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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Sunday, September 06, 2020

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schestowitz__> Ok. I've added video2a.webm and video2b.webm, they're on TR now.Sep 06 00:42
schestowitz__>Sep 06 00:42
schestowitz__> I'll have to make a modification so that I can more easily convertSep 06 00:42
schestowitz__> absolute times to relative times.Sep 06 00:42
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techbytesSep 06 01:42
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*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 06 06:09
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesSep 06 06:09
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Sep 06 09:14
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Sep 06 09:14
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*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 06 12:22
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*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techbytesSep 06 12:52
schestowitz__ 06 14:18
-TechBytesBot/ | UK patent exams update: Final version of FAQs released - The IPKatSep 06 14:18
schestowitz__"Sep 06 14:18
schestowitz__AnonymousMonday, 31 August 2020 at 09:50:00 BSTSep 06 14:18
schestowitz__I've spent more time worrying about how to met with all of these criteria listed by PEB. Revision this year has been soo stressful.Sep 06 14:18
schestowitz__ReplySep 06 14:18
schestowitz__AnonymousMonday, 31 August 2020 at 10:44:00 BSTSep 06 14:18
schestowitz__Honestly, I'm so fed up with the PEB.Sep 06 14:18
schestowitz__What sort of organisation refuses to answer any questions when they clearly haven't finalised the exams. Imagine if they stopped FAQ's last week with no notice, everyone would currently be buying unused laptops.Sep 06 14:18
schestowitz__This is just another way to avoid any scrutiny, in the same way that they won't respond to anonymous questions anymore even if the question is perfectly valid.Sep 06 14:18
schestowitz__Mercer was talking about removing the exemption for drafting and amendment. Alot of people i talk to don't mind sitting drafting or amendment, they just hate the idea of giving more money to this organisation. How can an education provider be so universally despised and yet continue to have a monopoly?Sep 06 14:18
schestowitz__ReplySep 06 14:18
schestowitz__RepliesSep 06 14:18
schestowitz__AnonymousTuesday, 1 September 2020 at 08:32:00 BSTSep 06 14:18
schestowitz__I think they should remove all PEB exams . Doesn't help with the job anyway.Sep 06 14:18
schestowitz__ReplySep 06 14:18
schestowitz__AnonymousMonday, 31 August 2020 at 15:57:00 BSTSep 06 14:18
schestowitz__I'm very worried that the final exam time has not yet been provided- how can candidates practice to time? Exams are in a matter of weeks- if PEB have "calculated and tested" the exam time- why are they not sharing it with candidates?Sep 06 14:18
schestowitz__ReplySep 06 14:18
schestowitz__AnonymousTuesday, 1 September 2020 at 08:32:00 BSTSep 06 14:18
schestowitz__Same here - completely worried about doing these exams to time with NO information whatsoever on the exam format.Sep 06 14:18
schestowitz__These are very difficult exams and there is basically no information for candidates. How are candidates supposed to prepare and practice papers to time?Sep 06 14:18
schestowitz__it doesn't help that many people in PEB or those associated with PEB have an attitude that if you don't like the exam format this year, you can do it next year. That is very unprofessional in my opinion and I'm shocked that those with this attitude appeared to be quite senior people in the IP profession. They need to be responsible for the exams they run - not fob candidates off if they have questions.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__It is valid and right to ask questions on exams. They also forget that candidates spent an awful lot of their time (spare time) for free revising. Yes it Is a candidates choice to sit the exams but they also pay PEB exam fees so please can PEB be a bit more professional and listen to candidates concerns.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__ReplySep 06 14:19
schestowitz__RepliesSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__SPWednesday, 2 September 2020 at 11:12:00 BSTSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__"Yes it Is a candidates choice to sit the exams"Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__I'd disagree on that point, it isn't candidates choice to take the exams. Candidates choose the profession, and in reality in order to participate in the profession (i.e. to use the reserved professional titles that users look for) it is necessary for candidates to sit the exams, i.e. participants in the profession do not have a choice whether or not to sit the exams.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__I consider it undoubtable that maintaining high professional standards benefits all concerned (user's get a better service, and at least in result of the 'guarantee' of that better service providers are able to charge more). In that respect, examinations which ensure candidates are capable of providing a 'good' service, i.e. that candidates are 'fit to practice' seem undoubtedly a good thing.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__But the accusation that is constantly levelled at PEB is that the exams don't satisfactorily perform that function, at least in that they hold-back candidates who are undoubtedly fit to practice, and indeed who are often many years EPA qualified. I've observed on numerous occasions crap (commercially and/or technically inept) trainees passing exams where candidates that I see as far better, i.e. far fitter to practice, fail exams. AndSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__everybody knows that P6 in particular is in large part pot luck.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__But the PEB seem insistent on ignoring the voluminous critiscm of the exams that they receive each year, along with the purported objective of the exams, and craft exams year on year that are not aimed at testing fitness to practice, but in testing exam technique, and moreover which appear to have the main objective of limiting pass rates and so access to the profession.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__The CMA in its 2017 legal service market study appeared sceptical as to the merit of the reservations of professional titles, and my reading is that, considering the legal profession as whole, the CMA was only just about convinced to continue allowing professional title reservations. Even for the selfish preservation of the charge out rates of members of the profession, the PEB should thus be mindful that the exams should be aimedSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__only at testing fitness to practice, and not have even the side effect of unduly limiting access to the profession, i.e. access to the professional titles.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 09:43:00 BSTSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__"But the PEB seem insistent on ignoring the voluminous critiscm of the exams that they receive each year, along with the purported objective of the exams, and craft exams year on year that are not aimed at testing fitness to practice, but in testing exam technique"Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__Agree with everything said above. However, this is hardly surprising when P6 examiners make more money from selling training courses to pass the exam than they earn marking the papers.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__I think it is also highly debatable whether patent attorneys really have the required experience to be setting (and marking) infringement and validity exams. This was a point alluded to by IPREG in their submissions to the mercer review, where they pointed out that PEB do not allow solicitors, barristers, judges etc. to take part in P6 exam setting and marking, when it is likely they will all have more experience than most of theSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__patent attorneys marking this exam.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__All this said, I don't expect anything to ever change. IPREG have publicly stated that they have received complaints from trainees and examiners that FD4 is unfit for purpose, the middlesex report stated that in its current form FD4 unfit for purpose, most people don't understand why they passed FD4 unlike the other final exams, however the preliminary findings of mercer suggest that there are no issues?Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 10:50:00 BSTSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__Yes, imagine an Examiner of the amendment exam who has only ever proposed draft responses and never heard what the patent office had to say in reply?Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__This is effectively the stock of knowledge present in the FD4 examiner pool. Only a small number of (mainly in-house) patent attorneys have a full life cycle of seeing a case from an initial opinion to court/licensing. It seems very strange that many people are held back based on this test when it has no bearing on being fit to practice.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__It is even stranger to me that this is considered a skill that you must show you are competent at within a time limit, which is much much less than would be dedicated to such an issue in real life. In my opinion, this encourages people who can't seen the other side of the argument (so don't know what they are missing) or at the very least, only pay lip service to it for the sake of "completing the paper".Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__If you want to check someone is competent to do an I&V opinion, which comes about 3 times in a lifetime, why not allow them the same amount of time as would be spent on the real thing?Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__ReplySep 06 14:19
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 11:00:00 BSTSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__My best guess how I might have passed FD4 (or P6 as it was known when I took it) is that I looked at the claimed integers and construed them using the functional language in the description. I put no thought into how this played into the wider issues of infringement or novelty. I did however realise that if I arbitrarily decided to construe a particular integer narrowly, I would have something “interesting” to say about inventiveSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__step. I also realised early on in the exam that there were two embodiments in one prior art document. I was running out of time and took the gamble not to comment on the second embodiment just so that I could have a bit more time to focus on inventive step.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__I passed using pure exam technique without having to give any real consideration to infringement and validity (whilst being negligent in missing a novelty attack), which leads to the following question to those who profess that FD4 is fit for purpose. How and why is this so?Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__I agree with the poster of this article that abuse is not acceptable. It also runs the risk of legitimate constructive criticism being deemed as “abuse” not worthy of a response. Perhaps a counter perspective to balance that of the examiner’s perspective in the CIPA journal might take the sting out of the debate.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__ReplySep 06 14:19
schestowitz__RepliesSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 11:24:00 BSTSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__I'm not condoning the supposed abuse in any way but the PEB are equally guilty of this.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__Year after year in the webinars telling people that if they don't pass FD4 they aren't competent to be a patent attorney. Does anyone have any idea how damaging this can be to a persons self-esteem when they are told this but at the same time everyone acknowledges that P6 is a rubbish test?Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__Review after review, submissions after submissions, and nothing ever gets changed through civil channels because all these channels are controlled by ex-PEB examiners who set up this system.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__When a previous poster (on another PEB IPkat article) highlighted that half of the marks awarded in the 2019 FD4 advice section were awarded for points of law that weren't even on the syllabus, the response from the PEB was that they don't respond to "anonymous" complaints/questions and so won't be replying.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__Don't condone any abuse, but the idea that this is just a few "bad apples" going in on the PEB is a completely false narrative, propagated by the PEB's chief propaganda machine (CIPA). It is the PEB who have created a rotten barrel, which is compromising all the apples stored inside.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 12:41:00 BSTSep 06 14:19
schestowitz__I am the poster of the comment to which you replied.Sep 06 14:19
schestowitz__I have been there with the same glorious cycle of being told year after year that I was not fit to practice. Although, I believe the phrase doing the rounds at the time was that I had “failed to meet the assessment criteria”. I view the exam even less favourably now than I did when I was still trying to pass it.Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Unfortunately, the exam does have a level of support across profession. I’m unsure of how much of a level, but it does exist, and it is just not PEB/CIPA affiliates.Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__If each side in the debate just starts abusing the other, a resolution will never be found. Therefore, perhaps rising above the perceived abuse by PEB might be the way forward.Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Play the ball; not the wo(man). If PEB won’t respond to anonymous queries, perhaps outsource the question to someone who has no problems giving up their anonymity. Such a person shouldn’t be hard to find given the controversy the exam creates (IPkat blogger perhaps?). If they still won’t respond, write to IPreg pointing out PEB aren’t adhering to their own rules. Failing that, write to your local MP. Doesn’t the head ofSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__IPreg have a political background?Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__ReplySep 06 14:20
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 11:41:00 BSTSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__"When a previous poster (on another PEB IPkat article) highlighted that half of the marks awarded in the 2019 FD4 advice section were awarded for points of law that weren't even on the syllabus, the response from the PEB was that they don't respond to "anonymous" complaints/questions and so won't be replying"Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Just to add, they didn't just refuse to respond, they rewrote their policy to state that they didn't respond to anonymous questions in response to receiving that anonymous question.Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__The PEB have always gone out of their way to avoid any scrutiny. Don't see how this "abuse" changes anything.Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__ReplySep 06 14:20
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 14:01:00 BSTSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__The problem with these exams is that they test preparation, not fitness to practice. This is why you get completely inexperienced trainees (who are certainly not fit to practice at that point in their careers) but who are very well *prepared* passing exams while completely competent qualified EPAs who find it hard to dumb down to the level required by the exams failing year after year. The fact of the matter is that once you get to aSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__certain level of experience and competence, it is arguably harder to pass them (particularly true of P6 / FD4). It is actually quite hard to prepare for the exams when you know better. I wonder if any of the more experienced CPAs who don't agree with this might be willing to re-attempt the exam to disprove my point? No? Didn't think so.Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Why oh why is this substandard farce of an exam allowed to continue?Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__ReplySep 06 14:20
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 14:43:00 BSTSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__I think we need to hear more from those who have qualified as CPA rather than the trainees. It is very easy to dismiss the concerns of the trainees saying they're just not ready to take the exams, or worse, they're just not made of the "right stuff" for the profession.Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__So, here is a short survey solely for the qualifieds: 06 14:20
-TechBytesBot/ | PEB Exams SurveySep 06 14:20
schestowitz__IPKat willing, I will share the results in a week's time on here. (This was created over a lunch break so apologies if it's not perfect.)Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__ReplySep 06 14:20
schestowitz__RepliesSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 15:10:00 BSTSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Good idea, after reading the preliminary findings of the mercer review and not recognising any of the findings, i was thinking about setting up a website where people could have their submissions open for viewing (i'm assuming cipa will not be publishing the submissions).Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__This would require people to resend their submission, but i think a few people might do this, to see whether the reported findings are accurate.Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Is there any appetite for this?Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Rose HughesThursday, 3 September 2020 at 15:13:00 BSTSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Happy to publish the results on IPKat - just send them our way: theipkat@gmail.comSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 15:44:00 BSTSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Where can one view the preliminary findings of the Mercer review?Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 18:37:00 BSTSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Bottom of the page: 06 14:20
schestowitz__AnonymousThursday, 3 September 2020 at 20:01:00 BSTSep 06 14:20
-TechBytesBot/ | Advertising with CIPA JournalSep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Thanks for setting up the survey. I have responded.Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Please do not allow trainee concerns to be dismissed. If you ever receive that as a response to a legitimate criticism of an exam, don’t take the bait, and instead ask them to explain the how and why your criticism is ill founded. A mature response along these lines actually shows who is fit to practise. Imagine responding to a legitimate novelty attack in an opposition with an Ad hominem attack on the speaker.Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__Every member of the profession deserves to be treated with respect.Sep 06 14:20
schestowitz__"Sep 06 14:20
*rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 06 15:37
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesSep 06 15:37
*schestowitz__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 06 20:06
*schestowitz__ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 06 20:07
schestowitz__ 06 22:57
-TechBytesBot/ | "Linusgate" Leaked: Over 250 Messages About Code of Conduct Complaints Against Linus Torvalds - LinuxReviewsSep 06 22:57
schestowitz__:Sep 06 22:58
schestowitz__ Eww, Techrights...Sep 06 22:58
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 22:59
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Anonymous user #2Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Black Lists MatterSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 22:59
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Anonymous user #3Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__using a centralized and very censored platform for open source is a mistake, and people should not use github for anything other than creating something and not commenting anything in it, EVER.Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 22:59
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Anonymous user #4Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Oy veySep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 22:59
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Anonymous user #5Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__lets remove everyone good from free/open softwareSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__what a great ideaSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 22:59
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Anonymous user #6Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__/g/Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 22:59
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Anonymous user #7Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__good goySep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 22:59
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 22:59
schestowitz__Anonymous user #8Sep 06 22:59
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Um... Sweetie. I've had enough. Since you can't behave, I'm putting your... ugh, "microkernel" in the chastity cage. Richard will be keeping the key until you apologize.Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:00
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Anonymous user #9Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__WTF I love TempleOS nowSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:00
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Anonymous user #10Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__love you all /g/Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:00
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Anonymous user #11Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Score -1++Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Based Linus wrecking nigger SJW's.Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:00
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Anonymous user #12Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__As noted in the article there's an increase in people supporting censorship and "cancel culture" among open source projects. Those people all have the same profiles, their contributions to the project is either trivial or minimal, some even never contributed at all. They get very vocal regarding political issues that aren't related to the project, and campaign so the project invests a lot of energy on issues that are identity politicSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__and not code.Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Software should be about code. Foss software should be about code and how to stay foss.Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Nobody seems to know from where these people come from, but they're doing more harm than good and are dangerous for the project, thus they should be ignored unless they're talking about code.Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:00
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Anonymous user #13Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__one day 23 hours 10 minutes agoSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__NSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:00
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Anonymous user #18Sep 06 23:00
schestowitz__one day 9 hours 59 minutes agoSep 06 23:00
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__ISep 06 23:01
schestowitz__PermalinkSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Gnu4everSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__23 hours 15 minutes agoSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__GSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__PermalinkSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Anonymous user #30Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__10 hours 13 minutes agoSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__GSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__PermalinkSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Anonymous user #14Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__one day 11 hours 20 minutes agoSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Score 1++Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Everybody seems to gloss over the fact that this happened 6 years ago and the world didn't burn as a result. This sort of sensitive discussions are precisely why debian-private exists (it's not "high level", it's just not public outside Debian, afaik all the maintainers are on it). This article tries very hard to be inflammatory by unearthing old history and presenting it as current, and also by presenting -private as some sort ofSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__cabal (I haven't heard TINC jokes in more than a decade).Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:01
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Anonymous user #15Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__one day 11 hours 4 minutes agoSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__I think the discussion comes down to the difference between entitled and deserved. As a sentient/human everyone is entitled to respect (apparent CoC opinion) whether or not they deserve it by their actions (Linus apparent opinion).Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__So as long as someone treats everyone with respect, even when they think they don't deserve it, what is the problem? Am I missing something?Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:01
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Anonymous user #16Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__one day 11 hours 2 minutes agoSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Makes me wonder, who is behind this postSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:01
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Gnu4everSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__23 hours 14 minutes agoSep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:01
schestowitz__Stop wondering, goySep 06 23:01
schestowitz__PermalinkSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Anonymous user #17Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__one day 10 hours 12 minutes agoSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Bloody lefty nonsense. I am not going to use Linux anymore after this.Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:02
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Anonymous user #19Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__one day 9 hours 40 minutes agoSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Somebody digging out things that happen 6 years ago just to say bad things about Linus?Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:02
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Anonymous user #20Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__one day 9 hours 2 minutes agoSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Instead of spending time on this, spend the time on da' code... people are what they are, even having a code of conduct is fucking non sense, who are you to tell any one what to do, to think or to tell.Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:02
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Anonymous user #21Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__one day 8 hours 50 minutes agoSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Fuck this post!Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:02
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Anonymous user #22Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__one day 8 hours 27 minutes agoSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Just for the record, free speech is intended to protect individuals who criticize governement from government retribution.Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:02
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Anonymous user #30Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__10 hours 11 minutes agoSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__It's also supposed to be a core tenet of western civilization, one which we pride ourselves on, and without it you wind up with a culture of wokescolds and banishments.Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__PermalinkSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Anonymous user #23Sep 06 23:02
schestowitz__one day 7 hours 28 minutes agoSep 06 23:02
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Looks more like a campaign for corporate control over free software.Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:03
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Anonymous user #24Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__one day 6 hours 31 minutes agoSep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__"Just for the record, free speech is intended to protect individuals who criticize governement from government retribution."Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Just for the record, it also goes way beyond that. If you don't think so, you've been had.Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:03
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Anonymous user #25Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__one day 6 hours 30 minutes agoSep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__The "leaker" behind that story has gotten shown the door in Debian last year for harassment of many people in the project. Debian bug #953378 has some details, (AFAIK this is the only public statement of the project in this case)Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__This person continues to harass the project since then on every opportunity by telling half-truths and pulling those half-truths out of context as a part of his revenge campaigns.Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__BTW, the leaker got expelled from many other (FOSS) projects as well, for the same reasons: harassment.Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__So be careful if you read from him. He's a hater.Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:03
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Anonymous user #30Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__10 hours 10 minutes agoSep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__To you dipshits, any enthusiastic response is harassment. Fuck, you probably think I'm harassing you right now.Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__PermalinkSep 06 23:03
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Anonymous user #26Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__one day 4 hours agoSep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Steve Langasek, Ian Jackson and Patty Langasek are the biggest fucking idiots on the planet. Pearl-clutching asshats on behalf of the FSF. It's especially funny that Steve and Ian is/was employed by Canonical, whose lead community manager personally attacked RMS.Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__It's also pretty grossly inappropriate for a wife and husband to work with these issues together, as they can(as shown here) band together. Their roles should be kept far away from each other.Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Jesus what a mess, it's like observing how sausages are made.Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:03
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Anonymous user #27Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__one day one hour 5 minutes agoSep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Score 1++Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Oi, leave it to the code. F Microsucks for censoring GitHub. F bastards that make the world worse. If someone starts discriminating against others due to race, gender (LGBTQ etc included), heritage, opinion, etc- they can get fckd.Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Arseholes be told to stop being arseholes, real contributors be told to keep up the good work. End the drama, it doesn't help.Sep 06 23:03
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:03
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Anonymous user #28Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__23 hours 58 minutes agoSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__It would be hard to argue in a reasonable way that his approach is bad. Caustic? yes, but is that bad? For submitted kernel code we need people to remember being chastised so they don't waste people's time or slip in bad code.Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:04
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Anonymous user #29Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__19 hours 44 minutes agoSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Score 1++Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__anyone who supports CoC's and want limitations on speech are mentally ill and no different than white nationalist.Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:04
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Anonymous user #29Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__19 hours 31 minutes agoSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__freedom of speech isn't to protect those who's speech everyone agrees with, society deems acceptable, or the ruling party deems ok. its to protect speech that people don't like. you don't need freedom of speech to protect speech people say is ok.Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__only control freaks hate freedom of speech.Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:04
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Anonymous user #31Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__6 hours 55 minutes agoSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Score 1++Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__c a n c e r c u l t u r eSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Bring back the toe fungus guy!Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Permalink | ReplySep 06 23:04
schestowitz__avatarSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Anonymous user #32Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__one hour 25 minutes agoSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Score 0++Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__"Linux is dying" -- the Linux is Dying Troll.Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__ 06 23:04
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:04
-TechBytesBot/ | Wokies force Codes of Conduct onto the Open Source Movement and are now trying to use them to get Linus cancelled and blacklisted. : stupidpolSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Ryan, who recently witnessed Fedora banning longtime contributors (technical people who actually love and use GNU/Linux), said that the CoC “gets enforced by a lot of nasty trolls who somehow “develop” Fedora from Macs and Edge on Windows 10.” (The enforcers do not even use GNU/Linux themselves!)Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__...Ryan then explained why he left Fedora: “I mean, the only point of those “developers” is to character assassinate valuable community members and disappear them. Then your project loses assets and gains trolls. These people have alarmingly been on the rise in Fedora and it was quite a bit of the reason I said, “screw this, I’m out.” It’s all people that we’ve never even seen before who have taken positions in theSep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Fedora project, bowling over community members who have been active… sometimes going back to the Red Hat Linux days.”Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__... Linux isn’t at GitHub (yet), but Microsoft is still working towards that. Speech and code are both policed by Microsoft at GitHub. Censorship is very commonplace there.Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__Linux Foundation literally gets infiltrated blatantly by Microsoft under the guise of wokeshit and uses wokeshit to literally sabotage open source development, through people who aren't even Linux users.Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:04
schestowitz__lpicadorSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__Other LeftSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__16 points ·Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__It’s the most beautiful weaponization of wokeness for capitalist aggression I’ve seen to date. But the future will no doubt bring worse.Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__felixvoiceguySep 06 23:05
schestowitz__shituationalistSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__34 points ·Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__    Speech and code are both policed by Microsoft at GitHubSep 06 23:05
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__it's important to not be a weird "M$ is evil" gen x dude but also still be extremely fucking wary of new MS's moves and instead tie their morality back to gates-era MSSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__Microsoft is evil. I have had clients on the receiving end of BSA audit letters who had to consider shutting down their businesses despite being legitimate paying MS customers because they can’t afford to fight back against BSA’s extralegal standards of proof. Nobody treats their customers this way except monopolists. Which Microsoft is, tried and convicted. All that Gates Foundation money came from rolling up an entire industrySep 06 23:05
schestowitz__for 30 years, and they’re still squeezing consumers for billions every year using their illegal monopoly.Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__Yes, they’re not the threat they once were. Yes, they didn’t manage to kill the internet and free software despite their best efforts. Yes, they’ve mostly retreated to the smaller fiefdom of productivity software and video games. But they’re just as evil as ever. Don’t ever stop hating Microsoft or underestimating the shit they’re capable of just because they lost the war.Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__'Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__You don't have to respond to those audit letters unless they actually come from Microsoft. There is a cottage industry of third party businesses scamming people for "Licence compliance audits".Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__lpicadorSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__Other LeftSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__11 points ·Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__BSA has done Microsoft’s enforcement work for decades. Also AutoDesk and many other big software publishers. They’re a scam, but a scam that the courts will uphold unfortunately.Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__It's ms employees, this is all but confirmation. #FUck Windows10 and fuck MS destroying everything they try to work with *Linux on windows now? LEL!!Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__recovering_bearSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__Marx at the Chicken ShackSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__4 points ·Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__    Linux Foundation literally gets infiltrated blatantly by Microsoft under the guise of wokeshit and uses wokeshit to literally sabotage open source development, through people who aren't even Linux users.Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__This is wrong on so many levels. Linux has had a code of conduct for two years now and had nothing to do with Microsoft. The developer in the mailing list, Robert Edmonds, is a Debian developer and he isn't using any "wokeshit" and he's specifically talking about the conduct at a specific conference. That last quote is about GitHub which has nothing to do with CoCs. And there's never been a plan to move the Linux kernel developmentSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__tree to GitHub.Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:05
schestowitz__CucurruchoSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__Anti work commie / Class CannibalSep 06 23:05
schestowitz__106 points ·Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__SilverSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__The open source movement is probably the closest thing that shows that people create fo creating, and share for sharing and because they know it's the best way to keep stuff evolving and honest.Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__Of course that something like this would anger the wokies, there is no vigilantism, no canceling in an open to all community.Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__GNU_PLUS_LINUXSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__AnarchistSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__63 points ·Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__SilverSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__The “open source” movement is the capitalist response to co-opt and neuter the Free Software movementSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__I know, Im a programmer.Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__But it is still an example that the "hur dur human nature people don't work for free " is bullshit.Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__A ton of people work for free in programming, and it is an example that people only do greedy shit is stupid.Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__Continue this threadSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__ziul1234Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__aw shit, here we go againSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__16 points ·Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__I'm not very well versed, could you explain? I started using linux this year and was very interested in open source, I thought it was a good thing.Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__I'm not very well versed, could you explain? I started using linux this year and was very interested in open source, I thought it was a good thing.Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__GNU_PLUS_LINUXSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__AnarchistSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__26 points ·Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__The FSF has its flaws, but this is very on point:Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__ 06 23:06
-TechBytesBot/ | Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software - GNU Project - Free Software FoundationSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__EudaemaniaSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__Other LeftSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__20 points ·Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:06
schestowitz__Still, open-source is better than a lot of shit.Sep 06 23:06
schestowitz__That being said, r/stallmanwasrightSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__Adolf_KipflerSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__Twitter RobespierreSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__12 points ·Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__he also did nothing wrongSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__ziul1234Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__aw shit, here we go againSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__6 points ·Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__Thanks. I'll keep the distinction in mind from now onSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__The open source community is perhaps the only thing working somewhat like it should in this shitty society, as in there wouldn't be much chance to its operating if we got rid of capitalism. But of course we can't have nice things.Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__246011111Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__"... and that's a good thing!"Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__49 points ·Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__SilverSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__    About 18 minutes into the talk, Linus states that he thinks only some people are deserving of respect. This is a pretty clear warning that he may violate the CoC, which says all people should be treated with respect...Realistically, though, the only thing we can do at this point is simply not invite Linus to any future Debian events.Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__Hmm, doesn't really sound like treating Linus with respect...Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__ein-chemikerSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__Retarded IdeologueSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__42 points ·Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__SilverSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__They've been trying and failing to do this for years. The seemingly bottomless reservoir of spite and vitriol of the woke is truly an enigma.Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__aw350m1na70rSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__Assad's Butt BoySep 06 23:07
schestowitz__113 points ·Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__SilverSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__Microsoft has been trying to kill Linux ever since it was invented.Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:07
schestowitz__Sarr_CatSep 06 23:07
schestowitz__54 points ·Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__I unironically believe that a good portion of this is secretly funded by Microsoft as their latest plan in attempting to control and subvert free and open computing. It's just their latest battleground, their latest weapon in this decades long war.Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__I unironically believe that a good portion of this is secretly funded by Microsoft as their latest plan in attempting to control and subvert free and open computing. It's just their latest battleground, their latest weapon in this decades long war.Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__GrapeGraterSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__9 points ·Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__If you've ever heard of Scott Alexander, look up "the paranoid rant"Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__recovering_bearSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__Marx at the Chicken ShackSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__10 points ·Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__Then you have no idea what MSFT's current business model is. They are one of the biggest sponsors & contributors to Linux while also being the biggest OSS company.Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__Continue this threadSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__ILoveD3ImmoralSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__2 points ·Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__    I unironically believe that a good portion of this is secretly funded by Microsoft as their latest plan in attempting to control and subvert free and open computing. It's just their latest battleground, their latest weapon in this decades long war.Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__This, their plan to hire poo in loo skilled programmers by firing americans has resulted in a mass exodus of talent from the company, and the shittiest OS in existence.Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__Its natural that they would pay the same poo in loo 'talents' to go and shit up open source movements, as well, that is their main skill, by looking at W8 to W10.0Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__Then you have no idea what MSFT's current business model is. They are one of the biggest sponsors & contributors to Linux while also being the biggest OSS company.Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__Owyn_MerrilinSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__42 points ·Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__Embrace, extend, extinguish.Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__Continue this threadSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__Sarr_CatSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__10 points ·Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__PropagandaSep 06 23:08
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:08
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__Embrace, extend, extinguish.Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__recovering_bearSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__Marx at the Chicken ShackSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__3 points ·Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__Good luck doing that with GPLv2Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__Owyn_MerrilinSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__24 points ·Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__That's why they're using codes of conduct to gatekeep who can contribute, instead of the GPL itself.Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__recovering_bearSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__Marx at the Chicken ShackSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__-3 points ·Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__Linux has had a code of conduct for two years now...Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__level 5Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__GrapeGraterSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__10 points ·Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__Which was almost immediately deployed to attack Linus then.Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__That it's been around doesn't mean it's been a good thing for the community.Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__level 5Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__Owyn_MerrilinSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__9 points ·Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__And? None of this is new.Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__level 6Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__recovering_bearSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__Marx at the Chicken ShackSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__-2 points ·Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__The point was that they didn't have anything to do with Linux assign a CoC. That decision was made by Linus and the community after he took a break as head maintainer.Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__Show me one example where Microsoft is using CoCs within the Linux Foundation to "gatekeep who contributes".Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__level 7Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__Owyn_MerrilinSep 06 23:09
schestowitz__22 points ·Sep 06 23:09
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__    That decision was made by Linus and the community after he took a break as head maintainer.Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__Which he did due to outside pressure from a bunch of cynical, conniving wokies. At best Microsoft is taking advantage of a political movement that is very convenient for monied interests.Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__    Show me one example where Microsoft is using CoCs within the Linux Foundation to "gatekeep who contributes".Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__Linus Fucking Torvalds.Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__level 8Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__recovering_bearSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__Marx at the Chicken ShackSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__-3 points ·Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__When did microsoft try to gatekeep Linus? Post proof (you can't because there is none)Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__level 9Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__Owyn_MerrilinSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__10 points ·Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__From your own comments,Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__    after he took a break as head maintainer.Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__He did that due to handwringing from the COCsuckers, and Microsoft was already heavily involved at the time. What's more, it doesn't even necessarily have to be Microsoft, the point is that corporate fucks are cynically using woke hysteria to destroy what is, quite frankly, one of the best examples of what functioning communism might look like on the planet. They're targeting FOSS for a reason, and it's not the good of mankind.Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__level 10Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__recovering_bearSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__Marx at the Chicken ShackSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__-5 points ·Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__Linus took a break because he had travel plans which conflicted with a conference, you fucking idiot. You have no idea what you are talking about.Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__Continue this threadSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__level 7Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__GrapeGraterSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__3 points ·Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__As I remember there was growing pressure on Linus at the time.Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__There were even rumors someone had obtained some kind of leverage on him and were blackmailing him.Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__stevenjdSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__how the fuck is this OK?Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__-1 points ·Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:10
schestowitz__    Embrace, extend, extinguish.Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__That's Google's business model, not Microsoft's. Android anyone?Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__It's not 1995 any more, do try to catch up. Of the tech giants (Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Oracle) Microsoft is probably the least evil.Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:10
schestowitz__ILoveD3ImmoralSep 06 23:11
schestowitz__16 points ·Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:11
schestowitz__    That's Google's business model, not Microsoft's.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__Embrace, extend, extinguish.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__    is a phrase used internally by Microsoft to describe its strategy for entering product categories involving widely used standards, extending those standards with proprietary capabilities, and then using those differences to extinguish said technologies use by other companies.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__Owyn_MerrilinSep 06 23:11
schestowitz__4 points ·Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:11
schestowitz__Like the other guy said, the phrase literally came from Microsoft as a way of describing their own strategy. Just because Google is bigger doesn't mean Microsoft isn't still big enough to swing its dick around. None of these corporations are your friends.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__And like I said to the other other guy, I don't care what corporation we're talking about. The fact is that these woke codes of conduct are highly convenient for corporate interests in general. If it's not Microsoft it'll be google, or Amazon, or Apple, or...Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__stevenjdSep 06 23:11
schestowitz__how the fuck is this OK?Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__Score hidden ·Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__12 hours agoSep 06 23:11
schestowitz__I know where the "Embrace..." phrase comes from. I was working in FOSS advocacy in the early 2000s, for about 15 years, and I had friends in the industry who ear-bashed me about Microsoft and Linux for about ten years prior to that. So you don't need to educate me about Microsoft's bad behaviour in the 80s and 90s.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__I was also a Mac fanboy in the 80s, when IBM was the Big Bad and Microsoft was going to save Apple so I know all about the swings and roundabouts of corporate behaviour.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__The tactic is much older than Microsoft, they just named it. The question isn't who first named the tactic but who is doing it now, in 2020, and it's not Microsoft.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__CC. u/ILoveD3ImmoralSep 06 23:11
schestowitz__level 5Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__Owyn_MerrilinSep 06 23:11
schestowitz__Score hidden ·Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__16 minutes agoSep 06 23:11
schestowitz__You're too focused on the exact corporation and missing the forest for the trees. It doesn't matter if it's Microsoft specifically, what matters is that the whole thing is inorganic and a way for corporate interests to exert control over the FOSS community.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__They targeted linux users.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__Linux users.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__We'll spend most if not all of our free time tinkering with the specs of a system all to draw out a single bit of more efficiency.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same tickets over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such sysadmin nirvana that they can literally manage these servers blindfolded.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__Do these people have any idea how many keyboards have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and monitors destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Linux users aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the services our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds on Super User. They picked a fight against aSep 06 23:11
schestowitz__group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very realSep 06 23:11
schestowitz__need; a honed reflex.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__Linux users are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another system crash.Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:11
schestowitz__"Is this a copypasta or do you really thinking using a different OS makes you badass?"Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__It's pasta, but I wish I was this autistic cause then I'd be a sick engineerSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__ziul1234Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__aw shit, here we go againSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__22 points ·Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__It's a modified version of the "They targeted gamers" pastaSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__ILoveD3ImmoralSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__3 points ·Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__ITs a pasta often used by complete reeturds.Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__Linus literally has to go to conferences with an escort because feminist groups were attempting to get him alone with a woman so they could "me too" him.Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__DrDavidLevinsonSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__11 points ·Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__They've been trying to get Linus for years now. When he's in public he's forced to keep someone (trusted) with him at all times to avoid getting a false accusation thrown at him. They've actively tried to get him alone for that purpose.Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__le--erSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__8 points ·Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__i thought this was about linus tech tips for a minute and i was about to get sadSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__CleetusTheDragonSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__Angry Retard 😍Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__Score hidden ·Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__19 hours agoSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__I wonder if that “women in tech” bluecheck who works for salesforce has anything to do with thisSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__bartiscringeSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__tedpill-grillpillSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__Score hidden ·Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__21 hours agoSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__why do all the top comments have silverSep 06 23:12
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:12
schestowitz__OkayTHISIsEpicMemeSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__unironic neolibSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__-2 points ·Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__· edited 1 day agoSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__I really don’t get what’s going on here.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__My understanding is that Linus told FSF to go fuck themselves (based) and some Fedora people wanted to attack Linus for it, but this Ryan guy didn’t.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__Dunno what this has to do with Stallman tho, his “cancelling” was pretty justified. Also don’t know what woke stuff has to do with it other than Ryan ranting about “free speech”.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__Owyn_MerrilinSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__67 points ·Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__SilverSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__    Dunno what this has to do with Stallman tho, his “cancelling” was pretty justified. Also don’t know what woke stuff has to do with it.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__No it wasn't. Literally all he said was not to jump to conclusions and it was entirely possible that a colleague of his who, upon being offered a massage from a 17 year old practically adult (not a 10-13 year old pubescent-at-most child like you might have been lead to believe) and turning it down, might not have realized that she was underage or unwilling.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__The dude's pretty clearly somewhere on the spectrum and tends to be blunt to a socially unacceptable degree even on really touchy subjects, but he also tends to be absolutely right.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__    Dunno what this has to do with Stallman tho, his “cancelling” was pretty justified. Also don’t know what woke stuff has to do with it.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__No it wasn't. Literally all he said was not to jump to conclusions and it was entirely possible that a colleague of his who, upon being offered a massage from a 17 year old practically adult (not a 10-13 year old pubescent-at-most child like you might have been lead to believe) and turning it down, might not have realized that she was underage or unwilling.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__The dude's pretty clearly somewhere on the spectrum and tends to be blunt to a socially unacceptable degree even on really touchy subjects, but he also tends to be absolutely right.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__OkayTHISIsEpicMemeSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__unironic neolibSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__-8 points ·Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__I admire GNU software (and even begrudgingly the GPL, although I give Netscape far more credit for FOSS), but the guy should’ve started seeing a therapist like 30 years ago.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__It was only a matter of time before his inability to be even mildly socially competent would be the end of him. There’s no room for people like him anywhere near the heart of a multi billion dollar industry.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__From my personal experience, I totally agree. Stallman was unique, I can’t think of anyone that prolific who’s that far gone (Linus is a bit of a dick, and Stroustrup, Gosling, and van Rossum are nerds, but they’re all otherwise normal people).Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__For your second point, most people aren’t going to be working on anything that critical, and even if they are, being tactful with your criticism is much more effective than blurting “this is shit go fuck yourself”.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__that_boy_zestySep 06 23:13
schestowitz__20 points ·Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__i actually emailed stallman telling him that i sympathized with what he was going though and didn't deserve to get canned and he responded saying the best thing i can do is stick up for him. I made sure to use my school email instead of my gmail account on the chance that me using a gmail account would piss him off.Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__level 5Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__ILoveD3ImmoralSep 06 23:13
schestowitz__9 points ·Sep 06 23:13
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__100% respec. It was definitely microsoft that had him taken out of the fsf movement.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__Owyn_MerrilinSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__10 points ·Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__    For your second point, most people aren’t going to be working on anything that critical, and even if they are, being tactful with your criticism is much more effective than blurting “this is shit go fuck yourself”.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__You start with tact. But if it's actually warranted, you end with putting them on blast on the evening news. In between is going RMS or Linus Torvalds on their asses. This is not something you play around with, it's literally life and death.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__Mallic42Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__Antisocial SocialistSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__30 points ·Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__    It was only a matter of time before his inability to be even mildly socially competent would be the end of him.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__In this climate sure, but that just shows the degree to which wokeness, while claiming the opposite, selectively targets the socially awkward and literally neurodivergent.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__GrapeGraterSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__28 points ·Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__Wokeism has a bizarre thing about reproducing the privilege it claims to be fighting.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__Affirmative Action? Disproportionately helps Nigerian Immigrants (one of the wealthiest subgroups in the US) and upper-middle class blacks. But screw the Asian kid on Food Stamps.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__Cancel Culture? Better hope you don't have actual autism and think bad thoughts. Ever.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__Contribute to the Movement (TM) write a best seller and go on all the Late Night Comedy (TM) shows while promising to donate to minority community organizations and then never doing so? Ha! Make a million bucks. You say your an avowed racist? As long as you guilt trip everyone into paying for your 5 figure "sensitivity" sessions, go ahead!Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__You also won't find too much elevation of non-credentialled people. If anything, the wokes actively sneer at people without expensive degrees.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__skinny_maloneSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__Angry Retard 😍Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__5 points ·Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__    You also won't find too much elevation of non-credentialled people. If anything, the wokes actively sneer at people without expensive degrees.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__Yeah this is actually borne out by research too. Quote from an article that was linked a few days ago in this sub:Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__    In the United States and Europe, disdain for the less educated is more pronounced, or at least more readily acknowledged, than prejudice against other disfavored groups. In a series of surveys conducted in the United States, Britain, the Netherlands and Belgium, a team of social psychologists led by Toon Kuppens found that college-educated respondents had more bias against less-educated people than they did against otherSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__disfavored groups. The researchers surveyed attitudes toward a range of people who are typically victims of discrimination. In Europe, this list included Muslims and people who are poor, obese, blind and less educated; in the United States, the list also included African-Americans and the working class. Of all these groups, the poorly educated were disliked most of all.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__This is the study being referred to.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__IdpolisdumbSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__12 points ·Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:14
schestowitz__    There’s no room for people like him anywhere near the heart of a multi billion dollar industry.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__This is how you get exploding space shuttles and nuclear reactors going critical.Sep 06 23:14
schestowitz__What matters is their shit works.Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__ILoveD3ImmoralSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__4 points ·Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__Was there a bridge that was mostly a team of diverse people from one sex? a few years ago.Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__OkayTHISIsEpicMemeSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__unironic neolibSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__-2 points ·Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__You don’t have to be a borderline non-functioning autist to make good software.Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__GoodUsername1337Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__14 points ·Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__You do. Look how garbage software by non-autists is.Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__"How was it justified? They literally did the woke word parser -> six degrees of Kevin bacon thing on what he said and then insisted that their made up version was what he really said despite the actual text being a available for all to see."Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__How was it justified? They literally did the woke word parser -> six degrees of Kevin bacon thing on what he said and then insisted that their made up version was what he really said despite the actual text being a available for all to see.Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__zortlaxSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__Libertarian StalinistSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__10 points ·Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__No, you don't understand. He had a mattress in his office, that means he's a rapist.Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__i thought this was about linus tech tips for a minute and i was about to get sadSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__CleetusTheDragonSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__Angry Retard 😍Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__Score hidden ·Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__19 hours agoSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__I wonder if that “women in tech” bluecheck who works for salesforce has anything to do with thisSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__bartiscringeSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__tedpill-grillpillSep 06 23:15
schestowitz__Score hidden ·Sep 06 23:15
schestowitz__21 hours agoSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__why do all the top comments have silverSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__OkayTHISIsEpicMemeSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__unironic neolibSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__-2 points ·Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__· edited 1 day agoSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__I really don’t get what’s going on here.Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__My understanding is that Linus told FSF to go fuck themselves (based) and some Fedora people wanted to attack Linus for it, but this Ryan guy didn’t.Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__Dunno what this has to do with Stallman tho, his “cancelling” was pretty justified. Also don’t know what woke stuff has to do with it other than Ryan ranting about “free speech”.Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__Linus deserves to be cancelled, he accepted idpol with open arms, he deserves to be eaten by it.Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__zortlaxSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__Libertarian StalinistSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__2 points ·Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__Did I miss something, or are you confusing him with Stallman? I got the impression there was a significant amount of arm-twisting involved with Torvalds.Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__Linus accepted the “progressive” naming conventions github has pushed, don’t think his armed was twisted.Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__zortlaxSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__Libertarian StalinistSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__4 points ·Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__Was that before or after they made him suck a CoC?Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__Spencer_DrangusSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__1 point ·Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__After, I don’t get the impression it took much to twist his arm if it was.Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__level 5Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__zortlaxSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__Libertarian StalinistSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__3 points ·Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:16
schestowitz__He sounded quite defeated to me with the whole CoC thing, anything that came after that I'm treating as if he has a gun to his head, but maybe I'm giving him too much benefit of doubt,Sep 06 23:16
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__ 06 23:17
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:17
-TechBytesBot/ | "Linusgate": To the surprise of absolutely no one, after forcing CoCs onto open source teams SJWs are trying to use them to force Linus Torvalds out. : KotakuInActionSep 06 23:17
schestowitz__I'm surprised.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__That it took them this long.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__Shoddy_HatSep 06 23:17
schestowitz__156 points ·Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:17
schestowitz__They've been trying it for ten years now. At one point, probably around 2012 or so (I don't know if he still does this), Linus had a policy of never being alone in a room with a woman because he feared it could be used as an opportunity for false accusation of misconduct.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__He was pretty redpilled until very recently when the cult of socjus brainwashed his daughter, and because of her, he ended up second guessing his earlier hardline stances against this shit.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__Looks like he's about to learn the hard way that he was right all along, and that you should never give these cretins an inch, and their appeals to emotion should always be stonewalled forever.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__They've been trying it for ten years now. At one point, probably around 2012 or so (I don't know if he still does this), Linus had a policy of never being alone in a room with a woman because he feared it could be used as an opportunity for false accusation of misconduct.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__He was pretty redpilled until very recently when the cult of socjus brainwashed his daughter, and because of her, he ended up second guessing his earlier hardline stances against this shit.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__Looks like he's about to learn the hard way that he was right all along, and that you should never give these cretins an inch, and their appeals to emotion should always be stonewalled forever.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__ZeusKabobSep 06 23:17
schestowitz__76 points ·Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:17
schestowitz__It's fucking tragic that so much is being done to cripple F/OSS. Cancelling Stallman was absurd, unjustified, and should have been completely rebuked by MIT and GNU, but instead they embraced the lunacy of removing one of the most influential people in true free software out there.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__I don't agree with everything Stallman says, and I think he's a loon in a lot of ways. Still, he is paving the way for more and more freedom in computing, and I benefit from his efforts every day as a GNU/Linux user. Going from Stallman and then targeting Linus just because he's a rude person? I can't stand it. Get this shit out of here and leave F/OSS alone.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__Continue this threadSep 06 23:17
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__mcantrellSep 06 23:17
schestowitz__A huge dick and a winning smileSep 06 23:17
schestowitz__53 points ·Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:17
schestowitz__Yeah, ESR reported on this. 06 23:17
schestowitz__It was the Ada Initiative, who was actively trying to get a woman alone with Linus so they could claim sexual assault / rape, so Linus had bodyguards with him 24x7 at Expos, changed hotel rooms on the regular, etc.Sep 06 23:17
-TechBytesBot/ | From kafkatrap to honeytrap | Armed and DangerousSep 06 23:17
schestowitz__Fun fact, Sarah Sharp was tied to them. If that name's familiar, she was last seen pretending to be offended because Linus was rude to her + pretending to be "non binary" and renaming herself "Sage."Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__Remember kids, don't stick your dick in crazy, and don't let your company hire them, either.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__Yeah, ESR reported on this. 06 23:17
schestowitz__It was the Ada Initiative, who was actively trying to get a woman alone with Linus so they could claim sexual assault / rape, so Linus had bodyguards with him 24x7 at Expos, changed hotel rooms on the regular, etc.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__Fun fact, Sarah Sharp was tied to them. If that name's familiar, she was last seen pretending to be offended because Linus was rude to her + pretending to be "non binary" and renaming herself "Sage."Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__Remember kids, don't stick your dick in crazy, and don't let your company hire them, either.Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:17
schestowitz__DrisSkullSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__10 points ·Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__To quote another website:Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__    Sage goes in all fields.Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__maybe less second guessing and it could be he simply loves his daughter and doesn't want to lose her and they know this and are basically holding a gun to her head (or more specifically making her hold the gun to her own head) unless he does what they wantSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__IaldaSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__1 point ·Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__5 hours agoSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__Weaponizing politics to cripple / take control of the open-source environment is a genius move from the corporations, thought. Evil, and it will slow down tech progress, but genius.Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__Why do people not realize they're signing their own career death warrants letting people like this in the door in the first place?Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__Calico_foxSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__5 points ·Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__· edited 12 hours agoSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__Because they never realize that one day they'll be on the blunt end of the woke BS they champion..Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__BroncoliSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__Druckmann hates the little children of the world5 points ·Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__22 hours agoSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__They believe that their interests are aligned. Until they're not.Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__AskoleiSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__142 points ·Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:18
schestowitz__This is just sad. We are loosing a crucial asset against Microsoft hegemony and over what? Political correctness?Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__The article is very eloquent: there are "contributors" whose sole purpose is to target other productive agents. They don't write code. They don't even use Linux. Textbook trojan horse.Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__    there are "contributors" whose sole purpose is to target other productive agents.Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__Thats like textbook definition "toxic"Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__"Or "cancer." Either works."Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:18
schestowitz__Ah yes the fabled "Linux will take Microsofts market share next year guys, I swear"Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__I don't have sympathy for people who caveSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__Linux already has taken Microsoft's market share in the server field. A 2015 estimate puts Linux at 96.4% of all servers, FreeBSD at 1.7, MS Windows at 1.9%.Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__Losing Linux and having to rely solely on FreeBSD would be terrible.Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__AllyriadilSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__10 points ·Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__FreeBSD also has a code of conduct and it's inspired by the "Geek Feminism" wiki.Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__sososomanythrowawaysSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__8 points ·Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__Randi, worthless cunt Harper.Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__zachsandbergSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__1 point ·Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__21 hours agoSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__Recently repealed actually.Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__scaphism4kidkillersSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__11 points ·Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__Server and mobile; and now thanks to Chromebooks the laptop market is precarious for Microsoft.Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__TheLightningCount1Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__18 points ·Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__Except chromebooks are almost entirely worthless from a business perspective. Some people get them to work as thin clients, but actual thin client laptops are a jillion times better at a 3rd of the cost.Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__level 5Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__ZeusKabobSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__4 points ·Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__Amen. Chromebooks are underpowered and overpriced pieces of garbage that could be done so much better by being a thin client running XFCE or some other cut-down DE. You can run chrome on Linux, but you can also do so much more.Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__HuntrrzSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__1 point ·Sep 06 23:19
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:19
schestowitz__<psst!> Anybody remember OS/2? Anybody?Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__OK, I’ll go away now...Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__MeasurementRealisticSep 06 23:20
schestowitz__1 point ·Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:20
schestowitz__It doesn't need to. I just want another option.Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__I'm pretty sure that some people are getting big fat paychecks from Microsoft for this.Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__Knowbody42Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__56 points ·Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:20
schestowitz__Why the fuck aren't these SJWs being kicked out of power? What's stopping that happening?Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__EntireVacation7000Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__73 points ·Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:20
schestowitz__Say what you like about SJWs, they are ruthlessly effective and infiltrating and assuming soft power positions, and then via social shaming converting that power into effective action.Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__"I thought you were talking about another group of people there for a minute."Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__Sadly helicopter jokes trigger admins, no warning but I've gotta pull it.Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__rv6502Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__3 points ·Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:20
schestowitz__aaaaaaaaw :( Gotta love the double standards, eh.Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__welp, thanks for the heads up.Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__level 5Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__Notalent13Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__Mod19 points ·Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:20
schestowitz__Believe me, we know how shitty it is. Helicopter jokes, BAD. 42% Jokes, NO BAD. 13% Jokes, NO BAD. Entire sub dedicated to hating police where half the comments devolve into fetish porn about murdering them and their families...good.Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__level 5Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__BorderSecuritySlayerSep 06 23:20
schestowitz__1 point ·Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:20
schestowitz__Remember to not make the same mistake we made previously when we have been forgiving, this time please understand what you must do.Sep 06 23:20
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__Stairs?Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__Genderlocked bathrooms?Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__Hair Dye detectors?Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__    What's stopping that happening?Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__The corporations they work for, and the "free" labor their relationship to FOSS represents.Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__mcantrellSep 06 23:21
schestowitz__A huge dick and a winning smileSep 06 23:21
schestowitz__6 points ·Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:21
schestowitz__You need the SJWs' permission to remove power from the SJWs.Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__Confidence_GrandSep 06 23:21
schestowitz__100 points ·Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__2 days agoSep 06 23:21
schestowitz__he made his bed, I don't care anymore. Instead of rejecting that bullshit all together because frankly, it has shit to do with programming, he caved, of course they are going to kick him out of the very organization he created, he is too w.... and too m... and too c... according to these degenerates.Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__Moth92Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__76 points ·Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:21
schestowitz__He had a weakness, his daughter. Who is a massive sjw.Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__"The lesson learned from this is to not let your daughters go to college on your dime, and if they are, you treat them like they're still in high school and make sure they're not taking stupidass grievance studies bullshit -- under threat of stopping payment on the tuition checks."Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__The lesson learned from this is to not let your daughters go to college on your dime, and if they are, you treat them like they're still in high school and make sure they're not taking stupidass grievance studies bullshit -- under threat of stopping payment on the tuition checks.Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__ImmorttalisSep 06 23:21
schestowitz__-16 points ·Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:21
schestowitz__So don't respect your female offspring as adults and threaten them into thinking like you do. Healthy advice right there.Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__"We kinda need the woke to drive everyone out and be forced to stand on their own. You can scream about how they’re useless and contribute nothing until you’re blue in the face but the best way to rid the world of these people and their idealogy is to let them have what they want and then hold them accountable for their actions."Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__As if they didn't destroy several IPs with their bullshit, destroyed the comics industry and so on, they're parasites, they do not care, they have no morals, no honor and no guilt. In their eyes they can't possibly be wrong even as the building burns down around them.Sep 06 23:21
schestowitz__Continue this threadSep 06 23:21
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__CatatonicManSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__34 points ·Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__Atlas Shrugged, basically. Gotta go Galt.Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__"I'd rather not sacrifice civilization just to prove them wrong."Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__As if they didn't destroy several IPs with their bullshit, destroyed the comics industry and so on, they're parasites, they do not care, they have no morals, no honor and no guilt. In their eyes they can't possibly be wrong even as the building burns down around them.Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__KeavyRainSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__8 points ·Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__Yeah but if we prove to the powers that be how horrible and incompetent they are by costing the powers that be billions we guarantee these fuckheads won’t see any work in any position of power for a generation, possibly two.Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__Re-toastSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__6 points ·Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__They're happy either way. If they destroy something then they've taken it away from the people who loved it in the first place. If they successfully subvert something then they've still taken it away from the people who loved it in the first place. It's a win win in their book.Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__"Well Perhaps we need people to be desperate and angry if they wont fight back against this otherwise."Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__ 06 23:22
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:22
-TechBytesBot/ | "Linusgate": To the surprise of absolutely no one, after forcing CoCs onto open source teams SJWs are trying to use them to force Linus Torvalds out. : KotakuInActionSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__I never read that purely because I knew people who never shut up about that book and they were als the people I never wanted to speak to, so I associated the book with assholes.Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__But, basically, if someone thinks they can steer the ship hand them the wheel but be ready to take it back when their now humbled ass fucks it up.Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__CatatonicManSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__46 points ·Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__It's not a particularly good book (Rand wasn't a particularly good author), but it has some decent ideas.Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__The basic plot is that the productive people eventually get tired of carrying the dead weight of society, and they go on strike. This turns out to be rather bad for the dead weight.Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__matthew_laneSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__30 points ·Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__    The basic plot is that the productive people eventually get tired of carrying the dead weight of society, and they go on strike. This turns out to be rather bad for the dead weight.Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__It was also the basic plot of 2020.Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__World wide pandemic happens, useless people put useful people on hiatus, quickly discover that without the useful people are what kept them afloat & suddenly entire industries collapse as useeful people who were stood down get tired & go to real industries that will pay. Restricitons lifted & useless people are just sitting there wondering why they can't make money anymore.Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__level 4Sep 06 23:22
schestowitz__squishlesSep 06 23:22
schestowitz__5 points ·Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__they aren't really laying off useful people. If the company can't survive without you, you get a laptop and work from home.Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__KeavyRainSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__10 points ·Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__I support this idea.Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__level 3Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__master_criskywalkerSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__11 points ·Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__So basically, defund the Democrats.Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__for_a_girlSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__7 points ·Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__It's like economic eugenics the novel. Just as utopian as any leftist crap.Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__I'm an English major and I actually thought the book was very good from an entertainment/thought experiment/time capsule perspective, but the philosophy is pretty extreme.Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__We can't just run away from spot to spot assuming we know the answers and can establish our own perfect societies. There isn't enough space or resources, and we aren't that fucking perfect ourselves. We have to cultivate the communities around us by acting correctly, not by blackpilling and assuming that the answer lays somewhere else over a Lost Horizon.Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__mcantrellSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__A huge dick and a winning smileSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__4 points ·Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__Fountainhead is probably a better read for most people.Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__Respect is earnedSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__matthew_laneSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__19 points ·Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:23
schestowitz__Yep,m respect is earned, never demanded. Respect is like sex, the more of it you demand the less of it you will recieve & if you try to force people to respect you that just makes you a respect rapist.Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__Repeal the CoC. Require that every contributor actually use a Linux distro as their primary OS! This is the only way to save Linux.Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__    Ryan, who recently witnessed Fedora banning longtime contributors (technical people who actually love and use GNU/Linux), said that the CoC “gets enforced by a lot of nasty trolls who somehow “develop” Fedora from Macs and Edge on Windows 10.” (The enforcers do not even use GNU/Linux themselves!)Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:23
schestowitz__If it's taken too far it'll just be forked and the "old" linux kernel will be simply dead.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__All you have to do is attract the hardcore coders and driver devs to make new hardware work well and it's over.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__Xfree86 was replaced with in about 9 months because xfree got too high on their horse.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__It can happen again, and it's not even that difficult.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__"Or how Oracle fucked with OpenOffice, and we got LibreOffice. And how instead of MySQL we got MariaDB. The FOSS genie is out of the bottle, and by its nature it cannot be bottled again."Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__You imprison the King in the tower for a while, then you have the show trial and execution when it suits you.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__And right now, the SocJus cult is at peak power.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__Meanwhile, Poul-Henning Kamp of FreeBSD manages to defy cancellation despite being an open anti-semite(he believes all Jews share responsibility for Israeli government policy) on twitter, because he repeats a few more-immediately-useful Social Justice mantras.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__imgageneSep 06 23:24
schestowitz__9 points ·Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:24
schestowitz__And of course, who could forget dear ratboy freebsdgirl?Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__BaconPlatterSep 06 23:24
schestowitz__11 points ·Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:24
schestowitz__· edited 1 day agoSep 06 23:24
schestowitz__Linus bent over asked to be done in the backdoor, now they are taking him up on it. Ok.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__TheGuyWhoIsSittingSep 06 23:24
schestowitz__18 points ·Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:24
schestowitz__This comment was coded in C+=Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__8syncSep 06 23:24
schestowitz__7 points ·Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:24
schestowitz__Just fyi, all this stuff is from 2014, waaay before Contributor Covenant got xer hands on Linux.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__The event they're so passionately offended by is this Q&A session.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__By that time there was some "don't be a dick" thing for commiters, but nothing like the current CoC. Just goes to show how crazy Debian is and for how long. There's also another article on the site showing that these kinds of shenanigans have been going on behind the scenes since at least the 90s.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__master_criskywalkerSep 06 23:24
schestowitz__14 points ·Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:24
schestowitz__I guess Gates sent his SJWs to sabotage Linus's work. Seriously though, how I hate those people! They're really making the world a worse place.Sep 06 23:24
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__Fujinn981Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__6 points ·Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__Linus should have never given them any ground. Shouldn't have taken master slave terminology out of the kernel. I hope he's learned his lesson now about giving any ground to these fuckers.Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__AkesgerothSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__3 points ·Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__Linus should remind them who owns Linux.Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__OrnateOnionSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__3 points ·Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__What stops the actual contributors from telling them to get fucked?Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__jaysanilaninaniSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__2 points ·Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__they better not touch Linus Tech TipsSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__level 2Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__xtreemmasheen3k2Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__1 point ·Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__· edited 22 hours agoSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__There was an instance that someone tried to shame Linus Sebastian for buying tampons at an Amazon Go store. Linus refused to apologize, and good on him for it. Story had zero traction.Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__Other than that, I think he's done his best to avoid politics entirely. Same with his people working under him, even his Tech News branch TechLinked does its best to avoid taking sides when talking about news that could very easily veer into political territory, like the TikTok ban or Facebook censorship. Could possibly be a company mandate.Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__"I thought LinusTechTips had a video where he came out as anti-free speech, using the typical "freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences" line that' used to defend cancel culture."Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__Archiving currently broken. Please archive manuallySep 06 23:25
schestowitz__I am Mnemosyne reborn. #BotLivesMatter r/botsrightsSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__CIAs gotta get rid of anyone actually competent enough to know what they are doing in order to get malware and backdoors in to linux. Thats the purpose of the COCSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__zellegionSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__1 point ·Sep 06 23:25
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__Help help I don't get what's going on hereSep 06 23:25
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__NashGold85Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__1 point ·Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:26
schestowitz__Hope that will help killing Linux and its Nazi GPL. FreeBSD and the BSD license are far better alternative. Also LISP OS WTF!Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__Doulor76Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__1 point ·Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__23 hours agoSep 06 23:26
schestowitz__The same way shit code can ruin the kernel, shit individuals can make your life worse. If he gets cancelled it will be deserved for allowing it.Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__Admirably-OddSep 06 23:26
schestowitz__1 point ·Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__4 hours agoSep 06 23:26
schestowitz__There is no point in creating anything right now because the liberals and the SJWs will just steal it from you.Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__level 1Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__ThatThirstyRandoSep 06 23:26
schestowitz__-1 points ·Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__1 day agoSep 06 23:26
schestowitz__· edited 1 day agoSep 06 23:26
schestowitz__    F O R C E DSep 06 23:26
schestowitz__        oSep 06 23:26
schestowitz__        CSep 06 23:26
schestowitz__Edit : the downvotes on this post are among the weirdest downvotes I have ever gotten. 😂🤣😂Sep 06 23:26
schestowitz__"Sep 06 23:26

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