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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Saturday, May 30, 2020

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*swaggboi has quit (Quit: C-x C-c)May 30 00:28
*swaggboi ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 00:38
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)May 30 01:37
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 30 01:37
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 01:47
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 01:49
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)May 30 02:36
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)May 30 02:36
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 03:02
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 03:02
*rianne_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)May 30 03:16
*liberty_box has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 30 03:16
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 03:31
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 03:32
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)May 30 03:37
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)May 30 03:37
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 03:38
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*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 05:05
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 05:06
schestowitz 30 05:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )May 30 05:12
schestowitz"Hello, I just moved my profile to a new mastdon-home. I forgot to send a public message before moving the profile."May 30 05:12
schestowitzFollowing you on the new one now...May 30 05:13
schestowitz 30 05:13
schestowitz" installing other OSes"May 30 05:13
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:13
schestowitz 30 05:13
schestowitz"fact-check sounds like a synonym for censorship"May 30 05:13
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:13
schestowitzDepends on action and contextMay 30 05:13
schestowitz 30 05:14
schestowitz"I'm surprised I haven't heard of anyone doing this before somehow"May 30 05:14
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:14
schestowitz 30 05:14
schestowitz"May 30 05:14
schestowitz"simply"May 30 05:14
schestowitzRrrrriiiiiightMay 30 05:14
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:14
schestowitz"May 30 05:14
schestowitz 30 05:15
schestowitz"May 30 05:15
schestowitz"I just believe strongly that Facebook shouldn't be the arbiter of truth of everything that people say online. In general, private companies probably shouldn't be, especially these platform companies, shouldn't be in the position of doing that,"    May 30 05:15
schestowitz BUT... was it Facebook working on blocking fake news lately? zero consistency!May 30 05:15
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:15
schestowitz"May 30 05:15
schestowitz 30 05:15
schestowitz"as always aligned with power (because it represents it)"May 30 05:15
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:15
schestowitz 30 05:16
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:16
schestowitz 30 05:16
schestowitz"you mean like they did to rms?"May 30 05:16
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:16
schestowitzThis thread is about himMay 30 05:16
schestowitz 30 05:17
schestowitz"that's always how corporations peddle their devices to the public"May 30 05:17
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:17
schestowitz 30 05:17
schestowitz"May 30 05:17
schestowitzBut the poor economy can't take it. Aboo-hoo-hoo :,( May 30 05:17
schestowitzSacrifice yourselves for the capitalist gods above you. /sMay 30 05:17
schestowitz"May 30 05:17
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:17
schestowitz 30 05:18
schestowitz"May 30 05:18
schestowitznot good, still too many,  the US has got 100,000 dead more than Korea, Vietnam, Iran and Afghanistan wars combined. May 30 05:18
schestowitzThat is 100,000 in 90 days.May 30 05:18
schestowitz"May 30 05:18
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:18
schestowitz 30 05:18
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:18
schestowitz 30 05:18
schestowitz 30 05:19
schestowitz"we really need thanos IRL to erase trump or something bcs dude is really going out of hand"May 30 05:19
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:19
schestowitz 30 05:19
schestowitz"it'll be interesting to see how this tendency mixes with this latest wave of unrest"May 30 05:19
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:19
schestowitz 30 05:20
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 404 @ )May 30 05:20
schestowitzJust a private message to say you might like to listen to today's ep of Keiser Report.May 30 05:20
schestowitz;)May 30 05:20
schestowitz(hint: #sillyconValley is crucified as laundering a kind of feudalism.)May 30 05:20
schestowitz"May 30 05:20
schestowitzThat shows is always interestingMay 30 05:20
schestowitz 30 05:20
schestowitz"Between the UK and US governments the west must be a laughing stock of the world.  Looks like Trumps executive order could make things worse."May 30 05:20
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:20
schestowitz 30 05:21
schestowitz"May 30 05:21
schestowitzSufficient data worldwide now exists to conclude that, to date, the UK has the highest rate of excess deaths in the Coronavirus pandemic in the world.May 30 05:21
schestowitzFree to read article with May 30 05:21
schestowitz@jburnmurdochMay 30 05:21
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:21
schestowitz 30 05:21
schestowitzvia @ChrisGiles_ on TwitterMay 30 05:21
schestowitz"May 30 05:21
-TechrightsBN/ | UK suffers second-highest death rate from coronavirus | Free to readMay 30 05:21
schestowitz 30 05:22
schestowitz"May 30 05:22
schestowitz100,000 dead Americans today. A lethal virus is still rampaging throughout the USA and this petty man makes this his priority. May 30 05:22
schestowitzHe is so overmatched by the exigencies of our times. He's failing by design or incompetence. Probably both. May 30 05:22
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:22
schestowitzHe only seems to be focused on grasping at more power & control. Perhaps, he was pushing the birdsite to get just this reaction. Maybe, this is how he begins to attack the First Amendnent in earnest. We'll find out shortly.May 30 05:22
schestowitz"May 30 05:22
schestowitz\May 30 05:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 400 @\ )May 30 05:22
schestowitz"May 30 05:22
schestowitzReminds us of #Blockstream products for #bitcoin.May 30 05:22
schestowitzBlockstream is basically Microsoft, reconstituted.May 30 05:22
schestowitzIt will likely regurgitate users into using Microsoft's proprietary #cryptocurrency powered by #humanEnergy (patent no #060606).May 30 05:22
schestowitz#corporateCapture #takingTheWorldPrivate #moneyPrinterGoBrrMay 30 05:22
schestowitz"May 30 05:22
schestowitz 30 05:23
schestowitz"May 30 05:23
schestowitz something-something broken GCC 5.x-6.x releases.May 30 05:23
schestowitzCan't find an article but these versions were bad at optimization, sometimes even worse than final 4.x releases.May 30 05:23
schestowitz"May 30 05:23
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:23
schestowitz 30 05:23
schestowitz"pressure from Clang has forced GCC to improve significantly though"May 30 05:23
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaMay 30 05:23
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)May 30 05:32
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 30 05:32
schestowitzRe: MEDIA INQUIRY Gates FoundationMay 30 05:37
schestowitz> Hello,May 30 05:37
schestowitz> May 30 05:37
schestowitz> I don't know if you remember, but I interviewed you for an article I wasMay 30 05:37
schestowitz> doing about the Gates Foundation a few years ago for The Verge. BelieveMay 30 05:37
schestowitz> it or not, the story was killed, and I lost my job — shortly thereafter,May 30 05:37
schestowitz> it was announced that Bill Gates would be the site's "guest editor" forMay 30 05:37
schestowitz> the month of February, 2015. But I'm sure that's all a coincidence...May 30 05:37
schestowitzA month or so after I did an important series about Gates (Sept. 2019) onwards Gates started paying my boss at work, even though we compete against Microsoft. But I'm sure that's all a coincidence...May 30 05:37
schestowitzI wrote about this in Techrights last month.May 30 05:37
schestowitzBelieve it or not, the payment was done with an NDA. Like the so-called 'charity' is a matter of national security or something...May 30 05:37
schestowitzI did not miss the fact that he became "guest editor" some time later; nor did I have questions about what happened to the piece (I alluded to this several times since...)May 30 05:37
schestowitzThe Verge is nowadays helping Gates frame all his critics as conspiracy nuts.May 30 05:38
schestowitzWhen things like these happen you know you're on the right track. I have a few more stories to tell that are related to this.May 30 05:38
schestowitzDo you still have a recording of our prior chat? I might do... do you have the spiked article?May 30 05:38
schestowitzI would like to collaborate on bringing the above to light. I think these types of things aren't just supported by evidence but are also pretty damning.May 30 05:38
schestowitz> So, here I am five years later and I'm looking into the Gates FoundationMay 30 05:38
schestowitz> for my podcast, Failed State Update. I'd love to interview you aboutMay 30 05:38
schestowitz> some of your recent Techrights stories on Gates, specifically regardingMay 30 05:38
schestowitz> Covid-19, Jeffrey Epstein, and the shady ethical ground the foundationMay 30 05:38
schestowitz> is on in general.May 30 05:38
schestowitzYes, I am interested and I wish to also do some text-based stories on the matter. We can exchange ideas and factoids. I can do this patiently and slowly to ensure we separate nonsense from facts.May 30 05:38
schestowitz> Here's my podcast: 30 05:38
-TechrightsBN/ | Failed State Update • A podcast on AnchorMay 30 05:38
schestowitz> May 30 05:38
schestowitz> And here is a selection of myMay 30 05:38
schestowitz> clippings: 30 05:38
-TechrightsBN/ | Stories — Joseph L. FlatleyMay 30 05:38
schestowitz> May 30 05:38
schestowitz> Would you have time for a Skype interview (or your VOIP app of choice)May 30 05:38
schestowitz> one of these days? May 30 05:38
schestowitzCan you do landline? It has been a very long time since I've used VOIP for anything?May 30 05:38
schestowitzAlternatively, we can work on this using text, which I think is a lot more accessible.May 30 05:38
schestowitzThanks for reaching out; I think our experiences ought to be shared publicly for the public to better understand the mechanisms at play.May 30 05:38
schestowitz> apart from trump using the first amendment as an argument to attack the first amendment, its unfortunate that people are dragging out the dumbest xkcd ever made again, because its just as stupid as what trump is doing.May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> “the right to free speech means the government cant arrest you for what you say”May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> “it doesnt mean that anyone else has to listen to your bullshit, or host you while you share it”May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> actually, the second line is wrong because certain public-funded venues DO have to allow your free speech. so no randall, thats fucking stupid.May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> as for the first panel, thats a very shallow interpretation-- to the point of being in error.May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> as for the last panel, thats some pretty fucking-glib, pro-censorship bullshit.May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> May 30 05:41
schestowitz> censorship isnt exclusively a legal concept. thats the dumbest strip he ever drew-- it contributes to the incredible amount of ignorance already displayed in online conversations. its barely intellectual, factually in error, and really just excuses a lot of stupidity. not that i dont like randall munroe, he just really fucking phoned it in that day. what a shame. of course sjvn-- someone who gets paid to bullshit people and shill May 30 05:41
schestowitzfor microsoft, loves it. the only good thing about it is what a useful tool it is for exposing shallow philosophers and glib outlooks on freedom of speech.May 30 05:42
schestowitz> May 30 05:42
schestowitz> ...May 30 05:42
schestowitz> May 30 05:42
schestowitz> of course what im not saying is that freedom of speech means that no matter what you say, people have no recourse whatsoever. that would be a pretty ridiculous intepretation of freedom of speech.May 30 05:42
schestowitz> May 30 05:42
schestowitz> what munroe does say implies leaning on that as a straw man, and makes an opposing argument that is just as ridiculous and one-sided. the truth is not just more nuanced-- its more two-sided as well. and that side, munroe completely fails to represent-- and may even fail to understand. its fans certainly seem to fail to. thats fucking tragic, and the whole thing is a monument to the ridiculously shallow consideration of liberty (May 30 05:42
schestowitzand the importance of communication) by so many. May 30 05:42
schestowitz> May 30 05:42
schestowitz> if munroe really thinks that only **welcome** speech matters, hes a fucking fool. **that would delegitimise all unwelcomed forms of critique-- which is basically what trump wants for himself**, and a free society wouldnt exist without protection for unwelcomed critique. i certainly hope that ive got him wrong. im much more confident about the people who share it. **score one for bumper-stickeresque, facebook-level consideration ofMay 30 05:42
schestowitzan idea that makes or breaks society itself.**May 30 05:42
schestowitzIIRC, you have complained about this before...May 30 05:42
schestowitz 30 05:53
-TechrightsBN/ What Makes a System76 Computer? 30 05:53
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | What Makes a System76 Computer? | Tux MachinesMay 30 05:53
schestowitz"Bad hardware quality? Litigious customer support? Overpriced stuff?"May 30 05:53
schestowitzRe "Litigious customer support?" -- care to share a link? This sounds really, really bad.May 30 05:54
schestowitzthis feed seems worth adding (I liked his take on RSS, checked the rest and it seems worthy of support):May 30 06:03
schestowitz 30 06:03
*libertybox_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 06:56
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 06:56
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to acer-boxMay 30 06:56
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 06:57
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 06:58
*libertybox has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 30 06:59
*acer-box__ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)May 30 07:00
schestowitz 30 08:08
schestowitz"haha before "cloud" it was "Grid servers" coined by IBM decades ago. #antibuzzwords"May 30 08:08
-TechrightsBN/ | “Edge computing is like a cloud. Everybody sort of has t... | MindsMay 30 08:08
schestowitzNow the client becomes "edge"May 30 08:08
schestowitz 30 08:08
-TechrightsBN/ | Life in Hell: Online Teaching - | MindsMay 30 08:08
schestowitz"May 30 08:08
schestowitzThese complaints can be neatly put into a couple of categories - most of which have nothing to do with teaching online:May 30 08:08
schestowitz1. Technical literacy - The author doesn't seem technically literate - most of their tech problems can be described as not knowing how to use technology. Sure, this is a learning curve at first, but hardly a problem with teaching online - it is a problem of not having the training necessary to teach online. This category includes issues like: Email problems, printer problems, researching computers to buy, etc.May 30 08:09
schestowitz2. Issues with online retailers - this is not inherently a problem with teaching online. This is a problem with shopping online.May 30 08:09
schestowitz3. Students complaints - the students complaints could happen online or in-person. May 30 08:09
schestowitz4. Issues with bad online educational software - This category is probably valid. There is a lot of software used by educational institutions that is barely adequate.May 30 08:09
schestowitzThe vast majority of complaints fit into the first three categories, and aren't really related to teaching online.May 30 08:09
schestowitz"May 30 08:09
schestowitzSo "going online" does not improve or resolve any of the existing problem ;-)May 30 08:09
schestowitz 30 08:09
schestowitz"You can't deflect blame for something that isn't your fault. Covid-19 is a disease, and nobody knew how things would turn out. Trump is being attacked by partisan idiots who think he should be able to magically wave his hands and save people from death. The blame for the majority of the deaths in America lays squarely at the Democrat governors."May 30 08:09
-TechrightsBN/ | As US Death Count Nears 100,000, Trump Indulges His Ego a... | MindsMay 30 08:09
schestowitzMany govs (not mine, BoJo is a clueless idiot) prepared and dealt with it very wellMay 30 08:09
schestowitz 30 08:10
schestowitz"May 30 08:10
schestowitzOr crazy. Maybe both. Pray for peace. NO WAR WITH IRANMay 30 08:10
schestowitzverified_userMay 30 08:10
schestowitz For attractive lips speak words of kindness. For beautiful eyes look for the good in others. To lose weight let go of stress, hatred, anger, discontentment, and the need to control others. To improve your ears listen to the word. For poise walk with knowledge and self esteem. To strengthen your arms hug at least three people a day touch someone with your love. To strengthen your heart forgives May 30 08:10
-TechrightsBN/ | USB systems may have some serious security flaws - especi... | MindsMay 30 08:10
-TechrightsBN/ | The enemy war is evil. Or crazy. Maybe both. Pray for pea... | MindsMay 30 08:10
schestowitzyourself and others. For the ultimate in business casual or evening attire put on the peace given by peace. Peace fits like a glove but allows room for growth best of all peace never goes out of style and is appropriate for any occasion. Doing these things on a daily basis will certainly make you a more beautiful person... humor i wonder at times thing read, wrote, and thought of the past.. Is anything true?May 30 08:10
schestowitz"May 30 08:10
schestowitz\May 30 08:10
schestowitz"The washington post and the rest of the media have no moral highground to stand on about mental health issues caused by the extended lockdown and media hype. There have been plenty of experts who had their opinions shouted down by the media hype when they warned of this sort of thing weeks/months ago."May 30 08:10
-TechrightsBN/ | The coronavirus pandemic is pushing America into a mental... | MindsMay 30 08:10
schestowitz 30 08:11
schestowitz"Bogus polling questions. Most people favor preserving the environment - the issue isn't that - the issue is how far the government regulations on the environment go. Ask a better question like "do you favor getting rid of automobiles and air conditioners to save the environment" and people will say no"May 30 08:11
-TechrightsBN/ | UK support grows for a green Covid-19 exit | Climate News... | MindsMay 30 08:11
schestowitz 30 08:11
-TechrightsBN/ | Google sued by Arizona for tracking users’ locations in s... | MindsMay 30 08:11
schestowitz"About time , bit you know these people know they are being tracked and they don't care . So I think they get what they deserve. The convenience of the system and ease of use , does not make it ok that your tracked. So if you haven't blocked them yourself again you get what you deserve"May 30 08:11
schestowitz 30 08:12
-TechrightsBN/ | Why $77 Billion a Year in Public Finance for Oil, Gas, an... | MindsMay 30 08:12
schestowitz"LOL. Just another thing that Trump was right about. All treaties like this end up the same way. At least Trump was honest about wanting to pull out"May 30 08:12
schestowitz 30 08:12
schestowitz"Imagine that , a *cough* narcissist profit machine makes money during a pandemic. WTF.. See these assholes don't give a shit about "draining the swamp", because they just want to make it muddier and harder to clean. #anticapitalism #anticorruption #anarchism"May 30 08:12
-TechrightsBN/ | Trump Tower’s 2010 Profits Magically Grew By $3 Million I... | MindsMay 30 08:12
schestowitz 30 08:13
schestowitz"Oh good , hit the billionaire's were it hurts their fucking bank account(ssss). Those overdue taxes should go straight into the economy though."May 30 08:13
-TechrightsBN/ | See Who’s Taken Billionaire Gov. Jim Justice to Court Ove... | MindsMay 30 08:13
schestowitz 30 08:13
-TechrightsBN/ | It looks like Trump's draft executive order targeting Fac... | MindsMay 30 08:13
schestowitz"Are you kidding me!!!! Because nutcases are crying about their "so-called" censorship on social platforms , the fucking US president steps in like a "Big brother"? What the fuck is going on with this country? Here is what the movie "Idiocracy II" looks like. FoxNews Entertainment is the only new station that everyone watches. Your allowed to post whatever garbage you want on any "centralized social network you want". You can spreadMay 30 08:13
schestowitz"hate, conspiracy, lies, corrupt politics". This is happening right now, this "Right shit ass movement is here and people love it". Might as well cut education resources .. wait we are doing that do. Privatize schools, and prisons, oh shit never mind that has already happened also. This is "backwards, cronyism" at its finest. Oh also religion means more than science. I forgot about that one also. Socialism / anarchism, is sounding May 30 08:13
schestowitzmighty nice right about now."May 30 08:13
schestowitz 30 08:14
schestowitz"Unfortunately probably true - many teachers are in the high risk demographics for covid simply because of age."May 30 08:14
-TechrightsBN/ | Survey Shows 1 in 5 Teachers—Citing Covid-19 Concerns—Lik... | MindsMay 30 08:14
schestowitz 30 08:14
-TechrightsBN/ | Trump Ridicules Biden’s Use of a Face Mask as US COVID In... | MindsMay 30 08:14
schestowitz"May 30 08:14
schestowitzIt is stupid because nobody was around when Biden was wearing it. Just about as stupid as wearing it in your car. Literally the only reason Biden did it is because Trump doesn't.May 30 08:14
schestowitzThing is - neither Biden nor Trump goes to the grocery store, or other places that masks would be necessary.May 30 08:14
schestowitz"May 30 08:14
schestowitzcMay 30 08:14
schestowitzIt is stupid because nobody was around when Biden was wearing it. Just about as stupid as wearing it in your car. Literally the only reason Biden did it is because Trump doesn't.May 30 08:14
schestowitzThing is - neither Biden nor Trump goes to the grocery store, or other places that masks would be necessary.May 30 08:14
schestowitzThey still meet peopleMay 30 08:14
schestowitz 30 08:15
schestowitz"Nobody cares about absentee ballots or any other such nonsense. The problem is mass mailing of ballots and forced vote by mail schemes. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous"May 30 08:15
-TechrightsBN/ | Trump’s Press Secretary Says It’s Okay for Her and Trump ... | MindsMay 30 08:15
schestowitz 30 08:15
-TechrightsBN/ | Something wrong with Brave browser and I've stopped using it | MindsMay 30 08:15
schestowitz"I don't think this bug rises to the severity of needing to use Firefox but that is just my opinion"May 30 08:15
schestowitz 30 08:15
schestowitz"8GB variant looks tempting for sure!!"May 30 08:15
-TechrightsBN/ | Raspberry Pi 4 Gets 8GB RAM, Raspbian 64-bit (Beta) | Tux... | MindsMay 30 08:15
schestowitzCan be integrated into a system with mice and keyboards...May 30 08:15
schestowitz 30 08:16
schestowitz"May 30 08:16
-TechrightsBN/ | Lake of Ozarks Partygoers Told to Isolate for Two Weeks A... | MindsMay 30 08:16
schestowitzNever about flattening the curve, and still not about saving lives in any fashion. Only about control and covering politicians asses.May 30 08:16
schestowitzmore_vertMay 30 08:16
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyMay 30 08:16
schestowitz2d agoMay 30 08:16
schestowitzEthergeistMay 30 08:16
schestowitzThere is no "progress" unless there is a vaccine or a cure, and the idiot politicians should know this (or imho do know this and don't care - nice way to be little tiny despots for as long as people will let them)May 30 08:16
schestowitz"May 30 08:16
schestowitz 30 08:16
schestowitz"May 30 08:17
schestowitzNever about flattening the curve, and still not about saving lives in any fashion. Only about control and covering politicians asses.May 30 08:17
-TechrightsBN/ | To perpetually keep the masses, the 'peasants', the "pleb... | MindsMay 30 08:17
schestowitzmore_vertMay 30 08:17
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyMay 30 08:17
schestowitz2d agoMay 30 08:17
schestowitzEthergeistMay 30 08:17
schestowitzThere is no "progress" unless there is a vaccine or a cure, and the idiot politicians should know this (or imho do know this and don't care - nice way to be little tiny despots for as long as people will let them)May 30 08:17
schestowitz'May 30 08:17
schestowitz"Oh, now suddenly you are for civil liberties instead of stay at home orders? How do the winds change."May 30 08:17
schestowitz 30 08:17
-TechrightsBN/ | 'Scared of What Will Happen If He Lets People Vote': Righ... | MindsMay 30 08:17
schestowitz"The author knows this is not about being "able" to vote by mail - most states already allow absentee ballots. This is about forcing or requiring vote by mail. Stop posting propaganda from people who encourage taking choice away from voters."May 30 08:17
schestowitz 30 08:17
schestowitz"May 30 08:17
schestowitzGood. Releasing prisoners during covid was one of the stupidest things politicians did - aside from making retirement homes take covid patients instead of hospitals (the latter was the absolute dumbest, or most criminal thing to come out of this)May 30 08:17
schestowitzmore_vertMay 30 08:17
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyMay 30 08:17
-TechrightsBN/ | Feds Secretly Made It Harder to Release Prisoners Amid CO... | MindsMay 30 08:17
schestowitz2d agoMay 30 08:17
schestowitzEthergeistMay 30 08:17
schestowitzNo mention from "truthout" about the criminals who were released and then subsequently abused Calfornia's zero bail policy to repeatedly commit crimes after getting released. No mention of accused rapists being let go and subsequently ending up in shootouts with the police.May 30 08:18
schestowitz 30 08:18
schestowitz"May 30 08:18
schestowitzSomeone is a Russian bot.May 30 08:18
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyMay 30 08:18
schestowitz2d agoMay 30 08:18
-TechrightsBN/ | More than 130,000 people in Russia have now recovered fro... | MindsMay 30 08:18
schestowitzEthergeistMay 30 08:18
schestowitzBut in seriousness - more than 130,000 people have also recovered from Covid-19 in the USA. Some states are just stupid and have been counting antibody positives as "new cases" instead of recoveries. Further still - Russia is not county anyone who died while having Covid-19 as a Covid-19 death unless it was the primary cause of death. (The rest of the world for some reason abandoned standard practices such as this). Italy, the UK, May 30 08:18
schestowitzUSA, etc would all have much more similar numbers if the governmental organizations required that Covid-19 be demonstrated to be the primary cause of death.May 30 08:18
schestowitz"May 30 08:18
schestowitzAssuming most people get it, eventually, you'll need to have over 130 million recoveries, not 130 thousand.May 30 08:19
schestowitz 30 08:19
schestowitz"May 30 08:19
schestowitz"For it may well be that relations of community and equality are themselves but a never-ending settling of accounts. By taking a closer look at the accounts presented by equality to community we shall see the image of the single great body crumble, and encounter all the deficit and discord which ensure that the community of equals can never materialize without some cement plugging the cracks in the image, without some obligation to May 30 08:19
schestowitzkeep tallying members and ranks and retranslating the terms of the formula." - On the shores of politics by Jacques RancièreMay 30 08:19
schestowitzEquality of outcome is a false goal, with goalposts that always move the instant "progress" is made.May 30 08:19
-TechrightsBN/ | Hawaii Considers an Explicitly Feminist Plan for COVID-Er... | MindsMay 30 08:19
schestowitz"May 30 08:19
schestowitz 30 08:19
schestowitz"May 30 08:19
schestowitzThis is another nonsensical article:May 30 08:19
schestowitz1. It is entirely ironic that a publication that has articles in support of oppressive ideologies like Communism has the gall to criticize anyone who uses a swastika to protest authoritarianism. Communism is responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths more than the Nazis ever were - and yet somehow left-wingnuts just leave that out.May 30 08:19
schestowitz2. Any website linking a "Southern Poverty Law Center study" is a questionable website. SPLC has been caught red handed labeling non-extremist groups as extreme/hate groups - the most damning of which was labeling a moderate Muslim with an organization aimed at the de-radicalization of Muslim extremists as an "anti-muslim extremist".May 30 08:19
-TechrightsBN/ | TRUMP-20: The Other Pandemic - | MindsMay 30 08:19
schestowitz 30 08:19
schestowitzThere are numerous other instances where the SPLC has slandered and had to apologize to. May 30 08:19
schestowitz3. "Throw children in cages" has been debunked ad nauseam.May 30 08:19
schestowitz4. "Expand warrantless surveillance of American citizens." is false, and ridiculous. A. Both the house and the senate voted to re-auth FISA. (Democrats and #resist politicians too) B. FISA was already pre-existing. It isn't an "expansion" it is a continuation. May 30 08:19
-TechrightsBN/ | Maajid Nawaz Prevails Against the SPLC—Sort Of - The AtlanticMay 30 08:20
schestowitzThe only disease aside from Covid-19 that is currently a pandemic is Trump Derangement Syndrome - and the author of this article has a severely debilitating case.May 30 08:20
schestowitz"May 30 08:20
schestowitz 30 08:20
schestowitz"Technically, the government can regulate how social media companies moderate. They just have to declare them a public utility like the phone company. Then the majority's rights *trump* the social media companies' "rights" - (Funny how the left-wing suddenly thinks companies are people when they display left-leaning values)May 30 08:20
-TechrightsBN/ | If You're Reporting On Trump's Supposed Plans For 'Anti-C... | MindsMay 30 08:20
schestowitzYou know me... I distrust most media in general, wings are a distractionMay 30 08:20
schestowitz 30 08:21
schestowitz"May 30 08:21
schestowitzAMD is good again - Intel failed when their only fix for things like Spectre was to slow down their processorsMay 30 08:21
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyMay 30 08:21
-TechrightsBN/ | Linux Founder Switches Allegiance To AMD After 15 Years A... | MindsMay 30 08:21
schestowitz3d agoMay 30 08:21
schestowitzEthergeistMay 30 08:21
schestowitzI used AMD back in the DX4 100 days (486) and that chip out performed a lot of Pentiums at the timeMay 30 08:21
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyMay 30 08:21
schestowitz3d agoMay 30 08:21
schestowitzEthergeistMay 30 08:21
schestowitzNow my workstation and server both run ryzen processorsMay 30 08:21
schestowitz"May 30 08:21
schestowitzWe are still replacing one evil with another "lesser" oneMay 30 08:21
schestowitz 30 08:22
-TechrightsBN/ | Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK | MindsMay 30 08:22
schestowitz"I see you are still posting nonsense based on the ridiculous notion that countries are responsible for the number of people who catch covid and the number of people who die from it. As long as people get hospital care when they need it, you can't really blame anyone for the virus killing people. (Which in the UK, and the US, has not been a problem whatsoever) There is no vaccine, no guarantee that one can be made (and at the rate May 30 08:22
schestowitzthey are claiming to make one, no guarantee that any of them will be effective or safe - see failed SARS vaccines as to why this could be really bad). You can ask people to shelter in place for a matter of weeks, but months and years become tyranny and will end up killing and ruining more lives than the virus ever could. Anyone who thinks otherwise is clearly not reading any of the science gathered in the past few months."May 30 08:22
schestowitzThe relativity between longevity and "the economy" is what it boils down to. Let's see how much we truly value our elders...May 30 08:22
schestowitz 30 08:23
-TechrightsBN/ | Imgur | MindsMay 30 08:23
schestowitz"You know, it was stupid when people complained about Obama golfing and it is stupid now too"May 30 08:23
schestowitz 30 08:23
-TechrightsBN/ | Financial Independence - simulating ODEs with python | MindsMay 30 08:23
schestowitz"I wish"May 30 08:23
schestowitz 30 08:24
schestowitz"Our data should all be classified, it's the closest thing to stealing our own thoughts that's out there . Our individual data should be protected as if it was a life , constitutionally protected."May 30 08:24
-TechrightsBN/ | Why Technology Should Take a Backseat for Data Projects t... | MindsMay 30 08:24
schestowitz 30 08:24
schestowitz"Not super worrying as long as the hospitalizations don't match"May 30 08:24
-TechrightsBN/ | Worrying fact: nearly HALF of people who get tested for #... | MindsMay 30 08:24
schestowitz 30 08:25
schestowitz"Cool! I'm an avid Simmer, but I've always (since the very beginning back in 2001) played on Windows PC. -Mrs. entryreqrd"May 30 08:25
-TechrightsBN/ | Games: Sims4, League of Legends, Out of Space | Tux Machines | MindsMay 30 08:25
schestowitz 30 08:25
schestowitz"May 30 08:25
schestowitzhe left says “voter identification is racists because blacks are too stupid to get the proper identity that would be required to vote”May 30 08:25
schestowitzmore_vertMay 30 08:25
schestowitzthumb_up1thumb_downreplyReplyMay 30 08:25
-TechrightsBN/ | Despite Deadly Pandemic, Trump Says: "We Don't Want Anybo... | MindsMay 30 08:25
schestowitz1w agoMay 30 08:25
schestowitzDick NurchMay 30 08:25
schestowitz 30 08:25
-TechrightsBN/ | Ami Horowitz: How white liberals really view black voters - YouTubeMay 30 08:25
schestowitzplay_arrowMay 30 08:25
schestowitzAmi Horowitz: How white liberals really view black votersMay 30 08:26
schestowitzyoutube.comMay 30 08:26
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyMay 30 08:26
schestowitz1w agoMay 30 08:26
schestowitzEthergeistMay 30 08:26
schestowitzThe pandemic is not "deadly" to most people. The people who would be at risk from in-person voting already qualify for absentee ballots, so this whole "mail-in-voting" is ridiculous and unscientific. Plus, changing the system right before an election is bound to result in a large number of errors (be they fraud or not) - so this whole focus of the media and the left on mail-in-voting is just asking for trouble.May 30 08:26
schestowitz"May 30 08:26
schestowitz 30 08:26
schestowitz"Haha that’s great"May 30 08:26
schestowitz 30 08:26
schestowitz"Fuck you whore"May 30 08:26
-TechrightsBN/ | It's coming. Saturday is coming. | MindsMay 30 08:26
-TechrightsBN/ | How a Sex Worker Created a New NSFW Genre: ‘Spite Porn’ | MindsMay 30 08:26
schestowitz 30 08:26
schestowitz"Gcc 4 or 5 is really old I have 9.3 ?"May 30 08:26
-TechrightsBN/ | Ardour 6.0 is released | MindsMay 30 08:26
schestowitz 30 08:26
schestowitz"Nice"May 30 08:26
-TechrightsBN/ | 8 Top Free and Open source Desktop GIS mapping software | MindsMay 30 08:26
schestowitz 30 08:27
schestowitz"Counterpunch just likes communism. But not the "fake" communism that killed 100+ million people in China / Russia - oh wait... they are defending Russia also. SMH"May 30 08:27
-TechrightsBN/ | A Machiavellian US in the Middle East - | MindsMay 30 08:27
schestowitzThey don't defend Russia, they blast all empiresMay 30 08:27
schestowitz 30 08:27
schestowitz"This is yet another unthinking rush to a utopian ideal. Trying to remove 'policing' will not solve anything. Despite the authors bias in suggesting that policing somehow only started with "slavery" (and ofc being a left-wingnut only with slavery in the US, because other slavery never existed to these crazy people) is absurd. There have been governmental agents "keeping the peace" in one form or another since the tribal era of May 30 08:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Rethinking Public Safety: Trust vs. Force | MindsMay 30 08:27
schestowitzmankind. Removing policing from society will only make everyone subject to whomever decides to violate the 'no policing' rule. (And there will be somebody who does - not all people just want to live in harmony with everyone else)"May 30 08:27
schestowitz 30 08:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Guarding the Potatoes, Abandoning the People | MindsMay 30 08:28
schestowitz"May 30 08:28
schestowitzRidiculous nonsense. Engaging in 'what if' scenarios is not journalism. It is partisan hackery.May 30 08:28
schestowitzSuggesting that a "study" found that Trump could have saved lives if locking things down a week earlier is absurd - especially since the individuals who made the study were intent on going after Trump. "I have this hypothesis that a politician I don't like is bad - LOOK EVERYONE! I did a 'study' that shows my political views have been correct ALL ALONG!" - Masturbatory junk science - The issue isn't whether more lives could have May 30 08:28
schestowitzbeen saved in hindsight - the issue is whether Trump can be expected to have made that decision - to which I say "I doubt it" considering that both Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci said that Donald Trump accepted that a lockdown was necessary on the first meeting that they had with him about it. So we are left with either calling Birx and Fauci incompetent for not acting sooner, or liars for not telling the truth - no matter how you slice it,May 30 08:28
schestowitzit invalidates all the blathering done in this article.May 30 08:28
schestowitz"May 30 08:28
schestowitz 30 08:28
schestowitz"May 30 08:28
schestowitzLOL. The TDS here is amazing. Sweden proved schools didn't need to be shutdown, but now it is Trump's fault for not providing enough funding. How about the fact that Democratic and Republican governors alike still have schools shutdown, even though many places in Europe admitted their mistake and re-opened? The real issue is that any student with special needs or students that have to go to private schools because the local school May 30 08:28
schestowitzis shit are all getting screwed. The public school system isn't providing special needs students with much needed therapies, and private schools in already poor districts with horrible public schools are being forced to close.May 30 08:28
schestowitzmore_vertMay 30 08:28
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyMay 30 08:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Getting a Covid-19 Education: From Race to the Top to a P... | MindsMay 30 08:28
schestowitz1w agoMay 30 08:28
schestowitzEthergeistMay 30 08:28
schestowitzThe only way to save education is to make people able to pay their taxes, and then to re-open them to undo the damage done by not having professional teaching and the programs they need.May 30 08:28
schestowitz"May 30 08:28
schestowitzSweden proved you can become a capital of COVID deaths just for pretense of normalcyMay 30 08:28
schestowitz"Lol this should be common sense , IOT devices are not secure at all. Easily hacked. Feels like when home routers were popular in the 90’s and early 2000’s"May 30 08:30
schestowitz 30 08:30
-TechrightsBN/ | User's Google Home Shows Feed From Stranger's Nest Cameras | MindsMay 30 08:30
schestowitz 30 08:30
schestowitz"Let me guess? Because it’s for fucking profit of privatization of prisons. and they don’t want prisoners to leave. Most of the incarcerations are fucking drug offenses , WTF. Did you know that it takes more money to house and feed a prisoner then it takes to feed a fucking child for a month. The the fuck is this even happening, this is capitalism, so is the fucking welfare system, yeah people make money and get rich off the May 30 08:30
schestowitzfucking welfare system, and I’m not talking about the actual people who need it. Fucking churches are getting millions from the stimulus package, WTF, churches don’t give the economy anything hell they take more. Look at offerings. Holy shit what is wrong with us."May 30 08:30
-TechrightsBN/ | California Prisons Block AI Researchers from Examining Pa... | MindsMay 30 08:30
schestowitz 30 08:30
-TechrightsBN/ | This Week in Linux 103: XRdesktop, 700% Increase to Linux... | MindsMay 30 08:30
schestowitz"May 30 08:30
schestowitzThe CoinfatherMay 30 08:30
schestowitzOk good to know, thanks for your input!May 30 08:30
schestowitz"May 30 08:30
schestowitz 30 08:30
-TechrightsBN/ | Fast data modeling with JavaScript | MindsMay 30 08:30
schestowitz"Awesome thanks"May 30 08:30
schestowitz 30 08:32
-TechrightsBN/ | #uk passed #italy in number of #covid19 cases, deaths an... | MindsMay 30 08:32
schestowitz"and the covid didnt get rid of barnier and cliff richard"May 30 08:32
schestowitz 30 08:32
schestowitz"Yea I saw this , how crazy is that? Again profits before people.'May 30 08:32
-TechrightsBN/ | "He Doesn't Want You to Vote": Trump Threatens to Block F... | MindsMay 30 08:32
schestowitz 30 08:32
-TechrightsBN/ | Amid COVID-19, NYC Subway Closures Force Unhoused People ... | MindsMay 30 08:32
schestowitz"May 30 08:32
schestowitzPlease post some videos. I'll make popcorns. ;)May 30 08:32
schestowitzthumb_upthumb_downreplyReplyMay 30 08:32
schestowitz1w agoMay 30 08:32
schestowitz⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡May 30 08:32
schestowitz#Occupy #Anonymous #Homelessness #Fascism #IdiotsMay 30 08:32
schestowitz"May 30 08:32
schestowitz 30 08:33
schestowitz"I'm curious to know what specifically the problems with systemd actually are. I use Arch Linux with systemd every day, and I've never seen any major issues, and systemd seems to be capable of what it was designed to do."May 30 08:33
-TechrightsBN/ | Is #systemd just fecal foss, or #proprietarySoftware bloa... | MindsMay 30 08:33
schestowitzThe main issue is that it's monolithic, not replaceable, and controlled by one company that sells expensive support contractsMay 30 08:33
schestowitz 30 08:33
schestowitz"So .... where are the billionaires now! How about give 1% of our fucking profits and help 50 million people."May 30 08:33
-TechrightsBN/ | MindsMay 30 08:34
schestowitzStudies have just shown the super-rich became 0.5 TRILLION dollars richer during lockdownMay 30 08:34
schestowitz>> this feed seems worth adding (I liked his take on RSS, checked the restMay 30 08:50
schestowitz>> and it seems worthy of support):May 30 08:50
schestowitz>> 30 08:50
schestowitz>>May 30 08:50
schestowitz> I've added it.  His writing style sometimes has a summary, sometimes aMay 30 08:50
schestowitz> conclusion so I am going to try scraping the end of each blog.  I've setMay 30 08:50
schestowitz> it to skip most of the podcasts and to remove advertising for the socialMay 30 08:50
schestowitz> control media which get mixed.  It would be nice to move to RakulangMay 30 08:50
schestowitz> before the end of the year.May 30 08:50
schestowitzIt's the Microsoft GitHub alterego  of Perl ;-)May 30 08:50
schestowitz> Skype is now centralized.  That's one of the first things M$ did when itMay 30 08:51
schestowitz> bought it out.  Now all the conversations go via servers in Redmond.May 30 08:51
schestowitz> There is also reason to believe that machine learning monitors theMay 30 08:51
schestowitz> conversations real-time and that special cases get special attention.May 30 08:51
schestowitz> May 30 08:51
schestowitz> If it does it to e-mail,May 30 08:51
schestowitz> May 30 08:51
schestowitz> 30 08:51
schestowitz> May 30 08:51
schestowitz> and if both the means and the motive are there to do it for voice,May 30 08:51
schestowitz> May 30 08:51
schestowitz> 30 08:52
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft defends its right to read your emailMay 30 08:52
schestowitz> May 30 08:52
schestowitz> 30 08:52
schestowitz> May 30 08:52
schestowitz> then they will certainly do it for voice.  Especially if one or bothMay 30 08:52
-TechrightsBN/ | Reminder: When a tech giant says it listens to your audio recordings to improve its AI, it means humans are listening. Right, Skype? Cortana? • The RegisterMay 30 08:52
schestowitz> parties is known to Redmond.May 30 08:52
schestowitz> May 30 08:52
schestowitz> See instead Jitsi, Jitsi-meet, Blink, Jami, or Signal.May 30 08:52
-TechrightsBN/ | What the @#$%&!? Microsoft bans nudity, swearing in Skype, emails, Office 365 docs • The RegisterMay 30 08:52
schestowitz> May 30 08:52
schestowitz> 30 08:52
-TechrightsBN/ | - develop and deploy full-featured video conferencingMay 30 08:52
schestowitz> 30 08:52
schestowitz> 30 08:52
-TechrightsBN/ | Real Time Communications Experts | AG ProjectsMay 30 08:52
-TechrightsBN/ | JamiMay 30 08:52
schestowitz> 30 08:52
-TechrightsBN/ | MumbleMay 30 08:52
schestowitz> 30 08:52
-TechrightsBN/ | NO TITLEMay 30 08:52
schestowitz> May 30 08:52
schestowitz> SIP is a safer option and much higher quality that a mobile phone posingMay 30 08:52
schestowitz> as a land line.  However, some of those might be a little unpolished onMay 30 08:52
schestowitz> some platforms and many are trapped, vulnerable to GitHub.May 30 08:52
schestowitzI am working on getting pgp set up for him...May 30 08:52
schestowitz> By the way, you've seen all the excitement about the RPi4 announcement.May 30 09:09
schestowitz> I rather regret the timing of my purchase this winter.  There was no wayMay 30 09:09
schestowitz> to know in advance but I could have gotten a lot better deal with an 8GBMay 30 09:09
schestowitz> RPi 4 plus a few external drives than a laptop.  I hope there are stillMay 30 09:09
schestowitz> able to focus on teaching and learning programming and physical computing.May 30 09:09
schestowitzRemember how OLPC was made more bloated "for Windows..."May 30 09:09
schestowitzAnd we know how it ended up...May 30 09:09
schestowitzRaspberry Pi 8GBMay 30 09:09
schestowitz> If he on web mail and not e-mail proper then PGP is out.  :(May 30 09:10
schestowitz> May 30 09:10
schestowitz> Maybe try some of the text capabilities of the above links, such as Signal.May 30 09:10
schestowitz> 30 09:10
schestowitz> May 30 09:10
schestowitz> Hmm.  Richochet has been abandoned for four years: 30 09:10
-TechrightsBN/ | RicochetMay 30 09:10
schestowitzFor now I'm not even sure how valuable/sensitive data there is to pass...May 30 09:10
schestowitzI'll relay copies to you.May 30 09:10
schestowitz>>> By the way, you've seen all the excitement about the RPi4 announcement.May 30 09:13
schestowitz>>> I rather regret the timing of my purchase this winter.  There was no wayMay 30 09:13
schestowitz>>> to know in advance but I could have gotten a lot better deal with an 8GBMay 30 09:13
schestowitz>>> RPi 4 plus a few external drives than a laptop.  I hope there are stillMay 30 09:13
schestowitz>>> able to focus on teaching and learning programming and physical computing.May 30 09:13
schestowitz>> Remember how OLPC was made more bloated "for Windows..."May 30 09:13
schestowitz>>May 30 09:13
schestowitz>> And we know how it ended up...May 30 09:13
schestowitz>>May 30 09:13
schestowitz>>May 30 09:13
schestowitz> Yes, I was thinking that.  Another 8GB, to bring it up to an even 16GBMay 30 09:13
schestowitz> RAM, and they might be made to work for M$ to port Vista11 to it.May 30 09:13
schestowitzWindows10 + Rasbian/Raspi OS as WSL ;-)May 30 09:13
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)May 30 09:38
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)May 30 09:38
schestowitz 30 10:51
schestowitz"Thanks for this useful comment. I wish I could read Chinese! Regarding punitive damages: I guess this is more philosophical than practical whether they are "effective in combating IP infringements". Punitive damages exist in the US (although I know some US professors, who believe that the statutory damages concept is not punitive per se), and they are nonsense (counter-productive) in copyright claims against end-users (see file-May 30 10:52
schestowitzsharing cases); they might be effective against big corporations. We have nothing similar in the EU (or, put it better: we have something else), but I don't think that law enforcement is less effective here. What are the other key changes? Does the proposal speak anything new about limitations and exceptions? Thanks!"May 30 10:52
-TechrightsBN/ | Punitive damages introduced into the Draft of the Amended Copyright Law of China - The IPKatMay 30 10:52
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 11:33
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 11:33
schestowitzx 30 11:58
schestowitz# bill againMay 30 11:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Trump school of government: teaching policy in an era of political dysfunction | Times Higher Education (THE)May 30 11:58
schestowitz 30 12:01
-TechrightsBN/ | TuxURLs – World's simplest Linux news aggregatorMay 30 12:01
schestowitz# add TM?May 30 12:01
schestowitzCan you add Tux Machines? 30 12:01
schestowitzx 30 12:02
-TechrightsBN/ | USB systems may have some serious security flaws - especially on Linux | TechRadarMay 30 12:02
schestowitzx 30 12:22
-TechrightsBN/ | Linux-loving Windows 10 May 2020 Update squeaks in with days to spare before June • The RegisterMay 30 12:22
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)May 30 12:27
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*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 12:30
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*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 13:30
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schestowitz 30 13:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@AmbyR00: @schestowitz The coroner said he died from drugs though.May 30 13:37
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)May 30 13:37
schestowitz 30 13:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MoreSocialism: @schestowitz Aren't they a job board?May 30 13:37
schestowitz 30 13:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@gadikian: An 8gb pi 4 is a powerful, flexible, stable server for $75 30 13:38
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)May 30 13:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #pcworld #raspi #gnu #linux ☞ You can now buy a #RaspberryPi 4 with as much RAM as a Mac mini 30 13:38
schestowitz 30 13:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zacchiro: @schestowitz No.May 30 13:38
schestowitz 30 13:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@NoDPIsigma: @schestowitz Imagine a general strike? (Safer at this time).May 30 13:38
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 14:53
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schestowitz 30 17:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: Who else would want to get out? Chelsea Manning? John Walker Lindh? Jonathan Pollard? Whaaat? He is out? 30 17:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #shadowproof #freeRealityWinner ☞ Dissenter Weekly: #RealityWinner Predicted DOJ Would Pretend They Never… 30 17:36
*rianne_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)May 30 17:37
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 17:37
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)May 30 17:37
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schestowitz 30 17:39
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 30 17:44
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*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMay 30 17:45
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