●● IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, April 09, 2022 ●● ● Apr 09 [02:36] *schestowitz_log_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [02:36] *schestowitz_log__ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [02:37] *schestowitz_log_ has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [02:45] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:46] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@m4vhwzwfnmxia.irc) has joined #boycottnovell [02:52] *schestowitz_log_ (~schestowi@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell [02:53] *schestowitz_log__ (~schestowitz_log@pumv3cb2rfinu.irc) has joined #boycottnovell [02:53] *schestowitz_log_ (~schestowitz_log@pumv3cb2rfinu.irc) has joined #boycottnovell ● Apr 09 [05:00] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) ● Apr 09 [06:43] *Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer) ● Apr 09 [08:24] schestowitz-TR gm, I am 99% sure now I will never go back on any social control media [08:24] schestowitz-TR it would be as fruistless as having a "little smoke" after quitting [08:24] schestowitz-TR not that I would describe that as psysically addictive [08:24] schestowitz-TR how hard would it be to make the daily links present just the URL for each [08:24] schestowitz-TR link [08:24] schestowitz-TR not title -- just url, before each "block " or item? [08:24] schestowitz-TR at the moment I do this manually, sometimes copying too little of the URL [08:24] schestowitz-TR or "too much" of it [08:24] schestowitz-TR i.e. broken link [08:24] schestowitz-TR actualy. come to think of it... site name would be nice to have after the url [08:24] schestowitz-TR so [08:24] schestowitz-TR URL source: [site name] [08:24] schestowitz-TR I have meanwhile pushed to git some changes from my end [08:28] Techrights-sec It'd be easy to make that modification. [08:28] schestowitz-TR I think (from memory) you commented out the lines which did something similar before [08:28] schestowitz-TR maybe it can be exactly the same as before, except no hashtag and instead source: [name of site] [08:28] schestowitz-TR at the end [08:28] schestowitz-TR as the format no longer relies on the sea of spurious navigation by hashes [08:35] Techrights-sec it'd be simple to prepent the URL before that. [08:35] Techrights-sec Something like this? [08:35] Techrights-sec [08:35] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-kevincox.ca | Multi-Version Rollouts [08:40] schestowitz-TR checking wth my side... [08:40] schestowitz-TR ok, yes, I can see now in timeline.sh [08:40] schestowitz-TR sed -Ee 's/ [08:48] Techrights-sec
[08:48] Techrights-sec[08:48] Techrights-sec like that? [08:48] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell [08:48] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell [08:50] schestowitz-TR I think the [[[[ bits are added somewhere else already, so neo need for them [08:50] schestowitz-TR ah, OK, yes, they get added there [08:50] schestowitz-TR but at my end when all the links links I add are already there [08:50] schestowitz-TR otherwise it duplicats the 'tagging' [08:53] schestowitz-TR iirc, that's a script called social media interleave or similar [08:53] schestowitz-TR I hope that musk stake will accelerate the death of this bubble/hype [08:53] schestowitz-TR it shows who those sites served all along [08:53] schestowitz-TR saudi price, bill gates, musk... [08:53] schestowitz-TR and those people are being subjected to sharecropping [08:53] Techrights-sec That's where they have been for a long time but I can remove them. [08:53] Techrights-sec this is in links-interleave-social-control-media.pl [08:53] Techrights-sec yes [08:53] Techrights-sec Unfortunately the public is oblivious and uncaring about who controls [08:53] Techrights-sec twitter and how much they are able to use it for manupulation. A lot of that [08:54] Techrights-sec uncaring is due to severe psychological addiction and the various forms [08:54] Techrights-sec of denial that go along with that. [08:54] schestowitz-TR manipulation is the only business model they found. twitter started bombarding with ads only years ago, but that's just part of the "ads" [08:54] schestowitz-TR iirc, it was an indian official who called "trending" what they are: ads [08:55] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [08:55] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [08:55] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell [08:55] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell [08:58] Techrights-sec yes, manipulation is the *only* business model and aside from Carole Cadwalladr [08:58] Techrights-sec there are no journalists even looking at the problem and she has been [08:58] Techrights-sec successfully marginalized and pushed aside [08:58] Techrights-sec SLAPP : https://pressgazette.co.uk/carole-cadwalladr-will-defend-true-claims-about-brexiteer-aaron-banks-in-libel-battle/ [08:58] Techrights-sec https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jan/14/arron-banks-carole-cadwalladr-libel-trial [08:58] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-pressgazette.co.uk | Carole Cadwalladr threatens to counter-sue Arron Banks after libel claim [08:58] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.theguardian.com | Arron Bankss lawsuit against reporter a freedom of speech matter, court hears | Arron Banks | The Guardian [08:59] schestowitz-TR craif murray had a decent rebuttal to it [08:59] schestowitz-TR she is not so innocent either [08:59] schestowitz-TR she picked on "enemies" of the bill guardian and co ● Apr 09 [09:00] Techrights-sec Craig Murray has also been shut down more or less [09:00] Techrights-sec Yet the grauniad is the only site covering her trial it seems [09:00] Techrights-sec https://essexlawresearch.blog/2022/03/24/libel-trial-against-investigative-journalist-concludes-before-the-high-court-a-landmark-test-of-the-public-interest-defence/ [09:00] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-essexlawresearch.blog | Libel Trial against Investigative Journalist Concludes Before the High Court: A Landmark Test of the Public Interest Defence | Essex Law Research Blog [09:09] schestowitz-TR reading [09:10] Techrights-sec the court appears to have sided with banks for all practical purposes though [09:10] Techrights-sec superficially appearing to have done otherwise. The effect is the same [09:10] Techrights-sec as a win for him, if I read correctly. [09:10] schestowitz-TR so no matter the intenbtion [09:10] schestowitz-TR or how shitty brexit is [09:10] schestowitz-TR she may have done sloppy work [09:11] Techrights-sec AFAIK she was about the only one to even try [09:15] schestowitz-TR back in the goilden wikileaks era [09:15] schestowitz-TR or wikileaks days [09:15] schestowitz-TR assange still 'free' [09:15] schestowitz-TR I saw some of her tweets [09:15] schestowitz-TR never followed her articles closely [09:15] schestowitz-TR the style was like that of qanon [09:15] schestowitz-TR just post a bunch of photo ops [09:15] schestowitz-TR or just photos of people [09:15] schestowitz-TR seamed together as "tweets" [09:15] schestowitz-TR and prove connections by some shitposting [09:15] schestowitz-TR I focused (at the time) on Assange [09:15] schestowitz-TR and how was luimped in with "RUSHA" and "brexit" [09:15] schestowitz-TR this got her "likes" not for quality of journalism [09:15] schestowitz-TR but for tribalism [09:15] schestowitz-TR and scoring political points [09:15] schestowitz-TR carole sure did msome "honourable" conspiracy theories [09:15] schestowitz-TR and was a well-compensated "crank" [09:15] schestowitz-TR the way I saw it [09:15] schestowitz-TR and some insinuated she was possible used by intel agencies [09:15] schestowitz-TR for some objectives of theiors [09:15] schestowitz-TR notably, in that limited context, diluting public support [09:15] schestowitz-TR for journalism that exposes war crimes etc. [09:19] Techrights-sec RSF did mention the case back in January but just that once IIRC [09:19] Techrights-sec Everything has been turned into tribalism and partisanship these days. [09:19] Techrights-sec That part is likely. The intel agencies do appear to exploit who they can. [09:19] Techrights-sec I notice that all the cranks still disparage Assange when they can, even [09:19] Techrights-sec with lies that have been fully debunked yet still get trotted out. [09:19] Techrights-sec Anyway, at least here, the media keeps pushing people to use social control [09:19] Techrights-sec media even though it undermines their future (both the victims and the media) [09:20] schestowitz-TR you won't appreciate me saying so [09:20] schestowitz-TR but Julian did controbute to becoming an easier target [09:20] schestowitz-TR some things he said and did [09:20] schestowitz-TR some people whom he chose to meet etc. [09:20] schestowitz-TR he should have been more prudent [09:20] schestowitz-TR but that's not to say they wouldn't have found or made upo [09:20] schestowitz-TR something else [09:20] schestowitz-TR the general allute om f "scoail" media will wear offf [09:20] schestowitz-TR when more people accept it's mostly fake [09:20] schestowitz-TR and its impact overall is massively over-inflated [09:20] schestowitz-TR and exaggerated to herd people there [09:20] schestowitz-TR at one point even Brya Lunduike made the point about it being overrated [09:21] Techrights-sec Not here. As the country falls further victim repeatedly to disinformation [09:21] Techrights-sec campaigns that have profound effect on politics and politicians they still [09:21] Techrights-sec push it. [09:21] Techrights-sec Yes, but Bryan has gone off the deep end in recent years and has not had anything useful to say for about that long. [09:23] schestowitz-TR from what I saw in dozens of OSNews comments, Lunduke managed to get himself [09:23] schestowitz-TR canceled [09:23] schestowitz-TR and even when he reported correctly on eleementaryOS (and this is now [09:23] schestowitz-TR verified/affirmed) the focus was on him being a terrible persoon [09:23] schestowitz-TR persona non grata [09:23] schestowitz-TR whose site must not even be mentioned or linked to [09:24] Techrights-sec https://itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis-sp-481/open-sauce/don-t-want-to-be-abused-online-simple,-stay-away-from-social-media.html [09:25] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-iTWire - Don't want to be abused online? Simple, stay away from social media [09:28] schestowitz-TR have you put this link inm daily links? [09:28] schestowitz-TR mind you, I had to click OK on 320+ dialogues when opening this page [09:28] schestowitz-TR *30 times [09:28] schestowitz-TR so many trackers and shit [09:28] schestowitz-TR being off "social" media 'helps' [09:28] schestowitz-TR it makes you less ionvolved [09:28] schestowitz-TR and you don't end up wqresling with pigs in the mud [09:28] schestowitz-TR but it is not an nsuranmce against being vilified there [09:28] schestowitz-TR but the way twitter works, you cannot win [09:28] schestowitz-TR because false statements remain [09:28] schestowitz-TR and threding is terrible [09:28] schestowitz-TR so context will, by design, be absent [09:33] Techrights-sec Yes, one item which did not get enough coverage was his repeated observations [09:33] Techrights-sec that YouTube videos containing the word "Linux" in the title got demonetized [09:33] Techrights-sec consistently. [09:33] Techrights-sec Yes, the opponents attack the messenger because ad hominem is all they can [09:33] Techrights-sec counter with since their arguments have no merit when they exist at all [09:33] Techrights-sec unfortunately most schools and communnity clubs are run via Facebook here [09:33] Techrights-sec those few that are exceptions use something else Facebook like WhatsApp [09:33] Techrights-sec and the members pat themselves on their backs for being clever in avoiding [09:33] Techrights-sec Facebook. :/ [09:33] Techrights-sec avoidance of context is one of the methods they use to increase confusion and [09:33] Techrights-sec strife and thus "enagagement" which equals more "clicks" and more manipulation [09:33] Techrights-sec and more visceral responses thus feeding a vicious cycle. [09:33] schestowitz-TR I assume one of the yeses above is to the link being in the next cycle of daily links [09:33] schestowitz-TR I read it in a hurry just now [09:33] schestowitz-TR that agrees with opinions I've formed myself [09:34] schestowitz-TR although I'm a dataset of size 1 [09:37] Techrights-sec :) [09:38] schestowitz-TR let's hope this can become a HUGE issue this year. The media is propping up the musk thing as great news [09:38] schestowitz-TR this is sheer spin!! [09:39] schestowitz-TR imagine that same media saying it's AWESOME and COOL [09:39] schestowitz-TR that bezos bought washington post [09:39] schestowitz-TR or jack ma with the HK press [09:40] Techrights-sec It's sheer foolishness since social control media damages the press, [09:40] Techrights-sec twitter in particular damages the press, and Musk will use it as a hammer [09:40] Techrights-sec to further damage the press and push his agendas and various pump-and-dump [09:40] Techrights-sec schemes [09:40] Techrights-sec yep bezos and gates and ma [09:40] Techrights-sec ma was put away by the CCP more recently [09:42] schestowitz-TR they put both people and companies (and celebs) [09:42] schestowitz-TR and people WITH companies [09:42] schestowitz-TR if they become too powerful and independent [09:42] schestowitz-TR veering in their own direction [09:42] schestowitz-TR and drawing inspiration [09:42] schestowitz-TR only pooh is allowed that [09:42] schestowitz-TR *put AWAY [09:42] schestowitz-TR fwiw, corporations operate similarl [09:42] schestowitz-TR they remove staff that poses a threat to the management [09:42] schestowitz-TR and can become management [09:42] schestowitz-TR unless it's part of the existing clique [09:42] schestowitz-TR so it's not about skills but self-defence [09:44] Techrights-sec https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/24/technology/china-jack-ma-alibaba.html [09:44] Techrights-sec just if they get too independent just as JK Rowling or John Lennon [09:44] Techrights-sec if they contribute nothing to society, such as the Kardashian herd, then [09:44] Techrights-sec they're allowed to continue as they are [09:44] Techrights-sec https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/22/technology/jack-ma-alibaba-tycoons.html [09:44] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.nytimes.com | Why China Turned Against Alibaba's Jack Ma - The New York Times [09:44] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.nytimes.com | Jack Ma Shows Why Chinas Tycoons Keep Quiet - The New York Times [09:44] Techrights-sec https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgecalhoun/2021/06/24/what-really-happened-to-jack-ma/ [09:44] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.forbes.com | What Really Happened To Jack Ma? [09:44] schestowitz-TR musk is to twitter what andrew lee is (was?) to freenode [09:44] Techrights-sec one can hope [09:45] schestowitz-TR lol, not the response I was expecting [09:48] Techrights-sec I have no good will towards twitter at all [09:48] schestowitz-TR its influence and reach have both been waning [09:49] schestowitz-TR but like FB they hide it [09:49] schestowitz-TR and they fake it [09:49] schestowitz-TR by sending all the users to few very active "zones" [09:49] schestowitz-TR or high-profile accounts that 'media' will quote [09:49] schestowitz-TR as if this was "the scene" [09:50] Techrights-sec again the "media" is part of the problem even when it is against their own [09:50] Techrights-sec interests to do so [09:56] schestowitz-TR collective interest [09:56] schestowitz-TR need collective actionb [09:56] schestowitz-TR they hope to gfain "edge" ● Apr 09 [10:07] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [10:07] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [10:08] Techrights-sec Prisoners' Dilemma [10:08] Techrights-sec https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/prisoner-dilemma/ [10:08] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-plato.stanford.edu | Prisoners Dilemma (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) [10:12] schestowitz-TR the filters and the reaction [10:12] schestowitz-TR imperial the freedom or willingness to speak openly and frankly [10:12] schestowitz-TR case or example: [10:12] schestowitz-TR I said "microsoft piece of shit company" in a videio yesterday [10:12] schestowitz-TR in gulagtube people avoid such terms [10:12] schestowitz-TR or remove them after recording [10:12] schestowitz-TR or upload, get a warning, then change behaviour [10:12] schestowitz-TR twitter is a lot like that with covid-19 and ABCD+ [10:12] schestowitz-TR you have to think twice or thrice before saying things [10:12] schestowitz-TR *imperial/imperil/ [10:12] schestowitz-TR this gives AMPLE political control to the platform owner [10:12] schestowitz-TR Elon Musk already had Twitter BAN people who used his surname or maybe face [10:12] schestowitz-TR in twitter [10:12] schestowitz-TR many people forgot that (and the reaction to it) [10:20] Techrights-sec most only remember a few minutes at a time AFAIK [10:20] schestowitz-TR info overload contributes to this [10:20] schestowitz-TR irc can be more manageable [10:20] schestowitz-TR if done right [10:20] schestowitz-TR no unified ui [10:24] Techrights-sec most only remember a few minutes at a time AFAIK [10:32] schestowitz-TR The Jackson confirmation, like OJ Simpson case, shows quite an accomplishment; they've made it all about race and this way marg [10:32] schestowitz-TR inalised any actual substance. [10:32] Techrights-sec yep that keeps anyone from discussing actual qualifications or important [10:32] Techrights-sec issues [10:33] schestowitz-TR not limited to courts and politics [10:33] schestowitz-TR FOSS has a combination of money (GSoC, Outreachy) tried to it [10:33] schestowitz-TR so if you decline [10:33] schestowitz-TR you are both a commie [10:33] schestowitz-TR and a bigot [10:48] Techrights-sec outreachy seems more about politics and control intrigue than anything about [10:48] Techrights-sec code [10:48] Techrights-sec OpenBSD appears to have the best CoC by far out of any extant project [10:48] Techrights-sec However, the reason FOSS is attacked is because of the utility the software [10:48] Techrights-sec has had. Thus the two-pronged approach to 1) weaken the softwatre (e.g. [10:48] Techrights-sec systemd) and 2) control the software and its developers (eg. systemd) [10:49] schestowitz-TR I have just watched that video you sent over about being put in the "gulag" [10:49] schestowitz-TR HE USED THE WORD [10:49] schestowitz-TR Gulagtube will only get more oppressive, not more lenient, over time [10:49] Techrights-sec yes, many are noticing but only as they themselves are pushed out and silenced [10:49] Techrights-sec there [10:51] schestowitz-TR I am going to start copying some parts of /home and mater /root as backups of TR [10:51] schestowitz-TR to the new laptop, which has 1TB ● Apr 09 [11:02] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@bqjk8mwgbgn3a.irc) has joined #boycottnovell [11:10] schestowitz-TR truly terrible weather here later [11:10] schestowitz-TR cold, war, super-windy [11:10] schestowitz-TR doing actualm damage [11:10] schestowitz-TR *lately, not later [11:12] DaemonFC $13 to make a pot of slow cooker sweet and sour meatballs with ingredients from Walmart. Actually, it takes half of a family sized bag of frozen meatballs. [11:12] DaemonFC So I'll have half a bag left. Total order $16.85 [11:13] DaemonFC It's always more expensive to make a recipe every year. :P [11:13] DaemonFC My favorite is when all of the can and bag sizes have changed because they want to hide the inflation. [11:13] DaemonFC Then it throws the entire recipe off. ● Apr 09 [13:20] Techrights-sec "OBEY", "CONFORM", "MARRY AND REPRODUCE", "CONSUME", "WATCH TELEVISION" and "SLEEP" [13:20] Techrights-sec https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096256/plotsummary [13:20] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-They Live (1988) - Plot Summary - IMDb ● Apr 09 [14:11] *DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [14:14] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@2qj25x6d3cy5n.irc) has joined #boycottnovell [14:35] *Despatche_ (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #boycottnovell [14:35] *Despatche has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [14:49] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell [14:49] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell ● Apr 09 [15:20] schestowitz-TR I have dropped gulag alerts altogether [15:20] schestowitz-TR still undecided on gulag noise [15:20] schestowitz-TR I keep picking up patent news iun general [15:20] schestowitz-TR but 90% of it would be better not amplified [15:20] Techrights-sec however I suspect that the only way to get patent news is to sift through [15:20] Techrights-sec tremendous loads of crap [15:20] Techrights-sec I use fie pre-loaded Google News searches but only check them occasionally [15:20] Techrights-sec since it is so rare for those feeds to contain anyting relevant let alone [15:20] Techrights-sec both relevant and of decent quality. [15:23] schestowitz-TR one option at the end of my head was, gulag "enhanced" [15:23] schestowitz-TR where spamSites are culled, and topics somehow organised [15:23] schestowitz-TR but no program can replace a human assessor [15:23] schestowitz-TR esp. in subjects that ar e'specialised' [15:23] schestowitz-TR hence I stopped thinking [15:23] schestowitz-TR so it's a GIGO problem with no simple solution to it [15:23] schestowitz-TR you start with the sobjective: Daily Links and TuxMachines with many [15:23] schestowitz-TR relevant Linux links [15:23] schestowitz-TR then, for patents, correcting lies [15:23] schestowitz-TR the latter is more difficult as it is a precarious situatuin [15:23] schestowitz-TR when I was in social control media I had an approch for responding, but it still; [15:23] schestowitz-TR sent them traffic [15:25] Techrights-sec in anyting relevant let alone [15:25] Techrights-sec both relevant and of decent quality. [15:25] Techrights-sec Best to avoid sending traffic to them/ [15:25] Techrights-sec yes twitter is designed for such misuse of the "report" button [15:25] Techrights-sec there is also "brigading" there too [15:26] schestowitz-TR in the moe distant past (about 5) years I had another approacj: take the false tweets [15:26] schestowitz-TR "Mention"(TM) them [15:26] schestowitz-TR and then correct them inline [15:26] schestowitz-TR but thiks has gotten risky as they can report you for "abuse" [15:26] schestowitz-TR or"block" uou to make the Mention "not available" [15:26] schestowitz-TR moreobver, it requires readyg tweets [15:26] schestowitz-TR I used to follow the PPEPo's wteets, all of them, when RSS was possible [15:26] schestowitz-TR even the third parties are blocked noiw [15:31] Techrights-sec it also allows various marginal agendas to push into mainstream despite [15:31] Techrights-sec being otherwise upopular and even despised; that too drives "engagement" due [15:31] Techrights-sec to the strife it causes [15:31] schestowitz-TR brigading is encouraged by twitter as it drives engagamnebne [15:31] schestowitz-TR but only the "good" brigading [15:31] schestowitz-TR like, if Elon Musk likes it and you luagh at the "pedo guy" driver who risked his life [15:31] Techrights-sec Not only risked his life but had nearly unique skills with best-in-the-world [15:31] Techrights-sec experience in those skills. The people who could have taken on that task [15:31] Techrights-sec wouldn't even need all fingers on one hand to count. [15:31] Techrights-sec There are a lot of divers, but very few cavers who are divers. There is a [15:31] Techrights-sec big difference with the foundation. He was first and foremost a spelunker. [15:31] Techrights-sec https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/article/inside-the-risky-cave-dive-that-rescued-a-thai-soccer-team [15:31] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.nationalgeographic.com | Inside the risky cave dive that rescued a Thai soccer team [15:32] schestowitz-TR I always have to remind myself who owns NeoGeo [15:32] schestowitz-TR I've loved and sued their wallpapers/photos sine I was about 15 [15:32] schestowitz-TR *used [15:33] Techrights-sec Yes, it got sold not so long ago and shifted focus a bit and priorities a lot. [15:33] Techrights-sec :( [15:35] schestowitz-TR " [15:35] schestowitz-TR some people/corproiations/interests stand to benefit a lot [15:35] schestowitz-TR not necessarily from changing the agenda of neogeo [15:35] schestowitz-TR but just buying it and doing nothign with it [15:35] schestowitz-TR the same is true for companioes bought companies and orgs [15:35] schestowitz-TR buy and let rot [15:35] schestowitz-TR "give me your sandwich!!!" [15:35] schestowitz-TR "are ... you.. actualyl going to eat it?" [15:36] Techrights-sec https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2021-10-16/thailand-cave-rescue-divers-documentary [15:36] Techrights-sec Yes, there is the threat of just letting it quietly waste away. That gets it [15:36] Techrights-sec outof the way without the fight and ruckus that would come with trying to change [15:36] Techrights-sec it too much or shut it down quickly. [15:36] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.latimes.com | 'The Rescue' real people: Cave divers tell their stories - Los Angeles Times [15:37] schestowitz-TR I wonder WHICH year in Business [siuc] School [sic] they teach that [15:37] schestowitz-TR AshitPie [15:40] Techrights-sec :( [15:40] Techrights-sec MBA is just rationalised theft and fraud. No redeeming value. I figure [15:40] Techrights-sec there's an inverse relation between the number of MBAs in a business and [15:40] Techrights-sec its economic viability. However, the only institutions which would study [15:40] Techrights-sec that, even given the numbers from the dot-com era, would be business schools [15:40] Techrights-sec and there's not getting past the conflict of interest there. They would not [15:40] Techrights-sec be willing to gather data showing that they are egnaged in fraud and that the [15:40] Techrights-sec world would be better off without their interference. [15:43] schestowitz-TR old story, maybe I mentioned in irc some time in the past [15:43] schestowitz-TR in summer 2003 I think [15:43] schestowitz-TR we were moveed in the student halld [15:43] schestowitz-TR I was phd candidate [15:43] schestowitz-TR they had to repair/change all the shower in the building [15:43] schestowitz-TR so for a week or so I ended up sharing a unit (kitchen, lounge) with some indian oriigin [15:43] schestowitz-TR MBA student [15:43] schestowitz-TR that person was the most despicable thing I ever came across [15:43] schestowitz-TR sociopath in his 20s [15:43] schestowitz-TR unable to see what he himself was [15:43] schestowitz-TR I did have experience with other MBA students [15:43] schestowitz-TR one of them, Hans (Norway), was my friend [15:43] schestowitz-TR all the rest were tasteless people or worse [15:44] Techrights-sec https://text.npr.org/1043363760 [15:44] Techrights-sec MBAs are notorious for not being very bright [15:44] Techrights-sec nor ethical [15:44] Techrights-sec Theyre also partially responsible for the plague of m$ products about in the [15:44] Techrights-sec world, a capital crime as far as I see it. [15:44] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-text.npr.org | Documentary follows the divers who risked it all in the Thailand cave rescue [15:45] schestowitz-TR bribes are "marketing help" [15:45] schestowitz-TR just keep saying it, keep lying [15:45] schestowitz-TR a colleague my senior at the tme, gilles (from france), had a very dim view of MBA students [15:45] schestowitz-TR but I did not (yet/) know why [15:46] Techrights-sec MBAs are often very one-dimensional along with the other problems [15:46] Techrights-sec no depth, just greed and fraud [15:49] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovell ● Apr 09 [16:04] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Connection closed) [16:04] *u-amarsh04 has quit (connection closed) [16:05] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell [16:05] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell [16:08] Techrights-sec "...and can lead to a successful bankruptcy..." [citation omitted] [16:08] schestowitz-TR oxymoron [16:08] schestowitz-TR elop led to a successful demise [16:08] schestowitz-TR iirc elop went to some business [sic] school [sic] in canada [16:08] schestowitz-TR haha, if bankruptcy is success, when what is a failure???c [16:08] schestowitz-TR *then what exactly would a failure be? Getting BACK to business? [16:10] Techrights-sec he was different, the Nokia board lied and signed a unique contract with him [16:10] Techrights-sec granting him a $25 M bonus if he sold the company to M$. So he torpedoed every [16:10] Techrights-sec thing he could and even sold off the headquarters. When the company was then [16:10] Techrights-sec on the ropes, M$ bought it for an old song and the board gave Elop his bonus. [16:10] Techrights-sec Very little has been commented in regards to the board's role in [16:10] Techrights-sec setting the company up for failure. I speculate that 99% of it was to [16:10] Techrights-sec eliminate the Linux-based phone because it was even getting better reviews [16:10] Techrights-sec than the iphone at the time. [16:10] Techrights-sec I guess failure would be reinvesting in and growing a business further. [16:10] Techrights-sec Yep, failure would be being in business with the money rolling in and [16:10] Techrights-sec building capital and critical skills and experience. [16:10] Techrights-sec Furthermore, businesses (or any institution) cannot keep skilled people, [16:10] Techrights-sec especially not the best, once a critical threshold is crossed. MBAs cut [16:10] Techrights-sec investments until that threshold gets crossed and then they can [16:10] Techrights-sec ride the company down until they hop off after a "successful bankruptcy" [16:11] schestowitz-TR well, they ruined the most important company in that country [16:11] schestowitz-TR and, afaik, also the largest employer except maybe the federal gov [16:11] schestowitz-TR through I'm sure in helsinki it's the dominent empoloyer [16:11] schestowitz-TR so it was not some business venture [16:11] schestowitz-TR but filrting with sedition, treason [16:11] schestowitz-TR and moreover aiminmg to sell to the US when you have a vast border , a land border, with russia, is absolutely insane [16:13] Techrights-sec yep and probably broke quite a few laws but fat chance of getting the boare [16:13] Techrights-sec board prosecuted [16:13] Techrights-sec https://www.businessinsider.com/people-are-furious-over-accident-that-gave-nokia-ceo-255-million-payday-in-microsoft-sale-2013-9?r=US&IR=T [16:13] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.businessinsider.com | 'Accident' That Gave Nokia CEO $25.5 Million Payday in Microsoft Sale [16:13] Techrights-sec https://www.computerworld.com/article/2474943/stephen-elop-s-reward-for-running-nokia-into-the-ground---25-million.html [16:13] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Stephen Elop's reward for running Nokia into the ground: $25 million | Computerworld [16:14] Techrights-sec https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/stephen-elop-to-get-25-5m-for-selling-nokia-to-microsoft-1.1867972 [16:14] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.cbc.ca | Stephen Elop to get $25.5M for selling Nokia to Microsoft | CBC News [16:15] schestowitz-TR Let's see what payday is impending for M. Baker3~ [16:15] Techrights-sec "Nokia board chairman misled media about size of bonus for ex-CEO..." [16:15] Techrights-sec she's cut from the same cloth [16:24] schestowitz-TR last night I thought abouyt setting up a subdomain and instance of invidious for TR [16:24] Techrights-sec probably [16:24] Techrights-sec ok [16:24] schestowitz-TR but then I lkooked closer [16:24] schestowitz-TR it's a nuclear thing from a legal perspective [16:24] schestowitz-TR and can even jeopardise the TLD [16:24] schestowitz-TR as you may have see (git, irc logs), we made an instance randomiser [16:37] schestowitz-TR i need to change a couple of code files [16:37] schestowitz-TR for handling the changes or the expsnsion of the links in daily links [16:37] schestowitz-TR that should not be hard [16:38] schestowitz-TR one needs to remove <-- and --> when retreiving [16:38] schestowitz-TR the secnd will need to remove the bitswhen I finalise [16:38] Techrights-sec which ones? [16:38] Techrights-sec ok [16:38] schestowitz-TR for details look at page source of latest techrights post [16:38] Techrights-sec But does it validate? [16:38] Techrights-sec :( [16:38] schestowitz-TR it looks OK as HTML [16:38] schestowitz-TR I think it'll be converted OK to gemtext [16:38] schestowitz-TR but I am going to use sed, I think, [16:38] schestowitz-TR validation results had 200+ errors [16:38] schestowitz-TR but because of the commented bit [16:38] schestowitz-TR maybe I will replace the body of that post soon [16:39] schestowitz-TR for test's sake/purposes [16:39] schestowitz-TR could you pls reload today's links with the changes incorporated? [16:39] schestowitz-TR I will then see if the bits gets stripped OK at my side [16:45] Techrights-sec ok [16:45] Techrights-sec just a minute [16:45] Techrights-sec uploaded but the changes are not there. [16:45] Techrights-sec looking [16:45] Techrights-sec re-running [16:45] Techrights-sec maybe UTF-8 problem -- again [16:47] schestowitz-TR I'll fix the UTF-8 in a bit, the rest should be ok? [16:47] Techrights-sec I'll fix the UTF-8 in a bit, the rest should be ok? [16:49] schestowitz-TR oh, now I remember how we did this before [16:49] schestowitz-TR you were not running interleave script [16:49] schestowitz-TR I ran it only at my end [16:49] schestowitz-TR because it would incorporate additional links [16:49] Techrights-sec correct that script was commented out from the maintenance script here [16:49] Techrights-sec I'll remove it here again [16:49] schestowitz-TR AAAif that gets removed, there won't be premade lines for IRC [16:55] schestowitz-TR i think one simple fix is, at your end the tags get turned off (commented out from the code) [16:55] schestowitz-TR and then at my end only, when I run "finalise" that bit is 'toggled on' [16:55] schestowitz-TR that might be a very simple 'hack'fix [16:55] schestowitz-TR simpler than running a think to check if a tag exists already [16:55] schestowitz-TR when I say tag I mean [[[[[ [16:57] schestowitz-TR OK, so basically there is one mode of run where it adds the "lines" [16:57] schestowitz-TR and another (final, my side) where it adds all the tags ● Apr 09 [17:15] schestowitz-TR pushed to git a fix [17:15] schestowitz-TR so basically the issue will be solved if at your end it makes the "line" (same form as in latest [17:15] schestowitz-TR upload, today's links) [17:15] schestowitz-TR and then the tags are added only at my end [17:42] Techrights-sec checking [17:42] schestowitz-TR oneoption might be command line parameter acting like a flag [17:42] schestowitz-TR or just some variable somewhere [17:42] schestowitz-TR to keep it from branching off into two separate files [17:42] Techrights-sec that's feasible, just have to track down the UTF-8 problem with the module [17:44] schestowitz-TR (just got some epo doc) [17:44] schestowitz-TR may do a video shortly [17:59] *DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving) [17:59] Techrights-sec ack ● Apr 09 [18:04] Techrights-sec fixed the UTF8 bug [18:04] schestowitz-TR :-) [18:09] schestowitz-TR it's good that we equip ourselves with s/w and h/w tools [18:09] schestowitz-TR last night I spent ages on the new laptop [18:09] schestowitz-TR there was a pesky memory leak issue [18:09] schestowitz-TR to get under control [18:09] schestowitz-TR i nearly had to reboot but recovered from tty2 [18:09] schestowitz-TR at the moment I back up the site to both laptops, then I will do tuxmachines also [18:09] schestowitz-TR my home connection is therefore slow [18:09] schestowitz-TR and you may feel that, e.g. over gemini or ssh [18:09] schestowitz-TR 12 gb done since morning [18:09] schestowitz-TR tbh, i still don't know how to cover the patent fud [18:09] schestowitz-TR I have until tomorrow to decide [18:09] schestowitz-TR I don't want to just ignore it all [18:09] schestowitz-TR as that leaves only zoobab [18:09] Techrights-sec QuiteRSS seems to leak [18:09] Techrights-sec I think cgroups or something could be used to contain it [18:09] Techrights-sec It's usually quite slow there anyway :/ [18:09] Techrights-sec Ignoring it would not be such a good idea. [18:09] Techrights-sec How will zoobab approach the problem? [18:10] schestowitz-TR he can press "like" on tweets... [18:10] schestowitz-TR he has not done a lot lately [18:10] schestowitz-TR a "hell of shame"-type approach would in theory work [18:10] schestowitz-TR but I don't know how to make that work [18:11] schestowitz-TR *hall [18:15] Techrights-sec What other approaches are on the shortlist? [18:15] schestowitz-TR one that I tried years ago was, [18:15] schestowitz-TR take screenshot of flase article [18:15] schestowitz-TR than use textual response [18:15] schestowitz-TR but I am very meticulous with text in the site [18:15] schestowitz-TR as it is not judged like audio and IRC [18:15] schestowitz-TR so you cannot do one article per minute [18:15] schestowitz-TR That's why I started doing videos a month before the strike and a month after [18:15] schestowitz-TR 8 weeks, 8 parts [18:15] Techrights-sec That approach sounds good. It's slower, of course, but docuents the [18:15] Techrights-sec lies very carefully without feeding them traffic. [18:15] Techrights-sec and rebuts them. [18:16] schestowitz-TR I will try that tomorrow [18:16] schestowitz-TR will put headlines in alt="" [18:20] Techrights-sec ack [18:20] Techrights-sec yes and they have long demonetized anything with "Linux" inthe title [18:20] schestowitz-TR we are going to see lots of very pissed off vloggers after covid-19 [18:20] schestowitz-TR under the guise of "facts" gulag is taking things up a notch [18:20] schestowitz-TR it started with alex jones, avid ike, stephen mulleneaux (ignore spelling) [18:20] schestowitz-TR and now they target 'edgy' free software broadcasters [18:20] schestowitz-TR lbry is not really the best alternative [18:20] schestowitz-TR for as plethora of reason [18:20] schestowitz-TR they hop from blogs to twitter to youtube [18:21] schestowitz-TR and thosew ho feel threatened respond [18:21] schestowitz-TR even freenode [18:21] schestowitz-TR chris titus makes a lot of windows shit [18:21] schestowitz-TR but he mentioned that "linux" videos get him flagged [18:21] schestowitz-TR that reduces the incentive to even decie to cover the topic [18:21] Techrights-sec that's most likely their goal ... [18:22] Techrights-sec some or all of that appears automated [18:23] schestowitz-TR there is also language control [18:23] schestowitz-TR cannnot say shit [18:24] schestowitz-TR cannot even say ashitpie [18:24] schestowitz-TR because crime sis OK [18:24] schestowitz-TR the response to crime is "toxic [18:24] schestowitz-TR automatic "moderation" is best [18:24] schestowitz-TR because they remove legal issue (liability) [18:24] schestowitz-TR and it removes costs assopciated with proper analysis [18:24] schestowitz-TR like IBM/Red Hat versus Poock [18:24] schestowitz-TR an actual person mentioned 3 conditions IBM failed to fulfil [18:24] schestowitz-TR with shithub, as noted this morninmg, takedown req = success [18:24] schestowitz-TR 99% of the time [18:25] Techrights-sec the soud "linux" ought to be easy for their algorithms to pick up and flag [18:25] Techrights-sec there are basically no channels to appeal the take down or get a manual review [18:25] schestowitz-TR or almost justb as bad , demonetised [18:25] schestowitz-TR "do more of this and you will starve" [18:25] schestowitz-TR try ANOTHER topic instead [18:25] schestowitz-TR other topics re "more successful" [18:26] Techrights-sec yep [18:27] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [18:27] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [18:28] schestowitz-TR gulag is the puppy owner sticking the "cointent creators" face in front of the [18:28] schestowitz-TR piss and the shit [18:28] schestowitz-TR the poor puppy (don't kick the puppy!) will leave, over time... [18:28] schestowitz-TR "I love you, big brother" [18:28] schestowitz-TR *will learn, over time [18:28] schestowitz-TR and thias is one of many ways those sites manipulate and shape opinion [18:28] schestowitz-TR hedges interviews with people like chomsky are all gone [18:28] schestowitz-TR so people won't learn the "other side" [18:29] Techrights-sec their business goals probably include paying out the least possible amount [18:29] Techrights-sec stockholm syndrome [18:29] Techrights-sec LBRY via Odysee is picking up a lot of vloggers, but it still pays almost [18:29] Techrights-sec nothing due to their playing around with cryptocurrency [18:29] Techrights-sec With an empirical fact, there is no "other side", but many don't want people to [18:29] Techrights-sec remember that at all. [18:32] schestowitz-TR .nl inflation rose to 12% [18:32] schestowitz-TR I will cover this shjortly [18:32] schestowitz-TR also I'm on shift [18:32] schestowitz-TR butbut f* this s* [18:32] schestowitz-TR I do 1 hour, 2 max [18:32] schestowitz-TR on shift iwill 1am, samr tomorrow [18:32] schestowitz-TR /iwill/till/ [18:32] schestowitz-TR ota ● Apr 09 [20:58] *DaemonFC (~daemonfc@9hp6e3a5h7j56.irc) has joined #boycottnovell ● Apr 09 [22:01] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovell [22:01] *u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovell [22:13] *psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [22:39] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [22:39] *u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)It would be possible to do a simple version manually, manually deploy to a slice of production after appr [08:48] -TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-kevincox.ca | Submitting Changes [08:48] Techrights-sec oval. However, merge conflicts would cause a lot of pain and forgotten vers [08:48] Techrights-sec