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*psydroid2 has quit (connection closed) | Aug 08 00:08 | |
*britney has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) | Aug 08 04:19 | |
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 08 04:59 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Aug 08 07:00 | |
Techrights-sec | fixed broken permissions in /home/links/ipfs/ and /home/links/ on tr-new | Aug 08 07:27 |
Techrights-sec | can log in again now | Aug 08 07:27 |
Techrights-sec | just got the upload working after diagnosing the permissions | Aug 08 07:27 |
Techrights-sec | I'll aim the IPFS script at the new location next | Aug 08 07:27 |
schestowitz-TR | thanks! | Aug 08 07:27 |
schestowitz-TR | did the file there work ok? for not I run this manually, I still want to make enhancements tot eh scripts | Aug 08 07:27 |
schestowitz-TR | the location is the same, only hostname changed | Aug 08 07:27 |
Techrights-sec | checking | Aug 08 07:37 |
Techrights-sec | The table for today is missing: | Aug 08 07:37 |
Techrights-sec | cat: /home/links/ipfs/220808.html: No such file or directory | Aug 08 07:37 |
Techrights-sec | from tr-new | Aug 08 07:37 |
Techrights-sec | never mind, those would be present tomorrow, 220807.html /is/ present as it | Aug 08 07:37 |
Techrights-sec | is supposed to be | Aug 08 07:37 |
Techrights-sec | the script works :) | Aug 08 07:37 |
schestowitz-TR | great! sorry, on shift atm, response time uncertain | Aug 08 07:41 |
schestowitz-TR | this afternoon I'll get spares for backup | Aug 08 07:41 |
schestowitz-TR | news will be slow the whole month, I think (as you put it, it goes down in holidays, never to resume afterwards... varghese ia MIA) | Aug 08 07:41 |
schestowitz-TR | so we can continue with site work | Aug 08 07:41 |
schestowitz-TR | debian develops... LEGAL strategy | Aug 08 07:41 |
schestowitz-TR | we can hlp by promotion of just mention of alpine, devuan and others | Aug 08 07:41 |
schestowitz-TR | let Microsoft die with systemd | Aug 08 07:41 |
schestowitz-TR | the red hat staff is already fleeing regardless | Aug 08 07:41 |
schestowitz-TR | systemd =- Windows Vista | Aug 08 07:41 |
schestowitz-TR | big and unwanted, I hope | Aug 08 07:41 |
schestowitz-TR | people already mock larabel in phoronix comments for repeatedly declaring the death of X for like 5+ years | Aug 08 07:41 |
schestowitz-TR | and where's wayland now? | Aug 08 07:41 |
Techrights-sec | np | Aug 08 07:42 |
Techrights-sec | yep that's how it has looked for years | Aug 08 07:42 |
Techrights-sec | debian is no longer even pretending to be valuable any more, even though | Aug 08 07:42 |
Techrights-sec | it still is upstream from hundreds of distros. PeppermintOS moved to Devuan | Aug 08 07:42 |
Techrights-sec | one can only hope that hundreds more follow in short order. | Aug 08 07:42 |
schestowitz-TR | if peppermint does OK, others will be less sceptical of that choice | Aug 08 07:42 |
Techrights-sec | wayland was too important to be allowed to survive. :/ | Aug 08 07:43 |
Techrights-sec | downloading now, it will go on the alternate laptop for a while to give it a | Aug 08 07:43 |
Techrights-sec | spin | Aug 08 07:43 |
schestowitz-TR | be sure to get the devuan-based ISO, I think there are two | Aug 08 07:45 |
schestowitz-TR | next, LMDE should based on Devuan (for the same reason LM rejects SNAPS) | Aug 08 07:45 |
schestowitz-TR | or based on both Debian and Devuan | Aug 08 07:45 |
Techrights-sec | yes, there are two 64-bit versions one on Devuan the other on the legacy distro | Aug 08 07:45 |
Techrights-sec | . | Aug 08 07:45 |
schestowitz-TR | slax moved back to slackware, after being based on debian for years | Aug 08 07:46 |
schestowitz-TR | that happened last week | Aug 08 07:46 |
Techrights-sec | nice | Aug 08 07:48 |
schestowitz-TR | patrick needs more users | Aug 08 07:50 |
schestowitz-TR | his distro is more 'traditionalist' | Aug 08 07:50 |
schestowitz-TR | they have chromium without gulag (I forgot the name (ungoogled something with a black logo) | Aug 08 07:50 |
schestowitz-TR | so in theory users ca get most "things" done on slackware | Aug 08 07:50 |
schestowitz-TR | nowadays the browser does a lot of stuff | Aug 08 07:50 |
schestowitz-TR | not that I endorse it, we have idiots who mistake sites for software | Aug 08 07:50 |
schestowitz-TR | (at work) | Aug 08 07:50 |
Techrights-sec | it's nice but can be difficult to install | Aug 08 07:50 |
schestowitz-TR | I'm not sure that ius still true, and its derivatives are just plain ISOs, not slckware-live | Aug 08 07:51 |
schestowitz-TR | if they have a recent kernel, then I guess most things work OK once installed | Aug 08 07:51 |
schestowitz-TR | calculatelinux for example | Aug 08 07:51 |
schestowitz-TR | with stuff like jetson or banana or mango or raspberry better to use "official", custome-made distros | Aug 08 07:53 |
schestowitz-TR | fedora is now hoping to make one for the pi | Aug 08 07:53 |
schestowitz-TR | but fedora 'community' languishes | Aug 08 07:53 |
schestowitz-TR | and I put in TM a rant about it last night | Aug 08 07:53 |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 08:06 |
*britney (~britney@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 08 08:09 | |
*liberty_box_ (~liberty@x6gnqyt8r46u8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 08 08:37 | |
schestowitz-TR | <techrights-news> Worst July on Record (Since COVID-19 Started), But No Weekly NHS Report on COVID-19 and Overall/Excess Mortality for Over a Month Already https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/08/08/covid-blackout/ | Aug 08 09:29 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-schestowitz.com » Blog Archive » Worst July on Record (Since COVID-19 Started), But No Weekly NHS Report on COVID-19 and Overall/Excess Mortality for Over a Month Already | Aug 08 09:29 | |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 09:30 |
schestowitz-TR | problem solved | Aug 08 09:30 |
schestowitz-TR | move on, peasants | Aug 08 09:30 |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 09:31 |
Techrights-sec | "let the bodies pile up" | Aug 08 09:31 |
schestowitz-TR | 4000 pensioners a month | Aug 08 09:35 |
schestowitz-TR | pension @ 20k x 10 more years x 4000 = (grabs kcalc) | Aug 08 09:35 |
schestowitz-TR | 800 million pounds saved a month | Aug 08 09:35 |
schestowitz-TR | for pension companies | Aug 08 09:35 |
schestowitz-TR | for 200k+ dead Brits, assuming life shortened by 10 years | Aug 08 09:35 |
schestowitz-TR | that's 50 billion | Aug 08 09:35 |
schestowitz-TR | our natioaal debt is about 2400 | Aug 08 09:35 |
Techrights-sec | yep, there are a lot of incentives to let the pandemic roll | Aug 08 09:36 |
Techrights-sec | uninhibited. However, the permanent damage to the young will have higher | Aug 08 09:36 |
Techrights-sec | costs in the long run. | Aug 08 09:36 |
Techrights-sec | it's complex there too, the /debt/ itself is the currency nowadays | Aug 08 09:36 |
schestowitz-TR | you said this months ago. weeks ago I saw an article that I'd stumbled upon saying something similar. | Aug 08 09:37 |
schestowitz-TR | but debt is not the currency of everyone, just the majority, e.g. mortgage takers | Aug 08 09:37 |
schestowitz-TR | undertakers | Aug 08 09:37 |
schestowitz-TR | mort | Aug 08 09:37 |
Techrights-sec | it is the currency of the banskters which own the world's various governments | Aug 08 09:39 |
schestowitz-TR | "how I learned to stop worrying and love the virus" | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | football resumed Saturday, we'll soon see a wave (not Mexican) | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | hard to research figures: what ratio of savers' money and loans in each bank | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | e.g. we have 10,000 customers with total of 1 billion in savings and we gave mortgages for homes with a total "value" of 10 billion | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | you know what happens when the bubble implodes, houise pries crash, people default on the mortgage, and suddenly the bank goes under for as little as 10% | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | price deflation | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | there is a scheme here for "securing" the savbings of only 85,000 max per person | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | after the events of 2008 | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | it used to be 65,000 iirc, in 14 years it increased only to 85 | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | so savers would be wise to split the savers across relatives | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | iow, even your savings at the bank aren't safe | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | you're "safe" (government says) for up to that amount | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | the rules are probably different in panana and cayman islend | Aug 08 09:43 |
schestowitz-TR | days ago I read (michael west... now AAP :/) that our finance minister now predicts 13% inflation | Aug 08 09:48 |
schestowitz-TR | whereas banks only give an interest of like 2-3% AT BEST, if you lock it down | Aug 08 09:48 |
schestowitz-TR | we can only try to 'cheat' the system with discounted foods, efficient energy use, no travel etc. | Aug 08 09:48 |
schestowitz-TR | people's salaries have, in effect, decreased by a lot this past year | Aug 08 09:48 |
schestowitz-TR | magnified two or threefold if they have dependants | Aug 08 09:49 |
schestowitz-TR | this! is! not! a joke! not a drill, either. | Aug 08 09:49 |
schestowitz-TR | itf it worsens for 2-3 more years, prices can be up by like 50% | Aug 08 09:49 |
schestowitz-TR | or salaries effecttively reduceed by that much, IF you still have a job at all | Aug 08 09:49 |
schestowitz-TR | cumulative multipliers | Aug 08 09:49 |
schestowitz-TR | otoh, I predict dissent will increase, new laws be passed to ban the most banal things | Aug 08 09:49 |
schestowitz-TR | and social control experiments be introduced | Aug 08 09:49 |
schestowitz-TR | like putting microphones in people's homes "for free" | Aug 08 09:49 |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 09:51 |
Techrights-sec | as usual it is all about concentrating wealth | Aug 08 09:51 |
Techrights-sec | social control media will be used further to spin and deceive | Aug 08 09:51 |
schestowitz-TR | china saw seeds of discontent over 996 (9am-9pm, 6 days) and low salaries | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | so the regime just responded with repressive measures, not fairer distribution of capital | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | now with capitalism in most countries on the brink they show they're no better than china, | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | except when they could afford to be better | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | and journalism is dried up by capitalist means (defunding it) | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | in michael west yestyerday I saw the usual BS about fictional "unemployment" figures | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | reminded me of truthdig when the lady ruined it and had a massive fued with scheer | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | I predict we'll see enhanced attempts to associatre dissent with "reptilians" and "gay frogs" | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | I saw those straw man cards played re gates this past weekend | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | the context being monkeypox | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | sooner or later just pointing out the patent issues about vaccines or lack of clinical trials | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | gets luimped in with "gay frogs" and/or pepe the frog (bigots) | Aug 08 09:54 |
schestowitz-TR | "national security" threat | Aug 08 09:54 |
Techrights-sec | yes, like with the 5G, like flipping a switch the debate went from /if/ | Aug 08 09:55 |
Techrights-sec | 5G should be rolled out to a fight over /who/ should roll it out | Aug 08 09:55 |
Techrights-sec | or patent issues in general :/ | Aug 08 09:55 |
schestowitz-TR | kaniini got suspended by twitter for (obviously) making a funny joke about 5g | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | was forced to delete sarcastic remark, which was basically mocking cranks | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | this is where our society is heading | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | not to mention debian.coimmunity was not disowned but RE-owned | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | so now SPI cabal (Microsoft, Lenovo, Google) will use the domain to spread some lies) | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | reminds of of force confession in tehran and beijing | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | where they use the opposition's own mouth (torture/threats/blackmail) to parrot pro-regime | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | talking points | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | with prenning, they made the force apologyu spiel and then 'forced' talk about diversity | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | like conditions for "acceptnace" or "return" | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | wioth Torvalds we saw that at end of 1018 | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | 2018 | Aug 08 10:00 |
schestowitz-TR | a badge of endormeent for "not being rude" to people whose code is utter shit | Aug 08 10:00 |
Techrights-sec | which itself is a lie, he was never rude about people, rather being | Aug 08 10:02 |
Techrights-sec | unambiguous about the code; people are not code and yet the press parroted lies | Aug 08 10:02 |
Techrights-sec | about his criticism being about people; | Aug 08 10:02 |
Techrights-sec | they succeeded in making it about individuals rather than their code | Aug 08 10:24 |
Techrights-sec | and it seems to be a functional vehicle for infecting the project with shit code | Aug 08 10:24 |
schestowitz-TR | imagine if Lannart was a black lesbian and not a younf person who fits the profile of genocidal nazi | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | 1 hours ago I scanned rianne's main latpop | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | it runs Debian 10 on 4GB of RAM | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | it can become slow for several reasons | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | I scanned which processes were running I disabled snapd | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | rianne added it to install something | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | but it keeps running as a background process | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | imagine that | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | like apt taking up 10-20MB in the backgroung all the time | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | or yum/dnf | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | anyay, I went through the list of processes | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | so much systemd shit | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | not the init | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | all those other programs from the same brand/unbrella | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | now they're effectively controlled not just by SM GitHub | Aug 08 10:27 |
schestowitz-TR | but a full-time Microsoft employee | Aug 08 10:27 |
Techrights-sec | snap is garbage, like flatpak. IMHO a bad design and pehpaps only a means | Aug 08 10:36 |
Techrights-sec | to inject proprietary junk into the system. | Aug 08 10:36 |
schestowitz-TR | I think they recognise that decades of no real CS education means more devs who can throw | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | and glue shit together cannot properly package it | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | so they blobify it like Android does, I don't know how apk are compared to deb or to "snaps" | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | or how "google play" compared to flathub etc. | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | but they're all resulting in very insecure stuff because you have many of the same code (binarieS) | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | scattered all over the prtice and it's also a waste of disk space (storage got cheap) | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | and it means performance tool, i.e. more ewaste | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | *toll | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | soon enough they'll just say we need a whole new OS or VM for each "app" | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | or argue that web browser is enough of a sandbox | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | or tell us the browser is the OS. oh, wait... | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | with chromeOS, you don't have programs, you have a program | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | all the stuff yoiu run is contrlled at binary level --set aside the spying - by the "masters" | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | they can even taoilor a binary just for you for a session | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | like "google maps" taoiled to a "person of interest" without any way to verify the integrity of the binaries | Aug 08 10:37 |
schestowitz-TR | with flatpack, proprieetary and free are indistinguishable | Aug 08 10:40 |
schestowitz-TR | hard-linking and self-containment for blob | Aug 08 10:40 |
schestowitz-TR | in the past, space and b/w were factors, so you needed to reuse | Aug 08 10:40 |
schestowitz-TR | and that meant better patch management too | Aug 08 10:40 |
schestowitz-TR | now any little brtowser update means my connection is clogged up while it gets like 200MB of "Stuff" | Aug 08 10:40 |
schestowitz-TR | maybe to patch some WIndows hole with a single line oe code. so I can be "up to date" with version | Aug 08 10:40 |
schestowitz-TR | SAME.SAME.X+ | Aug 08 10:40 |
schestowitz-TR | with 'webapps', it's even worse | Aug 08 10:40 |
schestowitz-TR | it's like a kiosk | Aug 08 10:40 |
schestowitz-TR | you cannot even delete the binaries you use | Aug 08 10:40 |
schestowitz-TR | or the data those binaries make | Aug 08 10:40 |
Techrights-sec | m$, and bill in particular, killed CS globally | Aug 08 10:43 |
Techrights-sec | I haven't had time to investigate apk vs apt | Aug 08 10:43 |
Techrights-sec | yes and there was some bullshit about trying to force the package developers | Aug 08 10:43 |
Techrights-sec | into doing the packaging; packaging is for the distros, but my guess is taht | Aug 08 10:43 |
Techrights-sec | there are fewer hands every quarter as those with the skill retire or die | Aug 08 10:43 |
Techrights-sec | and are not replaced at a sustainable rate; the only way to get the prerequisite | Aug 08 10:43 |
Techrights-sec | skill is to *avoid* current CS programmes yet teach oneself not just programming | Aug 08 10:43 |
Techrights-sec | but the theory that used to be taught in previous generation's CS programmes | Aug 08 10:43 |
Techrights-sec | yep | Aug 08 10:43 |
Techrights-sec | the hardlinking facilitates the inclusion of proprietary payloads | Aug 08 10:43 |
Techrights-sec | it also means that if you have n packages which depend on library x then | Aug 08 10:43 |
Techrights-sec | when x needs to be updated you have to update all reverse dependencies | Aug 08 10:43 |
schestowitz-TR | that offloads costs | Aug 08 10:44 |
schestowitz-TR | we know how corporationsd value "efficiencies" | Aug 08 10:44 |
schestowitz-TR | earlier on today rianne and I were discussing what it means to ask for assistance at the shop, inc. at the till | Aug 08 10:44 |
schestowitz-TR | Mark Shuttleworth herded many thousands of slaves between 2004 to around 2014 | Aug 08 10:44 |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 10:44 |
schestowitz-TR | while at the same time making back room deals with Microsoft, which obviously put off volunteers | Aug 08 10:46 |
schestowitz-TR | codecs around 2007 and later azure and wsl | Aug 08 10:46 |
schestowitz-TR | pocock did write what it meant to be a volunteer, then discarded at the earliest inconvenient, blackmailed a bit (conditions) | Aug 08 10:46 |
schestowitz-TR | and then demonised as a madman | Aug 08 10:46 |
schestowitz-TR | WordPress used to be hundreds of coders who played with WP and B2 and coordinated support, code, mailing lists etc. | Aug 08 10:50 |
schestowitz-TR | and blogged about it | Aug 08 10:50 |
schestowitz-TR | when that became a company it started to revolve more around "SEO" frauds and dodgy extensions, "ecosystem", "clowns"... | Aug 08 10:50 |
schestowitz-TR | and so a lot of the fun was gone | Aug 08 10:50 |
schestowitz-TR | sort of like Linux (kernel) | Aug 08 10:50 |
schestowitz-TR | You'd have to be insane to be a Con Kolivas in 2022 | Aug 08 10:50 |
schestowitz-TR | it's infesible and they don't give a shit about your code because of your email domain suffix | Aug 08 10:50 |
schestowitz-TR | "buy a seat from Jim and Sheela Microsoft, then come back to us.." | Aug 08 10:50 |
schestowitz-TR | last week it turned out Microsoft now tells Linux what things to remove, e.g. DEC | Aug 08 10:50 |
schestowitz-TR | like they're bossing the whole project now | Aug 08 10:50 |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 10:59 |
*britney has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) | Aug 08 11:28 | |
*divya (~divya@7mv6q9ti85itw.irc) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 08 13:45 | |
*britney (~britney@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 08 14:30 | |
schestowitz-TR | back home | Aug 08 14:35 |
schestowitz-TR | getting harde to find discount | Aug 08 14:35 |
Techrights-sec | a little pricey | Aug 08 14:35 |
schestowitz-TR | got 32gb usb for 9 pounds | Aug 08 14:35 |
schestowitz-TR | waiting for links, a supplementary set for now | Aug 08 14:35 |
schestowitz-TR | I updated two cripts | Aug 08 14:43 |
schestowitz-TR | all I had to do was add the subdomains as you migrated it very transparently | Aug 08 14:43 |
schestowitz-TR | nice | Aug 08 14:43 |
Techrights-sec | checking | Aug 08 14:43 |
Techrights-sec | excellent | Aug 08 14:48 |
Techrights-sec | I'm relieved that it went smoothly | Aug 08 14:48 |
schestowitz-TR | not pushing the changes to git as the address techrights.org will one day be linked to that same ip anyway | Aug 08 14:48 |
Techrights-sec | ok | Aug 08 14:49 |
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Aug 08 15:14 | |
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Aug 08 15:14 | |
*divya has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) | Aug 08 15:14 | |
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@5tcc2vuaj9aks.irc) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 08 15:21 | |
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 08 15:21 | |
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@c53pwstuh4ibn.irc) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 08 16:13 | |
*liberty_box has quit (Quit: Leaving) | Aug 08 16:34 | |
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 08 17:17 | |
*britney has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) | Aug 08 17:45 | |
*britney (~britney@muarsy2vret2q.irc) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 08 17:50 | |
Techrights-sec | Windows has not just backdoors, but also "bugdoors" | Aug 08 17:58 |
Techrights-sec | -- bugs that they are slow to fix because various agencies are using them | Aug 08 17:58 |
Techrights-sec | for access | Aug 08 17:58 |
schestowitz-TR | for the first time in over a week, I think, I had to stop a high load at tm-old | Aug 08 18:09 |
schestowitz-TR | those sorts of issues will be a thing of the past after the migration | Aug 08 18:09 |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 18:20 |
schestowitz-TR | regardless of intent, the net effect of bug doors and back doors is the same | Aug 08 18:21 |
schestowitz-TR | and when the vendor refuses to patch a publicly kknown issue (not just nsa/cisa/microsoft) | Aug 08 18:21 |
schestowitz-TR | it's even worse as they willingly open you to attack by anybody, not only themselves as agencies | Aug 08 18:21 |
schestowitz-TR | <techrights-news> NIST works for NSA (i.e. back doors) agenda, and this is what NSA Bruce has to say on the topic https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/08/nists-post-quantum-cryptography-standards.html | Aug 08 18:25 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography Standards - Schneier on Security | Aug 08 18:25 | |
schestowitz-TR | <techrights-news> In some sense NIST is worse than NSA because you know what NSA strives to do but EXPECT better from NIST | Aug 08 18:25 |
schestowitz-TR | Expecting secure crypto from the US regime is like expecting women's rights from Tehran | Aug 08 18:26 |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 18:27 |
Techrights-sec | though with bug doors there is a modicum of plausible deniability and they | Aug 08 18:27 |
Techrights-sec | can kind of truthfull claim that it's not an intentional back door even | Aug 08 18:27 |
Techrights-sec | if the patching itself has been intentionally postponed or neglected in order | Aug 08 18:27 |
Techrights-sec | to extend access to those in the know | Aug 08 18:27 |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 18:27 |
Techrights-sec | though with bug doors there is a modicum of plausible deniability and they | Aug 08 18:27 |
Techrights-sec | can kind of truthfull claim that it's not an intentional back door even | Aug 08 18:27 |
Techrights-sec | if the patching itself has been intentionally postponed or neglected in order | Aug 08 18:27 |
Techrights-sec | to extend access to those in the know | Aug 08 18:27 |
schestowitz-TR | Is an economy with 1000 companies in debt better than an economy with 100 companies in debt, even if call them "successful" loss-making firms? | Aug 08 19:00 |
Techrights-sec | "successful" bankruptcy | Aug 08 19:01 |
schestowitz-TR | debt companies (loans) apparently tell people it's better to borrow than now to borrow because being in debt is "good for your credit" | Aug 08 19:03 |
schestowitz-TR | based on the BS logic that if you had debt before, than you are more trustworthy | Aug 08 19:03 |
schestowitz-TR | I mocked this endlessly when rianne told me people had told her that | Aug 08 19:03 |
schestowitz-TR | sounds like banksters' propaganda | Aug 08 19:03 |
schestowitz-TR | come on, borrow money, it's GOOD for you | Aug 08 19:03 |
schestowitz-TR | living within one's means? You're doomed!! | Aug 08 19:03 |
schestowitz-TR | "scucessful" bankruptcy = we didn't pay any of the workers we laid off and the lenders turned to government, not to us, for help | Aug 08 19:03 |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 19:14 |
schestowitz-TR | "being" just 'a bit' in debt is OK, I can pay that back anytime I want to = i'm not addicted, I can quit anytime | Aug 08 19:15 |
schestowitz-TR | I think in the US maxing up not one but several credit cards is a national sport of sorts... | Aug 08 19:15 |
schestowitz-TR | to the point you can have a powwow with mates about how you\re "managing your creddit" | Aug 08 19:15 |
schestowitz-TR | and what worthless junk you bought to keep up with "friends" | Aug 08 19:15 |
Techrights-sec | could be | Aug 08 19:17 |
Techrights-sec | if you max out one, then other companies tend to send additional, pre-approved | Aug 08 19:17 |
Techrights-sec | cards | Aug 08 19:17 |
Techrights-sec | sometimes they come in fast enough that you can kind of pay off parts of the old | Aug 08 19:17 |
Techrights-sec | ones with the new ones and within a few years accumulated more than a lifetime | Aug 08 19:17 |
Techrights-sec | of debt with no chance out except for a 'successful' bankruptcy | Aug 08 19:17 |
Techrights-sec | the people who do that tend not to do better afterwards afaik | Aug 08 19:17 |
Techrights-sec | the Peppermint OS Devuan torrent is seeding quite a bit: there is a lot of | Aug 08 19:21 |
Techrights-sec | interest apparently, though perhaps because it is a new release | Aug 08 19:21 |
Techrights-sec | Mint and the others are just idling and not seeding | Aug 08 19:21 |
Techrights-sec | ... from here at least | Aug 08 19:21 |
schestowitz-TR | 1) which version | Aug 08 19:25 |
schestowitz-TR | 2) which DE? | Aug 08 19:25 |
Techrights-sec | https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/25775-we-buy-things-we-don-t-need-with-money-we-don-t | Aug 08 19:25 |
Techrights-sec | Peppermint OS Devuan 64-bit, the installer seemed to offer a choice from | Aug 08 19:25 |
Techrights-sec | several desktop environments, if I was paying attention properly | Aug 08 19:25 |
Techrights-sec | https://peppermintos.com/guide/downloading/ | Aug 08 19:25 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.goodreads.com | Quote by Dave Ramsey: “We buy things we don't need with money we don't...” | Aug 08 19:25 | |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-peppermintos.com | 1. Download and Install – Peppermint OS | Aug 08 19:25 | |
schestowitz-TR | I means mint 21? or lmde? cin/mate/xfce? | Aug 08 19:26 |
schestowitz-TR | *meant | Aug 08 19:26 |
Techrights-sec | those... Mint 20.3 cinnamon, Mint 20.3 MATE, 2022-04-04-raspberrypi-os-* | Aug 08 19:27 |
Techrights-sec | You're right, new versions have been released, however I need the old one | Aug 08 19:27 |
schestowitz-TR | you may be comparing apples (old) to oranges (new) then | Aug 08 19:27 |
Techrights-sec | You're right, new versions have been released, however I need the old one | Aug 08 19:28 |
Techrights-sec | in the archive for now. | Aug 08 19:28 |
schestowitz-TR | I saw 3 or 4 articles in the past 24 hours, inc. official mint blog, re how to UPGRADE to 21 | Aug 08 19:30 |
schestowitz-TR | they evn made some solid tools for it | Aug 08 19:30 |
schestowitz-TR | they consider doing AUTOMATIC updates | Aug 08 19:30 |
schestowitz-TR | and are very eaget to get people OFF the version you're after | Aug 08 19:30 |
schestowitz-TR | not every distro is so eager to push people to latest | Aug 08 19:30 |
schestowitz-TR | because it's a lot of work backporting stuff | Aug 08 19:30 |
schestowitz-TR | hence many "rolling" distros | Aug 08 19:30 |
schestowitz-TR | Windows is a very shitty rolling release | Aug 08 19:30 |
schestowitz-TR | very unreliable and unpredictable | Aug 08 19:30 |
Techrights-sec | Linux Mint 21 Cinnamon is now seeding but a small fraction | Aug 08 19:33 |
Techrights-sec | if at all | Aug 08 19:33 |
schestowitz-TR | they have lots of donated mirrors | Aug 08 19:33 |
schestowitz-TR | I saw a lot when I got lmde | Aug 08 19:33 |
schestowitz-TR | so maybe they just don't use bittorrent as much | Aug 08 19:33 |
schestowitz-TR | is there a torrent tracker that can help us do a "ppuilarity contest" post? | Aug 08 19:34 |
Techrights-sec | could be, but it is the efficient way to publish the ISO-9660 images | Aug 08 19:34 |
Techrights-sec | not sure ... | Aug 08 19:34 |
Techrights-sec | maybe this ? | Aug 08 19:34 |
Techrights-sec | https://linuxtracker.org/ | Aug 08 19:34 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-linuxtracker.org | Linuxtracker .::. The Premier Linux Bittorrent Website | Aug 08 19:34 | |
Techrights-sec | https://linuxtracker.org/index.php?page=extra-stats | Aug 08 19:38 |
Techrights-sec | that first one is reverse chronological the second one is more popularity | Aug 08 19:38 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-linuxtracker.org | Linuxtracker .::. Index->Statistics | Aug 08 19:38 | |
schestowitz-TR | good timing | Aug 08 19:40 |
schestowitz-TR | I know the site | Aug 08 19:40 |
schestowitz-TR | seems kde neon and peppermint devuan ed does better (more seeds) than the normal [sic] edition] | Aug 08 19:40 |
schestowitz-TR | I shall mention this :-) | Aug 08 19:40 |
schestowitz-TR | btw, I still use neon | Aug 08 19:40 |
schestowitz-TR | so far it always boots OK | Aug 08 19:40 |
schestowitz-TR | kde does not depend on systemd afaik, only gnome... | Aug 08 19:40 |
schestowitz-TR | maybe they can rebase on devuan one day | Aug 08 19:40 |
Techrights-sec | are you sure, I thought KDE had a lot of systemd dependencies lately | Aug 08 19:40 |
Techrights-sec | I could be quite wrong though | Aug 08 19:40 |
schestowitz-TR | my info might be outdated | Aug 08 19:40 |
Techrights-sec | apt-cache --recurse depends kde-plasma-desktop | grep systemd | Aug 08 19:43 |
Techrights-sec | apt-cache dotty kde-plasma-desktop | Aug 08 19:43 |
schestowitz-TR | took screenshot for a post | Aug 08 19:44 |
schestowitz-TR | but first, today's links ;-) | Aug 08 19:44 |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 19:50 |
schestowitz-TR | <techrights-news> PeppermintOS Without Systemd More Popular Than the ’Standard’ Edition? | Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/08/08/peppermintos-devuan/ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/08/08/peppermintos-devuan/ | Aug 08 19:53 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-techrights.org | PeppermintOS Without Systemd More Popular Than the ‘Standard’ Edition? | Techrights | Aug 08 19:53 | |
Techrights-sec | ack | Aug 08 20:10 |
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovell | Aug 08 21:49 | |
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell | Aug 08 21:49 |
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