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<--MrGreenFriend has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Oct 12 00:24
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schestowitz>> This weekend, unless we do "openwashing reports" (I'm inclined against),Oct 12 07:47
schestowitz>> it seems as though there will be more spare time for writing than IOct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> currently have necessitating in drafts, so topic suggestions (for issuesOct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> to cover) would be appreciated.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz>>Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> Recently I reduced coverage of LF stuff as it seems a lot of peopleOct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> already know what LF really does and it can thus become repetitive. TheOct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> RMS/GNU/FSF situation also gradually became "old news" and speakingOct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> against FSF is something RMS urged me against. So I'd rather say closeOct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> to nothing. Keep tensions low.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz>>Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> US patent issues haven't changed in a year. So everything we wrote inOct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> the past is still applicable.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz>>Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> I focused more on EPO in recent days (6 articles in 2 days), but I'm nowOct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> low on material I am allowed to publish (sources).Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz>>Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> So, in short, if anyone out there has topic suggestions, I'm all ears.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz>> More capacity in the coming 2 days.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz> You might amplify what Daniel Pocock has been saying, especially inOct 12 07:48
schestowitz> regards to list censorship (vs proper list moderation).Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz>Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz> There were some copyright-related topics in today's links.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz>Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz> I'll think more and see if I can come up with additional ideas.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitzI'm of the view (Rianne knows this) that to amplify something misses the point because I can link to amplify, instead.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitzWhat we need to do is say what nobody else dares say or has said before.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitzExample: distro release. Do I need to write about it? Or just like to the source (distro's site)? What would be added by me spending hours researching it? Also, what if I just 'steal' their traffic and thunder? Why not link to the people who did all the hard work?Oct 12 07:48
schestowitzThis morning I said to Rianne (because she likes Daniel's articles in general.. for years now)... is it worth doing an article with just a bunch of links? I mean, what can I add or say that he didn't already say?Oct 12 07:48
schestowitzThis kind of thinking, I believe, attracted people to techrights. It's what makes it different. We do corrections and refutations.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitzSo... the main question to ask is, what are today's common myths and what about? I think we dispelled some LF myths and EPO's image is not better adjusted to what it really is. And EPO workers actually like that! They want things to change.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitzThe Microsoft SEC/fraud thing is interesting, but I have no permission to share inside documents (pending investigation without prejudice).Oct 12 07:48
schestowitzIan has been working on Free Software Federation things. We got in contact with Matt Lee as well. Maybe we can sort out a sort of truce for GNU.Oct 12 07:48
schestowitz 12 08:30
-TechBytesBot/ Will #linuxjournal go dark next week? They still don't say what the publisher plans. see comments and 12 08:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linux Journal Ceases Publication: An Awkward Goodbye | Linux JournalOct 12 08:30
schestowitz"Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzsad news, if they need webspace, got some (1TB?) and bandwidth - otherwise one can only donate to 12 08:30
schestowitzOct 12 08:30
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months agoOct 12 08:30
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | We Need to Prevent Linux Journal From Going Dark (Offline) or Encourage Archiving It as a Contingency | TechrightsOct 12 08:30
schestowitzthe problem is (again) the monetary system. we need a monetary system that incentives good not evil.Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzunless mankind does not come up with such a system - we are screwed.Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzOct 12 08:30 - 2 months agoOct 12 08:30
schestowitzunless mankind does not come up with such a system - we are screwed.Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzif mankind could maybe stop giving money to evil and give money to good instead…Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzthis would require the educational system not being shit though. and that in turn would require people doing more than pointing fingers at every party but their own. yeah, maybe we are screwed-- but its not like everyone is already doing what they can, either.Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzOct 12 08:30
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months agoOct 12 08:30
schestowitzyes sorry - can we agree on - first praise then critics - so praise: thanks for this great (speed has improved GREATLY) diaspora instance - massively cool - love it. thanks Roy for being a 24-7 info platform about Open Source and Linux. Thanks for all people dedicating resources to a better world. now the critique: would love to see systemic approach to good and evil (block and filter the evil, incentive the good). maybe linux journal had aOct 12 08:30
schestowitzvery bad marketing … look at wikipedia, raising millions every christmas.Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzOct 12 08:30
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months agoOct 12 08:30
schestowitzso all one can do right now - be as good as possible - within the economic framework. btw: a lot of Banks in China are owned by the gov. While no bank in USA (not even the FED) is owned by the gov. SYSTEMIC!Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzOct 12 08:30 - 2 months agoOct 12 08:30
schestowitzyou really want to be more like china?Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzOct 12 08:30
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months agoOct 12 08:30
schestowitzit was just a example - other countries have it as well - but not as dominant - fun fact: when private banks fail the state needs to rescue them - actually proofs its not working sustainably - real estate bubbles were created in China USA and other countries - 12 08:30
schestowitzOct 12 08:30
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months agoOct 12 08:30
schestowitzChina has a lot of pollution - hope they know that this can not go on forever.Oct 12 08:30
-TechBytesBot/ | Public bank - WikipediaOct 12 08:30
schestowitzOct 12 08:30
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months agoOct 12 08:30
schestowitzfun fact: the governmental bank of Bavaria (BayernLB) had to be rescued by Bavaria - a lot of money was “burned” stupidly and in speculative ways - profiting a small corrupt elite - damaging the public - BayernLB has paid back the state loan by now.Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzOct 12 08:30
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months agoOct 12 08:30
schestowitzyou are right about “educational system” - why does neither the US nor Germany nor the UK all the “rich western countries” do not learn from each other when it comes to education? No - instead US and Germany cut education funding more and more - why? because the elite can rule stupid people easier.Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzOct 12 08:30
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months agoOct 12 08:30
schestowitzFinnland is said to have “THE BEST” educational system in the world - WHY NOT COPY IT? #Trump #Merkel #Macron?Oct 12 08:30
schestowitzOct 12 08:31
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months agoOct 12 08:31
schestowitzWohoo Bank of North Dakota: 12 08:31
-TechBytesBot/ | Bank of North Dakota - YouTubeOct 12 08:31
schestowitz"Oct 12 08:31
schestowitz 12 08:31
-TechBytesBot/ Why are some so-called 'Linux' sites celebrating the mere >possibility< of #proprietarysoftware from #microsoft (based on #freesw which is already better) coming to #gnu #linux ? Sheer lunacy.Oct 12 08:31
schestowitz"Oct 12 08:31
schestowitzMoney corrupts even smart people’s thinking.Oct 12 08:31
schestowitz tomgrzOct 12 08:31
schestowitztomgrz - 14 days agoOct 12 08:31
schestowitzTwists it in the wrong directions.Oct 12 08:31
schestowitz"Oct 12 08:31
schestowitzWe must, at least, call out these peopleOct 12 08:31
schestowitz 12 08:36
-TechBytesBot/ When you're so rich that you start becoming >OBSESSED< with your shit. Literally. 12 08:36
schestowitz"Oct 12 08:36
schestowitzThat would have taken more than one person - and a truck!Oct 12 08:36
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Solid gold toilet stolen from Winston Churchill's birthplace | Entertainment | dailyfreeman.comOct 12 08:36
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 12 08:36 - 27 days agoOct 12 08:36
schestowitza mans home is his castle-- a mans toilet, his throneOct 12 08:36
schestowitz tomgrzOct 12 08:36
schestowitztomgrz - 27 days agoOct 12 08:36
schestowitzI remember seeing a tour of Trump’s living place, in Trump Tower I think. Lots of gold everywhere, and in the the bathroom…Oct 12 08:36
schestowitz"Oct 12 08:36
schestowitz 12 08:37
-TechBytesBot/ Which #Linux distro is best for #privacy ? #gnu #gnulinux #securityOct 12 08:37
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Which Linux distro is best for privacy? | Tux MachinesOct 12 08:37
schestowitz"Oct 12 08:37
schestowitzThe GNU/Linux one, of course.Oct 12 08:37
schestowitz DavidOct 12 08:37
schestowitzDavid - 3 months agoOct 12 08:38
schestowitzOverall? Probably Tails.Oct 12 08:38
schestowitz The wandererOct 12 08:38
schestowitzThe wanderer - 3 months agoOct 12 08:38
schestowitzQubesOs ?Oct 12 08:38
schestowitz"Oct 12 08:38
schestowitz 12 08:41
-TechBytesBot/ Why Is Our First Reaction To Mass Shootings To Talk About #Censorship ? 12 08:41
schestowitz"Oct 12 08:41
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Why Is Our First Reaction To Mass Shootings To Talk About Censorship? | TechdirtOct 12 08:41
schestowitzthe makings of a good article, but treats its core points in a dangerously sloppy way that is bound to do as much harm as good if people take it seriously.Oct 12 08:41
schestowitzhopefully more people will go past that, treat it as a first step and not reinforce the stupidity and ignorance in that article.Oct 12 08:41
schestowitzthe good points it begins to make are worth repeating in a better article. this is obvious from the comments that point out the flaws.Oct 12 08:41
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 12 08:41 - 2 months agoOct 12 08:41
schestowitzoh, heres the better article-- written two days priorOct 12 08:41
schestowitz 12 08:41
schestowitz"Oct 12 08:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Using Restorative Justice To Deal With Internet Trolls And Jackasses | TechdirtOct 12 08:41
schestowitz> Sunday morning?Oct 12 08:44
schestowitz11am?Oct 12 08:44
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