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schestowitz>> 03 01:45
schestowitz>>Sep 03 01:45
-TechBytesBot/ | We Still Need More Stallmans | TechrightsSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> I can see you put a lot of work into this but there is a fundamentalSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> problem with this, some things you may not have been aware of.Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz>Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz> While you are on the right track, I lost two family members in less thanSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> a year.  There have been other cases of extraordinary difficulty facedSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> by some family members during the same period.  I withdrew from many ofSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> my voluntary activities at that time and it is not possible to reportSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> accurately about the situation without those very significant facts.Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz>Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz> Out of respect for the privacy of my family, it isn't really possible toSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> tell the story accurately.Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz>Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz> I've never been accused of an action against my employer (like Manning),Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz> I've never been convicted of a crime (like Assange, he has a prior forSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> hacking) and they have never been able to link me to the type ofSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> comments RMS has made in error from time to time.  So it is actuallySep 03 01:45
schestowitz> quite harmful for anybody else to be listed on the same web page, evenSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> if the claims against them are dubious.  The only thing they ever saySep 03 01:45
schestowitz> about me is "he must have done something wrong", smears like that hardlySep 03 01:45
schestowitz> need a defense.Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz>Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz> If potential employers and clients see these connections, they might notSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> realize those differences and they might be hesitant to work with me andSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> that can actually undermine the work I try to do as a volunteer.Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz>Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz> Please have a think about this overall context and whether you can adaptSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> the article.  Please also remember the media code of conduct (yes, theySep 03 01:45
schestowitz> have one too) specifically refers to privacy (during a period of grief)Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz> and victims of crime.  The attacks against me during that timeSep 03 01:45
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techbytesSep 03 01:45
schestowitz> technically make me a victim of harassment, protected by the code.Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz>Sep 03 01:45
schestowitz> 03 01:45
-TechBytesBot/ | Code of ethics in media - WikipediaSep 03 01:45
schestowitzJust to be clear, this was a guest post -- not one that I wrote myself. See the attribution at the top.Sep 03 01:45
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 03 01:47
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 03 01:47
schestowitzRe: some positive initiativesSep 03 01:48
schestowitz> The reporting on certain issues is quite negative but in the short term,Sep 03 01:48
schestowitz> important for confronting the lies and smears.Sep 03 01:48
schestowitz>Sep 03 01:48
schestowitz> However, medium-to-long-term, I have some specific plans for positiveSep 03 01:49
schestowitz> initiatives too.  Some of this has been on hold while I finish otherSep 03 01:49
schestowitz> projects but I will be able to put some serious time into it in lateSep 03 01:49
schestowitz> September or October.  Basically, this involves creating some technicalSep 03 01:49
schestowitz> tools that will largely undermine gatekeepers.Sep 03 01:49
schestowitz>Sep 03 01:49
schestowitz> If people understand these tools and if they trust me, they will useSep 03 01:49
schestowitz> them.  This is one reason I'm cautious about what is on my own blog now.Sep 03 01:49
schestowitz>  I really want to use my own name and personal blog to emphasize theSep 03 01:49
schestowitz> technical competence and not politics.  Then people will feelSep 03 01:49
schestowitz> comfortable using the code I provide.Sep 03 01:49
schestowitz>Sep 03 01:49
schestowitz> I really appreciate the effort you've put into analysis of the emailsSep 03 01:49
schestowitz> people are sharing, it actually leaves me feeling I can shift more of mySep 03 01:49
schestowitz> energy to this next initiative while you continue to cover the reasonsSep 03 01:49
schestowitz> why people need change.Sep 03 01:49
schestowitzRe: When Reid Hoffman @‘s youSep 03 01:53
schestowitz> Twitter is just too much fun these days for me not to partake 🤣Sep 03 01:53
schestowitzMaybe he responded and then deleted his reply because I see noneSep 03 01:54
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesSep 03 01:58
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 03 01:58
schestowitz>> By the way, the pairing of memes was pretty obvious; I wrote the titleSep 03 02:02
schestowitz>> before I wrote the article, but when I looked for stuff about AssangeSep 03 02:02
schestowitz>> related to this, I found that had already used a clipSep 03 02:02
schestowitz>> from the same SP episode I referenced to do a story about AssangeSep 03 02:02
schestowitz>> leaving his own exile.Sep 03 02:02
schestowitz>>Sep 03 02:02
schestowitz>> But I did find that after I thought of it. Obvious meme is obvious. AtSep 03 02:02
schestowitz>> any rate, we aren't making T-shirts out of it.Sep 03 02:02
schestowitz> > Good show, old chap.Sep 03 02:02
schestowitz 03 02:13
-TechBytesBot/ Postfix vs. Sendmail 03 02:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Postfix vs. Sendmail | Tux MachinesSep 03 02:13
schestowitz"Sep 03 02:13
schestowitz 03 02:13
-TechBytesBot/ | LavabitSep 03 02:13
schestowitzMichele SantulloSep 03 02:13
schestowitzMichele Santullo - about 16 hours agoSep 03 02:13
schestowitzThere was a big scandal about Lavabit a few years ago, basically they chose to shut down their business rather than granting the US access to all of their customers emails. Magma started as a consequence of that. The owner of Lavabit behaved in a way that is hard to believe these days. Most companies, even the most powerful ones, would bend doggy style 2 folds before even thinking about standing for their users’ privacySep 03 02:13
schestowitz"Sep 03 02:13
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Sep 03 02:27
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Sep 03 02:27
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesSep 03 02:32
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 03 02:33
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Sep 03 02:38
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Sep 03 02:39
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 03 02:51
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesSep 03 02:51
Tcl interface unloadedSep 03 05:34
Python interface unloadedSep 03 05:34
*Now talking on #techbytesSep 03 05:35
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastSep 03 05:35
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Sep 03 05:35
*rianne_ ( has joined #techbytesSep 03 05:46
*libertybox_ ( has joined #techbytesSep 03 05:46
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 03 05:47
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 03 06:24
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Sep 03 06:24
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 03 07:34
*rianne__ ( has joined #techbytesSep 03 07:34
schestowitz__>>>> 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>>>Sep 03 11:37
-TechBytesBot/ | We Still Need More Stallmans | TechrightsSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> I can see you put a lot of work into this but there is a fundamentalSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> problem with this, some things you may not have been aware of.Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>>Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> While you are on the right track, I lost two family members in less thanSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> a year.  There have been other cases of extraordinary difficulty facedSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> by some family members during the same period.  I withdrew from many ofSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> my voluntary activities at that time and it is not possible to reportSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> accurately about the situation without those very significant facts.Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>>Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> Out of respect for the privacy of my family, it isn't really possible toSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> tell the story accurately.Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>>Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> I've never been accused of an action against my employer (like Manning),Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> I've never been convicted of a crime (like Assange, he has a prior forSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> hacking) and they have never been able to link me to the type ofSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> comments RMS has made in error from time to time.  So it is actuallySep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> quite harmful for anybody else to be listed on the same web page, evenSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> if the claims against them are dubious.  The only thing they ever saySep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> about me is "he must have done something wrong", smears like that hardlySep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> need a defense.Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>>Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> If potential employers and clients see these connections, they might notSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> realize those differences and they might be hesitant to work with me andSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> that can actually undermine the work I try to do as a volunteer.Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>>Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> Please have a think about this overall context and whether you can adaptSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> the article.  Please also remember the media code of conduct (yes, theySep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> have one too) specifically refers to privacy (during a period of grief)Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> and victims of crime.  The attacks against me during that timeSep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>> technically make me a victim of harassment, protected by the code.Sep 03 11:37
schestowitz__>>>Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__>>> 03 11:38
-TechBytesBot/ | Code of ethics in media - WikipediaSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__>> Just to be clear, this was a guest post -- not one that I wrote myself.Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__>> See the attribution at the top.Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> Would you be able to discuss with the contributor?Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__>Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> Please keep this in mind: the loss of a family member is a privateSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> matter.  It is not comparable to the public matters facing Assange andSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> Manning.  Their situations were almost an obvious consequence of choicesSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> they bravely made.Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__>Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> It is also not "private" in the sense of stuff coming out ofSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> debian-private.  Society has a different expectation of what privateSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> means in that scenario.Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__>Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> My situation is a painful situation that every family faces at someSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> point.  People outside our world of free software can relate to it.Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__>Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> People in Debian seem to have no regard for the privacy of my family butSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> in the wider world, it is immediately obvious to most people that DebianSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> people have the wrong priorities.  Even the interns who spoke to meSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> about Debian politics could see that Debian was wrong.Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__>Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> Strategically, if we want free software to resonate with people outsideSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> the traditional audience then it is also a very good idea toSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> differentiate on this basis: Google and Debian showed no concern for mySep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> family at that time.  Even with all their money, Google can't argue withSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> that, most ordinary people will not side with Google bullying aSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> volunteer at a time of grief.Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__>Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> If people are elevating other comparisons, then it lets Google andSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> Debian off the hook because those other battles are easier for them toSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> fight.Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__>Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> Nonetheless, the most prominent issue should be the privacy of anySep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> family, even without any of those strategic concerns, the respect forSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> privacy of my family alone is a strong enough reason not to include meSep 03 11:38
schestowitz__> in a post like that.Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__Passing on to original author...Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__He will probably have something to say in return.Sep 03 11:38
schestowitz__en by Google via APISep 03 12:47
schestowitz__>>> Also, how should we remember the source URL with it?Sep 03 12:47
schestowitz__>>Sep 03 12:47
schestowitz__>> I will link from posts to these. I think DebConf has the originals, notSep 03 12:47
schestowitz__>> YouTube. I don't want to send traffic to Google when it treats people soSep 03 12:47
schestowitz__>> badly.Sep 03 12:47
schestowitz__>Sep 03 12:47
schestowitz__> Makes sense.  I suppose there can be an EXIF data field for the original?Sep 03 12:47
schestowitz__>Sep 03 12:47
schestowitz__>> BTW, I am guessing you forgot to upload other/daily links?Sep 03 12:47
schestowitz__>Sep 03 12:47
schestowitz__> Sorry.  Participated in a minor traffic jam and it threw off most of theSep 03 12:47
schestowitz__> routine.  They're uploaded now.Sep 03 12:47
schestowitz__Thanks, other links are there now. Just waiting for merge to be uploaded as well. Those usually help me write posts 'in the background'...Sep 03 12:47
schestowitz__(m2020-09/ has 5 files in total, should be six)Sep 03 12:47

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