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*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytesMar 01 02:31
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techbytesMar 01 02:33
schestowitz[TR2] 01 04:02
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Mar 01 04:02
schestowitz[TR2]"Mar 01 04:02
schestowitz[TR2]Word of mouth by some people on the insideMar 01 04:02
schestowitz[TR2]Could me more next weekMar 01 04:02
schestowitz[TR2]9 hours ago by AnonymousMar 01 04:02
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Mar 01 04:02
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @hk+1jn2hy3cdMar 01 04:02
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Mar 01 04:02
schestowitz[TR2]@gx+1jn2hy3cd --Mar 01 04:02
schestowitz[TR2]Any link to a news article?Mar 01 04:02
schestowitz[TR2]"Mar 01 04:02
schestowitz[TR2] 01 04:22
-TechBytesBot/ | Review of AI patent drafting software for life sciences: Qatent - The IPKatMar 01 04:22
schestowitz[TR2]"RESPONSE BY QATENT CO-FOUNDER 2/2Mar 01 04:22
schestowitz[TR2]Beyond clients,...</a></h5><blockquote>RESPONSE BY QATENT CO-FOUNDER 2/2<br /><br />Beyond clients, we are looking for partners in this field. Qatent can hyper-specialize Hey Hi (AI) on top of the base brick for specific verticals (e.g. cosmetics, etc).<br /><br />So as a temporary conclusion: please continue considering this market as an emerging market, and please come back to test again. Meanwhile, if you have feature requests, Mar 01 04:22
schestowitz[TR2]from baby steps to big challenges, come find us and discuss !<br /><br />All the best,<br /><br />François Veltz<br />Qatent Cofounder<br />"Mar 01 04:22
schestowitz[TR2] 01 04:39
-TechBytesBot/ | Review of AI patent drafting software for life sciences: Qatent - The IPKatMar 01 04:39
schestowitz[TR2]"Thank you for testing qatent and sharing your thoughts.<br /><br />I am one of the two co-founders of qatent (my cofounder is Kim Gerdes, Professor in Computational Linguistics at Paris-Saclay University, and former head of the master track in AI). As a qualified French patent monopoly attorney, I worked for patent monopoly law firms, I.C.B.M. and Roche Diagnostics: I know the very high expectations of my former colleagues in pMar 01 04:39
schestowitz[TR2]harma.<br /><br />Please find below some thoughts:<br /><br />- qatent did its computations on all IPC/CPC classes, including C and D. Qatent is workable for chembio but is surely not optimized for this huge and diverse field (at least as of today). But again, it is workable. We focus on the &quot;fundamental&quot; layer, mechanics, software, medical devices, etc. We make steady progress (new release every month in average, so pMar 01 04:39
schestowitz[TR2]lease come back and test again!) but there are tons of challenges for this &quot;very basics&quot; layer (e.g. jurisdiction-dependent drafting styles, patentability diagnostics at claims' drafting, handling of consistency, handling of sufficiency of disclosure partly, machine vision to speed-up the description of figures, reference numerals management, etc). <br /><br />- with respect to the generation of claims: they are not fitMar 01 04:39
schestowitz[TR2]-for-purpose &quot;out of the box&quot;. It lacks the incorporation of business insights (single or multiple providers, etc) and regulatory insights (e.g. mandatory redundancy of systems in medical devices), for example. Maybe this will change in the future. We are working hard to sophisticate this generation of claims, and our next release will likely improve the situation. But please note that today, you can already use the chatMar 01 04:39
schestowitz[TR2]bot and reprocess claim sets (e.g. rephrase method claims into system claims, handle product-by-process, handle Markush claims, etc). <br /><br />- the proficiency in the use of chatbots is highly variable amongst our users. A chatbot is like a virtual partner that knows a lot of things (like the skilled person, it knows all patents on earth), but is not proactive (not yet), it will respond only. If asked the right questions, yoMar 01 04:39
schestowitz[TR2]u can get amazing value. It is your role as a patent monopoly attorney to dive deeper and deeper. The deeper the question, the better value you extract from the AIs. At qatent, we try to facilitate this extraction but we cannot (and do not want) to automate 100%. We encode the &quot;canonical&quot; best drafting practices, which may be considered as &quot;non-debatable&quot;, to guide the Hey Hi (AI) models. This minimal set of ruMar 01 04:39
schestowitz[TR2]les is not trivial and we probably can discuss subtleties endlessly. As an aparté, for example, in my opinion, the problem-solution approach shall be encoded by the IP community as a whole, including patent monopoly offices (yes!), not by proprietary systems ... Code was law, now law is code, but who is writing the code ? For chembio, you know better than me that clinical data cannot be faked, that plausibility / credibility of teMar 01 04:39
schestowitz[TR2]chnical effects is at stake, etc. Decision G2/21 is super interesting in this view."Mar 01 04:39
schestowitz[TR2] 01 07:11
-TechBytesBot/ | All too quiet coverage of seemingly important court case regarding softwMar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]"There is a case going on which can impact not just the copyleft licensesMar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]but even the non-reciprocally licenses:Mar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]        "I don't think the community realizes that if theMar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]         Ninth Circuit upholds the lower court’s ruling,Mar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]         it won’t just kill GPLv3," PureThink's John MarkMar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]         Suhy told The Register.Mar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]        "It will create a dangerous legal precedent thatMar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]         could be used to undermine all open-source licenses,Mar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]         allowing licensors to impose unexpected restrictionsMar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]         and fundamentally eroding the trust that makes openMar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]         source possible."Mar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]from:Mar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]"Adverse appeals court ruling could kill GPL software license"Mar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2] 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]Kudos to Thomas at The Register for spotting and covering such anMar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]important case.Mar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]The FSF, EFF, OSI, SFLC, LibrePlanet, and others have beenMar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]disappointingly quiet on the case.  It's getting a bit late.  What isMar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]the best way to nudge the aforementioned institutions into checking theMar 01 07:11
schestowitz[TR2]case out and, if possible, filing an amicus brief?"Mar 01 07:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Mar 01 07:12
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Mar 01 09:02
*jacobk (~quassel@syp65ggum2ibk.irc) has joined #techbytesMar 01 09:04
*x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Mar 01 09:39
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@h5zkbfemmwig6.irc) has joined #techbytesMar 01 09:45
schestowitz[TR2]<li>Mar 01 11:58
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <h5><a href="">FreeBSD Status Report Fourth Quarter 2024 | The FreeBSD Project</a></h5>Mar 01 11:58
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <blockquote>Mar 01 11:58
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p>Here is the fourth and last 2024 status report, with 44 entries. </p>Mar 01 11:58
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p> It shows: 2024 has been a tremendously successful and busy year. Usually, one would expect the final months in a year to be less busy, with people leaving for holidays and New Years celebration. We still managed to deliver and see great progress on so many things! </p>Mar 01 11:58
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p> Collecting and compiling this report took longer than planned, but it was worth the wait. </p>Mar 01 11:58
schestowitz[TR2]                                    </blockquote>Mar 01 11:58
schestowitz[TR2]                                </li>Mar 01 11:58
-TechBytesBot/ | FreeBSD Status Report Fourth Quarter 2024 | The FreeBSD ProjectMar 01 11:58
schestowitz[TR2]  <li>Mar 01 12:05
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <h5><a href="">The price of statelessness is eternal waiting</a></h5>Mar 01 12:05
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <blockquote>Mar 01 12:05
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p>How much could you reduce resource usage (or, if you prefer, improve CI build speed) by giving up on statelessness? Let's find out by running some tests. To get a reasonably large code base I used LLVM. I did not actually use any cloud or Docker in the tests, but I simulated them on a local media PC. I used 16 cores to compile and 4 to link (any more would saturate the disk). Tests were noMar 01 12:05
schestowitz[TR2]t run. </p>Mar 01 12:05
schestowitz[TR2]                                    </blockquote>Mar 01 12:05
schestowitz[TR2]                                </li>Mar 01 12:05
-TechBytesBot/ | Nibble Stew: The price of statelessness is eternal waitingMar 01 12:05
schestowitz[TR2] <li>Mar 01 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <h5><a href="">NVIDIA Releases Linux Display Driver v570</a></h5>Mar 01 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <blockquote>Mar 01 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p>Further highlights include fixing the stuttering and performance hiccups sometimes experienced when scrolling windows in Wayland with GSP firmware enabled. </p>Mar 01 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]                                    </blockquote>Mar 01 12:07
schestowitz[TR2]                                </li>Mar 01 12:07
-TechBytesBot/ | NVIDIA Releases Linux Display Driver v570Mar 01 12:07
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytesMar 01 13:58
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techbytesMar 01 14:02
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytesMar 01 15:02
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techbytesMar 01 15:07
*psydroid3 (~psydroid@8p6k6zizq5nqc.irc) has joined #techbytesMar 01 15:48
schestowitz[TR2]                        <li>Mar 01 18:30
schestowitz[TR2]                            <h5><a href="">DavMail 6.3 Open-Source Exchange Gateway Released</a></h5>Mar 01 18:30
schestowitz[TR2]                            <blockquote>Mar 01 18:30
schestowitz[TR2]                                <p>DavMail, an open-source, cross-platform Exchange and Office 365 gateway that allows users to integrate their preferred email and calendar clients—such as Thunderbird—with Microsoft Exchange servers, has just reached version 6.3. </p>Mar 01 18:30
schestowitz[TR2]                            </blockquote>Mar 01 18:30
schestowitz[TR2]                        </li>Mar 01 18:30
schestowitz[TR2]                     Mar 01 18:30
-TechBytesBot/ | DavMail 6.3 Open-Source Exchange Gateway ReleasedMar 01 18:30
*psydroid3 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.2.6 Quasar 01 18:46
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Mar 01 19:38
*jacobk (~quassel@syp65ggum2ibk.irc) has joined #techbytesMar 01 19:41

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