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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Tuesday, June 23, 2020

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*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jun 23 01:39
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Jun 23 01:40
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 02:05
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 02:05
schestowitz[00:48] <decnet> Wassup .. I'll pop in tomorrow nigh at 22:00 BSTJun 23 02:41
schestowitz 23 02:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@keithccurtis: @schestowitz Hey, Roy I don't promote Mono anymore, but Python. I don't think the war is over, nor do I say MS is a… 23 02:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@keithccurtis: @schestowitz Hey, Roy I don't promote Mono anymore, but Python. I don't think the war is over, nor do I say MS is a… 23 02:44
schestowitz"Hey, Roy I don't promote Mono anymore, but Python. I don't think the war is over, nor do I say MS is an ally. Other than that your tweet was correct."\Jun 23 02:44
schestowitz 23 02:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stojano: now you know why microsoft is embracing linux. it's called hostile takeover. 23 02:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #LinuxFoundation Newsletter is #Microsoft #Windows and Proprietary #IIS 23 02:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stojano: now you know why microsoft is embracing linux. it's called hostile takeover. 23 02:44
schestowitz 23 02:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SleepyPenguin1: @schestowitz I thought it was winduhs NT. An old version.Jun 23 02:45
schestowitz 23 02:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AdrienneGT: @schestowitz #Python yes, Guido no! In fact, maybe Guido should #Go!! He doesn't think that #BlackLivesMatter. He k… 23 02:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AdrienneGT: @schestowitz #Python yes, Guido no! In fact, maybe Guido should #Go!! He doesn't think that #BlackLivesMatter. He k… 23 02:46
schestowitz"Jun 23 02:46
schestowitz#Python yes, Guido no! In fact, maybe Guido should #Go!! He doesn't think that #BlackLivesMatterJun 23 02:46
schestowitz. He killfiled me a couple of years ago when I mentioned the #abertheid problem:Jun 23 02:46
schestowitz 23 02:46
schestowitz#apartheid #theft #murder #AberdeenUni #MITJun 23 02:46
schestowitz"Jun 23 02:46
schestowitz 23 02:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Rolouzis: The Micro$hit is a pest in IT world! And there is no cure for that! 23 02:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #mozilla is finished. #microsoft people inside its board now. I'll work on abandoning #firefox soon. 23 02:47
schestowitz 23 02:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@glynmoody: @schestowitz needs smoothing for true figure, but definitely going down. now question is: will it stay down...?Jun 23 02:47
schestowitz 23 02:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FemAnon1312: .. 23 02:47
schestowitz 23 02:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@liztormato: @schestowitz Care to elaborate on "-- #rakulang surrendered itself to a criminal enterprise" ? Reasoning, actions… 23 02:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@liztormato: @schestowitz Care to elaborate on "-- #rakulang surrendered itself to a criminal enterprise" ? Reasoning, actions… 23 02:48
schestowitz"Care to elaborate on "-- #rakulang surrendered itself to a criminal enterprise" ?  Reasoning, actions to take or not take?  Perhaps make it a problem solving issue?"Jun 23 02:48
schestowitz 23 02:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jungleb77280720: @schestowitz I love how they say we “say” we did it. We ain’t claiming nothing, that shit actually happened.Jun 23 02:48
schestowitz 23 02:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Lulz_Swag: Oh lord. That's all the world needs is another alphabet agency. Or would it be a spaghetti alphabet agency? 国家安全局 23 02:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #France24 #Surveillance ☞ #China to create ‘national security agency’ in Hong Kong despite international c… 23 02:48
schestowitz"Jun 23 02:48
schestowitzOh lord. That's all the world needs is another alphabet agency. Or would it be a spaghetti alphabet agency?Jun 23 02:48
schestowitz国家安全局Jun 23 02:48
schestowitzQuote TweetJun 23 02:49
schestowitz"Jun 23 02:49
schestowitz 23 02:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Lulz_Swag: @FemAnon1312 @schestowitz I just followed them. I'm familiar with swap memory. Is that what you meant for me to look at?Jun 23 02:49
schestowitz"Jun 23 02:49
schestowitzI just followed them. I'm familiar with swap memory.Jun 23 02:49
schestowitzIs that what you meant for me to look at?Jun 23 02:49
schestowitz"\Jun 23 02:49
schestowitz 23 02:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FemAnon1312: @schestowitz @Lulz_Swag, following this acct?Jun 23 02:49
schestowitz 23 02:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@robert3t: Very interesting #Slackware news... 23 02:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: " #Slackware community is very active nowadays, and that's for a reason. They are waiting for the big update coming… 23 02:49
schestowitz 23 03:20
-TechrightsBN/ #Android Leftovers Jun 23 03:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 23 03:20
schestowitz"C'est quoi ce terme "racaille" ? et "islamo-féministe" ? C'est déjà une preuve d'intolérance fumeuse..."Jun 23 03:20
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 23 04:24
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jun 23 04:24
schestowitz 23 04:52
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 23 04:52
schestowitz" and a copyright-free 21st too"Jun 23 04:52
schestowitz 23 04:52
schestowitz"Jun 23 04:52
schestowitzNot lately, but the #corporateState are #EqualOpportunityExploitersJun 23 04:52
schestowitzPlease listen to this lecture (which happens to be highly entertaining, also) by Prof. #MichaelParenti about the 2000 war on #Yugoslavia:Jun 23 04:52
schestowitz 23 04:52
schestowitzThe Equal Opportunity Exploiter method explains why so may white people are #protesting alongside #BLM.Jun 23 04:52
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 23 04:52
schestowitzThe #billionaireClass have been inflicting a massive #inflationTax, and #theft on us.Jun 23 04:52
-TechrightsBN/ | TalkingStickTV - Michael Parenti - The U.S. War on Yugoslavia - InvidiousJun 23 04:52
schestowitzWe need to get #NEOedJun 23 04:52
schestowitz"Jun 23 04:52
schestowitz 23 04:53
schestowitz"Jun 23 04:53
schestowitzI'm a few tense of meters from my (fired) PNY Patent Attorney office on Seattle by the stadiums.Jun 23 04:53
schestowitzGiggleJun 23 04:53
schestowitz"Jun 23 04:53
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 23 04:53
schestowitz 23 04:53
schestowitz"You have no idea the pain passing 51st street in Redmond."Jun 23 04:53
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 23 04:53
schestowitzcan you please tell me more?Jun 23 04:53
schestowitz 23 04:54
schestowitz"Jun 23 04:54
schestowitz "There is no cloud, just someone elses computer"  People need to be reminded of that however they feel about cloud computing, Jun 23 04:54
schestowitzIf the cloud belongs to someone else, they may have no attachment to the importance , value (including sentimental value) of the data contained therein.    To them it is 0s and 1's to you it is say a photo of a lost love one, or this years financial data or a customer database.Jun 23 04:54
schestowitz"Jun 23 04:54
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 23 04:54
schestowitz 23 04:54
schestowitz"@Blort @schestowitz"Jun 23 04:54
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaJun 23 04:54
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 05:09
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 05:10
*hook54321 has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)Jun 23 05:23
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 23 06:02
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 23 06:02
schestowitz 23 06:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@486DX33MHz: @griddark @mogamu but youtube has had strong grounds for years and has solid ad funding. mixer didn't. It also had… 23 06:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@486DX33MHz: @griddark @mogamu but youtube has had strong grounds for years and has solid ad funding. mixer didn't. It also had… 23 06:11
schestowitz"but youtube has had strong grounds for years and has solid ad funding. mixer didn't. It also had racist company members. You really can't compare them, lmao."Jun 23 06:11
schestowitz 23 06:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PhilippaDanso: @mogamu This is crude, poorly timed and unneeded.Jun 23 06:11
schestowitzMaxDreiJun 23 06:53
schestowitzJune 22, 2020 at 7:05 pmJun 23 06:53
schestowitzI’m enjoying this thread, and laughing at the words picked out by commenter “One of those” in particular that extremely revealing choice of words “As far as I can see….” to open the sentence.Jun 23 06:53
schestowitzPeople old enough to have reached positions where they decide the question UPCA Y/N? will well remember Simon & Garfunkel back in the 1970’s singing “A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest”. No different, I would say, between hearing, seeing and selective memory. The cognitive dissonance of the human brain is a timeless wonder, not least in the corridors of power in Brussels.Jun 23 06:53
schestowitzAs an Englishman in Germany, I find it striking, how difficult people find it, to distinguish fact from the opinion of the leading expert. It seems to be a bit of a “chicken and egg” situation. Is it the predisposition to trust the expert that comes first? Or is it the self-confidence with which the experts deliver their opinion that predisposes people to accept them?Jun 23 06:53
schestowitzAnd why the English scepticism (even ridicule) of self-important pontifications of experts? Perhaps it comes from our adversarial system of civil litigation, where expert evidence is a staple but where it is inevitable, at trial, under cross-examination, one or other of the opposing experts is going to be exposed as unconvincing. Knowing this already, even before they deliver their written report/opinion, experts giving witness Jun 23 06:53
schestowitzevidence in civil litigation in England, are extremely cautious, in every word they write, for their very reputation, the basis of their exalted status, is at stake.Jun 23 06:53
schestowitzI recall that old story about the English, busy losing the Boer War and the reporter on site for the London Times sending back to London one gloomy report after another. Exasperated, his Editor sent him a cablegram which read “Send news of victories”. I wonder, does Mr Tilmann (consultant to Hogan Lovells, one of the world’s most prominent international litigation law firms) sometimes feel a bit like that reporter?Jun 23 06:53
schestowitzReaders, I heartily recommend the current issue of der Spiegel and its eyebrow-raising report on the activities of Philipp Amthor, in pursuance of his employment as Consultant to another large international law firm, White & Case, extremely well-embedded in government circles, notably in Brussels..Jun 23 06:53
schestowitzReplyJun 23 06:53
schestowitzAttentive ObserverJun 23 06:53
schestowitzJune 22, 2020 at 7:52 pmJun 23 06:53
schestowitzDid you expect anything else from a lobbyist like Mr Tilmann?Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzThe term lobbyist is appropriate when you compare what Mr Tilmann has said in his article in GRUR 2020, 441, section VI.2.b) about the London Section of the central Division with the statement of the Ministry of Justice, Part B of the explanatory memorandum.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzThat the Minister of Justice has published a declaration shortly after the publication of the decision of the GFCC that the ratification will re-start during the present legislative period has certainly not been written by the Minister herself, but by her administration. The lobbyists in the BMJV have been active soon after the decision of the GFCC was not the one expected.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzIt is manifest that Mr Tilmann has held the hand of the civil servants in the ministry. In both documents it is stated, without any legal justification whatsoever that, once UK has left the UPCA, the London Section of the Central Division goes to Paris and it only later that different location might have to be designated. Me Véron, another lobbyist for the UPC, even went as far to claim that this is a gift from Brexit which should Jun 23 06:54
schestowitznot be trumpeted around.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzIt is hard to believe that educated people can be politically naïve enough to come up with such a statement, given the difficult negotiations that preceded the splitting of the central division into three locations.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzThe UK has announced that it will not participate in the UPC, as it does not accept the supremacy of the CJEU, but it has not made any attempt to officially withdraw from the UPCA. As the UPCA does not have an exit clause, only the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT) could be of application. It is debatable whether it could be Art 25(2) VCLT as suggested by Mr Tilmann or Art 31(3) VCLT as suggested by the Ministry.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzIn the case of Art 25(2) VCLT, the UPCA needs at least to be provisionally entered into force and the UK having send in a notification of withdrawal. By not participating and not sending a notice of withdrawal, the UK is in the comfortable position to blow up the UPCA. This would allow the UK to set up an improved litigation system in direct competition with the UPC.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzIn the case of Art 31(3) VCLT, it requires a political declaration of the remaining member states. When seeing how eager Italy was to receive the Life Science Section of the Central Division either in Milan or Torino, it is doubtful that such a declaration will be given.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzOn the other hand, as has been noted by Concerned Observer in a previous post, Art 56(2) VCLT provides that the UK will remain a member state to the UPCA for 12 months after its withdrawal. Why should Art 25(2) VCLT prevail? This is the private opinion of a private person, and even the document of the Ministry of Justice makes no reference to Art 2582) VCLT! One wonders why. The explanatory note mentions Art 31(3) VCLT.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzWhatever Mr Tilmann claims and the lawyers in the Ministry of Justice say, unless the status of the London section of the Central Division is clarified upfront, i.e. that Art 7(2) UPCA is amended, it appears foolish for Germany to ratify the UPC.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzIt is surprising that in the draft bill of ratification and the explanatory memorandum , there is not one word about a further possible constitutional challenge of the ratification, cf. Point 166 of the decision of the GFCC. It is thus not correct for Mr Tilmann to claim that “the explanatory memorandum of the ratifying law expressly contradicts such an assumption.”Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzIn view of the decision of the GFCC about the purchase of bonds by the ECB, it is in any case quite daring to come to this conclusion, whether one agrees or not with the decision of the GFCC. Justice Huber has made his position clear in an interview to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Simply ignoring such a question or belittling it like Mr Tilman does, shows once more who is interested in the UPC coming whatever it takes.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzWhen Mr Tilmann speaks of the “patent owners worldwide” he is clearly saying who will be the beneficiaries of the UPC. 70% of European patent owners sit outside the EU. Offering them a single platform to attack European firms or European patent owners is something which will have dear consequences for Europe, but will allow Tilmann and consorts to fill their pockets. And this is the only interest they have in the whole UPC Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzbusiness.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzWhen taking into account that the average number of validations of patents in EU member states, the UPC is as needed as a hole in the head. Only some very limited industries validate in a lot of EU member states, and even less validate in all EU member states. But those are figures which are superbly ignored by Mr Tilmann and consorts.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzWhy is it that countries like Poland and the Czech Republic refuse to ratify the UPCA? If the UPC is as wonderful as claimed by Mr Tilmann, they should be jumping at it. And yet, it is after careful evaluation of the risk for their industry, they decided not to go further with the UPC.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzWhen Mr Tilmann claims that “The SMEs belong to the beneficial owners of the new system” it is just laughable and distorting reality. European SME are simply frightened to be attacked by multinational corporations, as they cannot resist the financial pressure which goes with it.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzFrom the 10% of patents granted by the EPO to SMEs within the EU how many do validate in more than 3 states? Alone the fee for a nullity action is nearly double to the fee for infringement. It is thus very clear who should be the prime beneficiaries of the UPC. Certainly not SMEs.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzI invite Mr Tilmann to read the article of Mr. Dimitris Xenos, “The Impact of the European Patent System on SMEs and National States and the Advent of Unitary Patent”, published in Prometheus, Vol. 36, No. 1 (März 2020), S. 51-68. The conclusions are very clear to any people genuinely looking at the number of applications from SMEs and granted to SMEs: the UPC is not for them.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzIt is not the ridiculous document of the EPO showing 12(!) case of allegedly successful SMEs with European Patents which will alter the conclusions drawn by Mr Xenos.Jun 23 06:54
schestowitzSource: 23 06:54
schestowitzgood to see these commentsJun 23 06:54
-TechrightsBN/ | 'Period of provisional application Unified Patent Court Agreement can start this year' - Kluwer Patent BlogJun 23 06:54
schestowitzhe's being fried in the commentsJun 23 06:54
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 07:05
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 07:05
*hook54321 (sid149355@gateway/web/ has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 07:36
*rianne_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 23 08:13
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 08:16
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jun 23 08:31
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 08:32
schestowitz 23 08:45
schestowitz"But because Gates is a philanthropist who’s giving millions and maybe billions to help develop a coronavirus vaccine, and because Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIAID, and thereby, by default, by medical professional and government service default, afforded philanthropist-like status — the media give free passes to them both."Jun 23 08:45
-TechrightsBN/ | Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci: Unelected destroyers of freedom - Washington TimesJun 23 08:45
schestowitz'Vox sums it perfectly: “Offering sober, apolitical analysis, Gates has been on a ceaseless media tour, preaching a stay-the-course message when it comes to social distancing and full steam ahead when it comes to coronavirus treatment and vaccine development.” It’s lapdog treatment for him."Jun 23 08:46
schestowitzBut...Jun 23 08:46
schestowitzI am not able to findJun 23 08:46
schestowitzany direct connection between Fauci and Gates, not yet anywayJun 23 08:46
schestowitzmaybe some funding for an institution?Jun 23 08:47
schestowitz 23 08:47
schestowitz"Jun 23 08:47
schestowitzThe claim: Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci created and are set to profit from the drug remdesivirJun 23 08:47
schestowitzAs corporations and governments rush to develop an effective treatment for COVID-19, medicines have become the targets of partisan praise and ire, helping misinformation about them spread online.Jun 23 08:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Fact check: Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates won't profit from remdesivirJun 23 08:47
schestowitz“Hydroxychloroquine is cheap-91% effective. Remdesivir is $1000-under 50% effective. Why is Fauci pushing Remdesivir? It was invented by Fauci and Gates. It’s stock is now soaring. Always follow the $$$$$$$,” a Facebook post with over 13,000 shares reads.Jun 23 08:47
schestowitzWhile clinical trials on the drugs remain ongoing, neither hydroxychloroquine nor remdesivir has been proven effective against COVID-19. Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci were also not involved with the development or patenting of resmdesivir, and neither stands to profit from the drug’s distribution.Jun 23 08:47
schestowitz"Jun 23 08:47
schestowitzThis one I saw before: 23 08:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Fauci Photographed With Soros and Bill Gates' Father, Who Was 'Head of Planned Parenthood' - National FileJun 23 08:47
schestowitzbut it does not mean muchJun 23 08:47
schestowitz"Jun 23 08:48
schestowitzNational Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID, a division of National Institutes of Health, NIH) director Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is represented by the Aurumn Speakers Bureau, initially criticized Trump’s hopeful assessment of Chloroquine, saying in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that “There’s no magic drug for coronavirus right now,” and lectured, “Let me put it into perspective for the viewers .. Jun 23 08:48
schestowitzthere has been anecdotal non-proven data that it [chloroquine] works… but when you have an uncontrolled trial you can never definitely say that it works.”Jun 23 08:48
schestowitzFauci then changed his tune and launched a public relations campaign huddling closer to Trump. Fauci said that he would definitely prescribe Chloroquine for patients. “Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option. These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons. They’re anti-malaria drugs, and they’re drugs against certain autoimmune diseases like lupus. Physicians throughout the country can prescribe that in Jun 23 08:48
schestowitzan off-label way. Which means they can write it for something it was not approved for.”Jun 23 08:48
schestowitz"Jun 23 08:48
schestowitz 23 11:09
-TechrightsBN/ | YouTubeJun 23 11:09
schestowitz                <li>Jun 23 11:19
schestowitz                  <h5><a href="">Google’s Nearby Share to Come in Windows, Mac and Linux Soon</a></h5>Jun 23 11:19
schestowitz                  <blockquote>Jun 23 11:19
schestowitz                    <p>According to 9to5Google’s report, the feature has been spotted in chrome://flags within the Chrome OS Settings app. The flag reads, “Enables Nearby Sharing for sharing content between devices. – Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS.” this means that the feature is going to be implemented within the Windows, Mac, and Linux versions of Chrome, having already shown up in Chrome OS. it had been first spotted by Jun 23 11:19
schestowitzDinsan of Chrome Story who shared a picture showing “Nearby Share” toggle within the settings menu. </p>Jun 23 11:19
schestowitz                    <p> 9to5Google also noted that this feature doesn’t work as of now and enabling it by adding a flag in chrome://flags does nothing. As per the report, digging into the code of Chrome shows the “Enables Nearby Sharing functionality. Android already features </p></blockquote></li>Jun 23 11:19
-TechrightsBN/ | TrueTech - Technology, Gadget Reviews, Design, and Lifestyle.Jun 23 11:19
acer-box 23 11:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@frr149: Oh the irony! ;-) Linux Foundation Newsletter is Microsoft Windows and Proprietary IIS 23 11:33
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 500 @ )Jun 23 11:33
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*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Jun 23 18:00
*rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 18:15
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