. what about Chromium?"May 05 00:38
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:38
schestowitz 05 00:38
schestowitz""stallman was a fool for saying what he did but it doesn't mean he should be cancelled for it."May 05 00:38
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 05 00:38
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 05 00:50
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 05 00:50
schestowitz> i may have accidentally covered everything already.May 05 00:59
schestowitz> May 05 00:59
schestowitz> while i continue the tedious job of sifting through bullshit, im hoping tom can do a bailout. its not his job, but hes done a good job anyway. good luck, tom. obviously ill let you know if i find anything.May 05 00:59
schestowitz> May 05 00:59
schestowitz> gnu shouldnt rely on perl so much. thats the "big story". theres other stuff, but its already been said. tom has an incredible way of getting at the rest of the story. i dont know how he does it. let him fill out the series, if he can and will. but dont promise the world in teasers, because its a small world after all.May 05 00:59
schestowitzi thought there would be more focus on gnu radio in a followup, but maybe not ;-)May 05 00:59
schestowitz>> based on a longstanding analysis of GNU projects (or the GNU Project as a whole)May 05 01:00
schestowitz> thoughts on this? im not entirely sure the data i have lends itself strongly to this sort of thing but tom is very good at this side of the story. May 05 01:00
schestowitz> May 05 01:00
schestowitz> if he wants to get in on this he is most welcome. ill run it by him. you can hook him right into the series. i was very impressed with his contribution before, it added a completely new dimension to the whole thing.May 05 01:00
schestowitz> May 05 01:00
schestowitz>> While you are busy re-posting propaganda from common dreams, they are busy scrubbing their history of any reference to Bill Gates. (All links from google, or searches from their site about Bill Gates end in a 503 error)May 05 01:00
schestowitz> too easy to check.May 05 01:00
schestowitz> May 05 01:00
schestowitz>                                     > All Articles on Bill GatesMay 05 01:00
schestowitz> May 05 01:00
schestowitz> 05 01:01
schestowitz> May 05 01:01
-TechrightsBN/ | All Articles on Bill Gates | Common DreamsMay 05 01:01
schestowitz> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next ›May 05 01:01
schestowitz> May 05 01:01
schestowitz> top result on google. i guess minitrue missed this one.May 05 01:01
schestowitz> May 05 01:01
schestowitz> censorship is real, but in republican nutter land only the left does it. only the left has a reason to, republicans are all about truth and shit...May 05 01:01
schestowitz"past bedtime for one online nutter"May 05 01:01
schestowitzyes, too many nutters in MINDSMay 05 01:01
schestowitz> the only point of limiting future images to 470 width is to avoid the image getting squished unproportionally. normally the template resizes proportionally, but for whatever reason that didnt happen this time. i spent more than 30 minutes on that logo, more than 10 hours on the research, plus another hour for writing it. i wish the logo wasnt turned oval. resizing it to 470 would fix it. May 05 01:03
schestowitz> May 05 01:03
schestowitz> ive included a resized logo so that the css, other article settings or other things dont have to be fiddled with. this is the easiest way to fix it. May 05 01:03
schestowitz> It's a CMS 'thing'May 05 01:03
schestowitzMaybe we can use this logo in the wiki?>May 05 01:03
schestowitzRe: Yet another Nokia troll: WSOUMay 05 01:04
schestowitz> 05 01:04
schestowitz> May 05 01:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Huawei Remains In The WSOU Crosshairs, With Nine New Cases Filed - Intellectual Property - United StatesMay 05 01:04
schestowitz> Just found this because today's RPX Alerts contain a story entitled "May 05 01:04
schestowitz> May 05 01:04
schestowitz> May 05 01:04
schestowitz>         WSOU Follows Established Filing Path Against Its ThirdMay 05 01:04
schestowitz>         Defendant, MicrosoftMay 05 01:04
schestowitz>         <>",May 05 01:04
schestowitz>         and I was wondering who WSOU was...May 05 01:04
-TechrightsBN/ | News - WSOU Follows Established Filing Path Against Its Third Defendant, MicrosoftMay 05 01:04
schestowitz 05 03:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@askmetutorials: @tuxmachines Not able to find email id in the site, please provide email id in this chat, I will send the detailsMay 05 03:23
schestowitzr at schestowitz dot comMay 05 03:23
schestowitz 05 03:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@HollaNaija: @tuxmachines Up and runningMay 05 03:23
schestowitz 05 03:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@experimancer: @tuxmachines doesn't make it so 😉May 05 03:23
schestowitz 05 03:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Crypt0_Wolf: @schestowitz Promoting corrupt Ubuntu/Canonical again? I thought you said you were the one who convinced RMS to speak out against it?May 05 03:28
schestowitz"Promoting corrupt Ubuntu/Canonical again?  I thought you said you were the one who convinced RMS to speak out against it?"May 05 03:28
schestowitzPromoting is the wrong word. Look how much I criticise them each and every day.May 05 03:28
schestowitz 05 03:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@agrima_b: @schestowitz Thank you for sharing the piece 👍🏽May 05 03:29
schestowitznpMay 05 03:29
schestowitz <li>May 05 05:06
schestowitz                  <h5><a href="">Beyond The Specs: These 2 New Linux Laptops Aren’t Created Equal</a></h5>May 05 05:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )May 05 05:06
schestowitz                  <blockquote>May 05 05:06
schestowitz                    <p>Two spectacular and very similar Linux laptops just launched, courtesy of System76 and TUXEDO Computers. On paper they may seem identical. The System76 Lemur Pro and TUXEDO Computers InfinityBook S 14 are both sourced from the same Clevo chassis. They both feature the same 10th-generation Intel CPUs and keyboard integrated into the body. Same webcams, same speakers, similar Samsung SSDs, same RealTek audio May 05 05:06
schestowitzcontroller, same marathon 73wh battery, and 14-inch 1080p matte displays. However, there are subtle but meaningful differences to consider if you’re stuck on which laptop to choose. </p></blockquote></li>May 05 05:06
schestowitz              </ul></li>May 05 05:06
schestowitz            <li>May 05 05:07
schestowitz              <h5><a href="">Windows 10 Users Are Switching To macOS And Linux</a></h5>May 05 05:08
schestowitz              <blockquote>May 05 05:08
schestowitz                <p>But it seems that the sweet success for Windows in the OS market now comes with a pinch of sourness. Speaking of the numbers, the desktop market share for Windows OS (all versions) has dropped by 2% between March 2020 and April 2020.</p>May 05 05:08
schestowitz                <p> That void has been filled by Apple’s macOS, which saw a 0.8% boost in market share during the same period. However, what’s surprising is that the desktop market share of Linux distros has increased by 1.5%, which is almost double than that of macOS. </p></blockquote></li>May 05 05:08
schestowitz          </ul>May 05 05:08
-TechrightsBN/ | Windows 10 Crosses 1 Billion Active Devices MarkMay 05 05:08
*acer-box__ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 05 07:14
*acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellMay 05 07:15
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to acer-box__May 05 07:15
schestowitz>> It's a CMS 'thing'May 05 09:12
schestowitz> ive been on both sides of wp as a cms. its so much fun, i think a gun to the head is about six of one, half a dozen of the other. May 05 09:12
schestowitz> May 05 09:12
schestowitz> wp cms stands for "WHAT a PIECE of CRAP, MAN, SHIT..." better than plone, i guess. May 05 09:12
schestowitzMaybe we can do a better logo positioning in a followupMay 05 09:12
schestowitz> Hi Team,May 05 09:14
schestowitz> May 05 09:14
schestowitz> I am writing tutorial posts on Ubuntu, CentOS, LinuxMint, and otherMay 05 09:14
schestowitz> distributions on my below websites.May 05 09:14
schestowitz> May 05 09:14
schestowitz> I need to submit my stories across multiple sites, from twitter I cameMay 05 09:14
schestowitz> to know your website and when I am planning to submit the posts, accountMay 05 09:14
schestowitz> creation seems to be disabled May 05 09:14
schestowitz> May 05 09:14
schestowitz> Please set up  a manual account for me to submit my website updates to yourMay 05 09:14
schestowitz> siteMay 05 09:14
schestowitz> May 05 09:14
schestowitz> *_My sites are _*May 05 09:14
schestowitz> <>May 05 09:14
-TechrightsBN/ | askmetutorialsMay 05 09:14
schestowitz> <>May 05 09:14
-TechrightsBN/ | Tips On UNIX | Tutorials For BeginnersMay 05 09:14
schestowitz> May 05 09:14
schestowitz> Please let me know any further details if requiredMay 05 09:14
schestowitzIf you have RSS feeds, I can take the picks from there?May 05 09:14
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 05 11:30
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 05 11:30
schestowitz 05 13:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@2Fflandro: .@schestowitz did you happen to catch the viral (and banned) episode III of Brian Rose + David Icke ??? 05 13:13
schestowitz"May 05 13:13
schestowitz.@schestowitzMay 05 13:13
schestowitz did you happen to catch the viral (and banned) episode III of Brian Rose + David Icke ???May 05 13:13
schestowitz"May 05 13:13
schestowitz 05 13:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@2Fflandro: @schestowitz "The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" - 05 13:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve: G. Edward Griffin: 9780912986456: BooksMay 05 13:13
schestowitz 05 13:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@2Fflandro: @schestowitz All fiat currency will tend toward zero value. Precious metals always retain value (even if manipulated and suppressed).May 05 13:14
schestowitz"All fiat currency will tend toward zero value. Precious metals always retain value (even if manipulated and suppressed)."May 05 13:14
schestowitz 05 13:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz XML is so old school. JSON with curl+jq is the standard nowadays.May 05 13:14
schestowitz 05 13:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@entubao: @schestowitz I read openwashing the ego. PityMay 05 13:14
schestowitz 05 13:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz @glynmoody Zoom LOL. They still need some education.May 05 13:15
schestowitz 05 13:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@glynmoody: UK gov hoping no one notices that the #brexit sell out to US has begun; we've noticed... 05 13:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #commondreams #stopbrexit #uk #classwar @glynmoody ☞ Warnings of 'Pro-Corporate Agenda' on Eve of Post-… 05 13:15
schestowitz 05 13:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SiQuizas: Q los estados entren en bancarrota antes de pedir ayuda federal. Inmunidad legal para las corporaciones en caso de… 05 13:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SiQuizas: Q los estados entren en bancarrota antes de pedir ayuda federal. Inmunidad legal para las corporaciones en caso de… 05 13:15
schestowitz"May 05 13:15
schestowitzQ los estados entren en bancarrota antes de pedir ayuda federal.May 05 13:15
schestowitzInmunidad legal para las corporaciones en caso de q los trabajadores se enfermen con Covid-19 en el trabajoMay 05 13:15
schestowitzEncierro con esvásticas, nudos, rifles de asalto, banderas confederadas y el eslogan  "ARBEIT MACHT FREI"May 05 13:15
schestowitz"May 05 13:15
schestowitz 05 13:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@cherry_ives: @schestowitz I believe many think his enjoyment is bone deep for kicking the press🤔and he may once again prove corr… 05 13:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@cherry_ives: @schestowitz I believe many think his enjoyment is bone deep for kicking the press🤔and he may once again prove corr… 05 13:16
schestowitz"May 05 13:16
schestowitzI believe many think his enjoyment is bone deep for kicking the pressMay 05 13:16
schestowitzThinking faceMay 05 13:16
schestowitzand he may once again prove correct save for fact they had critical thinking skills in Lincoln’s time. Not sure you can compareMay 05 13:16
schestowitzFlag of United StatesMay 05 13:16
schestowitz"May 05 13:16
schestowitz 05 13:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jonmac57665694: Don’t bother, Facebook is crap. 05 13:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #deletefacebook while at it ;-) #unifiedpatentcourt #unitarypatent #upc #swpatsMay 05 13:17
schestowitz 05 13:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@infosecwar: Revealing comparison between the two and worth the 5min read if you’re looking for a #Linux-based laptop system. 05 13:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #forbes #gnu #linux #hardware #EthicalOEMs ☞ Beyond The Specs: These 2 New Linux Laptops Aren’t Created Eq… 05 13:17
schestowitz"Revealing comparison between the two and worth the 5min read if you’re looking for a #Linux-based laptop system."May 05 13:17
schestowitz 05 13:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tonyboloj: @schestowitz Roy, in case you're not familiar with her, @_whitneywebb is an excellent reporter and not afraid to sa… 05 13:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tonyboloj: @schestowitz Roy, in case you're not familiar with her, @_whitneywebb is an excellent reporter and not afraid to sa… 05 13:18
schestowitz"May 05 13:18
schestowitz@schestowitzMay 05 13:18
schestowitz Roy, in case you're not familiar with her, @_whitneywebbMay 05 13:18
schestowitz is an excellent reporter and not afraid to say what mainstream media won't. Watch this recent interview with her and decide for yourself:May 05 13:18
schestowitz"May 05 13:18
schestowitzYes, I knowMay 05 13:18
schestowitzRe: Add my website to Submit storiesMay 05 17:41
schestowitz> Hi Roy,May 05 17:41
schestowitz> May 05 17:42
schestowitz> Yes, you can do thatMay 05 17:42
schestowitz> May 05 17:42
schestowitz> For Tipsonunix --> 05 17:42
schestowitz> <>May 05 17:42
schestowitz> May 05 17:42
schestowitz> For askmetutorials --> May 05 17:42
schestowitz> May 05 17:42
schestowitzThose are good sites.May 05 17:42
schestowitzI've subscribed to RSS.May 05 17:42
schestowitzI will also add these to the next daily howtos:May 05 17:42
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 05 20:50
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 05 20:50
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 05 22:10
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 05 22:10
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 05 23:35
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 05 23:35

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