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schestowitz | zo | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | http://patentblog.kluweriplaw.com/2020/11/26/preparatory-committee-unified-patent-court-an-important-step-closer/ | Nov 30 00:21 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-patentblog.kluweriplaw.com | Preparatory Committee: Unified Patent Court an important step closer - Kluwer Patent Blog | Nov 30 00:21 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | Dear lobbyists of all kind: free after Charles de Gaulle, you might have won a battle, but you have not yet won the war! | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | Whether you like it or not, Art 7(2) UPCA is a ticking time bomb! | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | The problem is not software patents as claimed by the FFII, but the interconnection between a treaty meant to be following EU law and a convention completely outside the reach of EU law. | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | Once granted, a UP or patent designating an EU member state is becoming an asset under EU law. How can a body fully outside the reach of the EU decide on an opposition against an EU asset? I am eagerly awaiting your explanations. | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | It is high time to ask the CJEU whether the UPCA is conform to EU law. This should actually have been done upfront! | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | http://patentblog.kluweriplaw.com/2020/11/26/german-bundestag-approves-legislation-to-ratify-the-unified-patent-court-agreement/#comments | Nov 30 00:21 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-patentblog.kluweriplaw.com | German Bundestag approves legislation to ratify the Unified Patent Court Agreement - Kluwer Patent Blog | Nov 30 00:21 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | FFII call to donate for a constitutional complaint is here: | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | https://ffii.org/bundestag-vote-for-unitary-software-patents-ffii-call-on-software-companies-to-donate/ | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | Reply | Nov 30 00:21 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-ffii.org | FFII call on donations against Unitary Software Patent Trolls after disastrous Bundestag vote | FFII | Nov 30 00:21 | |
schestowitz | Attentive Observer | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | November 26, 2020 at 7:28 pm | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | A black Thursday for legal correctness, and a bright Thursday for lobbyists of all kind. | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | The decision is a legal disgrace and was only achieved by not giving the MPs the true and correct information. But this was to be expected. The EU has always been a playground for lobbyists, and we have a further example of it. . | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | In German one could say: die Abgeordneten wurden hinter das Licht geführt und deren Augen mit Dreck beschmiert, freely translated MPs were misled and lured into a decision which they do not understand the ins and outs. | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | The last word is not yet said, and even if the GFCC should dismiss a further complaint, the problems with the UPCA, starting with Art 7(2) UPCA, will backfire sooner or later. | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | Do the promoters of the UPC honestly think that the other member States will simply accept the transfer of the duties of the London Section to Paris and Munich? The three contenders for the new seat will certainly be heard before long. | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | There also many other open issues for the UPCA. The first party to lose in front of the UPC will find a way to go to the CJEU, which has never been asked whether the UPCA is in accordance with EU law. It is claimed that it is, but nothing is less sure. | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | My grandfather used to say: “If you put your head in the sand do not wonder when your behind is getting smacked”. I hope he will be right once again. | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | Reply | Nov 30 00:21 |
schestowitz | zoobab | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | November 26, 2020 at 9:33 pm | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | @Attentive Observer | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | “The first party to lose in front of the UPC will find a way to go to the CJEU, which has never been asked whether the UPCA is in accordance with EU law. It is claimed that it is, but nothing is less sure.” | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Or the ECHR for article 6 violation, as some lawyers have already suggested. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | The probability that it will explode at the first case will be pretty high. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Reply | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | zoobab | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | November 26, 2020 at 9:35 pm | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | And by the way, the “democratic” parties changes their votes because they did not want to vote with the AFD. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | If the AFD would have voted ABSTAIN, the FDP, DieLinke and maybe the Greens would have voted against. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | So the AFD case seems to be a problem of german politics. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | But Attentive Insiders know we were really close of not reaching the 66% quorum. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Reply | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Fragender | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | November 27, 2020 at 9:53 am | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | I hope that some interested party will make a constitutional complaint not only against the UPCA but also against the granting procedure of the UPs. After all, the UP is a EU-right but there is no *judicial* redress against a decision of the EPO rejecting an application (similar to the 4 complaints already on the docket of the BVerfG). | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Since the BoA themselves no longer pretend to be independent (“we don’t want to decide, because we fear reprisals…”) this might be an promising angle of attack (the same goes of course for both sides in opposition proceedings…). | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Reply | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Attentive Observer | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | November 27, 2020 at 11:00 am | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Fragender puts the right accent on a fundamental weakness of the whole UPC system. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | As at least during the transition period when an opt-out is possible, an application designating an EU/UPC contracting state is not yet an EU right or asset and only becomes it if the proprietor applies for an UP. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | If after grant, a UP is requested, any opposition against a UP is indeed becoming an action against an EU right or asset. How can a body fully outside the reach of the EU decide on an opposition against an EU right or asset? | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | After the transition period all EP applications, which are automatically designating one or more UPC/EU contracting states, are from the outset to be considered as an EU right or asset. The above question will become even more crucial and will have to be resolved. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | The question was also indirectly raised in Max Drei’s comment of November 26, 2020 at 6:30 pm: “when [in 1973] the nations of Europe happily set up a communal patent granting system but baulked at setting up a communal patent rights enforcement regime. Were their reservations well-founded, back then?” My answer is yes. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | I am not convinced that the answer will necessarily be given by the GFCC, but rather by the CJEU. If the GFCC gives the UPC a new blow, it might bring an end to the UP and UPCA sooner. One way of dealing a blow to the UP/UPC system would be to decide on the independence of the boards of appeal. There are still four complaints pending before the GFCC. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | It was not wise not to ask the opinion of the CJEU when the negotiations on the UP/UPCA were finalised. It had been done for EPLA with the known result. One wonders why all the promoters of the UP/UPCA were frightened to do so? Did they expect a negative reply? After Brexit it would have been a good opportunity. By the way, the situation with respect to the UK is still not clear and still represents a threat to the UP/UPC | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | independently of Art 7(2) UPCA. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | At least some specialists in EU and constitutional law should have been consulted at the time. The mere statements of private lawyers having a big finger in the pie was not enough. They only had their private interests in mind and this is still the case. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Everybody knows who has been holding the hand of the civil servants in the Federal Ministry of Justice when it drafted the explanatory notice for the new ratification bill. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Ignoring problems is not solving them. It reminds me of a child who thinks when he closes his eyes he will not be seen by the rest of the world, If the child would then be run over by a car when crossing the street, I would feel sorry for the child and the car driver, but I would not feel sorry for all those lawyers who are pushing the UP/UPC with only their private interests in mind. | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Reply | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | zoobab | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | November 28, 2020 at 9:03 am | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | If you read French, read ESOMA’s constitutional complaint in Belgium of 2015 (FFII sister organisation) on point 3 “C. Troisième moyen: L’OEB est une administration irresponsable devant la Justice” | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | http://esoma.wikidot.com/forum/t-1162188/unitary-patent-challenged-at-the-belgian-constitutional-cour | Nov 30 00:22 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-esoma.wikidot.com | Unitary Patent challenged at the Belgian Constitutional Court - e s o m a | Nov 30 00:22 | |
schestowitz | “Ce manquement a été relevé notamment par l’Avocate Générale Juliane Kokott le 2 July 2010 dans l’opinion de la Cour Européenne de Justice 1/09 (paragraphe 71): | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | “Dans les faits, les décisions de l’OEB concernant les brevets ne peuvent actuellement être revues que par les chambres d’appel à l’intérieur de l’OEB, excluant tout recours devant une cour externe.” | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | Dans son intervention, Ms Kokott suggéra des solutions pour résoudre ces défauts (paragaphe 73): | Nov 30 00:22 |
schestowitz | “Ces pré-requis peuvent être satisfaits de différentes manières. Une possible extension des compétences de la future Court des Brevets qui incluerait les procédures administratives contre les décisions de l’OEB est une des options qui peut être contemplée.” | Nov 30 00:23 |
schestowitz | Nous notons que dans le texte de loi attaqué aucune disposition n’a été prise pour régler ce problème de respect du droit par l’OEB, et que par conséquent, toutes les décisions de l’Office concernant les Brevets à effet unitaire ne peuvent être traduites devant une cour de justice. | Nov 30 00:23 |
schestowitz | Nous notons également que des plaintes similaires relatives à la violation de l’Etat de Droit par l’OEB émanant de demandeurs de brevets ont été déposées en Allemagne, et sont toujours en attente d’un jugement (AR 2435/13, 2 BvR 421/13, 2 BvR 2480/10).10” | Nov 30 00:23 |
schestowitz | 6 years later, those decisions are still “pending” in Karlsruhe. | Nov 30 00:23 |
schestowitz | And the politicians in the Bundestag were well aware that it will bite back. | Nov 30 00:23 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 00:23 |
schestowitz | ou might have won a battle, but you https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=20/11/27/1654250&threshold=0&highlightthresh=-1&commentsort=0&mode=threadtos&page=1&noupdate=1#commentwrap | Nov 30 00:24 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-soylentnews.org | FFII Calls for Donations Against Unitary Software Patent Trolls After a Disastrous Bundestag Vote - SoylentNews | Nov 30 00:24 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | I'm not sure their efforts will help. As all the past actions have shown, they might slow down the inevitable, but that might be well calculated in by those driving the changes. | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | What might help, maybe, is if they "discover" a Chinese-Communist-Party memo detailing an economic war plan to use software patents to drive the German auto industry and their suppliers to their knees and take them over under value, bleed their assets, and shut them down to only keep the badges for China-made vehicles. Best with detailed company names, applicable patent counts for "applied for", "granted", "acquired", "to be aquired | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | , just short of actual numbers, damage figures in million dollars, earliest possible takeover dates, and latest shutdown dates. | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | If that discovery is credible, the spook will be gone in a week. | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Reply to This | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Re:Meh (Score: 2) | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | by Rich (945) on Saturday November 28, @04:24PM (#1081880) Journal | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | It occured to me that with the number of lawyers in the involved circles, the paper would not avert but accelerate the process, after all there's money to be made in court. It would be mandatory that the paper also outlines a strategy that to reduce offensive cost, such cases have to be brought by lawyers that have been recruited from the bottom of the profession and are willing to lend their names for $20/hr while all the | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | actual paperwork is done by students and graduates of the CCP International Law University, Beijing. (But that still doesn't reduce the money to be made on the defense side... sigh.) | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Re:Meh (Score: 1, Troll) | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday November 28, @05:00PM (#1081891) Homepage Journal | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | So, a Steele Dossier, rewritten? | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | -- | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Are you a cuck race theorist? | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Re:Meh (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @06:11AM (#1081994) | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | For others like me, who didn't know what it is: [wikipedia.org] | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | The Steele dossier, also known as the Trump–Russia dossier, is a political opposition research report written from June to December 2016 containing allegations of misconduct, conspiracy, and co-operation between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and the government of Russia during the 2016 election. | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Pirate party (Score: 1, Interesting) | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @02:41PM (#1081865) | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | The problem with the U.S. and the U.K. is that we have a FPTP system. Various parliaments have a proportional representation system and over the years the pirate party has been gaining seats in these parliaments to combat the big pro IP corporate lobbying (despite the fact that IP extremists insisted that the pirate party would just be a short lived fad years back). The pirate party has even gained seats in the EU parliament | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | recently. | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | We need a proportional representation system in the U.S. if we want to tackle more issues with nuance. | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Reply to This | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 2, Insightful) | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @03:22PM (#1081872) | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | How will a proportional representation system help in the US, when the German system has decayed to become essentially one party with five different names? "Egal wie man wählt, am Ende kommt immer Merkel raus!" | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: -1, Flamebait) | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @10:01AM (#1082002) | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | "Egal wie man wählt, am Ende kommt immer Merkel raus!" | Nov 30 00:25 |
schestowitz | So who will be your boogeyman after Merkel is out of politics next year? And now you probably whine with the rest of the reality deniers that Corona is not here and how evil Merkel with her "science" is taking your rights away to cause death in the streets. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | How will a proportional representation system help in the US, when the German system has decayed to become essentially one party with five different names? | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | What bullshit. Agenda of smaller parties can be advanced through something called "consensus". You know, the opposite of perpetual war. You should try it sometime. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 3, Interesting) | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | by looorg (578) on Saturday November 28, @04:13PM (#1081877) | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | The grass is somehow always greener on the other side. Having a proportional system isn't some cure all, it comes with its own set of issues and problems. So having lots of small parties is not exactly good either, you get paralyzed as every party is supposed to get their taste of the action or trying to get a multitude of parties to agree on things is quite hard. So you end up with lots of people being disappointed in this | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | system to. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | The Pirate party is not some kind of roaring success. They now seem to be a vehicle that pops up here and there, exist for an election cycle or two and then go away. The original one, Sweden appointed one horrific leader after another that was more into various fringe issues then the original cause, is non-existing at this point and it seems to movement have been taken over by people in the Czech Republic, Luxembourg and Iceland | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_Party [wikipedia.org] | Nov 30 00:26 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-en.wikipedia.org | Pirate Party - Wikipedia | Nov 30 00:26 | |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 1, Insightful) | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @04:31PM (#1081881) | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | In Sweden they were frozen out by the media. The state media in particular made a point of ignoring them and going as far as to snub them by not inviting them to panel discussions even though other ministers of parliament were present. Instead the media called on neonazi groups to fill their seat. Then once out of office, the Pirate Party unofficially abandoned its core values of copyright (and patent) reform, Internet | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | neutrality, and privacy protections. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | In Finland, they never really picked up on the core issues and went straight into the fringe stuff, the least controversial of which is drug legalization. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Iceland was active for a while, but nothing has been visible lately, at least not at an international level. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Czech and Germany have been where they've remained focused on the three technology values. I would say there is a causal relationship between that focus and acquisition of elected positions. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 1, Insightful) | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @05:08PM (#1081892) | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Unfortunately the mainstream media is a huge part of the problem. That's what much of the Internet reform (ie: relaxing section 230) is intended to do, to turn the Internet into the mainstream media. Because the mainstream media is losing viewership special interests must force their censorship onto other platforms as well. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Unfortunately the solution is for some people to actually go out there and inform people IRL. They must post flyers everywhere, talk with people, etc..., it must be a persistent long term thing, and not rely on modern government controlled communications, and inform people of the issues. Inform them of why free speech is important and why laws that protect it are important and how the legal system may prevent free speech | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | from being expressed (ie: the legal system responsible for the cableco and broadcasting monopolies and how information gets to your house via cable channels and how alternative views are prevented from getting onto those channels. How payment processors may block views they don't like). | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Maybe the old brick and mortar newspaper model (the problem is that often times the audience is the product which creates a conflict of interest between advertisers and newspapers). | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | This has a cost and people have to pay bills. It's not easy, it required hard work. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Some of it also boils down to individual responsibility, it's up to every individual to be informed to some extent but how can they be expected to be informed about issues the media never even talks about (or if they talk about it they are one sided)? They have to seek it, demand the government doesn't do anything to prevent the dissemination of information. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | It's not easy, it required hard work. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 4, Interesting) | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | by Grishnakh (2831) on Saturday November 28, @05:54PM (#1081900) | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | it must be a persistent long term thing, and not rely on modern government controlled communications, | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Given the claims made in this thread about the mainstream media, it seems incorrect to call this a problem of "government controlled communications"; after all, in western nations, the press is free. Instead, it seems that the problem is that the media has its own interests that it pushes, which may or may not coincide with those of powerful people in government, and in this case, the interests of the media run | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | counter to those of the pirate party. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Unfortunately, this is one of the problems with these checks and balances. Historically, a free press served as a check to the power of the government, by providing a source of information that people could turn to which would not have the bias of those running the government. However, what do you do when the press and the government have a common interest in suppressing something? Well these days, we have the | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | internet with things like YouTube and various message boards which have more freedom than the press (which can choose not to report things it doesn't want aired), but as we're seeing, this also invites lots of misinformation and disinformation. Let any wacko have their own "news" site, and suddenly we have people believing that there's satanic cannibalistic pedophile groups in the basements of pizza parlors, and people electing | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | candidates to Congress who believe this insanity. One nice thing about having a mainstream media is that they filter out utter garbage like that. | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 1, Interesting) | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @07:02PM (#1081913) | Nov 30 00:26 |
schestowitz | "the interests of the media run counter to those of the pirate party." | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Of course this doesn't mean the interests of the pirate party run counter to the public interest. It just means that the media is less inclined to give the pirate party the due attention it may deserve and they may in fact give opposing views undue credit and attention in favor of those viewpoints. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | It should be noted that broadcasting monopolies are implemented and enforced by the FCC, a governing body. Cableco monopolies are also often implemented by various regional governments so it is, ultimately, governing bodies responsible for which interests can get their viewpoints expressed on cable (even if it's indirectly by providing those special interests with the monopolies that allow them to censor views | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | they don't like). Those cables traverse public property in order to get their message from private corporations to your home and there are laws that regulate this. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 4, Interesting) | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | by bzipitidoo (4388) Subscriber Badge on Sunday November 29, @12:11AM (#1081962) Journal | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | On the issue of intellectual property, the media will never tell it straight, and would rather not even mention it. Media owners believe in copyright, the more extreme, the better. Not even PBS can resist the forces. Journalists, whether at PBS or elsewhere, think that by burying or spinning copyright, they're protecting their own. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Journalists, authors, and artists also think copyright gives them more bargaining power. Often it does, but sometimes it backfires, actually making it illegal for authors to use their own work. Probably everyone has heard the story of exploitative music labels screwing naive new musicians with the very bad contract that gives them a big advance that is actually a loan, not a payment, taking advantage of youthful | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | ignorance of just what an advance is. Then the band is stuck working the rest of their careers trying to get out of debt to the music label. Hollywood Accounting further tightens the chains. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Authors of comics used to get a raw deal too. In the days before the first blockbuster superhero movie of any kind, Superman in 1978, because Hollywood used to think a superhero movie couldn't possibly succeed, and like the campy 1960s Batman TV show wasn't serious enough, comic book writers were given to understand that comics weren't worth much, were the lowbrow, uncouth, lightweight alternative to Real Fiction | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | in the form of The Novel, and thereby part suckered and part pushed into accepting bad deals. What do you do when all the publishing houses evince the same attitude, that comics aren't worth much? | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | The creators still getting a raw deal from copyright are scientific researchers. It's standard for researchers to have to turn over all rights to whichever journal is willing to publish a scientific work. The reason for that is that copyright has always been an impediment, and by demanding such extreme control, journals seek to be free of any obligation that might hinder the dissemination of the scientific | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | findings. A typical journal contains the works of hundreds of researchers. Everyone realizes it would be totally impractical for a journal to have to routinely seek the permissions of several hundred people every time they want to do anything. Or, at least, that was the rationale. Scientists were rarely compensated through copyright. It's Publish or Perish, and that is really a system of patronage. The productive scientists get to | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | keep their high paying jobs in academia or whichever government and private labs still exist. Those working in industry often have some sort of Work For Hire arrangement, in which anything they invent is the property of their employer. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | And the rest of the public? Totally shafted, of course. Kept docile by the dangling of the promise that one day, you too could write the next big thing and go from being a nobody to a Big Name Author, just like J. K. Rowling. The odds of winning the lottery are better than that chance, but it still works, helped by the appeal to the ego, that if you do manage to make it big that way, it will be because you | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | merited it, and weren't just lucky. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @02:43AM (#1081973) | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Anyone that puts their own interests before the public interest with respect to what they publish, what they don't publish, and how they spin what they do publish is not a true journalist. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | To be clear, the mainstream media is not journalism. It's propaganda. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 1, Troll) | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | by looorg (578) on Saturday November 28, @05:52PM (#1081899) | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | What "neonazi" groups would that be? As far as I know the actual neonazis never get invited to anything. The one that lefttards call "neonazi" represents 20ish percent of the voting population so it would be somewhat hard to ignore them. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | There are rules for whom gets invited to the national debates on TV. PP never reached those numbers or representation in parliament to get invited, their success was almost entirely on the EU-level. But they never managed to turn those numbers into anything useful nationally. They really have none to blame but themselves for their demise. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @06:57PM (#1081910) | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | That would be the Swedish Democrats party. They got representation in debates, despite having no seats in European parliament at a time when the Pirate Party of Sweden had both Christian and Amelia. It was a while back, obviously. Treatment by the media went downhill from there. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 4, Insightful) | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @04:58PM (#1081890) | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | "you get paralyzed as every party is supposed to get their taste of the action or trying to get a multitude of parties to agree on things is quite hard." | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Maybe this is a good thing. | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | If no one agrees on something then why should we have a two party system that forces legislature through that no one really agrees on? | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 1, Troll) | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday November 28, @05:12PM (#1081893) Homepage Journal | Nov 30 00:27 |
schestowitz | Yeah, my thoughts go along those lines as well. If congress does nothing then it's unlikely that they have cost me anything. In general, the less congress does, the better for everyone. | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | "No man's life, liberty, or property are safe | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | while the congress is in session." attributed to Mark Twain, | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | -- | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Are you a cuck race theorist? | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 4, Interesting) | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | by Grishnakh (2831) on Saturday November 28, @06:05PM (#1081901) | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | If Congress does nothing, then you don't get appropriations bills passed, and the government shuts down. You can't run a government that way: if the government isn't even running, or spending money to actually run the country, then before long things really fall apart. If you're going to run a government that way, you might as well give up and disband the union and break it up into smaller pieces where people *do* | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | agree on how to do things. | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Basically, the prior AC post I think highlights an important question: should we have a two-party system that forces through legislation that no one agrees on, or a multiparty system that's paralyzed because no one can agree on anything? In the first scenario, at least you have an effective government, even if it's doing a lot of stuff no one really wants except some elite group in power. In the second scenario, the | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | government is going to break down, and either get replaced with the first kind of government, an authoritarian system, or the country will break up. | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Perhaps the answer is that large, diverse nations simply are not viable under a democratic system, unless that system is really a sham designed to keep a cadre of elites in power. Look at the countries that seem to do pretty well under democratic systems, such as Norway or Japan or South Korea: these are usually small (but not always, Japan is #11 in the world), and very homogenous. Now look at a country that seems | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | to have very effective governance, despite being extremely large and diverse: China. Sucks to be a Uighur there, but given their economic success over the past 40 years and their handling of Covid, you can't argue that their governance is ineffective. It does seem that being able to brutally squash internal dissent actually works to make your country economically successful when that's what the leadership wants. However, there's a | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | downside: soft power. China has none. How many people outside South Korea and Japan like to watch anime or listen to K-pop, even when they can't understand the language? Lots. How many people listen to or watch Chinese movies/music outside of China? None. America has shown how important this is, with the export of its cultural capital worldwide. | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 2, Insightful) | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @07:15PM (#1081917) | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | I don't think that a multiparty system will result in nothing getting passed because no one agrees on anything. I think there are things that most people do agree on and those things will get passed. Just the issues that few people agree on will struggle more to find an appropriate compromise that most people can get on board with. There is no reason to rush legislation through like there is no tomorrow. We can | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | give everyone time to process the proposed legislature to give their input and find an appropriate compromise before allowing it to pass. | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | "It does seem that being able to brutally squash internal dissent actually works to make your country economically successful when that's what the leadership wants." | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | I don't think we should be willing to have our right to dissent crushed in the name of 'economic success'. I also think economic success is possible without having our right to dissent crushed just like it's possible for us to have our right to dissent crushed and still be economically unsuccessful. | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 1, Interesting) | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @09:15PM (#1081933) | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | We should also avoid the assumption that every law constantly needs changing. Perhaps this is a useful assumption for politicians and legislatures to make because it justifies their continued existence and gives them something to grandstand over but it's not one that should automatically be made. | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | For instance there are some laws that should be tweaked. Copy protection lengths should be reduced for one thing and there should be other similar tweaks to IP laws in general. Other laws, like the first amendment and section 230 of the CDA, should probably be left alone for the most part. | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @07:30PM (#1081918) | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | It does seem that being able to brutally squash internal dissent actually works to make your country economically successful when that's what the leadership wants. | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union [wikipedia.org] | Nov 30 00:28 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-en.wikipedia.org | Soviet Union - Wikipedia | Nov 30 00:28 | |
schestowitz | Do you want to tell us the Soviet leadership did not want to make their country economically successful? | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 1, Informative) | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @09:47PM (#1081937) | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | They wanted to enrich themselves at the cost of the proletariat. | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 5, Touché) | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | by barbara hudson (6443) <barbara.Jane.hudson@icloud.com> on Saturday November 28, @11:40PM (#1081952) Journal | Nov 30 00:28 |
schestowitz | Sounds like the current administration. | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | -- | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | SoylentNews is social media. Says so right in the slogan. Soylentnews is people, not tech. | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | It's only November. (Score: 1, Touché) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @03:14AM (#1081975) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Hunter Biden might already be collecting that 50% cut of foreign bribes for his dad Joe Biden, but technically the "current administration" is still Trump. Despite gaslighting and projection that would claim otherwise, we currently have an unusually non-corrupt administration. It hasn't been this good in over half a century. We're about to have that change, but not until 2021. | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Uh, BTW... do you also believe Obama was "scandal free" like they said? | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Re:It's only November. (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @06:23AM (#1081997) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | About Obama, remember who the other guy was | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | As I marked my vote, I was praying to God to forgive me for what I was doing. Even though I have been a lifelong Republican, I could not vote for that man who I perceived to be about the most heartless, arrogant, man-of-the-wealthy I had ever seen. | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Re:It's only November. (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @11:12PM (#1082146) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | How's that kool-aid tasting? Least corrupt? Most peaceful? You've really detached from reality bub! | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 1) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | by fustakrakich (6150) on Sunday November 29, @06:15AM (#1081996) Journal | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | And the previous, and the one before that, turtles all the way down... | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | -- | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Ok, we paid the ransom. Do I get my dog back? REDЯUM | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 2) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday November 28, @10:43PM (#1081941) Homepage Journal | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | That brutal squashing has worked short term for many regimes down through history. Not so well long term for most of them. The Chinese are unique though. I suppose it will continue to be effective, until it stops being effective. Maybe it will take another Cultural Revolution before things change for them. Not that I wish another upheaval on them, but that seems to be the way change happens in China. | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | -- | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Are you a cuck race theorist? | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @12:44AM (#1081965) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | There is a breaking point when you go below the two party system. In a one party system everyone in the country is a member of the same party and all politics are decided by members of the party. Assuming of course that the are no corruption and everyone has equal voting rights within the party, it's no different than a direct demoracy. I'd postulate that a two party system is the worst democratic system and | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | an infinite party (first party) is utopia. I think the most stable is somewhere in between, where spontaneous irrational laws are stifled by agreed upon policies of the representative parties. In any case the ideal democratic governing body should be representative of the population. | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 3, Insightful) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | by sjames (2882) on Sunday November 29, @03:00AM (#1081974) Journal | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | You say that as if shutdowns due to lack of an appropriations bill is unheard of in the U.S. | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 2) | Nov 30 00:29 |
schestowitz | by Grishnakh (2831) on Sunday November 29, @06:00PM (#1082074) | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | They aren't *that* frequent, but also they've never lasted more than a month. When they have happened, the economic effects have been disastrous. On top of that, they aren't really shutdowns: parts of the government keep operating. Personally, I think that when they have a government shutdown, EVERYTHING should be shut down federally, and that includes the military: soldiers should not get paid, and the | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | military should stand down from anything it's doing. If your country is too stupid to keep itself running continuously, it doesn't deserve to have a defense force. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 2) | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | by sjames (2882) on Sunday November 29, @08:10PM (#1082100) Journal | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | There have been 4 in the last 20 years, that's 20%. That's a lot for something that has well defined deadlines that can be foreseen years out. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | That puts the U.S. solidly in the lead for shutdowns with many governments that have multiparty systems having had no shutdowns. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | The big difference seems to be holding legislators feet to the fire. In many countries if the legislature can't even manage to come up with a budget, they're all fired. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 3, Insightful) | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | by Arik (4543) on Sunday November 29, @05:45AM (#1081989) Journal | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | "If Congress does nothing, then you don't get appropriations bills passed, and the government shuts down. You can't run a government that way: if the government isn't even running, or spending money to actually run the country, then before long things really fall apart." | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | This is what the archons want you to think - and do not doubt they'll play that out as far as they can. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | But the truth is, the government isn't necessary, or even beneficial, in trying to 'run' the country. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | The country doesn't need to be 'run' - it's not like a big company, it's an entirely different thing. The government doesn't make it run better by micromanaging it - quite the opposite, as it means constant temptation to rob Peter in order to pay Paul or vice versa. That tendency, unchecked, allowed to run rampant, is the problem we face, not a solution. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | The country would run a hell of a lot better if the government was forced to run on a much smaller budget, and to focus on it's core responsibilities. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Of course we both know that there are elements that would do everything they possibly could to see the country burnt to the ground by the end of the year instead. Just so they could say "see, we told you everything would fall apart if we weren't running it. Now give us back our budget!" | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | But a competent government with 10% of the budget would be better than just a competent government. The size of the federal budget in particular is, at this point, so huge that it's a problem in and of itself. You could run every single politician and bureaucrat out of office and replace them with verified saints and they would still be corrupted by it once in office. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | The trick isn't necessarily to break down into smaller units (though obviously democracy functions a bit easier on a smaller scale) but *to narrow the field of play* until it's small enough virtually everyone can understand and agree. There's virtually no one that objects to the functions of the watchman state, and it objectively benefits everyone. But as we shift from the concept of the watchman state to the | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | concept of the moral state, that changes completely. As the state expands, it must rely less on consent and agreement, more and more on brute force. Less and less on building consensus, more and more on "we won (by a tiny margin) so suck it up, loser!" | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | The stakes are simply too high for anything else. Again, the size of the budget, the REAL budget, not just the direct expenditures, but all the unfunded mandates - absolutely staggering. Even a 1% margin on it - staggering. There's an old saying that every man has his price. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | The President of the USA receives $400,000/year in salary. And on the face of it, that should be fine, really. Lots of people live on minimum wage, 400 grand a year isn't bad. Especially considering you get free residence and bodyguards etc. so it's all profit... but no. The thing is, running for President costs way more than you'll make in a 4 year term. Most candidates spend hundreds of millions, win or lose. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Bloomberg spent over a billion and didn't even get a nomination! | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | So there has to be a lot more than $400k/year to make that back. And the same math holds up for many other offices. Then we wonder that D.C. is corrupt? | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | -- | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | "The *other* sort of Marxist." | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 1) | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | by fustakrakich (6150) on Sunday November 29, @06:24AM (#1081998) Journal | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | What I can't understand is why we let the bureaucrats make us do all their paperwork for them. The tax department for example, they can either send us a check or send us a bill. One way or another, they will get our signature. If we have any questions, we can go to them. *Don't call us, we'll call you*. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | -- | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Ok, we paid the ransom. Do I get my dog back? REDЯUM | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 2) | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | by bzipitidoo (4388) Subscriber Badge on Sunday November 29, @02:54PM (#1082031) Journal | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | The Tax Preparation industry, that's why. H&R Block, Turbo Tax, and others of that ilk lobby to keep income tax complicated and scary. The IRS has a lot of your numbers, but actually isn't allowed to fill in those blanks for you. Instead, those numbers are used against you, as a gotcha if there is any discrepancy between their numbers and what you report. The industry wants you, the taxpayer, to believe | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | that you could go to jail for getting your taxes wrong, even if it was an innocent mistake. This fear is helped by the IRS's reputation for hard a$$, guilty-until-proven-innocent enforcement. They don't believe in innocent mistakes. They believe everyone cheats. But if you buy and use tax prep products, the industry guarantees they'll shield you from that. I really wonder how they have any power to do that, and suspect the | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | protection they offer is greatly exaggerated. | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:30 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 1) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | by fustakrakich (6150) on Sunday November 29, @04:32PM (#1082052) Journal | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | I really wonder how they have any power to do that... | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Because we give it to them, by reelecting their puppets for over 40 years. Ask yourself, why do we do that? | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | -- | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Ok, we paid the ransom. Do I get my dog back? REDЯUM | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 2) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | by Grishnakh (2831) on Sunday November 29, @05:52PM (#1082071) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Because we're stupid, that's why. In other countries, it isn't like this: the tax authority sends you a pre-filled form at the end of the year showing what they think your income and deductions are, and what you owe or what they owe you. You can either sign it and send it back in (with payment if necessary), or you can amend it if you have information they missed. It isn't like this in the US | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | because of tax-prep lobbyists as stated earlier, but in other (typically European) countries, they don't seem to have this problem or corruption. | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 1, Insightful) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @05:48AM (#1081990) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | How many people listen to or watch Chinese movies/music outside of China? None. | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | I think you're off here. There are many Chinese movies with production values and attractivity, especially those originating in HK. Similar with music, though again strongly linked with HK, but not as dominant with respect to Korea and Japan. | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Anything east of Burma is going to be prime market for China. | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @03:31PM (#1082039) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | The most recent Chinese movies I saw was the sci-fi movies The Wandering Earth (流浪地球) [wikipedia.org] and Shanghai Fortress (上海堡垒) [wikipedia.org] both from 2019. | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Re:Pirate party (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @10:05AM (#1082003) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | The grass is somehow always greener on the other side. Having a proportional system isn't some cure all, it comes with its own set of issues and problems. So having lots of small parties is not exactly good either, you get paralyzed as every party is supposed to get their taste of the action or trying to get a multitude of parties to agree on things is quite hard. | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | At least it's not easy for extremists to take over. And please, look at America, it's fucked for a generation since Republicans have blocked everything under McConnell and enabled a dictatorial state through inaction. People always bring out this drivel about "inaction" from multiparty systems, yet it is always the one where majority rules for many years that tends to be the one that decays the fastest. | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Does it matter now? (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @05:21PM (#1081894) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Continued existence of small and medium businesses in scared new masked world is not in any politician's plans anyway, and megacorps can easily extort from captive users many times the money they spend on lawyers and judges. | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Reply to This | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Re:Does it matter now? (Score: 3, Interesting) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | by Grishnakh (2831) on Saturday November 28, @06:11PM (#1081902) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | What are you talking about? There isn't some kind of conspiracy to kill small businesses. Doing so would be devastating to the economy in any nation. Big businesses are important economically, sure, but they don't comprise the bulk of any nation's economy, and you can't run an economy with just a handful of huge businesses. Just look at restaurants: corporate chain restaurants have their place, but there's countless smaller | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | restaurants out there because you can't get a unique dining experience in a chain, plus you can get much better food at independent eateries. What happens when you shut down all the independent places? Lots of people simply stop eating out, killing a big sector of the economy. People who eat at fancy michelin-star restaurants (or other nice restaurants not quite at that level) aren't going to suddenly switch to eating at McDonald's | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | or Friday's; they're just going to stay at home. It's just like "art-house" theaters: close those down, and the patrons aren't going to just switch to watching the latest comic-book movie at the local AMC; they're going to stay at home and watch stuff on their 75" 4k TV. | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Re:Does it matter now? (Score: 3, Insightful) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @06:47PM (#1081908) | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Your impassioned speech would have sounded totally convincing in April '20. But now at the end of November? | Nov 30 00:31 |
schestowitz | Cancer isn't some kind of conspiracy to kill your body. Doing so would be devastating to metabolic activity in any organism. And still, a simple stem cell with a simple mutation that lets it ignore the checks on expansion, will make you suffer and die. It, and its progeny, will even all die themselves in that event, but it does not stop cancer from being the #1 cause of death. | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | You do not need a perfect coordinated conspiracy of evil geniuses to destroy everything. Free agents acting in what they perceive as their self-interest, do manage it perfectly well on their own. Enough of ideology, or greed, or stupidity, to ignore the signs and sail past the point of no return, is all that is required. | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Re:Does it matter now? (Score: 3, Interesting) | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | by barbara hudson (6443) <barbara.Jane.hudson@icloud.com> on Saturday November 28, @11:48PM (#1081955) Journal | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Who cares if they shut down? When things return to a new normal, new ones will open up. Massive subsidies to restaurants in the meantime are stupid. Most fail within 5 years, pandemic or no pandemic. The same for airlines - there are few that haven't gone bankrupt one or more times pre-pandemic. Let them go broke. Instead of wasting money on supporting dead businesses, support the displaced workers directly. | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | This means money, real education (not the shitty job retraining schemes that mostly benefit the scams that spring up in the wake of such schemes and leave people a year later without any real qualifications, just a shitty certificate). | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | -- | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | SoylentNews is social media. Says so right in the slogan. Soylentnews is people, not tech. | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Re:Does it matter now? (Score: 1, Informative) | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @10:13AM (#1082005) | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | When things return to a new normal, new ones will open up. | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | You should learn some reality before spewing bullshit. People need to survive until that time without your dead littering the streets. That means precisely the opposite of what you advocate for. Stopgap measures are not because economic tailspin because invisible hand or something, it's because of external factors. Do you understand "external factors"? | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20201117-why-reskilling-wont-always-guarantee-you-a-new-job [bbc.com] | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | The idea that the precarious position workers find themselves in today could be solved by training is particularly illogical, says Lafer, who has been studying job-training schemes in the US since the 1980s. People are out of work because the pandemic has shuttered huge swathes of the economy, not because of a lack of skills. “If job training was ever going to work it's not now,” he says. | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:32 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.bbc.com | Why reskilling won’t always guarantee you a new job - BBC Worklife | Nov 30 00:32 | |
schestowitz | Re:Does it matter now? (Score: 2) | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | by Grishnakh (2831) on Sunday November 29, @05:58PM (#1082073) | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | People need to survive until that time without your dead littering the streets | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Right, and that's why they gave out money to people who earned less than $75k (or whatever it was), to keep people from starving. You don't need to keep businesses open, doing zero business, for this: just give money directly to the low-wage workers so they can buy food. The business owners should have saved more money if they wanted to keep the business open; otherwise, they can simply declare bankruptcy and get the | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | same stimulus check their low-pay employees get (assuming they don't make that much; if they made a lot of money (>$100k), then they should have plenty of savings to last through the crisis. | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Re:Does it matter now? (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @11:51PM (#1082156) | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | then they should have plenty of savings to last through the crisis. | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Which is ending in ...? | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Thought so. | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | I'm sure it's not when this super nice process is going on and on: | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/oct/07/covid-19-crisis-boosts-the-fortunes-of-worlds-billionaires [theguardian.com] | Nov 30 00:32 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.theguardian.com | Billionaires' wealth rises to $10.2 trillion amid Covid crisis | News | The Guardian | Nov 30 00:32 | |
schestowitz | https://www.metrotimes.com/news-hits/archives/2020/10/22/these-michigan-billionaires-got-453-billion-richer-during-the-pandemic [metrotimes.com] | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Re:Does it matter now? (Score: 3, Insightful) | Nov 30 00:32 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.metrotimes.com | These Michigan billionaires got $45.3 billion richer during the pandemic | News Hits | Nov 30 00:32 | |
schestowitz | by Grishnakh (2831) on Sunday November 29, @05:55PM (#1082072) | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | I do agree with this one. If businesses are going to be shuttered, it's better to support the displaced workers directly rather than giving handouts to business owners and hoping they'll "trickle it down" to the workers. After things return to normal, people will start new businesses. After all, that's why we have bankruptcy laws: failed businesses can go belly-up without their owners being wrecked financially, and | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | creditors (usually big banks and landlords) will just have to eat the loss, since that's the risk you take when you give a loan to someone. | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Re:Does it matter now? (Score: 0) | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Sunday November 29, @11:44PM (#1082154) | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Took you less than 24 hours to flip 180 degrees on your previous statement. | Nov 30 00:32 |
schestowitz | Now the PR dept's line is "Yes we fully intend to bankrupt you all, but you should hope the govt will "support" you till we decide to let "things return to normal"!" Got it. | Nov 30 00:33 |
schestowitz | Reply to This Parent | Nov 30 00:33 |
schestowitz | So COVID was created as a distraction by the BSA? (Score: 1, Funny) | Nov 30 00:33 |
schestowitz | by Anonymous Coward on Saturday November 28, @06:14PM (#1081903) | Nov 30 00:33 |
schestowitz | The plot thickens! /s | Nov 30 00:33 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 00:33 |
gry | hi schestowitz | Nov 30 00:33 |
gry | where are you from? | Nov 30 00:33 |
schestowitz | ? | Nov 30 00:33 |
schestowitz | techrights | Nov 30 00:33 |
gry | i mean what country | Nov 30 00:33 |
schestowitz | uk | Nov 30 00:33 |
gry | and how is pirate party working in your area | Nov 30 00:33 |
schestowitz | I know its former head | Nov 30 00:34 |
schestowitz | lives near me | Nov 30 00:34 |
gry | in Australia i was member of greens but was not really satisfied, they seem to be failing to engage members. their comms platform was constatnly under maintainance or migration to something new | Nov 30 00:35 |
gry | and when i heard of achievements, they seemed somewhat daft | Nov 30 00:35 |
gry | at least some | Nov 30 00:35 |
gry | i was a bit disappointed | Nov 30 00:35 |
gry | too much politics, not enough focus on voting by making smarter shopping choices | Nov 30 00:36 |
schestowitz | it started in Sweden | Nov 30 00:36 |
schestowitz | its founder had a nervous breakdown | Nov 30 00:36 |
schestowitz | I spoke to him after that | Nov 30 00:36 |
schestowitz | he had worked for Microsoft before that | Nov 30 00:36 |
gry | are you aware of any movement that encourages people to shop smarter. as i think this is more important than voting smarter | Nov 30 00:36 |
schestowitz | the UK PP seems defunct | Nov 30 00:36 |
schestowitz | their site seems sort of hanging and key members left | Nov 30 00:36 |
schestowitz | define "smarter" | Nov 30 00:36 |
schestowitz | and "shopping" | Nov 30 00:37 |
schestowitz | not be pedantic | Nov 30 00:37 |
schestowitz | those are vague words | Nov 30 00:37 |
gry | not buy a mobile phone from a company that makes in a way that infdinges users tech rights | Nov 30 00:37 |
gry | shop local and don't follow the herd | Nov 30 00:37 |
gry | buy some pc and communication devices that work with tox, jitsi, etc . don't buy skype credit. etc . don't buy newspapers from mass media | Nov 30 00:38 |
gry | because mass media lies | Nov 30 00:38 |
gry | find the key corporate bodies in your country that are ruining it, and don't buy anything from them | Nov 30 00:38 |
schestowitz | I'd not buy a mobile phone at all | Nov 30 00:39 |
schestowitz | it's not smart to have one | Nov 30 00:39 |
gry | that's you | Nov 30 00:39 |
schestowitz | we also consider putting away our landline now | Nov 30 00:39 |
schestowitz | that's me, yes | Nov 30 00:39 |
schestowitz | many others can do the same | Nov 30 00:39 |
gry | and is there any movement that teaches people to follow the same principle? | Nov 30 00:39 |
schestowitz | kicking old habits if not impossible | Nov 30 00:39 |
schestowitz | [00:37] <gry> shop local and don't follow the herd | Nov 30 00:39 |
schestowitz | the products are rarely local | Nov 30 00:39 |
schestowitz | for high-priced items you typically export | Nov 30 00:40 |
schestowitz | not farming goods | Nov 30 00:40 |
schestowitz | [00:39] <gry> and is there any movement that teaches people to follow the same principle? | Nov 30 00:40 |
schestowitz | there are some | Nov 30 00:40 |
schestowitz | not mainstream, obviously | Nov 30 00:40 |
schestowitz | we follow and promote those we find and know of | Nov 30 00:40 |
schestowitz | inc. alternative media sources which are more credible and independent | Nov 30 00:41 |
*rianne_ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell | Nov 30 03:57 | |
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*liberty_box (~liberty@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell | Nov 30 07:47 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 09:44 |
schestowitz | The President's 17 Financial Measures | Nov 30 09:44 |
schestowitz | The biggest attacks ever on the salary method, the career and the pensions | Nov 30 09:44 |
schestowitz | Nov 30 09:44 | |
schestowitz | The Central Staff Committee (CSC) had published its analysis of the financial study ("The Financial Study - Yet another hoax part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4) and concluded that the study is not at all credible as it is based on unrealistic assumptions. | Nov 30 09:44 |
schestowitz | On Friday the President published the 17 measures proposed by the consultants together with the Office’s comments. | Nov 30 09:44 |
schestowitz | Together, these two documents constitute the biggest attacks ever on the salary method, the career and the pensions of young staff, old staff and lower and middle managers alike, without credible need. | Nov 30 09:44 |
schestowitz | General Assemblies will be held in all places of employment (Munich Wednesday 9 October, The Hague Thursday 10 October, Berlin and Vienna to be announced). | Nov 30 09:44 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 09:44 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 09:44 |
schestowitz | Social dialogue isn't working | Nov 30 09:44 |
schestowitz | Publication on behalf of the CSC pending Intranet publication | Nov 30 09:45 |
schestowitz | Communiqués cannot replace meaningful involvement | Nov 30 09:45 |
schestowitz | Dear colleagues, | Nov 30 09:45 |
schestowitz | On 27 September the President published his “Update on Social Dialogue” which in our opinion does not at all reflect the actual status of social dialogue. Many of his assertions need to be corrected, as has become blatantly obvious at the latest with his 17 measures publication. | Nov 30 09:45 |
schestowitz | Fact is that staff is not represented when our employment conditions are changed. | Nov 30 09:45 |
schestowitz | Read in our publication how we interpret the current social dialogue here. | Nov 30 09:45 |
schestowitz | Your Central Staff Committee | Nov 30 09:45 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 09:45 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 09:49 |
schestowitz | Seventeen measures for staff and for the EPO | Nov 30 09:49 |
schestowitz | Summary: | Nov 30 09:49 |
schestowitz | The President is about to communicate 17 measures emanating from the (in our opinion heavily distorted) financial study. After 8 years of Battistelli’s presidency and 14 months of Campinos’ presidency, both with the same administration, we feel it is now time to implement a basket of the following seventeen measures to restore staff’s trust and engagement and ensure long-term financial health. | Nov 30 09:49 |
schestowitz | We welcome all your comments. | Nov 30 09:49 |
schestowitz | Conclusion: | Nov 30 09:49 |
schestowitz | Budget and numbers are relevant but cannot be the only drivers of this Office. Staff members aren’t numbers. They do not only present unit cost, but benefit as a motivated, competent entity. The focus must be on creating a climate in which staff can concentrate on doing good work that is appreciated by the public and the Office alike. Solid work requires appropriate recognition. If the focus changes, the EPO will once again become | Nov 30 09:49 |
schestowitz | an attractive employer and the guarantor of valid patents serving the interest of society. | Nov 30 09:49 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 09:49 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 09:59 |
schestowitz | Review of salary adjustment procedure | Nov 30 09:59 |
schestowitz | Essential principles for a renewed one; Issues to be solved with the current one | Nov 30 09:59 |
schestowitz | Dear colleagues, | Nov 30 09:59 |
schestowitz | Nov 30 09:59 | |
schestowitz | 2019 is the last year for the application of our current salary adjustment procedure CA/23/14 Rev. 1 and a review of the procedure will be carried out. In an open letter to the President we reminded the President of the essential principles to be observed under any salary adjustment procedure and about the issues encountered under the current procedure. | Nov 30 09:59 |
schestowitz | One issue concerns the application of the moderation clause of the current procedure leading to inequality of purchasing power in the affected places, mostly The Hague and some residence-countries of pensioners, notably Ireland. We propose to remedy this inequality by implementing a one-off transitional measure for compensating the losses of purchasing power in application of Article 10(2) and at the same time to put an end to the | Nov 30 09:59 |
schestowitz | existing litigation on it. | Nov 30 09:59 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 09:59 |
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Nov 30 10:47 | |
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell | Nov 30 10:47 | |
schestowitz | http://patentblog.kluweriplaw.com/2020/11/26/german-bundestag-approves-legislation-to-ratify-the-unified-patent-court-agreement/ | Nov 30 13:35 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-patentblog.kluweriplaw.com | German Bundestag approves legislation to ratify the Unified Patent Court Agreement - Kluwer Patent Blog | Nov 30 13:35 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 13:35 |
schestowitz | One should not confuse the position of the Advocate General with that of the CJEU. Even if the CJEU often follows the position of the Advocate General, it can differ. | Nov 30 13:35 |
schestowitz | The Advocate General suggested no less than to have the first instance decisions of the EPO to be reviewed by the UPC. This would mean that the Boards of Appeal of the EPO would be made redundant. If such a suggestion would be adopted, it would imply a drastic amendment of the EPC, if not its disbandment. | Nov 30 13:35 |
schestowitz | I am not sure that all the other member states of the EPC which are not member states of the UPCA would agree as it would end up with the disbandment of the EPO. This idea would certainly please the staunch supporters of the UPC, and go quite further than their boldest dreams. | Nov 30 13:35 |
schestowitz | Combined with a complete dematerialisation of the EPO as it is presently envisaged, it is not a mere dream, but it could become true and all the lawyer firms pushing the UPC would be gloating. Lawyers would in the end have their revenge over patent representatives. Representatives could be left with the grant procedure, but anything having to do with validity of European Patents would become the reserved domain of lawyers. | Nov 30 13:35 |
schestowitz | The Advocate General is however right when she implies that the EPC is not compatible with EU Law. From its inception this was not the aim of the EPC as it was a convention meant to be open to non-EU member states. And this was precisely the reason for the success of the EPO. | Nov 30 13:35 |
schestowitz | The Advocate General goes even one step further in that she denies that the Boards of Appeal can be considered as a judicial instance. This goes a bit too far to my liking. | Nov 30 13:35 |
schestowitz | The Advocate General is however right when she queries the independence of the Boards of Appeal. I am eager to see what the GFCC will have to say on this topic. | Nov 30 13:35 |
schestowitz | In view of the fundamental incompatibility of the EPC with EU Law, trying to combine the EPC with EU Law as is done with the UPCA is doomed to fail. This might actually be the reason why all the promoters of the UPCA never wanted it to be checked as to its compatibility with EU. The time bomb is nevertheless ticking, whether Germany has ratified the UPCA or not. | Nov 30 13:35 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 13:35 |
schestowitz | https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=20/11/27/1654250 | Nov 30 13:37 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-soylentnews.org | FFII Calls for Donations Against Unitary Software Patent Trolls After a Disastrous Bundestag Vote - SoylentNews | Nov 30 13:37 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 13:37 |
schestowitz | 4 in 20 years is a lot compared to better-run countries, yes, but it's not like they're having one every 6 months or every year. | Nov 30 13:37 |
schestowitz | But yes, shutdowns are mostly unique to the US and its completely broken system of government. There should not be cases where the executive and legislative branches are at odds with each other so much they can't even pass a budget. In parliamentary democracies, this doesn't happen because the executive is chosen by the legislative branch, instead of by popular vote; in the very rare case that the two can't agree, a vote of no- | Nov 30 13:37 |
schestowitz | confidence is called and new elections are held for parliament, which then creates a new administration. | Nov 30 13:37 |
schestowitz | The best thing the US could do at this point is to hold a new Constitutional Convention and write a new Constitution. The old one sucks. It's weird how it's treated as some kind of holy document by so many Americans, when in reality it creates a horribly flawed system. I'll admit it was a good try back in 1789, since they didn't exactly have a lot of examples to go off of at the time, and I guess they were trying not to emulate the | Nov 30 13:37 |
schestowitz | British too much since they had just fought a war of independence with them, but it's been well over 2 centuries now, and other nations have now shown us how to set up better forms of government. It's time to trash it and start over. Sticking with the current Constitution is like sticking with Windows 98 or IE6.0. | Nov 30 13:37 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 13:37 |
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | Nov 30 18:35 | |
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*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term) | Nov 30 19:35 | |
-NickServ-schestowitz!~schestowi@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com has just authenticated as you (schestowitz) | Nov 30 19:35 | |
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell | Nov 30 19:35 | |
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz | Nov 30 19:35 | |
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Nov 30 19:43 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 19:43 |
schestowitz | Hi, | Nov 30 19:43 |
schestowitz | (This is a resend as the original was sent out in the middle of the mailing list transition.) | Nov 30 19:44 |
schestowitz | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1 leaves its regular maintenance and support phase on January 31st 2021. | Nov 30 19:44 |
schestowitz | As openSUSE Leap 15.1 uses the SLES 15 SP1 updates, also Leap 15.1 support | Nov 30 19:44 |
schestowitz | from openSUSE Maintenance and Security will end on January 31st 2021. | Nov 30 19:44 |
schestowitz | (The original date of November 2020 was made with an earlier forecast of an earlier EOL of SLES 15 SP1.) | Nov 30 19:44 |
schestowitz | A upgrade to openSUSE Leap 15.2 is recommended. | Nov 30 19:44 |
schestowitz | Ciao, Marcus | Nov 30 19:44 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 19:44 |
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Nov 30 19:44 | |
schestowitz | > https://sysdfree.wordpress.com/2018/05/12/214/ | Nov 30 20:13 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-sysdfree.wordpress.com | Important: Palemoon users and NoScript support (Parody) | systemd-free linux community | Nov 30 20:13 | |
schestowitz | > <https://sysdfree.wordpress.com/2018/05/12/214/> | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > The devs don't like Noscript, so they used their software as a smear | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > campaign against it and even tried to trick people into removing it for | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > the sake of "security". The lead was a giant asshole about the criticism | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > his dishonesty earned as well. | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > I was a PM user years ago, I even tried to get other distros to switch | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > to it as their default. This parody (mine) switches the wording used by | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > PM against Noscript, so that Noscript is "warning" users against PM instead: | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > "Yesterday our readers discovered problems with the Pale Moon web | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > browser, which according to the NoScript website has either security, | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > compatibility or usability issues when using popular add-ons like NoScript" | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > https://i.imgur.com/7SlNlou.png <https://i.imgur.com/7SlNlou.png> | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > https://i.imgur.com/ojRuLqQ.png <https://i.imgur.com/ojRuLqQ.png> | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > Now you couldn't pay me to use Pale Moon, if it was the last web browser | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > on earth. Devs are liars. | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > Looks like MinceR already knows. With PM making a comeback these days, | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > hearing everybody saying the nice things I said about it in 2017, I | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > thought it was worth mentioning that I think it's shit and its devs are | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > worse. | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 30 20:13 |
schestowitz | > I get it, I mean they're only using it for the same reasons I used to. | Nov 30 20:14 |
*liberty_box (~liberty@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell | Nov 30 20:16 | |
*rianne__ (~rianne@host81-154-173-112.range81-154.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell | Nov 30 20:16 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 21:31 |
schestowitz | SUEPO Christmas and New Year xxxx wishes ! | Nov 30 21:31 |
schestowitz | Wishing you a merry Christmas and a wonderful new year! | Nov 30 21:32 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 21:32 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1178466703579234304?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1178466703579234304:0:0:0:1178468995200131072 | Nov 30 22:28 |
schestowitz | "we don't need alternatives we need to bring back what we used to had. that would be pretty enough. even simplest facebook and past mind shape will do I think" | Nov 30 22:28 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | If you sometimes feel like software is getting worse ov... | Minds | Nov 30 22:28 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1179161811499180032?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1179161811499180032:0:0:0:1179162604773777408 | Nov 30 22:29 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Master boot vinyl record: It just gives DOS on my IBM PC ... | Minds | Nov 30 22:29 | |
schestowitz | "Oh hell, ... what's next then? Ll" | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1179283193897852928?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1179283193897852928:0:0:0:1179287078669668352 | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | "Lol" | Nov 30 22:29 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | ● NEWS ● #glasgowtimes #Education ☞ One in five British k... | Minds | Nov 30 22:29 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1179411375644827648?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1179411375644827648:0:0:0:1179414915014148096 | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | '" | Nov 30 22:29 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Differing Mask Mandates in Georgia Schools Put Teachers a... | Minds | Nov 30 22:29 | |
schestowitz | A whirlwind of lies regarding excess mortality. How dishonest people with an over-inflated ego and no knowledge are making fools of the whole world: | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | - by not understanding what Gaussian distribution is | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | - what White noise is | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | - how peaks will affect such data | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | The result is: | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | - hundreds of thousands of imagined excess deaths | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | Detailed explanation, from A-Z: | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | - from the basic math | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | - to the analysis of their false graphs | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | - and to the scientific paper | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcCIlK4XYD0 | Nov 30 22:29 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.youtube.com | Lying with Statistics, EUROMOMO and excess deaths in EUrope - YouTube | Nov 30 22:29 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 22:29 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1179715587786600448?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1179715587786600448:0:0:0:1179742371798249472 | Nov 30 22:30 |
schestowitz | "I doubt Biden will ever take office" | Nov 30 22:30 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Israel’s Gift to Joe Biden, 52 Days Before He Even Takes ... | Minds | Nov 30 22:30 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177973456770080768?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177973456770080768:0:0:0:1178005477789622272 | Nov 30 22:31 |
schestowitz | "That's not the only reason it's becoming more dangerous- for all their talk about "uniting the country," I just got dogpiled on Twitter and told that I "must submit" to the loony lefties. I didn't, of course- but I am irritated enough that the next time some asshole calls me a Nazi or a racist, I'm going to knock out their teeth, and if they bring their little fake ninja buddies into my town to wreck things, we're going to open | Nov 30 22:31 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | US Political Crisis Just Entered More Dangerous Phase - C... | Minds | Nov 30 22:31 | |
schestowitz | fire." | Nov 30 22:31 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1178029872244105216?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1178029872244105216:0:0:0:1178041091631509504 | Nov 30 22:31 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | CDC ready for Biden transition: 'This is what we've been ... | Minds | Nov 30 22:31 | |
schestowitz | "Here comes your Microchip, White Cowards! | Nov 30 22:31 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1178063914623918080?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1178063914623918080:0:0:0:1178069167773261824 | Nov 30 22:31 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | I'd like to see Torvalds' reaction to people saying that ... | Minds | Nov 30 22:31 | |
schestowitz | "I find the debate over GNU vs Linux silly. In my estimation, the reason why Linux is most frequently used is the pronunciation is easier. The "gn" in GNU has different pronunciations worldwide where "Lin" and "ux" are pretty much universal in languages that stem from Latin. RMS has nobody to blame but his recursive acronyms." | Nov 30 22:31 |
schestowitz | It's a lot easier to say GNU than Linux | Nov 30 22:32 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1178063130176561152?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1178063130176561152:0:0:0:1178073640490967040 | Nov 30 22:32 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | This Gaming Keyboard LOVES Linux | Minds | Nov 30 22:32 | |
schestowitz | "The analog key switches are pretty sweet sounding - maybe this will be my next keyboard (it will be a bit, I currently have a corsair that is working quite well)" | Nov 30 22:32 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1178467572414173184?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1178467572414173184:0:0:0:1178468618966867968 | Nov 30 22:32 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | It's a bit of tragedy that many sites became not "mobile-... | Minds | Nov 30 22:32 | |
schestowitz | "We need more money!" | Nov 30 22:32 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177925219547701248?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177925219547701248:0:0:0:1177934274794184704 | Nov 30 22:33 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | In a weird world famous criminals are painted as heroes a... | Minds | Nov 30 22:33 | |
schestowitz | "hate. wars." | Nov 30 22:33 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177959822604267520?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177959822604267520:0:0:0:1177963060407394304 | Nov 30 22:33 |
schestowitz | "how ironic" | Nov 30 22:33 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Imgur | Minds | Nov 30 22:33 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177939266972327936?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177939266972327936:0:0:0:1177968789225107456 | Nov 30 22:34 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Biden's Moral Hazard - CounterPunch.org | Minds | Nov 30 22:34 | |
schestowitz | "I'll bet this DUMBASS writing this article voted Biden." | Nov 30 22:34 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177920455332491264?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177920455332491264:0:0:0:1177969654874927104 | Nov 30 22:34 |
schestowitz | "Good luck with that Linus, better off building your own." | Nov 30 22:34 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Linus Torvalds wants Apple’s new M1-powered Macs to run L... | Minds | Nov 30 22:34 | |
schestowitz | RISC-V | Nov 30 22:34 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177904830411087872?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177904830411087872:0:0:0:1177970783366766592 | Nov 30 22:34 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | In Another Country This Would Be Called a Coup: Detroit N... | Minds | Nov 30 22:34 | |
schestowitz | "if a candidate with no support, no enthusiasm, etc got more votes than anyone ever, then THAT would be a coup." | Nov 30 22:34 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177433243735052288?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177433243735052288:0:0:0:1177451627240316928 | Nov 30 22:35 |
schestowitz | "Tried Vivaldi - reminds me of the AOL version of Mozilla that was around for awhile - gimicky without any serious improvement on the original." | Nov 30 22:35 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | How to Switch from Chrome to Vivaldi - Make Tech Easier | Minds | Nov 30 22:35 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177419791281856512?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177419791281856512:0:0:0:1177452924047892480 | Nov 30 22:35 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Based on the latest numbers and the way things are going,... | Minds | Nov 30 22:35 | |
schestowitz | "The goal was never to do so. It was always A. To allow governments to override the natural rights of their citizens, and B. A massive wealth transfer via currency devaluation (Even "relief" spending or "stimulus" has this effect. Putting more money into the system only serves to devalue the currency)" | Nov 30 22:35 |
schestowitz | "Tried to tell you this back in April and March." | Nov 30 22:35 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177571984205344768?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177571984205344768:0:0:0:1177587767107932160 | Nov 30 22:35 |
schestowitz | "(Laughs in 99.9% survivability) " | Nov 30 22:35 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | 1 in 49 Coloradans contagious with COVID-19, says Polis | Minds | Nov 30 22:35 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177742663598645248?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177742663598645248:0:0:0:1177742809696989184 | Nov 30 22:36 |
schestowitz | "who woud have thought" | Nov 30 22:36 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | GM Stops Backing Trump Administration in Emissions Fight ... | Minds | Nov 30 22:36 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177118958884003840?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177118958884003840:0:0:0:1177136269908418560 | Nov 30 22:37 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 22:37 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | In Rebuke to Trump, Georgia Recount Affirms Biden Win | Minds | Nov 30 22:37 | |
schestowitz | Who woulda thought recounting illegally cast ballots would end in the same result? | Nov 30 22:37 |
schestowitz | That’s why an audit was called for in the first place. | Nov 30 22:37 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 22:37 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177227244408233984?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177227244408233984:0:0:0:1177246729414832128 | Nov 30 22:37 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Trump Skips G20 Pandemic Preparedness Meeting as Covid-19... | Minds | Nov 30 22:37 | |
schestowitz | "Fuck you, covidiot. Stay under your rock if you’re too much of a pussy to handle a virus with a 99.97 aggregate survivability rate. " | Nov 30 22:37 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177246680291110912?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177246680291110912:0:0:0:1177250871940116480 | Nov 30 22:37 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | ● NEWS ● #Counterpunch ☞ #Biden Owes His Victory to Blac... | Minds | Nov 30 22:37 | |
schestowitz | "Hey Dr. Roy! I found you first on Diaspora* but I'm doing a promo for you here on Minds, today! 😀 Cheers and thank you! https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177250332639010816" | Nov 30 22:37 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) (@schestowitz) | Minds | Nov 30 22:37 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177277595524460544?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177277595524460544:0:0:0:1177283598019813376 | Nov 30 22:37 |
schestowitz | "Easily defeatable. No way should that be legal. Not ever. Not in a million years. Get Cochrane on the line. We got a windfall." | Nov 30 22:37 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Government Argues In Court That It Can Kill US Citizens A... | Minds | Nov 30 22:37 | |
schestowitz | "Then US citizens can do the same to the government" | Nov 30 22:38 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1176928634746720256?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1176928634746720256:0:0:0:1177067079389085696 | Nov 30 22:38 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 22:38 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Donald Trump Helped Bill Gates Increase His Wealth by Mor... | Minds | Nov 30 22:38 | |
schestowitz | lol, This article literally doesn't have any substance. There literally is not a shred of evidence cited where Trump "helped" Gates make money. | Nov 30 22:38 |
schestowitz | 1. Gates has always been an investor in vaccine companies. He's funded vaccines for the WHO, and dedicated a ton of money to vaccine research in his foundation. He's previously been banned for testing vaccines in India, and in some African countries. He's also been pushing for "pandemic" preparations since the early 2000s - Strange how this always seems to make him money. Most people associate Gates with computers and Microsoft, but | Nov 30 22:38 |
schestowitz | really he's been pulling strings globally for vaccines made by companies he invests in for years. | Nov 30 22:38 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 22:38 |
schestowitz | '2. Google is just as coercive as Microsoft, and so is Apple. The difference is Microsoft is mainly on devices that are becoming used much less often, while Apple and Google are on almost every single smart phone - and while Microsoft, Google, and Apple let you "opt out" of some privacy related issues like voice commands, they all send telemetry data across the internet. Google also commands the global search engine market, and | Nov 30 22:38 |
schestowitz | censors/curates what the public can see (which is a huge issue that many people critical of corporations ignore because they tend to censor Trump more often than others - but make no mistake, Trump and his DOJ were absolutely right to go after them if you want an open internet)" | Nov 30 22:38 |
schestowitz | "3. The TikTok bid didn't end up happening. And again, Trump is right to criticize China- They are a supposedly "communist" government that is really run by massive corporations. (Much scarier than any "late stage capitalism" problems that socialists and commies complain about while they ignore China). Tencent, TikTok, Zoom, and more are shaping up to be even more dystopian than an episode of Black Mirror. The TikTok deal was | Nov 30 22:38 |
schestowitz | absolutely a "devil you know" sort of deal, and if techrights doesn't see it, they really haven't been paying attention. (Plus, Gates made no money on this, so why it is in the article, I have no idea)." | Nov 30 22:38 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177056272203141120?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177056272203141120:0:0:0:1177068388115488768 | Nov 30 22:39 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 22:39 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | SJVN pushing "MACS" now; #SJVN is bygone and here's "all... | Minds | Nov 30 22:39 | |
schestowitz | Should find some debuking of the new Apple M1 chip - they are hyping it to the max, and it looks like they are conning people into buying an iPad as a "macbook pro" | Nov 30 22:39 |
schestowitz | Nice that they are using ARM though - I'm still waiting for a more powerful ARM based computer than the Pinebook Pro (I have been tempted to get one, especially since they use Manjaro by default - but I really need something with more RAM in it). | Nov 30 22:39 |
schestowitz | ' | Nov 30 22:39 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1177122409025462272?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1177122409025462272:0:0:0:1177135732534190080 | Nov 30 22:39 |
schestowitz | "Yeah, their bullying won’t work a second time. We’re hip to their BS " | Nov 30 22:39 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | 'Certify the Results!': GOP Michigan Lawmakers Blasted for | Minds | Nov 30 22:39 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1176820881306054656?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1176820881306054656:0:0:0:1176902302797156352 | Nov 30 22:40 |
schestowitz | "Rightfully so. Sweden is a cold country. You can use any source of heat available 😉" | Nov 30 22:40 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Burning Koran NOT a hate crime, Swedish prosecutor says, ... | Minds | Nov 30 22:40 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1176931742654681088?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1176931742654681088:0:0:0:1176954758584246272 | Nov 30 22:40 |
schestowitz | "When your party has communists running around the streets believing violent revolution is the best way to fix things, then for the average person, it has gone "too far left" - not sure how this common sense position eludes anyone." | Nov 30 22:40 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | ● NEWS ● #Counterpunch #fakeleft ☞ #Democrats and the Can... | Minds | Nov 30 22:40 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1176884322961891328?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1176884322961891328:0:0:0:1176956317114462208 | Nov 30 22:40 |
schestowitz | "You do realize that the "following the law" allows them to not accept the certification of the results, right? And if the election is not certified by the deadline, Congress chooses the president and vice president, right?" | Nov 30 22:40 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Michigan Lawmakers: No Information Available That Would C... | Minds | Nov 30 22:40 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1176929233165787136?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1176929233165787136:0:0:0:1177061892016504832 | Nov 30 22:41 |
schestowitz | "The Biden / Harris ticket was the favorite of the oligarchs from the beginning. Get ready for mass corporatism if Biden isn't stopped from gaining the presidency." | Nov 30 22:41 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Who President Biden is Indebted to (e.g. Google Monopoly ... | Minds | Nov 30 22:41 | |
schestowitz | You describe what also happened under Trump | Nov 30 22:41 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1176495572780126208?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1176495572780126208:0:0:0:1176518480208044032 | Nov 30 22:41 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 22:41 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | 'Heartlessness Mixed With Political Power': Trump Admin R... | Minds | Nov 30 22:41 | |
schestowitz | Know what’s heartless? | Nov 30 22:41 |
schestowitz | Dragging your kids along on your criminal endeavors and forcing the consequences upon them. | Nov 30 22:42 |
schestowitz | But you leftards never think, do ya? | Nov 30 22:42 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 22:42 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1176734577622605824?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1176734577622605824:0:0:0:1176734857860833280 | Nov 30 22:42 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | It is starting to look increasingly likely that #trump wi... | Minds | Nov 30 22:42 | |
schestowitz | "It really isn’t though. " | Nov 30 22:42 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1176754125126803456?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1176754125126803456:0:0:0:1176758865538523136 | Nov 30 22:42 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | #microsoft : we vilify and even defame climate activists ... | Minds | Nov 30 22:42 | |
schestowitz | "You are finally waking up to Microshaft? If anyone trusts Microsoft you need to be checked out for some sort of mental illness of some kind." | Nov 30 22:42 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1176752319696297984?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1176752319696297984:0:0:0:1176759814646603776 | Nov 30 22:42 |
schestowitz | "Welcome to the new world order run by Bill Gates. He is our digital dictator. Remember windows is designed steal data and attack other computer systems remotely. It's a dictators dream O.S." | Nov 30 22:42 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | So #microsoft decided to just blacklist our #email server... | Minds | Nov 30 22:42 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1176748508499169280?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1176748508499169280:0:0:0:1176760331247747072 | Nov 30 22:42 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Federal judge blocks Trump administration attempt at new ... | Minds | Nov 30 22:42 | |
schestowitz | "Trump is the only one willing to do something about Microsoft. Biden is brain dead." | Nov 30 22:42 |
schestowitz | Trump did more for Microsoft than Obama did | Nov 30 22:42 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1174713198017019904?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1174713198017019904:0:0:0:1174719483705257984 | Nov 30 22:43 |
schestowitz | "It just underscores how thoroughly jews/communists have taken over countless gatekeeping positions. Through election fraud." | Nov 30 22:43 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | "If you want to know the result of your corona test in No... | Minds | Nov 30 22:43 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1174712418325266432?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1174712418325266432:0:0:0:1174723274652225536 | Nov 30 22:43 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | 47 Groups Back Rep. Joaquin Castro for House Committee Ch... | Minds | Nov 30 22:43 | |
schestowitz | "You can't get much more "progressive" than communism." | Nov 30 22:43 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1175442327106179072?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1175442327106179072:0:0:0:1175446629562642432 | Nov 30 22:44 |
schestowitz | "Good. I like my gas being under $2/gallon. #fuckBiden" | Nov 30 22:44 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Trump Administration Rushes to Auction Off Arctic Nationa... | Minds | Nov 30 22:44 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1175906169225461760?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1175906169225461760:0:0:0:1175922141459881984 | Nov 30 22:44 |
schestowitz | "Pretty sure that all the Major OSes are not freedom respecting. All have hidden telemetry." | Nov 30 22:44 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | #gnu #gimp on (almost) the least freedom-respecting OS ht... | Minds | Nov 30 22:44 | |
schestowitz | Not all are equally bad | Nov 30 22:44 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1176443191840497664?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1176443191840497664:0:0:0:1176463731078750208 | Nov 30 22:44 |
schestowitz | "idk... maybe but is it?" | Nov 30 22:44 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | The US Working Class Meets the Elections and Loses Ground... | Minds | Nov 30 22:44 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1172922750444822528?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1172922750444822528:1172932818556440576:1173392841977262080:0:1173395132856688640 | Nov 30 22:45 |
schestowitz | "IBM was very involved with Hitler in nazi Germany. Horrible company." | Nov 30 22:45 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | If you properly do #journalism then every now and then th... | Minds | Nov 30 22:45 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1173456017916489728?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1173456017916489728:0:0:0:1173456846188994560 | Nov 30 22:45 |
schestowitz | "Lol you can still compile basic do yeah it works." | Nov 30 22:45 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Sysadmin tales: Take a look back at an old school IT prank | Minds | Nov 30 22:45 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1172126785774129152?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1172126785774129152:1172134241912061952:1173393063773253632:0:1173510462710063104 | Nov 30 22:46 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Joe Biden Declared Winner of 2020 Presidential Election | Minds | Nov 30 22:46 | |
schestowitz | "What is this certification step about? Is it reversible? | Nov 30 22:46 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1173576049283514368?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1173576049283514368:0:0:0:1173577525746176000 | Nov 30 22:46 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Poll shows 57% of young Muslims in France believe Sharia ... | Minds | Nov 30 22:46 | |
schestowitz | "and 80 to 90 % are illiterate and only do what the imans tell them. Same as in the miidle ages when the preists and those in power where the only ones illiterate and the peasants only did and knew what they were told," | Nov 30 22:46 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1173579328280485888?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1173579328280485888:0:0:0:1173602235840880640 | Nov 30 22:46 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | The mind of conspiracy nuts: If someone claims election f... | Minds | Nov 30 22:46 | |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/fs/v1/thumbnail/1173602204359823360 | Nov 30 22:46 |
schestowitz | https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1172913960850010112?focusedCommentUrn=urn:comment:1172913960850010112:0:0:0:1172916666608951296 | Nov 30 22:47 |
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-www.minds.com | Hoorays for the Biden/Harris Victory, But the Battle's Fa... | Minds | Nov 30 22:47 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 22:47 |
schestowitz | Lol. Gotta give this author props for his optimism. Now that the left-wing has "defeated Trump" he's thinking that congress will become more blue, and advocating to not listen to centrists, but to radical progressives. The problem is that most Americans don't want radical progressive politics - otherwise they wouldn't have given the republicans 5 new seats in the house, and the senate will already be flipped blue. | Nov 30 22:47 |
schestowitz | A bit of self-reflection from these ideologues might be a lot to ask, but they should be considering - why was Trump elected in the first place? Why did Trump still get 70+ million votes this time around? And the answer is these ideologues, their willing followers, and the radical and destructive policies they advocate for. | Nov 30 22:47 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 30 22:47 |
schestowitz | and not sure if it's true, but I heard University of Oregon is not letting students come back to school unless they're vaccinated ...... | Nov 30 22:48 |
schestowitz | "and not sure if it's true, but I heard University of Oregon is not letting students come back to school unless they're vaccinated ......" | Nov 30 22:48 |
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