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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Saturday, June 06, 2020

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schestowitz> -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wandeag: @D_P_com @schestowitz Lmao you're describing agnosticism you dumb twat. Atheism is the -belief- that there is no God. It's with faith-based.   Jun 06 00:01
schestowitz> Jun 06 00:01
schestowitz> so theres weak atheism and strong atheism. weak atheism is essentially a lack of a belief in god, and strong atheism is a belief in a lack of a god. Jun 06 00:01
schestowitz> Jun 06 00:01
schestowitz> weak atheism and agnosticism are in more ways than not, practically the same thing. but twitter is brilliant, why they named if after twits, i couldnt tell you.Jun 06 00:01
schestowitz> Already posted this, but wanted you to see itJun 06 00:03
schestowitzMaybe we should do an article about this and GCC.Jun 06 00:03
schestowitzI didn't know he had signed that letter.Jun 06 00:03
*moriah has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)Jun 06 00:21
*kierra (~quassel@ has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 00:22
*kierra is now known as Guest94567Jun 06 00:22
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 00:28
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 00:28
schestowitzThe article you and I coauthored got many views (with image loaded, too):Jun 06 00:34
schestowitz[root@techrights public_html]# grep gnu-linux-msf   /var/log/httpd/| wcJun 06 00:34
schestowitz  12275  243180 2545343Jun 06 00:34
*Guest94567 is now known as moriahJun 06 00:38
*moriah has quit (Changing host)Jun 06 00:39
*moriah (~quassel@unaffiliated/kierra) has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 00:39
schestowitz 06 02:24
-TechrightsBN/ reshared: 5 Reasons Not to Use #Kubernetes Distributions Jun 06 02:24
schestowitz"Also - Not Free (as in Freedom)."Jun 06 02:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 5 Reasons Not to Use Kubernetes Distributions | IT ProJun 06 02:24
schestowitzGAFAM "open sourcy"Jun 06 02:24
schestowitz 06 02:25
-TechrightsBN/ #torvalds is being picked on by a particular kind of troll that's a combination of "concern troll" and "victim card troll". They provoke him, then they receive a rude response, claim to be "offended" (victim) and "concerned" (about the leader). Oust the trolls, don't feed them. Jun 06 02:25
schestowitz"We need a sign: Do Not Feed The Trolls"Jun 06 02:25
schestowitzLater they call Torvalds the "troll"Jun 06 02:25
schestowitz                <li>Jun 06 05:40
schestowitz                  <h5><a href="">Linux Mint 20 reins in belligerent snapd over stealth installs</a></h5>Jun 06 05:40
schestowitz                  <blockquote>Jun 06 05:40
schestowitz                    <p>In the latest monthly news update from the Linux Mint team it was announced that Linux Mint 20 will take measures to rein in the snapd package after Canonical (the firm behind Ubuntu) decided to make it a dependency for some software, including Chromium, despite promising not to earlier on. With Linux Mint 20, when a user tries to install snapd-dependent software, they’ll be notified that the software can’Jun 06 05:40
schestowitzt be installed and why. It’ll also explain to the user how they can go about downloading the software. </p>Jun 06 05:40
schestowitz                    <p> To be clear, the Linux Mint team isn’t against people installing snapd, you can still do this very easily, however, the developers did have a problem with snapd being installed as a dependency. According to the Linux Mint team, some problems with snap packages include that they cannot be patched, audited, held at the current version, or modified. It also said that you can’t choose to install them from a Jun 06 05:40
-TechrightsBN/ | Linux Mint 20 reins in belligerent snapd over stealth installs - NeowinJun 06 05:40
schestowitzthird-party store. The project even went as far as to say that these snap packages give you as much empowerment as proprietary software; none.</p></blockquote></li>Jun 06 05:40
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jun 06 09:09
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jun 06 09:09
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 10:24
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 10:24
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 06 10:41
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jun 06 10:41
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 10:46
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 10:46
schestowitz 06 11:04
schestowitz"Jun 06 11:04
schestowitzThe moral rights in these sculptures may be threatened in two specific ways: first that they are destroyed or seriously damaged during their removal from the building itself, and secondly even if they are successfully removed intact, the new location for them may be such that the sculptures themselves are treated in a disrespectful manner. Neither ground of objection is per se a cogent reason to prevent the demolition of the rest ofJun 06 11:04
schestowitzthe building, which appears to be the ultimate aim of the objectors. Also, not all jurisdictions agree that destruction of a work necessarily impugns the honour of the artist concerned, in the same way that an alteration or deliberate defacement might do. I have no idea of the Norwegian legal perspective on this.Jun 06 11:04
-TechrightsBN/ | [Guest post] “The art is the wall”: Picasso, Nesjar, and the moral rights of the artists in Oslo’s Y-Block - The IPKatJun 06 11:04
schestowitzTurning now to the argument about the architect's moral rights in this instance. These would seem to be less strong when one considers two other provisions of the Norwegian Copyright Act which appear to point in the other direction. Jun 06 11:04
schestowitz"§ 39. Alteration of buildings and utility objectsJun 06 11:04
schestowitzBuildings and articles of use may be changed without the consent of the author when it is done for technical reasons or for use." Jun 06 11:04
schestowitz"§ 109. Obligation to notify the author before destruction of intellectual propertyJun 06 11:04
schestowitzRequires the circumstances that original copies must be destroyed and the originator aliveJun 06 11:04
schestowitzthe author is given reasonable notice when it can be done without any major inconvenience."Jun 06 11:04
schestowitz(both quotes courtesy of Google Translate)Jun 06 11:04
schestowitzNow clearly the last quoted section does not actually apply in this case as the architect Erling Viksjø is dead but its very existence does at least suggest there is an arguable case that the owner of a physical object subject to copyright may destroy it notwithstanding any moral rights.Jun 06 11:04
schestowitzSection 39 could seemingly be invoked if the Y Block building is deemed to be too unstable to be saved (ie a technical reason).Jun 06 11:04
schestowitz"Jun 06 11:04
schestowitz 06 11:04
schestowitz"Jun 06 11:04
schestowitzHey Dr. Mezei,Jun 06 11:04
schestowitzThanks for the generous reply. Jun 06 11:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Punitive damages introduced into the Draft of the Amended Copyright Law of China - The IPKatJun 06 11:04
schestowitzIndeed many submitted that "punitive damages" have been mis-labeled and they are in fact a sort of 'enhanced damages', which can be perfected in design by eliminating the purpose of punishment. Jun 06 11:04
schestowitzMy new post today on the punitive damages in the 1st China Civil Code contains further discussions on the punitive damages, which might be helpful to get a more complete pictures on the very topic. Jun 06 11:04
schestowitzAs to other new limiations and exceptions, not much regarding punitive damages. Regarding other highlights in the Draft Amendment, I will try to adress them in a seperate post :)Jun 06 11:04
schestowitz"Jun 06 11:04
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jun 06 11:15
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jun 06 11:16
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 12:00
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 12:00
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 06 12:21
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Jun 06 12:22
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 16:00
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 16:00
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 06 16:22
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 06 16:23
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 16:59
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 16:59
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 06 17:49
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jun 06 17:49
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 18:28
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*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 18:58
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 06 20:30
schestowitz 06 21:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ShaniHorowitz: @idokius @schestowitz In today’s capitalist world, the challenge will be to explain and convince why this increased… 06 21:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ShaniHorowitz: @idokius @schestowitz In today’s capitalist world, the challenge will be to explain and convince why this increased… 06 21:35
schestowitz"In today’s capitalist world, the challenge will be to explain and convince why this increased inequality is so devastating."Jun 06 21:35
schestowitz 06 21:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@glynmoody: presumably it's in the blood, again... 06 21:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Scientists probe link between high altitude and low #coronavirus cases 06 21:36
schestowitz 06 21:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AdrienneGT: @schestowitz Now we know how @FSF's #RegimeChange came about! #RiseUpForRMS #GNUJun 06 21:36
schestowitz 06 21:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AdrienneGT: @schestowitz @linuxfoundation The #GNU operating system needs its own viable kernel!!Jun 06 21:36
schestowitz 06 21:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AdrienneGT: @schestowitz Back in September, I saw immediately that RMS' removal from the board of @FSF was a highly coordinated… 06 21:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AdrienneGT: @schestowitz Back in September, I saw immediately that RMS' removal from the board of @FSF was a highly coordinated… 06 21:37
schestowitz"Jun 06 21:37
schestowitzBack in September, I saw immediately that RMS' removal from the board of @FSFJun 06 21:37
schestowitz was a highly coordinated effort organised using intelligence operations and funded by big corporations. Thanks for underscoring the link! #RiseUpForRMS #GNUJun 06 21:37
schestowitz"Jun 06 21:37
schestowitz 06 21:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz $600 billion buys a lot of spray bombs that otherwise aren't getting sold. Now you know where some o… 06 21:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: @schestowitz $600 billion buys a lot of spray bombs that otherwise aren't getting sold. Now you know where some o… 06 21:37
schestowitz"$600 billion buys a lot of spray bombs that otherwise aren't getting sold.   Now you know where some of your $6 trillion went in March.  Some went to poor folks.Some went to small businesses. There's some that needs to be accounted for."Jun 06 21:37
schestowitz 06 21:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: 'fakepatents' like the one somebody used to milk Blackberry? 06 21:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "In the United States, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) receives, examines, typically rejects and event… 06 21:38
schestowitz 06 21:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: It's like a little pandemic miracle. Canada is reporting a significant 'job creation' in May. "George" is spitting… 06 21:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: It's like a little pandemic miracle. Canada is reporting a significant 'job creation' in May. "George" is spitting… 06 21:39
schestowitz"It's like a little pandemic miracle.  Canada is reporting a significant 'job creation' in May. "George" is spitting nickels!"Jun 06 21:39
schestowitz 06 21:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rosammat: @apar1984 06 21:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #Microsoft is Now in the Technical Advisory Board of the @LinuxFoundation 06 21:40
schestowitz 06 21:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WillowWyse: Doesn't the CCP do this? 06 21:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "Under #FBI orders, #Facebook and #Google removed American Herald Tribune" 06 21:40
schestowitz 06 21:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@kevinleversee: @schestowitz 9 out of 1,400,000 arrested. Nine unarmed black men were killed by Police last year out of one millio… 06 21:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@kevinleversee: @schestowitz 9 out of 1,400,000 arrested. Nine unarmed black men were killed by Police last year out of one millio… 06 21:41
schestowitz"Jun 06 21:41
schestowitz9 out of 1,400,000 arrested.Jun 06 21:41
schestowitzNine unarmed black men were killed by Police last year out of one million four hundred thousand arrested Jun 06 21:41
schestowitzYou awake yet?Jun 06 21:41
schestowitzSTOP BEING PROGRAMMEDJun 06 21:41
schestowitz"Jun 06 21:41
schestowitz 06 21:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wandeag: @schestowitz so what are we going to do to protect the victims of the rioting? Oh nothing? coolJun 06 21:42
schestowitz 06 21:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@idokius: @schestowitz @ShaniHorowitzJun 06 21:43
schestowitz 06 21:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@defcon201nj: But...but...@Facebook is not the censorship of people's opinions! #Zuckerberg #DeleteFacebook 06 21:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #reuters #Surveillance ☞ #Facebook limits spread of 'Boogaloo' groups amid protests 06 21:44
schestowitz 06 21:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@thermicorp: @schestowitz Nah. Bit flips and storage failure don't care about the FS.Jun 06 21:44
schestowitz 06 21:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@michaelgraaf: #RedHat was the first #OpenSource company to hit a billion $ valuation. Here its "commander" tells how he first enc… 06 21:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@michaelgraaf: #RedHat was the first #OpenSource company to hit a billion $ valuation. Here its "commander" tells how he first enc… 06 21:49
schestowitz"#RedHat was the first #OpenSource company to hit a billion $ valuation. Here its "commander" tells how he first encountered #Linux during a regime-change operation in #Haiti:"Jun 06 21:49
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 06 21:54
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 06 21:54
schestowitz 06 22:25
schestowitz" "Jun 06 22:25
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 06 22:25
schestowitz" and with 40,000 deaths the UK accounts for 10% of that,  and the USA , with 100,000 25%  so two of the 5 richest countries in the world account for 35% of deaths.|Jun 06 22:25
schestowitz 06 22:25
schestowitz"404"Jun 06 22:25
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 06 22:26
schestowitz 06 22:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jun 06 22:26
schestowitz"@schestowitz"Jun 06 22:26
schestowitz 06 22:26
schestowitz"I had no idea that #npr had a text-only version of their webaite. That will be incredibly useful!"Jun 06 22:26
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 06 22:26
schestowitz 06 22:27
schestowitz"If people still use and trust zoom.. I have no cure for them. One would be jitsi tho"Jun 06 22:27
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 06 22:27
schestowitz 06 22:27
schestowitz"At least the yellow bar won't give you malware."Jun 06 22:27
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 06 22:27
schestowitz 06 22:27
schestowitz" i would see the face of mad using #microsoft team under linux..."Jun 06 22:28
schestowitz 06 22:28
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 06 22:28
schestowitz>> The article you and I coauthored got many views (with image loaded, too):Jun 06 22:33
schestowitz>>Jun 06 22:33
schestowitz>> [root@techrights public_html]# grep gnu-linux-msfJun 06 22:33
schestowitz>> /var/log/httpd/| wcJun 06 22:33
schestowitz>>   12275  243180 2545343Jun 06 22:33
schestowitz>>Jun 06 22:33
schestowitz> Excellent.  I'm not sure if the ambiguous title helped or hurt.  YourJun 06 22:34
schestowitz> articles, and the guest articles, have been even better of late.Jun 06 22:34
schestowitz> Jun 06 22:34
schestowitz> As for that specific post, I couldn't find the best earlier sources.  LTJun 06 22:34
schestowitz> has been under attack for many years but it was as late as 2013 that theJun 06 22:34
schestowitz> attacks became more coordinated and consolidated.  I suspect, but can'tJun 06 22:34
schestowitz> prove, that it was the criticism of Nvidia and consequent defense of theJun 06 22:34
schestowitz> GPL, which was the deciding factor in them collectively moving to takeJun 06 22:34
schestowitz> him out.Jun 06 22:34
schestowitz> Jun 06 22:34
schestowitz> There one was which was just some kind of screen shot.  That would haveJun 06 22:34
schestowitz> been much better also transcribed to text so that the search engines canJun 06 22:34
schestowitz> find it.  I notice TR showing up more in the results wand with higherJun 06 22:34
schestowitz> rankings than before.  The posts just consisting of a picture, however,Jun 06 22:34
schestowitz> should have some kind of tag in the title so that one doesn't expect aJun 06 22:34
schestowitz> full article when clicking on them.Jun 06 22:34
schestowitzThat's a luxury sites with paid staff can afford.Jun 06 22:34
schestowitzRe: SighJun 06 22:34
schestowitz> I won't be able to further XXXXXX the XXXXXXXX until you go https. It's not because https is XXXXXXX or XXXXXX but because XXXXXXX will be used and that's XXXXXXX for XXXXXXX.Jun 06 22:34
schestowitz> Jun 06 22:34
schestowitz> Of course you have no XXXXXXX what XXXXXX, but that's not my XXXXXXXXX. I'd love to help, but-- XXXX XXX X XXXXXXXXXXX XXXX. What can XXXXXX tell you? That's just the way it XXXXXXXXX.Jun 06 22:34
schestowitz> I did not expect to see the 6 month stats until early July, but (likeJun 06 22:37
schestowitz> Bobs your uncle) you got right to it. I applaud your effort and yourJun 06 22:37
schestowitz> alacrity.Jun 06 22:37
schestowitzYou're one of the oldest bloggers in the world, so I am very proud!Jun 06 22:37
schestowitz> Guix Petition Demographic Data, by FigosdevJun 06 22:40
schestowitz> Jun 06 22:40
schestowitz> 06 22:41
-TechrightsBN/ | Butterfingers - WikipediaJun 06 22:41
schestowitz> i recommend you treat the login as hostile and compromised.Jun 06 22:43
schestowitz> Jun 06 22:43
schestowitz> dont take it so literally. just remove the login. that should suffice.Jun 06 22:43
schestowitz> Jun 06 22:43
schestowitz> sent with the friendliest intent. no 0s and 1s were harmed in the makingJun 06 22:43
schestowitz> of this message. there is nothing else you need to know, nothing toJun 06 22:43
schestowitz> concern yourself with, that much you can take literally. take care.Jun 06 22:44
schestowitz> I've been getting a few of these this evening from TM:Jun 06 22:46
schestowitz> Jun 06 22:46
schestowitz> ConnectionResetError: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peerJun 06 22:46
schestowitz> Jun 06 22:46
schestowitz> It seems to still be available, but I need to make some tweaks toJun 06 22:46
schestowitz> prevent false positives.Jun 06 22:46
schestowitzIs this httpd or ssh?Jun 06 22:46
schestowitzRecently the site was being bombarded with 100+ reqs/sec at times, mostly CSS files. This caused several issues over httpd, over the past 3 days or so. Could this be related.Jun 06 22:46
schestowitzThankfully it has not yet happened today. Happened last around 20 hours ago.Jun 06 22:46
schestowitzGood to keep on top of these things; I could not figure out the source of that spam/ddos.Jun 06 22:46
schestowitz 06 23:22
-TechrightsBN/ Top Arch-based User Friendly Linux Distributions That are Easier to Install and Use Than Arch Linux Itself 06 23:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Top Arch-based User Friendly Linux Distributions That are Easier to Install and Use Than Arch Linux Itself | Tux MachinesJun 06 23:22
schestowitz"theres nothing friendly about giving users systemd"Jun 06 23:22

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