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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Saturday, October 10, 2020

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*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Oct 10 01:58
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellOct 10 01:59
schestowitz>> One time about a week ago their feed apparently failed, yielding noOct 10 03:26
schestowitz>> articles for that day. So I picked them up, manually/one by one, forOct 10 03:26
schestowitz>> that day. It was fine the day after.Oct 10 03:26
schestowitz> If it happens again, please let me know.  They're fairly consistent, butOct 10 03:26
schestowitz> still have some decisions rather than a single, simple XPath.Oct 10 03:26
schestowitz> Oct 10 03:26
schestowitz> I've made the tweak more specific now.Oct 10 03:26
schestowitzI only notice issues/absence of the "big ones", i.e. those with a dozen or so stories per day. Sometimes I might not notice even these, but... it's not a huge deal as manually curated stuff is a lot more carefully selected and quoted.Oct 10 03:26
schestowitzI think the current workflow works really well, leaving hours for research ahead of publication. The sites grow really fast.Oct 10 03:26
schestowitzIn terms of disk space, we can always offload the videos to another machine/VM/subsite/domain, then amend the video links to that (won't take long if we target only the largest files/culprits). Many sites deal with multimedia/images in this way.Oct 10 03:26
schestowitz 10 07:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ml2mst: I'm not a #antivaxxer. But do you trust this sociopath, lying monopolist (software) drugs dealer with vaccine? I ne… 10 07:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@ml2mst: I'm not a #antivaxxer. But do you trust this sociopath, lying monopolist (software) drugs dealer with vaccine? I ne… 10 07:30
schestowitz"Oct 10 07:30
schestowitzI'm not a #antivaxxer. But do you trust this sociopath, lying monopolist (software) drugs dealer with vaccine? I never did, nor ever will. 10 07:30
schestowitz via @schestowitzOct 10 07:30
-TechrightsBN/ | Bill Gates Deposition: Rocking in His Chair for a Whole Minute, Telling Lies | TechrightsOct 10 07:30
schestowitz"Oct 10 07:30
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Oct 10 09:11
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*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 10 09:11
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*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 10 10:00
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*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Oct 10 11:23
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*asusbox2 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 10 16:26
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*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 10 17:25
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schestowitz 10 17:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Annan26: via&thx @zoobab 10 17:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: On the death of the #unitarypatent or #unifiedPatentCourt which is clearly UN-constitutional 10 17:30
schestowitz 10 17:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Democrats4Trump: @schestowitz What on earth are you on about. We had a primaryOct 10 17:31
schestowitz 10 17:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@coverklift: @wierdduk @wmiddelkoop @KeesvdPijl1 @Infocadl2015 10 17:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: 2017: 10 17:31
schestowitz 10 17:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MalliardReport: @schestowitz Jim welcomes back long time guest Mark Anthony and first-time guest Anthony Profeta to share their for… 10 17:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MalliardReport: @schestowitz Jim welcomes back long time guest Mark Anthony and first-time guest Anthony Profeta to share their for… 10 17:31
schestowitz 10 17:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JacquesRentzke: @zaridan 10 17:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #looting #theft #trump #classwar ☞ 'Shameless Stunt': Trump Reportedly Attempting to Raid… 10 17:31
schestowitz 10 17:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JenniferNOTL: More BS 10 17:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #ClimateNewsNetwork #Environment ☞ Hotter seas imperil both human and marine life 10 17:32
schestowitz 10 17:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LindaO888: @schestowitz The hospitals were never overwhelmed. But now we have over 10 million on NHS waiting lists. Projected:… 10 17:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LindaO888: @schestowitz The hospitals were never overwhelmed. But now we have over 10 million on NHS waiting lists. Projected:… 10 17:33
schestowitz"Oct 10 17:33
schestowitzThe hospitals were never overwhelmed.Oct 10 17:33
schestowitzBut now we have over 10 million on NHS waiting lists.Oct 10 17:33
schestowitzProjected: 4.5 million unemployed.Oct 10 17:33
schestowitzCDC: 94% of CV19 deaths have 2-3-4-5-6 preexisting conditions.Oct 10 17:33
schestowitzIt's time to learn to live with it.Oct 10 17:33
schestowitz"Oct 10 17:33
schestowitz 10 17:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz Coupled with the seasons?Oct 10 17:34
schestowitz 10 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@timlince: @schestowitz But it's 'most' in all cities and towns. What makes it different here?Oct 10 17:35
schestowitz 10 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OssiFritsche: @schestowitz 👇👇 10 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@OssiFritsche: @schestowitz 👇👇 10 17:35
schestowitz 10 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@0202Alam: 10 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Your Access To This Website Has Been BlockedOct 10 17:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: "There are a lot of opportunities in Italy just now for FOSS, according to the Blomberg article."-iophk #italy #freeswOct 10 17:36
schestowitz 10 17:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Maddux4163: @schestowitz Umm. Are you aware what it takes to enact the 25th amendment? A super majority in the House A super… 10 17:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Maddux4163: @schestowitz Umm. Are you aware what it takes to enact the 25th amendment? A super majority in the House A super… 10 17:36
schestowitz"Oct 10 17:36
schestowitzUmm. Are you aware what it takes to enact the 25th amendment?Oct 10 17:36
schestowitzA super majority in the House Oct 10 17:36
schestowitzA super majority in the Senate Oct 10 17:36
schestowitzNEITHER of which Dems have Oct 10 17:36
schestowitzThis is nothing more than fancy headlines and ELECTION INTERFERENCE AND MEDDLINGOct 10 17:36
schestowitz"Oct 10 17:36
schestowitz 10 17:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz Just invoke Alice, prior art is a waste of time to eradiquate the malaria.Oct 10 17:36
schestowitz 10 17:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sinovoip: @schestowitz BPI-F2P new image:Ubuntu server 20.04.1 and Ubuntu mate 20.04.1 image,also support BPI-F2P-SUB expansi… 10 17:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@sinovoip: @schestowitz BPI-F2P new image:Ubuntu server 20.04.1 and Ubuntu mate 20.04.1 image,also support BPI-F2P-SUB expansi… 10 17:36
schestowitz"BPI-F2P new image:Ubuntu server 20.04.1 and Ubuntu mate 20.04.1 image,also support BPI-F2P-SUB expansion board"Oct 10 17:36
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Oct 10 18:46
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Oct 10 18:46
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 10 18:49
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 10 18:49
*rianne_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 10 20:55
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 10 20:55
schestowitz>> I only notice issues/absence of the "big ones", i.e. those with a dozenOct 10 21:12
schestowitz>> or so stories per day. Sometimes I might not notice even these, but...Oct 10 21:12
schestowitz>> it's not a huge deal as manually curated stuff is a lot more carefullyOct 10 21:12
schestowitz>> selected and quoted.Oct 10 21:12
schestowitz>>Oct 10 21:12
schestowitz>> I think the current workflow works really well, leaving hours forOct 10 21:12
schestowitz>> research ahead of publication. The sites grow really fast.Oct 10 21:12
schestowitz>>Oct 10 21:12
schestowitz>> In terms of disk space, we can always offload the videos to anotherOct 10 21:12
schestowitz>> machine/VM/subsite/domain, then amend the video links to that (won'tOct 10 21:12
schestowitz>> take long if we target only the largest files/culprits). Many sites dealOct 10 21:12
schestowitz>> with multimedia/images in this way.Oct 10 21:12
schestowitz> Well, another partition at least would be a good idea.  IIRC the videoOct 10 21:12
schestowitz> partition should be allocated fewer inodes since the files are muchOct 10 21:12
schestowitz> larger.  The use of space would be more efficient that way.Oct 10 21:12
schestowitzNeed to bug (bother?) for a migration to a more modern system again this winter. That needs pushing for. I am too clumsy with the HV layer to do anything useful. It's Alpine stuff.Oct 10 21:12
schestowitzCommitChange Company Profile - Office Locations ...Oct 10 21:17 10 21:17
schestowitzCommitChange. Frequently Asked Questions. When was CommitChange founded?. CommitChange was founded in 2012.. Who are CommitChange key executives?. CommitChange's key executives are Roderick Campbell, Wendy Bolm and Eric Schultz.. How many employees does CommitChange have?. CommitChange has 3 employeesOct 10 21:17
schestowitzinteresting. catching up with this...Oct 10 21:17
schestowitz> *> When is the story coming on theOct 10 21:20
schestowitz> Salesforce/ClearlyDefined/CommitChange triumvirate?* I mean *obviously*Oct 10 21:20
schestowitz> they're working on the same things with no idea what they have in common...Oct 10 21:20
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:20
schestowitz> ...Maybe Marcia Wilbur?Oct 10 21:20
schestowitzWilbur hates that bunch.Oct 10 21:20
schestowitz>> who are equipped with disproportionate/asymmetric power over thoseOct 10 21:28
schestowitz> whom they assertively accuse and duly punish (often without due process,Oct 10 21:28
schestowitz> let alone a process that can be publicly seen to be broadly trusted).Oct 10 21:28
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:28
schestowitz> That can't be what you meant. "Assertively" seems more like it would beOct 10 21:28
schestowitz> "aggressively" or "overzealously" and "duly" would be "unduly", for itOct 10 21:28
schestowitz> to fit better there. I'm sure people will realise what was meant though.Oct 10 21:28
schestowitzRe: Respondus Lockdown BrowserOct 10 21:29
schestowitz> This is a completely evil thing:Oct 10 21:29
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:29
schestowitz> 10 21:29
-TechrightsBN/ | LockDown Browser - RespondusOct 10 21:29
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:29
schestowitz> Heard about it on new Unfettered Freedom episode. Regardless of whatOct 10 21:29
schestowitz> platforms are/aren't supported, doing this to (paying) students is aOct 10 21:29
schestowitz> crime against human rights. I would never do business with schools thatOct 10 21:29
schestowitz> use this.Oct 10 21:29
schestowitz> 10 21:29
-TechrightsBN/ | LockDown Browser - Students - CanvasOct 10 21:29
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:29
schestowitz> Install extra spyware and keyloggers on your machine! Make MarkOct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Zuckerberg look tame next to your own fucking university! And yes, weOct 10 21:30
schestowitz> are promoting this for K-12 as well!Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Throw your laptops off a cliff, and then drop out of Uni. Fuck these people.Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> This asshole.Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> 10 21:30
-TechrightsBN/ | Does the LockDown browser record your screen? - QuoraOct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Does the LockDown browser record your screen?Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Ad by DatadogHQ.comOct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Code-free, self-maintaining browser tests w/ Datadog Synthetics.Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Easily build browser tests without code in minutes using a Web Recorder.Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Give it a try for free.Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:30
schestowitz> 3 AnswersOct 10 21:30
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> Rohaan Khan <>Oct 10 21:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Rohaan Khan - QuoraOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> , Affiliate Marketer and Psychologist.Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> Answered June 20, 2020Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> <>·Oct 10 21:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Does the LockDown browser record your screen? - QuoraOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> Author has 134 answers and 62.7K answer viewsOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> It *does*, but nobody cares enough to watch it. It also *records*cameraOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> and microphone data, but nobody usually cares enough to watch it.ByOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> default, *Respondus*Monitor will *record*both video and audio.Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> *Your*instructor will let you know if an online exam requires theOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> *Respondus LockDown Browser*application. After you have installedOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> *Respondus LockDown Browser*(see How to Install and Use the *RespondusOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> LockDown Browser*), open the application.Oct 10 21:31
schestowitzStallmanWasRightOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> 10 21:31
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Respondus | Blackboard HelpOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> Respondus Monitor uses the student's webcam to record their activityOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> during their session. You can use the recording to verify the student isOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> taking the exam alone and that they're not using physical materials suchOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> as written notes.Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> After you enable Respondus Monitor for an assessment, additional optionsOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> appear. Respondus Monitor starts with a sequence of instructions andOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> verification checks. You can customize this sequence and editOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> instructions for the student. You can include or exclude these steps inOct 10 21:31
schestowitz> the startup sequence:Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz>   * Webcam Check. *This step is enabled by default and can't be turnedOct 10 21:31
schestowitz>     off. The Webcam Check verifies that the student's webcam isOct 10 21:31
schestowitz>     connected and transmitting video* as needed.Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz>   * Student Photo. You can require the student to take a photo ofOct 10 21:31
schestowitz>     themselves before they begin the assessment.Oct 10 21:31
schestowitz>   * Show ID. You can require the student to show their identificationOct 10 21:31
schestowitz>     before they begin the assessment. This is useful for large coursesOct 10 21:31
schestowitz>     where you or another grader may not be able to associate a student'sOct 10 21:32
schestowitz>     face with their name.Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz>   * Environment Check. *You can ask the student to record a short videoOct 10 21:32
schestowitz>     of their surroundings to confirm that they have no notes, books, orOct 10 21:32
schestowitz>     other devices nearby* to help them with their submission.Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> Even hypocrite scumbag university MIT has published this article sayingOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> how unethical these things are:Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> 10 21:32
-TechrightsBN/ | Software that monitors students during tests perpetuates inequality and violates their privacy | MIT Technology ReviewOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz>   Software that monitors students during tests perpetuates inequalityOct 10 21:32
schestowitz>   and violates their privacyOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> The coronavirus pandemic created a surge in demand for exam proctoringOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> tools. Here’s why universities should stop using them.Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> byOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz>   * Shea Swauger <>Oct 10 21:32
-TechrightsBN/ | Articles by Shea Swauger | MIT Technology ReviewOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> The coronavirus pandemic has been a boon for the test proctoringOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> industry. About half a dozen companies in the US claim their softwareOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> can accurately detect and prevent cheating in online tests. ExamityOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> <>, <> HonorLockOct 10 21:32
-TechrightsBN/ | Online proctoring on your terms. - ExamityOct 10 21:32
-TechrightsBN/ | ProctorU - The Leading Proctoring Solution for Online ExamsOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> <>, <> ProctorioOct 10 21:32
-TechrightsBN/ | Honorlock Proctoring | Honorlock On-Demand Online Proctoring ServiceOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> <>, <> ProctorUOct 10 21:32
-TechrightsBN/ | A Comprehensive Learning Integrity Platform - ProctorioOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> <>, Respondus <> andOct 10 21:32
-TechrightsBN/ | Home - RespondusOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> others have rapidly grown since colleges and universities switched toOct 10 21:32
schestowitz> remote classes.Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> Times have changed.  When I was an undergrad (at a private college),Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> virtually anything was allowed, and police were not permitted on campus.Oct 10 21:32
schestowitz> I would _never_ subject myself to this.  Yes, I would drop-out first!Oct 10 21:32
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Oct 10 22:56
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Oct 10 22:57
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 10 23:09
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 10 23:09

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