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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Saturday, October 10, 2020

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*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Oct 10 01:58
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techbytesOct 10 01:59
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 10 08:36
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schestowitz 10 20:22
-TechBytesBot/ | NixiИ: " in some countries it is…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineOct 10 20:22
schestowitz"in some countries it is a chargable offense to signal drivers about presence of police. think one gets charged with obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting wrongdoing"Oct 10 20:22
schestowitz 10 20:22
schestowitz"Oct 10 20:22
-TechBytesBot/ | Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters: " #Sanctions on #Iran are…" - ActivismOct 10 20:22
schestowitz#Sanctions on #Iran are indeed an attack on its people.Oct 10 20:22
schestowitzSanctions are #warfare by alternate means. The people in #Iran, #Venezuela and #Cuba must be the most #Christlike people on planet earth these days.Oct 10 20:22
schestowitz"Oct 10 20:23
schestowitz 10 20:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Sir D.E.M.: " fake news" - No Agenda SocialOct 10 20:23
schestowitz"fake news"Oct 10 20:23
schestowitzcitation neededOct 10 20:23
schestowitz 10 20:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters: " But #NonElection…" - ActivismOct 10 20:23
schestowitz"But #NonElection…"Oct 10 20:23
schestowitz 10 20:24
schestowitz"I can’t decide what to laugh more about - the reaction of the brawny brute or Bill Gates with a face like Alfred E. Neumann."Oct 10 20:24
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaOct 10 20:24
schestowitz 10 20:24
schestowitz"booooooooring"Oct 10 20:24
-TechBytesBot/ | Couscous: " booooooooring" - La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media FédéréOct 10 20:24
schestowitz 10 20:24
-TechBytesBot/ | Couscous: " booooooooring" - La Quadrature du Net - Mastodon - Media FédéréOct 10 20:24
schestowitz"booooooooring"Oct 10 20:24
schestowitz 10 20:25
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaOct 10 20:25
schestowitz" from @schestowitz"Oct 10 20:25
-TechBytesBot/ | Facebook Abuses Trademark To Give New Prominence To Group Of Facebook Critics Who Are Trying To Shame Company Into More Moderation | TechdirtOct 10 20:25
schestowitz 10 20:26
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Oct 10 20:26
schestowitz"we have a hard time accepting that people can be cross-discipline"Oct 10 20:26
schestowitz 10 20:27
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaOct 10 20:27
schestowitz"also... why doesn't KSA issue the passports?"Oct 10 20:27
schestowitz 10 20:27
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Oct 10 20:27
schestowitz"Oct 10 20:27
schestowitz(3/3)Oct 10 20:27
schestowitzIf you know anyone doing organics and you trust them with this info can you send them our way?Oct 10 20:27
schestowitzAgain we'd rather not broadcast this publicly because it may create problems for people at organic certification bodies who might be pro-bitcoin.Oct 10 20:27
schestowitzThoughts?Oct 10 20:27
schestowitzThanksOct 10 20:27
schestowitz"Oct 10 20:27
schestowitz 10 20:28
schestowitz"Oct 10 20:28
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Oct 10 20:28
schestowitz(2/3)…The way organicCertification works is they tend to only do transactions with other organic businesses - a perfect environment for independent, organicCertifiers to become lightning nodes, and improve the organic community's financial efficiency.Oct 10 20:28
schestowitzThe idea came to us after we heard protestors discuss setting up a black-friendly, lightningNetwork a month ago.Oct 10 20:28
schestowitz(2/3)Oct 10 20:28
schestowitz"Oct 10 20:28
schestowitz 10 20:29
schestowitz"Oct 10 20:29
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Oct 10 20:29
schestowitzHi Doc,Oct 10 20:29
schestowitzGlad you liked the idea about BTC heaters. Do you know anyone doing organics or organic certification that you might be able to introduce to us?Oct 10 20:29
schestowitzWe'd like to talk to them about the position they're in to become LightningNetwork operators. They'd be able to handle many transactions between farmers, food processors & consumers. The way organicCertification works is they…(1/3)Oct 10 20:29
schestowitz"Oct 10 20:29
schestowitzAfraid I don't know :/Oct 10 20:29
schestowitz 10 20:29
-TechBytesBot/ | Lee Riemenschneider: " Yes, #microsoft should …" - Librem SocialOct 10 20:29
schestowitz"Yes, #microsoft should be included, but there is a bigger issue; this investigation should lead to preventative public safety measures, but will (if it even goes to trial) probably just lead to specific remedies against the individual companies (ala AT&T, IBM, and Microsoft)."Oct 10 20:29
schestowitz 10 20:30
schestowitz"any article you recommend expounding on this? Something to do with letsencrypt I assume?"Oct 10 20:30
-TechBytesBot/ | pretentious7: " any article you recomme…" - MathstodonOct 10 20:30
schestowitz 10 20:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Techrights Urges Readers to Ask the Linux Foundation’s Let’s Encrypt (Backed by Companies That Give the NSA Back Doors) Some Hard But Legitimate Questions | TechrightsOct 10 20:30
schestowitz 10 20:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters: " Never heard of that "mo…" - ActivismOct 10 20:31
schestowitz"Never heard of that "movement". What's the purpose?"Oct 10 20:31
schestowitzCrate vacuum, insert large corporationsOct 10 20:31
schestowitz 10 20:31
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaOct 10 20:31
schestowitz"Anything can be corrupted by any number of special interest groups, including SJWs, corporations, NGOs, PACs, etc. etc."Oct 10 20:31
schestowitz 10 20:32
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 502 @ )Oct 10 20:32
schestowitz"@RehnSturm256 @schestowitz i fail to see the issue?"Oct 10 20:32
schestowitz 10 20:33
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 502 @ )Oct 10 20:33
schestowitz"Cc: @nosleep :blobcatthinkowo:"Oct 10 20:33
schestowitz 10 20:33
-TechBytesBot/ | Salaru: " I'm surprised I haven't…" - No Agenda SocialOct 10 20:33
schestowitz"I'm surprised I haven't had my malwarebytes anti-malware go off in the last 24 hours on someone trying to hijack my PC or install a trojan when my PC is idling."Oct 10 20:33
schestowitz 10 20:33
-TechBytesBot/ | Decentralize.Today: " 2FA with SMS is just da…" - MastodonOct 10 20:33
schestowitz 10 20:33
schestowitz"2FA with SMS is just dangerous!"Oct 10 20:34
schestowitz 10 20:34
schestowitz"let's be honest, they're not asking for censorship, they're asking for Facebook to take responsibility and it's part of distributing fake news and other misinformation."Oct 10 20:34
-TechBytesBot/ | David Jeffers: " let's be honest, they'r…" - MastodonOct 10 20:34
schestowitz 10 20:35
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 502 @ )Oct 10 20:35
schestowitz"it's still owned by AT&T you would be stupid to think that it's somehow going to be more private now that they are reselling it"Oct 10 20:35
schestowitz 10 20:35
schestowitz" fwiw, here in NZ, we're actively working on making it #4Eyes"Oct 10 20:35
-TechBytesBot/ | Dave Lane: " fwiw, here in NZ, we're…" - Mastodon - NZOSSOct 10 20:35
schestowitzI've noticed. Much respect for NZ!Oct 10 20:35
schestowitz 10 20:36
schestowitz"z Well he does have a god complex regarding "vaccines". Also follows daddy's footsteps in racial eugenics. And isn't he a major funder for the wuhan labs? Also could swear it was exposed in 2010 that he has a patent on a covid strain. But I could be misremembering."Oct 10 20:36
-TechBytesBot/ | Salaru: " Well he does have a god…" - No Agenda SocialOct 10 20:36
schestowitz 10 20:36
schestowitz"Well he does have a god complex regarding "vaccines". Also follows daddy's footsteps in racial eugenics. And isn't he a major funder for the wuhan labs? Also could swear it was exposed in 2010 that he has a patent on a covid strain. But I could be misremembering."Oct 10 20:36
schestowitz 10 20:36
-TechBytesBot/ | Opinion: If You Advocate Population Control and You Are Yourself Doubling in One Single Generation, Then You Might be Hypocritical | TechrightsOct 10 20:36
schestowitz 10 20:37
-TechBytesBot/ | NixiИ: " if those migramts were …" - LinuxRocks.OnlineOct 10 20:37
schestowitz"if those migramts were adopting the freedom as a way of life it would be good. they bring with them all the bad that proprietary has etched in their psychè. free software is endangered by that in my opinion. until people relearn how to share and teaming, the freedom oriented movement will suffer from silos, fake marketing, scamming, pointless crowdfunding, and all that crap that is plaguing open source."Oct 10 20:37
schestowitz 10 20:37
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaOct 10 20:37
schestowitz"it was a BS term when applied to leftists and it's a BS term when applied to the right."Oct 10 20:37
schestowitz 10 20:38
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaOct 10 20:38
schestowitz"now I see why the right suddenly wants to poison the well on nurses this week"Oct 10 20:38
schestowitz 10 20:38
schestowitz" I don't think it is particularly fair to criticise a person or group (in this case #BLM) for something they are in all likelihood not aware of (as the article itself even admits!). Failing to condemn something that you are not aware of is not hypocrisy."Oct 10 20:38
-TechBytesBot/ | Hyolobrika: " I don't think it is par…" - 10 20:39
schestowitz 10 20:39
schestowitz" the opening connection phase."Oct 10 20:39
-TechBytesBot/ | Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters: " the opening conne…" - ActivismOct 10 20:39
schestowitzMake sure you don't use a browser extension that forces httpsOct 10 20:39
*rianne_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 10 20:55
*rianne_ ( has joined #techbytesOct 10 20:55
schestowitz>   > I never said they "banned him for the views he expressed, and mentionedOct 10 21:09
schestowitz>   > the CoC only as a phony excuse." (Or something to that effect)Oct 10 21:09
schestowitz>Oct 10 21:09
schestowitz> Maybe he is the one who seemed to make that complain.Oct 10 21:09
schestowitzI'm not sure of it, either.Oct 10 21:09
schestowitzBut either way, I think there are some similarities in the modus operandi sense that we can see across various groups. Trouble is caused, then those who resist or stand in the way have their expulsion engineered over time. 1.5 years ago we wrote a number of articles about how LibrePlanet rules, drawn up based upon a false sense of need, were likely a pretext for further entrenchment.Oct 10 21:09
schestowitz 10 21:09
-TechBytesBot/ | Is LibrePlanet Safe?Oct 10 21:09
schestowitzEven the same people!Oct 10 21:09
schestowitzNote: interrupting someone isn't violence and not a matter of "safety".Oct 10 21:09
schestowitz 10 22:28
schestowitz"Oct 10 22:28
-TechBytesBot/ | UK patent exams: New essential information for candidates released - The IPKatOct 10 22:28
schestowitzJust reading the Report on the PEBX Trial document and it says "A few candidates had clearly tried to devise unusual, and sometimes creative, ways to circumvent aspects of the PEBX system".Oct 10 22:28
schestowitzI was under the impression PEBX was merely a portal for uploading and downloading documents; is it in fact more than that? What is there to "circumvent" other than tricking it into giving you extra time? Are PEB keystroke logging or recording your screen? This could have a major impact for those working for the MoD and in similar high security organisations, and even outside of that raises privacy concerns - nothing in the declarationOct 10 22:28
schestowitzgave permission for such activity.Oct 10 22:28
schestowitz"\Oct 10 22:28
schestowitz"Oct 10 22:29
schestowitzI really think further clarification is required on this point. I work in the defence industry and this comment left me worried they were keylogging somehow, and that keylogging has been happening whenever the pebx browser was open? (e.g. when i was testing and doing normal work).Oct 10 22:29
schestowitzCan someone from the PEB confirm whether this is just someone changing the file names to permit it to be uploaded, or whether PEB are collecting more data than they have obtained permission for?Oct 10 22:29
schestowitz"Oct 10 22:29
schestowitz 10 22:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Guest Post: New anti-evergreening patent law in Ukraine - The IPKatOct 10 22:30
schestowitz"Oct 10 22:30
schestowitzPatent evergreening is a hot topic everywhere, but I'm not sure whether everyone involved has understood the patent system.Oct 10 22:30
schestowitzIf companies patent new forms of a known drug then generally because the known form is going off patent. That's what is called evergreening. But in fact everyone is free to produce and market the old form then, so this is not a bar to cheap medicines.Oct 10 22:30
schestowitzIf the new form doesn't bring any advantage, why don't just market the old one? No-one is obliged to use the new one.Oct 10 22:30
schestowitzIf the new form does have advantages, then maybe there is an invention behind that should be rewarded with a patent?Oct 10 22:30
schestowitzAlso improvements of known forms require research investments. Who is going to spend money on such research if he will be immediately copied by competitors who did not have to bear these costs?Oct 10 22:30
schestowitzMedicines for treating the diseases mentioned in the above article are not expensive because of evergreening patents, but because the basic patent is still in force. If this is considered a problem it has to be addressed in a different way.Oct 10 22:30
schestowitz"Oct 10 22:30
schestowitz"I do partialy agree to your theoretical approach, which would of course give actually a longer advantage to the one company finding a better form (with advantageous properities) and leaving others to use the other one(s). But, unfortunately, in reality, such secondary patents are for example granted despite such form was already known (e.g. from the compound patent) and this then has to be put forward by the opponents trying toOct 10 22:30
schestowitzinvalidate such secondary patents, where the one form that is subeject to evergreening is for example the only viable option for a pharmaceutical composition. This then, unfortunately poses bariers for chepear and affordable medicines. The Indian Sec.3d and the aforementoned new provision in the Ukrainian law just gives a bit higher pressure on the patentee to prove such advantageous properities, which have to be linked (usually) withOct 10 22:30
schestowitzan efficacy, which makes sense and would then make such a form a real invention."Oct 10 22:30
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Oct 10 22:56
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Oct 10 22:57
*rianne_ ( has joined #techbytesOct 10 23:09
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesOct 10 23:09

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