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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Thursday, August 20, 2020

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schestowitz> Hi Roy,Aug 20 00:53
schestowitz> Aug 20 00:53
schestowitz>  Aug 20 00:53
schestowitz> Aug 20 00:53
schestowitz> This summer has seen a long overdue reckoning on race in America. WhileAug 20 00:53
schestowitz> it’s easy to point out obvious racist language like the “whites only”Aug 20 00:53
schestowitz> signs once posted outside restaurants and public pools, we are onlyAug 20 00:53
schestowitz> beginning to unravel the more insidious forms of racist language stillAug 20 00:53
schestowitz> embedded in our culture today.Aug 20 00:53
schestowitz> Aug 20 00:53
schestowitz>  Aug 20 00:53
schestowitz> Aug 20 00:53
schestowitz> For instance, tech engineers often use the terms “master/slave” toAug 20 00:53
schestowitz> describe components in which one device controls another. SuspiciousAug 20 00:53
schestowitz> websites that may steal your data are put on a “blacklist,” andAug 20 00:53
schestowitz> malicious hackers who violate computer security are known as “blackAug 20 00:53
schestowitz> hats.” Now is the time to cut out racist language in all its forms, andAug 20 00:53
schestowitz> IBM is proud to take action to bring change to the IT community. Aug 20 00:53
schestowitz> Aug 20 00:53
schestowitz>  Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz> Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz> As part of a group of social justice efforts known as Emb(race), theAug 20 00:54
schestowitz> *IBM Academy of Technology launched an internal initiative to identifyAug 20 00:54
schestowitz> and replace IT terminology that promotes racial and cultural bias.* InAug 20 00:54
schestowitz> partnership with our style and diversity councils, IBM will conduct aAug 20 00:54
schestowitz> thorough evaluation of each term that has been flagged for review, andAug 20 00:54
schestowitz> in some cases recommend an unbiased replacement term. IBM’s goal is toAug 20 00:54
schestowitz> promote inclusive language in IT and to provide opportunities for ourAug 20 00:54
schestowitz> employees to work together towards this goal.Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz> Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz>  Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz> Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz> Are you interested in learning more about Emb(race) and IBM’s initiativeAug 20 00:54
schestowitz> to eradicate racist IT terminology? Let me know and I would be happy toAug 20 00:54
schestowitz> connect you with Tim Humphrey, VP and Chief Data Officer at IBM for anAug 20 00:54
schestowitz> interview. Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz> Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz>  Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz> Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz> Best,Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz> Aug 20 00:54
schestowitz> MichaelAug 20 00:54
schestowitzHi,Aug 20 00:54
schestowitzWhy are you contacting me specifically about this?Aug 20 00:54
schestowitzRe: It’s kind of true.Aug 20 00:56
schestowitz> 20 00:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stautistic: It’s funny how #billgates found it more viable to take on disease and world hunger than fixing the nonsense inheren… 20 00:56
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stautistic: It’s funny how #billgates found it more viable to take on disease and world hunger than fixing the nonsense inheren… 20 00:56
schestowitz> It’s funny how #billgates found it more viable to take on disease and world hunger than fixing the nonsense inherent to the Microsoft ecosystem.Aug 20 00:56
schestowitz 20 01:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Meme: Always Masking the EPO #Memes #patents #Europe 20 01:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 500 @ )Aug 20 01:37
schestowitz 20 01:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Oldnum9: (Bill Gates · Net worth $113.75 billion USD) only wants what's best for us. And will spend… 20 01:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Bill Gates risking billions on new factories for 7 coronavirus vaccine candidates – BGRAug 20 01:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Oldnum9: (Bill Gates · Net worth $113.75 billion USD) only wants what's best for us. And will spend… 20 01:37
schestowitz"Aug 20 01:37
schestowitz(Bill Gates · Net worthAug 20 01:37
schestowitz$113.75 billion USD) only wants what's best for us. And will spend 2 billion to do so. I totally believe this. He would never create a virus to sell anti virus software. 20 01:37
schestowitz"Aug 20 01:37
-TechrightsBN/ | Bill Gates “Uploaded a Virus he Had Written and Caused the Entire Network to Crash.” | TechrightsAug 20 01:37
schestowitz 20 01:50
-TechrightsBN/ | MinIO, a Leader in High Performance Object Storage, Launches the MinIO Subscription Network GloballyAug 20 01:50
schestowitz"While many enterprises require commercial licenses where AGPL v3 is present, subscribers still enjoy the benefits associated with open source - namely freedom from lock-in and freedom to inspect the source."Aug 20 01:50
*oiaohm has quit (*.net *.split)Aug 20 02:19
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 02:36
*rianne__ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Aug 20 10:53
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 10:54
*rianne__ has quit (Client Quit)Aug 20 10:58
*rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 10:59
schestowitz=Aug 20 16:06
schestowitzx 20 16:06
-TechrightsBN/ | Snyk Launches Tool to Address Kubernetes Configuration Issues - Container JournalAug 20 16:06
schestowitz Aug 20 16:06
schestowitz=Aug 20 16:06
schestowitzx 20 16:06
-TechrightsBN/ | Formerly a Proprietary 'Evil Empire,' Microsoft Shows Off Embrace of Open Source -- Visual Studio MagazineAug 20 16:06
schestowitz 20 16:33
schestowitz"Aug 20 16:33
schestowitz(Bill Gates · Net worthAug 20 16:33
schestowitz$113.75 billion USD) only wants what's best for us. And will spend 2 billion to do so. I totally believe this. He would never create a virus to sell anti virus software. 20 16:33
schestowitz"Aug 20 16:33
schestowitz>> The term nonprofit is itself bullishit for a lot of reasons we can write about. It's a loaded statement or label like "commercial software".Aug 20 16:55
schestowitz> yes but its not their fault. past a very low threshold of income, you either have to become a for-profit (theyre worse) or non-profit corporation, by law. only way to avoid that is to not take donations or spend money.Aug 20 16:55
schestowitz> Aug 20 16:55
schestowitz> so these are a finite number of categories, (2) each of which come with subcategories (501(c)n) but all of which come with the bullshit name attached. we cant blame them for that.Aug 20 16:55
schestowitzAh, us law...Aug 20 16:55
schestowitz> Spent the morning playing with FreeBSD on real hardware (local) andAug 20 16:56
schestowitz> installed it as well.Aug 20 16:56
schestowitz> Aug 20 16:56
schestowitz> Minimal install, it gets online but I have yet to run a program that canAug 20 16:56
schestowitz> download a file :) I can read and write files, folders, add users, get dhcp.Aug 20 16:56
schestowitz> Aug 20 16:56
schestowitz> Doing a lot of reading.Aug 20 16:56
schestowitzBSD only takes us further away from freedom.Aug 20 16:56
schestowitz> Aug 20 16:57
schestowitz>> Hi Roy,Aug 20 16:57
schestowitz>>Aug 20 16:57
schestowitz>>  Aug 20 16:57
schestowitz>>Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> This summer has seen a long overdue reckoning on race in America. WhileAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> it’s easy to point out obvious racist language like the “whites only”Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> signs once posted outside restaurants and public pools, we are onlyAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> beginning to unravel the more insidious forms of racist language stillAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> embedded in our culture today.Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>  Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> For instance, tech engineers often use the terms “master/slave” toAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> describe components in which one device controls another. SuspiciousAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> websites that may steal your data are put on a “blacklist,” andAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> malicious hackers who violate computer security are known as “blackAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> hats.” Now is the time to cut out racist language in all its forms, andAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> IBM is proud to take action to bring change to the IT community. Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>  Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> As part of a group of social justice efforts known as Emb(race), theAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> *IBM Academy of Technology launched an internal initiative to identifyAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> and replace IT terminology that promotes racial and cultural bias.* InAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> partnership with our style and diversity councils, IBM will conduct aAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> thorough evaluation of each term that has been flagged for review, andAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> in some cases recommend an unbiased replacement term. IBM’s goal is toAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> promote inclusive language in IT and to provide opportunities for ourAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> employees to work together towards this goal.Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>  Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> Are you interested in learning more about Emb(race) and IBM’s initiativeAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> to eradicate racist IT terminology? Let me know and I would be happy toAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> connect you with Tim Humphrey, VP and Chief Data Officer at IBM for anAug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> interview. Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>  Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> Best,Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>>Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz>> MichaelAug 20 16:58
schestowitz> Aug 20 16:58
schestowitz> Hi,Aug 20 16:59
schestowitz> Aug 20 16:59
schestowitz> Why are you contacting me specifically about this?Aug 20 16:59
schestowitzAny update?Aug 20 16:59
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Aug 20 18:39
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 18:40
*rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Aug 20 19:29
*rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 19:31
*rianne has quit (Client Quit)Aug 20 19:32
*rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 19:36
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Aug 20 19:36
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 20 19:37

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