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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Tuesday, July 21, 2020

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schestowitz> Dear MemberJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> As I am sure you are aware the government has confirmed that leisureJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> facilities can re-open and we are pleased to say that we will open theJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> doors once again. We are now in the process of preparing the club,Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> completing relevant maintenance checks and deep cleaning and I amJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> pleased to confirm that we will open on 25^th July.Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> We appreciate that some members may be nervous about returning to aJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> public environment. To give you confidence, we have worked with theJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> fitness industry trade body and other Health & Safety experts to put inJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> place several risk control measures to ensure your safety.Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> These include:Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz>   * Providing the right PPE for staffJul 21 02:11
schestowitz>   * Screens at reception pointsJul 21 02:11
schestowitz>   * Controlling general attendance levelsJul 21 02:11
schestowitz>   * Monitoring and policing social distancing rules amongst usersJul 21 02:11
schestowitz>   * Increased cleaning regime with regular disinfecting of all equipmentJul 21 02:11
schestowitz>   * The sauna and Steam room will remain closed at the current timeJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> If you pay monthly then we will collect the next membership payment onJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> 1^st August. Please note that we owe you 4 days (10 days owed from MarchJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> less 25^th -31^st July) so these will be credited to your account andJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> added to the end of your membership.Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> If you are an annual payer then the time closed has been added on toJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> your new renewal date already.Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> If you have cancelled your DD during the closure but would like toJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> re-start your membership then please complete the direct debitJul 21 02:11
schestowitz> instruction using the link below:Jul 21 02:11
schestowitz> Jul 21 02:12
schestowitz>  Jul 21 02:12
schestowitz> Jul 21 02:12
schestowitz> We do understand that you may not be ready to resume your membership yetJul 21 02:12
schestowitz> due to the current situation, or maybe you are a person that is stillJul 21 02:12
schestowitz> advised to shield yourself from the virus.Jul 21 02:12
schestowitz> The last 4 months has put a serious financial burden on the business,Jul 21 02:12
schestowitz> because despite the government furlough scheme, we still have many fixedJul 21 02:12
schestowitz> operating costs to pay. This period has been challenging and threatenedJul 21 02:12
schestowitz> the ongoing viability of the club. If you are not ready to start usingJul 21 02:12
schestowitz> your membership again but feel that you would like to support the clubJul 21 02:12
schestowitz> and would be happy to commence paying the membership, then this gestureJul 21 02:12
schestowitz> would be most appreciated. If this is the case, then you do not need toJul 21 02:12
schestowitz> do anything at this stage.Jul 21 02:12
schestowitz     <li>Jul 21 08:03
schestowitz                  <h5><a href="">How to use Element and Matrix with a screen reader</a></h5>Jul 21 08:03
schestowitz                  <blockquote>Jul 21 08:03
schestowitz                    <p>I must say I share the excitement the Matrix team expressed in their announcement of the collaboration with Mozilla. It is an open standard, with open-source software, with choices for clients to use, and the possibility to improve the accessibility by reporting issues or fixing bugs. New Element versions are released frequently, so those fixes also will get deployed to the Mozilla instance and other hosted Jul 21 08:03
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )Jul 21 08:03
schestowitzMatrix offerings which also use Element as their front-end.</p>Jul 21 08:03
schestowitz                    <p>I hope this guide helps you find your way around Element and the Matrix Eco system more easily. It still has issues, but so have proprietary offerings like Slack or the like. And as we all know, accessibility is a process of constant improvement.</p></blockquote></li>Jul 21 08:03
schestowitz 21 08:14
-TechrightsBN/ | Reactions to UPCA ratification bill Germany: ‘London can delay plan B for a UP system without the UK’ - Kluwer Patent BlogJul 21 08:14
schestowitz"Jul 21 08:14
schestowitzThanks Attentive Observer and Max Drei for these insightful comments.Jul 21 08:14
schestowitzThe approach of the UK IP profession in respect of the EU is exemplified by the request by CITMA, the Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys, that UK professionals be authorised to represent clients before the EUIPO for a period of three years after Brexit.Jul 21 08:14
schestowitzAnother line of thought is aimed at relaxing UK requirements vs. European rules so as to make the UK attractive as a filing country and boost UK national filings. An example could be the recent CIPA Discussion Paper on « Patenting inventions created using an AI system » suggesting that inventorship rules should be made more flexible to avoid the need for the designation of human inventors when an AI system is used for obtaining anJul 21 08:14
schestowitzinvention.Jul 21 08:14
schestowitzReplyJul 21 08:14
schestowitz    UK watcherJul 21 08:14
schestowitz    July 20, 2020 at 4:52 pmJul 21 08:14
schestowitz    Why would the EU allow UK Trade Mark Attorneys to continue acting before the EUIPO? What’s in it for the EU? How many cherries can you pick?Jul 21 08:14
schestowitz    Allowing AI inventors to be named on an application requires more than an adaptation of the formal requirements. The AI must be able to assign his (or her?) rights too. And for being able to do that, it first needs the possibility to actually own any rights.Jul 21 08:14
schestowitz"Jul 21 08:14
*rianne_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 21 09:49
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*swaggboi ( has left #boycottnovell ("C-x C-c")Jul 21 21:47

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