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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Wednesday, January 01, 2020

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schestowitzRichard Stallman wrote on 01/01/2020 00:39:>   > On a positive note, Free software is nowadays used everywhere, it's justJan 01 03:31
schestowitz>   > not being called that and it has been leveraged as a low-cost 'cushion'Jan 01 03:31
schestowitz>   > for DRM, surveillance, militarism etc. Think companies like FB andJan 01 03:31
schestowitz>   > Netflix (GNU at their back ends).Jan 01 03:31
schestowitz>Jan 01 03:31
schestowitz> Their computers are running their copies of free software, and theyJan 01 03:31
schestowitz> get the benefit of freedom -- controlling the things that they do toJan 01 03:31
schestowitz> people.  But people will never control what Facebook's server does, orJan 01 03:31
schestowitz> what Netflix's server does, or what Amazon's server does, etc.Jan 01 03:31
schestowitz>Jan 01 03:31
schestowitz> In order for people to get the benefit of free software, people haveJan 01 03:31
schestowitz> to go back to doing their own computing on their own computers, andJan 01 03:31
schestowitz> not letting themselves be controlled by companies' servers.Jan 01 03:31
schestowitzI need to correct myself: Netflix uses BSD on the servers.Jan 01 03:31
schestowitz> mincers got it.Jan 01 06:01
schestowitz>Jan 01 06:01
schestowitz> daniel is describing proprietary lock-in. but its Free In License Only.Jan 01 06:01
schestowitzRe: gnomeJan 01 06:01
schestowitz 01 08:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bbyfield: #techrights claims I am anti-Stallman. Apparently, the little boy who runs it can't stand the thought that a hero c… 01 08:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@bbyfield: #techrights claims I am anti-Stallman. Apparently, the little boy who runs it can't stand the thought that a hero c… 01 08:23
schestowitz"#techrights claims I am anti-Stallman. Apparently, the little boy who runs it can't stand the thought that a hero can be flawed. Grow up, Roy."Jan 01 08:23
<--acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 01 10:15
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social_log 01 17:34
social_log"- I got my eyes on easyNAS (AFAIK it is based on openSUSE  Tumbleweed). Alternatively I'll be using openSUSE LEAP + Webmin or simply use the systems Ncurses YaST through a terminal. #nas #opensuse #easynas #linux"Jan 01 17:34
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJan 01 17:34
schestowitzRe: FOR IMMEDIATE PUBLICATION> Whose Opinion Really Matters to The FSF? The Board, The Sponsors, and The BoardJan 01 17:39
schestowitz>Jan 01 17:39
schestowitz> By Ted MacReillyJan 01 17:39
schestowitzThank you, father red. on it.........Jan 01 17:39
schestowitzRe: b----ring typos> **isnt the proof is in the results?**Jan 01 17:40
schestowitz>Jan 01 17:40
schestowitz> -> **isnt the proof in the results?**Jan 01 17:40
schestowitz>Jan 01 17:40
schestowitz> i blame ted!Jan 01 17:40
schestowitzTed is a real asshole. He worked for Microsoft after alll...Jan 01 17:40
schestowitzRe: Want meet up this weekend?Jan 01 17:42
schestowitz> Ok, you wanna meet tomorrow then?Jan 01 17:42
schestowitzYes, Thurs would work OK for me. Where/when/how? I'll probably phone you as that's easier...Jan 01 17:42
schestowitz>> Are you free AM tomorrow?Jan 01 17:42
schestowitz>Jan 01 17:42
schestowitz> Yes, but going to the gymJan 01 17:42
schestowitz>> Ted is a real asshole. He worked for Microsoft after alll...Jan 01 18:58
schestowitz> was it? id have to check the little bio for him.Jan 01 18:58
schestowitz>Jan 01 18:58
schestowitz> anyway, hes definitely on our side now, but hes definitely an asshole.Jan 01 18:58
schestowitzI also had to correct his headline, as there was likely a mistake in it and so it became very confusing.Jan 01 18:58
schestowitzYes Thu is fine, can go for a walk near my house if you like.>>Jan 01 19:00
schestowitz> Can meet you in early morning in car 9am?Jan 01 19:00
schestowitzCan we do that Friday instead? I'm totally free that day, so it would be better. Also weather-wise, having checked a second ago...Jan 01 19:00
schestowitz 01 19:05
-TechBytesBot/ Less than an hour ago I noticed the results of the Debian vote; seems like #Devuan was saved. #debian #gnu #linux #systemdJan 01 19:05
schestowitz"Jan 01 19:05
schestowitzJan 01 19:05
schestowitzYes!!!Jan 01 19:05
schestowitz"Jan 01 19:05
schestowitz\Jan 01 19:07
-TechBytesBot/ Lessons of 9/11 should have been that US foreign policy puts Americans at risk, not only aboard but also domestically. More wars abroad merely accentuate the problem.Jan 01 19:07
schestowitz"Jan 01 19:07
schestowitz    Lessons of 9/11 should have been that US foreign policy puts Americans at risk, not only aboard but also domestically.Jan 01 19:07
schestowitzinstead, for many people they learned that domestic policy (increasingly) puts them at risk.Jan 01 19:07
schestowitzas for the lesson you proposed, i think many americans were already aware of that. perhaps the awareness should have increased. be careful what you wish for though, because in practice that “awareness” makes it easier to say “hey, there are new threats-- lets go GET EM!” i realise thats not what you were hoping the takeaway would be. its in the category of “if somethings not working, do more of it.” but politics LOVES that one.Jan 01 19:07
schestowitz"Jan 01 19:07
schestowitz> whose opinion matters to the fsf? the board, the sponsors, and the boardJan 01 20:00
schestowitz>Jan 01 20:00
schestowitz> ^ looks fine to me. i think its deliberately redundant.Jan 01 20:00
schestowitz> i think the correction works.Jan 01 20:00
schestowitz>Jan 01 20:00
schestowitz> the original works too, you just interpreted it differently.Jan 01 20:00
schestowitz>Jan 01 20:00
schestowitz> good editing if its less confusing for people. though its actually a different question with your edit. close enough, you know.Jan 01 20:00
schestowitzI'll be honest.Jan 01 20:00
schestowitzMy wife saw the headline and got confused by it (not me).Jan 01 20:00
schestowitzSo I decided to avoid other people getting equally confused or assumed we got confused ourselves. (I read headlines 5 times)Jan 01 20:00

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