●● IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, October 09, 2024 ●● ● Oct 09 [00:40] *rianne has quit (Connection closed) [00:40] *rianne_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [00:40] *rianne_ (~rianne@m93jam5swqfas.irc) has joined #techbytes [00:40] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-c99.p91.7dgmmg.IP) has joined #techbytes [00:43] *liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [00:44] *rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [00:45] *rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) ● Oct 09 [01:02] *liberty_box (~liberty@m93jam5swqfas.irc) has joined #techbytes [01:03] *rianne (~rianne@freenode-c99.p91.7dgmmg.IP) has joined #techbytes [01:03] *rianne_ (~rianne@m93jam5swqfas.irc) has joined #techbytes [01:45] *rianne_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [01:45] *rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [01:46] *rianne_ (~rianne@freenode-c99.p91.7dgmmg.IP) has joined #techbytes [01:46] *rianne_ (~rianne@m93jam5swqfas.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Oct 09 [02:03] *parsifal (~parsifal@6thegygyadsu4.irc) has joined #techbytes [02:03] *parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving) [02:21] *jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Oct 09 [03:27] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1uMoF9LG [03:27] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1uMoF9LG ) [03:27] schestowitz[TR2] " STFU clown. Indians code the way they drive in your s-hole country. I most vulns are due to your incompetency. Now get out of my country! " ● Oct 09 [04:31] psydruid more hate crimes when? [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] seems MAGA trolls try to discredit the site [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] one just posted this: [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1uULCxRb [04:53] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1uULCxRb ) [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] " [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] India Is The Future [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] I need everyone to know that Indians are smarter, stronger, faster, bigger and most importantly better than you; at all times, Forever! [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] Below exemplifies this whole heartedly. I dare anyone to find a better job if they can, but the truth is that Indians, with their wisdom and altruism ALLOW you to be in their graces. How dare anyone complain about layoffs. Everyone of you PEASANTS should be on your knees kissing Arvinds feet for his blessing! Who do you think you are? If you think you can do better then go do it, but we already know you cant cause you're weak. [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xnrbzfOiYE [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] Honestly though.... [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] For all those getting laid off it might be a blessing in disguise as IBM is going down the S** especially since these guys are running the show now. [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] " [04:53] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Invidious: https://invidious.osi.kr/watch?v=3xnrbzfOiYE [04:53] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name 'invidious.osi.kr' ( status 0 @ https://invidious.osi.kr/watch?v=3xnrbzfOiYE ) [04:53] schestowitz[TR2] maybe they try to annoy the people in the forums [04:54] schestowitz[TR2] this has nothing to do with IBM ● Oct 09 [08:37] schestowitz[TR2] "Google, Supercell and Kone most attractive employers in Finland" [08:37] schestowitz[TR2] x https://yle.fi/a/74-20116680?origin=rss [08:37] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-yle.fi | Google, Supercell and Kone most attractive employers in Finland | Yle News | Yle ● Oct 09 [09:24] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytes [09:33] *psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Oct 09 [10:02] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [10:04] *jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techbytes [10:10] schestowitz[TR2] Hi Andy, [10:10] schestowitz[TR2] I am going to be posting the third episode of the series today. Also, I have read the two articles you published. It was fun to read those articles, and I found only one typo: [10:10] schestowitz[TR2] https://cybershow.uk/blog/posts/radical-disbelief-and-its-causes/ [10:10] schestowitz[TR2] The Unites States [10:10] schestowitz[TR2] Br, [10:10] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-cybershow.uk | Radical disbelief and its causes ● Oct 09 [14:03] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [14:03] schestowitz[TR2]
    openSUSE Leap 16 Development Starts, It's All You Love
    [14:03] schestowitz[TR2]
    [14:03] schestowitz[TR2]

    Why is this edition so important? Over the past year, openSUSE has undergone so many changesnew variants, new abbreviations, logo redesigns, and even name tweaksthat even the most loyal fans have trouble keeping up. But many just want two things: the rock-solid Leap or the cutting-edge Tumbleweed.

    [14:03] schestowitz[TR2]

    With rumors swirling about what Leap 16 will bring, Ill say it plainly: openSUSE Leap 16 has all the familiar features youve grown to love, plus some great new updates, without any sharp turns from the concept you already know. Heres what to expect.

    [14:03] schestowitz[TR2]
    [14:03] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [14:03] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-linuxiac.com | openSUSE Leap 16 Development Starts, It's All You Love ● Oct 09 [15:00] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [15:00] schestowitz[TR2]
    Arm Ltd. provides fast Ampere Altra Max server for Gentoo
    [15:00] schestowitz[TR2]
    [15:00] schestowitz[TR2]

    Were very happy to announce that Arm Ltd. and specifically its Works on Arm team has sent us a fast Ampere Altra Max server to support Gentoo development. With 96 Armv8.2+ 64bit cores, 256 GByte of RAM, and 4 TByte NVMe storage, it is now hosted together with some of our other hardware at OSU Open Source Lab. The machine will be a clear boost to our future arm64 (aarch64) and arm (32bit [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] ) support, via installation stage builds and binary packages, architecture testing of Gentoo packages, as well as our close work with upstream projects such as GCC and glibc. Thank you!

    [15:00] schestowitz[TR2]
    [15:00] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] [15:00] schestowitz[TR2] [15:00] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-www.gentoo.org | Arm Ltd. provides fast Ampere Altra Max server for Gentoo Gentoo Linux [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]
    antiX Linux 23.2 Released, Here's What's New
    [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]
    [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]

    For current antiX 23.1 users, theres good news: theres no need for a reinstallation. And, of course, as always, antiX provides a complete systemd-free and elogind-free experience.

    [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]

    In line with antiX tradition, version 23.2 offers different flavors for both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. Users can choose between sysVinit or runit versions, all ensuring a streamlined experience. The available flavors are: [...]

    [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]
    [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [15:02] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-linuxiac.com | antiX Linux 23.2 Released, Here's What's New [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]
    Tails 6.8 Introduces File System Repair and Key Upgrades
    [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]
    [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]

    Two weeks after announcing its merger with the Tor Project, Tails has just rolled out version 6.8, bringing along some important improvements and fixes. This update includes new features for Persistent Storage repair, a browser upgrade, and more. Here are the releases highlights.

    [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]
    [15:02] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [15:02] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-linuxiac.com | Tails 6.8 Introduces File System Repair and Key Upgrades [15:03] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [15:03] schestowitz[TR2]
    KDE Plasma 6.2 Desktop Environment Released, Heres Whats New
    [15:03] schestowitz[TR2]
    [15:03] schestowitz[TR2]

    Nearly four months after the release of Plasma 6.1, followed by four minor versions, with the last one being Plasma 6.1.5, the beloved KDE desktop environment has rolled out the much-anticipated Plasma 6.2 today.

    [15:03] schestowitz[TR2]

    This edition focuses mainly on making it more artist-friendly, smarter, and accessible. Here are the improvements made in this direction.

    [15:03] schestowitz[TR2]
    [15:03] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [15:03] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-linuxiac.com | KDE Plasma 6.2 Desktop Environment Released, Heres Whats New ● Oct 09 [16:04] schestowitz[TR2] https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1uPI6wsC [16:04] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ https://www.thelayoff.com/t/1uPI6wsC ) [16:04] schestowitz[TR2] {"Every cloud company defines their cloud revenue differently. Amazon defines their cloud revenue around first mover (essentially they are a commodity player). Microsoft defines their cloud revenue around SW monopoly products centered on Intel HW. Google seems to be trying to define their cloud revenue around small business solution running on Intel. IBM on the other hand is defining their cloud revenue around enterprise solutions [16:04] schestowitz[TR2] running on enterprise HW. This is IBM exploiting their monopoly in enterprise. Whats interesting about IBM is they have completely switched their strategy in cloud from Softlayer (being an Intel commodity player) to exploiting what they do best (eg enterprise). NOTE Softlayer has morphed several times since its 2013 purchase. [16:04] schestowitz[TR2] First it was seen as an IBM entry into cloud to compete with Amazon [16:04] schestowitz[TR2] Second it morphed to ISV solutions after the 2014 selling of commodity Intel servers [16:04] schestowitz[TR2] Third it morphed to LINUX solutions with the 2019 purchase of Redhat [16:04] schestowitz[TR2] Fourth its slowly being phased out with IBM adopting in 2022 a purchase of innovation infrastructure SW strategy. (net net IBM only wants to invest money on enterprise solutions) The cloud commodity offerings profit margin doesnt justify the commodity HW and people costs. IBM has decided to partner with the big 3 vs compete with them " [16:25] *wanted has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds) [16:38] schestowitz[TR2]
  • Gnome Foundations Financial Woes Worsen
    [16:38] schestowitz[TR2]
    [16:38] schestowitz[TR2]

    Its beginning to appear as if Gnome needs to find a sugar daddy . Ive been reporting here for a while now that Gnomes in some deep financial doo-doo, which seems to be getting deeper. [16:38] schestowitz[TR2] On Monday the Gnome Foundations board posted a notice on its website announcing that due to cuts in the recently approved budget for the financial year that started on October 1, it had made some tough decisions to ensure the foundations long-term financial sustainability. [16:38] schestowitz[TR2] This started with some notable layoffs. Out the door are Caroline Henriksen, whos been Gnomes creative director for nearly five years, and director of community development Melissa Wu, who came on board at about the same time as Henricksen. The board said that the layoffs will necessitate some operational adjustments in areas such as event organization and representation, marketing initiatives, fundraising efforts, and graphi [16:38] schestowitz[TR2] c design meaning that some of the laid off workers tasks will be handed off to others. [16:38] schestowitz[TR2]

    [16:38] schestowitz[TR2]
  • [16:38] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-fossforce.com | Gnome Foundation's Financial Woes Worsen - FOSS Force [16:55] schestowitz[TR2] http://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2024/10/the-german-laion-decision-problematic.html?showComment=1728403315010#c627734599689635843 [16:55] schestowitz[TR2] "Quote:
    "While the Hey Hi (AI) Act, as the court noted, recognizes the relevance of TDM to Hey Hi (AI) training, it does not say as the court appeared to imply instead that TDM is synonymous with Hey Hi (AI) training or that everything in-between TDM and Hey Hi (AI) training is covered by Arts. 3 or 4 of the DSM Directive."

    That's not what the court implied. The court does know the difference betwe [16:55] schestowitz[TR2] en TDM and Hey Hi (AI) training. But the court also knows that the EU Hey Hi (AI) Act gives rules about how TDM can be used, it specifically mentions the Article 53 1. (c) of the EU Hey Hi (AI) Act:

    "Providers of general-purpose Hey Hi (AI) models shall put in place a policy to comply with Union law on copyright monopoly and related rights, and in particular to identify and comply with, including through state-of-t [16:55] schestowitz[TR2] he-art technologies, a reservation of rights expressed pursuant to Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2019/790;"

    This part of the EU Hey Hi (AI) Act would not make sense if the TDM exceptions in the DSM wouldn't apply for the use of a dataset with the future purpose of Hey Hi (AI) training. It wouldn't be mentioned in the EU Hey Hi (AI) Act at all if there wasn't the purpose of giving guidance to providers of general-pu [16:55] schestowitz[TR2] rpose Hey Hi (AI) models and it is the law's first sentence to give providers of general-purpose Hey Hi (AI) models guidance." [16:55] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-ipkitten.blogspot.com | The German LAION decision: A problematic understanding of the scope of the TDM copyright exceptions and the transition from TDM to AI training - The IPKat [16:57] *wanted (~wanted@freenode-drv.aab.2jssns.IP) has joined #techbytes [16:57] schestowitz[TR2] https://ipwatchdog.com/2024/10/08/scotus-denies-challenges-section-101-test-trademark-domicile-rules-obviousness-type-double-patenting-analysis/id=181940/ [16:57] -TechBytesBot/#techbytes-ipwatchdog.com | SCOTUS Denies Challenges to Section 101 Test, Trademark Domicile Rules and Obviousness-Type Double-Patenting Analysis [16:57] schestowitz[TR2] "On October 7, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an order list that included cert denials for several intellectual property cases that were presented to the nations highest court. In rendering those denials, the Supreme Court leaves in place an appellate ruling invalidating patents claiming improvements to computer networking technologies under Section 101s abstract idea jurisprudence. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) req [16:57] schestowitz[TR2] uirements on listing domicile addresses on trademark applications, and the Federal Circuits application of obviousness double-type patenting doctrine in the patent monopoly term adjustment context, were also allowed to stand due to these denials." ● Oct 09 [20:43] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s) [20:45] *jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techbytes ● Oct 09 [21:19] *jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)