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IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, May 15, 2022

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*asusbox2 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 15 00:08
*asusbox2 (~rianne@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 00:08
*asusbox2 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 15 00:16
*asusbox2 (~rianne@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 00:16
*asusbox2 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 15 00:39
*asusbox2 (~rianne@s44cwn8sugddy.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 00:40
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellMay 15 00:49
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 00:49
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellMay 15 02:47
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 02:47
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 15 06:05
Techrights-secokMay 15 06:34
Techrights-secso maybe there is something misconfigure or non-standard in the formulaMay 15 06:34
Techrights-secwith opensslMay 15 06:34
schestowitz-TReven if I try to run it from a script on my laptop it does not wokrMay 15 06:40
schestowitz-TRmust be interactive modeMay 15 06:40
schestowitz-TRin shMay 15 06:40
schestowitz-TRon laptop, CLI or bash tooMay 15 06:40
schestowitz-TRin /usr/bin/sh in debianMay 15 06:40
Techrights-secintriguing.  even with the #!/bin/sh at the top?May 15 06:40
schestowitz-TRlol netflixMay 15 07:32
schestowitz-TRget popcornMay 15 07:32
schestowitz-TRanything to buy time from shareholders...May 15 07:32
schestowitz-TR"we're not a METAVERSE company..."May 15 07:33
schestowitz-TR"don't worry, lads, we can pull this off!!!"May 15 07:33
schestowitz-TRor they could end up like tumblr and onlyfans profiting only from sexMay 15 07:33
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellMay 15 07:50
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 07:50
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> Far too many US companies operate at a loss and some get bailed out by taxpayers, e.g. Microsoft (stealing frMay 15 08:31
schestowitz-TRom the public) 15 08:31
-TechrightsBN/ | Palantir CEO: Threat of nuclear conflict 'underestimated' • The RegisterMay 15 08:31
schestowitz-TRtoday's backups are all in good integrity May 15 08:31
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellMay 15 08:56
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 08:56
Techrights-secackMay 15 08:57
Techrights-secok that good, I'll try the remote backup here thenMay 15 08:57
schestowitz-TRafter spen^Hwasting 2-3 hours on this I decided I'd manually run (interactive mode)May 15 08:59
schestowitz-TRthe command and then let the cron job pick the output from /tmpMay 15 08:59
Techrights-secackMay 15 09:17
schestowitz-TRfyi, i have this session shows on another laptop nowMay 15 09:17
schestowitz-TRso if this one loses the connection it won't be orphaned and also I can detect change betterMay 15 09:17
Techrights-secok, that's an advantage of tmuxMay 15 09:25
Techrights-secthe wordpress tarballs are over 1GB in size, each, can that be correct?May 15 09:47
Techrights-secto answer that myself, yes, the files have slowly grown over timeMay 15 09:47
Techrights-secok thanksMay 15 09:47
Techrights-sec1.3 is HUGE can that be compacted upstream at all?May 15 09:47
schestowitz-TRyes, about 13000mbMay 15 09:47
schestowitz-TRfrom mysql>May 15 09:47
schestowitz-TRyou could see table sizesMay 15 09:47
schestowitz-TRrevision history is there tooMay 15 09:47
schestowitz-TRposts at 33.5kMay 15 09:54
schestowitz-TRpost+revs 150kMay 15 09:54
schestowitz-TRthe latter could be compacted out of existenceMay 15 09:54
schestowitz-TRI'd rather keep them thoughMay 15 09:54
schestowitz-TRa lot of the volume is in Daily LinksMay 15 09:54
schestowitz-TRmaybe 80% of the total space usageMay 15 09:54
Techrights-secackMay 15 09:54
Techrights-secif it is safe to do so, it would helpMay 15 09:54
Techrights-secokMay 15 09:58
schestowitz-TRthe Daily Links stuff does not link to other posts using [cref ]May 15 09:59
schestowitz-TRso it's one of those things that separating away from WordPress would be more doable withMay 15 09:59
schestowitz-TRI still don't know how many hours we'll work come JullyMay 15 09:59
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> Reasons why the tech stock crash may be far from over 15 10:03
-TechrightsBN/ | Reasons why the tech stock crash may be far from over | Financial TimesMay 15 10:03
schestowitz-TRwith skyjake added (I need to run a thing manually about once a day, only takes about 15 secs)May 15 10:14
schestowitz-TRwe now net and archive 10-40 gemini posts per dayMay 15 10:14
schestowitz-TRarchive only in the link senseMay 15 10:14
schestowitz-TRweekends are slowerMay 15 10:14
schestowitz-TRbut there are cartoons, cats, crossword puzzles, TR is a daily bundle, and even podcasts on gemini://May 15 10:14
schestowitz-TRTR does videos too, but the files are sent over http/sMay 15 10:14
schestowitz-TRlet's hope one day there will be 100+ per dayMay 15 10:14
schestowitz-TRthem, we can take that further with some curationMay 15 10:14
schestowitz-TRthe idea being, show that gemini is large and also goodMay 15 10:14
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@dt5vrpiyz8zys.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 11:03
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 11:09
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 11:09
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 15 11:29
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 15 11:29
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 11:30
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 11:30
schestowitz>>> Check out the gallery... one picture stands out.  Does it violate theMay 15 11:42
schestowitz>>> CoC or are they shooting at it?May 15 11:42
schestowitz>>>May 15 11:42
schestowitz>>> 15 11:42
-TechrightsBN/ | Log into Facebook | FacebookMay 15 11:42
schestowitz>> Facebookism.May 15 11:42
schestowitz> May 15 11:42
schestowitz> A lot of the Balkan women are using social media and very few are usingMay 15 11:42
schestowitz> Linux, let alone DebianMay 15 11:42
schestowitz> May 15 11:42
schestowitz> I see a culture clash on the horizonMay 15 11:42
schestowitz> May 15 11:42
schestowitz> But maybe the Debian people don't plan to talk about computing at allMay 15 11:42
schestowitz-TRDatingian LinuxMay 15 11:44
schestowitz-TRI'm sure it is widespread knowledge already, but busing people in for impression of diversity aside,May 15 11:46
schestowitz-TRin China they pay "white people" to shut up at eventsMay 15 11:46
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellMay 15 12:04
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 12:04
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 15 12:39
schestowitz-TRwill report on epo stuff and ota eta 1 hourMay 15 13:10
schestowitz-TRthen upcMay 15 13:10
schestowitz-TRI'm startinmg to give up on keeping up with patent newsMay 15 13:10
schestowitz-TRbecause it's not a hot topic in general (anymorE)May 15 13:10
schestowitz-TReven the push for covid vaccinene patent waiver is not a thing anymoreMay 15 13:10
Techrights-secackMay 15 13:11
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 13:32
*Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)May 15 13:37
Techrights-sechave you tried logging into the KDE forums at all?  It's an unmitigated    May 15 14:30
Techrights-secdisaster for usability and unnecessary, pointless complexityMay 15 14:30
Techrights-secThe workflow is not well thought out at allMay 15 14:30
Techrights-secanyway, trying some KDE stuff at the moment, it is mostly quite nice butMay 15 14:30
Techrights-secweird bugs prominent    May 15 14:30
schestowitz-TRwhich version or distro? Debian?May 15 14:30
Techrights-secDevuan 5 (daedaulus) just some of the productivity tools not the fullMay 15 14:46
Techrights-secdesktop environmentMay 15 14:46
Techrights-sec$ apt-cache policy akonadi-server | head -n 2May 15 14:46
Techrights-secakonadi-server:May 15 14:46
Techrights-sec  Installed: 4:21.12.3-2May 15 14:46
schestowitz-TRah, I know the solution to thisMay 15 14:47
schestowitz-TRon my laptops and rianne's May 15 14:47
schestowitz-TRCTRL-ESCMay 15 14:47
schestowitz-TRtype in "akA"May 15 14:47
schestowitz-TRCTRL+AMay 15 14:47
schestowitz-TRkillMay 15 14:47
schestowitz-TRI fucking hate akonadiMay 15 14:47
schestowitz-TRit's giving me nothing but crapMay 15 14:48
schestowitz-TRand its predecessors tooMay 15 14:48
Techrights-secthe forum registration process is just as bad but akonadi sucks up all tMay 15 14:48
Techrights-secthe data regardless of where programs /say/ they are configured to store itMay 15 14:48
schestowitz-TRtype in ako in ksysgusrd (now renamed)May 15 14:49
schestowitz-TRkill the whole lotMay 15 14:49
schestowitz-TRinc. mysqlMay 15 14:49
schestowitz-TRthen get shit doneMay 15 14:49
schestowitz-TRthe same for "store" in gnome or otherMay 15 14:49
schestowitz-TRall these things do is waste resources imeMay 15 14:49
Techrights-secstopping the akonadi 'server' does nothing, applications seem to write toMay 15 14:54
Techrights-secit direvtlyMay 15 14:54
Techrights-secanyway, that's a distraction from important stuffMay 15 14:54
schestowitz-TRif you just kill all the "ako" processes, bear in mind starting kmail or kalendar would bring those back againMay 15 14:54
schestowitz-TRso just avoid thatMay 15 14:54
Techrights-sec:( it seems to be using MySQL or similarMay 15 14:54
schestowitz-TRDB for something like email with flat files is not good plan, imhoMay 15 14:55
schestowitz-TRor even for very large file systemsMay 15 14:55
schestowitz-TRmy systems are quite tidyMay 15 14:55
schestowitz-TRI rarely need desktop searcghMay 15 14:55
Techrights-sec$ pgrep -lf mysqlMay 15 14:56
Techrights-sec22372 mysqldMay 15 14:56
Techrights-secWTF?May 15 14:56
Techrights-secNo but there is SQLite3May 15 14:56
Techrights-sechmm looking at the forum most posts have few if any repliesMay 15 15:12
Techrights-secmost have no repliesMay 15 15:12
Techrights-secrecoll is best for desktop search and has fewer dependenciesMay 15 15:12
*Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 15:17
schestowitz-TRdraft (takes ages to do those, butr it's important)May 15 15:17
Techrights-secackMay 15 15:25
Techrights-secnot just breaking credibility but is probably grounds for getting struck offMay 15 15:25
schestowitz-TRyes, i must stress i am pro euMay 15 15:25
schestowitz-TRnot concern-trollingMay 15 15:25
Techrights-secackMay 15 15:42
schestowitz-TRthe common tactic is to mention afd or claim the critic is "Russia" or "euroscepticMay 15 15:43
schestowitz-TRas if the facts are emotion rather than logicalMay 15 15:43
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 15 16:45
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 15 16:45
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 16:49
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 16:49
schestowitz-TROTAx2May 15 17:19
schestowitz-TRfinished recordingMay 15 17:19
Techrights-secackMay 15 17:20
schestowitz"May 15 17:36
schestowitzEarly this year, SUEPO called for actions supported by the Central Staff Committee (CSC). The main reason for discontent with the EPO present administration led by Mr. Campinos during the last four years follows his flawed Financial Study of 2019 made by Oliver Wyman & Mercer and the consequent reforms. The new salary adjustment procedure causes a disastrous immediate and long-term loss of purchasing power and denies the massive efforts made by May 15 17:36
schestowitzEPO staff during the last two pandemic years.May 15 17:36
schestowitzThe inflation in the Netherlands of 11.2% and in Germany of 7.8% over the last 12 months accounts for far more than a double step reward (on average 1 step equals 2%). Less than 60% of eligible staff (actually less than 50% of all staff) may receive a single step let alone a double step this year. This is the worst year in the career of EPO staff which comes at the time when staff worked diligently through the worst pandemic of the century and May 15 17:36
schestowitzthe worst inflation since the EPO inception.May 15 17:36
schestowitzThe ‘Work-to-Rule Actions’ are proving successful and the Focus on search actions is effective. The actions are drawing the attention of the Administrative Council and external stakeholders thereby persuading management to take staff’s concerns seriously. Actions continue.May 15 17:36
schestowitz"May 15 17:36
Techrights-secackMay 15 17:42
schestowitz-TRworking on the text atmMay 15 17:43
schestowitz-TRput on the last litre of coffee for a while, we need to move to tea and lemon (quarter the original price, still fresh)May 15 18:13
schestowitz-TRrianne just sold a high-priced item in ebayMay 15 18:13
schestowitz-TRbut there is a "recession" hereMay 15 18:13
schestowitz-TRdraftMay 15 18:13
Techrights-secACKMay 15 18:13
Techrights-sec^ackMay 15 18:13
Techrights-seccheckingMay 15 18:13
schestowitz-TRgood idea, I will use the empoty summary for thisMay 15 18:22
schestowitz-TRadd title, desc/summaryMay 15 18:22
schestowitz-TRdoneMay 15 18:22
schestowitz-TRok, try nowMay 15 18:22
schestowitz-TRthe summary is very important (I read itr 3 times) because more people read that (than the body)May 15 18:22
Techrights-sec'work-to-rule' can be described in a few words to remind the reader of May 15 18:23
Techrights-secwhat it is and how it fits inMay 15 18:23
Techrights-secgreat! May 15 18:23
Techrights-secs/embrked/embarked/May 15 18:23
Techrights-secThe summary could still benefit from saying what 'work-to-rule' actually isMay 15 18:23
Techrights-secThat will help the reader understand why they are a good thingMay 15 18:23
Techrights-seccheckingMay 15 18:23
Techrights-secA good place to actually define 'work-to-rule' would be the second paragraphMay 15 18:23
schestowitz-TRr3rd para expandedMay 15 18:27
schestowitz-TRmany correctiolns applied, best to refresh page May 15 18:27
Techrights-secok then please add a few words about what the phrase/term meansMay 15 18:28
Techrights-secthanksMay 15 18:28
Techrights-secrefreshingMay 15 18:28
schestowitz-TR "I've had similar thoughts, I mean, the immediate of 'social' media, designed for engagement has a lot of problems." gemini:// 15 18:39
Techrights-secackMay 15 18:44
Techrights-sec"""May 15 18:44
Techrights-secI can create my own system", andMay 15 18:44
Techrights-sec            later when your new system involves money (sinceMay 15 18:44
Techrights-sec            everything costs money) and power (since socialMay 15 18:44
Techrights-sec            relationships create power), you are facing anMay 15 18:44
Techrights-sec            interesting dilemma.May 15 18:44
Techrights-sec"""May 15 18:44
schestowitz-TRyes, I added that part to Faily LinksMay 15 18:44
schestowitz-TRthat also describes githubMay 15 18:44
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@j4ykrwq9qntti.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 19:05
schestowitz-TRI like what I find in Gemini, on averge, more than WWWMay 15 19:14
schestowitz-TRbecause it weeds out not "stupid people"May 15 19:14
schestowitz-TRbut coirporate influence that breeds dishonesty and marketeeringMay 15 19:14
schestowitz-TRno posts about "clown computing"May 15 19:14
schestowitz-TRor "devops"May 15 19:14
schestowitz-TRsean conner actually mocked all those buzzwords recentlyMay 15 19:14
schestowitz-TRso yopu have non-conforment technical peopleMay 15 19:15
schestowitz-TRtrying to write not for money or "SEO"May 15 19:15
schestowitz-TRor "brands"May 15 19:15
schestowitz-TRvideo upload nearly doneMay 15 19:15
schestowitz-TRI've uploade d ameme in the meantimeMay 15 19:15
schestowitz-TRas draft May 15 19:15
schestowitz-TR"toxic" mortgagesMay 15 19:15
Techrights-secackMay 15 19:15
Techrights-secquantity over quality has been a problem, pushed by management May 15 19:15
Techrights-secso it is important to distinguish this downturn from an actually May 15 19:15
Techrights-secdesireable reacallibrationMay 15 19:15
schestowitz-TRI changed the headline to say "Much-Needed"May 15 19:26
schestowitz-TRAdded a note to the meme tooMay 15 19:26
schestowitz-TRas I felt some might see minus and think "oh, bad!"May 15 19:26
schestowitz-TRdraftMay 15 19:37
schestowitz-TRthen they defect then you winMay 15 19:40
Techrights-secthanksMay 15 19:41
Techrights-secackMay 15 19:41
*schestowitz-TR2 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)May 15 19:41
*Techrights-sec has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)May 15 19:41
*acer-box (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 19:41
*Techrights-sec (~quassel@freenode-j7a7ih.am6e.nqgd.t29qgt.IP) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 19:42
schestowitzI've just noted the <u></u> empty warnings in 15 19:54
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 403 @ )May 15 19:54
Techrights-secthere are some more serious errors, according to the validatorMay 15 19:56
schestowitz-TRyes, it's very hard to appese these specs with any embedded video and with "cards"May 15 19:57
schestowitz-TRfor social control media to show preview imageMay 15 19:57
schestowitz-TRthat used to be all green for over a decadeMay 15 19:57
schestowitz-TRvut "modern" web....May 15 19:57
schestowitz-TR*butMay 15 19:57
Techrights-secackMay 15 19:59
Techrights-secthere are some more serious errors, according to the validatorMay 15 19:59
Techrights-secIt's easy, if the standards are followed, the first line needs to May 15 19:59
Techrights-secbe removed and replaced with <!doctype html> which the assholes at m$ and   May 15 19:59
Techrights-secelsewhere decided should represent HTML5May 15 19:59
Techrights-secThe other option is to remove the HTML5 cruft and stick with HTML4May 15 19:59
Techrights-secdraft does not have the most coherent quote on the topic :/May 15 20:04
schestowitz-TRthere are two drafts now, one is a memeMay 15 20:04
schestowitz-TRI made two minitor changes and pushed to git for faster postingMay 15 22:24
schestowitz-TR*minor changesMay 15 22:24
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 15 23:09
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 15 23:09
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 23:10
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 15 23:10

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