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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Sunday, April 05, 2020

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*Now talking on #techbytesApr 05 00:12
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastApr 05 00:12
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Apr 05 00:12
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 00:12
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Apr 05 00:12
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesApr 05 00:12
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 00:43
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 00:43
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Apr 05 00:48
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Apr 05 00:48
schestowitz>>> Yes, they cost cents to manufacture but are sold for tens of Euros.Apr 05 01:06
schestowitz>>> Even when you can find them cheaply the end up costing.  I bought aApr 05 01:06
schestowitz>>> bunch of decent cables @ 50 cents each recent but the shipping costsApr 05 01:06
schestowitz>>> were around 12 EUR.  :(Apr 05 01:06
schestowitz>> The last cable we bought was at some local Chinese-owned store and itApr 05 01:06
schestowitz>> works better than the ones from ebay. We used so many....Apr 05 01:06
schestowitz> I've had to buy more and more from the net.  I had resisted for yearsApr 05 01:06
schestowitz> but all the locals shops except one more or less flat out tell peopleApr 05 01:06
schestowitz> just to turn to the net.  As reinforcement they have neither quantityApr 05 01:07
schestowitz> nor variety in their stock and they prefer to let things run out.  So onApr 05 01:07
schestowitz> the very rare occasion they should have something, the shelf is empty.Apr 05 01:07
schestowitz>Apr 05 01:07
schestowitz> Looking at the two Raspberry Pi stores over the last few days, theirApr 05 01:07
schestowitz> stock is running down quickly.  It must be that a lot of people areApr 05 01:07
schestowitz> finding indoor Pi-based projects.Apr 05 01:07
schestowitz>Apr 05 01:07
schestowitz> Anyway, about the net shop, in addition to the other parts listed in theApr 05 01:07
schestowitz> earlier message, I would say that these following two add-ons would beApr 05 01:07
schestowitz> very useful for physical notifications of events:Apr 05 01:07
schestowitz>Apr 05 01:07
schestowitz> 05 01:07
-TechBytesBot/ | Blinkt!– The Pi HutApr 05 01:07
schestowitz>Apr 05 01:07
schestowitz> 05 01:07
-TechBytesBot/ | JAM HAT (LED & Buzzer Board)– The Pi HutApr 05 01:07
schestowitz>Apr 05 01:07
schestowitz> They would be in place of building a custom GPIO board and wouldApr 05 01:07
schestowitz> interact with Python, Perl, or shell scripts just as easily as a customApr 05 01:07
schestowitz> board.Apr 05 01:07
schestowitzHours ago I tidied up the desk, did backups etc.Apr 05 01:07
schestowitzI also shelved the dead/useless laptop.Apr 05 01:07
schestowitzLet me think what I want on my desk next....Apr 05 01:07
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 01:26
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 01:27
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Apr 05 01:34
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Apr 05 01:35
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 01:52
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 01:52
*libertybox_ ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 02:37
*acer-box__ (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesApr 05 02:37
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*libertybox has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Apr 05 02:40
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*libertybox_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Apr 05 02:52
*libertybox ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 02:53
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesApr 05 02:53
*acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Apr 05 03:17
*libertybox has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Apr 05 03:17
*libertybox ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 03:20
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesApr 05 03:20
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Apr 05 05:58
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesApr 05 05:58
schestowitz 05 07:45
schestowitz"Good to see the Boards upholding the tradition of being increasingly strict as to the meaning of "all due care required by the circumstances". Another decision along these lines published today is T 1426/14. Is such an approach really in conformity with the Patent Law Treaty?"Apr 05 07:45
-TechBytesBot/ | What is all due care in stressful situations? (T 0600/18) - The IPKatApr 05 07:45
schestowitz 05 07:45
-TechBytesBot/ | Significant Revisions to the Swiss Copyright Act - The IPKatApr 05 07:45
schestowitz"Apr 05 07:45
schestowitzHere are links to the consolidated texts of the revised Swiss Copyright Act, showing the changes in red mark-up, in German: URG mit markierten Änderungen (in German) and in English (my own translation) Swiss CA with marked revisionsApr 05 07:45
schestowitzMaybe they're helpful to Cat lovers for finding the changes more quickly.Apr 05 07:45
schestowitzReinhard OertliApr 05 07:45
schestowitz"Apr 05 07:45
schestowitz 05 07:45
schestowitz"Here in the UK a collecting society tried to stiff us for infringement damages for having radios in our own company vehicles! Or, to be more precise, they offered to indemnify us "just in case" listening to them whilst on business travel were ever found to be a copyright infringement. We told them the **** off (in slightly more legal language). They did."Apr 05 07:45
-TechBytesBot/ | BREAKING: CJEU rules that hiring out of motor vehicles equipped with radio receivers does not constitute a communication to the public - The IPKatApr 05 07:45
schestowitz 05 07:52
-TechBytesBot/ | Copyright and tattoos: where are we now? - The IPKatApr 05 07:53
schestowitz"Indeed! We also covered the story:"Apr 05 07:53
-TechBytesBot/ | US court rules that unlicensed reproduction of NBA players' tattoos in their videogame avatars is not a copyright infringement - The IPKatApr 05 07:53
schestowitz 05 08:55
schestowitz"Apr 05 08:55
schestowitzThank you, Attentive. It is a comfort, that we agree on so much. If you are still there, if I may, I have another thought for you to ponder.Apr 05 08:55
schestowitzArt 100(c) comes first, in oral proceedings, Art 100(a) later. Working all the way through to Art 56 EPC means a lot of work for the Rapporteur (and the other two TBA members). How much easier, in times of great pressure to raise productivity, throughput, and drive down pendency, in a case where patentee's Art 56 defence is hopeless, to close out the case with Art 100(c). After all, no injustice is being done, and everybody benefitsApr 05 08:55
-TechBytesBot/ | Does the requirement for a "technical contribution" in a novel selection survive? (if selecting from convergent lists) (T 1621/16) - The IPKatApr 05 08:55
schestowitzfrom justice that is economical and expeditious.Apr 05 08:55
schestowitzBut that's not right. Not everybody is benefitting. Excessive use of Art 123(2) to knock out a patent that is doomed anyway not only contaminates the case law on "added matter" and the "Gold Standard" but also destroys "quality" at the EPO and eats away the good reputation of the EPO for deciding cases correctly.Apr 05 08:55
schestowitzI hope that such cases are so rare that I need not worry about it. But I do worry. Do you too?Apr 05 08:55
schestowitz"Apr 05 08:55
schestowitz 05 08:58
schestowitz"Apr 05 08:58
schestowitzDear Max Drei,Apr 05 08:58
schestowitzI have always been of the opinion that if there is a clear cut problem with Art 123(2) it becomes moot to discuss inventive step, or even novelty, as such a claim has in my humble opinion no effective date.Apr 05 08:58
-TechBytesBot/ | Does the requirement for a "technical contribution" in a novel selection survive? (if selecting from convergent lists) (T 1621/16) - The IPKatApr 05 08:58
schestowitzI am looking at lots of decisions of the Boards of Appeal, and I cannot say that I have seen a tendency to overplay Art 123(2) compared to Art 56. I would rather say that the temptation is greater with examining and oppositions than with the boards.Apr 05 08:58
schestowitzWhat is more problematic to me is the ease with which boards simply decide out of their discretion not to admit requests claiming that they are late filed, and should have been filed earlier.Apr 05 08:58
schestowitzI think that the temptation of the boards to dismiss a case on such grounds is going a trifle too far. I would say that if the applicant proprietor has made a bona fide attempt to overcome the reasons for the decision, it should be admitted.Apr 05 08:58
schestowitzThat he should have been proactive in first instance goes without saying, by at least filing auxiliary requests attempting to overcome the objections raised. But waiting to enter appeal in order to file auxiliary requests should not be allowed. That in such a case the boards are strict appears correct.Apr 05 08:58
schestowitzWhat disturbs me more, is, whilst I can accept that the boards are empowered to decide whether the discretion of first instance divisions has been correctly exercised, there is however no judicial body empowered to decide whether the discretion of the boards has been correctly exercised.Apr 05 08:58
schestowitzFor the Enlarged Board acting under Art 112a, if the party has been heard by the board about the non-admissibility of its requests, the matter is settled, and the Enlarged Board will not act. This is not a satisfactory system.Apr 05 08:58
schestowitzIn general, the lack of a proper revision instance, be it for procedural aspects (Art 112a being applied in a very restrictive manner), but much more important for substantive matters is one of the drawbacks of the EPO system. And also of the UPC.Apr 05 08:58
schestowitzThe four complaints before the German Federal Constitutional about the EPO court are for a great part dealing with this issue. Another one is the independence of the boards.Apr 05 08:58
schestowitz"Apr 05 08:58
schestowitz 05 09:44
schestowitz"Apr 05 09:44
schestowitzTerrible mis-judgment of the situation, the communication had an information part directed to the future.Apr 05 09:44
schestowitzAn examination involving 2'000 people cannot be shifted by magic to a new date, if at all, since EQE 2021 is looming around with its mandatory deadlines for inscriptions etc.Apr 05 09:44
schestowitzThe Supervisory Board consists of 2 EPO members and two epi members. The latter are not paid at all (BTW like all epi members engaged in the examination (as e.g. markers)).Apr 05 09:44
-TechBytesBot/ | BREAKING: EQE and pre-EQE postponed until further notice - The IPKatApr 05 09:44
schestowitzLooking back at the beginning of April at .e.g. postponement could have been the right decisionApr 05 09:44
schestowitz"Apr 05 09:44
-TechBytesBot/ | Coronavirus: Europe plans full border closure in virus battle - BBC NewsApr 05 09:44
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Apr 05 09:55
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Apr 05 09:56
schestowitz 05 10:03
-TechBytesBot/ | Does the requirement for a "technical contribution" in a novel selection survive? (if selecting from convergent lists) (T 1621/16) - The IPKatApr 05 10:03
schestowitz 05 10:03
schestowitzAttentive, I see your point. Let others comment: I don't have enough recent experience on admissibility of auxiliary requests.Apr 05 10:03
schestowitzAs to my concern, about EPO tribunals using Art 123(2) EPC over-zealously, to kill off cases quickly, I am thankful that you recognise that the "temptation" is always there. I must take comfort in your assessment that the Boards are less prone than the Divisions, to get up to this form of mischief.Apr 05 10:03
schestowitz"Apr 05 10:04
schestowitz 05 10:05
schestowitz"Also, this begs the question whether the current patent system has failed in its objective when it comes to pharmaceutical products, and whether it is time to consider a different IP protection for such products which can ensure protection to the products as well as accessibility to the public in times of need. "Apr 05 10:05
-TechBytesBot/ | [Guest post] Covid-19 Treatments: The Issue of Orphan Drug Status and Patents - The IPKatApr 05 10:05
schestowitz 05 10:09
schestowitz"Clearly changes need to be made to all legislation that relates to medicines to ensure it does not get in the way when there is an emergency. There can be no argument in support of any policy that costs lives. The coronavirus pandemic will leave the world changed forever, and provides an opportunity to push through reforms which should have been part of the legislation in the first place."Apr 05 10:09
-TechBytesBot/ | [Guest post] Covid-19 Treatments: The Issue of Orphan Drug Status and Patents - The IPKatApr 05 10:09
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 10:10
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 10:10
schestowitz 05 10:45
schestowitz instance, several news outlets reported that the Corona beer brand has seen a sharp drop in sales as a result of negative associations with the virus or even fears that the beer may help spread it [here, here and here]. Fact-checking website Newspaper Ad Agency in Delhi Snopes considers these claims false [here] but intuitively, one can imagine that the outbreak might very well affectApr 05 10:45
schestowitzconsumer perception of the brand. It wouldn't be the first time: in 1982 there was a diet candy with the rather unfortunate name AYDS, which won't have helped sales after the global outbreak of the HIV epidemic in the 1980's."s-on-ip-exclusivity-in-wake.html?showComment=1585855624242#c162608552279849674Apr 05 10:45
-TechBytesBot/ | Reflections on IP exclusivity in the wake of the Corona virus outbreak - The IPKatApr 05 10:45
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Apr 05 10:45
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Apr 05 12:07
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Apr 05 12:07
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 12:10
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 12:11
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Apr 05 13:40
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Apr 05 13:40
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 14:37
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 14:37
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*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 16:13
schestowitz 05 17:55
schestowitz"@schestowitz and/or /"Apr 05 17:56
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:56
-TechBytesBot/ | RicochetApr 05 17:56
-TechBytesBot/ | CwtchApr 05 17:56
schestowitz 05 17:56
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:56
schestowitz"@jeffcliff @schestowitz ooh whats this"Apr 05 17:56
schestowitz 05 17:56
schestowitz"@pry @schestowitz e2e metadata-surveillance-resistant free software (almost reproducibly building) instant messaging (done over tor, but users don't need to know that usually).  ricochet works (though is buggy) and is debian but cwtch is where new development is taking place."Apr 05 17:56
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:56
schestowitz 05 17:56
schestowitz"Apr 05 17:56
schestowitz@jeffcliff @schestowitz interestingApr 05 17:56
schestowitzis there anywhere i can read up more on the architecture?Apr 05 17:56
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:56
schestowitz"Apr 05 17:56
schestowitz 05 17:57
schestowitz"@schestowitz YIKES!!!!"\Apr 05 17:57
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:57
schestowitz 05 17:57
schestowitz"@pry @schestowitz looks like just and the sauce"Apr 05 17:57
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:57
-TechBytesBot/ | CwtchApr 05 17:57
schestowitz 05 17:57
schestowitz"@pry @schestowitz if you opt for ricochet, feel free to add me: ricochet:mszisnaf7vqqphrd"Apr 05 17:57
-TechBytesBot/ | Official peer and server implementations. - cwtch - GiteaApr 05 17:57
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:57
schestowitz 05 17:57
schestowitz"@jeffcliff @schestowitz ah, no paper on it?"Apr 05 17:57
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:57
schestowitz 05 17:57
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:57
schestowitz"@pry @schestowitz yeah papers on both is the cwtch one, the ricochet one is...somewhere"Apr 05 17:57
schestowitz 05 17:58
schestowitz"Apr 05 17:58
schestowitz@jeffcliff @schestowitz ah thxApr 05 17:58
schestowitzill find the ricochet oneApr 05 17:58
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:58
schestowitz"Apr 05 17:58
schestowitz 05 17:59
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:59
schestowitz"@schestowitz is getting cockpit certificates to remote devices to copy 0-self-signed.cert to it?"Apr 05 17:59
schestowitzdon't know; never used itApr 05 17:59
schestowitz 05 17:59
schestowitz" to me, chrome === electron. Are they patching it too?"Apr 05 17:59
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 17:59
schestowitz 05 18:00
schestowitz" zoom isn't any better"Apr 05 18:00
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:00
schestowitz 05 18:00
schestowitz"Greatone."Apr 05 18:00
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:00
schestowitz 05 18:01
schestowitz"@schestowitz wtf"Apr 05 18:01
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:01
schestowitz 05 18:02
schestowitz"@schestowitz um isn't that a conspiracy theory? #recursiveconspiracy"Apr 05 18:02
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:02
schestowitz 05 18:02
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:02
schestowitz"Warmest sense records began, not ever!Apr 05 18:03
schestowitz]"Apr 05 18:03
schestowitz 05 18:03
schestowitz"@schestowitz web unavailable from the EU"Apr 05 18:03
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:03
schestowitz 05 18:04
schestowitz"The system is designed to protect the rich from the poor!"Apr 05 18:04
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:04
schestowitz 05 18:04
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:04
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:04
schestowitzyes, you have to download it from cloudfront :)Apr 05 18:04
schestowitzstatic.rust-lang.orgApr 05 18:04
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:04
schestowitz 05 18:07
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:07
schestowitz 05 18:07
schestowitzit's also worth pointing out that in saskatchewan there is a larger pattern of this sort of thing going back almost a century - the conservatives getting into power, spending public money on boondoggles like this, cratering public services, getting kicked out of power because of their mismanagement (or sent to jail due to open corruption - they are even on the take from things like the children's wish foundation, and ducks unlimited andApr 05 18:07
schestowitzthe universities)....then the NDP getting in power, cutting services, paying down the debt, and trying to clean things up...andthen eventually getting kicked from power when time is good.Apr 05 18:07
schestowitzWe're due for a resurgence in the NDP but the people still lean heavy conservativeApr 05 18:07
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:07
schestowitz 05 18:07
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:07
schestowitz@clacke @lightweight @schestowitz @strypey I suspect what they're referring to is the hosting & support costs.Apr 05 18:07
schestowitzSmall companies might not be able to afford the infrastructure, and big companies might find it cheaper to make support someone else's problem.Apr 05 18:07
schestowitzIf the stars align, companies self-host and support their own infrastructure.Apr 05 18:07
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:07
schestowitzFrom most companies' perspective, the benefit of "open source" is a pooling of resources that works out cheaper, & maybe a PR boost. Ideology isn't a factor.Apr 05 18:07
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:07
schestowitz 05 18:09
schestowitz 05 18:09
schestowitz@clacke @lightweight @schestowitz @strypeyApr 05 18:09
schestowitzthis is hilariousApr 05 18:09
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:09
schestowitzsuggesting that the man whose tootstream is a veritable firehose of free software advocacy is a little soft on his promotion of itApr 05 18:09
schestowitzthe "not for everybody" looks like nothing so much as an attempt at the soft-sell, like "I know you might get tired of me mansplaing this to you 24/7/365 and that's ok"Apr 05 18:09
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:09
schestowitz 05 18:09
schestowitz"@schestowitz Maybe RedHat could help?"Apr 05 18:09
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:09
schestowitzRed Hat has a similar problemApr 05 18:09
schestowitz 05 18:10
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:10
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:10
schestowitz@clacke @lightweight @schestowitz @strypeyApr 05 18:10
schestowitzoccasionally someone else I don't follow roll out an 'I use Arch' trollApr 05 18:10
schestowitzor I'll read people complaining bitterly about 'fossbros'Apr 05 18:10
schestowitzand it cuts. I think it might be too cruel, or too broad. I try not to feed it.Apr 05 18:10
schestowitzthen I see this selfawarewolves-level 'hey man you got to fossbro *harder*' and, as an advocate myself I just have to shake my damn headApr 05 18:10
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:10
schestowitz 05 18:10
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:10
schestowitzanyway, that's a quote from Asay, not Schestowitz, who has not historically been a huge Asay fanApr 05 18:10
schestowitzincidentally, as of last Ohio Linux Fest at least, Amber Graner--who is awesome--was working with the community around the other project mentioned there, ZeekApr 05 18:10
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:10
schestowitz 05 18:10
schestowitz"@deejoe @lightweight @schestowitz @strypey Are there huge Asay fans? He's the personification of the kind of extractive VC-funded open source we're slowly starting to learn to avoid."Apr 05 18:11
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:11
schestowitz 05 18:11
schestowitz"@clacke @lightweight @schestowitz @strypey I really think that UX has gotten worse across the board in the last 10 years."Apr 05 18:11
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:11
schestowitz 05 18:11
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:11
schestowitz"@schestowitz I'm also wondering does it even have at least a literary value."Apr 05 18:11
schestowitzTo compensate for the lying they need strong comms skillsApr 05 18:11
schestowitz 05 18:12
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Apr 05 18:12
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:12
schestowitz I'm accustomed to occasional sniping of that kind because it has been a constant feature since the battles with Microsoft. For some people software ethics is an inconvenient obstacle to their business model.Apr 05 18:12
schestowitzIt's also true, especially in the last few years, that ethical standards among FOSS developers has fallen short of where it should be. We should always strive to do better.Apr 05 18:12
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:12
schestowitz 05 18:13
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:13
schestowitz> the "not for everybody" looks like nothing so much as an attempt at the soft-sellApr 05 18:13
schestowitzFor those of us who care about #SoftwareFreedom as a #HumanRights issue, not an optional extra, it comes across as a bit like "being free to express yourself is not for everybody". As #EdwardSnowden points out, not caring about a fundamental right because you're not personally using it rights now, is short-sighted and anti-social.Apr 05 18:13
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:13
schestowitz@deejoe @clacke @lightweight @schestowitzApr 05 18:13
schestowitz"Apr 05 18:13
schestowitz 05 18:13
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaApr 05 18:13
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)Apr 05 18:23
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Apr 05 18:23
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesApr 05 20:46
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