●● IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Monday, July 01, 2024 ●● ● Jul 01 [02:21] *SaphirJD has quit (connection closed) [02:40] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-300624.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-300624.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-300624.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-300624.txt [02:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, June 30, 2024 [02:41] TR News Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-300624.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techbytes-300624.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techbytes-300624.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techbytes-300624.txt [02:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, June 30, 2024 [02:42] TR News Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-300624.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-social-300624.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-social-300624.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-social-300624.txt [02:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #boycottnovell-social and #techpol @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, June 30, 2024 [02:43] TR News Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-300624.html TEXT: http://techrights.org/irc-archives/irc-log-techrights-300624.txt GEMINI GemText: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/irc-gmi/irc-log-techrights-300624.gmi GEMINI Plain Text: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/irc-log-techrights-300624.txt [02:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | IRC: #techrights @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, June 30, 2024 [02:49] TR News Yesterday's bulletin is now ready! : http://techrights.org/txt-archives/techrights-2024-06-30.txt | gemini://gemini.techrights.org/tr_text_version/techrights-2024-06-30.txt (tentative address, to work an hour from now [02:50] TR News Yesterday's Tux Machines bulletin is now ready! : http://news.tuxmachines.org/txt-archives/tuxmachines-2024-06-30.txt [02:51] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [02:57] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@qezxp5nudz5uq.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social ● Jul 01 [03:01] TR News Techrights IRC Proceedings: Sunday, June 30, 2024 https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/IRC_Proceedings_Sunday_June_30_2024.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/IRC_Proceedings_Sunday_June_30_2024.gmi [03:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights IRC Proceedings: Sunday, June 30, 2024 [03:02] TR News (NEW): Today in Techrights https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Today_in_Techrights.gmi [03:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Today in Techrights [03:03] *salvador (~salvador@52inny7mrvvbk.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [03:04] TR News Techrights Over at Tux Machines... https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Over_at_Tux_Machines.gmi [03:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Over at Tux Machines... [03:13] TR News Techrights Johannes sgrd on Making the Raspberry Pi More Free With librerpi https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Johannes_Asgard_on_Making_the_Raspberry_Pi_More_Free_With_libre.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Johannes_Asgard_on_Making_the_Raspberry_Pi_More_Free_With_libre.gmi [03:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Johannes sgrd on Making the Raspberry Pi More Free With librerpi [03:16] TR News Things about my name gemini://willowashmaple.smol.pub/2024-06-30-things-about-my-name "I think I've been a Willow for about eight years now, and near exclusively so for roughly six. I thought about just going to the courthouse and make it official, since it's a very easy and straight-forward process where I live." [03:17] TR News Sixth Sunday After Pentecost (G) gemini://leetaur.com/tlm-propers/entries/2024-06-30.gmi [03:17] TR News "The first statement is an overreach. A lil bit of pain can be a good thing. Go see the original Inside Out. We humans use pain or pleasure to nagivate reality. If everything was pleasure we wouldnt be able to do that" gemini://idiomdrottning.org/benatar [03:18] TR News "We chased the Glaks out beyond the farms with torches and rhubarb leaves three years ago before Jane left for new pastures, and we thought that was that. Now they've been spotted uprooting fence posts, filling in wells and displacing brick walls." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1968 [03:18] TR News Chokecherry Leaf gemini://gem.librehacker.com/gemlog/starlog/20240630-0.gmi [03:19] TR News hello, midnight gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1969 [03:21] TR News The Agile Manifesto: Is it sacred? gemini://nader.pm/agile-menifesto--is-it-sacred/ [03:26] TR News Techrights Links 01/07/2024: Chokecherry Leaf and Agile Manifesto https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Links_01_07_2024_Chokecherry_Leaf_and_Agile_Manifesto.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Links_01_07_2024_Chokecherry_Leaf_and_Agile_Manifesto.gmi [03:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Links 01/07/2024: Chokecherry Leaf and Agile Manifesto [03:31] TR News Sony Reportedly Cutting Around 250 Jobs [03:32] TR News Companies Will Have to Disclose Spending on Worker Pay for the First Time https://www.wsj.com/articles/companies-will-have-to-disclose-spending-on-worker-pay-for-the-first-time-eccfe99d [03:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 401 @ https://www.wsj.com/articles/companies-will-have-to-disclose-spending-on-worker-pay-for-the-first-time-eccfe99d ) [03:33] TR News "With the Chevron decision by SCOTUS, I wonder if companies will just ignore rulings like this." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1thBfaM4 [03:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1thBfaM4 ) [03:34] TR News "This is totally known at IBM..they ha e been doing this for the past 15 years." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1taZILM3 [03:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1taZILM3 ) [03:36] TR News Julian Assange 'WON'T STOP' exposing corruption through Wikileaks, says Wikipedia co-founder https://yewtu.be/watch?v=qTszwCTn6u4 [03:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Julian Assange 'WON'T STOP' exposing corruption through Wikileaks, says Wikipedia co-founder - Invidious [03:41] TR News Wikileaks Protecting Whistleblowers & Ensuring Anonymity https://yewtu.be/watch?v=GPR3MLFTShE [03:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Wikileaks Protecting Whistleblowers & Ensuring Anonymity | Watch the full film on DISPATCH #shorts - Invidious [03:52] TR News freenode down further to 5.5k online, many of them not active https://netsplit.de/networks/statistics.php?net=freenode [03:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-netsplit.de | NO TITLE [03:54] TR News Techrights Marco Calegaro on Hacking Art Into a Community https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Marco_Calegaro_on_Hacking_Art_Into_a_Community.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Marco_Calegaro_on_Hacking_Art_Into_a_Community.gmi [03:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Marco Calegaro on Hacking Art Into a Community ● Jul 01 [04:08] TR News Techrights Wikipedia Co-Founder (Not Wales) Expresses Support for Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange, Says Assange Will Probably Continue https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Wikipedia_Co_Founder_Not_Wales_Expresses_Support_for_Wikileaks_.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Wikipedia_Co_Founder_Not_Wales_Expresses_Support_for_Wikileaks_.gmi [04:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Wikipedia Co-Founder (Not Wales) Expresses Support for Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange, Says Assange Will Probably Continue [04:14] TR News The science of beauty: https://theconversation.com/the-science-of-beauty-how-aesthetics-can-boost-your-mood-and-cognition-233023 [04:14] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-theconversation.com | The science of beauty: how aesthetics can boost your mood and cognition [04:21] TR News Russian Satellite Mysteriously Disintegrates https://gizmodo.com/iss-crew-take-shelter-russian-satellite-disintegrates-1851564263 [04:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gizmodo.com | ISS Astronauts Forced to Take Shelter After Russian Satellite Mysteriously Disintegrates [04:21] TR News CPJ joins call to President Biden to designate RFE/RLs Alsu Kurmasheva wrongfully detained by Russia https://cpj.org/2024/06/cpj-joins-call-to-president-biden-to-designate-rfe-rls-alsu-kurmasheva-wrongfully-detained-by-russia/ [04:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-cpj.org | CPJ joins call to President Biden to designate RFE/RLs Alsu Kurmasheva wrongfully detained by Russia - Committee to Protect Journalists [04:21] TR News She Spent $700 To Start An eCommerce Site; Now She's Russia's Richest Woman Worth $7.4B https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/she-spent-700-start-ecommerce-site-now-shes-russias-richest-woman-worth-74b-1725125 [04:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ibtimes.co.uk | She Spent $700 To Start An eCommerce Site; Now She's Russia's Richest Woman Worth $7.4B | IBTimes UK [04:22] TR News over 80 Western media outlet https://www.dw.com/en/russia-bans-access-to-over-80-western-media-outlets/a-69474395 [04:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Russia bans access to over 80 EU news outlets DW 06/25/2024 [04:22] TR News a Trial in Name Only https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/06/25/russia-trial-name-only [04:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.hrw.org | In Russia, a Trial in Name Only | Human Rights Watch [04:23] TR News LOL!! "Maintaining IP rights during wartime"... IP!!!! ttp://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2024/06/from-russia-with-trademarks-maintaining.html [04:23] TR News "At Night, I Prayed I Wouldn't Survive to the Next Day" https://www.spiegel.de/international/world/a-prisoner-of-war-describes-captivity-in-russia-at-night-i-prayed-i-wouldnt-survive-to-the-next-day-a-a2343696-f237-49cd-8c29-9f566b5e775e [04:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.spiegel.de | A Prisoner of War Describes Captivity in Russia: "At Night, I Prayed I Wouldn't Survive to the Next Day" - DER SPIEGEL [04:24] TR News Windows kills. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-06-22/investigation-of-russian-hack-on-london-hospitals-may-take-weeks-amid-worries-over-online-data-dump [04:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-06-22/investigation-of-russian-hack-on-london-hospitals-may-take-weeks-amid-worries-over-online-data-dump ) [04:25] TR News Identity Verification Firm Used by X, TikTok, and Uber Exposed Users' Driver's Licenses https://gizmodo.com/identity-verification-firm-used-by-x-tiktok-and-uber-1851562934 [04:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gizmodo.com | Identity Verification Firm Used by X, TikTok, and Uber Exposed Users' Driver's Licenses [04:26] TR News Kicking the poor some more while they are down https://gizmodo.com/l-a-influencer-instagram-tiktok-no-tip-service-workers-1851560478 [04:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gizmodo.com | This L.A. Influencer's Whole Gimmick Is Not Tipping Service Workers [04:27] TR News Fentanylware https://www.cbc.ca/radio/spark/mental-health-tiktok-1.7242717 [04:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cbc.ca | TikTok has been called the therapist's couch of Gen Z. But not all the #mentalhealth info checks out | CBC Radio [04:38] TR News "SDesk is an Arch-based Linux distribution which strives for an easy to use, modern approach to desktop computing. The project's latest snapshot is version 2024.06.22 which introduces a number of performance improvements, including a new kernel build. " https://distrowatch.com/?newsid=12183 [04:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Distribution Release: SDesk 2024.06.22 (DistroWatch.com News) [04:40] TR News 4MLinux 45.1, 3 NuTyX 24.06.3, and Calculate 20240628 are out ● Jul 01 [05:29] *parsifal (~parsifal@56e4qsjh6yz4k.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [05:29] TR News Techrights Making the Wikileaks Site More Active Again (and Gradually Exiting "X" or Other Social Control Media) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Making_the_Wikileaks_Site_More_Active_Again_and_Gradually_Exiti.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Making_the_Wikileaks_Site_More_Active_Again_and_Gradually_Exiti.gmi [05:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Making the Wikileaks Site More Active Again (and Gradually Exiting "X" or Other Social Control Media) [05:33] TR News "Like all participation awards, this Hunt-Scanlon thing is like an episode of Seinfeld..."a show about nothing". It is worthy of mention only because IBM is currently lacking anything more substantial to talk about...like business success, for instance." https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1t9acI3I [05:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1t9acI3I ) [05:41] TR News Techrights Paulo Henrique Santana (Collabora) on the Debian Brazil Community https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Paulo_Henrique_Santana_Collabora_on_the_Debian_Brazil_Community.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Paulo_Henrique_Santana_Collabora_on_the_Debian_Brazil_Community.gmi [05:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Paulo Henrique Santana (Collabora) on the Debian Brazil Community [05:50] TR News scientist security scandal https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/national-microbiology-lab-resigns-guillaume-poliquin-1.7248556 [05:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cbc.ca | Head of National Microbiology Lab resigns in wake of scientist security scandal | CBC News [05:50] TR News Enterprise Linux Security Episode 93 - Ticketmaster's Weakest Link https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=3w3Aswez_1w [05:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Enterprise Linux Security Episode 93 - Ticketmaster's Weakest Link - Invidious [05:51] TR News Iran https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2024-06-27/un-security-council-demands-iran-backed-yemen-rebels-halt-their-attacks-on-ships-in-mideast-waters [05:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2024-06-27/un-security-council-demands-iran-backed-yemen-rebels-halt-their-attacks-on-ships-in-mideast-waters ) [05:51] TR News Top Executive at GraniteShares Is Bullish on Cybersecurity, Recommends Four Stocks Held by The $5 Billion Investment Firm https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/top-executive-graniteshares-bullish-cybersecurity-recommends-four-stocks-held-5-billion-1725126 [05:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ibtimes.co.uk | Top Executive at GraniteShares Is Bullish on Cybersecurity, Recommends Four Stocks Held by The $5 Billion Investment Firm | IBTimes UK [05:52] TR News The updates won't make these truly safe, either https://gizmodo.com/google-pixel-government-cybersecurity-risk-1851558878 [05:52] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gizmodo.com | Government Workers Are Being Ordered to Update Their Pixels [05:56] TR News Copyright Infringement https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/massachusetts/articles/2024-06-24/music-record-labels-sue-ai-song-generators-suno-and-udio-for-copyright-infringement [05:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/massachusetts/articles/2024-06-24/music-record-labels-sue-ai-song-generators-suno-and-udio-for-copyright-infringement ) [05:59] TR News Linux Weekly Roundup #288 https://www.linuxmadesimple.info/2024/06/linux-weekly-roundup-288.html [05:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.linuxmadesimple.info | Linux Weekly Roundup #288 ● Jul 01 [06:01] TR News Social Media Forced To Warn Its Users? (We Must Protect The Kids!) https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=lcc6Kwntuns [06:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Social Media Forced To Warn Its Users? (We Must Protect The Kids!) - Invidious [06:02] TR News Google Chrome's Death Of Manifest V2 Has Arrived https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=xuwpvrtXyfk [06:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Google Chrome's Death Of Manifest V2 Has Arrived - Invidious [06:02] TR News Why Choose Linux Over Windows? (And Other Questions) https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=99pisOo6YYM [06:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Hey, DT! Why Choose Linux Over Windows? (And Other Questions) - Invidious [06:02] TR News Wayland's Saga Of Setting A Window Icon https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=wkiPAGz6KNw [06:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Wayland's Saga Of Setting A Window Icon - Invidious [06:03] TR News Is KDE Plasma Actually Good Now?!? https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=toGaph9SVbg [06:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | TestingIs KDE Plasma Actually Good Now?!? - Invidious [06:03] TR News RISC V https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=8rjza1ymy5U [06:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Google vs adblock, RISC V & ARM devices, GNOME accent colors - Linux & Open Source News - Invidious [06:04] TR News Debunking this insane Steam lawsuit https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=sME73nPRPrk [06:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Debunking this insane Steam lawsuit - Invidious [06:04] TR News Garuda Cinnamon 240428 Quick Overview https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=G7oubfYLtg4 [06:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Garuda Cinnamon 240428 Quick Overview #shorts - Invidious [06:04] TR News KDE neon 20240624 overview https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=XYzTM0Oxpo8 [06:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | KDE neon 20240624 overview | The latest and greatest of KDE community - Invidious [06:05] TR News Use these light weight distros instead! https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=JrkCkKkdfmg [06:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Is your PC struggling with Windows 11? Use these light weight distros instead! - Invidious [06:06] TR News SDesk 2024.06.22 overview https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=Zv5Y0Stmp9U [06:06] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 429 @ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Zv5Y0Stmp9U?v=Zv5Y0Stmp9U ) [06:06] TR News Plasma 6.1 Is Better Than I Expected... Mostly https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=X_Sr9m3yXrE [06:06] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Plasma 6.1 Is Better Than I Expected... Mostly - Invidious [06:07] TR News Linux Does Not Suck 2024 | We've Come a Long Way, Baby! https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=ud5J1ts_rjg [06:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Linux Does Not Suck 2024 | We've Come a Long Way, Baby! - Invidious [06:07] TR News The Truth Of Systemd Deleting Your Home Directory https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=LZYswt66xK0 [06:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | The Truth Of Systemd Deleting Your Home Directory!! - Invidious [06:07] TR News GNOME Wayland https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=GOstjazwuoY [06:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | VR Support Finally Arrives On GNOME Wayland - Invidious [06:08] TR News Check out this new modern video player app on Gnome! https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=CAswtQqeHTw [06:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Check out this new modern video player app on Gnome! - Invidious [06:08] TR News Louisiana swamp doctor https://yewtu.be/watch?v=48GG8DbneVA [06:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Louisiana swamp doctor - Invidious [06:12] TR News Sonys Recordable Media Business is Reportedly Cutting 250 Jobs https://gamingbolt.com/sonys-recordable-media-business-is-reportedly-cutting-250-jobs [06:12] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gamingbolt.com | Sonys Recordable Media Business is Reportedly Cutting 250 Jobs [06:13] TR News [Old] Microsoft's growing control of Linux https://lunduke.substack.com/p/microsofts-growing-control-of-linux [06:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-lunduke.substack.com | Microsoft's growing control of Linux - by Bryan Lunduke [06:16] TR News Jim Zemlin proud of securities fraud? https://www.linkedin.com/posts/zemlin_digimarc-welcomes-accomplished-saas-go-to-market-activity-6772597301925044224-BIYY/ https://techrights.org/n/2024/03/05/Jim_Zemlin_Whose_Wife_is_Said_to_Have_Committed_Securities_Frau.shtml [06:16] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.linkedin.com/posts/zemlin_digimarc-welcomes-accomplished-saas-go-to-market-activity-6772597301925044224-BIYY/ ) [06:16] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Jim Zemlin, Whose Wife is Said to Have Committed Securities Fraud at Bakkt, Weds Gates Foundation With Linux Foundation to Combat Fraud? [06:24] TR News Matthew Miller DISMANTLED for Parroting DEBUNKED Wikileaks Smears https://yewtu.be/watch?v=FSJV9CiPfzs [06:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Matthew Miller DISMANTLED for Parroting DEBUNKED Wikileaks Smears - Invidious [06:45] TR News Techrights #HowTo Help Pay Assange Debt (520,000 Plane Bill and Beyond) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/How_to_Help_Pay_Assange_Debt_520_000_Plane_Bill_and_Beyond.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/How_to_Help_Pay_Assange_Debt_520_000_Plane_Bill_and_Beyond.gmi [06:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights How to Help Pay Assange Debt (520,000 Plane Bill and Beyond) [06:58] TR News Techrights Audio: Julian Assange Tells US Judge That Espionage Act and First Amendment Contradict One Another, But Pleads Guilty (to Save His Life) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Audio_Julian_Assange_Tells_US_Judge_That_Espionage_Act_and_Firs.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Audio_Julian_Assange_Tells_US_Judge_That_Espionage_Act_and_Firs.gmi [06:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Audio: Julian Assange Tells US Judge That Espionage Act and First Amendment Contradict One Another, But Pleads Guilty (to Save His Life) ● Jul 01 [07:18] TR News Techrights [Meme] Just Because You Throw Money at Lawyers Doesn't Mean You'll Win https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Meme_Just_Because_You_Throw_Money_at_Lawyers_Doesn_t_Mean_You_l.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Meme_Just_Because_You_Throw_Money_at_Lawyers_Doesn_t_Mean_You_l.gmi [07:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights [Meme] Just Because You Throw Money at Lawyers Doesn't Mean You'll Win [07:21] TR News (NEW): Updated Debian 11: 11.10 released https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Updated_Debian_11_11_10_released.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Updated_Debian_11_11_10_released.gmi [07:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Updated Debian 11: 11.10 released [07:28] TR News (NEW): LXC/LXCFS/Incus 6.0.1 LTS release https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/LXC_LXCFS_Incus_6_0_1_LTS_release.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/LXC_LXCFS_Incus_6_0_1_LTS_release.gmi [07:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines LXC/LXCFS/Incus 6.0.1 LTS release [07:28] TR News Techrights IBM's Abandonment of Disabled People (Orca and Wayland Incompatibility) Has Basically Killed Their "DEI" Channel (Room) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/IBM_s_Abandonment_of_Disabled_People_Orca_and_Wayland_Incompati.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/IBM_s_Abandonment_of_Disabled_People_Orca_and_Wayland_Incompati.gmi [07:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights IBM's Abandonment of Disabled People (Orca and Wayland Incompatibility) Has Basically Killed Their "DEI" Channel (Room) [07:34] TR News (NEW): Initial work on Keychain https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Initial_work_on_Keychain.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Initial_work_on_Keychain.gmi [07:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Initial work on Keychain [07:36] TR News (NEW): Review: The Unity desktop and Lomiri on Ubuntu Unity 24.04 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Review_The_Unity_desktop_and_Lomiri_on_Ubuntu_Unity_24_04.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Review_The_Unity_desktop_and_Lomiri_on_Ubuntu_Unity_24_04.gmi [07:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Review: The Unity desktop and Lomiri on Ubuntu Unity 24.04 [07:39] TR News (NEW): Adlie Linux independent distribution https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Adelie_Linux_independent_distribution.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Adelie_Linux_independent_distribution.gmi [07:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Adlie Linux independent distribution [07:40] TR News Techrights Julian Assange Turns 53 in a Couple of Days, Give Him the Gift of Freedom From Debt https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Julian_Assange_Turns_53_in_a_Couple_of_Days_Give_Him_the_Gift_o.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Julian_Assange_Turns_53_in_a_Couple_of_Days_Give_Him_the_Gift_o.gmi [07:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Julian Assange Turns 53 in a Couple of Days, Give Him the Gift of Freedom From Debt [07:44] TR News (NEW): Best Free and Open Source Software https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Software.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Software.gmi [07:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Best Free and Open Source Software [07:56] TR News (NEW): Pocket Z project aims to build $99 Linux PCs that fit in your pocket https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/06/25/Pocket_Z_project_aims_to_build_99_Linux_PCs_that_fit_in_your_po.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/06/25/Pocket_Z_project_aims_to_build_99_Linux_PCs_that_fit_in_your_po.gmi [07:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Pocket Z project aims to build $99 Linux PCs that fit in your pocket [07:58] TR News Techrights 4.04 Linux Not Found, No Such Agency (NSA) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/4_04_Linux_Not_Found_No_Such_Agency_NSA.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/4_04_Linux_Not_Found_No_Such_Agency_NSA.gmi [07:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights 4.04 Linux Not Found, No Such Agency (NSA) ● Jul 01 [08:01] TR News (NEW): Angie 1.6 Web Server Introduces Sticky Sessions https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Angie_1_6_Web_Server_Introduces_Sticky_Sessions.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Angie_1_6_Web_Server_Introduces_Sticky_Sessions.gmi [08:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Angie 1.6 Web Server Introduces Sticky Sessions [08:03] TR News Crimes without any victims? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRQcsjKXEAAfqpB?format=jpg&name=large [08:21] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [08:23] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [08:23] TR News Techrights Anthony Albanes: Assange's "arrival home ends a long running legal process. [...] We'll have meetings about AUKUS and other arrangements over coming days as well." https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Anthony_Albanes_Assange_s_arrival_home_ends_a_long_running_lega.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Anthony_Albanes_Assange_s_arrival_home_ends_a_long_running_lega.gmi [08:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Anthony Albanes: Assange's "arrival home ends a long running legal process. [...] We'll have meetings about AUKUS and other arrangements over coming days as well." [08:29] *wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [08:32] TR News "Working on some server upgrades, so my site and services will likely be down for a couple days. I'm moving from Ubuntu 20.04 back to Debian (Debian 12 in this case)" https://yukinu.com/blog/2024/06/30/upgrading-my-server.html | Source: Yukinu [08:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yukinu.com | Upgrading My Server [08:32] TR News "Of course the systemd journal won't write plain text logs directly. But modern syslog daemons on Linux will definitely read from the systemd journal and handle the result as more or less native syslog messages" https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/SystemdJournalAndPlaintextLogs | Source: University of Toronto [08:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-utcc.utoronto.ca | Chris's Wiki :: blog/linux/SystemdJournalAndPlaintextLogs [08:33] *IsambardPrince has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [08:36] TR News PCHR as potential topic ? https://www.phila.gov/media/20220304142758/PCHR-regulation-8-cash-payments-retail-2019.pdf [08:37] TR News "Italys Far-Right Government Is Rewriting the Constitution" https://jacobin.com/2024/06/italy-meloni-constitution-reforms/ [08:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-jacobin.com | Italys Far-Right Government Is Rewriting the Constitution [08:37] TR News "Stress-testing Core Data aplus.rs" https://aplus.rs/2024/core-data-performance-test/ proprietary? [08:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Stress-testing Core Data aplus.rs [08:38] TR News "Barry Sampson | So That Was June" https://barrysampson.net/so-that-was-june [08:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-barrysampson.net | Barry Sampson | So That Was June [08:41] TR News BS and reversal; "The TikTok Ban Is a Blueprint for More Social Media Censorship" https://reason.com/2024/06/30/the-tiktok-slippery-slope/ [08:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-reason.com | The TikTok Ban Is a Blueprint for More Social Media Censorship [08:41] TR News "Microsoft Says That It's Okay for Them to Steal Your Web Content Because It's 'Freeware'" https://soylentnews.org/article.pl?sid=24/06/29/1344216 [08:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-soylentnews.org | Microsoft Says That It's Okay for Them to Steal Your Web Content Because It's 'Freeware' - SoylentNews [08:42] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [08:58] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@4v769nvtshzqw.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social ● Jul 01 [09:01] TR News Techrights No Discrimination Allowed Against People Who Pay With Cash https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/No_Discrimination_Allowed_Against_People_Who_Pay_With_Cash.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/No_Discrimination_Allowed_Against_People_Who_Pay_With_Cash.gmi [09:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights No Discrimination Allowed Against People Who Pay With Cash [09:06] TR News "Popular torrent search engine MagnetDL has been offline for five days." https://torrentfreak.com/torrent-site-magnetdl-suffers-extended-downtime-240630/ | Source: Torrent Freak [09:06] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Torrent Site MagnetDL Suffers Extended Downtime (Update) * TorrentFreak [09:31] TR News "On behalf of the EC, I thank Paul for his 25 years of dedication to APNIC" https://blog.apnic.net/2024/07/01/apnic-farewells-paul-wilson/ | Source: APNIC [09:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.apnic.net | APNIC farewells Paul Wilson | APNIC Blog [09:31] TR News "We do not have the Web we have today by chance. It was not inevitable." https://knowler.dev/blog/the-web-is-not-inevitable | [09:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-knowler.dev | The Web Is Not Inevitable Nathan Knowler [09:32] TR News "When I first heard this phrase I felt a sigh of relief." https://robinrendle.com/notes/instability/ | Source: Robin Rendle [09:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-robinrendle.com | Robin Rendle Instability [09:32] TR News "Alas, we all still are seats, eyeballs, end users, and consumers, and our reach still does not exceed corporate..." https://doc.searls.com/2024/06/30/the-personal-internet/ | Source: Doc Searls [09:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-doc.searls.com | The Personal Internet Doc Searls Weblog [09:36] *Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [09:37] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [09:42] TR News Did Julian Assange or the US government win the WikiLeaks battle? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=HV8YVJ3AJBI will Biden pardon him? [09:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Did Julian Assange or the US government win the WikiLeaks battle? #newsmakers #trtworld - Invidious [09:52] TR News "Impeach God" http://brunozzi.com/uploads/2015/03/stallman.png ● Jul 01 [10:06] *IsambardPrince has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [10:07] TR News Techrights What Richard Stallman (RMS) Thinks of Paying With Cash or 'Cashless Society' https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/What_Richard_Stallman_RMS_Thinks_of_Paying_With_Cash_or_Cashles.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/What_Richard_Stallman_RMS_Thinks_of_Paying_With_Cash_or_Cashles.gmi [10:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights What Richard Stallman (RMS) Thinks of Paying With Cash or 'Cashless Society' [10:12] TR News RMS: "It may prove impossible to defeat the Putin forces completely, It may be unavoidable for Ukraine to cede some territory to him, but that would be a very sad victory for tyrannical conquest. We should not let a tyrant conquer without a hard fight." https://stallman.org/archives/2024-mar-jun.html#28_June_2024_(Farage_and_Ukraine) [10:12] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-stallman.org | 2024: March - June Political Notes [10:27] TR News Techrights RMS: "I am very glad for Assange for being out of prison, but I am alarmed that the danger of being treated similarly will face other journalists and publishers in the future" https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/RMS_I_am_very_glad_for_Assange_for_being_out_of_prison_but_I_am.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/RMS_I_am_very_glad_for_Assange_for_being_out_of_prison_but_I [10:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights RMS: "I am very glad for Assange for being out of prison, but I am alarmed that the danger of being treated similarly will face other journalists and publishers in the future" [10:35] TR News Techrights [Meme] Wayland at Every Cost https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Meme_Wayland_at_Every_Cost.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Meme_Wayland_at_Every_Cost.gmi [10:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights [Meme] Wayland at Every Cost ● Jul 01 [11:17] TR News "His case is one of dozens in which Caban has used the powers of his office to intervene in disciplinary cases" https://www.truthdig.com/articles/nypd-commissioner-buried-police-brutality-cases/ | Source: Truthdig [11:17] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.truthdig.com/articles/nypd-commissioner-buried-police-brutality-cases/ ) [11:18] TR News "legal settlement over his wrongful arrest" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/29/technology/detroit-facial-recognition-false-arrests.html | Source: New York Times [11:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Facial Recognition Led to Wrongful Arrests. So Detroit Is Making Changes. - The New York Times [11:18] TR News "legitimatizing their gender-based" https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/30/world/middleeast/afghanistan-un-taliban-talks-women.html | Source: New York Times [11:18] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Taliban Talks With U.N. Go On Despite Alarm Over Exclusion of Women - The New York Times [11:20] TR News Twitter down from 12% to 8% since start of last year https://gs.statcounter.com/social-media-stats#monthly-200903-202406 [11:20] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gs.statcounter.com | Social Media Stats Worldwide | Statcounter Global Stats [11:21] TR News "But we need to keep both stories and facts, and not just for journalists." https://doc.searls.com/2024/06/30/the-future-present-and-past-of-news/ | Source: Doc Searls [11:21] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-doc.searls.com | The Future, Present, and Past of News Doc Searls Weblog [11:22] TR News Or down from 17% to 11% in N America https://gs.statcounter.com/social-media-stats/all/north-america/#monthly-200903-202406 [11:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gs.statcounter.com | Social Media Stats North America | Statcounter Global Stats [11:23] TR News Down from 17% to under 4% in South Africa, birthplace of Twitter's owner! https://gs.statcounter.com/social-media-stats/all/south-africa/#monthly-200903-202406 [11:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gs.statcounter.com | Social Media Stats South Africa | Statcounter Global Stats [11:24] TR News But up in Saudi Arabia, which basically bought Twitter through Musk https://gs.statcounter.com/social-media-stats/all/saudi-arabia/#monthly-200903-202406 [11:24] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gs.statcounter.com | Social Media Stats Saudi Arabia | Statcounter Global Stats [11:25] TR News In 2024 H1 X/twitter traffic fell and in 2024 H2 it'll be the same [11:26] TR News Thomson Reuters Foundation: Data from Chartbeat shows that traffic to news sites from @facebook fell 48% in 2023, with visits from @X down by 27%." [11:27] TR News So why would any SANE sites STILL outsource to social control media? It's a drain. It's stealing the "audiences" from the sites. [11:27] TR News Outsourcing to social control media for instant gratification is like buying a bottle of vodka to become a happy person [11:44] TR News absconders https://hongkongfp.com/2024/06/30/explainer-hong-kongs-national-security-crackdown-month-48/ | Source: Hong Kong Free Press [11:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | Hong Kong's national security crackdown - month 48 [11:45] TR News "Remember back in 2016 when Hillary Clintons emails were all The New York Times could write about?" https://www.emptywheel.net/2024/06/29/nyt-2016-but-her-emails-nyt-2024-but-his-debate/ | Source: Marcy Wheeler [11:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.emptywheel.net | NYT 2016: But Her Emails NYT 2024: But His Debate - emptywheel [11:47] TR News "The study not only sends into high relief overall problems at Tesla" https://futurism.com/the-byte/teslas-breaking-down | Source: Futurism [11:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-futurism.com | Teslas Are Breaking Down More and More, Data Shows [11:47] TR News "It almost happened again yesterday. A driver blew through a red light at 30 miles per hour" https://www.jwz.org/blog/2024/06/read-this-at-my-funeral/ | Source: Jamie Zawinski [11:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jwz.org | jwz: Read this at my funeral [11:49] TR News "It's unclear if the incident is related to the glaring accelerator issue" https://futurism.com/the-byte/brand-new-cybertruck-brakes-failed-crash | Source: Futurism [11:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-futurism.com | Man Says His Brand New Cybertruck's Brakes Failed, Causing Catastrophic Crash [11:50] TR News "Tesla didn't respond to BI's request to verify Freshwater's account or to comment on the situation." https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-driver-crashed-new-cybertruck-says-brakes-did-not-work-2024-6 | Source: Business Insider [11:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.businessinsider.com | Tesla Driver Says He Crashed After New Cybertruck's Brakes Didn't Work - Business Insider [11:57] TR News (NEW): 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: June 30th, 2024 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/9to5Linux_Weekly_Roundup_June_30th_2024.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/9to5Linux_Weekly_Roundup_June_30th_2024.gmi [11:57] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines 9to5Linux Weekly Roundup: June 30th, 2024 ● Jul 01 [12:00] TR News Techrights Elon Musk Killed Not Only the Twitter Bird, He Also Killed the Platform https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Elon_Musk_Killed_Not_Only_the_Twitter_Bird_He_Also_Killed_the_P.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Elon_Musk_Killed_Not_Only_the_Twitter_Bird_He_Also_Killed_the_P.gmi [12:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Elon Musk Killed Not Only the Twitter Bird, He Also Killed the Platform [12:04] TR News Kristinn Hrafnsson, Editor-in-Chief of WikiLeaks: "The Trump Administration is inducing its allies to behave like it's the Wild West." https://wikileaks.org/Ecuador-to-hand-over.html [12:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-wikileaks.org | WikiLeaks - Ecuador to hand over Assange's entire legal defense to the United States [12:07] TR News Saipan, island setting for Assange's last battle, is briefly mobbed - and bemused by the fuss https://yewtu.be/watch?v=TK67X5R8FEs [12:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Saipan, island setting for Assange's last battle, is briefly mobbed - and bemused by the fuss - Invidious [12:13] TR News Lots of shaded windows on these vehicles. high security costs. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ttL4Og6OzJg [12:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Assange arrives at Saipan airport for flight home to Australia - Invidious [12:22] TR News Island taken over by press photographers https://yewtu.be/watch?v=6sGkKuHANe8 [12:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Plane taxiing to take Julian Assange back to Australia as a free man - Invidious [12:30] TR News Overpopulation https://kansasreflector.com/2024/06/30/hoping-for-a-miracle-to-save-the-ogallala-aquifer-prepare-for-the-new-dust-bowl/ | Source: Kansas Reflector [12:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-kansasreflector.com | Hoping for a miracle to save the Ogallala Aquifer? Prepare for the new Dust Bowl. Kansas Reflector [12:30] TR News (NEW): : Google Android Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Android_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Android_Leftovers.gmi [12:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Android Leftovers [12:30] TR News "The effectiveness of terrorism and counter-terrorism efforts is certainly within the scope of academic" https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2024/06/governments-choice-for-chief-of-human-rights-commission-cited-terrorism-as-a-rational-strategy-with-high-rates-of-success/ | Source: Michael Geist [12:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.michaelgeist.ca | Governments Choice for Chief of Human Rights Commission Cited Terrorism as a Rational Strategy With High Rates of Success - Michael Geist [12:31] TR News "The far-left is basically saying the following anywhere they can" https://danielmiessler.com/p/farleft-will-elect-trump-november-2024 | Source: Daniel Miessler [12:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-danielmiessler.com | How the Far-left Will Elect Trump in November 2024 [12:32] TR News "They are already used to dealing with cash" https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/canada-sleepwalking-into-cashless-society-consumer-advocates-warn-1.7248846?cmp=rss | Source: CBC [12:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cbc.ca | Canada 'sleepwalking' into cashless society, consumer advocates warn | CBC News [12:33] TR News "State-controlled media yesterday covered the Ministry's call for netizens" https://www.theregister.com/2024/07/01/asia_tech_news_roundup/ | Source: The Register UK [12:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theregister.com | China warns netizens to stop chatting about state secrets The Register [12:33] TR News "In the end though, who knows how well I am protected? There really isn't any way to find out." https://louplummer.lol/i-have-some-strong-opinions-on-privacy-freak-outs/ | Source: Lou Plummer [12:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-louplummer.lol | I Have Some Strong Opinions on Privacy Freak Outs | Living Out Loud [12:37] TR News PCLinuxOS Screenshot Showcase https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202407/page11.html [12:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pclosmag.com | PCLinuxOS Magazine - Page 11 [12:38] TR News "Even with that restriction, there are three GUI programs (that I found) in the PCLinuxOS repository whose sole purpose is to rip audio files from your audio CDs." https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202407/page03.html [12:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pclosmag.com | PCLinuxOS Magazine - Page 3 [12:39] TR News ICYMI: NSA Recommends Do This To Keep Mobile Devices Safe https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202407/page01.html [12:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pclosmag.com | PCLinuxOS Magazine - Page 1 [12:39] TR News "It's hard to believe, but July is the 15th anniversary of me taking over the reins of The PCLinuxOS Magazine as its Chief Editor. That's 180 monthly issues, and 12 special editions of the magazine." https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202407/editorial.html [12:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pclosmag.com | PCLinuxOS Magazine - Welcome From The Chief Editor [12:40] TR News How To Use The BigBoy FM Desktop https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202407/page04.html [12:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pclosmag.com | PCLinuxOS Magazine - Page 4 [12:41] TR News GIMP Tutorial: Playing With G'MIC, Part 3 https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202407/page06.html [12:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pclosmag.com | PCLinuxOS Magazine - Page 6 [12:41] TR News How To Make OpenJDK Work On PClinuxOS https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202407/page09.html [12:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pclosmag.com | PCLinuxOS Magazine - Page 9 [12:42] TR News Unoconv: A Handy Tool For Converting Between Competing Office Document Formats https://pclosmag.com/html/Issues/202407/page05.html [12:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-pclosmag.com | PCLinuxOS Magazine - Page 5 [12:43] TR News (NEW): How Well Do You Know Your FOSS Mascots? https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/How_Well_Do_You_Know_Your_FOSS_Mascots.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/How_Well_Do_You_Know_Your_FOSS_Mascots.gmi [12:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines How Well Do You Know Your FOSS Mascots? [12:45] TR News (NEW): PCLinuxOS Magazine: Screenshots, Audio CD Rippers, 15th Anniversary for Chief Editor https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/PCLinuxOS_Magazine_Screenshots_Audio_CD_Rippers_15th_Anniversar.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/PCLinuxOS_Magazine_Screenshots_Audio_CD_Rippers_15th_Anniversar.gmi [12:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines PCLinuxOS Magazine: Screenshots, Audio CD Rippers, 15th Anniversary for Chief Editor [12:45] TR News Windows TCO https://www.theregister.com/2024/07/01/infosec_in_brief/ | Source: The Register UK [12:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.theregister.com | Microsoft tells more customers their emails have been stolen The Register [12:47] TR News "Facebook is an undead land of bots and synthetic imagery" https://futurism.com/the-byte/facebook-ai-generated-pictures-cops-bibles | Source: Futurism [12:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-futurism.com | Facebook Lunatics Are Making AI-Generated Pictures of Cops Carrying Huge Bibles Through Floods Go Viral [12:47] TR News "On the bright side, for Intel and AMD users" https://www.tomshardware.com/software/windows/microsofts-copilot-pc-exclusive-features-are-a-bad-joke-even-for-ai-fans | Source: Tom's Hardware [12:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tomshardware.com | Microsoft's Copilot+ PC exclusive features are a bad joke, even for AI fans | Tom's Hardware [12:47] TR News "AI features" https://adactio.com/journal/21160 | Source: Jeremy Keith [12:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Adactio: JournalTrust [12:47] TR News "I wish more podcasters know what a double-ended podcast is." https://lmika.org/2024/07/01/i-wish-more.html | Source: Leon Mika [12:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-lmika.org | I wish more podcasters know | Leon Mika [12:47] TR News "But now the balance is shifting again." https://blog.zgp.org/return-of-the-power-user/ | Source: Don Marti [12:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.zgp.org | Return of the power user [12:48] TR News "Here are some things you might want to keep in mind as you allow this temptation to take root: [...]" https://daniel.industries/2024/06/30/you-might-think-using-ai-in-your-business-will-save-you-time-and-development-cost-but-youd-be-wrong/ | Source: Daniel Miller [12:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-daniel.industries | You Might Think Using AI in Your Business Will Save You Time and Development Cost but You'd Probably Be Wrong [12:48] TR News "Recently, half of my waking time seems to be spent actively ignoring the current AI boom" https://michal.sapka.me/blog/2024/are-llms-worth-it/ | Source: Micha Sapka [12:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-michal.sapka.me | Are the LLMs worth it? [12:53] TR News "A decision matrix is a tool to evaluate and select the best option between different choices." https://merecivilian.com/reconsidering-my-music-setup-in-my-study/ | Source: Mere Civilian [12:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-merecivilian.com | Reconsidering my music setup in my study [12:54] TR News "The problem is that all of the possible candidates are made in China by Chinese brands." https://derekkedziora.com/notes/2024-06-30-the-problem-with-the-e-ink-tablets | Source: Derek Kdziora [12:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-derekkedziora.com | The problem with the e-Ink tablets [12:54] TR News "Id long held the belief that I couldnt sensibly get by with less than about 55 keys" https://benfrain.com/more-keys-or-fewer-keys-for-mechanical-keyboards/ | Source: Ben Frain [12:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-benfrain.com | More Keys or Fewer Keys for mechanical keyboards Ben Frain [12:54] TR News "One thing that struck me though, is that when talking with native speakers" https://www.ncartron.org/on-the-exchanges-with-native-speakers-and-learning-new-expressions.html | Source: Nico Cartron [12:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.ncartron.org | On the exchanges with native speakers and learning new expressions [12:58] TR News "In a string of recent papers" https://www.wired.com/story/cryptographers-are-discovering-new-rules-for-quantum-encryption/ | Source: Wired [12:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Cryptographers Are Discovering New Rules for Quantum Encryption | WIRED [12:58] TR News "That's because the US enacted a law called the Wolf Amendment in 2011" https://futurism.com/reason-nasa-scientists-cant-study-china-rocks | Source: Futurism [12:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-futurism.com | There's an Extremely Stupid Reason NASA Scientists Can't Study China's Amazing New Moon Rocks [12:59] TR News "I still find this to be an odd space to occupy" https://www.troyhunt.com/the-state-of-data-breaches-part-2-the-trilogy-of-players/ | Source: Troy Hunt [12:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.troyhunt.com | Troy Hunt: The State of Data Breaches, Part 2: The Trilogy of Players ● Jul 01 [13:00] TR News "I think that's an excellent description." https://birming.com/we-blog-247/ | Source: Robert Birming [13:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-We Blog 24/7 | Robert Birming [13:01] TR News "I was posting my usual waffle over on Fosstodon yesterday" https://kevquirk.com/blog/why-have-a-personal-site-instead-of-social-media | Source: Kev Quirk [13:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-kevquirk.com | Why Have a Personal Site Instead of Social Media? | Kev Quirk [13:01] TR News "Kev Quirk started a discussion with Why Have a Personal Site Instead of Social Media?" https://hamatti.org/posts/why-personal-site-rather-than-social-media-presence/ | Source: Juha-Matti Santala [13:01] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hamatti.org | Why a personal site rather than social media presence? : Juha-Matti Santala [13:02] TR News "For a long time there were only two essential things that I carried everywhere: keys and wallet." https://blog.jonudell.net/2024/06/30/the-things-we-carry/ | Source: Jon Udell [13:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.jonudell.net | The things we carry Jon Udell [13:02] TR News "With the continued resurgence of blogging" https://www.chamline.net/blogging-workflow-and-tools/ | Source: Habib Cham [13:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.chamline.net | Blogging Workflow and Tools [13:02] TR News "What makes it truly inspiring is that its not about someone playing hard to get or being a diva" https://birming.com/what-really-matters/ | Source: Robert Birming [13:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-What really matters | Robert Birming [13:04] TR News "The DNS is a crucial part of todays Internet." https://blog.apnic.net/2024/07/01/dns-evolution/ | Source: APNIC [13:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-blog.apnic.net | DNS evolution | APNIC Blog [13:04] TR News "The core problem is that log messages themselves almost invariably come with additional metadata" https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/sysadmin/PlaintextNotGreatLogFormat | Source: University of Toronto [13:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-utcc.utoronto.ca | Chris's Wiki :: blog/sysadmin/PlaintextNotGreatLogFormat [13:05] TR News "If you like watching terrible code happen, you might enjoy it." https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2024/06/29/edu/ | Source: Rachel [13:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-rachelbythebay.com | What happened to my /edu page, and why it came back [13:05] TR News "Design tokens arose to help prevent this kind of almost-but-not-quite visual leakage and drift." https://ericwbailey.website/published/free-idea-design-token-ugly-mode/ | Source: Eric Bailey [13:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-ericwbailey.website | Free idea: design token ugly mode Eric Bailey [13:05] TR News "I introduced two new tools to w64devkit, vc++filt and peports (pronounced like purports)" https://nullprogram.com/blog/2024/06/30/ | Source: Chris Wellons [13:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-nullprogram.com | Symbol inspection tools for w64devkit: vc++filt and peports [13:06] TR News "Within the LLVM project, MC is a library responsible for handling assembly, disassembly" https://maskray.me/blog/2024-06-30-integrated-assembler-improvements-in-llvm-19 | Source: MaskRay [13:06] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-maskray.me | Integrated assembler improvements in LLVM 19 | MaskRay [13:07] TR News "Calculating Z-Scores in R: A Step-by-Step Guide" https://www.r-bloggers.com/2024/06/calculating-z-scores-in-r-a-step-by-step-guide/ | Source: Rlang [13:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Calculating Z-Scores in R: A Step-by-Step Guide | R-bloggers [13:07] TR News "I decided to change my various pages to reject unknown URL search parameters" https://www.jwz.org/blog/2024/06/blocking-bogus-url-parameters/ | Source: Jamie Zawinski [13:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jwz.org | jwz: Blocking bogus URL parameters [13:08] TR News "We now know how quite a few of us will spend the next few hours and possibly days" https://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article;sid=20240630100913 | Source: Undeadly [13:08] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-undeadly.org | Initial playlist of 28 BSDCan Videos released [13:10] TR News "Robb provides a really clear step-by-step installation guide that I won't recreate here" https://thomasrigby.com/posts/adding-a-post-graph-to-an-eleventy-blog-the-easy-way/ | Source: Thomas Rigby [13:10] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Adding a post graph to an Eleventy blog the easy way | thomasrigby.com [13:22] TR News "The best filaments for 3D printing can not only provide good adhesion and avoid clogging" https://www.tomshardware.com/best-picks/best-filaments-for-3d-printing | Source: Tom's Hardware [13:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tomshardware.com | Best Filaments for 3D Printing 2024 | Tom's Hardware [13:23] TR News "This weekend I tinkered with my ancient Raspberry Pi." https://www.downtowndougbrown.com/2024/06/playing-1080p-h-264-video-on-my-old-256-mb-raspberry-pi/ | Source: Doug Brown [13:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.downtowndougbrown.com | Downtown Doug Brown Playing 1080p H.264 video on my old 256 MB Raspberry Pi [13:23] TR News "Last year I took part in the Old Computer Challenge" https://82mhz.net/posts/2024/06/old-computer-challenge-2024/ | Source: Andreas [13:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-82mhz.net | Old Computer Challenge 2024 - 82MHz [13:23] TR News "During the last year, the distro faced some challenges, but fortunately, those seem to be over." https://linuxiac.com/endeavouros-marks-fifth-anniversary-with-plasma-6-1-release/ | Source: Linuxiac [13:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-linuxiac.com | EndeavourOS Marks Fifth Anniversary with Plasma 6.1 Release [13:30] TR News "Out of the box, power management is disabled on OpenBSD." http://www.h-i-r.net/2024/06/openbsd-power-management.html | Source: HiR [13:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.h-i-r.net | HiR Information Report: OpenBSD Power Management [13:31] TR News "FreeDOS dates back to 1994, when its developer, Jim Hall announced it as PD-DOS." https://www.tomshardware.com/software/operating-systems/freedos-open-source-text-based-os-turns-30-still-in-active-development-and-primarily-used-for-retro-gaming | Source: Tom's Hardware [13:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tomshardware.com | FreeDOS open-source text-based OS turns 30, still in active development and primarily used for retro gaming | Tom's Hardware [13:32] TR News "Plasma Keychain" https://carlschwan.eu/2024/07/01/initial-work-on-keychain/ | Source: Carl Schwan [13:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-carlschwan.eu | Initial work on Keychain [13:35] TR News "I recently built a game prototype for a 2D arena shooter." https://healeycodes.com/2d-multiplayer-from-scratch | Source: Andrew Healey [13:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-healeycodes.com | 2D Multiplayer From Scratch Andrew Healey [13:35] TR News (NEW): FreeDOS open-source text-based OS turns 30, still in active development and primarily used for retro gaming | Tom's Hardware https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/FreeDOS_open_source_text_based_OS_turns_30_still_in_active_deve.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/FreeDOS_open_source_text_based_OS_turns_30_still_in_active_dev [13:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines FreeDOS open-source text-based OS turns 30, still in active development and primarily used for retro gaming | Tom's Hardware [13:36] TR News 'Extremely Dangerous' Hurricane Beryl Breaks Record as Season Begins https://www.sciencealert.com/extremely-dangerous-hurricane-beryl-breaks-record-as-season-begins [13:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-'Extremely Dangerous' Hurricane Beryl Breaks Record as Season Begins : ScienceAlert [13:36] TR News Siberian Wolf Preserved For 44,000 Years Could Host Ancient Viruses https://www.sciencealert.com/siberian-wolf-preserved-for-44000-years-could-host-ancient-viruses [13:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Siberian Wolf Preserved For 44,000 Years Could Host Ancient Viruses : ScienceAlert [13:36] TR News Robots Get a Fleshy Face (and a Smile) in New Research https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/30/science/japan-robots-human-face.html [13:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | Robots Get a Fleshy Face (and a Smile) in New Research - The New York Times [13:36] TR News How Science Went to the Dogs (and Cats) https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/30/science/pets-research-dogs-cats.html [13:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.nytimes.com | How Science Went to the Dogs (and Cats) - The New York Times [13:37] TR News Medical manufacturers recalled 135 batches of this medication over fear capsules could cause cardiac arrest: FDA https://nypost.com/2024/06/30/us-news/capsules-from-glenmark-pharmaceuticals-recalled-over-health-risks/ [13:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-nypost.com | Capsules from Glenmark Pharmaceuticals recalled over health risks [13:37] TR News Trees Have Become a Hidden Source of Air Pollution in Los Angeles https://www.sciencealert.com/trees-have-become-a-hidden-source-of-air-pollution-in-los-angeles [13:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Trees Have Become a Hidden Source of Air Pollution in Los Angeles : ScienceAlert [13:37] TR News Extreme Wildfires Have Doubled in Just Two Decades https://www.sciencealert.com/extreme-wildfires-have-doubled-in-just-two-decades [13:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Extreme Wildfires Have Doubled in Just Two Decades : ScienceAlert [13:40] TR News This Mysterious Black Hole at The Dawn of Time Weighs a Billion Suns https://www.sciencealert.com/this-mysterious-black-hole-at-the-dawn-of-time-weighs-a-billion-suns [13:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-This Mysterious Black Hole at The Dawn of Time Weighs a Billion Suns : ScienceAlert [13:40] TR News Time Crystals Could Unlock a Radical New Future For Quantum Computers https://www.sciencealert.com/time-crystals-could-unlock-a-radical-new-future-for-quantum-computers [13:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Time Crystals Could Unlock a Radical New Future For Quantum Computers : ScienceAlert [13:40] TR News Fungal Pathogens Are Mutating Dangerously as The World Gets Hotter https://www.sciencealert.com/fungal-pathogens-are-mutating-dangerously-as-the-world-gets-hotter [13:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Fungal Pathogens Are Mutating Dangerously as The World Gets Hotter : ScienceAlert [13:42] TR News North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles, says Seoul https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/north-korea-fires-ballistic-missile-yonhap-new-agency-says [13:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles, one fails | The Straits Times [13:42] TR News North Korea fires two ballistic missiles: South https://www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/north-korea-ballistic-missile-06302024221449.html [13:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/north-korea-ballistic-missile-06302024221449.html ) [13:42] TR News North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles, Seoul says https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/north-korea-fires-ballistic-missile-yonhap-new-agency-says [13:43] TR News North Korea test-launches two ballistic missiles, South Korea military says https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240701-north-korea-test-two-ballistic-missiles-south-korea-military [13:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240701-north-korea-test-two-ballistic-missiles-south-korea-military ) [13:43] TR News Singapore oil spill: Johor coastline cleanup almost complete, says Malaysian official https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/singapore-oil-spill-johor-coastline-clean-up-almost-complete-says-malaysian-official [13:43] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.straitstimes.com | Singapore oil spill: Johor coastline cleanup almost complete, says Malaysian official | The Straits Times [13:47] TR News Motherboards and systems with China's Loongson CPUs now shipping to US customers options start from $373 for a DTX board with processor and cooler https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/motherboards/motherboards-and-systems-with-chinas-loongson-cpus-now-shipping-to-us-customers-options-start-from-dollar373-for-a-dtx-board-with-processor-and-cooler [13:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.tomshardware.com | Motherboards and systems with China's Loongson CPUs now shipping to US customers options start from $373 for a DTX board with processor and cooler | Tom's Hardware [13:47] TR News Xi To Combine SCO Summit With State Visits To Kazakhstan, Tajikistan https://www.rferl.org/a/xi-china-kazakhstan-tajikistan-sco-astana/33014300.html [13:47] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Xi To Combine SCO Summit With State Visits To Kazakhstan, Tajikistan ● Jul 01 [14:04] TR News China Communist Party expels two former defense ministers from party for alleged bribery https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/06/china-communist-party-expels-two-former-defense-ministers-from-party-for-bribery/ [14:04] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | China Communist Party expels two former defense ministers from party for alleged bribery - JURIST - News [14:05] TR News Handover Day: China to gift another pair of giant pandas to Hong Kong https://hongkongfp.com/2024/07/01/handover-day-china-to-gift-another-pair-of-giant-pandas-to-hong-kong/ [14:05] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-hongkongfp.com | Handover Day: China to gift another pair of giant pandas to Hong Kong [14:07] TR News Root Your Sleep Number Smart Bed https://hackaday.com/2024/06/30/root-your-sleep-number-smart-bed-discover-it-phoning-home/ | Source: Hackaday [14:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Root Your Sleep Number Smart Bed, Discover It Phoning Home | Hackaday [14:07] TR News A Vintage AC Bridge Teardown https://hackaday.com/2024/06/30/a-vintage-ac-bridge-teardown/ | Source: Hackaday [14:07] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-A Vintage AC Bridge Teardown | Hackaday [14:08] *wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [14:09] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:10] TR News 3D Printing With A Twist https://hackaday.com/2024/06/30/3d-printing-with-a-twist/ | Source: Hackaday [14:10] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-3D Printing With A Twist | Hackaday [14:13] TR News Serbia To Stay On Red Alert After Crossbow Attack At Israeli Embassy https://www.rferl.org/a/serbia-israel-embassy-crossbow-attack-terrorism/33014243.html [14:13] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.rferl.org | Serbia To Stay On Red Alert After Crossbow Attack At Israeli Embassy [14:18] *wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [14:18] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:25] TR News Serbia official bans Kosovo-Serbia reconciliation festival https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/06/serbia-official-bans-kosovo-serbia-reconciliation-festival/ [14:25] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | Serbia official bans Kosovo-Serbia reconciliation festival - JURIST - News [14:26] TR News Taiwan advises people to avoid travelling to Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/06/taiwan-advises-people-to-avoid-travelling-to-mainland-china-hong-kong-and-macau/ [14:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | Taiwan advises people to avoid travelling to Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau - JURIST - News [14:27] TR News Guatemala Constitutional Court imposes restrictions on LGBTQ+ Pride Parade https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/06/guatemala-constitutional-court-imposes-restrictions-on-lgbtq-pride-parade/ [14:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | Guatemala Constitutional Court imposes restrictions on LGBTQ+ Pride Parade - JURIST - News [14:32] TR News Bolivia authorities transfer general accused of failed coup attempt to maximum security prison https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/06/bolivia-authorities-transfer-general-accused-of-failed-coup-attempt-to-maximum-security-prison/ [14:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | Bolivia authorities transfer general accused of failed coup attempt to maximum security prison - JURIST - News [14:35] TR News Crowtail Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi peppe8o Review https://peppe8o.com/crowtail-starter-kit-for-raspberry-pi-peppe8o-review/ [14:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Crowtail Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi - peppe8o Review [14:36] TR News Windows in land Islands: From 100% to Less Than Half (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Windows_in_Aland_Islands_From_100_to_Less_Than_Half.shtml [14:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Windows in land Islands: From 100% to Less Than Half [14:37] TR News Over at Tux Machines... https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml [14:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Over at Tux Machines... [14:37] TR News 100% Slop/Spam From linuxsecurity.com https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/100_Slop_Spam_From_linuxsecurity_com.shtml [14:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights 100% Slop/Spam From linuxsecurity.com [14:38] TR News In the First 6 Months of 2024 Thailand Moved to GNU/Linux, Not to backdoored Windows Vista 11 https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/In_the_First_6_Months_of_2024_Thailand_Moved_to_GNU_Linux_Not_t.shtml [14:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights In the First 6 Months of 2024 Thailand Moved to GNU/Linux, Not to Windows Vista 11 [14:38] TR News Destination 'Five Percent' https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Destination_Five_Percent.shtml [14:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Destination 'Five Percent' [14:38] TR News GNU/Linux Climbed 0.25% This Month (in statCounter) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/GNU_Linux_Climbed_0_25_This_Month_in_statCounter.shtml [14:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights GNU/Linux Climbed 0.25% This Month (in statCounter) [14:39] TR News Krita 5.2.3 Released with Numerous Bug-Fixes (Ubuntu PPA) https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2024/06/krita-5-2-3-released-ppa/ [14:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-ubuntuhandbook.org | Krita 5.2.3 Released with Numerous Bug-Fixes (Ubuntu PPA) | UbuntuHandbook [14:41] TR News MakuluLinux Hey Hi (AI) Text to Video Generator http://www.makululinux.com/wp/2024/06/30/makululinux-ai-text-to-video-generator/ [14:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-MakuluLinux AI Text to Video Generator MakuluLinux [14:44] TR News (NEW): Linux 6.10-rc6 https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Linux_6_10_rc6.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Linux_6_10_rc6.gmi [14:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Linux 6.10-rc6 [14:45] TR News Adlie GNU/Linux independent distribution https://www.linuxlinks.com/adelie-linux-independent-distribution/ [14:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Adlie Linux - independent distribution - LinuxLinks [14:45] TR News vdirsyncer synchronizing calendars and addressbooks https://www.linuxlinks.com/vdirsyncer-synchronizing-calendars-addressbooks/ [14:45] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-vdirsyncer - synchronizing calendars and addressbooks - LinuxLinks [14:48] *techrights-server-mon has quit (connection closed) [14:48] *tm-server-bot has quit (connection closed) [14:48] *tm-testing has quit (connection closed) [14:48] *techrights-server-backup has quit (connection closed) [14:48] *Disconnected (Remote host closed socket). [14:55] *Now talking on #boycottnovell-social [14:55] *Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: TechRights.org | Channel #boycottnovell-social for http://TechRights.org | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovell [14:55] *Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~roy@haii6za73zabc.irc at Tue Jun 1 20:22:37 2021 [14:55] *libertybox_______ (~schestowitz_log@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:55] *liberty_box (~liberty@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *rianne_ (~rianne@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *KindOne_ (~KindOne@23xffjdf3phbn.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *schestowitz-pi2 (~pi@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *fury999i- (~fury999io@j2r64gtkf9rf4.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@qezxp5nudz5uq.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *Moocher5254 (~quassel@6i8ckjmvfhgyw.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *wallacer (~quassel@8k53v3b3bgq6i.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:56] *pi (~quassel@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:57] *admfubar (~admfubar@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:58] *salvador (~salvador@52inny7mrvvbk.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:58] *pi is now known as techrightsec4 [14:58] *thiel3 (~thiel3@u8mz5ab9qj5ra.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:58] *techrightsec4 is now known as techrightsec5 [14:58] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #boycottnovell-social [14:58] *irc.techrights.org sets mode +a #boycottnovell-social MinceR [14:59] *techrights-news (~techrights-news@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social ● Jul 01 [15:05] *tm-testing (~tm-testing@iijacan2vrgta.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [15:07] *techrights-server-mon2 (~techrights-server-m@iijacan2vrgta.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [15:08] *tm-server-bot2 (~tm-server-bot2@iijacan2vrgta.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [15:21] *techrights-server-backup2 (~techrights-server-b@iijacan2vrgta.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [15:22] TR News New EndeavourOS Release Ships with KDE Plasma 6.1, Brings Back ARM Support https://9to5linux.com/new-endeavouros-release-ships-with-kde-plasma-6-1-brings-back-arm-support [15:22] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-New EndeavourOS Release Ships with KDE Plasma 6.1, Brings Back ARM Support - 9to5Linux [15:23] TR News SpaceFM file manager compiled in OE https://bkhome.org/news/202406/spacefm-file-manager-compiled-in-oe.html [15:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-bkhome.org | SpaceFM file manager compiled in OE [15:23] TR News "The Swift programming community has taken a major step forward by introducing the first Swift toolchain for RISC-V hardware, designed to work with platforms like the VisionFive 2 single-board computer." https://linuxgizmos.com/swift-on-risc-v-launch-of-new-toolchain-for-risc-v-hardware/ | Source: Linux Gizmos [15:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://linuxgizmos.com/swift-on-risc-v-launch-of-new-toolchain-for-risc-v-hardware/ ) [15:23] TR News "Tindie recently featured a development kit designed to evaluate and leverage the capabilities of the low-cost CH32V003 microcontroller." https://linuxgizmos.com/affordable-risc-v-development-board-built-around-32-bit-qingke-ch32v003-processor/ | Source: Linux Gizmos [15:23] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social- ( status 520 @ https://linuxgizmos.com/affordable-risc-v-development-board-built-around-32-bit-qingke-ch32v003-processor/ ) [15:26] TR News Managed Apps on Public Cloud: Why Operations Matter, Part II https://ubuntu.com//blog/managed-apps-on-public-cloud-why-operations-matter-part-ii [15:26] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Managed Apps on Public Cloud: Why Operations Matter, Part II | Ubuntu [15:26] TR News (NEW): GNU poke 4.2 released https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/GNU_poke_4_2_released.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/GNU_poke_4_2_released.gmi [15:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines GNU poke 4.2 released [15:30] TR News The Art Of Annoyance https://tedium.co/2024/06/30/advertising-annoyance-theory/ [15:30] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-tedium.co | The Power Of Annoyance In Advertising [15:31] TR News Android at 90% or More in Chad https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/29/Android_at_90_or_More_in_Chad.shtml [15:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Android at 90% or More in Chad [15:31] TR News Marco Calegaro on Hacking Art Into a Community https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Marco_Calegaro_on_Hacking_Art_Into_a_Community.shtml [15:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Marco Calegaro on Hacking Art Into a Community [15:31] TR News Wikipedia Co-Founder (Not Wales) Expresses Support for Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange, Says Assange Will Probably Continue https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Wikipedia_Co_Founder_Not_Wales_Expresses_Support_for_Wikileaks_.shtml [15:31] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Wikipedia Co-Founder (Not Wales) Expresses Support for Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange, Says Assange Will Probably Continue [15:34] TR News Julian Assange Might Continue Wikileaks, But Certainly Not Yet (Recovery Time Needed) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/29/Julian_Assange_Might_Continue_Wikileaks_But_Certainly_Not_Yet_R.shtml [15:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Julian Assange Might Continue Wikileaks, But Certainly Not Yet (Recovery Time Needed) [15:34] TR News Windows Lost Almost 92% Market Share in Egypt https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/29/Windows_Lost_Almost_92_Market_Share_in_Egypt.shtml [15:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Windows Lost Almost 92% Market Share in Egypt [15:36] TR News 20 Years Passed, Let's Go Even Faster Now https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/29/20_Years_Passed_Let_s_Go_Even_Faster_Now.shtml [15:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights 20 Years Passed, Let's Go Even Faster Now [15:36] TR News This War Crime Footage, Nothing Political Per Se, Is What They Made Julian Assange Plead Guilty To (War Criminals Not Convicted, Only Those Who Expose Them) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/29/This_War_Crime_Footage_Nothing_Political_Per_Se_Is_What_They_Ma.shtml [15:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights This War Crime Footage, Nothing Political Per Se, Is What They Made Julian Assange Plead Guilty To (War Criminals Not Convicted, Only Those Who Expose Them) [15:36] TR News How To Install Gnome on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS https://idroot.us/install-gnome-ubuntu-24-04/ [15:36] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-idroot.us | How To Install Gnome on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - idroot [15:37] TR News How to Install Nala on Debian 12, 11, or 10 https://linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-nala-on-debian-linux/ [15:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How to Install Nala on Debian 12, 11, or 10 - LinuxCapable [15:37] TR News How to Install Nmap on Debian 12, 11 or 10 https://linuxcapable.com/how-to-install-nmap-on-debian-linux/ [15:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How to Install Nmap on Debian 12, 11 or 10 - LinuxCapable [15:37] TR News How to fix err_ssl_protocol_error https://linuxhostsupport.com/blog/how-to-fix-err_ssl_protocol_error/ [15:37] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-How to fix "err_ssl_protocol_error" | LinuxHostSupport [15:38] TR News 'FSFE': Underage Labour, GAFAM Fronting, and Identity Theft to Undermine the FSF's Current Fundraiser https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/FSFE_Underage_Labour_GAFAM_Fronting_and_Identity_Theft_to_Under.shtml [15:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights 'FSFE': Underage Labour, GAFAM Fronting, and Identity Theft to Undermine the FSF's Current Fundraiser [15:38] TR News Ilya Gulko Introduces Pollyanna https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Ilya_Gulko_Introduces_Pollyanna.shtml [15:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Ilya Gulko Introduces Pollyanna [15:38] TR News Microsoft Layoffs, Mass Plagiarism, and More https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Microsoft_Layoffs_Mass_Plagiarism_and_More.shtml [15:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Microsoft Layoffs, Mass Plagiarism, and More [15:39] TR News Microsofts Latest Antitrust Scrutiny https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Microsoft_s_Latest_Antitrust_Scrutiny.shtml [15:39] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Microsofts Latest Antitrust Scrutiny [15:40] TR News "Cardboard is a surprisingly durable material, especially in its corrugated form. Its extremely lightweight for its strength, is easy to work, can be folded and formed into almost any shape" https://hackaday.com/2024/06/30/swapping-vinyl-for-cardboard-with-this-esp32-turntable/ | Source: Hackaday [15:40] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Swapping Vinyl For Cardboard With This ESP32 Turntable | Hackaday [15:41] TR News Forlinx FET3562J-C SoM features Rockchip RK3562(J) SoC with 1 TOP NPU, dual Ethernet, camera, display interfaces https://www.cnx-software.com/2024/07/01/forlinx-fet3562j-c-som-features-rockchip-rk3562j-soc-with-1-top-npu-dual-ethernet-camera-display-interfaces/ [15:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.cnx-software.com | Forlinx FET3562J-C SoM features Rockchip RK3562(J) SoC with 1 TOP NPU, dual Ethernet, camera, display interfaces - CNX Software [15:41] TR News Germany One of Many Countries Where Microsoft's Bing Lost Market Share After All That LLM Nonsense (Bing Chat and Further Rebrands/Renames) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Germany_One_of_Many_Countries_Where_Microsoft_s_Bing_Lost_Marke.shtml [15:41] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Germany One of Many Countries Where Microsoft's Bing Lost Market Share After All That LLM Nonsense (Bing Chat and Further Rebrands/Renames) [15:42] TR News A Crisis of Online Journalism https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/A_Crisis_of_Online_Journalism.shtml [15:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights A Crisis of Online Journalism [15:42] TR News [Meme] Opening a 'Webapp' With 'Only' 4 GB of RAM https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Meme_Opening_a_Webapp_With_Only_4_GB_of_RAM.shtml [15:42] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights [Meme] Opening a 'Webapp' With 'Only' 4 GB of RAM [15:44] TR News Tobias Platen Covered Freedom-To-Play Games in LibrePlanet 2024 https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Tobias_Platen_Covered_Freedom_To_Play_Games_in_LibrePlanet_2024.shtml [15:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Tobias Platen Covered Freedom-To-Play Games in LibrePlanet 2024 [15:44] TR News Microsoft Has Slaves and Enablers, Not Partners https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Microsoft_Has_Slaves_and_Enablers_Not_Partners.shtml [15:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Microsoft Has Slaves and Enablers, Not Partners [15:44] TR News Eko K. A. Owen, New Outreach and Communications Coordinator for the FSF https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Eko_K_A_Owen_New_Outreach_and_Communications_Coordinator_for_th.shtml [15:44] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Eko K. A. Owen, New Outreach and Communications Coordinator for the FSF [15:45] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [15:47] *Moocher5254 has quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) [15:48] TR News (NEW): Open Hardware: RISC-V, 3D Printing, and More https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Open_Hardware_RISC_V_3D_Printing_and_More.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Open_Hardware_RISC_V_3D_Printing_and_More.gmi [15:48] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Open Hardware: RISC-V, 3D Printing, and More [15:49] TR News At the End Journalism a Crime (If It Involves Accessing or Gaining Access to Documents Marked "Confidential" or "Classified" by Those Looking to Hide Their Misconduct/Crimes) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/At_the_End_Journalism_a_Crime_If_It_Involves_Accessing_or_Gaini.shtml [15:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights At the End Journalism a Crime (If It Involves Accessing or Gaining Access to Documents Marked "Confidential" or "Classified" by Those Looking to Hide Their Misconduct/Crimes) [15:49] TR News Press Complicity and Public Apathy All Along Enabled 14 Years of Illegal, Arbitrary Detention and Coercion Into Plea Bargain of Julian Assange on Brink of Death https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Press_Complicity_and_Public_Apathy_All_Along_Enabled_14_Years_o.shtml [15:49] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Press Complicity and Public Apathy All Along Enabled 14 Years of Illegal, Arbitrary Detention and Coercion Into Plea Bargain of Julian Assange on Brink of Death [15:50] TR News 200 This Week https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/200_This_Week.shtml [15:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights 200 This Week [15:50] TR News (NEW): Today's HowTos https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/today_s_howtos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/today_s_howtos.gmi [15:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines today's howtos [15:50] TR News GNU/Linux already up this month: 4.05% https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/worldwide/#monthly-200902-202406 [15:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-gs.statcounter.com | Desktop Operating System Market Share Worldwide | Statcounter Global Stats [15:51] TR News Johannes sgrd on Making the Raspberry Pi More Free With librerpi https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Johannes_Asgard_on_Making_the_Raspberry_Pi_More_Free_With_libre.shtml [15:51] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Johannes sgrd on Making the Raspberry Pi More Free With librerpi [15:54] TR News Today AP is recycling videos it took a week ago https://yewtu.be/watch?v=0UDvKKo4Nvg [15:54] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-yewtu.be | Assange sentenced to time already served in UK as part of plea deal with US - Invidious [15:55] TR News [Meme] Walking Outside the Guardrails of the Walled Gardens Built by Monopolies (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Meme_Walking_Outside_the_Guardrails_of_the_Walled_Gardens_Built.shtml [15:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights [Meme] Walking Outside the Guardrails of the Walled Gardens Built by Monopolies [15:55] TR News Alyssa Rosenzweig's LibrePlanet Talk About Freeing the Fashion Company Apple GPU (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Alyssa_Rosenzweig_s_LibrePlanet_Talk_About_Freeing_the_Apple_GP.shtml [15:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Alyssa Rosenzweig's LibrePlanet Talk About Freeing the Apple GPU [15:55] TR News Getting Rid of Abusive Monopolist Microsoft Does Not Go Far Enough (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Getting_Rid_of_Microsoft_Does_Not_Go_Far_Enough.shtml [15:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Getting Rid of Microsoft Does Not Go Far Enough [15:55] TR News [Meme] Smart Alec Poettering (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Meme_Smart_Alec_Poettering.shtml [15:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights [Meme] Smart Alec Poettering [15:55] TR News Not Just Slow News But Also Late News (Julian Assange Landing in Thailand) (updated) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Not_Just_Slow_News_But_Also_Late_News_Julian_Assange_Landing_in.shtml [15:55] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Not Just Slow News But Also Late News (Julian Assange Landing in Thailand) [15:56] TR News Kernel prepatch 6.10-rc6 https://lwn.net/Articles/980175/ [15:56] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Kernel prepatch 6.10-rc6 [LWN.net] [15:58] TR News Lazy Reading for 2024/06/30 https://www.dragonflydigest.com/2024/06/29/lazy-reading-for-2024-06-29/ [15:58] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.dragonflydigest.com | Lazy Reading for 2024/06/30 DragonFly BSD Digest [15:58] *acer-box______ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [15:58] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [15:58] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [15:58] *acer-box______ (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social [15:59] TR News CCTV mounted onto humans https://hackaday.com/2024/06/30/almost-google-glass-in-1993/ | Source: Hackaday [15:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-Almost Google Glass In 1993 | Hackaday [15:59] TR News Riece updated https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Riece [15:59] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-directory.fsf.org | Riece - Free Software Directory ● Jul 01 [16:04] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [16:04] *acer-box______ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [16:04] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [16:04] *acer-box______ (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social [16:06] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [16:13] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/) [16:13] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [16:38] TR News (NEW): Linux Mint 22 Beta Released with Cinnamon 6.2, Based on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Linux_Mint_22_Beta_Released_with_Cinnamon_6_2_Based_on_Ubuntu_2.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Linux_Mint_22_Beta_Released_with_Cinnamon_6_2_Based_on_Ubuntu_2.gmi [16:38] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Linux Mint 22 Beta Released with Cinnamon 6.2, Based on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS [16:50] TR News Initial work on Keychain https://carlschwan.eu/2024/07/01/initial-work-on-keychain/ [16:50] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-carlschwan.eu | Initial work on Keychain [16:54] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [16:54] *acer-box______ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) ● Jul 01 [17:00] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [17:00] *acer-box______ (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social [17:00] TR News Techrights Germany One of Many Countries Where Microsoft's Bing Lost Market Share After All That LLM Nonsense (Bing Chat and Further Rebrands/Renames) https://techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Germany_One_of_Many_Countries_Where_Microsoft_s_Bing_Lost_Marke.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/06/30/Germany_One_of_Many_Countries_Where_Microsoft_s_Bing_Lost_Marke.gmi [17:00] TR News Techrights ChromeOS+GNU/Linux in Europe in First Half of 2024 (Windows Gradually Drowning) https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/ChromeOS_GNU_Linux_in_Europe_in_First_Half_of_2024_Windows_Grad.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/ChromeOS_GNU_Linux_in_Europe_in_First_Half_of_2024_Windows_Grad.gmi [17:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Germany One of Many Countries Where Microsoft's Bing Lost Market Share After All That LLM Nonsense (Bing Chat and Further Rebrands/Renames) [17:00] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights ChromeOS+GNU/Linux in Europe in First Half of 2024 (Windows Gradually Drowning) [17:02] TR News KDE participates in OSPP 2024 https://mentorship.kde.org/blog/2024-06-30-ospp/ [17:02] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-mentorship.kde.org | KDE participates in OSPP 2024 - KDE Mentorship [17:03] TR News Afghanistan dispatch: parties to Doha discussions should push Taliban on womens rights, humanitarian aid access and inclusive governance https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/06/afghanistan-dispatch-parties-to-doha-discussions-should-push-taliban-on-womens-rights-humitarian-aid-access-and-inclusive-governance/ [17:03] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.jurist.org | Afghanistan dispatch: parties to Doha discussions should push Taliban on women's rights, humanitarian aid access and inclusive governance - JURIST - News [17:27] TR News Techrights Anti-Assange Provocations in Our IRC Network https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Anti_Assange_Provocations_in_Our_IRC_Network.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Anti_Assange_Provocations_in_Our_IRC_Network.gmi [17:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Anti-Assange Provocations in Our IRC Network [17:28] TR News Is Michi still alive? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michi_(cat) [17:28] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-en.wikipedia.org | Michi (cat) - Wikipedia [17:30] TR News Virtually impossible to find any info about Michi after 2019 [17:33] TR News "Assange told Glass that he had accumulated two hundred and thirty-two books while in Belmarsh" -> https://www.thenation.com/article/activism/julian-assange-wikileaks-belmarsh-prison/ [17:33] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-www.thenation.com | A Visit to Belmarsh Prison, Where Julian Assange Awaits His Final Appeal Against Extradition to the US | The Nation [17:34] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [17:39] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@qezxp5nudz5uq.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [17:53] TR News Techrights Wikileaks Actually Helped Save the Planet https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Wikileaks_Actually_Helped_Save_the_Planet.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Wikileaks_Actually_Helped_Save_the_Planet.gmi [17:53] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Wikileaks Actually Helped Save the Planet ● Jul 01 [18:08] TR News Techrights [Meme] IBM's Brand of Diversity and Inclusion: You Can't Install GNU/Linux If You Are Blind https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Meme_IBM_s_Brand_of_Diversity_and_Inclusion_You_Can_t_Install_G.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Meme_IBM_s_Brand_of_Diversity_and_Inclusion_You_Can_t_Install_G.gmi [18:09] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights [Meme] IBM's Brand of Diversity and Inclusion: You Can't Install GNU/Linux If You Are Blind [18:13] TR News "How can a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) service take more time than a TLS (Transport Layer Security) service? Especially when TLS runs over TCP? And TLS generates six times the packets than TCP?" gemini://gemini.conman.org/boston/2024/06/30.1 [18:14] TR News SpellBinding: GILPSTU Wordo: TAWNY gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2024-07-01.gmi [18:15] TR News "I just read an article titled "Are Agile and Scrum Dead?" by Mike Cohn, one of the most excellent and respectable experts in Agile." gemini://nader.pm/is-agile-dead/ [18:16] TR News Adventure gemini://tilde.club/~mowlawner/gemlog/20240701.gmi [18:17] TR News On Open Source and the Sustainability of the Commons gemini://ploum.net/2024-07-01-opensource_sustainability.gmi "TL;DR: put your open source code under the AGPL license." [18:18] TR News "What does it mean to be a person?" gemini://njms.ca/gemlog/2024-07-01.gmi [18:18] TR News Emacs Fun - Split Window gemini://lantashifiles.com/gemlog/entries/2024-07-01.gmi [18:20] TR News "With 'clj-pnm' deployed to Clojars [1] it's easier to have some fun with it. And by fun I mean Babashka! We will write a script that will take a number as an argument and spit out a Portable Bitmap (pbm) [2] file representation of it. We will use numbers as input because it is a smaller set of values to cover, but the same logic can be used for alphanumeric values." gemini://theparanoidtimes.org/blog/2024/07/01/clj-pnm-bab [18:23] TR News "Hello! I just registered to midnight.pub." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1972 [18:24] TR News "which I'd imagined must have existed back when I thought posting images of writings on 3x5 cards was a fun and/or worthwhile thing to do." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1970 [18:25] TR News "Hi all. the old ICQ died, a new one appeared, to connect to nina.chat on the desktop you can use the old software, ICQ Qip Miranda, for android only this: downgrade.me.eu.org/nina_icq.apk" gemini://midnight.pub/posts/1971 [18:27] TR News Techrights Gemini Links 01/07/2024: New ICQ and Demise of 'Agile' Cargo Cult https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Gemini_Links_01_07_2024_New_ICQ_and_Demise_of_Agile_Cargo_Cult.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Gemini_Links_01_07_2024_New_ICQ_and_Demise_of_Agile_Cargo_Cult.gmi [18:27] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Gemini Links 01/07/2024: New ICQ and Demise of 'Agile' Cargo Cult [18:29] TR News (NEW): Recent GNU/Linux and Free Software Videos https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Recent_GNU_Linux_and_Free_Software_Videos.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Recent_GNU_Linux_and_Free_Software_Videos.gmi [18:29] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Recent GNU/Linux and Free Software Videos [18:32] TR News (NEW): GNU/Linux Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/GNU_Linux_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/GNU_Linux_Leftovers.gmi [18:32] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines GNU/Linux Leftovers [18:34] TR News (NEW): Security Leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Security_Leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/Security_Leftovers.gmi [18:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines Security Leftovers [18:34] TR News (NEW): today's programming leftovers https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/today_s_programming_leftovers.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/07/01/today_s_programming_leftovers.gmi [18:34] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-news.tuxmachines.org | Tux Machines today's programming leftovers [18:35] TR News Techrights Links 01/07/2024: Catchup With Science and War in Ukraine https://techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Links_01_07_2024_Catchup_With_Science_and_War_in_Ukraine.shtml | Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/07/01/Links_01_07_2024_Catchup_With_Science_and_War_in_Ukraine.gmi [18:35] -TechrightsSocial/#boycottnovell-social-techrights.org | Techrights Links 01/07/2024: Catchup With Science and War in Ukraine [18:40] *liberty_box_ (~liberty@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [18:40] *liberty_box_ has quit (connection closed) [18:41] *libertybox3 (~schestowitz_log@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [18:43] *tm-server-stage (~tm-server-stage@iijacan2vrgta.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [18:52] *psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) ● Jul 01 [19:04] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [19:21] *Moocher5254 (~quassel@6i8ckjmvfhgyw.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [19:26] *Moocher5254 has quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) [19:34] *Moocher5254 (~quassel@6i8ckjmvfhgyw.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [19:56] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/) [19:56] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social ● Jul 01 [20:29] *acer-box______ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [20:29] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [20:29] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [20:29] *acer-box______ (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social [20:35] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [20:35] *acer-box______ has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [20:35] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social [20:35] *acer-box______ (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-social ● Jul 01 [21:44] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@fzr5kzfb3muhg.irc) has joined #boycottnovell-social ● Jul 01 [23:42] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/) ● Jul 01 [02:21] *SaphirJD has quit (connection closed) ● Jul 01 [03:04] *salvador (~salvador@52inny7mrvvbk.irc) has joined #techpol ● Jul 01 [05:51] TR News Iran https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2024-06-27/un-security-council-demands-iran-backed-yemen-rebels-halt-their-attacks-on-ships-in-mideast-waters [05:51] -TechPolBot/#techpol-HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ https://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2024-06-27/un-security-council-demands-iran-backed-yemen-rebels-halt-their-attacks-on-ships-in-mideast-waters ) ● Jul 01 [08:37] TR News "Italys Far-Right Government Is Rewriting the Constitution" https://jacobin.com/2024/06/italy-meloni-constitution-reforms/ [08:37] -TechPolBot/#techpol-jacobin.com | Italys Far-Right Government Is Rewriting the Constitution [08:38] TR News "Barry Sampson | So That Was June" https://barrysampson.net/so-that-was-june [08:38] -TechPolBot/#techpol-barrysampson.net | Barry Sampson | So That Was June ● Jul 01 [12:30] TR News "The effectiveness of terrorism and counter-terrorism efforts is certainly within the scope of academic" https://www.michaelgeist.ca/2024/06/governments-choice-for-chief-of-human-rights-commission-cited-terrorism-as-a-rational-strategy-with-high-rates-of-success/ | Source: Michael Geist [12:31] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.michaelgeist.ca | Governments Choice for Chief of Human Rights Commission Cited Terrorism as a Rational Strategy With High Rates of Success - Michael Geist [12:31] TR News "The far-left is basically saying the following anywhere they can" https://danielmiessler.com/p/farleft-will-elect-trump-november-2024 | Source: Daniel Miessler [12:31] -TechPolBot/#techpol-danielmiessler.com | How the Far-left Will Elect Trump in November 2024 ● Jul 01 [13:42] TR News North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles, says Seoul https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/north-korea-fires-ballistic-missile-yonhap-new-agency-says [13:42] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.straitstimes.com | North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles, one fails | The Straits Times [13:42] TR News North Korea fires two ballistic missiles: South https://www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/north-korea-ballistic-missile-06302024221449.html [13:42] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 403 @ https://www.rfa.org/english/news/korea/north-korea-ballistic-missile-06302024221449.html ) [13:42] TR News North Korea fires two short-range ballistic missiles, Seoul says https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/north-korea-fires-ballistic-missile-yonhap-new-agency-says [13:43] TR News North Korea test-launches two ballistic missiles, South Korea military says https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240701-north-korea-test-two-ballistic-missiles-south-korea-military [13:43] -TechPolBot/#techpol- ( status 404 @ https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20240701-north-korea-test-two-ballistic-missiles-south-korea-military ) [13:47] TR News Xi To Combine SCO Summit With State Visits To Kazakhstan, Tajikistan https://www.rferl.org/a/xi-china-kazakhstan-tajikistan-sco-astana/33014300.html [13:47] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Xi To Combine SCO Summit With State Visits To Kazakhstan, Tajikistan ● Jul 01 [14:04] TR News China Communist Party expels two former defense ministers from party for alleged bribery https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/06/china-communist-party-expels-two-former-defense-ministers-from-party-for-bribery/ [14:04] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.jurist.org | China Communist Party expels two former defense ministers from party for alleged bribery - JURIST - News [14:05] TR News Handover Day: China to gift another pair of giant pandas to Hong Kong https://hongkongfp.com/2024/07/01/handover-day-china-to-gift-another-pair-of-giant-pandas-to-hong-kong/ [14:05] -TechPolBot/#techpol-hongkongfp.com | Handover Day: China to gift another pair of giant pandas to Hong Kong [14:13] TR News Serbia To Stay On Red Alert After Crossbow Attack At Israeli Embassy https://www.rferl.org/a/serbia-israel-embassy-crossbow-attack-terrorism/33014243.html [14:13] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.rferl.org | Serbia To Stay On Red Alert After Crossbow Attack At Israeli Embassy [14:25] TR News Serbia official bans Kosovo-Serbia reconciliation festival https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/06/serbia-official-bans-kosovo-serbia-reconciliation-festival/ [14:25] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.jurist.org | Serbia official bans Kosovo-Serbia reconciliation festival - JURIST - News [14:26] TR News Taiwan advises people to avoid travelling to Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/06/taiwan-advises-people-to-avoid-travelling-to-mainland-china-hong-kong-and-macau/ [14:26] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.jurist.org | Taiwan advises people to avoid travelling to Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau - JURIST - News [14:32] TR News Bolivia authorities transfer general accused of failed coup attempt to maximum security prison https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/06/bolivia-authorities-transfer-general-accused-of-failed-coup-attempt-to-maximum-security-prison/ [14:32] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.jurist.org | Bolivia authorities transfer general accused of failed coup attempt to maximum security prison - JURIST - News [14:48] *techrights-server-mon has quit (connection closed) [14:48] *tm-server-bot has quit (connection closed) [14:48] *tm-testing has quit (connection closed) [14:48] *techrights-server-backup has quit (connection closed) [14:48] *Disconnected (Remote host closed socket). [14:55] *Now talking on #techpol [14:55] *libertybox_______ (~schestowitz_log@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [14:55] *liberty_box (~liberty@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [14:56] *rianne_ (~rianne@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [14:56] *KindOne_ (~KindOne@23xffjdf3phbn.irc) has joined #techpol [14:56] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [14:56] *schestowitz-pi2 (~pi@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [14:56] *Moocher5254 (~quassel@6i8ckjmvfhgyw.irc) has joined #techpol [14:56] *Techrights-sec (~quassel@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [14:56] *Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [14:56] *pi (~quassel@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [14:57] *admfubar (~admfubar@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techpol [14:58] *salvador (~salvador@52inny7mrvvbk.irc) has joined #techpol [14:58] *pi is now known as techrightsec4 [14:58] *techrightsec4 is now known as techrightsec5 [14:58] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techpol [14:59] *techrights-news (~techrights-news@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [14:59] *XFaCE (~XFaCE@uzfeivw9fp6ba.irc) has joined #techpol ● Jul 01 [15:05] *tm-testing (~tm-testing@iijacan2vrgta.irc) has joined #techpol [15:07] *techrights-server-mon2 (~techrights-server-m@iijacan2vrgta.irc) has joined #techpol [15:08] *tm-server-bot2 (~tm-server-bot2@iijacan2vrgta.irc) has joined #techpol [15:21] *techrights-server-backup2 (~techrights-server-b@iijacan2vrgta.irc) has joined #techpol [15:45] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techpol [15:47] *Moocher5254 has quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) [15:58] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [15:58] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol ● Jul 01 [16:04] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [16:04] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [16:06] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techpol [16:13] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/) [16:13] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techpol [16:54] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) ● Jul 01 [17:00] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [17:03] TR News Afghanistan dispatch: parties to Doha discussions should push Taliban on womens rights, humanitarian aid access and inclusive governance https://www.jurist.org/news/2024/06/afghanistan-dispatch-parties-to-doha-discussions-should-push-taliban-on-womens-rights-humitarian-aid-access-and-inclusive-governance/ [17:03] -TechPolBot/#techpol-www.jurist.org | Afghanistan dispatch: parties to Doha discussions should push Taliban on women's rights, humanitarian aid access and inclusive governance - JURIST - News ● Jul 01 [18:40] *liberty_box_ (~liberty@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [18:40] *liberty_box_ has quit (connection closed) [18:41] *libertybox3 (~schestowitz_log@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [18:43] *tm-server-stage (~tm-server-stage@iijacan2vrgta.irc) has joined #techpol [18:52] *psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) ● Jul 01 [19:04] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techpol [19:21] *Moocher5254 (~quassel@6i8ckjmvfhgyw.irc) has joined #techpol [19:26] *Moocher5254 has quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.) [19:34] *Moocher5254 (~quassel@6i8ckjmvfhgyw.irc) has joined #techpol [19:56] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/) [19:56] *psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techpol ● Jul 01 [20:29] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [20:29] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol [20:35] *schestowitz-TR has quit (Quit: Konversation term) [20:35] *schestowitz-TR (~acer-box@v2x87byxv2p3s.irc) has joined #techpol ● Jul 01 [23:42] *psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)