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schestowitz[TR2] 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]"Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]This is a stupid comparison.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]2 hours ago by AnonymousJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+2/-0)Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1atf+1to77UUnJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]OP says "Anyone who went to grade school in the 1970s or 1980s probably saw something made by Bell and Howell..." This was certainly my experience (I'll add 1960s to the list of decades) and I believe it to be true generally (at least in North America.) We also saw a lot of SONY cassette tape recorders and video cameras back in the day. In both cases, this exposure very likely created lasting positive sentiment about the brands. ThJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]at process was possibly subliminal. We tended to personally experience these products at special (and more interesting) times than normal classroom education. Also, again at least in my case, the products made by these brands just plain worked.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]The point is that we experienced these brands as consumers. (Albeit possibly via the school system which would have had a more business to business relationship with these companies.) Without a doubt, the most experience that consumers would have had with IBM is the PC. But this experience was a lot less positive. Immediately upon creating this whole market, consumers discovered that IBM was by far the most expensive option. It hasJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2] always been said of IBM "You can buy better but you can't pay more." The next discovery followed fairly quickly: third parties innovated much faster; you could get cooler new stuff faster by not buying IBM. By the time PCs had morphed into laptops, IBM had thrown in the towel. They admitted defeat in the PC operating system space and the sold the remnants of their PC business to Lenovo.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]As a brand name, what are the letters IBM really worth down the road? The vast majority of the world have no particular interest in this name. IBM's customers are large businesses and some governments and those organizations tend not to have a lot of sentimental memory. They will use IBM products and services as long as they make more money than they cost. But they do not attach sentimental value to the name.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]I never really understood those IBM ads for block chain (and other technical matters) on NFL broadcasts. Who is watching an NFL game and is suddenly struck by a desire to start using block chain? Trying to create positive brand sentiment in that setting is misplaced advertising. As the company fails in AI and cloud and block chain and ... the brand name will have much less residual value than the name B&H did because no one had a wJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]arm personal experience with it.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]2 hours ago by AnonymousJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1uzq+1to77UUnJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2] +3 Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]The article in the previous post is astounding.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]    IBM is developing a website to replace the Global Solutions Directory, which it recently ki-led off. Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]Does the replacement website exist yet? And if so, is it any good?Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]Basically if I were a customer, I'd already be lining up replacement solutions. This will definitely impact the bottom line. Oops.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]8 hours ago by AnonymousJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]| 3 reactions (+3/-0)Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1wpi+1to77UUnJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2] +3 Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]Just to highlight the main theme of this thread. Here is where IBM management thinks System I is heading. Not a pretty picture when your largest ISV’s have told you they are moving away, and the bulk of ISV’s status is not even known by the IBM management team. Legacy within Power (OS/400 apps and Unix apps) are fading at warp speed. It’s all about LINUX and Enterprise SW modernization now. Everything else is being abandoned.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2] 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]11 hours ago by AnonymousJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]| 3 reactions (+3/-0)Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1nlz+1to77UUnJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2] +4 Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]True. The Bell and Howell name was licensed to an entity that uses it to sell cheap electronic goods to folks who remember the brand as reliable and strong (those born before 1970).Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]Also true that Systec bought the whole thing. But then they extracted all the goodies from it to line their pockets, leaving a bankrupt and subsequently reorg'd company that now is a player in new markets such as mechatronics service and propped up by legacy mail equipment services.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]I worked for both companies. It's not a bad analogy, but it's still a facile one. Both show textbook signs of the fullness of evolution. Extinction is a long, slow slide. But everyone is afraid to bail on mainframes; and the USPS still delivers mails sorted by BH machines.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]So, there's still life there. But the life is just that - still.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]11 hours ago by AnonymousJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]| 4 reactions (+4/-0)Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1cjr+1to77UUnJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2] +6 Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]IBM is a legacy organization mainly composed and run by dinosaurs, failing behind young, fierce, well funded and innovative competitors in AI; it doesn’t have the edge and the competitive products, except possibly in quantum computing; IT industry is changing too fast for IBM to be relevant.Jul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]you reap what you sowJul 09 01:26
schestowitz[TR2]"Jul 09 01:26
-TechBytesBot/ | Big Blue Working On Replacement For Global Solutions Directory For IBM i - IT JungleJul 09 01:27
schestowitz[TR2] 09 04:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Jul 09 04:42
schestowitz[TR2]"Jul 09 04:42
schestowitz[TR2]Breaking newsJul 09 04:42
schestowitz[TR2]India created a tech company.Jul 09 04:42
schestowitz[TR2]Oh wait, it's gone.Jul 09 04:42
schestowitz[TR2]"Jul 09 04:42
*parsifal (~parsifal@6thegygyadsu4.irc) has joined #techbytesJul 09 05:26
schestowitz[TR2] <li>Jul 09 07:56
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <h5><a href="">COSMIC Desktop Introduced Its Official Wallpapers</a></h5>Jul 09 07:56
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <blockquote>Jul 09 07:56
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p>After System76 introduced the new COSMIC brand at the end of June, it has just released a new set of official wallpapers for its upcoming, highly anticipated by the entire open-source community COSMIC desktop environment. </p>Jul 09 07:56
schestowitz[TR2]                                    </blockquote>Jul 09 07:56
schestowitz[TR2]                                </li>Jul 09 07:56
-TechBytesBot/ | COSMIC Desktop Introduced Its Official WallpapersJul 09 07:56
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytesJul 09 08:00
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schestowitz[TR2]    <li>Jul 09 09:32
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <h5><a href="">LibreOffice 24.2 review - A pleasant surprise</a></h5>Jul 09 09:32
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <blockquote>Jul 09 09:32
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p>Therefore, I must reserve my optimism. However, that said, the results were really good. In the present time, taking nothing else into account, LibreOffice 24.2 did a solid job of opening proprietary formats. Requires more rigorous testing, of course, but for now, nice. </p>Jul 09 09:32
schestowitz[TR2]                                    </blockquote>Jul 09 09:32
schestowitz[TR2]                                </li>Jul 09 09:32
schestowitz[TR2]                             Jul 09 09:32
-TechBytesBot/ | LibreOffice 24.2 review - A pleasant surpriseJul 09 09:32
*IsambardPrince has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jul 09 10:15
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schestowitz[TR2] 09 14:25
schestowitz[TR2]"The article fails to convince. It is not as simple as any new matter over the prior art being enough to earn a monopoly right - the law has to be more adaptable and must be assessed more holistically. If the prior art is a single sectional view, the overall impression it produces can be said to be a shape of unspecified length having that particular cross section. It is not surprising that a registered design which has the same crJul 09 14:25
schestowitz[TR2]oss section and merely specifies a length would be invalid. Similarly, where the prior art discloses a floor tile and a registered design shows 4 of those tiles arranged in a 2x2 array, the registered design does not produce a new overall impression compared with the individual floor tile. It is easy to see why this has to be the case from a policy perspective. If the author's reasoning was correct, the two designs would create an Jul 09 14:25
schestowitz[TR2]impasse, whereby the unregistered design right in the prior art (the single cross-section view or the single tile) can be used to prevent the sale of the later design and the registered design right in the later design can prevent anyone actually using the prior art in a realistic scenario (i.e. making a tube having the cross section with a specific length, or arranging the 2x2 array of tiles)."Jul 09 14:25
-TechBytesBot/ | [Guest post] Decoding the General Court in design law – adding matter to the prior art? - The IPKatJul 09 14:25
*Received a CTCP VERSION from pussydogJul 09 15:50
*Received a CTCP VERSION from pussydogJul 09 15:50
*psydroid3 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 09 16:35
*psydroid3 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techbytesJul 09 16:37
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schestowitz[TR2] 09 18:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-LXer: No : How I Turned My Chromebook Into A "Mintbook"Jul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]"Jul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]Jul 09, 2024Jul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]7:04 AM EDT Linux Mint installed without using developer mode or replacing the firmware? If so, developments have come a long way.Jul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]Scott_RueckerJul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]Jul 09, 2024Jul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]9:18 AM EDT I had developer mode on, I forgot to talk about that, I did that a while ago. And the firmware? Unless you're talking about the BIOS. I have no idea what you're talking about haha. I didn't touch anything. I guess I'm lucky.Jul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]r_a_tripJul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]Jul 09, 2024Jul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]9:30 AM EDT I do mean "BIOS", although it hasn't been real BIOSes in ages on modern hardware. So only developer mode. That doesn't sound like an undue burden.Jul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]Scott_RueckerJul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]Jul 09, 2024Jul 09 18:01
schestowitz[TR2]9:42 AM EDT I went into the settings, clicked a button to activate it and it asked for 10gigs of HD space and I was done. "Jul 09 18:01
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 09 18:22
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesJul 09 18:23
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*psydroid3 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techbytesJul 09 19:45
*IsambardPrince (~isambardprince@vcpn35mrije58.irc) has joined #techbytesJul 09 20:47
*psydroid3 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jul 09 22:19
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