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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Saturday, October 31, 2020

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schestowitz> Dear Roy,Oct 31 00:24
schestowitzHello.Oct 31 00:24
schestowitzBear with me while I read up on/catch up with a day's worth of E-mail messages.Oct 31 00:24
schestowitzThe encryption and compression in the message complicated the process, but at least I got the SSH key safely. I've asked an associate what we can permit in terms of access level for now. We're understandably (I think) prudent. Over a decade ago I think there were Met infiltration attempts against us (I got a confession to assure myself it was a cop who infiltrates groups; he admitted it).Oct 31 00:24
schestowitzOver time trust will grow, just be patient.Oct 31 00:24
schestowitzBear in mine that for our own protection we're very transparent, sans the sensitive things, inc. anonymity.Oct 31 00:24
schestowitz> Got some time cleared up in my schedule; thought I'd giveOct 31 00:24
schestowitz> you a bit of an update about what I've got going on in theOct 31 00:24
schestowitz> background.Oct 31 00:24
schestowitz> Oct 31 00:24
schestowitz> The home secretary is at it again with her vilification ofOct 31 00:24
schestowitz> end-to-end encryption. Source:Oct 31 00:24
schestowitz> 31 00:24
schestowitzAsk the home secretary to explain how that works; get popcorn first ;-) \0/Oct 31 00:24
-TechrightsBN/ | International statement: End-to-end encryption and public safety (accessible version) - GOV.UKOct 31 00:24
schestowitz> I've been working on a tutorial for the Windows users onOct 31 00:24
schestowitz> how to use Gpg4win (with Kleopatra) to get them acquaintedOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> with what the whole thing is, and why this (HomeOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> Sec. statement) is just an excuse for them to overreachOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> their surveillance powers. The PDF will have other thingsOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> in it as well: how asymmetric encryption works, why givingOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> away private keys makes the whole thing pointless, makingOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> them understand how ransomware works (as PGP is basicallyOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> used to do it most of the time), and other adjacentOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> topics. Lack of public education on the topic is why a lotOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> of these cronies are getting away with whatever they want;Oct 31 00:25
schestowitz> that's one of the main reasons I opened my publishingOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> outlet. Wanted it to be a place that people can getOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> an affordable and accessible education without having aOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> corporate agenda shoved down their throat.Oct 31 00:25
schestowitzGov. agenda overlaps corporate agenda when the money flows the way it does ;-)Oct 31 00:25
schestowitz> I'm going to be releasing these 'periodicals' once everyOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> 4-6 weeks (roughly). They're going to be free and willOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> cover various topics from the technical side ofOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> things. Some periodocal issues will focus on stuff thatOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> Techrights is also concerned about. That brings me on to myOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> next point.Oct 31 00:25
schestowitz> Oct 31 00:25
schestowitz> Instead of fragmentation of efforts, I'm going to just sendOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> you the PDF once its done, if you want to join in. You canOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> publish it on Techrights. I'll just link all my followersOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> to you. It should help boost morale in our community asOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> well to see two operations working together to further theOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> cause.Oct 31 00:25
schestowitzSounds good. We did publish some periodicals like these in the past (until the authors just ran out of steam).Oct 31 00:25
schestowitz> Compared to what we're up against, we've got to make theOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> most of all our resources. You've already got a platformOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> and I can bring my security background to help make theOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> Techrights outlet run smoother.Oct 31 00:25
schestowitz> Oct 31 00:25
schestowitz> I've included my SSH public key (it's a 4096 RSA subkey ofOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> my personal PGP key) in this archive. You can just make anOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> user account for me on any of your hosts and give that keyOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> access; I keep this key on me (in an OpenPGP card v3.3) atOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> all times so it's the most secure one I have. I will signOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> all my publications with a company PGP key but that's notOct 31 00:25
schestowitz> kept under the level of security that my personal PGP keyOct 31 00:26
schestowitz> is. Just letting you know this in advance.Oct 31 00:26
schestowitzSounds good, I think that openpgp would be sufficient for authenticity checks for now.Oct 31 00:26
schestowitzBTW, did I see correctly... that your message came through Google? I did not check headers too closely.Oct 31 00:26
schestowitz> I've got a few more days of work to do for my clients, butOct 31 00:26
schestowitz> after that I'm going to be working on the PDF for about aOct 31 00:26
schestowitz> week or two.Oct 31 00:26
schestowitzSounds good. Coordination is faster when done over IRC as I see it in real-time unless AFK.Oct 31 00:26
schestowitz>>> It looks like LF is making Linus do the career equivalent of dig his ownOct 31 00:33
schestowitz>>> grave, read a prepared statement of support for the current regime, andOct 31 00:33
schestowitz>>> then stand in it while they shoot him:Oct 31 00:33
schestowitz>>>Oct 31 00:33
schestowitz>>> 31 00:33
-TechrightsBN/ | Torvalds says no need to name successor as that will take care of itself | Tux MachinesOct 31 00:33
schestowitz>> quotedOct 31 00:33
schestowitz>>Oct 31 00:33
schestowitz> Ok, but the comment only applies to the career portion of his interview.Oct 31 00:33
schestowitz> Oct 31 00:33
schestowitz> As for the political part of the interview, I'd recall the illegal warOct 31 00:33
schestowitz> started in 2003:Oct 31 00:33
schestowitz> Oct 31 00:33
schestowitz> 31 00:33
-TechrightsBN/ | OpenBSD loses funding due to anti-war statementsOct 31 00:33
schestowitz> Oct 31 00:33
schestowitz> While most people will /vote/ against Bill's BFF, Moscow Mitch appearsOct 31 00:33
schestowitz> to have set things up so that the unverifiable, but final, tallies willOct 31 00:33
schestowitz> report otherwise.  Remember it has been many elections there since theOct 31 00:33
schestowitz> exit polls have had any similarity to the alleged results, and that theOct 31 00:33
schestowitz> alleged results have been completely unverifiable even when audits wereOct 31 00:33
schestowitz> attempt.eed.  Be that as it may, Bill's BFF has warned on multipleOct 31 00:33
schestowitz> occasions that he won't leave peacefully, if at all.  Bill will use theOct 31 00:33
schestowitz> time to cash in.Oct 31 00:33
schestowitzActively lobbied FOR Bush:Oct 31 00:33
schestowitz 31 00:33
schestowitzLater greenwashing himself, after working to undermine Gore.Oct 31 00:33
-TechrightsBN/ | Quit Calling Bill Gates a Liberal | TechrightsOct 31 00:33
*hook54321 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Oct 31 04:32
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schestowitz>> The problem with the EPO stuff not being covered much by the mainstreamOct 31 09:22
schestowitz>> media is simply that it's too abstract and obscure for their purposes,Oct 31 09:22
schestowitz>> and most journalists get to spend very little time on a story, just likeOct 31 09:22
schestowitz>> EPO and USPTO and other patent examiners get to spend very little timeOct 31 09:22
schestowitz>> on a patent application.Oct 31 09:22
schestowitz>>Oct 31 09:22
schestowitz>> This story is more than 4 months old, so I can't cover it now unless andOct 31 09:22
schestowitz>> until there are some new statements/developments.Oct 31 09:22
schestowitz> Wait for the Commission to respond... if it ever does. Is it legallyOct 31 09:22
schestowitz> obliged to?>Oct 31 09:22
schestowitz> I can’t remember having seen a case in which they didn‘t respond at all to an official MEP question. But neither have I ever seen any substantive response to this type of question. They’re just evasive in those situations.Oct 31 09:22
schestowitzMaybe contact the MEP?Oct 31 09:22
schestowitz> Oh no,Oct 31 09:28
schestowitz> Oct 31 09:28
schestowitz> Sorry, its the tail end of harvest season and I have two more writing projects to get through before I bother with their stupid ass again. I truly hope for the day where journalists do their damn jobs and cover them appropriately. At best they want their money, at worst they’re afraid of legal retaliation.Oct 31 09:28
schestowitzThe publishers, yes...Oct 31 09:28
schestowitz> If we can, let's change "gratuitously ploy" to "gratuitous ploy".>Oct 31 09:34
schestowitz> Fixes several errors (including the one previously mentioned) that snuckOct 31 09:34
schestowitz> in after the article was written.Oct 31 09:34
schestowitz> Oct 31 09:34
schestowitz> Also makes a couple of paragraphs slightly nicer. Usually I'm happyOct 31 09:34
schestowitz> enough with what's sent, but this one just needed too many fixed afterOct 31 09:34
schestowitz> the fact.Oct 31 09:34
schestowitz> Oct 31 09:34
schestowitz> More errors will probably sneak in after this is sent, but I'm going toOct 31 09:34
schestowitz> blame those on the email provider and possibly NSA/GCHQ. Yes, I'mOct 31 09:34
schestowitz> joking. (Probably. But now that I've said it!)Oct 31 09:35
schestowitzThanks, I need a nap before writing more. I'm lacking 4 hours.Oct 31 09:35
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 31 09:38
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schestowitz>> Thanks, I need a nap before writing more. I'm lacking 4 hours.Oct 31 14:15
schestowitz> Oct 31 14:15
schestowitz> Do I ever know the feeling. Cheers.Oct 31 14:15
schestowitzI took 1.5+0.5 after all. You will also like the latest post:Oct 31 14:15
schestowitz 31 14:15
schestowitz2 heroes of yours?Oct 31 14:15
-TechrightsBN/ | New Video Release by Marcia K. Wilbur: Richard Stallman (RMS) and Larry Lessig | TechrightsOct 31 14:15
schestowitz> I know this is going to seem entirely irrelevant, but I just read myOct 31 14:36
schestowitz> favourite profanity ever-- and that's saying something.Oct 31 14:36
schestowitz> Oct 31 14:36
schestowitz> Plus it confirms what I've always said about the British-- they have theOct 31 14:36
schestowitz> best profanity. There's some close competition to be sure, but I won'tOct 31 14:36
schestowitz> go into detail.Oct 31 14:36
schestowitz> Oct 31 14:36
schestowitz> */Cockmothering Fuckwomble!/* As a bonus, it was used by a female.Oct 31 14:36
schestowitz> Soldiers and sailors are known for being skilled in the art. Cheers!Oct 31 14:36
schestowitzRe: Drones are best suited to genocideOct 31 14:37
schestowitz> Comics are considered frivolous to most people.Oct 31 14:37
schestowitz> Oct 31 14:37
schestowitz> 31 14:37
schestowitz> <>Oct 31 14:37
schestowitz> Oct 31 14:37
-TechrightsBN/ | Datachasers - Casual ConversationOct 31 14:37
schestowitz> I realise that in this fictional, futuristic world, there is nothingOct 31 14:37
schestowitz> objective or empirical in them. They sometimes inspire a starting pointOct 31 14:37
schestowitz> for something important or serious. I think people are not nearlyOct 31 14:37
schestowitz> sceptical enough of drones-- mostly I think about their politicalOct 31 14:37
schestowitz> implications.Oct 31 14:37
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Oct 31 16:34
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellOct 31 16:34
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzOct 31 16:34
*rianne__ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 31 17:22
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 31 17:22
schestowitz 31 17:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Kimosabe10: @schestowitz @mr_squeege Soon it will all be over. God wins. Patriots win. Trump wins. Red WaveOct 31 17:36
schestowitz 31 17:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@first_defender: @ggreenwald, who published Edward Snowden's leaks, slams 'The Intercept' he founded for betraying their mission, &… 31 17:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@first_defender: @ggreenwald, who published Edward Snowden's leaks, slams 'The Intercept' he founded for betraying their mission, &… 31 17:36
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:36
schestowitz@ggreenwaldOct 31 17:36
schestowitz, who published Edward Snowden's leaks, slams 'The Intercept' he founded for betraying their mission, & censoring him over article critical of BidenOct 31 17:36
schestowitzFollow him at his new platformOct 31 17:36
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:36
schestowitz 31 17:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@outoftheprairie: @schestowitz Bullshit on a stick #Trump2020LandslideOct 31 17:37
schestowitz 31 17:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wget42: @schestowitz And nearly as many people loosing their documents on Windows due to a 100% reproducible bug. But ASF… 31 17:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@wget42: @schestowitz And nearly as many people loosing their documents on Windows due to a 100% reproducible bug. But ASF… 31 17:37
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:38
schestowitzAnd nearly as many people loosing their documents on Windows due to a 100% reproducible bug. Oct 31 17:38
schestowitzBut ASF doesn't care especially as this OpenOffice trademark allows them to get a bunch of money in donations.Oct 31 17:38
schestowitzFor sure that's a truly noble mission. Oct 31 17:38
schestowitzFace with tears of joyOct 31 17:38
schestowitz 31 17:38
-TechrightsBN/ | Service UnavailableOct 31 17:38
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:38
schestowitz 31 17:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@santidavid: @schestowitz Criminal code in #Ecuador🇪🇨 does establishes death penalty for corporations in case of rogue crimes.… 31 17:38
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@santidavid: @schestowitz Criminal code in #Ecuador🇪🇨 does establishes death penalty for corporations in case of rogue crimes.… 31 17:38
schestowitzCriminal code in #EcuadorOct 31 17:38
schestowitzFlag of EcuadorOct 31 17:38
schestowitz does establishes death penalty for corporations in case of rogue crimes.Oct 31 17:38
schestowitz#AntesEnEcuadorOct 31 17:38
schestowitz 31 17:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: Apparently there is currently a shortage of newly-introduced high-end video cards. Maybe the Iranians are corneri… 31 17:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: Apparently there is currently a shortage of newly-introduced high-end video cards. Maybe the Iranians are corneri… 31 17:39
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:39
schestowitzApparently there is currently a shortage of newly-introduced high-end video cards. Oct 31 17:39
schestowitzMaybe the Iranians are cornering the market for their latest production  'Whirled threats'.Oct 31 17:39
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:39
schestowitz 31 17:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@hj91hj91: @schestowitz Super Container OS latest release contains MinIO which is a High Performance… 31 17:39
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:39
schestowitz 31 17:39
schestowitzSuper Container OS latest release contains MinIO which is a High Performance Object Storage whose API is compatible with Amazon S3 cloud storage service. #pune #india #opensource #linuxOct 31 17:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Super Container OS Release Notes 26-10-2020 - Bufferstack.IOOct 31 17:39
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@hj91hj91: @schestowitz Super Container OS latest release contains MinIO which is a High Performance… 31 17:39
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:39
schestowitz 31 17:56
-TechrightsBN/ | NixiИ: " what was? #powershell" - LinuxRocks.OnlineOct 31 17:56
schestowitz" what was? #powershell"Oct 31 17:56
schestowitz 31 17:56
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 31 17:56
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:56
schestowitzPacifism is horseshitOct 31 17:56
schestowitzYou simply guarantee that you will be ruled by bad people, thenOct 31 17:56
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:56
schestowitz 31 17:56
schestowitz" true"Oct 31 17:56
-TechrightsBN/ | SoapboxOct 31 17:56
schestowitz 31 17:57
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 31 17:57
schestowitz" the government is not giving up their guns"Oct 31 17:57
schestowitz 31 17:57
-TechrightsBN/ | SoapboxOct 31 17:57
schestowitz"yes. regardless of whether guns would be useful for your side, it would be better for society if neither side has them"Oct 31 17:57
schestowitz 31 17:57
schestowitz" note: good thing biden is pushing for #guncontrol right????"Oct 31 17:57
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 31 17:57
schestowitz 31 17:57
schestowitz"perhaps it's because Jose passed away, Dr? I am deeply saddened."Oct 31 17:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Ade Malsasa Akbar: " perhaps it's because Jo…" - FLOSS.socialOct 31 17:58
-TechrightsBN/ | We are very sad to announce that José Jorge, who used the login zezinho, passed away on September the 11th | Mageia Blog (English)Oct 31 17:58
schestowitzOh, I did not know he was connected to thisOct 31 17:58
schestowitz 31 17:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Spoon: " Obligatory: https://dre…" - Free RadicalOct 31 17:58
schestowitz"Obligatory: "Oct 31 17:58
-TechrightsBN/ | I don't trust SignalOct 31 17:58
schestowitz 31 17:58
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Nova (地獄): " What about https://sta…" - Mastodon 🐘Oct 31 17:58
schestowitzWhat about ? Oct 31 17:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Linux Laptops - Powered by Open Source – Star Labs®Oct 31 17:58
schestowitzI found that on DistrowatchOct 31 17:58
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:58
schestowitz 31 17:59
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:59
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 31 17:59
schestowitzto think that Germany wants THIS disaster........Oct 31 17:59
schestowitzI get so mad when I hear "software patents" anywhere... Oct 31 17:59
schestowitz"Oct 31 17:59
schestowitz 31 17:59
schestowitz" the official planet? Links?"Oct 31 17:59
-TechrightsBN/ | Julien Palard: " the official planet? Li…" - La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media FédéréOct 31 17:59
schestowitz 31 17:59
-TechrightsBN/ | NixiИ: " ddos will require more …" - LinuxRocks.OnlineOct 31 17:59
schestowitz"ddos will require more resources to halt communication now?"Oct 31 17:59
schestowitz 31 17:59
-TechrightsBN/ | mmu_man : " welcome to capitalism… 😞" - Mastodon G3LOct 31 17:59
schestowitz"welcome to capitalism… 😞"Oct 31 17:59
schestowitz 31 18:00
schestowitz"do you advice do not use firefox?"Oct 31 18:00
-TechrightsBN/ | cosmikjoker: " do you advice do not …" - Byoblu SocialOct 31 18:00
schestowitz 31 18:00
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 31 18:00
schestowitz"Asked and answered!  Nice to see a prompt and concise response."Oct 31 18:00
schestowitz 31 18:00
schestowitz" is the good doctor insane ?"Oct 31 18:00
-TechrightsBN/ | Sir D.E.M.: " is the good doctor insa…" - No Agenda SocialOct 31 18:00
schestowitz 31 18:00
-TechrightsBN/ | NixiИ: " clarify: does this affe…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineOct 31 18:00
schestowitz"clarify: does this affect it is used in the example while everything else pertains to github. is curated to be what is used in a gnu/linux kernel. github is a blackhole, a charybdis, a nepenthe. looks great until something starts going in."Oct 31 18:00
schestowitz 31 18:00
schestowitz"I can't believe people trust M$ still."Oct 31 18:00
-TechrightsBN/ | stunder nugget: " I can't believe people …" - Mastodon @ SDFOct 31 18:00
schestowitz 31 18:01
-TechrightsBN/ | stunder nugget: " where are you going wit…" - Mastodon @ SDFOct 31 18:01
schestowitz" where are you going with this?"Oct 31 18:01
schestowitz 31 18:01
schestowitz"Oct 31 18:01
-TechrightsBN/ | Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters: " Save the #realEconomy. …" - ActivismOct 31 18:01
schestowitzSave the #realEconomy. Save #SaveMainStreet in three easy steps:Oct 31 18:01
schestowitzStep One:Oct 31 18:01
schestowitz#UseTorOct 31 18:01
schestowitz#UseSearxOct 31 18:01
schestowitz#DeleteGoogleOct 31 18:01
schestowitzStep Two:Oct 31 18:01
schestowitz#UseFediverseOct 31 18:01
schestowitz#DeleteFacebookOct 31 18:01
schestowitzStep Three:Oct 31 18:01
schestowitz#UseGnuLinuxOct 31 18:02
schestowitz#UseBitcoinOct 31 18:02
schestowitz#DeleteMicrosoftOct 31 18:02
schestowitzDoneOct 31 18:02
schestowitz"Oct 31 18:02
schestowitz 31 18:02
schestowitz" mpd wins year after year"Oct 31 18:02
-TechrightsBN/ | SoapboxOct 31 18:02
schestowitz 31 18:03
schestowitz"o!ic! curl uri |grep -i word ?"Oct 31 18:03
-TechrightsBN/ | NixiИ: " o!ic! curl uri |grep -i…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineOct 31 18:03
schestowitz 31 18:03
schestowitz"how do you point to particulates in plain text? might you try hosting gemini too?"Oct 31 18:03
-TechrightsBN/ | NixiИ: " how do you point to par…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineOct 31 18:03
schestowitzeventuallyOct 31 18:03
*rianne__ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 31 18:08
*rianne__ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 31 18:11
schestowitz>> I am going to respond to your long message later (I saw just the firstOct 31 22:34
schestowitz>> few lines), am under stress at the moment as I want to finish thingsOct 31 22:34
schestowitz>> before my shift.Oct 31 22:34
schestowitz> Oct 31 22:34
schestowitz> Ok.  No hurry.  If you can, prioritize some exercise before your shift,Oct 31 22:34
schestowitz> even it is only a brisk walk once around the block.Oct 31 22:34
schestowitzWe're going into lock-down again in 4 days. We're gonna have to find a routine again.Oct 31 22:34
schestowitz>> 31 22:35
schestowitz> <>Oct 31 22:35
-TechrightsBN/ | New Video Release by Marcia K. Wilbur: Richard Stallman (RMS) and Larry Lessig | TechrightsOct 31 22:35
schestowitz> Oct 31 22:35
schestowitz>> 2 heroes of yours?Oct 31 22:35
schestowitz> Oct 31 22:35
schestowitz> Two of the biggest. Though if I could I'd combine them into a singleOct 31 22:35
schestowitz> person. I think both would benefit (from my perspective.)Oct 31 22:35
*Now talking on #boycottnovellOct 31 23:26
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: | Channel #boycottnovell for | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those who oppose software freedom :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell-socialOct 31 23:26
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by MinceR at Thu Jan 28 18:22:54 2016Oct 31 23:26
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelOct 31 23:28
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitz_logOct 31 23:28

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