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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Thursday, October 17, 2019

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<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Oct 17 01:32
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellOct 17 01:33
schestowitz 17 02:50
schestowitz"Oct 17 02:50
schestowitzA post-grant correction is only possible under R 139 or R 140 and G 1/10. However both are not applicable in the present situationOct 17 02:50
schestowitzFor R 139, there is no error in a document filed with the EPO. For R 140 and G 1/10, there is no reason to correct the text of the patent. In G 1/10, the EBA insisted on the fact that after having approved the text intended for grant, the applicant bears the full responsibility for any error which has not been spotted at the moment he gives his approval. Oct 17 02:50
-TechrightsBN/ | When is the “text-intended for grant” not intended for grant? (T 1003/19) - The IPKatOct 17 02:50
schestowitzT 1003/19 is not the only decision in this respect. There is also T 2081/16.Oct 17 02:50
schestowitzThe important lesson to be kept is that checking the documents received with a communication under R 71(3) is a duty of the applicant/representative which should not be taken lightly. Oct 17 02:50
schestowitzI refer to Point 5.5 of the reasons:Oct 17 02:50
schestowitz- 5.5 The fact that a narrow interpretation of Rule 71(3) and (5) EPC as proposed by this board and by the board in decision T 2081/16 (see section 2.4. above) allows for an appeal to be treated as admissible should not be misinterpreted as an invitation to neglect the applicant's duty to carefully check both the communication and the "Druckexemplar" sent to it under Rule 71(3) EPC.Oct 17 02:50
schestowitzIn both T 1003/19 and T 2081/16, the applicant realised immediately after the actual grant that something went wrong, and filed an appeal. The BA could also have decided that the appeal is not admissible, as there has been approval by the applicant. Oct 17 02:50
schestowitzOnce the patent has been granted, the possibility of filing a divisional application has gone, cf. R 36(1). Oct 17 02:50
schestowitzA limitation under Art 105a means clearly a limitation, but not the substitution of faulty documents for the correct ones. This possibility might thus only be working in exceptional circumstances, but cannot be a standard cure for any error which has not been spotted when receiving the communication under R 71(3).Oct 17 02:50
schestowitzIf the applicant realises much later that there is a mistake in the documents annexed to the communication under R 71(3), he is stuck, and has to live with a patent which is in the form approved by him, even if it does not correspond to any of the requests he has filed. Oct 17 02:50
schestowitzSending out the communication and mentioning some so-called “minor amendments” is a trick often employed by examiners in order to” twist the arm” of the applicant. By luring him into grant, he hopes to get read of the file and earn the points for the final action. Oct 17 02:50
schestowitzIn T 2346/15, the examiner in charge amended the independent claims in order for them to be clear, cf. comment **Art 84 in the communication under R 71(3), end of sheet 1, beginning of sheet 2. The amendments introduced were offending Art 123(2), but grant was decided. Oct 17 02:50
schestowitzThat the wrong documents may be quoted in the communication under R 71(3) has certainly to do with the haste in which the examiner in charge has to gain his “points”, but it also shows that three member divisions only exist on the paper, as the checking of the documents proposed to grant is the main duty of the second examiner of the examining division. For that work, and the work of chairman of an examining division, no points are Oct 17 02:50
schestowitzawarded. Oct 17 02:50
schestowitz"Oct 17 02:50
schestowitz 17 02:51
schestowitz"Oct 17 02:51
schestowitzHi AnonymousOct 17 02:51
schestowitzI meant the introduction of a new post-grant correction procedure, not use of the existing limitation procedure to correct errors Oct 17 02:51
schestowitz'Oct 17 02:51
-TechrightsBN/ | When is the “text-intended for grant” not intended for grant? (T 1003/19) - The IPKatOct 17 02:51
schestowitzRe: I had fun with this one.> 17 04:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stautistic: @richturn_ms @killyourfm @AndrewJacksonZA @shanselman No...but I can point you to a myriad of examples of Microsoft… 17 04:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stautistic: @richturn_ms @killyourfm @AndrewJacksonZA @shanselman No...but I can point you to a myriad of examples of Microsoft… 17 04:26
schestowitz> Oct 17 04:26
schestowitz> He’ll probably be blocking me within the all MicrosoftOct 17 04:26
schestowitz> zealots when faced with their anti-competitive behavior.Oct 17 04:26
schestowitz 17 04:26
-TechrightsBN/ | Somehow Microsoft is Always Everywhere Linux Gets Attacked by Lawsuits and Antitrust Actions | TechrightsOct 17 04:26
schestowitz> Jeeesus, he’s still going! Think legal has told him to STFU yet? 🤣Oct 17 04:28
schestowitz> Oct 17 04:28
schestowitz> 17 04:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@richturn_ms: @stautistic @killyourfm @AndrewJacksonZA @shanselman Operating a monopoly is not illegal. And I would argue that Mi… 17 04:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Unexpected responseOct 17 04:28
schestowitz"Oct 17 04:28
schestowitzHello! This is Jing from Seeed Studio. I just watched your homepage and I would like to ask if you are interest in cooperating with us. We need you review Ice Cooler for us and I will gladly send you the sample for free. Looking forward to your reply!Oct 17 04:28
schestowitz陈育靖Oct 17 04:29
schestowitz广东白云学院学生Oct 17 04:29
schestowitzShenzhen, Guangdong, ChinaOct 17 04:29
schestowitz'Oct 17 04:29
schestowitz> Hello,Oct 17 04:33
schestowitz> Oct 17 04:33
schestowitz> I try to keep up with articles at Common Dream via your (mostly)Oct 17 04:33
schestowitz> excellent RSS feed.  I say (mostly) because from time to time it sendsOct 17 04:33
schestowitz> out a broken XML document containing invalid XML.  For example, todayOct 17 04:33
schestowitz> Oct 16, 2019 at 06:06:56 UTC, one of the lines is like this:Oct 17 04:33
schestowitz> Oct 17 04:33
schestowitz> <title>Plans to Privatize National Parks Outlined inOct 17 04:33
schestowitz> Trump Admin Memo, Would Enrich Donors & SpecialOct 17 04:33
schestowitz> Interests</title>Oct 17 04:33
schestowitz> Oct 17 04:33
schestowitz> Notice that the bare ampersand is unescaped and thus breaks most feedOct 17 04:34
schestowitz> readers and prevents the feed as a whole from being used.Oct 17 04:34
schestowitz> Oct 17 04:34
schestowitz> not well-formed (invalid token) at line 597, column 96,Oct 17 04:34
schestowitz> byte 130538 at ...Oct 17 04:34
schestowitz> Oct 17 04:34
schestowitz> This problem with ampersands seems to happen frequently.  Could youOct 17 04:34
schestowitz> please add something to your work flow to escape the ampersands?  It isOct 17 04:34
schestowitz> something which is easily scriptable, if time is an issue.Oct 17 04:34
schestowitzOver a decade ago I learned to avoid certain character in particular field types. This is one of them. There's a syntactic ambiguity associated with it. Another one is square and and triangular brackets. Titles also have issues associated with quote styles.Oct 17 04:34
schestowitzCorrection requested for occasionally broken RSS feedsOct 17 04:34
schestowitz> He actually had the nerve to say monopolies weren’t illegal 🤣🤣Oct 17 04:34
schestowitzSee my response to that 17 04:34
-TechrightsBN/ Microsoft: Operating a #monopoly is not illegal. #microsoft generally attracts sociopaths, liars and crooks. Having been founded by a likely pedophile.Oct 17 04:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@richturn_ms: @stautistic @killyourfm @AndrewJacksonZA @shanselman Operating a monopoly is not illegal. And I would argue that Mi… 17 04:34
schestowitz>>> I'm not sure if ACLU links read properly this time.Oct 17 04:36
schestowitz>> My bigger concern is commondreams breaking their own RSS feeds;Oct 17 04:36
schestowitz>> they've done this for years! Their loss, I guess...Oct 17 04:36
schestowitz> I just wrote them.Oct 17 04:36
schestowitzI am not a huge fan of their feed anyway. I could probably rank the ones we have; they're be in the bottom half. They're a little 'too' liberal for me...Oct 17 04:36
schestowitz> The smartest thing he did today was not engage with me any further 🤣🤣Oct 17 05:06
schestowitzTake screenshots. Do an article.Oct 17 05:06
schestowitz[04:29] <schestowitz> Thanks for the headsup; if I do an article about that, will that cause you issues?Oct 17 05:12
schestowitz> Hi Roy,Oct 17 05:12
schestowitz> Thanks for asking!Oct 17 05:12
schestowitz> It's important to get this information to the public, but I would appreciate it if I could review/edit any mention of me. Let me know if you need a quote.Oct 17 05:12
schestowitz> Note than an NDA is common practice in the industry. I have been careful to only mention information on the public record and that would not violate an NDA.Oct 17 05:12
schestowitzThis is already being discussed at reddit xxxx, and I have gone on record about some aspects there and at xxxx. (I have asked xxxx to ask the new xxxx CEO to answer questions before delisting Startpage as a recommendation, to be fair.) You can see the xxxx thread here: Oct 17 05:14
schestowitzxxxxOct 17 05:14
schestowitz> Even some hints about what you heard would be welcome. You can specify what level of discretion you would like.Oct 17 06:12
schestowitzI will write what I know soon..Oct 17 06:12
schestowitz 17 06:17
-TechrightsBN/ Just got some rather worrying information from #boston Not sure what I can and will share publicly, but I'm waiting for more factsOct 17 06:17
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:17
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 06:17
schestowitzOct 17 06:17
schestowitz 17 06:17
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:17
-TechrightsBN/ | The Free Software Foundation’s Mission Could Use Outside Help | TechrightsOct 17 06:17
schestowitz 17 06:18
-TechrightsBN/ Microsoft: Operating a #monopoly is not illegal. #microsoft generally attracts sociopaths, liars and crooks. Having been founded by a likely pedophile.Oct 17 06:18
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:18
schestowitzOct 17 06:18
schestowitz“Exclusive” is not an absolute. “Effectively excluding” would or should be the measure. +1 Operating a #monopoly is not illegal. until it becomes antitrust, which microsoft is always trying to dance around "how much can we fuck over everybody else before they can actually do anything about it?" is basically the meaning of their mantras.Oct 17 06:18
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:18
schestowitz"“Exclusive” is not an absolute. “Effectively excluding” would or should be the measure."Oct 17 06:18
schestowitz 17 06:24
-TechrightsBN/ Benjamin Mako Hill appears to have resigned from @fsf BoardOct 17 06:24
schestowitz"NOOOOOOOOO"Oct 17 06:24
schestowitzThe Free Software Foundation (FSF) Lost Almost Half (3 Out of 8) Board Members in Only One Month #fsf #gnu #rms #freesw #softwarefreedomOct 17 06:24
-TechrightsBN/ | The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Lost Almost Half (3 Out of 8) Board Members in Only One Month | TechrightsOct 17 06:25
schestowitz"fuck! he and oliva were probably the best two people on it. (despite any-- and all-- personal differences with oliva at the moment, i still think hes probably good for the fsf right now.)"Oct 17 06:25
schestowitz"(there are other people on the board that i like as well, for example i dont pay much attention to how mako and walsh rank vs each other, but at the worst-- i doubt she would be far behind mako.)"Oct 17 06:25
schestowitzYes, maybe they'll pick her as lead, who knows... a female face too. I know too little about her track record personally....Oct 17 06:26
schestowitz 17 06:27
-TechrightsBN/ Pack Your Bags – Systemd Is Taking You To A New Home #ibm #redhat #systemd doing to #linux what Linux did to #gnu Oct 17 06:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Pack Your Bags – Systemd Is Taking You To A New Home | Tux MachinesOct 17 06:27
schestowitz"why can’t they just rename it to Potterix or something and that can be the fork, and leave Linux alone?"Oct 17 06:27
schestowitzit's already called operation systemdDOct 17 06:27
schestowitzit's already called operating systemdDOct 17 06:27
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:29
schestowitzOct 17 06:29
schestowitz(there are other people on the board that i like as well, for example i dont pay much attention to how mako and walsh rank vs each other, but at the worst-- i doubt she would be far behind mako.)Oct 17 06:29
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:29
schestowitz 17 06:29
-TechrightsBN/ Happy 15th Birthday, Ubuntu! #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linux Oct 17 06:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Happy 15th Birthday, Ubuntu! | Tux MachinesOct 17 06:29
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:29
schestowitzand only 135 days until steve jobs birthdayOct 17 06:29
schestowitzOct 17 06:29
schestowitztomgrz - about 2 hours ago Oct 17 06:29
schestowitzI’ll wait here.Oct 17 06:29
schestowitzOct 17 06:29 - about 2 hours ago Oct 17 06:29
schestowitzdespite its rabid co-opting of gnu, ive long preferred tux to the ubuntu logo.Oct 17 06:29
schestowitzat first i thought “cool, people holding hands in a circle.”Oct 17 06:30
schestowitzat this point, it might as well be a circle made of wagons. software freedom is to ubuntu what technology is to the amish.Oct 17 06:30
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:30
schestowitzpissing contest in the graveyard again?Oct 17 06:30
schestowitz 17 06:31
-TechrightsBN/ Our Online Speech Rights Are Under Threat #freespeech #censorshipOct 17 06:31
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzinclined to ask them how they can give a shit about my online speech rights if they dont care about the online speech rights of julian assange, but ok.Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzim sure its a very nice article. and its on a topic i care about, but the question stands.Oct 17 06:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | News & Commentary | American Civil Liberties UnionOct 17 06:31
schestowitzOct 17 06:31
schestowitztomgrz - about 5 hours ago Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzMaybe we should ask them. ;-)Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzOct 17 06:31 - about 5 hours ago Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzmaybe LOTS of people should ask them.Oct 17 06:31
schestowitztoo bad they dont have a forum. though i can sort of imagine the shitshow that would be.Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzi know, i know, we can email.Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzOct 17 06:31
schestowitztomgrz - about 4 hours ago Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzAh, good point. I tried to call them once, about an Green Party election issue. Communication was next-to-impossible. How they get any information from the public is beyond me. All you can do is throw stuff over their wall and hope for the best…Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzOct 17 06:31 - about 4 hours ago Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzAll you can do is throw stuff over their wall and hope for the best…Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzcommon theme with progressive organisations these days. whats the rallying cry of the modern 501c3? "no, but…"Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzits not that i believe these things are hopeless, though people need to stop having so much trust and start having more input. LOTS more input. as in lots of people need to have higher expectations. about actions. instead we are following a trend where expectations about an organisations image are infinite, but expectations about action and results are lower than ever before. im certainly not convinced the two are unrelated. how could i Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzbe? its obviously the increasing corporatisation of non-profit corporations.Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzOct 17 06:31
schestowitztomgrz - about 4 hours ago Oct 17 06:31
schestowitzOr starvation.Oct 17 06:31
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:31
schestowitz 17 06:34
-TechrightsBN/ Happy 15th Birthday, Ubuntu! #ubuntu #canonical #gnu #linux Oct 17 06:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Happy 15th Birthday, Ubuntu! | Tux MachinesOct 17 06:34
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:34
schestowitzOct 17 06:34
schestowitznot sure what you mean. they really dont care.Oct 17 06:34
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:34
schestowitz 17 06:49
-TechrightsBN/ Benjamin Mako Hill appears to have resigned from @fsf BoardOct 17 06:49
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:49
schestowitzi know very little about her, despite meeting her twice in person and talking with her face to face. i think shes ok, i think she and mako have a lot in common, but its been many years and those could have gone in either direction.Oct 17 06:49
schestowitzif you could get an interview that would be really great. lay it out on the table-- if shes pro stallman, let her talk, if shes anti-stallman, let her say why. but get an interview.Oct 17 06:49
schestowitzalso i know shes not going to to an interview. but whoever advised stallman to hide out amidst all this? do we still believe that was a good idea? i dont. im far from convinced.Oct 17 06:49
schestowitz“support the fsf” he says. yeah, i know but–Oct 17 06:49
schestowitzWHAT FSF? when i said it was already “falling apart” i wasnt too sure (said this once already) but-- here it is. MAYBE MAKO CAN START HIS OWN FREE SOFTWARE ORGANISATION. but i picked him years ago as the most likely next fsf president. this is a great loss for the fsf. i want to know why he left.Oct 17 06:49
schestowitz"Oct 17 06:49
schestowitzFSF voting members and board members are prevented from talking, as pe ebbOct 17 06:50
schestowitzFSF voting members and board members are prevented from talking, as per ebbOct 17 06:50
schestowitz> Got a fun idea for a next article, relevant to current (positive) changes. Not that most of the recent changes are positive.Oct 17 06:51
schestowitzCould use another article.Oct 17 06:51
schestowitzWe're low on martial at the moment...Oct 17 06:51
schestowitz 17 06:59
-TechrightsBN/ Pack Your Bags – Systemd Is Taking You To A New Home #ibm #redhat #systemd doing to #linux what Linux did to #gnu Oct 17 06:59
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Pack Your Bags – Systemd Is Taking You To A New Home | Tux MachinesOct 17 06:59
schestowitz"It is run lik MS. Embrace and expand. Loose everyone behind and se to it they can't compete. Don't use anything outside, make an interna, own, worse version so all old bugs shows up again. Like with their log and DNS implemetations. :-("Oct 17 06:59
schestowitzBugs help sell support contractsOct 17 06:59
schestowitz 17 07:05
-TechrightsBN/ Benjamin Mako Hill appears to have resigned from @fsf BoardOct 17 07:05
schestowitz"Oct 17 07:05
schestowitzi know. but seriously, for how long?Oct 17 07:05
schestowitzi used to talk about the “frequently silent foundation” as a bit of a protest. now it is the actually silenced foundation.Oct 17 07:05
schestowitzmako has nothing on his social media or blog. this is ridiculous.Oct 17 07:05
schestowitzif members were shareholders (not that i think thats a better arrangement) they would be outraged and demanding answers. perhaps now is the time for a letter campaign. to defend stallman and to demand more transparency (whether it gets it or not, to let them know members and former members find this unacceptable.)Oct 17 07:05
schestowitza couple years ago i could have recommended a gnu/linux distro. right now, i can barely do that. not because theyre all terrible, but because theyve all been set back so much, and by so much absolute crap-- plus, this. free software is under attack, right now. all free software, everywhere. and the fsf has their metaphorical doors closed and their shades drawn.Oct 17 07:05
schestowitz"Oct 17 07:05
schestowitzebb called it crisis (sort of)Oct 17 07:05
schestowitz 17 07:06
-TechrightsBN/ #Canonical Is At Around 437 Employees, Pulled In $99M While Still Operating At A Loss #ubuntu #gnu #linux Oct 17 07:06
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Canonical Is At Around 437 Employees, Pulled In $99M While Still Operating At A Loss | Tux MachinesOct 17 07:06
schestowitz'Oct 17 07:06
schestowitzhow many of those 437 actually care about your freedom?Oct 17 07:06
schestowitzit has to be more than 0, but i cant really guess how few it is.Oct 17 07:06
schestowitz Anders JacksonOct 17 07:06
schestowitzAnders Jackson - 6 minutes ago Oct 17 07:06
schestowitzThis is not good news. :-(Oct 17 07:06
schestowitzYes, Cannonical is is bad enough that Redhat has “given” us systemd…Oct 17 07:06
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 07:06 - 6 minutes ago Oct 17 07:06
schestowitzfoistedOct 17 07:06
schestowitz'Oct 17 07:06
schestowitz 17 07:07
-TechrightsBN/ Pack Your Bags – Systemd Is Taking You To A New Home #ibm #redhat #systemd doing to #linux what Linux did to #gnu Oct 17 07:07
schestowitz"Oct 17 07:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Pack Your Bags – Systemd Is Taking You To A New Home | Tux MachinesOct 17 07:07
schestowitzBugs help sell support contractsOct 17 07:07
schestowitzweve said this about systemd since 2015. not that it isnt worth saying again.Oct 17 07:07
schestowitz"Oct 17 07:07
schestowitzA reliable system can be used without buying support, like the centos we useOct 17 07:07
schestowitzword "crisis" used thrice in 17 07:09
-TechrightsBN/ | On Recent Controversial Events - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn )Oct 17 07:09
schestowitz 17 07:09
-TechrightsBN/ Benjamin Mako Hill appears to have resigned from @fsf BoardOct 17 07:09
schestowitz 17 07:22
-TechrightsBN/ Benjamin Mako Hill appears to have resigned from @fsf BoardOct 17 07:22
schestowitz"Oct 17 07:22
schestowitzive gone from considering kuhn a traitor or backstabber to considering him a possible wildcard with some dishonest arguments.Oct 17 07:22
schestowitzim not too impressed but im generally more interested in getting things right than pretending to be right about everything on the first try.Oct 17 07:22
schestowitzmeanwhile our opponents are trying to crucify people just for being friends with people they dont agree with. this is what we get for entertaining the nonsense of those who want the modern equivalent of blasphemy laws for activism. #codeofcensorshipOct 17 07:22
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 07:22 - 5 minutes ago Oct 17 07:22
schestowitzi think maybe you read too much into kuhn repeating a word. this is a guy that falls in love with certain words, i consider him to be the honourary inventor (he isnt really) of the word “problematic.” hes certainly its #1 fan.Oct 17 07:22
schestowitzim fond of saying that every word (in natural language) is an identifier. that it derives all of its meaning from other words, like a function definition.Oct 17 07:22
schestowitzso imo (fwiw) the proper interpretation of kuhn saying crisis three times is “he likes that word.” but the meaning of that word as hes using it? dont assume-- find out. he doesnt necessarily mean it the way you think. and this isnt intended to paint kuhn as being unreasonable for this trait, i dont think its a surprising quirk for someone who hangs around people that parse legalise all day.Oct 17 07:22
schestowitz'Oct 17 07:22
schestowitz> Sometimes I hope that with your website's speculative coverage of these events before they happened, that those events had to move forward before every piece was completely ready to move. The advantage to that should be obvious.Oct 17 08:59
schestowitzHey, you should run for he Board.Oct 17 08:59
schestowitzIan, right?Oct 17 08:59
schestowitz 17 09:04
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:04
-TechrightsBN/ Richard M. Stallman has resigned as FSF president and from the board of directors 17 09:04
schestowitzWhat the hell is happening here ! … Unexpected and totally strange…Oct 17 09:04
schestowitz Hank GOct 17 09:04
schestowitzHank G - about a month ago Oct 17 09:04
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Richard M. Stallman resigns — Free Software Foundation — working together for free softwareOct 17 09:04
schestowitz@Free Software Foundation Some background ok what’s going on… 17 09:04
schestowitz Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Oct 17 09:04
schestowitzDr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) - about a month ago Oct 17 09:04
schestowitzAs #RichardStallman Resigns Let’s Consider Why #GNU / #Linux Without Stallman and Torvalds Would be a Victory to #Microsoft 17 09:04
-TechrightsBN/ | Renowned MIT Computer Scientist Richard Stallman Defends Epstein: Victims Were ‘Entirely Willing’Oct 17 09:04
schestowitz SapiensOct 17 09:04
schestowitzSapiens - about a month ago Oct 17 09:04
schestowitzThis was a psyop.Oct 17 09:04
schestowitz Hank GOct 17 09:04
schestowitzHank G - about a month ago Oct 17 09:04
-TechrightsBN/ | As Richard Stallman Resigns Let’s Consider Why GNU/Linux Without Stallman and Torvalds Would be a Victory to Microsoft | TechrightsOct 17 09:04
schestowitz@Free Software Foundation Nobody can replace Stallman? Give me a break. Getting rid of this cult of personality crap is a feature not a bug of this happening and it should have happened a long time ago based on the types of things he has written and done with respect to topics like pedophilia. I’m shocked it hasn’t reached that threshold yet, but I’m glad it has.Oct 17 09:04
schestowitz Alexandre BlancOct 17 09:04
schestowitzAlexandre Blanc - about a month ago Oct 17 09:04
schestowitzWas not aware of this side, and crap, indeed, replacement needed and moving on.Oct 17 09:04
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 09:04 - about a month ago Oct 17 09:04
schestowitzgo fuck yourself, hank.Oct 17 09:04
schestowitz Michele SantulloOct 17 09:04
schestowitzMichele Santullo - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:04 +1Oct 17 09:04
schestowitzthis reasoning sounds like the 21st century version of the witch huntOct 17 09:04
schestowitz Michele SantulloOct 17 09:04
schestowitzMichele Santullo - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:04
schestowitzHaving met @Richard Stallman political notes in person I can tell he came across as an incredibly humble and approachable person.Oct 17 09:04
schestowitzStallman was one if not the first, to talk about boycotting Amazon for how they treated their users and their employees, among the other things. Let me say that:Oct 17 09:04
schestowitzhis view on sex is not relevant to me, nor should be to anyoneOct 17 09:04
schestowitzI won’t believe, even for a second, any allegations about him being a pedo or supporting pedos; please take your cheap lies and kindly stick 'em up your assesOct 17 09:05
schestowitzfrom an association such as the FSF that should be all about openness and transparency, a sudden move of this proportion coming out of the blue is suspicious as fuckOct 17 09:05
schestowitz Chiwy M.F.T.Oct 17 09:05
schestowitzChiwy M.F.T. - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:05
schestowitz:(Oct 17 09:05
schestowitz Taraak CynosOct 17 09:05
schestowitzTaraak Cynos - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:05
schestowitzthis reasoning sounds like the 21st century version of the witch huntOct 17 09:05
schestowitzAbsolutelly.Oct 17 09:05
schestowitz Paul SuttonOct 17 09:05
schestowitzPaul Sutton - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:05
schestowitz@Taraak Cynos #nsfwOct 17 09:05
schestowitzI would guess in some ways, what we say can be misconstrued as something elseOct 17 09:05
schestowitzElon Musk says ‘pedo guy’ tweet was not accusationOct 17 09:05
schestowitz 17 09:05
schestowitzWhile I understand how he would interpret the term ‘pedo guy’ in South Africa, people need to be mindful of how others in other countries would interpret that, (esp the media) on the other hand surely there is an equal responsibility for people to understand cultural differences too and how terms in one part of the world are different elsewhere.Oct 17 09:05
schestowitzEric S Raymonds jargon file includes the term ‘wanking’ to mean hacking for the sake of it, but also highlights that that term has a different meaning in commonwealth slang. Even the term hacking has different meaning but that won’t stop us using that term, people need to learn the context rather than jump to a conclusion.Oct 17 09:05
schestowitz Taraak CynosOct 17 09:05
schestowitzTaraak Cynos - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:05
schestowitzhis view on sex is not relevant to me, nor should be to anyoneOct 17 09:05
-TechrightsBN/ | Elon Musk says 'pedo guy' tweet was not accusation - BBC NewsOct 17 09:05
schestowitzAnd when you see how they use as a weapon something that he did as a teenager with more reason, people mature, but these subnormals do not realize that.Oct 17 09:05
schestowitzI won’t believe, even for a second, any allegations about him being a pedo or supporting pedos; please take your cheap lies and kindly stick 'em up your assesOct 17 09:05
schestowitzintroduce la descripción de la imagen aquíOct 17 09:05
schestowitzHe has his age and we knew it would happen,Oct 17 09:05
schestowitzYeah, but this come with a defamation and harassment campaign, I understand that RMS feels unable to deal with it. If someone inside the FSF has boicoted it he (or she, lets remember that idiocy is the onlly thing fairly shared among genders) should feel ashamed.Oct 17 09:05
schestowitz Paul SuttonOct 17 09:05
schestowitzPaul Sutton - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:05
schestowitz@Taraak Cynos I am sure this #meto movement is going way too far, being used as an excuse to target anyone who has ever said something. It makes me feel if we as much as breath on a woman we will one day get accused of rape.Oct 17 09:05
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 09:05 - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:05
schestowitzthe usa doesnt have “blasphemy laws”–Oct 17 09:05
schestowitzbut american corporations do, and stallman has joined torvalds in running afoul of them and then being downgraded/deprecated-- by their own namesakes.Oct 17 09:05
schestowitz Taraak CynosOct 17 09:05
schestowitzTaraak Cynos - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:05
schestowitzYeah, making free speech a target is way #toofar, and again, they use to attack him things that he already apologized, but hey, if people are not able to anticipate every posible interpretation of every thing they say that make them sexists, what a pile of assholes.Oct 17 09:05
schestowitz Miloslav ČížOct 17 09:05
schestowitzMiloslav Číž - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:05
schestowitzI agree with Stallman’s views on child porn.Oct 17 09:05
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 09:05 - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:05
schestowitzthe vagueness of your comment can be used to attack stallman further. it lets other people fill in the blanks as to what you meant.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzit might have helped some to be specific. im afraid to ask, but right now its a blanket statement that could mean anything.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzits hardly more practical than making an accusation of him.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitz Taraak CynosOct 17 09:06
schestowitzTaraak Cynos - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzI agree with Stallman’s views on child porn.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzMe not, but that doesn’t mean that I will haras it for make use of his free speech.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitz Michele SantulloOct 17 09:06
schestowitzMichele Santullo - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzMiloslav good you should quit your job now and be put on the rack -_-Oct 17 09:06
schestowitz Miloslav ČížOct 17 09:06
schestowitzMiloslav Číž - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:06 take what Stallman has said on the topic and imagine me agreeing, there’s nothing vague about this at all.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitz Miloslav ČížOct 17 09:06
schestowitzMiloslav Číž - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzIf I state specific points, people here will start giving shitty arguments and starting exhausting debates that lead nowhere. I simply say I agree with RMS.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitz Paul SuttonOct 17 09:06
schestowitzPaul Sutton - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:06
schestowitz@Miloslav Číž Worth noting that there is nothing on the BBC news about RMS resigning from the FSF. At least not yet.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitz Miloslav ČížOct 17 09:06
schestowitzMiloslav Číž - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzMe not, but that doesn’t mean that I will haras it for make use of his free speech.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzFair stance, I can respect this. I know @Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) said this too in his article. I wish for more reasonable people like this.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitz DavidOct 17 09:06
schestowitzDavid - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzI don’t think age is an issue. Where abs means “absolute value,” m equals my age, and s equals Stallman’s ageOct 17 09:06
schestowitzabs (m - s) < 5Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzI’ve read or heard Stallman defend under-age teenagers having sex with each other. I don’t remember where.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzBTW, Philip Pullman has done the same. Also, it is strongly implied in one of his novels that the teen age protagonist has had sex with another teen age character. One of the Dark Materials series.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzTwo 15-year-olds can’t legally consent to have sex with each other in the USA, but we all know they often do.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzBut I’ll leave that issue for another day. In fact, I may not ever discuss that issue. Too fraught.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitz Taraak CynosOct 17 09:06
schestowitzTaraak Cynos - 30 days ago Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzLets be serious, all of us remember when we where under 18 true? then another ask… how many of us had a revelation at our 18º birthday about how sexuality exist and was fucking interesting? not s dinglr one of us, all have our sexual awakening before the fucking 18, and most of us reached “adult forms” before it.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitz IcavotOct 17 09:06
schestowitzIcavot - 12 days ago Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzMr Stallman’s comments were well founded and worth considering, and he was exercising free speech regardless of whether social predators agree with him or not.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzInternet mobs are easily manipulable by means of groupthink and herd mentality.Oct 17 09:06
schestowitzI want RMS back ;_;Oct 17 09:06
schestowitz Whonix Anonymous Operating SystemOct 17 09:06
schestowitzWhonix Anonymous Operating System - a day ago Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzRMS will never be forgotten, FSF might be…Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz Paul SuttonOct 17 09:07
schestowitzPaul Sutton - about 19 hours ago Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz@Whonix Anonymous Operating System Perhaps more men should speak out against women who have abused them, I almost get the impression now, if you breath too close to a women you are at risk of being accused of rape or assault.Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz Whonix Anonymous Operating SystemOct 17 09:07
schestowitzWhonix Anonymous Operating System - about 13 hours ago Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz@Paul Sutton lol and kicked from your job.Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz Paul SuttonOct 17 09:07
schestowitzPaul Sutton - 36 minutes ago Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz@Whonix Anonymous Operating System If you make a genuine complaint, there should no be issue, but unlike women we need to make complaints at the time and get them acknowledged,Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzThere seems to be one rule for women and one for men, look the media and advertising, 1/2 naked men with big muscles. and toned bodies, oh that is fine,Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzIf this was the other way round it would be branded sexist, well 2 can play at that game surely.Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzSome adverts such as the greek yogurt advert ( well this is a uk advert) appears to portray men as stupid and clumsy, ( or can be misconstrued ) so why is it that us allowed to happen.Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzeven the current spec savers adverts show men making errors and needing glasses, why is every advert a man?Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 09:07 - 31 minutes ago Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz@paul i hope the world comes to realise that society can be sexist against more than one gender at once, in different ways. its more than obvious.Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzthere is a ridiculous (also marxist) narrative that whichever group is “most affected” by gender discrimination “wins” and all other sexism and discrimination is irrelevant.Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzto wit, women are discriminated against more, therefore its impossible to be sexist against men. of course thats horseshit though this is the sort of ridiculous nonsense we are up against.Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz Paul SuttonOct 17 09:07
schestowitzPaul Sutton - 13 minutes ago Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz@Hank G You can be a willing participant in crime without actually knowing you are committing a crime,Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzIf you want an example of the consequences of young people posting indecent images online please watch thisOct 17 09:07
schestowitz 17 09:07
schestowitzWe watched this at a recent e-safety course, what may at first seem innocent can lead to more serious consequencesOct 17 09:07
schestowitz Paul SuttonOct 17 09:07
schestowitzPaul Sutton - 6 minutes ago Oct 17 09:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Amanda Todd's Story: Struggling, Bullying, Suicide, Self Harm - YouTubeOct 17 09:07
schestowitz@freemedia Indeed, hence we should speak out.Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz 17 09:07
-TechrightsBN/ The word "crisis" used thrice in well, if your Board is half gone in just ONE MONTH... Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzmaybe you read too much into kuhn repeating a word. this is a guy that falls in love with certain words, i consider him to be the honourary inventor (he isnt really) of the word “problematic.” hes certainly its #1 fan.Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzim fond of saying that every word (in natural language) is an identifier. that it derives all of its meaning from other words, like a function definition.Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzso imo (fwiw) the proper interpretation of kuhn saying crisis three times is “he likes that word.” but the meaning of that word as hes using it? dont assume-- find out. he doesnt necessarily mean it the way you think. and this isnt intended to paint kuhn as being unreasonable for this trait, i dont think its a surprising quirk for someone who hangs around people that parse legalise all day.Oct 17 09:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | On Recent Controversial Events - Bradley M. Kuhn ( Brad ) ( bkuhn )Oct 17 09:07
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzHis press release for SFC is a big part of the crisisOct 17 09:07
schestowitz 17 09:07
schestowitz"what the hell is going on?"Oct 17 09:07
schestowitzStay woke meme: you can't get in trouble with the online mob if you never wrote things in a  hurry.Oct 17 09:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Lost Almost Half (3 Out of 8) Board Members in Only One Month | TechrightsOct 17 09:07
-TechrightsBN/ "Bradley M. Kuhn deleted a note Bradley M. Kuhn deleted a note Bradley M. Kuhn deleted a note Bradley M. Kuhn deleted a note Bradley M. Kuhn deleted a note Bradley M. Kuhn deleted a note [...]" 17 09:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Bradley M. Kuhn - Identi.caOct 17 09:08
schestowitz 17 09:11
schestowitz"You only have to look at staff rosters for some schools very few men, this has the effect that if a child has no male role model at home, they don't at school either, this has been shown to be bad for both genders."Oct 17 09:11
-TechrightsBN/ Richard M. Stallman has resigned as FSF president and from the board of directors 17 09:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Richard M. Stallman resigns — Free Software Foundation — working together for free softwareOct 17 09:11
schestowitz 17 09:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SyntaxSeed: @schestowitz Does my kids playing my old Gameboy Color count? 😊Oct 17 09:12
schestowitzyes!Oct 17 09:12
schestowitz 17 09:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz @zoobab No such thing as "undocumented citizens". Not only that citizens are documented, they also hav… 17 09:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz @zoobab No such thing as "undocumented citizens". Not only that citizens are documented, they also hav… 17 09:13
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:13
schestowitzNo such thing as "undocumented citizens". Not only that citizens are documented, they also have a special rights or privileges (to vote for example). That distinguishes them from legal aliens (who are also documented). Oct 17 09:13
schestowitzWhat you are talking about are illegal immigrants Oct 17 09:13
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:13
schestowitz 17 09:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz @zoobab And these illegal migrants have already broken the law of the US, probably multiple times. Tha… 17 09:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz @zoobab And these illegal migrants have already broken the law of the US, probably multiple times. Tha… 17 09:13
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:13
schestowitzAnd these illegal migrants have already broken the law of the US, probably multiple times. That's why they are called "illegal".Oct 17 09:13
schestowitzHere's what they do in GreeceOct 17 09:13
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:13
schestowitz 17 09:13
schestowitz""Oct 17 09:13
schestowitzBroken the law because they aren't allowed on the US soil without reporting to authorities and going through the proper process.."Oct 17 09:14
schestowitz 17 09:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz @zoobab So... ICE is merely enforcing US laws. And it's the laws (in the borader sense) that are preve… 17 09:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz @zoobab So... ICE is merely enforcing US laws. And it's the laws (in the borader sense) that are preve… 17 09:14
schestowitz"So... ICE is merely enforcing US laws. And it's the laws (in the borader sense) that are preventing the society from sliding into chaos"Oct 17 09:14
schestowitzICE is not a border agencyOct 17 09:14
schestowitz 17 09:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@iridesce57: @schestowitz silly humansOct 17 09:16
schestowitz 17 09:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stautistic: @schestowitz Oligopolies.Oct 17 09:18
schestowitzThey share the markets among themOct 17 09:18
schestowitz瑨灴㩳⼯睴瑩整�潣⽭潙档湡湡单猯慴畴⽳ㄱ㐸㠶ㄳ㜸㐷㔳㤳〲Oct 17 09:20
schestowitz 17 09:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@YochananUS: @schestowitz British sins? No, just another empire that over extended themselves foolishly. World domination is a foolish effort.Oct 17 09:20
schestowitz 17 09:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KristianHarstad: @schestowitz And as always you pant for anything in Russian interests. Tedious and predictable.Oct 17 09:21
schestowitz 17 09:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz He's right 👇 17 09:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@realDonaldTrump: I am the only person who can fight for the safety of our troops & bring them home from the ridiculous & costly Endl… 17 09:21
schestowitz 17 09:22
schestowitz""Oct 17 09:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@thomas_lord: @schestowitz Good riddance to Kuhn. And Mako Hill, at the very least, is a Code of Conduct fetishist, self-promote… 17 09:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@thomas_lord: @schestowitz Good riddance to Kuhn. And Mako Hill, at the very least, is a Code of Conduct fetishist, self-promote… 17 09:22
schestowitz"Good riddance to Kuhn.  And Mako Hill, at the very least, is a Code of Conduct fetishist, self-promoter, conventional academic career-track type.   The org is in trouble but I don't think either of them would be helpful."Oct 17 09:22
schestowitz 17 09:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz I thought that was going to happen.Oct 17 09:23
schestowitz 17 09:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@therealpadams: @schestowitz Both actually make sense. I'm surprised that you suggested Bruce, though. From your perspective, why d… 17 09:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@therealpadams: @schestowitz Both actually make sense. I'm surprised that you suggested Bruce, though. From your perspective, why d… 17 09:23
schestowitz"Both actually make sense. I'm surprised that you suggested Bruce, though. From your perspective, why does Bruce make a candidate (beyond just recognition)?"Oct 17 09:23
schestowitzhe helped build a bridge between OSI and FSF in later yearsOct 17 09:23
schestowitz 17 09:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@allesgoeie: En wat zegt @ncilla hier over? 17 09:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #Startpage and #System1 Abuse Your #Privacy Under the Guise of #PrivacyOneGroup #ixquickOct 17 09:24
schestowitz 17 09:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jamesabernard: @schestowitz I used an abacus the other day 😀Oct 17 09:25
<--libertybox has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Oct 17 09:28
<--acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Oct 17 09:28
-->libertybox ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 17 09:28
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellOct 17 09:28
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to acer-boxOct 17 09:28
schestowitz 17 09:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz Non-americans would be great.Oct 17 09:33
schestowitzthere's already oneOct 17 09:33
schestowitz 17 09:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz @zoobab I didn't say it's a border agency; it's an agency that is enforcing the US laws. They deal wit… 17 09:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz @zoobab I didn't say it's a border agency; it's an agency that is enforcing the US laws. They deal wit… 17 09:33
schestowitz"I didn't say it's a border agency; it's an agency that is enforcing the US laws. They deal with many thousands of illegal migrants that slip through the border. These people are putting their lives in danger to do their job. And then they are spat on by their own people? "Oct 17 09:33
schestowitz 17 09:42
schestowitz"@Free Software Foundation"Oct 17 09:42
-TechrightsBN/ Richard M. Stallman has resigned as FSF president and from the board of directors 17 09:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Richard M. Stallman resigns — Free Software Foundation — working together for free softwareOct 17 09:42
-TechrightsBN/ | Meme: Setting the Record Straight | TechrightsOct 17 09:42
schestowitz 17 09:47
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:47
schestowitzyeah, there really is not safe alternative is there? i just use ddg because they usually give better text resultsOct 17 09:47
schestowitzfor images on the other handOct 17 09:47
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:47
schestowitzgoogle wins hands down their ai has invaded my life it knows what i like it controls me helpOct 17 09:47
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:47
schestowitz 17 09:49
schestowitz" Dustbin of History - funny"Oct 17 09:49
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:49
schestowitz 17 09:49
schestowitzI know, sadly, many LUG 's 'Use' it. For #convinced 🙄""Oct 17 09:49
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:49
schestowitz 17 09:49
schestowitz""Oct 17 09:49
schestowitz@schestowitz you will have to elaborate on this one.Oct 17 09:49
schestowitzyeah @DuckDuckGo uses Amazon storage, which means potential for #surveillance. but have you more ?Oct 17 09:49
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:49
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:49
schestowitzyes, many more aspectsOct 17 09:49
schestowitz 17 09:49
schestowitz"@schestowitz You can always ask daddy. He's more reliable."Oct 17 09:49
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:50
schestowitz 17 09:50
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:50
schestowitzz i would've thought itd use os/2Oct 17 09:50
schestowitzsince a lot of atms still used that last i checkedOct 17 09:50
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:50
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:50
schestowitz 17 09:50
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:50
schestowitzseriously telegram, no one asked for your shitcoins #deletetelegram Oct 17 09:50
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:50
schestowitzcc @schestowitzOct 17 09:50
schestowitz"Oct 17 09:50
schestowitz 17 09:51
schestowitz" How was Telegram making money in the first place?"Oct 17 09:51
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:51
schestowitz 17 09:51
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:51
schestowitz"A rich russian dude wanted the government to stop spying on him.Oct 17 09:51
schestowitz' 17 09:51
schestowitz"@IzzyWithAnIzze @koyu @schestowitz So one day he went, "Oh shit, my bank account has one less digit!!"?"Oct 17 09:51
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:51
schestowitz 17 09:52
schestowitz" They raked in quite a few Dunning-Krugerrands for their shitcoin, which were presumably immediately converted into either euros or nose candy."Oct 17 09:52
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:52
schestowitz 17 09:52
schestowitz"I use telegram with the debian-package, telegea'me (SailfishOS) and mostly via my jabber-talagram-transport. :-]"Oct 17 09:52
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 17 09:52
schestowitz 17 10:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@valeryan24: @Qwant_FR @nitot Un nouvel argument en faveur de Qwant sur le respect de la vie privée et une publicité non intrusi… 17 10:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@valeryan24: @Qwant_FR @nitot Un nouvel argument en faveur de Qwant sur le respect de la vie privée et une publicité non intrusi… 17 10:13
schestowitz"Oct 17 10:13
schestowitzUn nouvel argument en faveur de Qwant sur le respect de la vie privée et une publicité non intrusive pour les utilisateurs : si on en croit cet article, Startpage filerait un mauvais coton... Oct 17 10:13
schestowitz 17 10:13
schestowitz"Oct 17 10:13
-TechrightsBN/ | Startpage and System1 Abuse Your Privacy Under the Guise of ‘Privacy One Group’ | TechrightsOct 17 10:14
schestowitz"Oct 17 10:24
schestowitzxOct 17 10:24
schestowitz 17 10:24
schestowitz=Oct 17 10:24
schestowitz 17 10:24
schestowitz=Oct 17 10:24
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft unveils two open-source projects for building cloud and edge applications - SiliconANGLEOct 17 10:24
schestowitz"Oct 17 10:24
-TechrightsBN/ | Global Linux Operating System Market Future Forecast Report 2025 with Latest Industry Developments 2019 – StatsFlashOct 17 10:24
schestowitz 17 10:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@bitfield: “Not one person alive today is more responsible for your computing freedom in the 20th century or the early 21st ce… 17 10:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@bitfield: “Not one person alive today is more responsible for your computing freedom in the 20th century or the early 21st ce… 17 10:27
schestowitz"“Not one person alive today is more responsible for your computing freedom in the 20th century or the early 21st century than Richard Matthew Stallman.”"Oct 17 10:27
schestowitz 17 10:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@omeid_: @bitfield Not just the personal computing freedom, but somewhat ironically, many of the tech companies that are hap… 17 10:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@omeid_: @bitfield Not just the personal computing freedom, but somewhat ironically, many of the tech companies that are hap… 17 10:37
schestowitz"Oct 17 10:37
schestowitzNot just the personal computing freedom, but somewhat ironically, many of the tech companies that are happily eroding these freedoms simply wouldn't be possible with closed-source and non-free software.Oct 17 10:37
schestowitzThe list includes facebook, instagram, twitter, you name it.Oct 17 10:37
schestowitz"Oct 17 10:37
schestowitz 17 10:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@blaktron: @bitfield So, right off the bat that's wrong. Linus Torvalds and the Apache foundation have done way more.Oct 17 10:37
schestowitz"So, right off the bat that's wrong. Linus Torvalds and the Apache foundation have done way more."Oct 17 10:37
schestowitz 17 10:37
schestowitz"When trying to explain the absurd of cancel culture, modern censorship and The Snowflake Generation, historians will surely mention this case."Oct 17 10:38
schestowitz 17 10:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stuherbert: @bitfield Oh dear. There are good arguments to be made for the GPL, just not like that. And not by trying to defend… 17 10:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stuherbert: @bitfield Oh dear. There are good arguments to be made for the GPL, just not like that. And not by trying to defend… 17 10:38
schestowitz"Oh dear. There are good arguments to be made for the GPL, just not like that. And not by trying to defend RMS in the process, or by attacking users of the GPL."Oct 17 10:38
-->pedro4 (~pedro4@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 17 10:40
schestowitz 17 10:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@vonneudeck: @bitfield He is still a terrible human being and FLOSS would be better without him. He should have gone years ago.Oct 17 10:48
schestowitz 17 10:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@moreentropy: @bitfield Extremely sketchy. Stopped reading at „Instead, systemd continues to lower the quality and the freedom of… 17 10:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@moreentropy: @bitfield Extremely sketchy. Stopped reading at „Instead, systemd continues to lower the quality and the freedom of… 17 10:57
schestowitzExtremely sketchy. Stopped reading at „Instead, systemd continues to lower the quality and the freedom of GNU/Linux…“. Obviously full of FUD and bullshit and the site is full of articles glorifying and defending RMS until today.""Oct 17 10:57
schestowitz                <li>Oct 17 11:15
schestowitz                  <h5><a href="">The Linux Mint 19.2 Gaming Report: Promising But Room For Improvement</a></h5>Oct 17 11:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @">The )Oct 17 11:15
schestowitz                  <blockquote>Oct 17 11:15
schestowitz                    <p>Sure, we play games on “Linux.” But it’s not that simple. We play games on Fedora, Ubuntu MATE, Pop!_OS, Deepin, Solus. We game on Debian-based or Arch-based distributions (among others). Each with their own philosophies on free (as in open source and freely distributed) versus non-free (like Steam and proprietary Nvidia drivers) software. Each with their own approaches to stability, affecting which versions Oct 17 11:15
schestowitzof drivers and kernels are available out of the box. </p>Oct 17 11:15
schestowitz                    <p> While there are certain procedures and best practices that persist across any distro, these variances can be daunting for new users. And that's the inspiration for this series. </p></blockquote></li>Oct 17 11:15
schestowitz                <li>Oct 17 11:16
schestowitz                  <h5><a href="">Me, curl and Dagens Nyheter</a></h5>Oct 17 11:16
schestowitz                  <blockquote>Oct 17 11:16
schestowitz                    <p>Me and Linus then sat down and talked. We talked about my background, how curl was created and how it has “taken off” to an extent I of course could never even dream about. Today, I estimate that curl runs in perhaps ten billion installations. A truly mind boggling – and humbling – number. </p></blockquote></li>Oct 17 11:16
-TechrightsBN/ | Me, curl and Dagens Nyheter | daniel.haxx.seOct 17 11:16
schestowitz 17 12:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz Wow Twitter decides what the President of the US can and cannot say. Seriously time to break up big techOct 17 12:23
schestowitz 17 12:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz @PourEVA @DavidGlaude Back to paper!Oct 17 12:24
schestowitz 17 12:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz Just became member of @Pour_EVA yesterday!Oct 17 12:24
schestowitz 17 12:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz Never give money to lawyers.Oct 17 12:25
schestowitzsometimes there's no choice; had to pay one 400 quid last weekOct 17 12:25
schestowitz 17 12:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LizMattijsen: @schestowitz And what a blessing it was! But please use the tag #rakulang in the future, as not to squat on the go… 17 12:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LizMattijsen: @schestowitz And what a blessing it was! But please use the tag #rakulang in the future, as not to squat on the go… 17 12:27
schestowitz"And what a blessing it was!  But please use the tag #rakulang in the future, as not to squat on the good folks that are doing Raku pottery.  Thank you!"Oct 17 12:27
schestowitz 17 12:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@gagneet: Summary: “The importance of Stallman’s legacy is both symbolic and instructive. It is symbolic, in that he has spen… 17 12:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@gagneet: Summary: “The importance of Stallman’s legacy is both symbolic and instructive. It is symbolic, in that he has spen… 17 12:55
schestowitz"Summary: “The importance of Stallman’s legacy is both symbolic and instructive. It is symbolic, in that he has spent his life committed to freedom.” … #RMS #Stallman #FSF @fsf"Oct 17 12:55
-TechrightsBN/ | Guest Post: Getting Stallman Wrong Means Getting The 21st Century Wrong | TechrightsOct 17 12:55
schestowitz 17 12:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@tehpeh: @bitfield I can't agree with that.Oct 17 12:55
schestowitz 17 12:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JeffTurnham: @bitfield Seriously? Based on the title, I was expecting a well reasoned case. This reads like it was written by a… 17 12:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@JeffTurnham: @bitfield Seriously? Based on the title, I was expecting a well reasoned case. This reads like it was written by a… 17 12:56
schestowitz"Seriously? Based on the title, I was expecting a well reasoned case.  This reads like it was written by an angry, petulant child. More energy spent attacking Linus and Microsoft than anything else.'Oct 17 12:56
schestowitz 17 12:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TrayFuqua: @schestowitz I’m fairly certain Trump would call him a fine man.Oct 17 12:56
schestowitz 17 12:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LizMattijsen: @schestowitz The Raku Development Team is looking towards the future. Also in the future, please use the tag… 17 12:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@LizMattijsen: @schestowitz The Raku Development Team is looking towards the future. Also in the future, please use the tag… 17 12:57
schestowitzThe Raku Development Team is looking towards the future.  Also in the future, please use the tag #rakulang, as not to squat on the good folks that are doing Raku pottery.  Thank you!""Oct 17 12:57
<--libertybox has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Oct 17 13:17
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schestowitz 17 14:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@KathyApplebaum: @bitfield This article is such a bad take. I struggled all the way through it hoping it would get better.Oct 17 14:01
<--acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Oct 17 14:43
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schestowitz 17 14:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@davidpgil: "Software Freedom Eroding in Linux and Nobody Seems to Care or Oppose This" #toot #FreeSoftware #FOSS #libreOct 17 14:48
schestowitz""Software Freedom Eroding in Linux and Nobody Seems to Care or Oppose This" … #toot #FreeSoftware #FOSS #libre"Oct 17 14:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Software Freedom Eroding in Linux and Nobody Seems to Care or Oppose This | TechrightsOct 17 14:48
schestowitz 17 15:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jaffamonkey: 🤣 17 15:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: LOL, #redhat Seriously, dudes? CONFIDENTIAL? You work for BLOODY #NSA !! 17 15:21
schestowitz 17 15:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@harishpillay: @schestowitz It will be really helpful if you read it. I'll wait.Oct 17 15:22
schestowitzI know what they mean by that and it's pure spin and distortion. It about keeping our private data all to themselves.Oct 17 15:22
schestowitzI know what they mean by that and it's pure spin if not distortion. It is about keeping our private data all to themselves. They care about their own confidentiality, not ours.Oct 17 15:23
schestowitz 17 15:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@harishpillay: @schestowitz I see, you did not read it. That's fine. Thank you.Oct 17 15:36
schestowitzI've read it, and it's the same as last time. Marketing crypto and security while undermining both for the rest of us.Oct 17 15:37
schestowitz 17 15:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@scaringcrows: @schestowitz Thanks Roy!Oct 17 15:52
schestowitz 17 15:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@harishpillay: @schestowitz Looked at the code?Oct 17 15:53
schestowitz 17 15:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@harishpillay: @schestowitz in case you couldn't find it.Oct 17 15:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | EnarxOct 17 15:53
schestowitzI am guessing this is a project you work on, so you took this personallyOct 17 15:53
schestowitz 17 15:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@harishpillay: @schestowitz And bug fixes, patches and new ideas welcome.Oct 17 15:53
schestowitzI am sure the code will work well, but that's not the point I was making. We're being taken for fools and our privacy compromised while the culprits paint themselves as the opposite.Oct 17 15:54
schestowitz 17 16:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@harishpillay: @schestowitz If the code works as intended, that is insufficient? To each his own. You are still welcome to use the… 17 16:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@harishpillay: @schestowitz If the code works as intended, that is insufficient? To each his own. You are still welcome to use the… 17 16:31
schestowitz"If the code works as intended, that is insufficient? To each his own. You are still welcome to use the tech for your own purposes. G'night."Oct 17 16:31
schestowitz 17 16:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@harishpillay: @schestowitz Not at all. Code is code. It is incorrect characterisation I am calling out. G'night.Oct 17 16:31
schestowitzCode is associated with ethics of its purpose and useOct 17 16:31
schestowitz 17 17:05
schestowitz"Oct 17 17:05
schestowitzAs long as the actual president will keep in place his chef de cabinet and the head of HR he will not regain confidence of staff whatever he might claim to do. Those two people have been put in place by his predecessor. Especially the head of HR has acted in a way which cannot be considered as being correct.Oct 17 17:05
schestowitzSending to the AC a heavily biased financial study, is also not fostering trust in the administration. Deciding that the fees will not increase for a large number of years is simply showing a lack of respect for the people working at the EPO as the immediate reflex of the AC will be to cut salaries and pensions.Oct 17 17:05
-TechrightsBN/ | EPO president Campinos still has to show he is serious about restoring social peace - Kluwer Patent BlogOct 17 17:05
schestowitzAlthough it is foreseen that contracting states should compensate for any hole in the budget, they want anything but to have to do so, cf. Art 37(c) EPC. That’s why the first president of the EPO has created the pension fund.Oct 17 17:05
schestowitzIt reminds of the beginning of Mrs Brimelow’s presidency were she considered that the EPO was broke. This was shown later a being a gross exaggeration. The same will happen with the new financial study.Oct 17 17:05
schestowitzOne thing is clear is that the EPO is not any longer an attractive employer. The EPO experiences difficulties getting good staff. Who wants to leave his country of origin to act as a mercenary with a five years contract, but this going on a par with full severance of any national security scheme, be it for health care or pensions. Certainly not with a family and children, i.e. for people having some professional experience. Filling posts Oct 17 17:05
schestowitzonly with graduates will not help in improving quality, especially if people are fired after 5 or 10 years.Oct 17 17:05
schestowitz"Oct 17 17:05
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 17 17:32
schestowitz> It’s kind of hard to argue with an SEC inquiry, let’s see how the RedditOct 17 18:11
schestowitz> Stans/trolls take this...🤣Oct 17 18:11
schestowitz> Oct 17 18:11
schestowitz> 17 18:11
schestowitzReddit is a cesspool.Oct 17 18:11
-TechrightsBN/ | Azure vs. Moore’s Law 2020 + an SEC inquiry. : microsoftOct 17 18:11
schestowitz 17 18:12
schestowitz"Oct 17 18:12
schestowitzOh fantastic, another fantasy piece by my favorite Microsoft hating troll! For those of you not yet acquainted, read up on how Mitchel got fired from Microsoft in his own words. A long, rambling manifesto to be sure, but there's some funny stuff in there.Oct 17 18:12
schestowitzlevel 2Oct 17 18:12
-TechrightsBN/ | Is Satya Nadella Real? : microsoftOct 17 18:12
schestowitzstautisticOct 17 18:12
schestowitz-4 pointsOct 17 18:12
schestowitz·Oct 17 18:12
schestowitz2 hours agoOct 17 18:12
schestowitzI’m flattered. Be sure to catch that part about how I got my team moved from a clapped out windowless server room into the Bravern before my inevitable know, because I was so inaccurate and stuff.Oct 17 18:12
schestowitz"Oct 17 18:12
schestowitzRe: Reddit Microsoft Stans...> I wonder how many trolls Microsoft has crawling their subreddit...let’sOct 17 18:12
schestowitz> find out:Oct 17 18:12
schestowitz> Oct 17 18:12
schestowitz> 17 18:12
schestowitz> Hey, you should run for he Board.Oct 17 18:16
schestowitz> Oct 17 18:16
schestowitz> I'm flattered, but it should be very clear that supporting the FSF for me does not extend to trusting the FSF enough to be part of its board.Oct 17 18:16
schestowitz> Oct 17 18:16
schestowitz> I've seen how their members including their board are treated, and I am appalled. I still think we should not abandon them, we may even need to help them more in the future. But whether their actions of late inspire trust is another matter altogether. There are people at the FSF now that I would not even trust with my contact information. That's a very recent change. I used to get stuff from them in the post.Oct 17 18:16
schestowitzThey don't need a crane to throw an egg at you...Oct 17 18:16
schestowitz> Ian, right?Oct 17 18:17
schestowitz> Oct 17 18:17
schestowitz> Oct 17 18:17
schestowitz> naaah. Oct 17 18:17
schestowitz> Oct 17 18:17
schestowitz> We have initials in common. I won't say how many. There are times you have to use a first and last name online.Oct 17 18:17
schestowitz> Oct 17 18:17
schestowitz> I only use my real name for business and romantic relationships. The internet used to be mostly handles, and I think it's a loss that it isn't more like that now.Oct 17 18:17
schestowitz> Oct 17 18:17
schestowitz> I've met fsmithred, he knows my real name. That's not romance or business I guess, that was just lunch. His first name is now public, but I knew it before that. Oct 17 18:17
schestowitz>>> Having a lot of wasted effort trying to solve a systemd-caused problem.Oct 17 18:18
schestowitz>>> It's taking hours to figure out and the documentation is poor.  When TROct 17 18:18
schestowitz>>> and TM are put through their upgrades, I'd lean heavily to DevuanOct 17 18:18
schestowitz>>> instead of CentOS 8.Oct 17 18:18
schestowitz>> I'm not against that.Oct 17 18:18
schestowitz>>Oct 17 18:18
schestowitz>> At work we mostly use Debian and Ubuntu, so I am used to these.Oct 17 18:18
schestowitz>>Oct 17 18:18
schestowitz> Excellent.  Is it possible to find when kaniini has time this autumn?Oct 17 18:19
schestowitz> It's be very nice to be able cross HTTPS off the list.Oct 17 18:19
schestowitzHe has had issues with his own site lately. I will nag him maybe around the end of year when it's quiet. Same time we migrated last year.Oct 17 18:19
<--pedro4 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Oct 17 18:24
schestowitz> Hi,Oct 17 18:54
schestowitz> Please review the attached post.Oct 17 18:54
schestowitz> thanks,Oct 17 18:54
schestowitzI have made amendments. If you're happy, I'll publish tomorrow. Just tell me under which name or pen name.Oct 17 18:54
schestowitz> Might as well be called Mos Eisley..Oct 17 19:01
schestowitzDon't be discouraged by these MFers.Oct 17 19:01
schestowitzI too was where you are 12 or so years ago.Oct 17 19:01
schestowitzThey ignore, they insult etc.Oct 17 19:01
schestowitzEventually they can't keep up and truth comes out. Just carry on writing...Oct 17 19:01
schestowitz>   well, thats twitter for you.Oct 17 19:09
schestowitz> Oct 17 19:09
schestowitz>> Oh dear. There are good arguments to be made for the GPL, just not like that. And not by trying to defend RMS in the processOct 17 19:09
schestowitz> not sure how they got the point of the article was about the gpl.Oct 17 19:09
schestowitzThey are 'corporate' types.Oct 17 19:09
schestowitz>> They don't need a crane to throw an egg at you...Oct 17 19:09
schestowitz> Took me a minute to guess what you meant. Yes, well-- I used to live walking distance of a Church of Scientology, and I'm not joining the board of that either. Oct 17 19:09
schestowitz 17 19:21
-TechrightsBN/ Richard M. Stallman has resigned as FSF president and from the board of directors 17 19:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Richard M. Stallman resigns — Free Software Foundation — working together for free softwareOct 17 19:21
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:21
schestowitzSo funny (and sad at the same time) reading all these comments from insecure men who feel threatened by women. Sigh.Oct 17 19:21
schestowitz Taraak CynosOct 17 19:21
schestowitzTaraak Cynos - about 9 hours ago Oct 17 19:21
schestowitzAdHominem==NoArgumentOct 17 19:21
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 19:21 - about 6 hours ago Oct 17 19:21
schestowitz@Jason Robinson youre a pathetic excuse for a human. get the fuck out of here.Oct 17 19:21
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 19:21 - about 6 hours ago Oct 17 19:21
schestowitzso ive finally met “the” jason robinson. liar and sociopath, first impression.Oct 17 19:21
schestowitzi never put stock in first impressions. this one i feel confident though. slime. also a bigot. not surprised.Oct 17 19:21
schestowitz Paul SuttonOct 17 19:21
schestowitzPaul Sutton - about 6 hours ago Oct 17 19:21
schestowitz@freemedia Well not sure where his comment comes from. I am certainly not afraid of women or insecure. If women bully people or think men should not work with children, due to some perceived danger, brought on by prejudice this should be called out and challenged.Oct 17 19:21
schestowitzI can understand people being mistrusting of the opposite sex due to previous experience in relationships though.Oct 17 19:21
schestowitzThe staff roster comment if if he read that properly was about setting a good role model for both genders, never having access to a male role model is bad, esp if the only male role model is a celebrity who sets a bad example.Oct 17 19:21
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 19:21 - about 6 hours ago Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzWell not sure where his comment comes from.Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzits not a comment on anything, its just shtick.Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzeverything this guy says is bullshit. every word, every day, every time. this is his pond, and he thinks hes a big fish. i meant it when i said sociopath. thats probably the last thing ill say about it too. just ignore him, hes fucking useless.Oct 17 19:22
schestowitz Hank GOct 17 19:22
schestowitzHank G - about 6 hours ago Oct 17 19:22
schestowitz@Free Software Foundation Having interacted with @Jason Robinson 🐍🍻 a lot over the last year I can say that @freemedia 's characterization of him is bullshit. I don’t do well with “big fish small pond” egomaniacs. I never perceived that from Jason. I don’t do well with sociopathic behavior from people. I’ve never perceived that from him. Every observation I’ve ever seen is the antithesis of that characterization.Oct 17 19:22
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 19:22 - about 4 hours ago Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzsure hank. though you also think freedos is free software, and i think you probably gave me shit for saying it wasnt.Oct 17 19:22
schestowitznot saying its the same thing but, havent you thought i was full of shit before when i was actually right? and since weve only spoken about twice, you could easily be wrong 2/2 times ever. just saying.Oct 17 19:22
schestowitz Hank GOct 17 19:22
schestowitzHank G - about 3 hours ago Oct 17 19:22
schestowitz@Free Software Foundation @freemedia i don’t recall interacting with you before in any way but that’s irrelevant to the fact I have interacted with Jason in person and online a bunch over the past year or so and can say I’ve never seen one scintilla of behavior which even loosely corresponds to your characterization of him.Oct 17 19:22
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:22
schestowitz 17 19:22
-TechrightsBN/ Guest Post: Getting #Stallman Wrong Means Getting The 21st Century Wrong #rms #softwarefreedom #freesw #microsoft Oct 17 19:22
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzbravo!Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzOct 17 19:22 - about a month ago Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzthanks clariceOct 17 19:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Guest Post: Getting Stallman Wrong Means Getting The 21st Century Wrong | TechrightsOct 17 19:22
schestowitzOct 17 19:22
schestowitzOtyugh - about a month ago Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzOh my. I read for 15 minutes or so - and I learnt nothing but “RMS is doing some interviews with Microsoft”. Who the hell would write so much to say so little ? I’m out. :(Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzOct 17 19:22 - about a month ago Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzbye otyugh :)Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzI learnt nothingOct 17 19:22
schestowitzhappy learning!Oct 17 19:22
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:22
schestowitzMany people liked that article; those who don't usually have an allergy to software freedomOct 17 19:23
schestowitz 17 19:24
-TechrightsBN/ "Bruce has seen what happened to #eich and #stallman and wants to appease the sacred Enforcers Of The COC. A technologist focused on social justice is like a DJ focused on farming." 17 19:24
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:24
schestowitzhas bruce ever heard of SPI?Oct 17 19:24
schestowitz(tongue-in-cheek, obviously.)Oct 17 19:24
schestowitzA technologist focused on social justice is like a DJ focused on farming.” ← nice oneOct 17 19:24
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | SoylentNews Comments | Bruce Schneier Recommends New Type of TechnologistOct 17 19:24
schestowitz tomgrzOct 17 19:24
schestowitztomgrz - 2 days ago Oct 17 19:24
schestowitzA waste of valuable time.Oct 17 19:24
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 19:24 - 2 days ago Oct 17 19:24
schestowitzA waste of valuable time.Oct 17 19:24
schestowitzthat could well be the point. systemd is already a five-year setback. its not an init system, its a software weapon.Oct 17 19:24
schestowitzuse systemd to defeat the software. use the malleus hackerum to defeat the authors.Oct 17 19:24
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:24
schestowitzAnd corporate  media can fabricate stuff to help with the latterOct 17 19:24
schestowitz> Sheeeit. I know ad hominem when I see it. My car has a brighter future than most of those Reddit sysadmin dorks 🤣.Oct 17 19:39
schestowitz 17 19:43
-TechrightsBN/ "Bruce has seen what happened to #eich and #stallman and wants to appease the sacred Enforcers Of The COC. A technologist focused on social justice is like a DJ focused on farming." 17 19:43
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:43
schestowitzwe need bruce.Oct 17 19:43
schestowitzis he going to be ok?Oct 17 19:43
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:43
schestowitz\Oct 17 19:43
-TechrightsBN/ So some people don't like 'unruly' (nonconformist) people I get it I reject hat Because to disrupt the status quo people need to deviate and make this deviation normalOct 17 19:43
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:43
schestowitz“the reasonable man adapts himself to the world:Oct 17 19:43
schestowitzthe unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”Oct 17 19:43
schestowitzgeorge bernard shawOct 17 19:43
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:43
schestowitzIt was partly based on thisOct 17 19:44
schestowitz 17 19:45
-TechrightsBN/ Links 17/10/2019: Ubuntu Turns 15, New Codename Revealed, #Ubuntu 19.10 is Out #techrights #gnu #linux #canonicalOct 17 19:45
schestowitz"given everything going on, it should by flossy fish-- or fishy FLOSS"Oct 17 19:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Links 17/10/2019: Ubuntu Turns 15, New Codename Revealed, Ubuntu 19.10 is Out | TechrightsOct 17 19:45
schestowitz 17 19:48
-TechrightsBN/ "Mozilla unveils upcoming changes to Firefox." #mozilla #firefox Oct 17 19:48
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzWho cares ? At this point, FF is irrelevant.Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzOct 17 19:48 - about 17 hours ago Oct 17 19:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 2019-10-16 | Linux Headlines | Jupiter BroadcastingOct 17 19:48
schestowitzi made a lot of points (some were repeats) on why roy should just give up on mozilla already.Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzits not an easy thing to do-- people end up using a browser they have no faith in. i still think that its better to use a free software browser you dont believe than to switch to one that isnt free (i certainly dont believe in any non-free browsers, i havent in over a decade) but believing in mozilla in this day and age comes down to unjustified (misplaced) faith. wishful thinking is fine, use wishful thinking when youre trying to change Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzthe world-- but not when youre trying to accept a steaming pile of crap.Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzOct 17 19:48
schestowitzAlessandro Ebersol - about 6 hours ago Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzMozilla Firefox died (for me) when they ousted Eich. Curiously, also a sexual issue was raised against him, that forced him to leave.Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzAnd, 6 years later, Firefox is a joke.Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzOct 17 19:48 - about 6 hours ago Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzMozilla Firefox died (for me) when they ousted Eich.Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzi was on the wrong side of that. it was probably my final act as a social justice warrior. in my defense, my part in it was insignificant, but my regret isnt.Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzgetting eich out is like some minor analogue of a kid thinking a gun is a toy until it goes off and then finding out its actually a dangerous weapon. id rather not use mozilla or brave, but for what its worth, id rather use a fork of brave than a fork of mozilla. its a shame theres no 32bit version for gnu.Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzOct 17 19:48
schestowitzAlessandro Ebersol - about 6 hours ago Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzYeah, and I’m using Brave, very impressed. A token of Eich’s genius.Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzBut, it is not Free Software ?Oct 17 19:48
schestowitzOct 17 19:48
schestowitzAlessandro Ebersol - about 6 hours ago Oct 17 19:49
schestowitzi was on the wrong side of that. it was probably my final act as a social justice warrior. in my defense, my part in it was insignificant, but my regret isn’t.Oct 17 19:49
schestowitzMy friend, the social movements have all been infiltrated. Now, they are just witch hunt tools for corporations. Sadly.Oct 17 19:49
schestowitzOct 17 19:49 - about 6 hours ago Oct 17 19:49
schestowitzpreaching to the choir, of course. but sometimes people in the choir come from shitty backgrounds.Oct 17 19:49
schestowitzi was not a sjw for very long. nor did i ever set out to be one. i found better things to do, better causes, and realised looking back that for a little while, i was one of “those people.” i know what theyre doing to rms, because it was done to eich and to others. the eich thing wasnt a sustained campaign, i may have written a short email or a couple of short social media posts. (youre forgiven if youre sceptical that either was short,Oct 17 19:49
schestowitz too.) but eich was the integrity of that organisation. without him, it just turned to shit. more people need to understand this.Oct 17 19:49
schestowitzits possible of course, that they got rid of other key people. but if they did im unaware of it. alex limi was not one of those people. he is a festering sore that continues to haunt the browser even though hes no longer part of its development. and his post about his “contribution” is pure propaganda. just look at this shit: these are the sorts of people that mozilla keeps on, while they fire the good ones.Oct 17 19:49
-TechrightsBN/ | 𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐈 ⁂ Checkboxes that kill your productOct 17 19:49
schestowitz thats what “social justice” gets you-- discrimination.Oct 17 19:49
schestowitzOct 17 19:49
schestowitzAlessandro Ebersol - about 5 hours ago Oct 17 19:49
schestowitz+1Oct 17 19:49
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:49
schestowitzI am not a FF users, but it liberated me from awful browsers back in 2004Oct 17 19:49
schestowitzI am not a FF user, but it liberated me from awful browsers back in 2004Oct 17 19:49
schestowitz 17 19:50
-TechrightsBN/ The #Mozilla Developer Roadshow Talks: #Firefox , #WebAssembly , CSS, #WebXR and More 17 19:50
schestowitz"adding crap that sounds really cool on top of an increasingly useless, increasingly malware-like browser roadshow"Oct 17 19:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Mozilla Developer Roadshow Talks: Firefox, WebAssembly, CSS, WebXR and More - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blogOct 17 19:50
schestowitzWhat do you use to render pages and so webforms?Oct 17 19:50
schestowitzWhat do you use to render pages and do webforms?Oct 17 19:50
schestowitz 17 19:51
-TechrightsBN/ A #mozilla paradox: if you use #firefox on a so-called 'phone', then you cannot have #privacy (these devices are made with back doors) 17 19:51
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:51
schestowitzits not a paradox-- its just a lie.Oct 17 19:51
schestowitzthe fact that mozilla lies about such things on a regular basis is a great example of how useless they are these days.Oct 17 19:51
schestowitzthis is snake oil. it should be treated as such. and mozilla has “pivoted” into a digital snake oil provider.Oct 17 19:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Browse in peace on your phone with Firefox thanks to Enhanced Tracking Protection | The Firefox FrontierOct 17 19:52
schestowitz tomgrzOct 17 19:52
schestowitztomgrz - 13 days ago Oct 17 19:52
schestowitzLies abound in tech, especially as regards privacy.Oct 17 19:52
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 19:52 - 13 days ago Oct 17 19:52
schestowitzquite soOct 17 19:52
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:52
schestowitz"Everyone ELSE is doing it, so..."Oct 17 19:52
schestowitz 17 19:53
-TechrightsBN/ #mozilla business model: #firefox #privacy ... for a PRICE! 17 19:53
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:53
schestowitzpretty much everything mozilla does at this point-- would fit a theme of “someone must have lost a bet”Oct 17 19:53
schestowitz#mozillacloudcontrol #corporateculturemozillaOct 17 19:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Mozilla previews Firefox VPN, will charge for service at some point | ComputerworldOct 17 19:53
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:53
schestowitz 17 19:53
-TechrightsBN/ Surely #mozilla understands or all along understood that rendering volunteers' third party code obsolete would more or less ensure they would no longer contribute to #firefox and #thunderbird (or extensions thereof) development. Don't be #microsoft Oct 17 19:53
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:53
schestowitzthey keep doing this. its really obnoxious.Oct 17 19:53
schestowitzsort of related: 17 19:53
schestowitz'Oct 17 19:54
-TechrightsBN/ | version 2.0 casualties of the war on #freesoftware http://techright...Oct 17 19:54
schestowitztheyre probably right, but mozilla has no room to talk. all they do is layer on more crap like telemetry and drm.Oct 17 19:54
schestowitzfuck off, mozilla.Oct 17 19:55
schestowitzwhy not just let the eff do this one?Oct 17 19:55
schestowitz tomgrzOct 17 19:55
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Oct 17 19:55
schestowitzI was trying to cross-compile Firefox-ESR for arch64. What a nightmare! I’ve never seen so many warnings, errors, segfaults in my life…Oct 17 19:55
schestowitz tomgrzOct 17 19:55
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Oct 17 19:55
schestowitzIn other words, the codebase is sketchy, at best…Oct 17 19:55
schestowitz 17 19:55
-TechrightsBN/ "The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and The #Mozilla Foundation have penned a joint open letter to #Venmo , pointing out that its privacy settings are not what it considers acceptable." 17 19:55
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | EFF and Mozilla scold Venmo over shocking privacy breachesOct 17 19:55
schestowitz 17 19:56
-TechrightsBN/ Please don't become #facebook , #mozilla The company hired a VP from #fb and now #firefox is becoming a "timeline" that pushes "news" stories to you. Just focus on rendering pages, Mozilla. Let us control the rest. Don't be "recommendation" (ads) engine.Oct 17 19:56
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:56
schestowitzThe company hired a VP from #fbOct 17 19:56
schestowitzand you are still trying to trust them? im really not trying to give you a hard time, and i frequently argue that emotions/imagination complement logic (and get a bad rap) but youre just being sentimental about a reality that is far in the past. im not going to troll you about it, this isnt an intervention, its just a few points in response to yours. but if youre a red dwarf fan, your opinion of mozilla (to me) is a bit like kryten Oct 17 19:56
schestowitzserving tea to his dead crew.Oct 17 19:56
schestowitzlook around-- nobody has trusted them in years, with good reason. theyre waiting for an alternative and they still need a browser with a few more features than qupzilla. (im not trying to shittalk qupzilla but ive got it installed, and i couldnt deal with it on a daily basis. i cant imagine how you manage to.)Oct 17 19:57
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 19:57 - about 18 hours ago Oct 17 19:57
schestowitzthe hyperbola devs have the best derivative imo, better than icecat, but i think all such projects rely in the long run on mozilla retaining a level of stability and reliability (and integrity) that it will never have again.Oct 17 19:57
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:57
schestowitzWebkit monopoly would harm us allOct 17 19:57
schestowitz 17 19:58
-TechrightsBN/ I want #mozilla to succeed I want #firefox to succeed (the only "Big Browser" that it still proper #freesw sans DRM/EME) But I also don't want them to 'succeed' by becoming awful That would not be "success"Oct 17 19:58
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:58
schestowitzs/mozilla/redhat/gOct 17 19:58
schestowitzyoure living in a fantasy, mate.Oct 17 19:58
schestowitzwe (not you, but many of us) want mozilla to just fail already. wishing for mozilla to change is like wishing for hillary to not be corrupt.Oct 17 19:58
schestowitzthe sooner mozilla is over, the closer we are to free software being a success again. really, every new version that comes out makes the free software ecosystem worse.Oct 17 19:58
schestowitza lot of the people (including myself) who dont want the fsf to fail still want mozilla to. theyre unsalvageable. the browser isnt-- the mozilla foundation is. though we could do A LOT better for a browser. and we wait patiently for horrible YEAR after horrible year. mozilla is the u.s. democratic party of browsers. its only holding real progress back, and giving us an endless supply of crap.Oct 17 19:58
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 17 19:58 - about 18 hours ago Oct 17 19:58
schestowitzI also don’t want them to ‘succeed’ by becoming awfulOct 17 19:58
schestowitztime to run updates on your evaluation. theyve spent years being “awful.” their only real “merit” now is layering gimmicks on top of something that continues to fester and get worse. theyre so far past the point of fixing. and this couldnt have happened unless the organisation was already useless.Oct 17 19:58
schestowitz"Oct 17 19:58
schestowitzYou could say the same about EPOOct 17 19:58

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