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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Friday, September 18, 2020

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schestowitz> Great.Sep 18 00:07
schestowitz> Sep 18 00:07
schestowitz>> Can you think of videos wrote covering or writing about? I'm low onSep 18 00:07
schestowitz>> worthwhile topics at the moment...Sep 18 00:07
schestowitz> DT talked a bit about the GNOME takeover in his last one but he'll beSep 18 00:07
schestowitz> moving to one show every other week for now.  They're great but probablySep 18 00:07
schestowitz> a tremendous effort to both host and produce.Sep 18 00:07
schestowitz> Sep 18 00:07
schestowitz> Maybe this one:Sep 18 00:07
schestowitz> Sep 18 00:07
schestowitz> 18 00:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Unearthing the History of Unix: Warner Losh - YouTubeSep 18 00:07
schestowitz> Sep 18 00:07
schestowitz> However, I'm not sure how the notice at the beginning complicates theSep 18 00:07
schestowitz> fact that it has been published via Youtube.Sep 18 00:07
schestowitz> Sep 18 00:07
schestowitz> I'll keep an eye open for more.  Interesting and good videos tend to beSep 18 00:07
schestowitz> rather sporadic at best.Sep 18 00:07
schestowitzwhen I started watching the latest thing about GNOME (an hour after it was published) I wrote down the start time (8:20 IIRC) but as I watched it I cringed a bit with the Trump-like language. I don't think it's suitable for TR. Would be a liability. Other segments were equally unhelpful. I put that in Daily Links, but that's it...Sep 18 00:07
schestowitz"RMS was right"Sep 18 00:23
schestowitzCan you get ~28mins onwards at ?Sep 18 00:23
-TechrightsBN/ | "A Political History of X" - Keith Packard (LCA 2020) - YouTubeSep 18 00:23
schestowitz> One thing I have learned over these many years - the future does notSep 18 00:29
schestowitz> exist.  The emphasis (the sole emphasis?) must be placed upon what do weSep 18 00:29
schestowitz> do today, given what we know.  If we practice rightly, the future willSep 18 00:29
schestowitz> be alright.Sep 18 00:29
schestowitz 18 00:30
-TechrightsBN/ | ● NEWS ● #TruthOut ☞ #CDC Director: Face Mask “More Guaranteed to P… | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Sep 18 00:30
schestowitz"Sep 18 00:30
schestowitzYes. And it is horrible that we are mandated to get a flu shot insteadSep 18 00:30
schestowitz 18 00:30
-TechrightsBN/ | Oppose University of Calfiornia's Order Requiring Flu shots for Students and EmployeesSep 18 00:30
schestowitz"\Sep 18 00:30
schestowitz>> 18 03:17
-TechrightsBN/ | "What UNIX Cost Us" - Benno Rice (LCA 2020) - YouTubeSep 18 03:17
schestowitz> Sep 18 03:17
schestowitz> youre good! i complain about something, you give me the url im referring to. but this was the second time he pulled this shit.Sep 18 03:17
schestowitzI'll take a portion from that...Sep 18 03:17
schestowitz> if either of you get email from the third recipient, its legit. accept no imitations!Sep 18 03:18
schestowitz> Sep 18 03:18
schestowitz> theres an older one you cc sometimes, you can @ it all you want, but i dont have that anymore. eventually someone might grab it. but i didnt use it that much.Sep 18 03:18
schestowitz> Sep 18 03:18
schestowitz> no worries, no dd keyring bullshit included! nothing official about the above; they make you pick a string of letters for an identifier. it doesnt work very well without one.Sep 18 03:18
schestowitzRe: Adorable history videoSep 18 03:23
schestowitz> 'smee again. will confirm shortly, cheers.Sep 18 03:23
schestowitz> Sep 18 03:23
schestowitz> 18 03:23
-TechrightsBN/ | Hackers - Wizards of the Electronic Age - InvidiousSep 18 03:23
schestowitz> Sep 18 03:23
schestowitz> one of several things im working on watching, along with that packardSep 18 03:23
schestowitz> history video. almost skipped it because it was too silly, but thenSep 18 03:23
schestowitz> stewart brand was talking about the personality of these people.Sep 18 03:23
schestowitz> Sep 18 03:24
schestowitz> while corporate apologists like benno rice talk about how meritocracy isSep 18 03:24
schestowitz> a dirty word, coming right out and saying that people were bad peopleSep 18 03:24
schestowitz> and they didnt know it, until codes of conduct came along... look atSep 18 03:24
schestowitz> what brand says right at the beginning. VERY VERY different. rice is anSep 18 03:24
schestowitz> asshole-- he speaks power to truth, not truth to power. lies are aSep 18 03:24
schestowitz> favourite weapon of covert bullies.Sep 18 03:24
schestowitz> Sep 18 03:24
schestowitz> but the reason im emailing now is that the video is loaded with clips ofSep 18 03:24
schestowitz> rms. a much smaller, pre-deified rms-- you could just about put him inSep 18 03:24
schestowitz> your pocket! rms from the early, early days of gnu. you may notice imSep 18 03:24
schestowitz> not copying the usual bloke. i cant spell his name. yours, sure. but hisSep 18 03:24
schestowitz> is even harder. no worries, feel free to reply the USUAL way. you dontSep 18 03:24
schestowitz> have to send here. that older one you still copy @ sometimes is (long) gone.Sep 18 03:24
schestowitzGood find.Sep 18 03:24
schestowitzI never saw this before...Sep 18 03:24
schestowitz> 18 03:37
-TechrightsBN/ | Kelvin Doe - WikipediaSep 18 03:37
schestowitz> Sep 18 03:37
schestowitz> He is known for teaching himself engineering at the age of 13 andSep 18 03:37
schestowitz> building his own radio station in Sierra Leone, where he plays music andSep 18 03:37
schestowitz> broadcasts news under the name "DJ Focus." He was one of the finalistsSep 18 03:37
schestowitz> in GMin's Innovate Salone idea competition, in which Doe built aSep 18 03:38
schestowitz> generator from scrap metals. Doe would constantly use discarded piecesSep 18 03:38
schestowitz> of scrap to build transmitters, generators, and batteries, as well.^[1]Sep 18 03:38
schestowitz> <> ^[2]Sep 18 03:38
-TechrightsBN/ | Kelvin Doe - WikipediaSep 18 03:38
schestowitz> <>Sep 18 03:38
-TechrightsBN/ | Kelvin Doe - WikipediaSep 18 03:38
schestowitz> Sep 18 03:38
schestowitz> As a result of his accomplishment, he received an invitation to theSep 18 03:38
schestowitz> United States <> andSep 18 03:38
-TechrightsBN/ | United States - WikipediaSep 18 03:38
schestowitz> subsequently became the youngest person to participate in the "VisitingSep 18 03:38
schestowitz> Practitioner's Program" at MIT <>.Sep 18 03:38
-TechrightsBN/ | Massachusetts Institute of Technology - WikipediaSep 18 03:38
schestowitz> Sep 18 03:38
schestowitz> Sep 18 03:38
schestowitz> Kelvin Doe with his Kano computer kit in Sierra Leone in 2013Sep 18 03:38
schestowitz> 18 03:38
-TechrightsBN/ | File:Kelvin Doe.jpg - WikipediaSep 18 03:38
schestowitz 18 09:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MrIvanJohnson: @JSCCounterPunch 18 09:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: The #Biden / #Trump false dichotomy (perpetuating the #twopartysystem monopoly/duopoly) borrows from #Russophobic t… 18 09:57
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MrIvanJohnson: @JSCCounterPunch 18 09:57
schestowitz 18 10:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@iridesce57: @schestowitz Congratulations 🥂Sep 18 10:03
schestowitz 18 10:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: Are there any Rohinga still being detained in GitMo? They should be released - and not into further detention in a… 18 10:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: Are there any Rohinga still being detained in GitMo? They should be released - and not into further detention in a… 18 10:03
schestowitz"Are there any Rohinga still being detained in GitMo?  They should be released - and not into further detention in a third party state.  Do the justice you can."Sep 18 10:03
schestowitz 18 10:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@joerosato: Can we just leave the man alone? Kim Peak would explode into a rage if he didn't sit on the 'correct' side, next to… 18 10:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@joerosato: Can we just leave the man alone? Kim Peak would explode into a rage if he didn't sit on the 'correct' side, next to… 18 10:30
schestowitz"Can we just leave the man alone? Kim Peak would explode into a rage if he didn't sit on the 'correct' side, next to his father. Sometimes imbalance produces great things...."Sep 18 10:30
*rianne_ has quit (Read error: No route to host)Sep 18 10:51
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 18 10:52
schestowitzx 18 12:14
-TechrightsBN/ | Bill Gates says hoarding Covid-19 vaccines could double deaths — QuartzSep 18 12:14
schestowitz# bill sezSep 18 12:14
schestowitzx 18 12:20
-TechrightsBN/ | Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for Israel-Bahrain-UAE deal. It's more than Obama did.Sep 18 12:20
schestowitz# the warned about change has started with NBCSep 18 12:20
*acer-box has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 18 17:01
-NickServ-acer-box! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Sep 18 17:01
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellSep 18 17:01
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to acer-boxSep 18 17:01
schestowitz>>> I'll keep an eye open for more.  Interesting and good videos tend to beSep 18 17:55
schestowitz>>> rather sporadic at best.Sep 18 17:55
schestowitz>> when I started watching the latest thing about GNOME (an hour after itSep 18 17:55
schestowitz>> was published) I wrote down the start time (8:20 IIRC) but as I watchedSep 18 17:55
schestowitz>> it I cringed a bit with the Trump-like language. I don't think it'sSep 18 17:55
schestowitz>> suitable for TR. Would be a liability. Other segments were equallySep 18 17:55
schestowitz>> unhelpful. Sep 18 17:55
schestowitz> Yeah, I hope he is able to stay focused on the technology and theSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> software freedom.  However, maybe I cut him too much slack on deviatingSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> from that course because of two factors.  The first is that it is allSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> but impossible for people in the US to be exposed to truthful politicalSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> news unless they go out of their way.  The other is that young people inSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> his age have more or less grown up exposed to social control media andSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> can't tell up from down and have no means to learn it.  So for those twoSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> reasons, I was cherry picking the GNOME segment.  He has a break of twoSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> weeks, so we'll see how he does then.Sep 18 17:55
schestowitzWhen he says "SJW" and "virtue signalling" the way he does I just see ESR and move right on.. don't want to associate with those dogwhistles.Sep 18 17:55
schestowitz>> I put that in Daily Links, but that's it...Sep 18 17:55
schestowitz> Sounds good.Sep 18 17:55
schestowitz> Sep 18 17:55
schestowitz> A big potentially deadly problem for society is that in the rest of theSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> world social control media and Youtube basically form the the opinionsSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> and attitudes of the young people 100% there too.  And, again, they'reSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> not given the cognitive tools to sort the wheat from the chaff.  TheSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> first checkbox many countries teach is to as if the message "soundsSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> reasonable".  Well, the problem with that is if they've been fed liesSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> and disinformation for a significant period, anything of substance willSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> be perceived as weird, unfamiliar, or unreasonable.  They could beSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> better served by checking the authority of sources, but that is tooSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> easily translated into a question of whether they like the personalitiesSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> involved rather than asking if they are in a position to have reliableSep 18 17:55
schestowitz> information and knowledge.Sep 18 17:55
schestowitzYes, I think that accurately captures the problem. Sep 18 17:55
schestowitzMelinda is apparently very annoyed right now at social control media. It's harder to buy/manipulate like they do MSM.Sep 18 17:55
schestowitzSadly, a lot of what's said there is false too.Sep 18 17:56
schestowitz>> Can you get ~28mins onwards at ?Sep 18 17:58
-TechrightsBN/ | "A Political History of X" - Keith Packard (LCA 2020) - YouTubeSep 18 17:58
schestowitz>>Sep 18 17:58
schestowitz> Ok.  I trimmed the end too.  It is there as video8.Sep 18 17:58
schestowitzThanks, I got it.Sep 18 17:58
schestowitzOn one external laptop I have dolphin on that directory and I refresh to see new arrivals, so emails might not even be needed ;-) Sep 18 17:58
schestowitzI used to rename them from the command line, but dolphin does it faster.Sep 18 17:58
schestowitzMy inbox is full of some video suggestions, I think.Sep 18 17:58
schestowitzAlso EPO leaks. I need to check those asap.Sep 18 17:58
schestowitz>> 18 18:02
-TechrightsBN/ | Hackers - Wizards of the Electronic Age - YouTubeSep 18 18:02
schestowitz>>  8:00 about 20 secs onwards (the rest is already publicisedSep 18 18:02
schestowitz>> then 16:00-~17Sep 18 18:02
schestowitz>>Sep 18 18:02
schestowitz> Ok.  They're they as video9a and video9b.  However, the editing in theSep 18 18:02
schestowitz> old days was done by frame and not by second.  So there are a fewSep 18 18:02
schestowitz> unrelated frames.  They can be removed if it is a problem.Sep 18 18:02
schestowitzToday I checked from Android/Chrome at the gym (bike machine). It doesn't show first frame as preview, unlike Falkon and FIrefox. So first frame might not be an issue. I assume many use Chrome.Sep 18 18:02
schestowitzThe original (full) video is also linked.Sep 18 18:02
schestowitzSometimes hammers quite hard on TR today. It's not a DDOS attack but seems like an annoying scraper. It slows down the site. I might block it soon.Sep 18 18:02
schestowitz> Might as well call it "Apartheid Debian" from now on, since they haveSep 18 18:20
schestowitz> obviously sided unapologetically with Apartheid, oppression and humanSep 18 18:20
schestowitz> rights abuses.Sep 18 18:20
schestowitz> Sep 18 18:20
schestowitz> Not through language or political incorrectness, but through censorship,Sep 18 18:20
schestowitz> heavy-handedness, favouritism and propaganda.Sep 18 18:20
schestowitzI would not call them that as it would not be helpful.Sep 18 18:20
schestowitzRe: AssangeSep 18 18:25
schestowitz> You see this!?Sep 18 18:25
schestowitz> Sep 18 18:25
schestowitz> 18 18:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Amy_Siskind: NEW: lawyers representing the US at the trial for Julian Assange admitted that GOP congressman Dana Rohrabacher off… 18 18:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Amy_Siskind: NEW: lawyers representing the US at the trial for Julian Assange admitted that GOP congressman Dana Rohrabacher off… 18 18:25
schestowitzWikileaks talked about this at the start of 2020.Sep 18 18:25
schestowitzSo it's not news.Sep 18 18:25
schestowitzBTW, I am waiting for you to send me go-ahead to reprint "how to get fired [1-3]" with those bits Microsoft+Medium pressured you to censor. I hope we can maintain a highly-available uncensored version.Sep 18 18:25
schestowitzPlease let me know ;-)Sep 18 18:25
*asusbox ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 18 18:27
schestowitz>>>>> I'll keep an eye open for more.  Interesting and good videos tend to beSep 18 18:34
schestowitz>>>>> rather sporadic at best.Sep 18 18:34
schestowitz>>>> when I started watching the latest thing about GNOME (an hour after itSep 18 18:34
schestowitz>>>> was published) I wrote down the start time (8:20 IIRC) but as I watchedSep 18 18:34
schestowitz>>>> it I cringed a bit with the Trump-like language. I don't think it'sSep 18 18:34
schestowitz>>>> suitable for TR. Would be a liability. Other segments were equallySep 18 18:34
schestowitz>>>> unhelpful. Sep 18 18:34
schestowitz>>> Yeah, I hope he is able to stay focused on the technology and theSep 18 18:35
schestowitz>>> software freedom.  However, maybe I cut him too much slack on deviatingSep 18 18:35
schestowitz>>> from that course because of two factors.  The first is that it is allSep 18 18:35
schestowitz>>> but impossible for people in the US to be exposed to truthful politicalSep 18 18:35
schestowitz>>> news unless they go out of their way.  The other is that young people inSep 18 18:35
schestowitz>>> his age have more or less grown up exposed to social control media andSep 18 18:35
schestowitz>>> can't tell up from down and have no means to learn it.  So for those twoSep 18 18:35
schestowitz>>> reasons, I was cherry picking the GNOME segment.  He has a break of twoSep 18 18:35
schestowitz>>> weeks, so we'll see how he does then.Sep 18 18:35
schestowitz>>Sep 18 18:35
schestowitz>> When he says "SJW" and "virtue signalling" the way he does I just seeSep 18 18:35
schestowitz>> ESR and move right on.. don't want to associate with those dogwhistles.Sep 18 18:35
schestowitz> Sep 18 18:35
schestowitz> Probably, but then what does one call an "SJW" or use to describeSep 18 18:35
schestowitz> "virtue signalling"?  They are both real problems.  We'll see how heSep 18 18:35
schestowitz> does after his break.  At the worst, he might be bringing the idea ofSep 18 18:35
schestowitz> software freedom to a wider audience.Sep 18 18:35
schestowitzThe terms he uses are associating oneself with the very weapon used to discredit the argument.Sep 18 18:35
*rianne_ has quit (Read error: No route to host)Sep 18 20:20
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellSep 18 20:20

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