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schestowitz | Due to yesterday's computer crash (while I was asleep and it was doing a backup) I had to fuse in missing bits from another computer also connected to IRC. I hope I didn't get something wrong in this manual process. | Jan 07 03:39 |
schestowitz | Re: Question | Jan 07 03:42 |
schestowitz | > On the graph, is the category _Number of Visits _the same as _Number of | Jan 07 03:42 |
schestowitz | > Views_ or are they 2 separate stats? | Jan 07 03:42 |
schestowitz | Multiple views by the same person are one visit. | Jan 07 03:42 |
schestowitz | > Did Seattle respond yet? Or is that tomorrow? | Jan 07 04:51 |
schestowitz | [03:48] <schestowitz> > Hi Roy, | Jan 07 04:51 |
schestowitz | [03:48] <schestowitz> > | Jan 07 04:51 |
schestowitz | [03:48] <schestowitz> > Sorry I didn’t mean to go silent on you for so long. | Jan 07 04:51 |
schestowitz | [03:48] <schestowitz> > | Jan 07 04:51 |
schestowitz | [03:48] <schestowitz> > I’ll be in touch with you as soon as I receive a response from Seattle PD. I’m expecting them to need more time but you’ll hear from me either way. | Jan 07 04:51 |
schestowitz | [03:48] <schestowitz> > | Jan 07 04:51 |
schestowitz | [03:48] <schestowitz> > Happy New Year! | Jan 07 04:51 |
schestowitz | [03:48] <schestowitz> You too, thank you. | Jan 07 04:51 |
schestowitz | [03:48] <schestowitz> Several Techrights associates are aware of the Seattle PD thing as well. I circulated parts of the timeline privately. So you are backed up, so to speak. | Jan 07 04:51 |
schestowitz | [03:48] <schestowitz> Suffice to say, if they ever stonewall, repeatedly, they can be publicly accused of aiding abusers. If they're aware of this, they will release something... the question is, how much? Any redaction can leave more questions than answer. This much too they should know. | Jan 07 04:52 |
schestowitz | > I’m committed to getting what I've requested so far from Seattle PD and you’ll be kept in the loop. | Jan 07 05:29 |
schestowitz | Thank you. They must be aware of consequences of releasing or not releasing. | Jan 07 05:29 |
schestowitz | > Of course I’m going to attempt to remain as anonymous as possible. If you could help me to protect my identity I would very much appreciate it. | Jan 07 05:29 |
schestowitz | The police might know, but nobody else. Also, with encrypted communications we can be seen as talking, but they cannot see what >about<. | Jan 07 05:29 |
schestowitz | > On another topic: I am super curious to know if you could recommend good OSINT resources. Especially in looking for people who don’t want to be found like Rick Allen Jones. | Jan 07 05:29 |
schestowitz | The Rick you found is a Microsoft employee, quite senior in fact, and likely not related to the person who stood trial. | Jan 07 05:29 |
schestowitz | >I use some API’s for searching email addresses and their associated social media accounts. I’ve yet to find how to search for associated accounts from a Twitter username. I’m sure there are huge data banks and I’ve only scratched the surface on them. Are there any you can recommend? | Jan 07 05:29 |
schestowitz | The name "Rick Allen Jones" is far too common (also substrings of it) to be worth bothering with. I usually only attempt to find or link accounts of people with sufficiently unique names. In the past I confused even one Microsoft employee with another... exact same names. It's risky as you can then accuse one person of somebody else's bad deeds. | Jan 07 05:29 |
schestowitz | >> I can guess how that came about. But maybe you can say more... it looks | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | >> like a spare file has been deleted since... by you. | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | > | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | > It looks like the dump on the 6th did not complete, perhaps due to the | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | > crash/reboot. Thus the dump was not compressed, thus it was not erased. | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | > Then due to lack of space the one today failed, finally throwing an | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | > error that got picked up. I would say that there might be a way to do | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | > the dump-to-gzip move in one step or else to have the script also check | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | > for incomplete dumps and then give a warning. | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | Due to past incidents of a similar nature I added directions to delete backups also 2 days and 3 days (and 4 days!) old... | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | d=$(date +"%F") | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 1 day ago" +"%F").dump.gz | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 2 day ago" +"%F").dump.gz | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 3 day ago" +"%F").dump.gz | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 4 day ago" +"%F").dump.gz | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | We should do the same for non-gzipped files just in case. Shall you or shall I do this? You said you'd change cron owner/user as well, so I don't want to touch that, risking edit conflicts. | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | BTW, belated reply as I check the integrity of backup drives at the moment... they're 11TB in total. Oliva and I discussed these recently and he made technical suggestions. I have a lot of past research/university work and data on those. | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | >> I had three devastating incidents yesterday; none entirely my fault so I | Jan 07 06:27 |
schestowitz | >> try hard not to kick myself over these. I told the wife at least 5 times | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | >> about it, insisting I'd wake up early today to 'make up' for these. | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | >> Guilt of not feeling too productive and maybe data loss, not just time | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | >> loss. | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > Do not worry. Things aren't always smooth sailing despite best planning | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > and effort. | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | In this case, >none< of the 3 was preventable. Rianne told me not to run the backup while asleep tonight... to "let it rest" :-) | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | >> 1. there's something in the post for you. We ship through a store to | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | >> give them job/income... better than dealing with stamps and all. We | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | >> shipped right after feeding about 30 seagulls, geese and ducks 200 yards | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | >> away. | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > Thanks. Again, no need though. FOSS is important and eliminating | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > software patents also in Europe is a prerequisite for that. | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | Information vacuum in EPO since Dec. 23th. I might contact some of the 'moles' proactively... | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | >> 2. On Devuan, see the article just published by figosdev... I can not | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | >> post while at work using the Guest account. Do you want to participate | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | >> in proofreading/editing more?> | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > Nice. I apprecaite figodev's contributions around the net. FSF is | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > being destroyed from the inside and M$, among others, is benefiting. | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | As one can tell, he bases some of his research on redacted stuff in our IRC logs. He even cites particular lines of it in social media. | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | Yesterday I checked the unicode chars (not emojis) and realised particular browsers renders these like colourful cartoon! Calendar and clock included... | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | The 3-hour gap in IRC logging, which I manually filled (I have 3-4 redundancy sources... TR server, Mark in Canada, other people in IRC and our 4 laptops always connected to IRC!), was a bit of a 'test run' -- the first since September when we did daily releases -- to assure we have contingencies working well. Next time will be a lot faster (we use xchat-style logging BTW, other formats just don't work well with this python program). | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | I also passed you my script for tuxmachines IRC logs, which at the moment we do annually as most activity in that channel is just the bot, viera. That might change (the activity type and publication frequency). | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | "The news" is starting to pick up again. I need another two or three nights to complete and check integrity of my old backups. Took a day off work. I then need to send one old drive to a friend (offsite backup). He moved houses last year. Lost my old backup drive in the process.. maybe even chucked it away he told me on Friday! But it's a backup of a backup, so... | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > As much as RMS does good things, I've always considered the success of a | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > leader to be mostly determined by how well the organization succeeds in | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > the period of a successor. In many fields, 50 is when you start to look | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > around for candidates to train up so that one of them may step up and | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > the others go out and spread the work. RMS is well past 50. Serious | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > programmers often don't get to their mid-70s, so while I hope he has | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > health, good life, and pleasant hacking for decades ahead part of his | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | > job is now to train (program?) successors for a while. | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | Oliva and I set up PGP and are communicating. | Jan 07 06:28 |
schestowitz | >> Susan used to do lots of things as root, so I guess it's a bit of a | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | >> legacy thing. | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | > Ok. I've moved that script then. | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | Alright, shall we now add deletion of old uncompressed backups? | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 1 day ago" +"%F").dump | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 2 day ago" +"%F").dump | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 3 day ago" +"%F").dump | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 4 day ago" +"%F").dump | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | Is this the form they take? Do you see any potential issues or scenarios of a 'bug'? | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | All the above says it, delete all recent backups that aren't compressed, before | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 1 day ago" +"%F").dump.gz | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 2 day ago" +"%F").dump.gz | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 3 day ago" +"%F").dump.gz | Jan 07 06:31 |
schestowitz | rm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 4 day ago" +"%F").dump.gz | Jan 07 06:32 |
schestowitz | I guess we could also make the dump conditional upon disk space being available. That would make techrights more robust as well (if implemented there too). I never before implemented such a check, but I guess there are examples online. By deleting the above we merely assume there will be sufficient space for a new dump. | Jan 07 06:32 |
schestowitz | >> FSFE is FSF-DE (Germany) now. Check who runs it and to what ends. | Jan 07 06:50 |
schestowitz | >> | Jan 07 06:50 |
schestowitz | >> I think the founder Greve is Germany but lived/lives in Switzerland. I | Jan 07 06:50 |
schestowitz | >> have seen him NOWHERE for a number of years. He just vanished some | Jan 07 06:50 |
schestowitz | >> years back. | Jan 07 06:50 |
schestowitz | > Was that voluntary? Or was it like Guido or Linus? | Jan 07 06:50 |
schestowitz | You might want to ask Daniel Pocock <> | Jan 07 06:50 |
schestowitz | He might have some stories to tell... | Jan 07 06:50 |
schestowitz | If you keep me in the loop, we can do an article about the FSFE. | Jan 07 06:50 |
social_log | | Jan 07 08:00 |
-TechrightsBN/ Wiping the car | Jan 07 08:00 | |
social_log | "^^ I want two or three to set up in the driveway! :)" | Jan 07 08:00 |
schestowitz | x | Jan 07 09:50 |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 09:50 |
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft combines Intune with ConfigMgr | Computerworld | Jan 07 09:50 | |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 13:29 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TallElfin: @tuxmachines We'll discuss Munich later. Don't let me forget. Clusterfuck. Great story. | Jan 07 13:29 | |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 13:37 |
schestowitz | " | Jan 07 13:37 |
schestowitz | @tuxmachines I know. But a kernel is mandatory to run a system. | Jan 07 13:37 |
schestowitz | GNU/Hurd is the biggest computing failure of the last 30 years. | Jan 07 13:37 |
schestowitz |  | Jan 07 13:37 |
-TechrightsBN/ | Frederic Bezies : " I know. But a ke…" - Framapiaf | Jan 07 13:37 | |
schestowitz | " | Jan 07 13:37 |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 17:52 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MellowOchre: @schestowitz I don't know what this is all about but at a mere first glance it looks rather sinister... | Jan 07 17:52 | |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 17:52 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@macguyvermedia: @schestowitz @AaronCuddeback Also there are at least 5-6 ads above the fold before you get a real search result. It… | Jan 07 17:52 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@macguyvermedia: @schestowitz @AaronCuddeback Also there are at least 5-6 ads above the fold before you get a real search result. It… | Jan 07 17:52 | |
schestowitz | Also there are at least 5-6 ads above the fold before you get a real search result. It seems to be getting worse. I no longer a considered them a good company. #Google"" | Jan 07 17:52 |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 17:53 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@redhog_org: @schestowitz Good thing git can push to multiple places then :) git remote add origin-ms-evil-empire… | Jan 07 17:53 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@redhog_org: @schestowitz Good thing git can push to multiple places then :) git remote add origin-ms-evil-empire… | Jan 07 17:53 | |
schestowitz | " | Jan 07 17:54 |
schestowitz | Good thing git can push to multiple places then :) | Jan 07 17:54 |
schestowitz | git remote add origin-ms-evil-empire | Jan 07 17:54 |
schestowitz | git remote add goodpeople | Jan 07 17:54 |
schestowitz | ... | Jan 07 17:54 |
schestowitz | :) | Jan 07 17:54 |
schestowitz | And too bad tickets are not stored inside your repo... | Jan 07 17:54 |
schestowitz | " | Jan 07 17:54 |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 17:55 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lmassuel: It should explain why they do not succeed to ship a simple PC in Europe after 6 weeks order and delayed to 2 months… | Jan 07 17:55 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@lmassuel: It should explain why they do not succeed to ship a simple PC in Europe after 6 weeks order and delayed to 2 months… | Jan 07 17:55 | |
schestowitz | "It should explain why they do not succeed to ship a simple PC in Europe after 6 weeks order and delayed to 2 months :-( #DellExperience" | Jan 07 17:55 |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 17:57 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nanotek911: "It looks like EA’s anti-cheat tech considers DXVK (Vulkan-based implementation of DirectX which tries to solve com… | Jan 07 17:57 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@nanotek911: "It looks like EA’s anti-cheat tech considers DXVK (Vulkan-based implementation of DirectX which tries to solve com… | Jan 07 17:57 | |
schestowitz | " | Jan 07 17:57 |
schestowitz | "It looks like EA’s anti-cheat tech considers DXVK (Vulkan-based implementation of DirectX which tries to solve compatibility issues) as cheating." | Jan 07 17:57 |
schestowitz | I feel | Jan 07 17:57 |
schestowitz | @EA | Jan 07 17:57 |
schestowitz | would have hard time defending this in any courts of a functional democracy. | Jan 07 17:57 |
schestowitz | @schestowitz | Jan 07 17:57 |
schestowitz | " | Jan 07 17:57 |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 18:00 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz On a side note. The person who wrote the interview of Jim Zemlin for the February issue of Linux Magaz… | Jan 07 18:00 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz On a side note. The person who wrote the interview of Jim Zemlin for the February issue of Linux Magaz… | Jan 07 18:00 | |
schestowitz | "On a side note. The person who wrote the interview of Jim Zemlin for the February issue of Linux Magazine which is available now is called Mayank Sharma. I'm glad I'm not in his shoes. I was going to write the report but thought better of it." | Jan 07 18:00 |
schestowitz | Linux Foundation/ roots for him. I saw this report... puff piece. | Jan 07 18:00 |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 18:01 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz This edit 172 is suspicious, since the EPC has not been touched since EPC2000. Or they use a borderlin… | Jan 07 18:01 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz This edit 172 is suspicious, since the EPC has not been touched since EPC2000. Or they use a borderlin… | Jan 07 18:01 | |
schestowitz | "This edit 172 is suspicious, since the EPC has not been touched since EPC2000. Or they use a borderline illegal way to edit the treaty like they plan to do with the UPC." | Jan 07 18:01 |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 18:01 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TheFluxApex: It's about time. | Jan 07 18:01 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #KaliLinux Will No Longer Have The Default Root User #gnu #linux | Jan 07 18:01 | |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 18:01 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TheFluxApex: @schestowitz @LlnuxBot About time. I always create a lower privileged user & secure it more when I make a live drive. | Jan 07 18:01 | |
schestowitz | | Jan 07 18:02 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz haha. What? had to look WSL up. How ridiculous. Unix inside of Windows 10. Like having a 200kG Gorilla… | Jan 07 18:02 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz haha. What? had to look WSL up. How ridiculous. Unix inside of Windows 10. Like having a 200kG Gorilla… | Jan 07 18:02 | |
schestowitz | "haha. What? had to look WSL up. How ridiculous. Unix inside of Windows 10. Like having a 200kG Gorilla in a zoo cage. Of course via subsumed GitHub..." | Jan 07 18:02 |
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