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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Thursday, June 11, 2020

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*Now talking on #techbytesJun 11 01:13
*Topic for #techbytes is: Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastJun 11 01:13
*Topic for #techbytes set by ThistleWeb!~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb at Wed Jan 5 20:55:35 2011Jun 11 01:13
*rianne_ ( has joined #techbytesJun 11 01:24
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*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 11 02:04
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesJun 11 02:26
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*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 11 04:26
schestowitz> Hi Roy>Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz> Thanks for the response and the comments. I have just finished an emailJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> I sent to Benjamin as I have to given advice on his planed legal actionJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> and every time I contact him he tells me about legal matters, so I hadJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> to respond and give advice.Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz>Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz> As you say the UPC matter is a bit static but the general global trendJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> is denationalisation of state powers, so these things will keep coming.Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz> There may be a modification of the UPCA but it will come back again, andJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> as this is a very specialised matter, there really is no much resistance.Jun 11 05:04
schestowitzThis is how they want it...Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz> The book project should go on as we have gathered so much informationJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> and we will need to tell the story and get for the UPC scandal theJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> attention it deserves. As I wrote to Benjamin, this is a matter ofJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> personal legacy also and how we want to be remembered.Jun 11 05:04
schestowitzToo much misinformation was planted in the media for many years.Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz> There are few things that Benjamin is pursuing at the moment and he saysJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> he is a bit busy for the next two months but I asked him to write aJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> timeline of events, starting with the Commissions’ proposal for aJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> Directive on the patentability of software in 2002-5, the CJEU’s OpinionJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> 01/09, etc. and his activist action around these events, like a personalJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> memoir but in the form of timeline, with brief notes to record theJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> events and his actions. It should not be difficult.Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz>Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz> As for me, I will do the following: First, because Benjamin is stillJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> pushing certain legal matters, I had promised him some months ago toJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> raise a complaint with the EU Ombudsman about the non-publication of theJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> Advocate Generals’statement of position on the CJEU’s Opinion 01/09,Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz> where they specifically point out that there is a major problem with theJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> EPO. I have to do this now, it should not take more than a week. Second,Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz> I will write a sample and will give it to you. The events that I willJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> describe go back to the period around the hearing of the SpanishJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> complaint against the Unitary Patent Regulations. They involve a seriousJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> breach of confidentiality that allowed a very known lawyer/academic,Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz> Prof Tilmann, probably one of the most influential players that haveJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> existed in this story, to play around the opinion of the CJEU through aJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> published article. I managed to have it withdrawn from both the CJEU’sJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> website and European Intellectual Property Review but, I lost the fight,Jun 11 05:04
schestowitz> as the Advocate General (AG) used the exact expressions and argumentsJun 11 05:04
schestowitz> from Tilmann’s article (albeit in French) and, subsequently, the CJEUJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> followed the AG. This is relevant to the propaganda theme of the bookJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> that I think you have followed more than anyone else.Jun 11 05:05
schestowitzGRUR published for him.Jun 11 05:05
schestowitz> As for Ingve, I am a bit sad. I note your comment that he wanted theJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> internet traffic from you, but this does not matter, since the guy wasJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> doing things that served the cause. To be honest, over the years he hasJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> used some things from my research with no acknowledgment, and it’s ok,Jun 11 05:05
schestowitz> as he kept fighting. On one occasion, he did make a reference. He hadJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> also told me, for the Tilmann incident I described above, that he didJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> not want to be seen that he is connected to other people. It makes someJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> sense, as he was feeling different kind of pressure. It might also beJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> that he was seeking public attention for himself. None of these issuesJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> matter but only what good he did for the cause.Jun 11 05:05
schestowitzThis is all very typical of him.Jun 11 05:05
schestowitz> In short, please allow me the following week to prepare the complaintJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> with the EU Ombudsman, which I will also send it to you for commentsJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> before submission and after that I will start writing the sample IJun 11 05:05
schestowitz> mentioned above and we will take it from there.Jun 11 05:05
schestowitzSounds reasonable.Jun 11 05:05
schestowitz> Dear Roy,Jun 11 05:10
schestowitz> I just received this. Things at the EPO are not getting better, on theJun 11 05:10
schestowitz> contrary.Jun 11 05:10
schestowitz> Kind regardsJun 11 05:10
schestowitzThat's making a lot of sense.Jun 11 05:10
schestowitzThank you.Jun 11 05:10
schestowitzI will think how to present this...Jun 11 05:10
schestowitz 11 07:17
schestowitz" I hate GitHub as much as the next freedom loving individual, but a GitHub account is not a Microsoft account. If you want people to take you seriously, you should start with being honest."Jun 11 07:17
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:17
schestowitzA GMail account is a Google account. A GitHub account is a Microsoft account. iCloud account an Apple account...Jun 11 07:18
schestowitz 11 07:18
schestowitz"No, they're not. You can link them together, but for now, these are two distinct accounts."Jun 11 07:18
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:18
schestowitzNope, they just want you to think that. Same for Instagram/WhatsApp and FB.Jun 11 07:18
schestowitz 11 07:19
schestowitz"Yep this was it thanks"Jun 11 07:19
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:19
schestowitz 11 07:19
schestowitz"Jun 11 07:19
schestowitzso who puts these together?Jun 11 07:19
schestowitz(let's not take forever on this, ok?)Jun 11 07:19
schestowitz"Jun 11 07:19
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:19
schestowitz 11 07:20
schestowitz"Good stuff @schestowitz . I've mainly used my Titter account ( @danylstrype ) to echo stuff posted to my accounts on (when it used StatusNet),, and then this account (via a crossposter). Now all you need to do is replace the outdated 'share this post' bar on the #TechRights site with one that only promotes free code/ decentralized platforms (I believe there's an example on )."Jun 11 07:20
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:20
schestowitzYou are right, it's very, very out of date. Over a decade... I wonder how many people ever bother with it (I try not to make software changes to the site).Jun 11 07:20
schestowitz 11 07:21
schestowitz"Great stuff,  go for it."Jun 11 07:21
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:21
schestowitz 11 07:21
schestowitz" I am posting a link on my blog to a Free Code Camp SQlite course at the weekend,"Jun 11 07:21
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:21
schestowitz 11 07:21
schestowitz"Jun 11 07:21
schestowitzModifed a line from The Beatles song : RevolutionJun 11 07:21
schestowitzBut if you go carrying pictures of Chairman TrumpJun 11 07:21
schestowitzYou ain't going to make it with anyone anyhowJun 11 07:21
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:21
schestowitz"Jun 11 07:21
schestowitz 11 07:22
schestowitz"Jun 11 07:22
schestowitz@schestowitzJun 11 07:22
schestowitzCome to think of it that song almost reflects what is going on nowJun 11 07:22
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:22
schestowitz 11 07:22
schestowitzRather sad really,  given the song is 50+ years old, we should have moved on.Jun 11 07:22
schestowitz"Jun 11 07:22
-TechBytesBot/ | The Beatles – Revolution Lyrics | Genius LyricsJun 11 07:22
schestowitzSergeant Pepper...Jun 11 07:22
schestowitz 11 07:23
schestowitz"Jun 11 07:23
schestowitz  Any taxes on the corporates will be branded by them as unfair and result in some sort of threat / blackmail against such moves.Jun 11 07:23
schestowitzPolitics needs to stand up to them and say 'NO!' you are going to pay more tax end of.Jun 11 07:23
schestowitz"Jun 11 07:23
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:23
schestowitzIt's cheaper to bribe the politicians, the press and pay PR agencies for laundering your name if the public gets angry (than to pay those taxes)Jun 11 07:23
schestowitz 11 07:24
schestowitz"We easily forget what happened in the Balkans in the early 90s."Jun 11 07:24
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:24
schestowitz 11 07:24
schestowitz"My Gods, It's a DC Shitbag Reunion!"Jun 11 07:24
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:24
schestowitz 11 07:24
schestowitz" Very nice, he uses a Thinkpad😂 👍"Jun 11 07:24
schestowitzoverrated?Jun 11 07:25
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:25
schestowitz 11 07:25
schestowitz"Jun 11 07:25
schestowitzCould you explain:Jun 11 07:25
schestowitz"with back doors, see #vault7 for proof]"Jun 11 07:25
schestowitz"Jun 11 07:25
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:25
schestowitz 11 07:26
-TechBytesBot/ | Vault7 - HomeJun 11 07:26
schestowitz 11 07:26
schestowitz" I'll refer back to my earlier statement, if you want people to take you seriously, you should start with being honest. Conflating things and making exagerations which are untrue, just to scaremonger, are not helping anyone."Jun 11 07:26
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:26
schestowitzI stand by what I said. You do not agree. Fine.Jun 11 07:26
schestowitz 11 07:27
schestowitz"ok, what do you use if I might ask, Sir?"Jun 11 07:27
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaJun 11 07:27
schestowitzmy main laptop, which I got refurbished for 200 pounds, is probookJun 11 07:27
schestowitzI can never understand people who spend well over $1000 on a laptopJun 11 07:27
schestowitztoday is very rainy. shall we meet instead friday 3pm near new islington station?Jun 11 07:36
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesJun 11 08:21
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesJun 11 08:21
*rianne_ ( has joined #techbytesJun 11 08:46
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 11 08:46
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jun 11 08:46
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesJun 11 08:46
schestowitz> Hi,Jun 11 12:01
schestowitz>Jun 11 12:01
schestowitz> Could you remove all the headers?Jun 11 12:01
schestowitz>Jun 11 12:01
schestowitz> I got it from an xxxxxxxxxxxxxx insider, I don't want him to get in troubleJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> because of this, I don't know he printed that at work or not...Jun 11 12:01
schestowitz>Jun 11 12:01
schestowitz> $ pdfinfo tilmann.pdfJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> Creator:        xxxxxxxxxJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> Producer:       xxxxxxxxxxxxJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> CreationDate:  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> Tagged:         noJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> UserProperties: noJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> Suspects:       noJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> Form:           noneJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> JavaScript:     noJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> Pages:          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> Encrypted:      noJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> Page size:      xxxxxxJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> Page rot:       270Jun 11 12:01
schestowitz> File size:      xxxxxxxxxJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> Optimized:      noJun 11 12:01
schestowitz> PDF version:   xxxxxxxJun 11 12:01
schestowitz[10:41] <xxxxxxxxxxx> in your mailboxJun 11 12:02
schestowitz[10:41] <schestowitz> I will read tomorrowJun 11 12:02
schestowitz[10:41] <xxxxxxxxxxx> in your mboxJun 11 12:02
schestowitz[10:42] <xxxxxxxxxxx> can you edit the xxxxxxxxxxx and remove all infos?Jun 11 12:03
schestowitz[10:42] <xxxxxxxxxxx> I got it from an xxxxxxxxxx insider, I don't want him to be identifiedJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[10:42] <xxxxxxxxxxx> see your mboxJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[10:42] <schestowitz> is it very urgent?Jun 11 12:03
schestowitz[10:43] <xxxxxxxxxxx> mmh yesJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[10:43] <xxxxxxxxxxx> I can do the edition waitJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[10:43] <xxxxxxxxxxx> will send you a second versionJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:04] <xxxxxxxxxxx> in your mboxJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:04] <schestowitz> can i post it tomorrow?Jun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:05] <xxxxxxxxxxx> nope, I don't want to betray my sourceJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:05] <xxxxxxxxxxx> you should understand that :-)Jun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:06] <schestowitz> ok, I will check in a momentJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:06] <xxxxxxxxxxx> I don't want to get him in trouble because he might have used a printer of the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx officeJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:10] <xxxxxxxxxxx> also if you could add a clickable link to the article in 'new xxxxxxxxxx article in xxxxxxxxxx'Jun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:10] <xxxxxxxxxxx> because the article is attached at the beginningJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:10] <xxxxxxxxxxx> hard to readJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:14] <schestowitz> biggest risk is using gmail or similarJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:14] <schestowitz> google is xxxxxxxxxxx partnerJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:14] <schestowitz> they snuffed out xxxxxxxxx already, using gmailJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:16] <xxxxxxxxxxx> okJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:26] <xxxxxxxxxxx> do you have 2 mins to change it?Jun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:38] <schestowitz> I opened emailJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:38] <schestowitz> now I get load of mailJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:38] <schestowitz> which I did not plan to readJun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:45] <schestowitz> I see now...Jun 11 12:03
schestowitz[11:45] <schestowitz> I will change the fileJun 11 12:03
schestowitzRe: pdfinfo xxxxxxxxxx paperJun 11 12:04
schestowitz> Here is a new version with no metadataJun 11 12:04
schestowitz>Jun 11 12:04
schestowitz> #  qpdf --pages xxxxxx.pdf 1-z -- --empty xxxxxxxxxx.pdfJun 11 12:04
schestowitzI've converted it to images, which I think works better and I also checked metadata of the images.Jun 11 12:04
schestowitz> Thanks for your Madeline Kahn meme, for giving me a little piece of myJun 11 12:07
schestowitz> soul back.Jun 11 12:07
schestowitz>Jun 11 12:07
schestowitz> I was raised in a household with domestic abuse coming from both malesJun 11 12:07
schestowitz> and females, and I tend to express anger towards any gender while theyJun 11 12:07
schestowitz> are gaslighting. When it's expressed towards a gaslighting woman, theyJun 11 12:07
schestowitz> insist it's sexist. Responding to bullying with anger is natural andJun 11 12:07
schestowitz> justifiable. Also Kahn was wonderful beyond words, even if many of herJun 11 12:07
schestowitz> characters were dreadful.Jun 11 12:07
schestowitzNowadays verbal abuse is being compared to violence.Jun 11 12:07
schestowitzI hope when Hans Reiser comes out he doesn't pursue return to Linux.Jun 11 12:07
schestowitz>> It might be wiser to mention, but not to associate with this...Jun 11 12:07
schestowitz> No association was recommended, this is just a heads-up that it exists.Jun 11 12:07
schestowitzI was vaguely aware. His followers read and link to TR sometimes. But I am not sure if it's a helpful thing.Jun 11 12:07
MinceRmaybe Linux will already be dead when Reiser comes outJun 11 12:09
schestowitzmaybeJun 11 12:11
schestowitzI don't remember key datesJun 11 12:11
schestowitzmaybe he can port reiserfs to systemDFSJun 11 12:12
schestowitzWith help from Lennart PottymouthJun 11 12:12
MinceR:>Jun 11 12:23
acer-box 11 17:53
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz 502 Bad Gateway nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)Jun 11 17:53
*nergal[m]1 (nergalmatr@gateway/shell/ has joined #techbytesJun 11 21:53

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