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IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, May 17, 2022

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*buzzert has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 17 00:07
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellMay 17 01:17
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 01:17
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellMay 17 02:12
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 02:12
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellMay 17 04:54
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 05:07
*DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)May 17 07:20
schestowitz-TRyou have linked to "Kim Diaz" (SPAM< fictional template)May 17 08:47
schestowitz-TRin "News Trace" (fake news)May 17 08:47
schestowitz-TRlikely computer-generated clickbair based on some anchent taxtMay 17 08:47
schestowitz-TRI LOLed a bit when I opened itMay 17 08:47
schestowitz-TRI had already added the site to my mental list is not spamSites tooMay 17 08:47
schestowitz-TRit's not a real articleMay 17 08:47
schestowitz-TRit's webspamMay 17 08:47
schestowitz-TRIf Gulag promotes this site, than shame onm Gulag tooMay 17 08:47
schestowitz-TR"Kim Diaz" used to have a very sexy pictureMay 17 08:47
schestowitz-TRobv. something nicked from somewhereMay 17 08:47
Techrights-secsorry, I'll add it to the blacklist but I figure that oen was importantMay 17 08:47
Techrights-secto observe in the 'other' links to track what the bullshitters are on aboutMay 17 08:47
Techrights-secthese daysMay 17 08:47
schestowitz-TRone good giveaway it, mostly BS or empoty site footerMay 17 08:48
schestowitz-TRFAR too broad a range of topics, either at top or front pageMay 17 08:48
Techrights-sechence the x preceding the linkMay 17 08:48
schestowitz-TRnobody wrote this articleMay 17 08:48
schestowitz-TRit's fakeMay 17 08:48
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellMay 17 11:06
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 11:06
Techrights-secFrom IRC, were you able to get in contat with that politician regardingMay 17 11:06
Techrights-secpatents?May 17 11:06
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@m5c7ce8bffjme.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 11:06
schestowitz-TRUdall?May 17 11:10
Techrights-secCOuld be May 17 11:10
Techrights-secThere is need for global coordination  here since otherwise the patent cartel May 17 11:10
Techrights-secor whatever it should be called will otherwise just do a divide-and-conquerMay 17 11:10
Techrights-sectactic.  May 17 11:10
schestowitz-TRI want to talk to his about the Torture Report, then some about patentsMay 17 11:18
Techrights-secackMay 17 11:18
schestowitz-TRHe and Wyden were working together on thatMay 17 11:19
schestowitz-TRI'd love to speak to him directly (not assistants)May 17 11:19
Techrights-seccoolMay 17 11:19
Techrights-secthe search engine is returning 'patients" instead of "patents"May 17 11:28
Techrights-secmobile phones used to last a week or soMay 17 11:31
Techrights-secpiperwire is supposed to be the replacement, I will have t olook at that May 17 11:31
Techrights-secin the futute but not nowMay 17 11:31
*DaemonFC has quit (connection closed)May 17 11:33
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 12:57
schestowitz-TR 17 13:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Ghost6Shell (@Ghost6Shell): "This is an amazing article over at techdirt; #encryption #rowvswade #techrights #encryptitall" | nitter.itMay 17 13:33
schestowitz-TR. 17 13:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Project 2501 (@puppetmaster0x0): "This is an amazing article over at techdirt; #encryption #rowvswade #techrights #encryptitall" | nitter.itMay 17 13:33
schestowitz-TRotaMay 17 13:56
schestowitz-TRdraftMay 17 13:56
schestowitz-TRat work, when I receive a call from the US (more common this year), even without the accent I can tellMay 17 14:00
schestowitz-TRpeople are rudeMay 17 14:00
Techrights-secackMay 17 14:01
Techrights-seccheckingMay 17 14:01
Techrights-secthe "massive campaign of bribery and blackmail against publishers" could useMay 17 14:01
Techrights-seca link or somethingMay 17 14:01
schestowitz-TRI will add some linksMay 17 14:01
schestowitz-TRiut's still uploading the video anywayMay 17 14:01
schestowitz-TRIU've meanwhiole added a meme as another draftMay 17 14:01
schestowitz-TROK, Iv'e added links to the post, now shotput exercise while doiugn final readMay 17 14:22
Techrights-secackMay 17 14:23
schestowitz-TRlatest gitm push laregly reactiopnaryMay 17 14:27
schestowitz-TRsometimes I forget to fetch the latest tags BEFORE finalising daily linksMay 17 14:27
schestowitz-TRthe issue is now resolved as I pullevery 5 mins and the file is updated when neededMay 17 14:27
schestowitz-TRthis will also vastly reduce change of commit conflictsMay 17 14:27
schestowitz-TRthe screen shows me when something is pushed within <5 minsMay 17 14:27
schestowitz-TRlike a notification so to speakMay 17 14:27
schestowitz-TRbut unlike social control media, this one will always be informativeMay 17 14:27
schestowitz-TR(ot-ish) lately the reg was not as bad as before. ms tim is not there anymore (he is elsewhere), theyMay 17 14:34
schestowitz-TRhired some foss-focused authors, but they still have some issues.May 17 14:34
schestowitz-TRbut it was a lot worse last yearMay 17 14:34
schestowitz[14:54] <techrights-news> UK COVID-19 tests waning, even when so many people still get ill (and hundreds per day die with it). Lowest testing rates since 17-08-2020.May 17 14:59
schestowitz> Its a bit sad, no more roy@diasporaMay 17 14:59
schestowitz> May 17 14:59
schestowitz> there is also a PATENT file that comes with Go lang licence... u are the expert on patents right? :-pMay 17 14:59
schestowitz> May 17 14:59
schestowitz> Yeah with the Corona dodging... look at China & NorthKorea ... sorry to say but with Omicron... May 17 14:59
schestowitz> May 17 14:59
schestowitz> 1) it is still a prolem, like a hefty flue, those with preconditions (lile asthma) might get into troubleMay 17 14:59
schestowitz> May 17 14:59
schestowitz> 2) everyone will sooner or later get it, zero covid failed, nature is stronger, mankind was arrogant, what can ye do?May 17 14:59
schestowitz> May 17 14:59
schestowitz> The Chinese realize that now too.May 17 14:59
schestowitzGulag (Google) is part of the patent "cabal".May 17 14:59
schestowitzI'm not interested in Go or anything else Gulag controls.May 17 14:59
schestowitzRegarding COVID-19, responses will improve over time, e.g. pills and stuff. My mom got it twice already, so just "getting it" doesn't mean jack. It harms the body each time. Minimising the number of infections until we can combat this thing like we do the flu... probably worthwhile if one can work from home.May 17 14:59
schestowitz> As a content creatorMay 17 15:01
schestowitz> May 17 15:01
schestowitz> U might like this web3 presentation :)May 17 15:01
schestowitz> May 17 15:01
schestowitz>'m watching it now, thanks.May 17 15:01
-TechrightsBN/ | NO TITLEMay 17 15:01
schestowitzI'm very sceptical when I see the term web3, but I will look past the "labels" and pay attention to the substance.May 17 15:01
Techrights-secok I suppose it will be ok to resume checking The Register again for a while_May 17 15:01
Techrights-sec?May 17 15:01
schestowitz-TRprobably not worth is unless you pass by it in searches, which is what happens to me as they do May 17 15:02
schestowitz-TRvery dirty SEO thhat plasters their site's articles all over unrelated searches ("related" linksMay 17 15:02
schestowitz-TRare scanned by Gulag as "body")May 17 15:02
Techrights-secok I stumble across it sometimes but have previously ignored it when thatMay 17 15:04
Techrights-sechappens; I'll give it a second look for nowMay 17 15:04
schestowitz-TR3 days ago I wanted to say that they cover microsoft malware a LOTMay 17 15:05
schestowitz-TRand quite a few unflattering things about MicrosoftMay 17 15:05
schestowitz-TRthe Microsoft fluff still happens, but not as often this yearMay 17 15:05
schestowitz-TRalso, for Microsoft malware you need to read between the lines to demonstrate thatMay 17 15:05
schestowitz-TRthis is in fact windowsMay 17 15:05
Techrights-secSam is still allowed to do that but most sites and authors treat malwareMay 17 15:06
Techrights-secas an act of God rather than the natural fallout from M$ bad designMay 17 15:06
schestowitz-TRwe need to blast them for blaming the victims and attackersMay 17 15:07
schestowitz-TRwhile the hole makers and those transmitting the malware (NPM/GitHub/Microsoft)May 17 15:07
schestowitz-TRare seen as merely victims May 17 15:07
Techrights-secyes that has been a long term practice by microsofters: blame the victimMay 17 15:08
Techrights-secit has become so widespread and generaly accepted to do so, such thatMay 17 15:08
Techrights-seceven mozilla has started to behave that wayMay 17 15:09
schestowitz-TRThe Web cancels fastMay 17 15:50
schestowitz-TRForgots fastMay 17 15:50
schestowitz-TRLoses information fastMay 17 15:50
schestowitz-TRinc. any syllabusMay 17 15:50
schestowitz-TRso I made local copies of many things over the yearsMay 17 15:50
schestowitz-TRinc. Web pagesMay 17 15:50
schestowitz-TRI don't even know the URL of the norsoc site anymoreMay 17 15:50
schestowitz-TRso it would be hard to check the Wayback MachineMay 17 15:50
schestowitz-TRmaybe very old backups have it in the bookmarks somewhereMay 17 15:50
Techrights-secackMay 17 15:51
Techrights-secIt's hard to make copies of everyting "just in case"  That's what libraries andMay 17 15:51
Techrights-secarchives used to do but don't any moreMay 17 15:51
Techrights-secOne library in Canada was supposed to keep a copy of a reference specificationMay 17 15:51
Techrights-secof the final draft of a specific standard and got money to do so.  ThenMay 17 15:51
Techrights-seca few years later deleted the etirety of the last remaining copy i nthe worldMay 17 15:51
Techrights-secfrom their web site to save a few kilobytes becase it "was not accessed so often:May 17 15:51
Techrights-sec"May 17 15:52
Techrights-secIt cost them extra work to delete it, it cost them nothing to keep it unmolestedMay 17 15:52
Techrights-secand furthermore they had already accepted the money to keep the copy on recordMay 17 15:52
Techrights-secfor more than just a few monthsMay 17 15:52
schestowitz-TRnot everyone thinks like you May 17 15:52
schestowitz-TRand therein lies the issueMay 17 15:52
Techrights-secArchival librarians are supposed to do their job in regards to preservationMay 17 15:53
Techrights-secespecially when the contract stipulates it.  May 17 15:53
*psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)May 17 15:54
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 15:54
schestowitz-TRif you are technical and not on shoestring budget, you can take advantage of the situationMay 17 15:55
schestowitz-TRas long as the Web is "open" and storage is cheap, you can step in and fill the gapMay 17 15:55
schestowitz-TRwhile many "news" sites perish the last account og events will be yoursMay 17 15:55
schestowitz-TRthen, the lawyer of Mr. Hovsepian will adk you ever so kindly to delete your own recordMay 17 15:55
schestowitz-TRso you have one extra letter to add to the "ecollection"May 17 15:55
*psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)May 17 16:06
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 16:06
schestowitz-TRPhoronix today: "Microsoft's Newest Linux Driver..." Way to piss off and turn off your audience, Michael.May 17 16:08
schestowitz-TR Sometimes (esp. this year) it feels like Schneier 'died' or sold/licensed his name/blog for the state to "field"... this isn't the same person who cared deeply for Real Security. Very disappointing. :/May 17 16:08
schestowitz-TR Ubuntu Kylin 20.04 OS works on RISC-V hardware 17 16:08
-TechrightsBN/ | China's Kylin Linux targets second RISC-V platform | Tux MachinesMay 17 16:08
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> "Today's society and its digital platforms thrive on engagement. What's the most engaging thing? Content that produces the extremes of human emotions. Usually, that is, borderline gore, blantant clickbait that induces rage, acting like the end of the world is near, arguing online about useless things, and the list can go on." gemini:// 17 16:10
schestowitz-TR "A microwave oven on low may put out a couple of hundred watts; a cell phone struggling to reach a tower, maybe 3 watts, and will get hot in your hand. So you get to cook your brain _very_ slowly. But living behind a microwave antenna -- all bets are off." gemini:// 17 16:11
Techrights-secyepMay 17 16:24
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> This is openwashing, paid-for openwash-as-a-service, as Bloomberg is proprietary-first; OSI lost touch and sight of its original purpose, which it now undermines for cash (only about 3% of less of OSI's money comes from members; it's corporate) 17 16:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Memray project showcases why Bloomberg is an ‘open source first’ companyMay 17 16:27
schestowitz-TR-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- | Memray project showcases why Bloomberg is an ‘open source first’ companyMay 17 16:27
-TechrightsBN/ | In the Latest OSI Tax Filing (From the IRS), Filed 13 Months Ago, Only 4% of the Revenue Comes From Members (People, Not Corporations) and $252,702 Goes to Microsoft Projects (Propping Up Proprietary Software Monopoly) | TechrightsMay 17 16:27
schestowitz-TR | In the Latest OSI Tax Filing (From the IRS), Filed 13 Months Ago, Only 4% of the Revenue Comes From Members (People, Not Corporations) and $252,702 Goes to Microsoft Projects (Propping Up Proprietary Software Monopoly) | TechrightsMay 17 16:27
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> OSI says that a proprietary Wall Street firm is "open", but this is GitHub (proprietary/Microsoft) promotion. i.e. more of the same from OSIMay 17 16:27
schestowitz-TR It is so ironic that an organisation called "accessnow" has outsourced to an oligarchs-owned censorship platform and speaks about "privacy" when that platform is notorious for its mass surveillance and manipulation thereof 17 16:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Where can you find Access Now at CPDP 2022? - Access NowMay 17 16:27
schestowitz-TRI've come to the conclusion that the Web is "garbage amplifier" and "reinforcer"May 17 16:28
schestowitz-TReven the EFFMay 17 16:28
schestowitz-TRlook what those people (the news ones) are doingMay 17 16:28
schestowitz-TR*newMay 17 16:28
schestowitz-TRchristine has once again abandoned her siteMay 17 16:30
schestowitz-TRand is going ibm stenography againMay 17 16:30
schestowitz-TRhabitually throwing snide remarks at those who criticise those who pay herMay 17 16:30
schestowitz-TRwhich is basically what they pay forMay 17 16:30
Techrights-sectragicMay 17 16:32
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 17 16:36
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 17 16:36
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 16:38
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@v6xmmrhxmbafc.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 16:39
Techrights-secwith twitter, the public usually misinterprets snideness as correctnessMay 17 16:54
Techrights-secand the medium is to abbreviated to dive into any facts, deeply or shallowlMay 17 16:54
Techrights-secyMay 17 16:54
schestowitz-TRmoments ago I went out of my way to avoidMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRa) billBCMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRb) socialcontrolmediaMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRto get some update on toinights Liverpool FC gameMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRI nowadays go to the official sites of the teamMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRthey usually have fine ways to display what's going onMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRbut most people do not value official sourcesMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRand the teams two emphasise the outsourcingMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRlike the official manchester city fc site would show a TWEETMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRwith the player lineupMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRas embedded elementMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRinstead of writing it properly in the siteMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRwithout hashtags and spying and all thatMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRas if they MUST do this via TwitterMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRtheir site won't be visited muchMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRnor will they control their OWN messageMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRif they carry on doing thisMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRpoliticians alikeMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRthey will hav e ba million fake "followers"May 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRand maybe a thousand people visiting their siteMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRYouTube "stars" with a site nobody visitsMay 17 16:57
schestowitz-TRbut millionf of subsMay 17 16:58
schestowitz-TRthat guag no longer informsMay 17 16:58
schestowitz-TRno rss feedsMay 17 16:58
Techrights-secyes, it's strange that some people go very far out of their way to avoid theMay 17 17:01
Techrights-secofficial site for their teamMay 17 17:01
Techrights-secevery site that sends people away and over to social control media loses outMay 17 17:01
Techrights-secjust a bit more each time it happens May 17 17:01
Techrights-sec 17 17:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-'The Oatmeal' creator rips Facebook in comic — and Facebook asks if he wants to 'boost' the post – GeekWireMay 17 17:01
Techrights-secsome people get itMay 17 17:01
schestowitz-TRsomeone from germany who followed me via diaspora thought something had happened to meMay 17 17:04
schestowitz-TRwrongly assuming I only exist in that contextMay 17 17:04
schestowitz-TRmy dad, boorish enough to think FB ons Twitter and that all I do online was "tweet"  May 17 17:04
schestowitz-TR(he could barely tell the difference), worried when I did not "tweet" for a wholeMay 17 17:04
schestowitz-TRthere was really never a need to adopt identica, as trmanco wanted me to,May 17 17:04
schestowitz-TRbut back then the malignant elemented had not yet shown themselvesMay 17 17:04
schestowitz-TRwe already had IRC May 17 17:04
schestowitz-TRI think the german guy is noted in today's irc logsMay 17 17:04
schestowitz-TRmaybe I underestimated how many people "followed" in OTHER pods of May 17 17:04
schestowitz-TRidenticaMay 17 17:04
schestowitz-TRbut really, all pods are ticking time bombsMay 17 17:04
Techrights-secinteresting, I hope you were able to widen his horizons as to the availableMay 17 17:09
Techrights-sectechnologies and servicesMay 17 17:09
Techrights-secone problem of many with the 'pods' and such is the extremely heavy overheadMay 17 17:09
Techrights-secand high maintenance; too many people build things out until the verge of May 17 17:09
Techrights-seccollapse and then hover at the brink; Gemini is a refreshing change fromMay 17 17:09
Techrights-secthat;May 17 17:09
schestowitz-TRgemini does not hae to be "ugly" eitherMay 17 17:12
schestowitz-TRclient side, DE side etc. you can enhance the appearanceMay 17 17:12
schestowitz-TRand make it suit your own prefsMay 17 17:12
schestowitz-TRbut the upside is, plain text files, low b/w (hence cost)May 17 17:12
schestowitz-TRthough I think "tying" together the space would helpMay 17 17:12
schestowitz-TRhence I try to gradually make a sort of "directory"May 17 17:12
schestowitz-TRdoing a search engine is hard and expensiveMay 17 17:12
schestowitz-TRdirectories are cheap May 17 17:12
schestowitz-TRlike dmoz before people said "just gulag it!"May 17 17:12
schestowitz-TRthese ~30 lemons we bought may help us lose weight, they're good appetite suppressors May 17 17:24
schestowitz-TReitherMay 17 17:24
schestowitz-TRwith tea of just water. We plan another journey tomorrow if the weather is as OK as forecastedMay 17 17:24
schestowitz-TRI'm "low" on topiscs to cover at the  moment, but not short on time, this morning I finished a series of 4 shiftsMay 17 17:24
Techrights-secackMay 17 17:26
schestowitz-TRI did trawl invidious for interesting videosMay 17 17:26
schestowitz-TRbut it's very time-consuming with low roiMay 17 17:27
Techrights-secvideos are mostly a waste of time unless there is a specific post referencingMay 17 17:45
Techrights-secit and giving a good indication why it /might/ be worth watching.  evenMay 17 17:45
Techrights-secthen you won't know until having spent some time on it.May 17 17:45
schestowitz-TRlet me check spamnilMay 17 17:46
schestowitz-TRspamnil seems to have run out of "bot credits"May 17 17:46
schestowitz-TRmaybe he should ask Sheela and James for some more tokensMay 17 17:46
schestowitz-TRlatest video 2 days ago,. 11 viewsMay 17 17:46
schestowitz-TRwhat a star filmmakerMay 17 17:47
Techrights-secRIPE84 has most of its presentations onlineMay 17 17:47
Techrights-sec:/May 17 17:47
Techrights-secIf they just shut everything down, there would have been an uproar and negativeMay 17 17:47
Techrights-secpress.  If they let spamnil ruin it for a while, people will be relieved thatMay 17 17:47
Techrights-secit (he) is gone, when they finally do get around to pulling the plugMay 17 17:47
schestowitz-TR"fake it till you make it mode"May 17 17:49
schestowitz-TRfake= bot farmsMay 17 17:49
schestowitz-TRlike "air support" (plane or artillery)May 17 17:49
schestowitz-TRthere isa  delay between the request and the time it's "actioned"May 17 17:49
schestowitz-TRand it works in "clusters"May 17 17:49
Techrights-sec 17 17:49
-TechrightsBN/ | Archives – RIPE 84May 17 17:49
schestowitz-TRtdf/libo also outsourced to gulagMay 17 17:50
schestowitz-TRbut it has this plugin that absically demands you click to unfold the embedMay 17 17:50
schestowitz-TRlike a privacy condom of sortsMay 17 17:50
schestowitz-TRI did not check where they host their site/sMay 17 17:50
Techrights-sec:(May 17 17:50
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@2bk8utmbqk6aq.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 17:51
schestowitz-TRlike debian, gulag sends money their wayMay 17 17:51
schestowitz-TRso tdf almost never says anything bad abot gulag appsMay 17 17:51
schestowitz-TRgulag-sweetMay 17 17:51
schestowitz-TR(*gsuite)May 17 17:51
Techrights-secopenwashing is a perennial topic: 17 17:52
-TechrightsBN/ | Open Source Community Sets Out Path to Secure Software - SoylentNewsMay 17 17:52
schestowitz-TRI think you sdsent this to meMay 17 17:53
schestowitz-TRwithout an "x"May 17 17:53
schestowitz-TRso I responded by adding some words to accompany thatMay 17 17:53
schestowitz-TRI think one positive and constructive approach is,May 17 17:53
schestowitz-TRremind people what lf isMay 17 17:53
schestowitz-TRagan and againMay 17 17:53
schestowitz-TRuntil people realise who or what is telling them those thingsMay 17 17:53
schestowitz-TRand become cynicalMay 17 17:53
schestowitz-TR"yo spamnil, your video from 2 months ago has 12 views... the one next to it 700... and it's about somethingMay 17 17:56
schestowitz-TRas dry as a tumble-drier)May 17 17:56
schestowitz-TRyou could writ e atool with gulag api (bound to break at a whim) that takes channel IDMay 17 17:56
schestowitz-TRand then does some heuristics to tell you if it's a spam/bot shitMay 17 17:56
schestowitz-TRlike spamnil'sMay 17 17:56
schestowitz-TRgulag probably has such a thing alreadyMay 17 17:56
schestowitz-TRbut turns ablind eye May 17 17:56
schestowitz-TRthis "content creator" is paid by a "third party"May 17 17:56
schestowitz-TRjust checked twitter analyticsMay 17 17:57
schestowitz-TRit's impressiveMay 17 17:57
schestowitz-TRthe momentr musk complaint about "bots"May 17 17:57
schestowitz-TRmy daily impressions are halvedMay 17 17:57
schestowitz-TRevery day :-)May 17 17:57
schestowitz-TRthe web is fakeMay 17 17:58
Techrights-secI hope the investors figure out that Twitter is so fakeMay 17 18:05
Techrights-secAnything lately about 'bugdoors' ?May 17 18:05
schestowitz-TRyes,May 17 18:07
schestowitz-TR1) Schneier boosting and endorsing NSA claimsMay 17 18:07
schestowitz-TR2) TechDirt wrote about encryption yesterday, naming SnowdenMay 17 18:07
schestowitz-TR3) some more BS from SchneierMay 17 18:07
schestowitz-TRSchneier might soon become a meme like MicrobellMay 17 18:07
schestowitz-TRI wrote severalk things about CISA last nightMay 17 18:07
schestowitz-TR(bonus: daniel p thinks that debian started harping about  firmware blobsMay 17 18:09
schestowitz-TRto distract from a new thread, which he was engaged in, regarding spy agencies May 17 18:09
schestowitz-TRcontrolling a few devs in the Debian project without ever disclosing itMay 17 18:09
schestowitz-TRthe vetting process in Debian has no way to stepo thisMay 17 18:09
schestowitz-TRlike goiv. clearancesMay 17 18:09
schestowitz-TRand kaniini told me says ago they now adopt a better practiceMay 17 18:09
schestowitz-TRin alpine for this reason)May 17 18:09
Techrights-seccontrolling debian percolates down to /hundreds/ of derivative distros bothMay 17 18:10
Techrights-secdirectly and indirectly May 17 18:10
Techrights-seccan Alpine continue to stand tall?  Debian was doing rather well for manyMay 17 18:10
Techrights-secyears but was weakened when Mark Shuttleworth hired away too many key peopleMay 17 18:10
Techrights-secfor his project; then who knows WTF really happened with systemd, not onlyMay 17 18:10
Techrights-secdid one guy make the call, nearly *everyone* else toed the line and kickedMay 17 18:10
Techrights-secout not just dissenters but skeptics and even neutral parties.May 17 18:10
schestowitz-TRmaybe you can find some incriminating material on LP and teamMay 17 18:11
schestowitz-TRpost-hocMay 17 18:11
schestowitz-TRit is a very time-consuming processMay 17 18:11
schestowitz-TRthe video predates much of the controversyMay 17 18:11
schestowitz-TRback in the PA+avahi daysMay 17 18:12
Techrights-secSeeing Poettering in that 2011 panel, I;m almost surprised that the othersMay 17 18:13
Techrights-secon the stage didn't just throw a tarp over him and start kicking and punchingMay 17 18:13
Techrights-secTo find anything incriminating on the Debian TC would require someone involvedMay 17 18:13
Techrights-seccoming clean in one way or another.  They'd be readily identifiable andMay 17 18:13
Techrights-secretribution would be certain, based on the way the public and even other devsMay 17 18:13
Techrights-secwere treated post-decision.     May 17 18:13
schestowitz-TRshortly after I had moved offic we decided not to go "inbox zero" on patentsMay 17 18:17
schestowitz-TRso it freed up timeMay 17 18:17
schestowitz-TRand except EPO exclusives we can dig into Free software matterMay 17 18:17
schestowitz-TRa lot of the remainder about github lacks spunk becuase of the departure  May 17 18:17
schestowitz-TRe.g. stephenie schatz friedmanMay 17 18:17
schestowitz-TRso we need to iddentity priority issuesMay 17 18:17
schestowitz-TRthen work towards outcomesMay 17 18:17
schestowitz-TRthe LF focus (and torvalds) isa  respons to their "seucirty" PR May 17 18:17
schestowitz-TRgrnadesMay 17 18:17
schestowitz-TRthat make it into MSMMay 17 18:17
schestowitz-TRwith "open source" champions like MicrosoftMay 17 18:17
schestowitz-TRpingMay 17 18:19
schestowitz-TRphoronix is a sinking ship (scrollback warning):May 17 18:19
Techrights-secpongMay 17 18:21
Techrights-secyes that's really too bad since he did such great work consistently forMay 17 18:21
Techrights-secmany yearsMay 17 18:21
Techrights-secackMay 17 18:21
Techrights-secackMay 17 18:22
Techrights-secThe Turing Pi and a great many other pi-derived projects are quite interestingMay 17 18:22
Techrights-secbut are all contingent on RPF surviving a while longe despite being infiltratedMay 17 18:22
Techrights-secat both the board and the engineer level by microsoftersMay 17 18:22
schestowitz-TRchina as mangopiMay 17 18:23
schestowitz-TRsooner or later the chinese will beat the welsh at their own gameMay 17 18:23
schestowitz-TRthey also control the supply chain and rare earthMay 17 18:23
schestowitz-TRI love mangoMay 17 18:24
schestowitz-TRyou will know RPF loses the plot when it starts abusing TM law to try to shut down similarly-namedMay 17 18:24
schestowitz-TRrivals May 17 18:24
schestowitz-TRinc. banana and jetson/nanoMay 17 18:24
schestowitz-TRbeagelboard we don'\t hear much about May 17 18:24
schestowitz-TRor gumstixMay 17 18:24
Techrights-secThe RPi is not about cost, it is about education.  As long as they stick toMay 17 18:27
Techrights-secthat, they can maintain their lead.  But if they go off on a tangent or turnMay 17 18:27
Techrights-secto moneygrubbing then of course they will get surpassed quickly. May 17 18:27
schestowitz-TRmaybe the item is thus shared among the stuff or their friendsMay 17 18:31
schestowitz-TR*staffMay 17 18:31
schestowitz-TRthat would encourage making the service worse May 17 18:31
schestowitz-TRwe already lost a parcl ages agoMay 17 18:31
schestowitz-TRwhen I say shared I mean stolen May 17 18:31
schestowitz-TRI know how they treat lost/unclaimed items at the gymMay 17 18:31
schestowitz-TRunofficially "auctioned" but more likely claimed by an insider or a friendMay 17 18:31
schestowitz-TRin a rigged processMay 17 18:31
schestowitz-TRsome are high-value itemsMay 17 18:31
schestowitz-TRlike fancy watchesMay 17 18:31
Techrights-seccould be.  France is like that.May 17 18:32
schestowitz-TRanyway, let me know if you find a good topicMay 17 18:34
schestowitz-TRI'm starving for a new set of topicMay 17 18:34
schestowitz-TRgithub stuff is there and will be unshelved when the time is strateggicMay 17 18:34
schestowitz-TRlike the next github debacleMay 17 18:34
Techrights-secok May 17 18:36
schestowitz-TRrianne back, no discounts found today except milk :/May 17 18:38
schestowitz-TRI am guessing competition has increasedMay 17 18:38
Techrights-secok May 17 18:38
Techrights-secprobablyMay 17 18:38
schestowitz-TRshe said athat at one shop (she checks about 7 small ones) the front page of a "news"May 17 18:39
schestowitz-TRpaper saidMay 17 18:39
schestowitz-TR"if you are poor, find a job that pays better" (paraphrasing)May 17 18:39
schestowitz-TRI said, that's why ytou should ignore the oligarchs' pressMay 17 18:39
schestowitz-TRivanka: start something newsMay 17 18:39
schestowitz-TRkushner the husband: blacks need to want to succeedMay 17 18:39
schestowitz-TRpoor shaming -> poor blamingMay 17 18:39
schestowitz-TR"STOP BEING POOR!!"May 17 18:39
Techrights-sec:( May 17 18:39
Techrights-secblame the victims is not just an M$ trend any moreMay 17 18:39
schestowitz-TROne SBM per childMay 17 18:40
schestowitz-TR*SBOMMay 17 18:40
schestowitz-TRitwire's stan beer wrote an article some days ago where he said Microsoft now charges money to fix its own messMay 17 18:40
schestowitz-TRI un--disabled the itwire feed in quiterrss but most days there are zero itemsMay 17 18:40
schestowitz-TRvery weirdMay 17 18:40
schestowitz-TRas they cannot even maintain a consistent host and have at one point outsourced to microslothMay 17 18:42
schestowitz-TRyou might wish to set expectations accordinglyMay 17 18:42
schestowitz-TRmaybeon their last footMay 17 18:42
Techrights-secI hope they shake out of it, they have some good articles there thoughMay 17 18:43
Techrights-secmaybe 75% - 80% of them are by SamMay 17 18:43
schestowitz-TRyou are referring to one person as "they" :-)May 17 18:43
Techrights-seche does almost all the heavy lifting thereMay 17 18:44
Techrights-secthere are on occasion more than one author, but I cannot remember the namesMay 17 18:44
Techrights-secbesides SamMay 17 18:44
schestowitz-TRmore than a decade ago, in the digg days, there was david williams (or williamson)May 17 18:44
schestowitz-TRI don't think he writes there anymoreMay 17 18:44
Techrights-secthe more worrying trend is that it seems there are many aricles by "staff"May 17 18:45
schestowitz-TRitwire's microsoft booster dave winder (or similar) moved to forbesMay 17 18:45
schestowitz-TRand the editor is no longer stan beer afaikMay 17 18:45
Techrights-secthat's too bad, Forbes was dabbling in FOSS topics for a whileMay 17 18:46
Techrights-secI guess their bosses shut that down.  May 17 18:46
schestowitz-TRjason evangelho wrote about steam deck there EVERY DAYMay 17 18:49
schestowitz-TRthen I did a post showing the patternMay 17 18:49
schestowitz-TRthen he vanished! :-)May 17 18:49
schestowitz-TRlike they saw him and sacked him on the spotMay 17 18:49
schestowitz-TRbut deck is not an enemyMay 17 18:49
schestowitz-TRdays ago, in rely to lunduke article re suseMay 17 18:49
schestowitz-TRjason evangelho said in twitter that lunmduke had questioned his credibility and authenticityMay 17 18:49
schestowitz-TRI also got mail claiming the sameMay 17 18:49
schestowitz-TRforbes is not journalismMay 17 18:49
schestowitz-TRthey have clienteleMay 17 18:49
schestowitz-TRlike "TLG", the man formerly known as Linux somethingMay 17 18:49
Techrights-secyes they sell a message rather than do proper reporting or at least confineMay 17 18:51
Techrights-sectheir reporting in such a way as to limit it to being on-messageMay 17 18:51
*techrights_guest|95 (~2f971d78@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 19:16
schestowitz-TR0/May 17 19:17
schestowitz-TRhi, techrights_guest|95May 17 19:17
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellMay 17 19:43
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schestowitz-TR[20:18] <techrights-news> Linux Foundation continues to behave like a front group of enemies of Linux, spreading the same FUD they do and distracting from prorperietary software having back doors 17 20:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )May 17 20:20
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 17 21:15
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@pxzjise85qe8y.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 21:33
schestowitz-TR 17 21:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-LuureAmet (@LuureAmet): "Rick Allen Jones -> KGB smearier agent as is Epstein. It had nothing to do whit "Bill Home",except Agent should have been fired for being gay-in USA not allowed to test it. Always try to add most realistic links to accusations: #RickAllenJones #RickJones" | nitter.itMay 17 21:42
schestowitz-TR 17 21:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-OSINTPH (@osintph): "Links 10/05/2022: Fedora Linux 36 Released | Techrights #InformationTechnology" | nitter.itMay 17 21:42
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> apt search rss – what’s in the repo? 17 21:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-» apt search rss – what’s in the repo? | dwaves.deMay 17 21:53
schestowitz-TRseems like he took my advice and will follow using rss feeds, not diasporaMay 17 21:53
*psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 17 21:57
schestowitz-TR "YLE Teksti-TV is the teletext service provided by Finland's national broadcasting company." gemini:// 17 22:00
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellMay 17 22:13
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schestowitz-TRrianne and I decided that the longterm plan (to eventually leave the company) still stands May 17 22:29
schestowitz-TRwe continue to milk so to speak, but there's no assurance that 1) we'll be a respectable company (old issue)May 17 22:29
schestowitz-TR2) the company will survive for many more yearsMay 17 22:29
schestowitz-TRI passed rianne her very old CV, which is in latex. she wants to pursue a similar role, there's really nothing to loseMay 17 22:30
*techrights_guest|37De (~ac3a1001@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #boycottnovellMay 17 23:17
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