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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Friday, August 28, 2020

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*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Aug 28 00:50
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Aug 28 00:50
*rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 28 00:52
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 28 00:53
schestowitz> Editor, fig 5.0, Xenocera (same as in hyperbola) *OpenBSD*. NativeAug 28 03:40
schestowitz> binaries, no linux emulation.Aug 28 03:40
schestowitz> Aug 28 03:40
schestowitz> sines.fig.pngAug 28 03:40
schestowitz> Aug 28 03:40
schestowitz> No window manager; one is installed, I don't like it, haven't installedAug 28 03:40
schestowitz> a different one yet.Aug 28 03:40
schestowitzNice one!Aug 28 03:40
schestowitz 28 05:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Daniel Pocock - 037: Distributing VoIP applications and packages - YouTubeAug 28 05:58
schestowitz 28 06:19
-TechrightsBN/ | Should We Trust Microsoft With Linux? - YouTubeAug 28 06:19
schestowitztwo microsoft apologistsAug 28 06:19
schestowitzNeed further help:Aug 28 06:26
schestowitzcan we find out original net worth of the Bill Gates parents?Aug 28 06:26
schestowitz(at the time)Aug 28 06:26
schestowitzhard to go this far back in time, I know..Aug 28 06:27
schestowitzThanksAug 28 06:30
schestowitz 28 07:03
schestowitz# what's in the video?Aug 28 07:03
schestowitzMP4Aug 28 07:03
-TechrightsBN/ | All About Me, Who Doesn’t Even Use GNU/Linux | TechrightsAug 28 07:03
schestowitz"Aug 28 10:58
schestowitzThe EUIPO is seeking linguistic assistants with an interest in IP for Spanish, German, French and Italian language support to assist with tasks such as proofreading and translation. The respective adverts are available via its job portal here.Aug 28 10:58
schestowitzEDiMA (a trade association representing the platform economy) is recruiting a Brussels-based policy assistant intern for a six-month term from the end of September, to work on issues affecting digital policy including IP rights. For more information and how to apply, see here.Aug 28 10:58
schestowitzIPAN (the Intellectual Property Awareness Network) is seeking a part-time Network and Membership Officer, to suit a recent postgraduate seeking experience in IP. More details can be found in the job advert, with a closing date of 7 September 2020. Aug 28 10:58
schestowitz"Aug 28 10:58
schestowitz 28 10:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Friday Fantasies - The IPKatAug 28 10:58
*rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Aug 28 11:28
*rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 28 11:29
schestowitz>> I am guessing your browser does not support it, but Firefox on GNU/LinuxAug 28 11:36
schestowitz>> does because Mozilla paid for a licence. What format to use instead? (IfAug 28 11:36
schestowitz>> that's what you meant to address)Aug 28 11:36
schestowitz>>Aug 28 11:36
schestowitz>> [07:00] <schestowitz>Aug 28 11:36
schestowitz>> 28 11:36
schestowitz>> [07:00] <schestowitz> # I'm guessing there is something in the JPEGAug 28 11:36
-TechrightsBN/ | [Meme] The Linux Foundation Views GNU/Linux Users as a Nuisance | TechrightsAug 28 11:36
schestowitz>> image in place of a post?Aug 28 11:36
schestowitz>>Aug 28 11:36
schestowitz>> I am guessing you meant the text could instead be added in  textualAug 28 11:36
schestowitz>> form, not screenshot.Aug 28 11:36
schestowitz> Yes, at least as an ALT attribute but preferably as a normal blockquoteAug 28 11:36
schestowitz> or similar.  It is important to support all browsers and, by extension,Aug 28 11:36
schestowitz> people with various levels of visual accuity (or lack thereof).Aug 28 11:36
schestowitz> Aug 28 11:36
schestowitz> Myself, I notice that I tune out graphics in general but especially atAug 28 11:36
schestowitz> the top of articles.  That's not just on TR.  Even if I do try to focsAug 28 11:36
schestowitz> on them, they don't scale well or reflow even a little.Aug 28 11:36
schestowitz> Aug 28 11:36
schestowitz> Most importantly the content is invisible to the search engines.Aug 28 11:36
schestowitzThat full comment was reproduced in TR before. And yes, I am very meticulous with alt; I used to have a blind colleague.Aug 28 11:37
schestowitz>>  Or am I misunderstanding?Aug 28 11:37
*acer-box has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Aug 28 13:38
*acer-box ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 28 13:41
-NickServ-acer-box! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Aug 28 13:41
*acer-box has quit (Changing host)Aug 28 13:41
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellAug 28 13:41
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to acer-boxAug 28 13:41
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Aug 28 15:06
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellAug 28 15:06
schestowitz 28 17:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@iLLuminatiG313: These are the direct emails between Epstein and his mans at MIT & they specifically mention @BillGates and his dona… 28 17:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@iLLuminatiG313: These are the direct emails between Epstein and his mans at MIT & they specifically mention @BillGates and his dona… 28 17:40
schestowitz"Aug 28 17:40
schestowitzThese are the direct emails between Epstein and his mans at MIT & they specifically mention @BillGatesAug 28 17:40
schestowitz and his donationAug 28 17:40
schestowitz"Aug 28 17:40
schestowitz 28 17:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@RubyRed02614435: @ImperatorTruth Reports related to the Gates' employee who was arrested for child pornography. 28 17:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 500 @ )Aug 28 17:41
schestowitz 28 17:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rickmacyinusa: @schestowitz @BillHog15360397 Oh boyAug 28 17:48
schestowitz 28 17:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@thegoddessdoc: @schestowitz report 28 17:48
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@thegoddessdoc: @schestowitz report 28 17:48
schestowitz 28 17:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wwg1wgamom: @schestowitz 28 17:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wwg1wgamom: @schestowitz 28 17:49
schestowitz 28 17:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@namelyliberty: @TheJigisUp10 @MaryUlinger @maunyk @cathyyoung421 @schestowitz @346Wjr @RobertKennedyJr @RobertBilott… 28 17:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@namelyliberty: @TheJigisUp10 @MaryUlinger @maunyk @cathyyoung421 @schestowitz @346Wjr @RobertKennedyJr @RobertBilott… 28 17:50
schestowitz"The Board of Directors photo is excellent. Did you make it?"Aug 28 17:50
schestowitz 28 17:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@TweetLikeBond: @schestowitz How about more open carry? Discourage burning private property.Aug 28 17:50
schestowitz 28 17:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MAGAGunslinger: @schestowitz He’ll no! That’s why we need open carry!Aug 28 17:50
schestowitz 28 17:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AmericanOfColo1: @schestowitz Love it how you almost make the shooting victims sound like they could be Americans of color, expect t… 28 17:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AmericanOfColo1: @schestowitz Love it how you almost make the shooting victims sound like they could be Americans of color, expect t… 28 17:50
schestowitz"Love it how you almost make the shooting victims sound like they could be Americans of color, expect they are not.  Also BLM has raised over a BILLION dollars.  Name a black life they have mattered too."Aug 28 17:50
schestowitz 28 17:53
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 28 17:53
schestowitz" I stopped reading at "As flawed as Joe Biden is, he does seem like a decent man who actually cares about other people.""Aug 28 17:53
schestowitzThis is where #LesserEvilism gets us...Aug 28 17:53
schestowitz 28 17:54
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 28 17:54
schestowitz"Aug 28 17:54
schestowitzthere seems no doubt Richard Stallman's behavior and actions would discourage women from participating. If that is his "freedom of speech" the consequence is that he is not suitable for the job.Aug 28 17:54
schestowitz"Cancelling" is just a framing by people that feel personally attacked by their behavior being correctly identified as discriminatory.Aug 28 17:54
schestowitzTalking about this, this way also clouds whether the FSF was _actually_ taken over by corporations.. (as insinuated)Aug 28 17:54
schestowitz"Aug 28 17:54
schestowitz 28 17:54
-TechrightsBN/ | UEFI ‘Secure Boot’ is Just a Security Mess, as Techrights Predicted All Along, and FSF Should Not Have Given That Award | TechrightsAug 28 17:54
schestowitz 28 17:55
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 28 17:55
schestowitz"He is neither.   Other people made Mcrosoft successful,  partly through immoral and questionable business practice to destroy and then buy their opponents, so they could use their IP."Aug 28 17:55
schestowitz 28 17:55
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 28 17:55
schestowitz"Aug 28 17:55
schestowitzthis is kind of what I was hinting at with the 'new kind of war' hereAug 28 17:55
schestowitzThe European wars of religion, which lead to the Treaty of Westphalia came out of the printed book. Without the invention of the book, there would have been no such things as nationstates per se, with the boundaries and human rights and all the consequences that followed.  The wars that split europe after about 1600 were a new kind of war - there had been religious wars before, but that begun to be about control *of* religionAug 28 17:55
schestowitz"Aug 28 17:55
schestowitz 28 17:56
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 28 17:56
schestowitz"headline and story don't really match here"Aug 28 17:56
schestowitz 28 17:56
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 28 17:56
schestowitz" facepalm"Aug 28 17:56
schestowitz 28 17:56
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 28 17:56
schestowitz"We need to prevent more people from defending their property and their lives in Wisconsin. Can't have any more dead rioters and looters."Aug 28 17:56
schestowitz 28 17:56
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaAug 28 17:56
schestowitz"definitely acted too late"Aug 28 17:56
schestowitzRe: If you thought only USA law was stupidAug 28 18:17
schestowitz> In the USA at least, you can have a tax-deductible donation to aAug 28 18:17
schestowitz> software project.Aug 28 18:17
schestowitz> Aug 28 18:17
schestowitz> In Canada, software projects are not tax deductible. I would love to askAug 28 18:17
schestowitz> FACIL how this works out on their side of things. OpenBSD suffers fromAug 28 18:17
schestowitz> this-- they still have to pay their electric bills (they made a pleaAug 28 18:17
schestowitz> some time ago for exactly this reason-- they were having trouble payingAug 28 18:17
schestowitz> the electric bill. Everybody chipped in to help.)Aug 28 18:17
schestowitz> Aug 28 18:17
schestowitz> There is an OpenBSD foundation-- I don't know how that works either. TheAug 28 18:17
schestowitz> foundation is mentioned on the same page that mentions "softwareAug 28 18:17
schestowitz> projects" not being considered a charitable cause in Canadian law.Aug 28 18:17
schestowitz> Aug 28 18:17
schestowitz> Stuff to learn: 1. how FACIL and OpenBSD Foundation manage in Canada 2.Aug 28 18:17
schestowitz> what PyPy intends to do to bootstrap compilation if CPython goesAug 28 18:17
schestowitz> offline. (self host?)Aug 28 18:17
schestowitz> Aug 28 18:17
schestowitzRe: RandomAug 28 18:18
schestowitz> Ian Jackson seems to have a penchant for stabbing good people in theAug 28 18:18
schestowitz> back. Not that Murdock was a saint, but it's a pity it couldn't haveAug 28 18:18
schestowitz> been Jackson instead.Aug 28 18:18
schestowitz> Aug 28 18:18
schestowitz> "calling it live-ng is a hostile act... blah blah blah, imagine if heAug 28 18:18
schestowitz> called it debian-ng"Aug 28 18:18
schestowitz> Aug 28 18:18
schestowitz> HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK do you name something thats a live cd withoutAug 28 18:18
schestowitz> calling it a live cd? Hi, I'm Ian Murdock-- the trademark owner of theAug 28 18:18
schestowitz> word "LIVE".Aug 28 18:18
schestowitz> Aug 28 18:18
schestowitz> Watch out, news channels and concert promoters, You'll be hearing fromAug 28 18:18
schestowitz> Mr. Jackson's lawyers soon.Aug 28 18:18
schestowitz> Aug 28 18:18
schestowitz> "...Impossible to avoid, but that's no reason to put our heads inAug 28 18:19
schestowitz> Microsoft's jaws"Aug 28 18:19
schestowitz> Aug 28 18:19
schestowitz> You sure rms was talking about Mono, or GitHub? Or Knauth?Aug 28 18:19
schestowitz> Hi, I'm IanAug 28 18:19
schestowitz> Aug 28 18:19
schestowitz> Fucking typos. Fucking Ians.Aug 28 18:19
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Aug 28 20:14
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 28 20:14
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 28 20:32
*rianne ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 28 20:35

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