●● IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, July 06, 2024 ●● ● Jul 06 [01:38] schestowitz[TR2] http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2024/07/breaking-referral-to-enlarged-board-of.html?showComment=1720088160048#c6981397704575207559 [01:38] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-ipkitten.blogspot.com | BREAKING: Referral to the Enlarged Board of Appeal on claim interpretation confirmed (G1/24) - The IPKat [01:38] schestowitz[TR2] "Max, your question relates to how the courts should handle A.69, rather than the EPO. For the courts, I don't believe there is any issue, other than whether an allegedly infringing article is within the literal scope of the claim or is an equivalent. For validity, anticipation rather than obviousness is really only relevant for A.54(3) prior art, otherwise the UK 'squeeze' or the German Formstein will sort the problem.
My iss [01:38] schestowitz[TR2] ue is with the EPO and patentability. Equivalence and obviousness may be related concepts but I don't believe that equivalence is an issue for the EPO to consider. Primarily it is the job of the EPO organ to determine what the wording of the claim means before determining whether the prior art lies within that meaning or there is a lack of inventive step. I am saying that A.69 requires them to consider the specification in order to [01:38] schestowitz[TR2] understand the claim." ● Jul 06 [03:00] *parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving) ● Jul 06 [05:00] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2]: McDonalds "AI" fell through. [05:00] IsambardPrince IBM contract terminated. [05:00] IsambardPrince I guess people didn't want ice cream with ketchup. [05:04] schestowitz[TR2] buzzwords [05:05] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [05:05] schestowitz[TR2]
    Improve Plasma performance, screenshots without borders
    [05:05] schestowitz[TR2]
    [05:05] schestowitz[TR2]

    It's like Mediciens Sans Frontiers, only different. Let's start with some basic claims. The Plasma desktop environment is great. It's also very fast and responsive, and seem to be getting better and better all the time. You're not likely to suffer from its performance much, and yet it can be made even sprightlier. Ahoy.

    [05:05] schestowitz[TR2]

    In parallel, until very recently ( Plasma 6 to be more accurate), Plasma's default screenshot tool Spectacle would take screenshots with borders and shadows enabled, and no GUI option to turn these off. This would result in images with a roughly 200-300px frame, composed of a lightly shaded alpha layer. Annoying if you want clean pictures of specific application windows. Well, tod [05:05] schestowitz[TR2] ay, I want to show you how to kill two dinosaurs with one meteor. A tweak that will give you both performance improvements and borderless, shadowless screenshots.

    [05:05] schestowitz[TR2]
    [05:05] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [05:05] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.dedoimedo.com | Improve Plasma performance, screenshots without borders [05:08] *IsambardPrince has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [05:09] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@g2xqzhfejbyq2.irc) has joined #techbytes [05:14] schestowitz[TR2] "Flaws in Open-Source Software Exposed 'Almost Every Apple Device' to Hacking | PCMag" [05:14] schestowitz[TR2] x https://www.pcmag.com/news/flaws-in-open-source-software-exposed-almost-every-apple-device-to-hacking [05:14] schestowitz[TR2] # clickbait title [05:14] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.pcmag.com/news/flaws-in-open-source-software-exposed-almost-every-apple-device-to-hacking ) ● Jul 06 [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tmYWHdB [07:30] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tmYWHdB ) [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] " [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] Wait for IBM to move to India, then go there and light a match. There are fe--s everywhere so there ought to be enough methane to light up the entire country. [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] 1 hour ago by Anonymous [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] | 3 reactions (+3/-0) [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] Post ID: @1nxc+1tmYWHdB [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] +3 [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] Unfortunately IBM rejects won't even have the option 'cause McDonald jobs will be overtaken by AI: ouch!!! [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] " [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tj8pwX5 [07:30] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tj8pwX5 ) [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] " [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] Derka derka mohammad ji--d [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] That's how they'll answer the phones at IBM's new India HQ [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] " [07:30] schestowitz[TR2] Racism :/ ● Jul 06 [08:10] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2]: CNN following children around filming them shit. [08:10] IsambardPrince Then the guy with the broom. [08:10] IsambardPrince Just absolutely terrible. [08:10] schestowitz[TR2] oh shit [08:10] IsambardPrince It's on YouTube. [08:11] IsambardPrince CNN filmed all this and put it on YouTube. [08:11] IsambardPrince No wonder they hate Americans and are always trying to scam us. [08:12] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2]: That's what John called Arabs, btw. [08:12] IsambardPrince When he worked at the TSA. [08:12] IsambardPrince "Mohammed Jihads" [08:13] IsambardPrince DEI is just making the problem even worse. [08:13] IsambardPrince It's taking the racism and resentment that was already boiling lava hot.... [08:14] IsambardPrince What else can happen when you wave it around in someone's face.... [08:14] IsambardPrince "No, you still can't have a job, but watch us hire this guy Joseph. STAB STAB STAB STAB STAB!" [08:14] IsambardPrince "He is neurodiverse." ● Jul 06 [09:25] IsambardPrince https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/05/business/japan-aging-society-baby-care-nhk-dg/index.html [09:25] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-edition.cnn.com | Japans aging society is transforming the baby care business. | CNN Business [09:25] IsambardPrince schestowitz[TR2]: Now CNN can turn from the shitting habits of the Indian youth (filming it and putting it on YouTube) to talking about surging adult diaper demand in Japan. [09:26] IsambardPrince I would say that someone there has a fetish for bodily waste elimination, children, and maybe even the elderly. [09:26] IsambardPrince But, Democrats. [09:26] IsambardPrince So yeah. ● Jul 06 [11:09] *GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@ku5jhuxiregwn.irc) has joined #techbytes [11:09] *parsifal (~parsifal@td8buq4vgfjan.irc) has joined #techbytes [11:24] *IsambardPrince has quit (connection closed) [11:57] *x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) ● Jul 06 [12:03] *x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@4bk2ptyysukzu.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Jul 06 [13:20] *MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [13:20] *MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techbytes [13:20] *irc.techrights.org sets mode +a #techbytes MinceR [13:58] *psydroid3 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Jul 06 [15:22] *GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) ● Jul 06 [16:07] *GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@vm38vv8jcyyws.irc) has joined #techbytes [16:58] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tmYWHdB [16:58] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tmYWHdB ) [16:58] schestowitz[TR2] " Oh Wow ! A novel way of take care of climate change especially in a country where methane is plentiful (and free !) and it is all from natural resources. One must wonder if some enterprising IBM India Subsidiary employee will develop a new way to harvest this methane to power the next Z series systems. Why look to develop nuclear power when you have the answer already in Indian Bowel Movements ? [16:58] schestowitz[TR2] And guess what ? you now another patent for a lot of gas ! Now let's see if AK and RT in the US can beat that. " [16:59] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tj8pwX5 [16:59] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tj8pwX5 ) [16:59] schestowitz[TR2] " [16:59] schestowitz[TR2] Breaking news [16:59] schestowitz[TR2] IBM moves Headquarters to India and lands a we-pons contract with the Pentagon to start supplying the US Military with car bo--s and camels to dry hump. [16:59] schestowitz[TR2] " ● Jul 06 [17:01] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tlzDg4P [17:01] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1tlzDg4P ) [17:01] schestowitz[TR2] " [17:01] schestowitz[TR2] Watson senior and Jr managed IBM with a 10-1 employee to manager ratio. Its what the US army used during WW2 and they emulated that. When Gerstner came on board IBM in the 1990s it was down to 6-1. He promptly cut excess headcount (60k over 18 months) and moved the manager to employee ratio back to 15-1. Today IBM is running at 6.5 employees to 1 manager. Looks like its time for a haircut. IBM has always been over managed [17:01] schestowitz[TR2] which results in its almost 2X overhead cost vs its nearest competitors. Being over managed when you are the only game in town is an affordable executive perk/luxury. Being over managed when you are struggling to survive is a fault of the executive team, and shouldnt be tolerated. During hard times executives get paid big bucks to make the corporate entity efficient and focused. AK its time to step up, or step off. You have a [17:01] schestowitz[TR2] head count problem that is causing inefficiency and lack of focus. GET to WORK [17:01] schestowitz[TR2] " [17:01] schestowitz[TR2] " [17:01] schestowitz[TR2] IBM gave out too many band D's a few years ago. Especially sales managers who were just that. Managed a small team of people. It was sales trying to catch up with consulting promotions. [17:01] schestowitz[TR2] " ● Jul 06 [20:29] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@fzr5kzfb3muhg.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Jul 06 [21:01] *IsambardPrince has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [21:06] *IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@fzr5kzfb3muhg.irc) has joined #techbytes [21:19] *parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving) ● Jul 06 [22:54] *psydroid3 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net/)