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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Wednesday, October 23, 2019

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-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 23 01:01
schestowitz 23 04:50
schestowitz" RMS has not done a good job as leader of the GNU project in recent years.  I've documented examples of this before, so I will not repeat myself.  It is not acceptable for a leader to come barging into a bug tracker or email list demanding things be done a certain way, especially when the projects exist to promote software freedom.  Autonomy of maintainers is a core component of software freedom, one that RMS in recent years breaches Oct 23 04:50
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 23 04:50
schestowitzwith increasing frequency."Oct 23 04:50
-->libertybox ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 23 05:20
-->acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellOct 23 05:21
---ChanServ gives channel operator status to acer-boxOct 23 05:21
<--libertybox_ has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Oct 23 05:23
<--acer-box__ has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)Oct 23 05:24
schestowitzRe: Attack on Stallman: user dictates (updated)Oct 23 05:50
schestowitz> Hi,Oct 23 05:50
schestowitz> Please review the attached post.Oct 23 05:50
schestowitz> thanks,Oct 23 05:50
schestowitzRe: FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION> Why GNU Is Better Staying Top-Down, Even If Free Software Isn'tOct 23 06:03
schestowitz> Oct 23 06:03
schestowitz> By figosdevOct 23 06:03
schestowitzOn it....Oct 23 06:03
schestowitzRe: that one typoOct 23 06:05
schestowitz> plus additionOct 23 06:05
schestowitz> Oct 23 06:05
schestowitz> -> plus additionalOct 23 06:05
schestowitz> Oct 23 06:05
schestowitz> im sending this one to jOct 23 06:05
schestowitzFixedOct 23 06:05
schestowitz> Oct 23 06:29
schestowitz>> The context of this is OSI President making inadequate and insultingOct 23 06:29
schestowitz> remarks about people. But we leave that part out to correct misconceptions.Oct 23 06:29
schestowitz> Oct 23 06:29
schestowitz> Well what ever was said, I wouldn't expend energy in engaging with such.Oct 23 06:29
schestowitz> I would much prefer to just stick to the technology. What we cannotOct 23 06:29
schestowitz> speak about we must pass over in silence.Oct 23 06:29
schestowitzHence no articles of ours mentioned this. Informal in comments and IRC...Oct 23 06:29
schestowitzRe: What's this about ..Oct 23 06:29
schestowitz> Sorry some changes:Oct 23 06:35
schestowitz> Oct 23 06:35
schestowitz> You can copy it once, then it is there. Oct 23 06:35
schestowitz> You can *create* it once, then it is thereOct 23 06:35
schestowitz> Oct 23 06:35
schestowitz> will be addressed generally.Oct 23 06:35
schestowitz> will be addressed *by the government and the society*.Oct 23 06:35
schestowitzThanks, corrected  now.Oct 23 06:35
schestowitz"As noted a few years ago, the Xbox is a testbed for DRM in normal PCs."Oct 23 06:35
-->rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 23 06:38
<--pidgin_log has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Oct 23 09:12
schestowitz 23 09:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jhamby: As if anyone could sue Microsoft over anything like that these days. One of the people I follow here who just desp… 23 09:39
schestowitz"Oct 23 09:39
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:39
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:39
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:39
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:39
schestowitzDecades, even. But now Microsoft realizes that profits trump an outdated ideology, and that Linux and open source weren't even that big of a deal, except in one tiny (by which I mean not so tiny) area: DRM.Oct 23 09:39
schestowitzThe FSF has been speaking against it since 2006. 23 09:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Unexpected responseOct 23 09:39
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:39
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:39
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:39
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:39
schestowitzDRM is what keeps people from using Microsoft Windows without paying for it, and if it weren't for the need to do that (and similarly protect the apps in the Windows Store and the DRM-protected HD and 4K streams that their partners like Netflix serve), everything could be open.Oct 23 09:39
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:39
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Resolving timed out after 10542 milliseconds ( status 0 @ )Oct 23 09:39
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:39
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:39
schestowitzDRM isn't necessarily good at its job, as determined pirates can often work around it fairly easily, but the average consumer running Windows (or macOS or iOS) probably won't be able to.Oct 23 09:39
schestowitzAndroid is relatively bad at its DRM, so it has fewer expensive apps than iOS does.Oct 23 09:39
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:39
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:39
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:39
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:39
schestowitzSo if you want to build an ecosystem where developers can get paid reliably for the work they put in to the software that they work on, you either need DRM and closed source, or you need to have some sort of limited use / timed shareware model with reasonably honest paid users.Oct 23 09:39
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:39
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:39
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:39
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:39
schestowitzOne very, very important use case that explains why all the key Google apps are closed source that's somewhat related to DRM is advertising-supported content.Oct 23 09:39
schestowitzGoogle's bread and butter are banner ads, search ads, YouTube ads, etc.. They need to have eyeballs watching the ads.Oct 23 09:39
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:39
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:39
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:39
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:40
schestowitzGetting back to "OMB Circular A-119, revised by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in January 2016," 23 09:40
schestowitzIt has some interesting directives relating to #Huawei, #Android, & #5G.Oct 23 09:40
schestowitzKey Federal Law and Policy Documents: NTTAA & OMB A-119Oct 23 09:40
schestowitzOMB Circular A-119 and the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act establish and clarify U.S. policy to...Oct 23 09:40
schestowitznist.govOct 23 09:40
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Resolving timed out after 10536 milliseconds ( status 0 @ )Oct 23 09:40
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:40
schestowitz"19 U.S.C. §  2532 provides that  “[n]o  Federal  agency  may  engage  in  any standards-related  activity that  creates unnecessary obstacles  to  the  foreign  commerce  of  the  United States”  and  specifies  four requirements for agencies’ standards-related activities"Oct 23 09:40
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:40
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:40
schestowitzApologies for the extra spaces between words from copy-and-pasting from a PDF. The four requirements all boil down to treating foreign and domestic products equally fairly and according to well-defined standards and performance characteristics.Oct 23 09:40
schestowitzSounds good. Very pro-competitive.Oct 23 09:40
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:40
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:40
schestowitzBut what happens when the company supplying all of that critical telecom infrastructure is owned or controlled by a potentially hostile government. And that includes not just China, but the USA as well. Who's to stop an NSA backdoor from being pushed out via "Windows Update?"Oct 23 09:40
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:40
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:40
schestowitzAnd I don't think the solution is to have the US State Department try to strong arm everyone in the world into not working with two specific Chinese companies because the Chinese government might be spying on dissidents they want to track down. That's not a general solution.Oct 23 09:40
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:40
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:40
schestowitzAnd it doesn't answer the question of how do we know that Intel and Microsoft and Cisco and Oracle and Google and Facebook haven't intentionally bugged their software on orders of US intelligence agencies. It distracts from that rather open-ended question.Oct 23 09:40
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:40
schestowitz6hOct 23 09:40
schestowitzI think the only way to resolve this is open source for critical software and that includes firmware and "trusted zones" and anything else where malware could hide. #TrustNoOne #infosec #privacyOct 23 09:40
schestowitz"Oct 23 09:40
schestowitzI'm reading the #FTC rules on deceptive ads around #greenwashing. Follow along. First, carbon offsets, like the ones provided by the company I linked to (top Google search result). They have to be real reductions in emissions that wouldn't have happened otherwise.Oct 23 09:41
schestowitzQuote TweetOct 23 09:41
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz · 7hOct 23 09:41
schestowitzWe can't just rely on voluntary carbon offsets and liberal guilt to stop climate change. https://terrapass.comOct 23 09:41
schestowitzWe also need to rethink our *entire supply chain for everything* around not using so much non-recyclable, toxic, and non-biodegradeable plastic.Oct 23 09:41
-TechrightsBN/ | Terrapass: Buy Carbon Offsets to Reduce Carbon FootprintOct 23 09:41
schestowitzShow this threadOct 23 09:41
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:41
schestowitz7hOct 23 09:41
schestowitz§ 260.5 (a) Carbon Offsets. Given the  complexities of carbon offsets, sellers  should employ competent and reliable scientific and accounting methods to properly quantify claimed emission reductions and to ensure  that they do not sell the same reduction more than one time.Oct 23 09:41
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:41
schestowitz7hOct 23 09:41
schestowitz(b) It is deceptive  to misrepresent,  directly or by implication, that a carbon  offset represents emission reductions  that have already occurred or will occur  in the immediate future. To avoid deception, marketers should clearly and  prominently disclose if the carbon offsetOct 23 09:41
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:41
schestowitz7hOct 23 09:41
schestowitzrepresents emission reductions that will not occur for two years or longer.Oct 23 09:41
schestowitz(c) It is deceptive to claim, directly or by  implication, that a carbon offset represents an emission reduction if the reduction, or the  activity that caused the reduction, was required by law.Oct 23 09:41
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:41
schestowitz7hOct 23 09:41
schestowitzBTW, I remember Sergey Brin mentioning offhandedly in a TGIF to Googlers that the carbon offsets that he and the other executives and the company were buying went to things like methane capture for pig farts at giant commercial pig factories in Southern states with lax laws.Oct 23 09:41
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:41
schestowitz7hOct 23 09:41
schestowitzCarbon offsets don't "count" if the state or federal government forces you to do it. It has to be a voluntary gift of philanthropy, which as Oct 23 09:41
schestowitz@AnandWritesOct 23 09:41
schestowitz likes to point out, is often not very philanthropic at all.Oct 23 09:41
schestowitzBut if you sold something someone had to do anyway, that's fraud.Oct 23 09:41
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:41
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:42
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:42
schestowitz7hOct 23 09:42
schestowitzMoving on: "§ 260.6 (a) Certifications and Seals of Approval. It is deceptive to misrepresent, directly or by implication, that a product, package, or service has  been endorsed or certified  by an  independent  third  party."Oct 23 09:42
schestowitzDon't make up your own "Green" awards for yourself.Oct 23 09:42
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:42
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:42
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:42
schestowitz7hOct 23 09:42
schestowitz"To be certified, marketers must meet  standards  that  have  been developed  and  maintained by a voluntary  consensus standard body." See footnote and Wayback link to 1998 order: 23 09:42
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:42
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:42
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:42
schestowitz7hOct 23 09:42
-TechrightsBN/ | Circular A-119Oct 23 09:42
schestowitzIf you search for "OMB Circular A-119", you'll find other links to PDFs and commentary on how "voluntary consensus bodies" are defined by the federal government for everything for new medical devices to cannabis.Oct 23 09:42
schestowitzHere's a good overview on A-119 & NTTAA:Oct 23 09:42
schestowitzKey Federal Law and Policy Documents: NTTAA & OMB A-119Oct 23 09:42
schestowitzOMB Circular A-119 and the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act establish and clarify U.S. policy to...Oct 23 09:42
schestowitznist.govOct 23 09:42
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:42
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:42
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:42
schestowitz7hOct 23 09:42
schestowitzI know more than one of my excitable Microsoft hating friends here has a particular hatred for MSFT's unfair stacking of standards bodies to try to promote their inferior Office document XML file formats over the clearly superior ODF (they mostly failed). 23 09:42
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:42
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:42
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:42
schestowitz7hOct 23 09:42
schestowitzMicrosoft tried to *also* get their file formats accepted by a standards body, and managed to get ECMA to do it in 2007-08, but the response was quite hostile. The MSFT formats are technically an ISO standard now too, but more importantly a _de facto_ one. 23 09:42
schestowitzJake HambyOct 23 09:42
schestowitz@jhambyOct 23 09:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Resolving timed out after 10522 milliseconds ( status 0 @ )Oct 23 09:42
schestowitz·Oct 23 09:42
schestowitz7hOct 23 09:42
schestowitzSide note to my larger theme about pollution, packaging, & plastics.Oct 23 09:42
schestowitzJust wanted to point out that voluntary standards bodies can't be totally rigged by one player who buys off the votes of all the country representatives like Microsoft did with "#OOXML". 23 09:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Resolving timed out after 10530 milliseconds ( status 0 @ )Oct 23 09:42
-TechrightsBN/ | Office Open XML - WikipediaOct 23 09:43
schestowitz"Oct 23 09:43
schestowitzFrom a proud smear article against #rms from #fossforceOct 23 09:43 23 09:43
schestowitzStallman is rumored to be on the autism spectrum, and from the way he has acted, I could easily believe that. To suggest that a young woman would willingly engage in prostitution suggests a fundamental lack of understanding of human nature, to say nothing of the dynamics of power between a young woman and a powerful older maleOct 23 09:43
schestowitz“To suggest without proof that a young woman could convincingly pretend to be willingly engaged in prostitution suggests a fundamental lack of understanding of human natureOct 23 09:44
schestowitzSo let me think.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzOn the one hand the founder of freesoftwareOct 23 09:44
schestowitzthat with #courage speaks all around the world of the dangers of proprietary software and hardware and whom the dark present reality have proven him right.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzA leader and teacher who confront the autistic and antisocial behavior of of posting to mass surveillance social media without thinking of the social consequences.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzA person who tried to protect the fame of minsky from youth that starting to ‘burn things to the ground’ obviously shouldnt be confronted by argument but they should be left to do their creative work .Because that is the bruce-responsible thing to do when angry youth start their revolutions and initiate their struggle sessions.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzMaybe Deitel should remove his dedication to Minksy from his world selling book on C++ How to Program 10th .Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzIn memory of Marvin MinskymOct 23 09:44
schestowitza founding father of the field of artificial intelliigence,Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzit was a privilege to be your student in two graduate courses at MIT. Every lecture you gave inspiredOct 23 09:44
schestowitzyour students to think beyond limits.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzNow that the forerunners of human nature undestanding informed us that :Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzMoreover, to imply that a middle-age man might honestly believe that a teenager was interested in him suggests an even deeper ignorance of the dynamics of power.”Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzOh god Bruce, another one!!! Well rumors i’ve heard are true. Another autistic mit nerdOct 23 09:44
schestowitzincapable of fundamental knowledge of humans and power relations.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzAnd Bruce since you are on on it could you please extend your research to google’s top . Last timeOct 23 09:44
schestowitzi’ve cheched 20000 workers walked out in solidarity with other Googlers and contractors to protest sexual harassment, misconduct, lack of transparency, and a workplace culture that’s not working for everyone.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzI’ve heard rumors of lack of understanding of human nature lingering there… Probably more autistic nerdsOct 23 09:44
schestowitzare hiding there.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzSo on the one hand we have rumored rms and on the other people that spill with easy even mental health public smearing tryingOct 23 09:44
schestowitzto cancel, ridicule, humiliate and diminish a life’s work that brought so much to the world.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzPeople who apparently , it’s not rumored … but without doubt happily take part in internet #lynching andOct 23 09:44
schestowitzalso take it to a lower even level in their soulquest to better understand human nature.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzSo what can i say. There is no #shame, no one repents.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzAnother lesson to be learned in the #nerdless-eraOct 23 09:44
schestowitzThose who oppose the powerfull exploiters are autistic and must go to a mental realignment workcampOct 23 09:44
schestowitzThose who caress the powerfull even if the latter misplase some millions to sex traffickers haveOct 23 09:44
schestowitzimpunity because … you know #sponsor-hunting isnt a job to take lighlty, foreplay is always needed.Oct 23 09:44
schestowitzThe emotional psychology of lynchingOct 23 09:44
schestowitzLYNCH MOB MENTALITYOct 23 09:44
schestowitz#supportrmsOct 23 09:44
schestowitz"Oct 23 09:44
schestowitz 23 09:44
-TechrightsBN/ From a proud smear article against #rms from #fossforce > Stallman is rumored to be on the autism spectrum, and from the way he has acted, I could easily believe that. To suggest that a young woman would willingly engage in prostitution suggests a fundamental lack of understanding of human nature, to say nothing of the dynamics of power between a youngOct 23 09:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by 23 09:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Splintered Mind: The Emotional Psychology of LynchingOct 23 09:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | LYNCH MOB MENTALITY by Justin Taylor | Genesology — WerdsmithOct 23 09:45
schestowitz 23 09:50
schestowitz 23 09:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Unexpected responseOct 23 09:50
schestowitz>> took usage down from 91% to 69%Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>>Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>> a. Culprits:Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>>Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>> 1) large mysql error log file (not showing any new errors since October 8)Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>>Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>> 2) large http log file (I think last week was our biggest ever)Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>>Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>> b. Risks:Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>>Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>> 1) /tmp filling up too fast (temporary PDFs), overrunning /Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>>Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>> 2) backups going wrong, filling up /homeOct 23 11:10
schestowitz>>Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>> 3) /var at risk from (a) aboveOct 23 11:10
schestowitz>>Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz>> Just making us both aware of things to watch out for. I don't think weOct 23 11:10
schestowitz>> need emails from there as long as we 'df' over ssh once or twice perOct 23 11:10
schestowitz>> week. The DB size can be verified by email reports on TR:/home/~/archivesOct 23 11:10
schestowitz>>Oct 23 11:10
schestowitz> Ok.  Thanks.  I'll try to make it part of my work flow to check in onOct 23 11:10
schestowitz> disk space a few times a week.Oct 23 11:10
schestowitzI keep an eye either way, one laptop always logged in to both VMs. But if I get hospitalised or worse it's good for another person to know the above. We don't have a wiki to document these things.Oct 23 11:10
<--pedro4 has quit ()Oct 23 11:34
-->pedro4 (~pedro4@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 23 11:41
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<--rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Oct 23 11:43
-->rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 23 11:44
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schestowitz_log whatthey can do agplvv3, 2007Oct 23 12:51
-TechrightsBN/ The track record of Stallman isn’t immaculate, but it’s exceptionally good if not impressive #rms #fsf #gnu #freesw #freedom Oct 23 12:51
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | “Stallman Was Right” is Not Just a Meme as It’s Usually True | TechrightsOct 23 12:52
-->rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 23 17:35
schestowitz 23 17:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: Rehabilitating Stallman: “Stallman Was Right” is Not Just a Meme as It's Usually True 23 17:41
schestowitz 23 20:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: Microsoft is these days a legitimate open source company, but that doesn't mean it's benign: Samsung Does Not Say W… 23 20:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: Microsoft is these days a legitimate open source company, but that doesn't mean it's benign: Samsung Does Not Say W… 23 20:50
schestowitz"Microsoft is these days a legitimate open source company, but that doesn't mean it's benign: Samsung Does Not Say Why It's Dropping DeX, But the ASUS EEE Story Might Offer Clues"Oct 23 20:50
schestowitz 23 22:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz That's why OIN is powerless against trolls.Oct 23 22:16
schestowitzTrolls are the "cost" of IBM doing "business"Oct 23 22:16
schestowitz 23 22:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jamesabernard: One of the better linux's 23 22:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #MXLinux 19 'Patito Feo' is here! #gnu #linuxOct 23 22:17
schestowitz 23 22:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@billmatherlyjr: @schestowitz Yeah, that's gimmick infringement, that sort of thing stays in America.Oct 23 22:17
schestowitz 23 22:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@carolynfrances5: @schestowitz ummmOct 23 22:19
schestowitz 23 22:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: NEW EPO #Memes - International Guidelines for PROBLEM SOLVING #humor #respect #RuleOfLaw #workplace #patents #Europe 23 22:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sheikh_al_Touar: NEW EPO #Memes - International Guidelines for PROBLEM SOLVING #humor #respect #RuleOfLaw #workplace #patents #Europe 23 22:20
schestowitz 23 22:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@carolynfrances5: @schestowitz I live in NorCal. We fight Every DAY as Everyone Lives Down Stream.Oct 23 22:21
schestowitz 23 22:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@carolynfrances5: @schestowitz Nope Never Again Fooled Me once F**K Wikileaks #Russiantakeover #RussianAssetsOct 23 22:21
schestowitz 23 22:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Peterwyck29: @schestowitz Tying patent owners who are defending their property rights to a convicted pedophile shows without a d… 23 22:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Peterwyck29: @schestowitz Tying patent owners who are defending their property rights to a convicted pedophile shows without a d… 23 22:21
schestowitz"Tying patent owners who are defending their property rights to a convicted pedophile shows without a doubt the despicable #hack u r & that u r in the service of the #serialinfringers lobby. It also shows u know u r losing the fight."Oct 23 22:21
schestowitz 23 22:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@arthurpearl: @schestowitz IMHO: ONLY A DEATH TAX CAN SOLVE WITH NO ALLOWED LEGAL CIRCUMVENTION USING TRUST LOOPHOLES,.... impose… 23 22:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@arthurpearl: @schestowitz IMHO: ONLY A DEATH TAX CAN SOLVE WITH NO ALLOWED LEGAL CIRCUMVENTION USING TRUST LOOPHOLES,.... impose… 23 22:22
schestowitz"Oct 23 22:22
schestowitzIMHO: ONLY A DEATH TAX CAN SOLVE WITH NO ALLOWED LEGAL CIRCUMVENTION USING TRUST LOOPHOLES,.... impose 90% death tax and all estates over $10M. Where corporation ownership is involved shares are currency, taken and sold to market to avoid destroying profit-making enterprisesOct 23 22:22
schestowitz0 replies 0 retweets 0 likesOct 23 22:22
schestowitz"Oct 23 22:22

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