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IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Thursday, June 23, 2022

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*u-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 23 03:16
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@5tcc2vuaj9aks.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 03:21
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> The Federal Bureau of Tweets: Twitter is Hiring an Alarming Number of FBI Agents ☛ | Source: ScheerpostJun 23 07:15
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-The Federal Bureau of Tweets: Twitter is Hiring an Alarming Number of FBI Agents – scheerpost.comJun 23 07:15
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> HDMI = DRM ☛ | Source: HackadayJun 23 07:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-HDMI Is An Attack Surface, So Here’s An HDMI Firewall | HackadayJun 23 07:22
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jun 23 07:23
Techrights-sec2yes HDMI has DRM embedded Jun 23 07:28
Techrights-sec2it's being sneake in everywhere, in the war on general-purpose computingJun 23 07:28
schestowitz-TRnot even one article about coronavirus todayJun 23 07:29
schestowitz-TRthe news is rather depressing todayJun 23 07:29
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 07:29
Techrights-sec2they're universally ignorig the epidemic and the behaviors which worsen itJun 23 08:28
Techrights-sec2one rag had a bullshit article blaming "lockdowns" for the economic troublesJun 23 08:28
Techrights-sec2in the UK and ignored the role "Brexit" had in smashing the economyJun 23 08:28
Techrights-sec2furthermore the news reports continue to ignore the explosive growthJun 23 08:28
Techrights-sec2of overpopulation and the problems, such as climate collapse, it is causingJun 23 08:28
Techrights-sec2related to water "shortages" and drought, bothJun 23 08:28
schestowitz-TRI think this is what bothered me the most, not second to the LF spamJun 23 08:28
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 08:29
schestowitz-TRso started the day, after oversleeping 3.5 hours (alarm did not work)Jun 23 08:30
schestowitz-TRwith some bad newsJun 23 08:30
schestowitz-TRat least I got many posts on EPO doneJun 23 08:30
schestowitz-TRI might focus on that for th coming weeksJun 23 08:30
schestowitz-TRsince it's an area where we have moire impactJun 23 08:30
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 08:30
Techrights-sec2EPO posts are importantJun 23 08:30
Techrights-sec2especially with the action next weekJun 23 08:33
schestowitz-TRwe need a lot of startegic and mental recalibration, I thinkJun 23 08:39
schestowitz-TRin light of protocols, issues (threats), economic realitiesJun 23 08:39
schestowitz-TRand things like social control media along with Gulag Noise being more or less a Jun 23 08:39
schestowitz-TRcontrol mechanism (psydroid just shared a link about BillG spendingJun 23 08:39
schestowitz-TR$100ml to keep Twitter to himself and his buddies)Jun 23 08:39
Techrights-sec2There was a decent blog post (albeit on the proprietary site Medium) aboutJun 23 08:42
Techrights-sec2the problems of RedditJun 23 08:42
Techrights-sec2It is blocked by gratuitious javascript but shows some interesting things Jun 23 08:42
Techrights-sec2about the censorship thereJun 23 08:42
Techrights-sec2Control mechanisms consist mostly of the public, including much of the techJun 23 08:42
Techrights-sec2sector, mistaking social control media for communications tools ratherJun 23 08:42
Techrights-sec2than seeing them for the control and misdirection which they actually areJun 23 08:42
schestowitz-TRI thought abotu doing an open letter to ItsFOSS, ZDNet/SJVN and FOSSForceJun 23 08:43
schestowitz-TRto ask them how they deem it ethical that they receive bribes from proprietary softwareJun 23 08:43
schestowitz-TRcompanies to push LF spam and diploma millsJun 23 08:43
schestowitz-TRbut that would likely just make us fewer alliesJun 23 08:43
Techrights-sec2if you can prove they have bribes from the proprietary software houses ...Jun 23 08:44
Techrights-sec2yes that would irritate them in the wrong way and while some are now mostlyJun 23 08:44
Techrights-sec2bad they are not yet /all/ badJun 23 08:44
Techrights-sec2that situation sucksJun 23 08:44
Techrights-sec2since it is apparent that they are all in a downward spiral, some much furtherJun 23 08:44
Techrights-sec2down than the othersJun 23 08:44
schestowitz-TRthe only solace I have these daysJun 23 09:02
schestowitz-TRis that most of my friends online who do reporting on difficult issuesJun 23 09:02
schestowitz-TRare in vastly worse trouble than meJun 23 09:02
schestowitz-TRat least for nowJun 23 09:02
schestowitz-TRthat can quickly change if one is not carefulJun 23 09:02
Techrights-sec2:(Jun 23 09:02
Techrights-sec2I hope that their situations improve as well as even your ownJun 23 09:02
schestowitz-TRfor me, the main nuisance is moraleJun 23 09:04
schestowitz-TRI lost track of how many annoying, demorialising, depressing news I saw this morningJun 23 09:04
schestowitz-TRI had some more adjectives but forgot themJun 23 09:04
schestowitz-TRanyway, thew LF trash I shelve with editorial comments mostly in TM commentsJun 23 09:04
schestowitz-TRto reduce their visibilityJun 23 09:04
schestowitz-TRin TR they already show up further down in very long pagesJun 23 09:04
schestowitz-TRthis is one of many strugglesJun 23 09:04
schestowitz-TRbut one that we are bettere equipped to handleJun 23 09:04
Techrights-sec2It's all depressing and one has to become somewhat inured to certtain newsJun 23 09:05
Techrights-sec2or else it's not possible to wade through it.  However, leaving social controlJun 23 09:05
Techrights-sec2media is the best way to avoid completely unnecessary toxicity and misinformation / disinformation.Jun 23 09:05
schestowitz-TRGulag News included. Most of the "Linux" security BS came from thereJun 23 09:07
schestowitz-TRnot seeing it isn't ideal, as you cannot respond, but the priority should be pro-Linux news findingJun 23 09:07
schestowitz-TRtbh,m I do NOT know where the Web and Net are goingJun 23 09:09
schestowitz-TRnobody knows for sure, eitherJun 23 09:09
schestowitz-TRit's a very multi-dimentional simulation problemJun 23 09:09
schestowitz-TRbut it seems safer to assume Mozilla will perish and not be bought (foundation, so tricky)Jun 23 09:09
schestowitz-TRthen, what happens to the Web I do not knowJun 23 09:09
schestowitz-TRyou sent me a link to the effect of Gulag engs just impkemewnting browser stuffJun 23 09:09
schestowitz-TRand later "standardising" what was implementedJun 23 09:09
schestowitz-TRThis is WebOOXMLJun 23 09:09
Techrights-sec2The web is in big trouble since the change happened where W3C no longer callsJun 23 09:11
Techrights-sec2the shots but instead merely documents the wishes of Google and FacebookJun 23 09:11
Techrights-sec2The collapse of the cryptocurrencies might be helpful in breaking the Jun 23 09:11
Techrights-sec2"Web3" hype and, if we are lucky, cancel movement in that direction.Jun 23 09:11
Techrights-sec2Yes, they just do what hurts the public while benefiting Google, and only Google, and then document that new behavior as the new standard.  They've been Jun 23 09:11
Techrights-sec2doing that so long that it would be very hard to rein them in again.Jun 23 09:11
Techrights-sec2TBL was *no* help in that regard, him and his EME crap.Jun 23 09:11
schestowitz-TRnot just EME. That was just the cherry on top of the shitcakeJun 23 09:11
schestowitz-TRthat had been cooking for quite some time alreadyJun 23 09:11
Techrights-sec2s/cooking/fermenting/Jun 23 09:12
schestowitz-TRwhat should we do? broad question, I know...Jun 23 09:14
schestowitz-TRpeople often ask thatJun 23 09:14
schestowitz-TRwhen things get really bad, like in recent yearsJun 23 09:14
schestowitz-TRthey want to do something, but they lack the coordination, even if they can or could mobilise in large groupsJun 23 09:14
schestowitz-TRorf courrse many take that to "social" "media" where their actions are controlled by those whom they opposeJun 23 09:14
Techrights-sec2they take to social control media where their ability to communicate isJun 23 09:15
Techrights-sec2quickly neutralized either through algorithmic interference, shadowbanning,Jun 23 09:15
Techrights-sec2or simply chaff from shillsJun 23 09:15
schestowitz-TRit looks like epo is about to collapse completelyJun 23 09:16
schestowitz-TRthat would mean upc tooJun 23 09:16
schestowitz-TRmobilising most of the insiders can lead to itJun 23 09:16
schestowitz-TRbut it looks like Campinos pays 6 million europs to lawyers who attack the staffJun 23 09:16
schestowitz-TRand maybe they pay more for union bustersJun 23 09:16
schestowitz-TRit seems like that in light of what we covered last nightJun 23 09:17
Techrights-sec2European Patent Convention (real) or European Patent Court (fraud)Jun 23 09:21
Techrights-sec2??Jun 23 09:21
Techrights-sec2Shedding light on the Union busting is very importantJun 23 09:21
schestowitz-TRneed more leaks for thatJun 23 09:22
schestowitz-TRwe did 8 posts about EPO last night after you had afkJun 23 09:22
schestowitz-TRthen overslept Jun 23 09:22
schestowitz-TRmaybe the body knew better than the failing alarm clockJun 23 09:22
schestowitz-TReither way, here we areJun 23 09:22
schestowitz-TRI'm looking for ways to tackle the issuesJun 23 09:22
schestowitz-TRand tbh we're increasingly ioslatedJun 23 09:22
schestowitz-TRnot much help from other orgsJun 23 09:22
schestowitz-TRthey perish fastJun 23 09:22
schestowitz-TRor waste all their time fighting against lawyersJun 23 09:22
schestowitz-TRnotice I've posted 4-5 batches of Daily Links latelyJun 23 09:31
schestowitz-TRin our own little way, by curating with rss, we can do a little to tackle the social control mediaJun 23 09:31
schestowitz-TRand gulag noise issue, I thinkJun 23 09:31
schestowitz-TRwe're tiny compared to themJun 23 09:31
schestowitz-TRbut it's one way we can at least try to peddle in the right directionJun 23 09:31
schestowitz-TRthough the aors move,   Jun 23 09:32
schestowitz-TR*oarsJun 23 09:32
schestowitz-TRwe'll never managed to get back to the "Web we Had"Jun 23 09:32
schestowitz-TRmeanwhile, Linux means nothing (see 23 09:32
schestowitz-TRGulag Noise tells me it it's some transvestite "Last Month in NYC"Jun 23 09:32
schestowitz-TR 23 09:35
-TechrightsBN/ | Linux and Linux Foundation | Tux MachinesJun 23 09:35
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 09:35
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> Maybe 'Linux' Foundation holds its event in Texas because it reckons a ton of lies will be better tolerated around that areaJun 23 09:37
Techrights-sec2checkingJun 23 09:38
Techrights-sec2they did an "interview" with LTJun 23 09:38
Techrights-sec2presumably LT's pimp scheduled the meetupJun 23 09:38
schestowitz-TRyes, and then coin-operated SJVN did an abligatory puff piece for LF (Microsoft) funded ZDNetJun 23 09:38
schestowitz-TRThey use him like a mascot or propJun 23 09:38
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 23 09:40
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Connection closed)Jun 23 09:42
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 09:42
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@5tcc2vuaj9aks.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 09:42
Techrights-sec2until they can succeed in making him seem irrelevant and thus discardableJun 23 09:46
schestowitz-TRsooner or later they figure out how to silence people, like suing them (techdirt), scaring them (groklaw), harassing them (Daniel P)...Jun 23 09:47
schestowitz-TRhe too will be on some lists of some interestsJun 23 09:47
schestowitz-TRafaik, he is still relatively new in the (h)acktivism turfJun 23 09:47
Techrights-sec2yes he is still very relevant and they most important technical person in theJun 23 09:47
Techrights-sec2whole projectJun 23 09:47
schestowitz-TRcoffee break, need to get back to normal mental tempoJun 23 09:48
schestowitz-TRbtw, Daniel P also write sa  load of crap sometimesJun 23 09:48
schestowitz-TRbut he did not originallyJun 23 09:48
schestowitz-TRit was a result of the abuse he recivedJun 23 09:48
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 09:49
Techrights-sec2yes not everything at his blog is press worthy Jun 23 09:49
Techrights-sec2harrassment and bullying do take their toll regardless of the strenght andJun 23 09:49
Techrights-sec2'righteousness' of the targetJun 23 09:49
schestowitz-TRcovid19Jun 23 09:52
schestowitz-TRwaterJun 23 09:52
schestowitz-TRfeamine (related, not the same)Jun 23 09:52
schestowitz-TRmilitary budgetJun 23 09:52
schestowitz-TRwar with russia (already happenining, but localised, proxy)Jun 23 09:52
schestowitz-TRwar on mediaJun 23 09:52
schestowitz-TRlots of issues to be coveredJun 23 09:52
schestowitz-TRI need to focus on just EPO until end of JuneJun 23 09:52
schestowitz-TRand sort out the employment statusJun 23 09:52
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> British Hospitals Increasingly Overpopulated With COVID-19 Patients Again (and It's Only Summer!) 23 10:12
-TechrightsBN/ » Blog Archive » British Hospitals Increasingly Overpopulated With COVID-19 Patients Again (and It’s Only Summer!)Jun 23 10:12
schestowitz-TRI will write more about covid-19, but it's a race here against vanishing data disclosureJun 23 10:12
schestowitz-TRthat helps highlight a number of key issues like business loybbing ()e.g. aiurlines, hotals) andJun 23 10:12
schestowitz-TRalso aspects related to overpopulation and need to have people commute a lot less, to name justJun 23 10:12
schestowitz-TRa few issuesJun 23 10:12
schestowitz-TRturning the siwtch "off" on COVID-19 to get back to... war with Russia, is not acceptableJun 23 10:12
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 10:13
schestowitz-TRiirc, (it is conbfusing what they say) this evening they will rel;ease more data. mondays and thurs.Jun 23 10:15
schestowitz-TRI may write more.Jun 23 10:15
schestowitz-TRif nobody writes about a topic, e.g. epo, it does not mean this is not importantJun 23 10:15
schestowitz-TRjust checked latest wordpress dump, it is OKJun 23 10:15
Techrights-sec2I will try doing the remote backups again soon.  They have been difficult ofJun 23 11:02
Techrights-sec2late, something bogs them down.Jun 23 11:02
schestowitz-TRdo you know at which end?Jun 23 11:02
Techrights-sec2not sure but it had been grinding away without progress soJun 23 11:03
Techrights-sec2if I cannot find a way around that, I will look into other options for backupJun 23 11:03
schestowitz-TROK, I am going to get offsite backups tooJun 23 11:04
schestowitz-TRjust had to turn of ipfs hereJun 23 11:04
schestowitz-TRwithout throttlingJun 23 11:04
schestowitz-TRbecause it turns out last night thew cron job did not work rightJun 23 11:04
schestowitz-TRas I oversleptJun 23 11:04
schestowitz-TRand the IRC post thus produced an empty tableJun 23 11:04
schestowitz-TRI'm working to correct this atmJun 23 11:04
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 11:14
schestowitz-TRI ama slso updating the pi atm (mostly vlc-related pacxpackages)Jun 23 11:18
schestowitz-TRstill no kernel updateJun 23 11:18
schestowitz-TRso I need to swiutch ipfs on and off\Jun 23 11:18
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 11:18
schestowitz-TRdone, wow that one missed alarm did cost a lot of timeJun 23 11:29
schestowitz-TRother than the time overslept ;/Jun 23 11:29
schestowitz-TRdownloading latest DB dumps nowJun 23 11:29
schestowitz-TRwon't include any of the file system :/Jun 23 11:29
Techrights-sec2trying backups nowJun 23 12:20
Techrights-sec2did not workJun 23 12:20
schestowitz-TRas I understand it or guess, rsync is bruce-forcing shecksums of portions of files or whole filesJun 23 12:23
schestowitz-TRso it is very i/o intensiveJun 23 12:23
schestowitz-TRI've just rsynched uploads directory for the yearJun 23 12:44
schestowitz-TR670MB totalJun 23 12:44
Techrights-sec2I wonder if slowing it down /a lot/ might helpJun 23 12:55
schestowitz-TRI am guessing that with LUKS scanning contiguous blocks would be a lot less efficienct than, say, the server sideJun 23 12:57
schestowitz-TRI don't know how full disk encyrption works in practiceJun 23 12:57
Techrights-sec2slowing it down does not help ...Jun 23 12:57
Techrights-sec2trying with --inc-recursive instead ...Jun 23 13:00
schestowitz-TRIf you track bugs via rss feeds, maybe you saw a similar issue associated with a particular new version?Jun 23 13:01
schestowitz-TRhard to believe rsync was not fully tested with encryption partitionsJun 23 13:01
Techrights-sec2the problem has persisted since the autumn, iircJun 23 13:13
Techrights-sec2this is not lennertware but lennertware is upstream :/Jun 23 13:13
Techrights-sec2I'll try with a different architecture but need to add a bunch of packagesJun 23 13:13
Techrights-sec2seems to work on Linux 5.15.32-v8+ aarch64Jun 23 13:24
Techrights-sec2without problem, perhaps the problem is limited to x86_64 :(Jun 23 13:24
Techrights-sec2that's annoyingJun 23 13:24
Techrights-sec2the files are 1.3 GB in sizeJun 23 13:24
schestowitz-TRthanks, it's good to have offsite backups tooJun 23 13:25
schestowitz-TRnot that there's any tension at presentJun 23 13:25
schestowitz-TRbut trusting that one raid is "thoughts and prayers"Jun 23 13:25
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 23 13:36
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 23 13:36
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@5tcc2vuaj9aks.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 13:38
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 13:38
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@memzbmehf99re.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 14:32
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> "i've read some posts here and am excited to get to know y'all. i used to spend most if not all my time on twitter, but slowly i'm weaning off of it. didn't really serve me much apart from a time-killer and a mind-occupier." gemini:// 23 14:33
schestowitz> Now the cat is out of the bag ...Jun 23 14:40
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:40
schestowitz> -------- Forwarded Message --------Jun 23 14:40
schestowitz> Subject: recognition of Linus Torvalds, Honorary Debian DeveloperJun 23 14:40
schestowitz> Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 17:32:32 +0200Jun 23 14:40
schestowitz> From: Daniel Pocock <>Jun 23 14:40
schestowitz> To: linux-kernel@vger.kernel.orgJun 23 14:40
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:40
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 14:40
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:40
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:40
schestowitz> I've recently been able to acquire[1] the Debian trademark in SwitzerlandJun 23 14:40
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:40
schestowitz> Using whatever authority comes with the trademark, I'm recognizing LinusJun 23 14:40
schestowitz> Torvalds as an Honorary Debian DeveloperJun 23 14:40
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:40
schestowitz> For safety, I revoked the Code of Conduct before[1] doing this.Jun 23 14:41
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:41
schestowitz> Thanks Linus, none of the competing Debian trademark registrations wouldJun 23 14:41
schestowitz> exist without your efforts creating Linux in the first place.Jun 23 14:41
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:41
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:41
schestowitz> Regards,Jun 23 14:41
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:41
schestowitz> DanielJun 23 14:41
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:41
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:41
schestowitz> 1. 23 14:41
-TechrightsBN/ | Using the Debian trademark for goodJun 23 14:41
schestowitz>>>>> Thinking back, I believe they attacked you and you stopped syndicatingJun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>>>> onto Techrights in March 2021, the same time as the RMS mobJun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>>> Who do you mean by they?Jun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>> I don't know but I get regular reports about gangstalkers from a subsetJun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>> of FSFE/Debian who send messages to my friends, clients andJun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>> collaborators in other open source projectsJun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>>Jun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>> Just out of interest, did anybody ever try to contact your wife toJun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>> harass you?  That is the type of thing they are doing now.Jun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>>Jun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>> It seems they eventually realized who owns the trademark in CH.  IJun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>> avoided saying anything about it publicly to save them embarrassment butJun 23 14:43
schestowitz>>> now the cat is out of the bag.Jun 23 14:43
schestowitz>> I intentionally said nothing on the subject until late last night as itJun 23 14:43
schestowitz>> had already become common knowledge.Jun 23 14:43
schestowitz> It doesn't look like they are going to submit to my trademark any time soonJun 23 14:43
schestowitz> Jun 23 14:43
schestowitz> Do you want an Honorary Debian Developer certificate for your cat orJun 23 14:43
schestowitz> something?Jun 23 14:43
schestowitzI think it would be wise to avoid doing anything that can be seen as trolling or provocation. If it can be used to smear, it will be used to smear.Jun 23 14:43
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 14:46
Techrights-sec2definitelyJun 23 14:50
Techrights-sec2though *anything* can and will be used to smear himJun 23 14:50
schestowitz-TRright, but do not hand them a rope to hang you withJun 23 14:50
schestowitz-TRlike anon emailsJun 23 14:50
schestowitz-TRgot some epo materialJun 23 14:53
schestowitz-TRohaJun 23 14:53
schestowitz-TRotaJun 23 14:53
*wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 23 15:04
schestowitz-TRgoing to record now, prepared mentally for a bitJun 23 15:05
schestowitz-TRif you have thoughts about "hot-desking"Jun 23 15:05
schestowitz-TR"hotelling"Jun 23 15:05
schestowitz-TRwhen they dynamically allocate a desk at workJun 23 15:05
schestowitz-TRI don't have expoerience with it except in CS labsJun 23 15:05
schestowitz-TRas a postdoc we got inidividual desksJun 23 15:05
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 15:05
Techrights-sec2nothing direct, just that it has been proven through multiple studiesJun 23 15:05
schestowitz-TRthanksJun 23 15:05
Techrights-sec2to be both inefficient and demoralizingJun 23 15:05
Techrights-sec2it really is intended to limit the employee's ability to get work doneJun 23 15:05
Techrights-sec2and to mess with their statusJun 23 15:05
schestowitz-TRi guess it makes blowing the whistleharder tooJun 23 15:05
Techrights-sec2no citations handy at the moment thoughJun 23 15:05
schestowitz-TRlike saving stuffJun 23 15:05
schestowitz-TRI have some references in the documentsJun 23 15:05
Techrights-sec2it makes *everything* more difficult, that is a primary goalJun 23 15:05
schestowitz-TRthanksJun 23 15:05
schestowitz-TROTA Jun 23 15:05
*wallacer (~quassel@6bsu33ajs4zs4.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJun 23 15:07
schestowitz-TRcrude first draftJun 23 16:14
schestowitz-TRthis is a very tech-rights issueJun 23 16:14
schestowitz-TRand applicable to a lot of people and workplaces imhoJun 23 16:14
Techrights-sec2checkingJun 23 16:14
Techrights-sec2repeat for emphasis: "rightly concerned about ..."Jun 23 16:14
Techrights-sec2citation needed for the hotdeskingJun 23 16:14
Techrights-sec2 23 16:14
-TechrightsBN/ | How Hot-Desking Will Kill Your CompanyJun 23 16:14
Techrights-sec2 23 16:14
-TechrightsBN/ | Subscribe to read | Financial TimesJun 23 16:14
schestowitz-TRthey used this very citationJun 23 16:15
schestowitz-TRin the publiucationJun 23 16:15
schestowitz-TRwhat do you mean by "repeat for emphasis"?Jun 23 16:15
Techrights-sec2 23 16:16
Techrights-sec2the sentence ending in "rightly concerned" needs a few more words to completeJun 23 16:16
Techrights-sec2it with the gist of the probem.  Jun 23 16:16
-TechrightsBN/ | Hot desking was meant to save us all time and money. It hasn’t | WIRED UKJun 23 16:16
Techrights-sec2"no citations handy at the moment though," can be removed and replacedJun 23 16:26
Techrights-sec2with a citationJun 23 16:26
Techrights-sec2or threeJun 23 16:26
schestowitz-TRI've merged them in another wayJun 23 16:27
schestowitz-TRas a shortcutJun 23 16:27
schestowitz-TRadding some missing bitsJun 23 16:27
schestowitz-TRbut you were right, the into was far too thinJun 23 16:27
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 16:31
Techrights-sec2this part: ""The associate said he had no citations handy at the moment though, but there are some references in the document below."" can be removedJun 23 16:31
schestowitz-TRdoneJun 23 16:32
schestowitz-TRupload just finishedJun 23 16:32
schestowitz-TRdoing a final passJun 23 16:32
schestowitz-TRfirst pass: type qiuciklyJun 23 16:32
schestowitz-TRsecond pass: read slowlyJun 23 16:33
schestowitz-TRhad it been a more formal thing, there would be anothr passJun 23 16:33
schestowitz-TRbut there's more from epo on the wayJun 23 16:33
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 16:33
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> Weekly Increase of 56% in COVID-19-Linked Deaths, But the Government's Disclosure of Data is Almost Going Away Next Week 23 17:19
-TechrightsBN/ » Blog Archive » Weekly Increase of 56% in COVID-19-Linked Deaths, But the Government’s Disclosure of Data is Almost Going Away Next WeekJun 23 17:19
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 17:33
schestowitz-TRlol, the employer kicked the can another 2.5 weeks down the roadJun 23 18:00
schestowitz-TRso typicalJun 23 18:00
schestowitz-TRand it's spun as good news  Jun 23 18:00
schestowitz-TR"new sales"Jun 23 18:00
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 18:00
Techrights-sec2bizarreJun 23 18:00
Techrights-sec2it sure looks like terrible managementJun 23 18:00
schestowitz-TRthis snail pace may mean it'll take months before I start with new capacity/roleJun 23 18:00
schestowitz-TRbut comes to show what terrible timetables/planning these "managers" can adhere toJun 23 18:00
schestowitz-TRor why they lose both staff and clientsJun 23 18:00
schestowitz-TRmaybe they make wrong assumptions about their actions and reputationJun 23 18:00
schestowitz-TRbut I won't say this to their faceJun 23 18:00
schestowitz-TRsareenGaz was the worse (SarinGas)Jun 23 18:02
schestowitz-TRor worst ratherJun 23 18:02
schestowitz-TRshe drove out some important workersJun 23 18:02
schestowitz-TRby being herselfJun 23 18:02
schestowitz-TRin turn, when you lose such staFF, you can also lose clientsJun 23 18:02
schestowitz-TRlike the NHSJun 23 18:02
schestowitz-TRand then, instead, bring in companies that I'd rather see offline and with severe data lossJun 23 18:02
schestowitz-TRit would be better for societyJun 23 18:02
schestowitz-TRcredit to rianne thoughJun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRshe does work hard (covering extra for a colleague tonight, 1-9am)Jun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRso we have OK savings and that reduces anxietyJun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRI wanted to leave around end of last year as I was arguing a lot with management and it got me angryJun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRand some clients we added I refused to work forJun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRand wanted to distance myself by passing to colleagues like they're the "unethical" so-called 'shabos goy'Jun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRthjat does not work in thre long runJun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRbut I think we 'lost' 2 of the worst clientsJun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRI hope soJun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRjust earlier today they said we had lost a clientJun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRand then comes the "good news" message about "new sales"Jun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRI learned to reas through their BS many years agoJun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRbut I'm no shareholder, I barely even give a shit nor am I attached to it like a uni faculty,Jun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRso we "milk on"Jun 23 18:09
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 18:09
Techrights-sec2good that at least the two worst are gone, hopefully some more palatable onesJun 23 18:09
Techrights-sec2will be picke up insteaJun 23 18:09
Techrights-sec2too bad they bullshit so muchJun 23 18:09
schestowitz-TRsome new clients are universities and maybe something that restores moraleJun 23 18:11
schestowitz-TRbut tbh, I quit giving a shit back in 2018 (SarinGas)Jun 23 18:11
schestowitz-TRsince then it was like 'sex witout emotion'Jun 23 18:11
schestowitz-TRjust cashing in and minding our own business with the sitesJun 23 18:11
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 18:11
schestowitz-TRYes! Jun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRThe company SHOULD be avoidedJun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRas investor Jun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRor jos seekerJun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRI mentioned it in the last meetingJun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRthat we're an extremely unattractive employer (not in these words)Jun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRbut if you can get in one hour's actual work done enough to earn about 100 pounds after tax (and NHS, pension etc) it's hard to justify leavingJun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRa friend and my father as well said it's hard to justify leaving and that owing to experience gained we're in this position, as a couple evenJun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRthe skills aren't too far from techrights stuff, so there's something to be learned too  Jun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TR\Jun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRI just really didn't want to be associated with some of those companiesJun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRand a whislteblower told me inside stories about one of themJun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRthere are also Mono/Friednman connection, however disyant, like format Xamarin person and "Nat" being buddies with someoneJun 23 18:17
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 18:17
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 18:17
Techrights-sec2 23 18:17
Techrights-sec2also similar ties there, tooJun 23 18:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-The Fall Of Reddit: Why It’s Quickly Declining into Chaos | by Isaiah McCall | Yard Couch | Jun, 2022 | MediumJun 23 18:17
schestowitz-TRI am very surprised reddit survivied this longJun 23 18:19
schestowitz-TRit used to compete against diggJun 23 18:19
schestowitz-TRdigg was biggerJun 23 18:19
schestowitz-TRdigg fiolded very fastJun 23 18:19
schestowitz-TRmaybe lack oif business modelJun 23 18:19
schestowitz-TRor low user retentionJun 23 18:19
schestowitz-TRand then reddit veered in some other directionJun 23 18:19
schestowitz-TRmaybe made money by the shillingJun 23 18:19
schestowitz-TRback then (digg still arouund) it marketed IE9 for/with MicrosoftJun 23 18:19
schestowitz-TRpeople still thouht all this AMA crap was grassrootsJun 23 18:19
schestowitz-TRit's just "screen time" or "links" for saleJun 23 18:19
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 18:20
schestowitz-TRlots of "copilot" spam this weekJun 23 18:21
schestowitz-TRfor a shallow reasonJun 23 18:21
schestowitz-TRI am tempted to do the series againJun 23 18:21
schestowitz-TRbut it does not tie into the "announcement"Jun 23 18:21
schestowitz-TRI want to see where Miguel and Nat rear their ugly headJun 23 18:21
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 18:21
Techrights-sec2yes they will, unfortunatelyJun 23 18:21
schestowitz-TRthey WILL be backJun 23 18:21
schestowitz-TRI don't want to name companies they can poison('pill') by "joining"...Jun 23 18:22
schestowitz-TRlkook what miguel and nat did to novellJun 23 18:22
schestowitz-TRthe micreosoft deal was partly their iudeaJun 23 18:22
schestowitz-TR*ideaJun 23 18:22
schestowitz-TRmiguel for sureJun 23 18:22
schestowitz-TRjeremy allison confirmed to meJun 23 18:22
Techrights-sec2miguel has always been an m$ fanboi / saobteurJun 23 18:23
schestowitz-TRmaybe EPO should hire him and close shopJun 23 18:24
schestowitz-TRinstant impactJun 23 18:24
schestowitz-TRif only he got his VISA... for EuropeJun 23 18:24
Techrights-sec2:(Jun 23 18:30
schestowitz-TRximian deadJun 23 18:31
schestowitz-TRnovell deadJun 23 18:31
schestowitz-TRxamarin does not exist by nameJun 23 18:31
schestowitz-TRmicrosoft sucking tax money (debt) like a leech Jun 23 18:31
Techrights-sec267?Jun 23 18:31
schestowitz-TRhe leftJun 23 18:31
schestowitz-TRto spend more time with... I dunnoJun 23 18:31
schestowitz-TRhe's 67 alreadyJun 23 18:31
schestowitz-TRyes, he looks young for his age ;-)Jun 23 18:32
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 18:32
Techrights-sec2deicaza is from 1972Jun 23 18:32
schestowitz-TRI know, I was kiddingJun 23 18:34
schestowitz-TRbut I was told he's super short and aside from that I think it's techrights that caused him to leave but cannot prove itJun 23 18:34
schestowitz-TRthe height thing does not matter, but anecdote (nat is also very short)Jun 23 18:34
schestowitz-TRthey compensate for it like little soft billyJun 23 18:34
schestowitz-TR"trey"Jun 23 18:34
Techrights-sec2okJun 23 18:34
schestowitz-TRjudge penfield, iirc, compared "trey" to nepoleonJun 23 18:36
schestowitz-TRthe putin/neloleon "complex"Jun 23 18:36
schestowitz-TR"I'm small, but look what evil I can do... I will be remembered... while ruining other people's lives"Jun 23 18:36
Techrights-sec2 23 18:36
Techrights-sec2 23 18:36
Techrights-sec2 23 18:36
-TechrightsBN/ | Judge: Gates a Napoleon - ABC NewsJun 23 18:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Judge brands Bill Gates 'an arrogant Napoleon' - Independent.ieJun 23 18:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-MS Judge Rips Gates Again | WIREDJun 23 18:37
schestowitz-TRthe enalogy guess a long way and explains human nature/sovietyJun 23 18:38
schestowitz-TRthe kid you bullied or mocked at school.... watch outJun 23 18:38
schestowitz-TRthey will look for revengeJun 23 18:38
Techrights-sec2 23 18:38
Techrights-sec2microsofters are a criminal groupJun 23 18:38
-TechrightsBN/ | The Microsoft Verdict | The New YorkerJun 23 18:38
schestowitz-TRa dropouts' clubJun 23 18:39
schestowitz-TRthe bright kids join unix and gnuJun 23 18:39
schestowitz-TRfront page of /, linux has just pushed rust in linuxJun 23 18:40
schestowitz-TRan hour agoJun 23 18:40
Techrights-sec2the schools have been cut out of the loop, they don't teach CS any more     Jun 23 18:45
Techrights-sec2and the training the provide in place of real education is of very weak qualityJun 23 18:45
Techrights-sec2then most projects have been undermined through gratuitous complexity or Jun 23 18:45
Techrights-sec2politics to have no real onramps any more Jun 23 18:45
Techrights-sec2I only checked /. once on purpose during the last n yearsJun 23 18:45
Techrights-sec2I don't intend to do it again for another long interval, it's Jun 23 18:45
Techrights-sec2just a bunch of spam articles, ads, and shill postsJun 23 18:45
Techrights-sec2m$ succeeded in taking out the once great FOSS siteJun 23 18:45
Techrights-sec2they are nothing if not tenacious in their cultJun 23 18:45
schestowitz-TRit took them a whileJun 23 18:45
schestowitz-TRif at first you fail...Jun 23 18:45
schestowitz-TRthey also had a run at OSIJun 23 18:45
schestowitz-TRand at RaspiJun 23 18:45
schestowitz-TRto some extent they succeeded at least twiceJun 23 18:45
schestowitz-TRI could make a timeline for eachJun 23 18:45
schestowitz-TRXP, repo, boardJun 23 18:46
schestowitz-TROSI: licence (asay), bribe, clearlyDefined, board...Jun 23 18:46
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 18:46
Techrights-sec2they've fully infiltrated the Raspbery Pi Foundation and it's boardJun 23 18:46
schestowitz-TRI am trying to find, but failing to find, the image where it shows Microsoft, then fist holding a human heard (like the mayan ritual)Jun 23 18:51
schestowitz-TRthat's how Microsoft (hearts) stuffJun 23 18:51
schestowitz-TRwe just need to keep hammering away at themnJun 23 18:51
schestowitz-TRit's a big targetJun 23 18:51
schestowitz-TRso needs a ton of hammeringJun 23 18:51
schestowitz-TRepo is like a node in a networkJun 23 18:51
schestowitz-TRincludes un, wipo, wto, uspto, and lots of corporations with their law firmsJun 23 18:51
schestowitz-TRso epo is a lot harder to than take down than novelJun 23 18:51
schestowitz-TRif though the head count is about the sameJun 23 18:51
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 18:51
schestowitz-TREPO = european branch (one of few) of an international hydraJun 23 18:53
schestowitz-TRthe good thing is, by exposing EPO crimes we also expose corruption in many of these other, closely connected institutionsJun 23 18:53
schestowitz-TRinc. some governments, .e.g EU/EC and GermanyJun 23 18:53
schestowitz-TRpeople inside observed and documented those things for decades and now they spill out what they learnedJun 23 18:53
Techrights-sec2yes it appears that the corruption is interrelatedJun 23 18:54
Techrights-sec2with luck the national news services, or at least one, will pick that upJun 23 18:54
schestowitz-TRlike I said in the video today, while reading a golf book I saw some golfer wearing FTI Consulting hatJun 23 18:56
schestowitz-TRsponsorshipoJun 23 18:56
schestowitz-TRand I recalled how many milklions in bribes EPO passed for them to game the pressJun 23 18:56
schestowitz-TRand when I got a call from a German politician FTI Consulting was mentionedJun 23 18:56
schestowitz-TRthey have deep pocketsJun 23 18:56
schestowitz-TRso they can buy the press, media etc.Jun 23 18:56
schestowitz-TRsmall companies and countries cannot afford thatJun 23 18:57
schestowitz-TRfor one small revelation we expose they might have to spend a folrtune on "damage control"Jun 23 18:57
schestowitz-TRICBM lost a ton of goodwill in recent years and staff of Red Hatr is fleeingJun 23 18:57
schestowitz-TRserves them rightJun 23 18:57
schestowitz-TRthey took on reddit and 'hacker' noise to attack me personallyJun 23 18:57
schestowitz-TRto prevent people linking to TRJun 23 18:57
schestowitz-TRthis is the "shit we're up against"Jun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRand Daniel P too for that matterJun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRthey control the press, the politicians, but there's a limit to how much lying the population can absorbJun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRso then they try to take you out of TwitterJun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRbased on something they found from years agoJun 23 19:00
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRmaybe part of the intention is to make you lose your cool    Jun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRand then become what they want you to seemJun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRlike you said, it's a political tactic Jun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRrile up the oppositioinJun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRand they start saying f this and f thatJun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRand then you use that for eternityJun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRlike ballmer "monkey dance"Jun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRor those billg esptein photo opsJun 23 19:00
schestowitz-TRepo publications reminds the f bomb incidentJun 23 19:01
schestowitz-TR*recalls Jun 23 19:02
schestowitz-TRin publications it is mentioned all the timeJun 23 19:02
schestowitz-TRI know he said that because of our seriesJun 23 19:02
schestowitz-TRbased on what he asked just prior to that temper tamtrumJun 23 19:02
schestowitz-TRnow he looks like a mugJun 23 19:02
schestowitz-TRand they keep coylu asking for the recordingJun 23 19:02
schestowitz-TR*coyluJun 23 19:02
schestowitz-TR*coylyJun 23 19:02
schestowitz-TRhe won't complyJun 23 19:02
schestowitz-TRbut they are making a pointJun 23 19:02
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 19:02
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> Exploitable remotely/low attack complexity (severity 8.8/10). Of course it's ProprietaryShit(R), so CorporateMedia(TM) won't say a word. 23 19:12
-TechrightsBN/ | Elcomplus SmartICS | CISAJun 23 19:12
schestowitz-TR-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- | Elcomplus SmartICS | CISAJun 23 19:12
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> CVSS v3 9.8 (out 10!). Will corrupt corporate media cover it? Probably not. If it's not "Open Source" and Microsoft sends bribes to create a stigma against what's safer. 23 19:12
-TechrightsBN/ | Pyramid Solutions EtherNet/IP Adapter Development Kit | CISAJun 23 19:12
schestowitz-TR-TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- | Pyramid Solutions EtherNet/IP Adapter Development Kit | CISAJun 23 19:12
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> Why does LXer add the story "TypeScript joins 5 most used languages in 2022 lineup"? To help Microsoft? This is an attack on the free and vendor-neutral stuff.Jun 23 19:17
schestowitz-TR The article is only based on some self-selecting survey (easy to game) and used by Microsoft booster Richard Speed to promote Microsoft's agenda. This is what happens when "surveys" are just sophisticated marketing plots... and the publisher is paid by criminals from MicrosoftJun 23 19:19
schestowitz-TRif lxer wants to kill itself, maybe I should welcome itJun 23 19:20
schestowitz-TRsome people in the comments there, however rare, complainedJun 23 19:20
schestowitz-TRand the links consequently removedJun 23 19:20
schestowitz-TRmaybe not enough people underrstand what typoescript is and what it's intended to doJun 23 19:21
schestowitz-TRMicrosoft tried this before (java++, Basic/VB in Web pages..)Jun 23 19:21
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 19:21
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 19:21
Techrights-sec2yes m$ games stats and analyses Jun 23 19:21
schestowitz-TR"evangelism is war"Jun 23 19:21
schestowitz-TR"life and death" analogiesJun 23 19:21
schestowitz-TRand RELIGIONJun 23 19:21
Techrights-sec2from Comes v MicrosoftJun 23 19:22
Techrights-sec2I took a look for that human sacrifice image with M$ but could not find Jun 23 19:32
Techrights-sec2anything relevantJun 23 19:32
schestowitz-TRI tried againJun 23 19:32
schestowitz-TRno successJun 23 19:32
schestowitz-TRit's not important, either ;-)Jun 23 19:32
schestowitz-TRwe have it iun at least a couple of placesJun 23 19:32
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 23 19:33
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Techrights-sec2okJun 23 19:36
schestowitz-TRyou have it on your hard disks (from rsync)Jun 23 19:40
schestowitz-TRas a student I dreamt sof the day we have something like Gulag Street ViewJun 23 19:40
schestowitz-TRbut did not envision it would be 1) privatised 2) spywareJun 23 19:40
schestowitz-TRthe other thing was, sometimes to organise my photos by scanning and understganding what's and who's in themJun 23 19:40
schestowitz-TRthat too barely became a realityJun 23 19:40
schestowitz-TRpeople still cannot find photos easy without lots of meta and long file names of many layers of filingJun 23 19:40
schestowitz-TRbut I suppose some private companies with private (stoken) collectionsJun 23 19:40
schestowitz-TR;like clearview HEY HI do have capabilities close to thatJun 23 19:40
Techrights-sec2similar hereJun 23 19:41
Techrights-sec2though I saw that VRML would not be practical at scale, and it wasn'tJun 23 19:41
schestowitz-TRthey're allowed to know us too wellJun 23 19:41
schestowitz-TRbut if we know they too well, they treat us like assangeJun 23 19:41
schestowitz-TRnow on suicide watch, according to his dad (shipman) following last friday's rulingJun 23 19:41
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 19:41
Techrights-sec2they've been working to kill him through the stress of mistreatment, bothJun 23 19:41
Techrights-sec2physical and psychological and legalJun 23 19:41
schestowitz-TRslower but safer than "pull an epstein"Jun 23 19:43
Techrights-sec2s/safer/lower profile/Jun 23 19:45
schestowitz-TRchelsea manning said epstein was killedJun 23 19:46
schestowitz-TRremember she said that when he (brad) was in prison he was mrely "surviving"Jun 23 19:46
schestowitz-TRsame as done to Assange on a number of or array of methodsJun 23 19:46
schestowitz-TRthen came financial attacksJun 23 19:46
schestowitz-TRand mom diedJun 23 19:46
schestowitz-TRrussia did a gulonovJun 23 19:46
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 19:46
schestowitz-TRMIR report on Epstein asked billg lawyersJun 23 19:49
schestowitz-TRthat was enough for themJun 23 19:49
schestowitz-TRsome "investigation"Jun 23 19:49
schestowitz-TRhere, have $100,000...Jun 23 19:49
schestowitz-TRsee you in a few years when another swartz hangs himselfJun 23 19:49
schestowitz-TRswartz did play some role in wikileaksJun 23 19:49
schestowitz-TR*MITJun 23 19:49
Techrights-sec2MIT basically killed Swartz through their passivity in the caseJun 23 19:50
Techrights-sec2they could have quickly smoothed things over but chose to aggravate theJun 23 19:50
Techrights-sec2situation through inaction, over a very long period of timeJun 23 19:50
Techrights-sec2 23 19:51
-TechrightsBN/ | Aaron Swartz's Girlfriend Has a Damning Theory About the Young Reddit Co-Founder's SuicideJun 23 19:51
schestowitz-TRgetting people to confess crimes they did not commit helps "solve" cases and game the numbersJun 23 19:53
schestowitz-TRbut I was always baffled by this appeoachJun 23 19:53
schestowitz-TRwe wrote about it many timnes in TR in the distant pastJun 23 19:53
schestowitz-TRI think in relation to EPO actuallyJun 23 19:53
schestowitz-TRmaybe also eric lundgren or whatever his name wasJun 23 19:54
Techrights-sec2plea "deals" are a crime in themselves and cause lots of people to foldJun 23 19:54
Techrights-sec2Taren's words are spot on regarding the US legal system, from the scoresJun 23 19:54
Techrights-sec2of high profile cases visible in the press over the recent decadesJun 23 19:54
Techrights-sec2"solve" them and the prosecutors are evaluation based on convictions not justiceJun 23 19:54
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> "The Linux Foundation is a sponsor of The New Stack" so they get to tell the media what to say or 'report' for LF sponsors' agenda 23 19:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Rust in the Linux Kernel by 2023, Linus Torvalds Predicts – The New StackJun 23 19:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Linus Torvalds Says Rust For The Kernel Could Possibly Be Merged For Linux 5.20 - SlashdotJun 23 19:58
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> Torvalds says he only worked on Git for 6 months. It took off because Linux used it and Linux was a high-profile project with strong reputation (before LF came, attacking it reputation for money... from Linux foes and GPL haters)Jun 23 20:00
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 20:01
Techrights-sec2I remember Lundgren.  He has been too quiet given the amount he certainly Jun 23 20:01
Techrights-sec2could say about thingsJun 23 20:01
Techrights-sec2s/Lundgren/Lundgren's situtation/Jun 23 20:01
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> Linux succeeded because of GNU and the GPL (GCC and all that). Git succeeded because of Linux and the GPL. Maybe we should all pay attention to where it all started and WHY it took off.Jun 23 20:06
Techrights-sec2ackJun 23 20:13
Techrights-sec2GCC is still important but it has been actively undermined for a long time nowJun 23 20:13
schestowitz-TR<techrights-news> No, Linux Foundation. We need to abolish software patents, not "Ensur[e] Patents Foster Innovation in Open Source" they literally repeat lies IBM told in EuropeJun 23 20:15
-TechrightsBN/ | Ensuring Patents Foster Innovation in Open Source - Linux FoundationJun 23 20:15
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