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schestowitz 17 01:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Connections: Podcast: Open source past, present, and future with the Linux Foundation's Jim ZemlinAug 17 01:07
schestowitz"Aug 17 01:07
schestowitzJim Zemlin carved some time out of his busy schedule to sit down with me at the Open Source Leadership Summit in early March 2018. I’ve known Jim since he took this role when the Linux Foundation was formed by the merger of the Free Standards Group and the Open Source Development Labs in 2000, right around the time that I became an industry analyst. Aug 17 01:07
schestowitzIn this podcast, Jim reflects back on how Linux and open source have evolved, the lessons he and the Linux Foundation (where he is the executive director) have learned, and why open source has become so pervasive. He talks about “the defeatism of free-riding” and how over time, the recognition that there’s business value in collectively-developed software has become increasingly widespread.Aug 17 01:07
schestowitzListen to the podcast MP3 [00:18:10]Aug 17 01:07
schestowitzListen to the podcast OGG [00:18:10]Aug 17 01:08
schestowitz[Transcript]Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzGordon Haff:  I'm very pleased to be here at the Open Source Leadership Summit with Jim Zemlin who has taken time out of his very, very, very packed schedule here. He's the Executive Director of the Linux Foundation.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzJim, you headed the Free Standards Group until it merged with the Open Source Development Labs to become the Linux Foundation. That was clearly a very different time for open source, generally, and Linux, in particular. I'm probably showing my age as well that I probably met Jim right when he took this position.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzCan you describe your involvement early on, how you thought about open source at the time, and how things have changed since then?Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzJim:  I grew up in the computing industry, to some degree. My father was a computer programmer growing up. My grandfather was a programmer, oddly. He was also one of the founders of the company called Cray Research, and that's just been part of my blood.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzThe funny thing is that this job combines something that's technical with something that was a big influence on my grandmother's side. She was a single mom of my father and my uncle. My uncle, who's mentally disabled, and in 1953 she started the first vocational education nonprofit for adults with developmental disabilities.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzWhen you see someone working at, maybe, a restaurant or somewhere that have these developmental disabilities, my grandmother started this organizational opportunity workshop to help them find opportunities and live their lives in a meaningful way.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzIt was this combination of two huge influences, the nonprofit work and technology. For me, that's what was the appeal of getting into this. Now having said that, I do recall at the same time meeting my ‑‑ now ‑‑ wife for the first time, and having her ask me what I did for a living and say, "Well, I work at this nonprofit and it's technology. It's all open source. Everyone shares everything." The look of disappointment on Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzher face was just palpable.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzSince then, our organization, which I consider this supporting cast in open source and Linux and the projects we work on, has certainly grown. Much more importantly, open source as a way of collectively innovating and creating incredible technology has grown exponentially.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzIt's now part and parcel to how almost every technology, product, and service is built.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzGordon:  You started out in Linux. Really, what we've seen over the last number of years has been this morphing from everything's about Linux. Of course, there have been other projects, like Apache, and so forth for a long time.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzStill, there was this centrality of Linux to everything. It's obviously still very important. You employ Linus, and so forth. The Linux Foundation and the industry more broadly has come to be about so many other forms of open source.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzWhat was the point, as executive director of the Linux Foundation, did you come to realize or to start making a real effort to broaden the Linux Foundation to encompass all these other things?Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzJim:  Yeah, it happened. Good timing and luck beats any grand strategy every time. It started when open source as, again, a more mainstream innovation platform, started taking off in the tech sector. I would have organization after organization come to me.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzThey didn't want to talk about Linux, they wanted to talk about the process about how open source works or what the legal frameworks were. They were no longer wondering whether or not Linux itself, as a technology, was good, or secure, or reliable, or scalable.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzThey were no longer concerned about whether or not open source was an important thing or of high value as a way to innovate. They wanted the specific playbook. They wanted the detailed instructions on "How do I take code, co‑develop it with, maybe, my competitors or my peers.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitz"What licenses should I choose? What do those legal licenses mean so that I can share effectively? How do I build an engineering organization that can work both internally and externally to my particular firm? How do I build an open source project with thousands of people? How do I make that scalable?"Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzThey wanted that. Of course, Linux was the quintessential existence proof of good open source projects. Because of that, we started to say, "Hey, if we can take some of the best things around Linux, and the processes, and the methodologies and lend them to other technologies that would of super high value."Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzTo some degree, we got dragged into it. Then over a number of years, we've just been improving how we help grow open source projects, whether it's Kubernetes, or Hyperledger, or Node.js, or others to create massive ecosystems around them.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzIn retrospect, Linux proves to be one of the more exceptional unique projects [laughs] in terms of how it's organized and how it's run, and so forth. We started, in terms of lending the best practices of Linux, to create these big ecosystems around different technologies.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzDifferent open source projects have proven to be less and less of those practices and more of just borrowing from the great comments of the open source community in terms of how to run these.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzGordon:  What's, maybe, the biggest couple of lessons you think you've learned in the last 10 years or however many years, things that have surprised you, things that you didn't expect, things that caused you to revisit your assumptions?Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzJim:  I mean, humility is something that you certainly have to have in this particular role myself. That's the personal lesson that I've learned over 10 years or more than that, I guess, about 15 years now. Is that being in the background leading through influence, being the supporting cast, letting people rise to the greatness that's in them through these great projects, and not taking credit for any that work, showcasing those Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzpeople, whether it's a developer or an attorney who's moved the needle on convincing their firm to participate in open source in a big meaningful way.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzIt's the most important part of what I have learned is that at the foundation we have this saying, and it's part of our culture, of being humble, hopeful, and helpful. It's what we need to do. The humility is we're not the rock stars, or the folks who create all the value. It's developers and folks who invest in these communities and create incredible technology products and services from them.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzThe hopeful part is, I'll tell you, almost every project we start, many people tell me that it will never work and that we're doing everything wrong. [laughs] If you're not optimistic, it certainly can be very, very difficult.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzThen the helpful part is just what we do. We're facilitators in bringing together now over a thousand organizations from all over the world and tens of thousands of developers to work on modernizing the world's mobile networks.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzOr using open source technology to manage the Walmart's food supply chain, or creating an automotive system for 20 million production vehicles. We're not going to actually do that. Developers and companies, like Toyota, who make automobiles and roll them out by the millions are the ones who are responsible for that.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzThat lesson of humility, and optimism, and helpfulness is what I think is the most important one for me, at least.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzGordon:  Let's look forward. I've been going to these events for a long time. My impression is that for quite a few of those years you and others in the Linux Foundation almost felt a need to celebrate open source and Linux and send the message that, "Look, this stuff's really important, and these are all these great stats about it."Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzYour keynote yesterday was interesting because it was like, "We don't need to do that any longer, but we're not perfect. We're not there. We need to keep improving." You talked to the audience about where some of the areas you think open source still has work to do."Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzJim:  Again, no one needs to be convinced these days that open source is doing great, although I will say I do like to indulge in talking about how great it is every now and then. It's part of the job.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzWhat I showed yesterday, I mentioned that these are intentionally detailed slides that I'm showing. There's a lot of very detailed methodology behind the interplay of building a community that is a great upstream to a downstream industry that is taking this code and using it.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzIt doesn't necessarily have to be for‑profit, it can be governments. We saw the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, NOAA, today talking about how they're using open source to share big data to help with climate change and help with our oceans.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzAt the same time, we saw a commercial company Change Healthcare which manages two‑thirds of the medical claims in the United States using open source Hyperledger to make that process work.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzWe need a detailed way to say, "Upstream to create an ecosystem of knowledgeable developers from many diverse backgrounds solving a meaningful problem, sharing intellectual property, providing some form of consistency and conformance of those projects so that they can be downstream consumed in these wonderful ways. It's something that's detailed.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitz"We can improve upon in terms of the speed in which those ecosystems can grow. Then the pace at which they can be consumed and reinvested back in."Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzI was intentionally detailed because we can always get better at, for example, how do we create more secure code in upstream projects? How do we take the responsibility of this code being used in important systems that impact the privacy or the health of millions of individuals? These are always areas that we can improve in.Aug 17 01:08
schestowitzThis event where you have the actual people who make the decisions about what code goes into what particular projects and the community leaders who are maintainers at these huge open source projects to get together and collaborate on how we can improve those things.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzAgain, whether it's cybersecurity, whether it's new licenses for sharing large data sets, whether it's ways to automate the sharing of AI models that have been trained for various purposes and can be reused effectively across different competitors or peers.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzThose are all the things we can improve in. That was the detail that matters. All the rest is typical Zemlin hyperbole about how great open source is. People have seen that movie before.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzGordon:  Open source is interesting today. You have this loose confederation of companies that are working together, contributing to the commons individually, any of these companies could pull back and free ride on what others are doing. Arguably, some do more than they should.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzHow do you see this going forward? Is this a new type of business relationship, or has it always existed?Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzJim:  I'll tell you over 10 years ago, a lot of my personal time, and a lot of time of our organization, was spent convincing organizations of the defeatism of free riding in open source projects.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzWe had written white papers on why it would be important to open source your device drivers for Linux, and showed the actual business value of having collectively maintained in open drivers as opposed to trying to maintain some random proprietary driver, and so forth.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzWe would explain the futility of just forking an open source project and not sharing your changes back so much to the degree to which you've defeated the whole purpose in terms of collective value. You're now, basically, supporting your own proprietary fork, whether or not it's open source. It doesn't matter at that point. No one understands it but you.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzThe epiphany that many companies have had over the last three to four years, in particular, has been, "Wow. If I have processes where I can bring code in, modify it for my purposes, and then, most importantly, share those changes back, those changes will be maintained over time.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitz"When I build my next project or a product, I should say, that project will be in line with, in a much more effective way, the products that I'm building.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitz"To get the value, it's not just consumed, it is to share back and that there's not some moral obligation, although I would argue that that's also important. There's an actual incredibly large business benefit to that as well." The industry has gotten that, and that's a big change.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzGordon:  Over a relatively short period of time, I would argue, at least, in the broad landscape this recognition that open source is not this hippy thing, but that it does deliver business value for companies.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzJim:  This morning it was such a fun session where we had Mark Russinovich, the CTO of Microsoft Azure, talking about how important open source is to the AI platforms they're building and how they're using open source to diagnose pneumonia in children.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzYou heard the least hippy, at least, from my perspective, company in the United States, Home Depot, talking about how important open source is, not just to building their tools to help automate the systems that help run Home Depot. But to hire developers that want to come work at Home Depot, if they're seen as an open source company.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzNOAA, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration is just a very old and non‑hippy, very conservative organization. You hear them talking about how important open source is for them and how important it is for allowing them to share the petabytes of data that they have with the world.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzWe've thoroughly crossed over into the non‑hippy part, although I will say there is a special place in my heart that will live forever for the antiestablishment sensibility that is represented in the open source movement ‑‑ the questioning of people's assumptions, the demand for sharing.Aug 17 01:09
schestowitzAll of those things, those iconoclastic and what some people would consider antiestablishment sensibilities are now mainstream. Maybe, the world's a little better off with some of that hippiness in the mainstream now.Aug 17 01:09
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Aug 17 07:49
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellAug 17 07:49
schestowitzx 17 07:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft Surface Duo to launch on September 10 | BGR IndiaAug 17 07:55
schestowitz(Spammy crap)Aug 17 07:55
schestowitzbgrAug 17 07:55
schestowitz 17 15:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JuanBellas: El movimiento del software libre está cayendo en demasiados viejos trucos . Interesante lectura. #SoftwareLibre… 17 15:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JuanBellas: El movimiento del software libre está cayendo en demasiados viejos trucos . Interesante lectura. #SoftwareLibre… 17 15:55
schestowitz"Aug 17 15:55
schestowitzEl movimiento del software libre está cayendo en demasiados viejos trucos .Aug 17 15:55
schestowitzInteresante lectura.Aug 17 15:55
schestowitz#SoftwareLibre #OpenSource #CódigoAbiertoAug 17 15:55
schestowitz"\ 17 17:07
-TechrightsBN/ | UK patent exams update: Proctoring system will no-longer be used, but exams still to go ahead with "simpler" invigilation system - The IPKatAug 17 17:07
schestowitz"Don't change career. Move to Germany, I did and haven't looked back. "Aug 17 17:07
schestowitz 17 17:08
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:08
schestowitz"I would seriously look into the UKIPO to save clients money rather than getting one from a UK attorney who (for the majority) are not even confident about the advice they give..."Aug 17 17:08
schestowitzLooks like FD4 is doing its job then.... I don't know why PEB & CIPA persist with this exam when it is serving nobody. They could actually use this as an exercise to show what a good (and useful) I&V opinion looks like, how law is applied, even throw in a client interview and a moot or something so you have to defend your opinion... instead the emphasis is on exam technique and second guessing a markscheme... seems such a waste of Aug 17 17:08
schestowitztime for everyone involved (apart from the PEB who collect their fees regardless). Aug 17 17:08
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:08
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:10
schestowitzOpinion in the UK is only relevant really for infringement. Aug 17 17:10
schestowitzThe UKIPO offers a fantastic opinion on infringement at a fraction of a price and I would seriously look into the UKIPO to save clients money rather than getting one from a UK attorney who (for the majority) are not even confident about the advice they give. Many opinions I see seem to be sitting on the fence. Aug 17 17:10
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:10
schestowitz 17 17:10
-TechrightsBN/ | Gantry-Gate: Have your say in the Mercer Review - The IPKatAug 17 17:10
schestowitz"Yes, it's another waste-of-time review. Just file it away along with The Pratt Report, The Sherr Report, The Middlesex Report and endless others. CIPA is poacher and gamekeeper - keeping the defective exam system going for decades is all part of the rotten and corrupt process for restricting the numbers. "Nobody can possibly be good enough". CIPA should have its charter withdrawn, it should be abolished, and the exam system handed Aug 17 17:10
schestowitzto UKIPO to run."\Aug 17 17:10
schestowitz 17 17:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Phildontever: So he was decided to be a low risk offender after a psychiatric exam? Either way this doesn’t compute. If he was fo… 17 17:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Phildontever: So he was decided to be a low risk offender after a psychiatric exam? Either way this doesn’t compute. If he was fo… 17 17:31
schestowitz"So he was decided to be a low risk offender after a psychiatric exam? Either way this doesn’t compute. If he was found to be crazy, he had 6000 pictures. If he was found to be normal, he had still had 6000 pictures. Maybe they were using microsoft software?"Aug 17 17:31
schestowitz 17 17:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@muratkarslioglu: The Containerized Today is out! Thanks to @kubernetesio @schestowitz @passbolt #kubernetes #machinelearningAug 17 17:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Containerized TodayAug 17 17:31
schestowitz 17 17:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@brianfagioli: @schestowitz Thanks, dude. We got them to remove it ✌🏻Aug 17 17:32
schestowitz 17 17:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LindaO888: Sweden: Muslim independent school Römosseskolan in Gothenburg receives millions despite losing its eductation licen… 17 17:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LindaO888: Sweden: Muslim independent school Römosseskolan in Gothenburg receives millions despite losing its eductation licen… 17 17:32
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:32
schestowitzSweden: Muslim independent school Römosseskolan in Gothenburg receives millions despite losing its eductation licence in 2017. Aug 17 17:32
schestowitzIt is run by the leader of a Somali Islamist party (Waberi) which has links to Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey's extremists party Saadet.Aug 17 17:32
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:32
schestowitz 17 17:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz @DavidGlaude @Pour_EVAAug 17 17:32
schestowitz 17 17:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@pceebee23: @schestowitz in a word DISGUSTING ... the whole patenting of genetic material is suspect ..Aug 17 17:33
schestowitz 17 17:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@0xFreak71: @stautistic @schestowitz I dont know about Epstain, but for Gates I and write book bigest than 'das capital'.Aug 17 17:33
schestowitz 17 17:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stautistic: @0xFreak71 @schestowitz People don’t tend to have as many lawyers working at their behest or the Bond villain-like… 17 17:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stautistic: @0xFreak71 @schestowitz People don’t tend to have as many lawyers working at their behest or the Bond villain-like… 17 17:33
schestowitzPeople don’t tend to have as many lawyers working at their behest or the Bond villain-like operational security that #billgates has at his disposal because they’re innocent. IMO, he wouldn’t be this paranoid if he was the mensch he claims to be.""Aug 17 17:33
schestowitz 17 17:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@0xFreak71: @stautistic @schestowitz Well Gates is notorius criminal. I know him from when I was kid (the Patterson's program i… 17 17:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@0xFreak71: @stautistic @schestowitz Well Gates is notorius criminal. I know him from when I was kid (the Patterson's program i… 17 17:34
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:34
schestowitzWell Gates is notorius criminal. I know him from when I was kid (the Patterson's program is what you knew as MSDOS). Aug 17 17:34
schestowitzWho is the second? The Espain? the guy who sell kids to rich people? Am I right? we have dont so much info from the other side of atlanticAug 17 17:34
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:34
schestowitz 17 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@0xFreak71: @stautistic @schestowitz Ok the left stealed with moms money the DOS86 from Patterson, the other what did ?Aug 17 17:35
schestowitz 17 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stautistic: @0xFreak71 @schestowitz Hey friend, I don’t quite understand what you’re asking me. Would you mind clarifying? Also… 17 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stautistic: @0xFreak71 @schestowitz Hey friend, I don’t quite understand what you’re asking me. Would you mind clarifying? Also… 17 17:35
schestowitz"Hey friend, I don’t quite understand what you’re asking me. Would you mind clarifying? Also and if English is not your primary language, then by all means feel free to correspond with your primary language and I’ll happily translate it."Aug 17 17:35
schestowitz 17 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@0xFreak71: @schestowitz Do you suppose that google and lastpass passwords are secure; by who, NSA? I personly prefere Chinese… 17 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@0xFreak71: @schestowitz Do you suppose that google and lastpass passwords are secure; by who, NSA? I personly prefere Chinese… 17 17:35
schestowitz"Do you suppose that google and lastpass passwords are secure; by who, NSA? I personly prefere Chinese or Rusians. at least are not shared with the western world."Aug 17 17:35
schestowitz 17 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stautistic: Thanks for the repost @schestowitz! ...never know when Medium will get tired of my shit 🤣Aug 17 17:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 500 @ )Aug 17 17:35
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:36
schestowitz ...never know when Medium will get tired of my shit Aug 17 17:36
schestowitzRolling on the floor laughingAug 17 17:36
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:36
-TechrightsBN/ | Former Microsoft Employee Explains the Deception, Lies, and ‘Philanthropy’ of Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein | TechrightsAug 17 17:36
schestowitz 17 17:38
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:38
schestowitz"this is so much fud! it is befuddling!"Aug 17 17:38
schestowitz 17 17:38
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:38
schestowitz" linux is only a kernel powering os as research will show. the codebase size and lack of maintainers are the only difficulties that linux kernel devs have been complaining about in news. some corporation may be misinforming these reporters. they run with it instead of doing the due dilligence of research."Aug 17 17:38
schestowitz 17 17:39
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:39
schestowitz"including your website 😛"Aug 17 17:39
schestowitzReferring to SSL?Aug 17 17:39
schestowitz 17 17:40
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:40
schestowitz"From what I see, due to the good reception, it must have a candidacy to become an olympic sport."Aug 17 17:40
schestowitzesport maybeAug 17 17:40
schestowitz 17 17:41
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:41
schestowitz" qanon has misled less nations into war than the new york times."Aug 17 17:41
schestowitz 17 17:41
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:41
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:41
schestowitz first video on atlantic council's twitter feed: hillary clinton speechAug 17 17:41
schestowitzyeahhhh i think we know what's going on here nowAug 17 17:41
schestowitz"\ 17 17:41
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:41
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:41
schestowitz tbh i'm not sure if it's a man or a womanAug 17 17:41
schestowitz 17 17:41
-TechrightsBN/ | zarine kharazian (@zkharazian) on TwitterAug 17 17:41
schestowitzbut likeAug 17 17:41
schestowitzwho put this nobody in charge of what websites we can access and talk about?Aug 17 17:41
schestowitzthe alantic council?? seriously this is bizarre.  who *is* this guyAug 17 17:41
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:41
schestowitz 17 17:41
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:41
schestowitz"Like...clearly Qanon has someone on this guy"Aug 17 17:42
schestowitz 17 17:42
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:42
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:42
schestowitz or more likelyAug 17 17:42
schestowitzhe's worried that they might find something about himAug 17 17:42
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:42
schestowitz 17 17:42
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:42
schestowitz"woman i guess"Aug 17 17:42
schestowitz 17 17:42
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:42
schestowitz" "Take down conspiracy influencers" NYTimes can get fucked"Aug 17 17:42
schestowitz 17 17:42
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:43
schestowitz"#gamersunite against apple!  Freedom is within your grasp!"Aug 17 17:43
schestowitz 17 17:43
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:43
schestowitz"nauseating characters!"Aug 17 17:43
schestowitz 17 17:43
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:43
schestowitz" Thanks for sharing! 👽"Aug 17 17:43
schestowitz 17 17:44
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:44
schestowitz"Nobody needs more than 640K!"Aug 17 17:44
schestowitz 17 17:44
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:44
schestowitz"#FOSDEM2020 was really nice, I was at the #RetroComputing #devroom and the #HaikuOS booth…"\Aug 17 17:44
schestowitz 17 17:44
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:44
schestowitz"but… why?"\Aug 17 17:44
schestowitz 17 17:45
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:45
schestowitz"I would love to see those pictures that McKenna references, if you know where I can find them."\Aug 17 17:45
schestowitz 17 17:45
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:45
schestowitz"@schestowitz #SaveTheChildren"Aug 17 17:45
schestowitz 17 17:45
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:45
schestowitz" or just use #tribler"Aug 17 17:45
schestowitz 17 17:46
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:46
schestowitz" And "Centrist" here is generous."Aug 17 17:46
schestowitzcentre rightAug 17 17:46
schestowitz 17 17:47
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:47
schestowitz"but do the prices also follow the trend ?"\Aug 17 17:47
schestowitz 17 17:47
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:47
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:47
schestowitzan industry fails with only 70% of workforce fully active. think there is such a maxim...Aug 17 17:47
schestowitz30-25 eq 5. only 5% to go to be sure it is dead.Aug 17 17:47
schestowitz"Aug 17 17:47
schestowitz 17 17:48
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:48
schestowitz"it is not the frequency of major incidents. it is the damage done. outlook is 5 months of death. that island's ecosystem will change to something less alive, less human-friendly."Aug 17 17:48
schestowitz 17 17:48
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:48
schestowitz"I was unable to reproduce that selected text was sent back. Indeed there are calls to, but couldn't find the selected text in the request parameters. Unless it's  encoded somehow."Aug 17 17:48
schestowitz 17 17:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Aug 17 17:48
schestowitz" if you look at older elections you'll see that 3rd partys could have one, the only reason that America has a two party system today isn't because people actually believe in the ideals of the two partys, but because its now "us vs them""Aug 17 17:48
schestowitz 17 17:49
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:49
schestowitz" i feel like we're a lil too late for fixing the system...we had 70 years but instead we got distracted with other useless shit"Aug 17 17:49
schestowitz 17 17:49
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:49
schestowitz"what should people use?"Aug 17 17:49
schestowitzsearxAug 17 17:49
schestowitz 17 17:49
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 17 17:49
schestowitz"what you get for wanting to curl fiber…"Aug 17 17:50
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Aug 17 18:34
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schestowitz 17 23:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: Back in the sixties, if you were an active antiwar demonstrations, it was a given that Hoover's FBI was investigati… 17 23:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: Back in the sixties, if you were an active antiwar demonstrations, it was a given that Hoover's FBI was investigati… 17 23:48
schestowitz"Back in the sixties, if you were an active antiwar demonstrations, it was a given that Hoover's FBI was investigating you and that attempts were being made to infiltrate your group: Guest Article - A Tale of Possible Surveillance"Aug 17 23:48

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