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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Thursday, February 06, 2020

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schestowitz 06 01:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@eindrstein: @EU_Commission The way to support European citizens would be to free European institutions from mafias and corruptiā€¦ 06 01:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@eindrstein: @EU_Commission The way to support European citizens would be to free European institutions from mafias and corruptiā€¦ 06 01:02
schestowitz"The way to support European citizens would be to free European institutions from mafias and corruption, and punish those who support it"Feb 06 01:02
<--schestowitz has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 06 01:54
-->schestowitz ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 05:57
<--schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Feb 06 05:57
-->schestowitz (~roy@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 05:57
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzFeb 06 05:57
schestowitz> Ok, thanks - pls RT my tweets of today (incl. RT). I noticed that notFeb 06 05:58
schestowitz> only former staff rep @xxxx_al_Touar , but also @xxxx (alsoFeb 06 05:58
schestowitz> linked with SUEPO) block my real-name account. Hmmmmmmm...I get theFeb 06 05:58
schestowitz> impression (and not for the 1rst time) that SUEPO rather openlyFeb 06 05:58
schestowitz> aggresses me and fully joins the EPO in spreading their disgustinglyFeb 06 05:58
schestowitz> dishonest malicious rumors against me which are absolutely untrue, e.g.Feb 06 05:58
schestowitz> that I would be mentally ill or the like. (While I positively know thatFeb 06 05:58
schestowitz> some former members of the SUEPO committee were treated for mentalFeb 06 05:58
schestowitz> names told, yet.) The lack of media support for my casesFeb 06 05:58
schestowitz> is probably more due to the SUEPO's unfair attacks on me than to theFeb 06 05:58
schestowitz> EPO's (SUEPO having very good media contacts in Holland...). They areFeb 06 05:58
schestowitz> not a union, they don't act in solidarity. What a malicious gang they are...Feb 06 05:58
schestowitzThe two accounts you mention I assume to be the same personFeb 06 05:58
schestowitzdon't let this whole "NO LONGER MY FRIEND IN FACEBOOk!!" type nonsense get to you :-)Feb 06 05:59
schestowitzI often joke about such thingFeb 06 05:59
schestowitzthe explanation is likely much simple, e.g. "she posted soooo much today"... filled my timeline Feb 06 05:59
schestowitz*simpleFeb 06 05:59
schestowitz>> *simplerFeb 06 05:59
schestowitz> the coal-fired power plant in Germany the other day.Feb 06 06:10
schestowitz> Feb 06 06:10
schestowitz> Also, a lot less actual tech news in the tech sites since the beginningFeb 06 06:10
schestowitz> of the year.Feb 06 06:10
schestowitzIn a sense we can make up for it, by highlighting the little that existsFeb 06 06:10
schestowitzRianne installed Buster for me.Feb 06 06:10
schestowitzTook me 2 hours or more of work just migrating from synergy to  bordersFeb 06 06:10
schestowitzResearch plus doing that on 4 laptops -- all with diff OS/version. Only one I still struggle with. Might have to compile from source.Feb 06 06:10
schestowitz>> would you consider swapping files (links, irc etc.) over ssh rather thanFeb 06 07:18
schestowitz>> email?Feb 06 07:18
schestowitz>>Feb 06 07:18
schestowitz>> I think we can speed up this way (even further) and pool together infoFeb 06 07:18
schestowitz>> like we do in bytesmedia emailFeb 06 07:18
schestowitz>>Feb 06 07:18
schestowitz> It'd be easier for me.  Where would you like them stored and how wouldFeb 06 07:18
schestowitz> you like notification that the ones I transfer to you are ready forFeb 06 07:18
schestowitz> pickup?  I guess we could just make some folders for Links-YYYY-MM andFeb 06 07:18
schestowitz> then just put the 'merged' files there.  But the notification would be aFeb 06 07:18
schestowitz> problem still unless I just send an e-mail "ready".Feb 06 07:18
schestowitzI was going to suggest setting up account with ssh access on one of my machines, but then I thought, wait... why not just use techrights server for that?Feb 06 07:18
schestowitzThere's nothing truly sensitive in these files, so I can upload the txt file along with the IRC HTML files. For links... I can even then use wget to save a step. I am attaching my 'dirty' script, which I invoke with a mouse button with ncurses dialog. It's really ugly, but please don't attempt to clean it up, I'm the only user of this.Feb 06 07:18
schestowitzTo check if ready we can set up an hourly script with wget that looks if the file is there with today's date. It's easy to write that.Feb 06 07:18
schestowitzI am still working on my 'home office'... soon with 6 monitors for me (and Rianne uses dual).Feb 06 07:18
schestowitzTomorrow it'll upload the text file too (I invoke this with mouse button+dialog selection in nucurses, then neter server password)Feb 06 07:25
schestowitz    scp -o IdentitiesOnly=yes $IRCDATEFILE.txt irc-log-$IRCDATESLUG.html irc-log-social-$IRCDATESLUG.html irc-log-techrights-$IRCDATESLUG.html  irc-log-techbytes-$IRCDATESLUG.html  boycottn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxFeb 06 07:25
schestowitzwget then something Feb 06 07:25
schestowitzwhere Feb 06 07:25
schestowitzfor i in {1..1}Feb 06 07:25
schestowitzdoFeb 06 07:25
-TechrightsBN/ | Index of /irc-archivesFeb 06 07:25
schestowitz    IRCAGE=$iFeb 06 07:25
schestowitz    IRCDATEFILE=$(date --date="$IRCAGE days ago" +"%Y-%m-%d")    Feb 06 07:25
schestowitzdoneFeb 06 07:25
schestowitzso you can check multiple files, too...Feb 06 07:25
schestowitzwe can periodically wipe the text files off the server... nothing in them but a  template textFeb 06 07:25
schestowitz>> I was going to suggest setting up account with ssh access on one of myFeb 06 07:54
schestowitz>> machines, but then I thought, wait... why not just use techrights serverFeb 06 07:54
schestowitz>> for that?Feb 06 07:54
schestowitz> Can I make a new account 'links' on TR for that?  There's too much underFeb 06 07:54
schestowitz> the default account at the moment and it would be good to apply theFeb 06 07:54
schestowitz> principle of least privilege.Feb 06 07:54
schestowitz> Feb 06 07:54
schestowitz>> There's nothing truly sensitive in these files, so I can upload the txtFeb 06 07:54
schestowitz>> file along with the IRC HTML files. For links... I can even then useFeb 06 07:54
schestowitz>> wget to save a step. I am attaching my 'dirty' script, which I invokeFeb 06 07:54
schestowitz>> with a mouse button with ncurses dialog. It's really ugly, but pleaseFeb 06 07:54
schestowitz>> don't attempt to clean it up, I'm the only user of this.Feb 06 07:54
schestowitz> SSH keys can be used for automation in several ways.  Private keysFeb 06 07:54
schestowitz> themselves can be used to enclose scripts.  Or the whole can be launchedFeb 06 07:54
schestowitz> via an icon as a .desktop file.  Are you using KDE or something else?Feb 06 07:54
schestowitzI am not moving back to KDE from openbox as the new machine has 8gb of ram. Never before did I have a machine with more than 2.Feb 06 07:54
schestowitzYes, you can set up another account for such uploads.Feb 06 07:54
schestowitz 06 08:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@DickTektiv: @schestowitz @gael_duval I'd be glad to read the most impactful one.Feb 06 08:17
schestowitzsearch for many aspects of this, can use your search engine of choice on that domainFeb 06 08:18
schestowitzI really ought to have made an index/list, as I did for startpage 06 08:18
-TechrightsBN/ | Startpage - TechrightsFeb 06 08:18

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