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schestowitz 11 00:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Adriaan (@AdriaansTweets): "€ 10.000 for a #Privacy #Button? How about a logo indicating that you do not want any picture of you being posted on the web or social media? @arjenlubach @schestowitz @EFF @bitsoffreedom @waag @tomvanarman" | nitterSep 11 00:47
schestowitz 11 00:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@codenoid_: @schestowitz HmmmmmSep 11 00:48
schestowitzipfs performance started sucking so badly, it does not scale well when you have lots of files/objects share and I'm not alone 11 01:01
-TechrightsBN/ | 504 Gateway Timeout - #10 by sarthak2110 - IPFS - discuss.ipfs.ioSep 11 01:01
*activelow has quit (connection closed)Sep 11 01:58
*activelow (~activelow@r7zq4q2ys63yk.irc) has joined #boycottnovellSep 11 01:58
*schestowitz-TR2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Sep 11 02:41
*schestowitz-TR2 (~acer-box@qhduu73fcjmdn.irc) has joined #boycottnovellSep 11 02:41
schestowitzRe: Bar complaint against KapposSep 11 02:46
schestowitz> /Where are the *civil* servants?  /You asked.Sep 11 02:46
schestowitz> Sep 11 02:46
schestowitz> I'd like to know, too.  Sep 11 02:46
schestowitz> Sep 11 02:46
schestowitz> Before Kappos, there was John Doll.  He was actually a career civilSep 11 02:46
schestowitz> servant, and my very first letter to the USPTO, when my problem began,Sep 11 02:46
schestowitz> was addressed to him - I sent everything to the Director of the USPTO,Sep 11 02:46
schestowitz> if I didn't have another name/address - and, it was the first and onlySep 11 02:46
schestowitz> time I had any action from the USPTO.  I refer to him on page 11 and inSep 11 02:46
schestowitz> Attachment C (pages 29-30) in mySep 11 02:46
schestowitz> report. 11 02:46
schestowitz> <>Sep 11 02:46
schestowitz> Sep 11 02:46
schestowitz> And, later, after he retired, I actually tracked him down and wrote toSep 11 02:46
schestowitz> him - I think he was in North or South Carolina - and he actually wroteSep 11 02:46
schestowitz> back to me, telling me that he could no longer do anything, since he wasSep 11 02:46
schestowitz> retired.Sep 11 02:46
schestowitz> Sep 11 02:47
schestowitz> Of course, he wasn't too popular with the "IP community."  There's a guySep 11 02:47
schestowitz> named Gene Quinn who has what may be the most widely read IP website,Sep 11 02:47
schestowitz> and he disparaged Doll.  Quinn is a corrupt shill.  He writes sickeningSep 11 02:47
schestowitz> puff-pieces about the corporate-types that come and go at the USPTO, butSep 11 02:47
schestowitz> he had nothing good to say about Doll.Sep 11 02:47
schestowitz> 11 02:47
schestowitz> <>Sep 11 02:47
-TechrightsBN/ | The John Doll Era Begins at USPTO - | Patents & Patent LawSep 11 02:47
schestowitz> 11 02:47
schestowitz> <>Sep 11 02:47
-TechrightsBN/ | John Doll Announces Retirement from USPTO - | Patents & Patent LawSep 11 02:47
schestowitz> Sep 11 02:47
schestowitz> When my problem began, I discovered something that Quinn had writtenSep 11 02:47
schestowitz> that supported my argument - pageSep 11 02:47
schestowitz> 5 11 02:47
schestowitz> <> -Sep 11 02:47
schestowitz> and I called him many times and left messages on his phone, but he neverSep 11 02:47
schestowitz> answered. Sep 11 02:47
schestowitzI argued with Quinn many times over the years. He is a mean-spirited blowhard:Sep 11 02:47
schestowitz 11 02:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Watchtroll - TechrightsSep 11 02:47
schestowitzThankfully his site has been perishing since BEFORE he left. I think he left because he realised he could not save the site. Going downhill since then and Techrights continues to grow. Our message is a lot more compelling.Sep 11 02:47
schestowitzRegards,Sep 11 02:47
schestowitz> Just finished a story about Linux, which I've prepared as a separate e-mail.Sep 11 02:49
schestowitzThanks, I shall take a look.Sep 11 02:49
schestowitzOh, I see it now.... let me open.Sep 11 02:49
schestowitzRe: Linux hackSep 11 02:59
schestowitz> For some reason, something that happened almost five years ago poppedSep 11 02:59
schestowitz> into my head.Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> I was the victim of a Linux hack.  I was using a used Dell with LinuxSep 11 02:59
schestowitz> 17.1, and I was having some minor issues, so I was thinking aboutSep 11 02:59
schestowitz> updating, so I downloaded 17.3. Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> Afterward, I began having issues with warning messages: red button onSep 11 02:59
schestowitz> Opera and "not secure" message on Gmail, etc. Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> Apparently, on the very day that I downloaded Mint 17.3, there was a hack.Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> 11 02:59
-TechrightsBN/ | Linux Mint hit by malware infection on its website, forum after hack attack | Ars TechnicaSep 11 02:59
schestowitz> <> Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> I downloaded my communications with Opera, and they are attached.  TheySep 11 02:59
schestowitz> will explain what happened.Sep 11 02:59
schestowitzI went through the first 5 pages quickly. I myself would not use Opera because it's proprietary and now controlled by a Chinese entity. I prefer Falkon.Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> I ended up getting another used Dell, and a Mint 17.3 disk, andSep 11 02:59
schestowitz> everything has been more or less problem free since then.Sep 11 02:59
schestowitzExcellent!Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> But, do you know what the hack tried to do?  In my files, I had a fileSep 11 02:59
schestowitz> called "Passwords," and, as I remember, when the problem startedSep 11 02:59
schestowitz> occurring, I discovered that I couldn't get into the "Passwords" file. Sep 11 02:59
schestowitz> Apparently, the hack or worm, or whatever it was programmed to look forSep 11 03:00
schestowitz> "passwords" and tried to break into my file.  Apparently, Linux MintSep 11 03:00
schestowitz> 17.1 detected this, and locked the "Passwords" file, so nobody, even me,Sep 11 03:00
schestowitz> could get into it.Sep 11 03:00
schestowitzOdd. Either way, yes, I remember that security breach.Sep 11 03:00
schestowitz> Fortunately, I had everything backed up. Sep 11 03:00
schestowitzAlways a good idea to back up to external device, disconnect it at the end of the backup. I do this with 3 external hard drives.Sep 11 03:00
schestowitz> I just double-checked, and my Issues were in October 2016, and theSep 11 03:01
schestowitz> ArsTechnica article is from February 2016.  Sep 11 03:01
schestowitz> Sep 11 03:01
schestowitz> So, somehow my issue was different from the ArsTechnica.  Somehow, ISep 11 03:01
schestowitz> didn't check the dates back then.Sep 11 03:01
schestowitzSo your system probably did not get cracked. Probably something else...Sep 11 03:01
*DaemonFC (~DaemonFC@jwm8wkr4ue5va.irc) has joined #boycottnovellSep 11 03:19
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*techrights_guest|5 (~519aac55@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #boycottnovellSep 11 07:06
schestowitz            <li>Sep 11 07:26
schestowitz              <h5><a href="">Finnix 123 released</a></h5>Sep 11 07:26
schestowitz              <blockquote>Sep 11 07:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @">Finnix )Sep 11 07:26
schestowitz                <p>Today marks the release of Finnix 123, the LiveCD for system administrators. Expanding on Finnix 122 from six months ago, this release includes a number of fixes, new packages and new features. From the Finnix 123 release notes: [...]</p></blockquote></li>Sep 11 07:26
schestowitz-TR2another dimension if the cold war and the risk of being called agent of X/Y when you blow the whistle on corruption in the system (see this morning's post on Latvia)Sep 11 07:56
Techrights-secYes, the crap that was pushed through under the Patriot Act and subsequentSep 11 07:56
Techrights-seccrap entranches and protects taht corruption.  Sep 11 07:56
Techrights-sec Sep 11 07:59
Techrights-secI suspect that the rise of Facebook is not entirely organic and its roleSep 11 07:59
Techrights-secwas kind of expected.  Sep 11 07:59
schestowitz-TR2youtube=fb of video, social controlSep 11 07:59
Techrights-secsee also : 11 08:04
Techrights-sect_Covert_Operation_in_HistorySep 11 08:04
Techrights-secyes, youtube steers people towards certain agendas.Sep 11 08:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Sep 11 08:04
Techrights-secA factor which exacerbates the ongong political muddle is that most Sep 11 08:05
Techrights-secyoung people and many old people can't tell fact from fiction any more,Sep 11 08:05
Techrights-secand are unwilling to try to differentiate the two.Sep 11 08:05
Techrights-secAs far as I can tell the business community started LARPing and the rest ofSep 11 08:08
Techrights-secsociety joined in.  As long as they can postpone the consequences, they canSep 11 08:08
Techrights-seckeep going, even  if it leads to irrevocable collapse of civilization.Sep 11 08:08
schestowitz-TR2I concur and have said something to that effect some times in the pastSep 11 08:09
Techrights-secOn a more local note, would it be worthwile to just scrape TR and munchSep 11 08:11
Techrights-secthe HTML into something more suitable for a static archive?Sep 11 08:11
schestowitz-TR2as long as we  have the latest raw WordPress DB, it should be possible to export/convert to something like hugo, but only when the time is right. It would be hard to run the site without WordPress at the time, and risky too...Sep 11 08:12
Techrights-secHugo is not enough?Sep 11 08:14
schestowitz-TR2I have not checked, but it's not something I am accustomed to and I'm sure some functionality is lackingSep 11 08:14
Techrights-secOk but maybe one of the others.  The load that WP puts on the server, Sep 11 08:21
Techrights-secdespite the "low" traffic, is not reasonable.  It is not reasonable thatSep 11 08:21
Techrights-secthe bottleneck is the CPU.Sep 11 08:21
Techrights-secWhat functionality is lacking?  What is the must-have set of features?Sep 11 08:21
Techrights-seccross-linking by post # and listing all posts linking to currentSep 11 08:22
schestowitz-TR2BTW, in the third line included is always a template. I manually cut all occurrences of it (for weeks, since it started)Sep 11 08:24
Techrights-secYou mean as new posts are added, the cross-linking must occur automatically?Sep 11 08:24
schestowitz-TR2there is a lot of sort of metadata, which would be lost if WP is abandoned so one option is to start afresh, redirect the RSS feed, keep the old in "legacy" modeSep 11 08:25
Techrights-secok, I'll take a look at de-smogSep 11 08:25
Techrights-secok, check desmog again in tomorrow's links, it should skip the template partsSep 11 08:38
schestowitz-TR2thanks, those help a lot as I often use them while preparing articles or talking on the phoneSep 11 08:38
Techrights-secI should move it all to RakuLang some time, it's more a motivational issue thanSep 11 08:41
Techrights-seca technical question at this point.  Ideally the automated parts ought toSep 11 08:41
Techrights-sechappen on TR but that is yet another item waiting for the OS upgrade.Sep 11 08:41
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schestowitz-TR2 11 10:54
-TechrightsBN/ | zoobab "NO Software Patents" (@zoobab): "Remove http, problem solved." | nitterSep 11 10:54
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Techrights-secunscheduled router maintenance Sep 11 14:23
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schestowitzx 11 14:45
schestowitz# M$ spam dressed up as research; note mole inside MIT and Harvard;Sep 11 14:45
-TechrightsBN/ | The effects of remote work on collaboration among information workers | Nature Human BehaviourSep 11 14:45
schestowitz-TR2it is possible Cimpanu was fired and then sought a gig elsewhereSep 11 15:01
Techrights-secIt's possible.  I have no idea about the details of his new employment.Sep 11 15:02
Techrights-secunscheduled router maintenance Sep 11 15:02
Techrights-secdone for nowSep 11 15:02
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@cqggrmwgu7gji.irc) has joined #boycottnovellSep 11 15:07
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schestowitz>> These people think they are VERY important.  After all, they are dealingSep 11 18:07
schestowitz>> with IP - intellectual property.  Really, they are pretentious idiots.Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> LOL. Homeland Security.Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> What did they think at Homeland Security? That some guy would fire offSep 11 18:07
schestowitz> an E-mail???Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> Talk about misplaced priorities.Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> Anyway, lots about Quinn in that wiki page I gave you, though I've notSep 11 18:07
schestowitz> updated it in years...Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> Wasn't too bad. Very laid-back guy with a deep voice.  A black man, I'mSep 11 18:07
schestowitz> sure.  Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> Him:  Mr. MurphySep 11 18:07
schestowitz> Me:  Yes.Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> Him:  Mr. Murphy, this is officer ____ at Homeland Security.  Mr.Sep 11 18:07
schestowitz> Murphy, I understand you called the USPTO and left expletives on theirSep 11 18:08
schestowitz> voicemail.Sep 11 18:08
schestowitz> Me:  Yeah.Sep 11 18:08
schestowitz> Him:  That's a government agency, Mr. Murphy.  You can't do that.  WeSep 11 18:08
schestowitz> would appreciate it if you don't do it any more.Sep 11 18:08
schestowitz> Me:  Okay, fine.Sep 11 18:08
schestowitz> Him:  Thank you, Mr. Murphy.Sep 11 18:08
schestowitz> Sep 11 18:08
schestowitz> They don't have anything else to do, except call citizens who get angrySep 11 18:08
schestowitz> because people at the USPTO don't answer their messages.  Sep 11 18:08
schestowitz> Sep 11 18:08
schestowitz> Tomorrow's 20th anniversary of 911, which gave us Homeland Security.  Sep 11 18:08
schestowitz> I looked through your Watchtroll link, and you also mention DennisSep 11 18:09
schestowitz> Crouch, at Patently-O.Sep 11 18:09
schestowitz> Sep 11 18:09
schestowitz> I also found an article at Patently-O that dealt with my problem, and ISep 11 18:09
schestowitz> tried repeatedly to contact Crouch.  No response.Sep 11 18:09
schestowitz> Sep 11 18:09
schestowitz> These people just don't care about inventors.  Sep 11 18:09
schestowitzPatently-O/Crouch is bankrolled by a large litigation firm.Sep 11 18:09
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schestowitz> That explains it.  Sep 11 22:12
schestowitz> Sep 11 22:12
schestowitz> There are so many websites that are just fronts for big money.Sep 11 22:12
schestowitz> Sep 11 22:12
schestowitz> I'm sure you probably already know about it, but a few months ago I ranSep 11 22:12
schestowitz> across something called savetheinventor.comSep 11 22:12
schestowitz> <>.  It features a video by Kappos, as well asSep 11 22:12
-TechrightsBN/ | Save the Inventor |Sep 11 22:12
schestowitz> other people, and, when you try to track them down, they are justSep 11 22:12
schestowitz> highly-paid shills.  Sep 11 22:12
schestowitz> Sep 11 22:12
schestowitz> You can imagine that I've contacted them several times,Sep 11 22:12
schestowitz> identifying myself as an inventor, and they don't reply.Sep 11 22:12
schestowitz> Sep 11 22:12
schestowitz> A few months ago, I ran across a similar website that had maybe 40-50Sep 11 22:12
schestowitz> smiling faces of well-paid corporate shills, but I somehow forgot toSep 11 22:12
schestowitz> bookmark it.  Sep 11 22:12
schestowitzThe above-mentioned site is another collective of idiots, liars, and imposters. We wrote about them and others in the past. Techrights has over 31,000 blog posts.Sep 11 22:12
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