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*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 00:41
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 00:42
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 00:56
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 00:56
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 01:48
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 01:50
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*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 01:53
schestowitz> Dear All,Oct 12 02:50
schestowitz> Oct 12 02:50
schestowitz> This is just to update you that as part of our on-going development andOct 12 02:50
schestowitz> improvement, we will imminently be introducing company mobile telephonesOct 12 02:50
*Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - 12 02:50
schestowitz> for Support Team staff.Oct 12 02:50
schestowitz> Oct 12 02:50
schestowitz> Whilst we are also constantly seeking cost savings and efficiencyOct 12 02:50
schestowitz> improvements and consequently as you know are looking at significantOct 12 02:50
schestowitz> structural changes in the organisation, we also have significantOct 12 02:50
schestowitz> security obligations for our own compliance and business requirementOct 12 02:50
schestowitz> obligations to our clients.Oct 12 02:50
schestowitz> Oct 12 02:50
schestowitz> However, as well as helping with our security compliance we believe thisOct 12 02:50
schestowitz> will be a very positive improvement in the ease of use for supportOct 12 02:51
schestowitz> telephony. xxxxxx will distribute full details and instructions shortly.Oct 12 02:51
schestowitz> Oct 12 02:51
schestowitz> Thank you in advance for helping with the smooth introduction of theseOct 12 02:51
schestowitz> devices!Oct 12 02:51
schestowitzIf this is about facilitating MFA, please provide phones with batteries that can be detached/removed in order to ensure the risk introduced isn't greater than the risk lowered.Oct 12 02:51
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 02:53
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Oct 12 03:06
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@txt39mzjsjjpa.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 03:06
schestowitz> Hello Support Team,Oct 12 03:12
schestowitzHi, Oct 12 03:12
schestowitz> With more customers demanding tighter security, the upcoming ISO auditOct 12 03:12
schestowitz> requirements being more strict this coming November, and a general needOct 12 03:12
schestowitz> to ensure you have the right tools for the job, Sirius will now beOct 12 03:12
schestowitz> issuing work mobile phones to Support staff.Oct 12 03:12
schestowitz> Oct 12 03:12
schestowitz> This has been under consideration for several years pending the rightOct 12 03:12
schestowitz> combination of business, customer, and financial requirements being metOct 12 03:12
schestowitz> for deployment. Whilst the company continues to need to make overallOct 12 03:12
schestowitz> financial savings and to achieve better efficiency, a number of pressingOct 12 03:12
schestowitz> factors have become primary drivers to make this change happen now. (ForOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> example, you will be aware of  becoming an increasinglyOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> important client of late and the imminent expansion of the supportOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> contract with them is key.)Oct 12 03:13
schestowitzWe still need a wiki page for them. ;-)Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> We expect this to be a very positive step for Support Staff and shouldOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> make a number of key processes more straight forward whilst alsoOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> enabling key business benefits and security improvements.Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> Key purposes/benefits of introducing support mobile phones:Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> 1. To enable 2FA and secure authentication for both xxxx and customerOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> environmentsOct 12 03:13
schestowitzWhen I saw the previous message I responded with "If this is about facilitating MFA, please provide phones with batteries that can be detached/removed in order to ensure the risk introduced isn't greater than the risk lowered."Oct 12 03:13
schestowitzIt's understandable that some of these schemes do not support a landline.Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> 2. Separating work and personal devices as a benefit for both workOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> (security) and life-balance (you can turn it off when not on shift)Oct 12 03:13
schestowitzNot applicable to me as I don't use such a device.Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> 3. A step towards replacing the legacy Cisco handsetsOct 12 03:13
schestowitzThe Cisco handsets have worked well for almost a decade. They were always more reliable than Google Voice.Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> 4. The devices will integrate with the native platform for Google VoiceOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> and be a backup/forwarding target for thatOct 12 03:13
schestowitzWe already have a dedicated computer for Google Voice. Plus, it has several fallbacks in place.Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> 5. A backup data connection to work from in case of local internet outageOct 12 03:13
schestowitzI think we still have a USB dongle for this somewhere. A SIM card should be enough to facilitate it. Our connection has generally been reliable for years. Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> The company policy on mobile devices and security is currently beingOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> updated to reflect this new tool, but please pay particular attention toOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> the following key notes:Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> * The devices will remain the property of the companyOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> * The devices must be used solely for work purposes and only by yourselfOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> * The devices will be controlled centrally by Sirius, usage will beOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> visible to managementOct 12 03:13
schestowitzIt seems like sole purpose of it will be 2FA. Any simple phone that can do SMS can handle robust 2FA. Anything "apps" can introduce more risks.Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> * The devices must not leave the UK without prior specific permissionOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> from managementOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> You have already agreed to abide by the xxxx IT policy and all usageOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> of the device should be in accordance with this.Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> Oct 12 03:13
schestowitz> Devices will be distributed shortly and will include a Mobile DeviceOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> Guide to allow a quick set-up. Please read through the Mobile DeviceOct 12 03:13
schestowitz> Guide asap once available (which will be assigned to you in Citation)Oct 12 03:14
schestowitz> and then agree to the contents and terms, after which your device willOct 12 03:14
schestowitz> be sent out.Oct 12 03:14
schestowitzIf, as stated above, I "already agreed to abide by the xxxx IT policy and all usage of the device should be in accordance with this," then why do I need to sign an additional document? Anyway, I think this needs to be discussed with staff. I wasn't told anything about this until today and it seems like a lot of resources are spent on just an MFA appliance.Oct 12 03:14
schestowitzRegards.Oct 12 03:14
schestowitz[01:30] <xxx> 12 03:16
-TechBytesBot/ | Labor Union Censored Report Criticizing Microsoft’s Military ContractsOct 12 03:16
schestowitz[01:30] <xxxx> Not sure if you've covered thisOct 12 03:16
schestowitz[01:30] <xxxx> It's from the guyOct 12 03:16
schestowitz[01:31] <xxxx>  I keep trying to tell him to pay more attention to what Nat Friedman is doing, but he's  looking for direct links to the militaryOct 12 03:17
schestowitz[01:31] <xxxx>  And government spendingOct 12 03:17
*Noisytoot has quit (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - 12 03:41
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 03:43
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 12 03:53
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 03:54
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*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 04:02
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 12 04:04
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 04:16
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 04:16
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 04:17
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 12 04:25
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 04:25
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 04:43
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 04:52
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Oct 12 04:52
*Noisytoot has quit (connection closed)Oct 12 04:57
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@22agg6qj8dxhg.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 04:59
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 05:38
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 06:30
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 06:31
schestowitz <li>Oct 12 06:33
schestowitz                                    <h5><a href="">Skipping releases when upgrading Debian systems</a></h5>Oct 12 06:33
-TechBytesBot/ | diziet | Skipping releases when upgrading Debian systemsOct 12 06:33
schestowitz                                    <blockquote>Oct 12 06:33
schestowitz                                        <p>Debian does not officially support upgrading from earlier than the previous stable release: you’re not supposed to “skip” releases. Instead, you’re supposed to upgrade to each intervening major release in turn.</p>Oct 12 06:33
schestowitz                                        <p>However, skipping intervening releases does, in fact, often work quite well. Apparently, this is surprising to many people, even Debian insiders. I was encouraged to write about it some more.</p>Oct 12 06:33
schestowitz                                    </blockquote>Oct 12 06:33
schestowitz                                </li>Oct 12 06:33
schestowitz <li>Oct 12 06:34
schestowitz                                    <h5><a href="">Create vector video art with an Arduino</a></h5>Oct 12 06:34
-TechBytesBot/ | Create vector video art with an Arduino | Arduino BlogOct 12 06:34
schestowitz                                    <blockquote>Oct 12 06:34
schestowitz                                        <p>The Smart-Badge recognizes kitchen activities with its suite of sensors BLOG HOME Create vector video art with an Arduino ARDUINO TEAM — October 11th, 2022 Unless you’re very young, then you probably remember watching a CRT (cathode-ray tube) television. Those work by directing an electron beam very quickly along row after row while pulsing power to create raster images. But it is also possible to Oct 12 06:34
schestowitzcreate vector images by directing the electron beam along paths instead of scanning, which you might notice is what an oscilloscope does. Trevor combined these two ideas and made a video explaining how you can create vector video art with an Arduino, a handful of resistors, and an oscilloscope. A conventional analog oscilloscope contains a CRT just like an old tube TV. But instead of sweeping the electron beam to scan line by line, they direct the Oct 12 06:34
schestowitzbeam according to the voltage of the input signals. One signal pushes the beam up and down in the Y axis, while the second signal pushes the beam left and right in the X axis. That is useful for visualizing electrical signals for analysis, but it also means that controlling the position of the electron beam is as simple as adjusting the voltage of the oscilloscope’s input signals. Not all oscilloscopes give users the ability to adjust the strength Oct 12 06:34
schestowitzof the electron beam, or even to turn it off. For that reason, Trevor’s tutorial relies on timing to control intensity. If the beam remains in a location for a long time, it will produce a brighter spot. If it jumps quickly from one location to another, it will produce almost no light along the path.</p>Oct 12 06:34
schestowitz                                    </blockquote>Oct 12 06:34
schestowitz                                </li>Oct 12 06:34
schestowitz<li>Oct 12 06:35
schestowitz                                    <h5><a href="">I finally got around to submitting a Web Compatibility problem report on ComEd (the Illinois electric company) to Pale Moon Forum. (Microsoft-related)</a></h5>Oct 12 06:35
-TechBytesBot/ | I finally got around to submitting a Web Compatibility problem report on ComEd (the Illinois electric company) to Pale Moon Forum. (Microsoft-related) | BaronHK's RantsOct 12 06:35
schestowitz                                    <blockquote>Oct 12 06:35
schestowitz                                        <p>According to Mozilla documents, it would seem at least one of these problems is occurring because Microsoft is using -webkit-autofill when there’s been an unprefixed version of this for years and “For the best browser compatibility use both” the Webkit prefixed version and the unprefixed version of “autofill”.</p>Oct 12 06:35
schestowitz                                        <p>Microsoft’s sites are usually very poorly coded (like Outlook WebMail) and when the Illinois electric company, ComEd, switched to Microsoft Azure, they got this mess.</p>Oct 12 06:35
schestowitz                                    </blockquote>Oct 12 06:35
schestowitz                                </li>Oct 12 06:35
schestowitz   <li>Oct 12 06:38
schestowitz                                    <h5><a href="">The Smart-Badge recognizes kitchen activities with its suite of sensors</a></h5>Oct 12 06:38
-TechBytesBot/ | The Smart-Badge recognizes kitchen activities with its suite of sensors | Arduino BlogOct 12 06:38
schestowitz                                    <blockquote>Oct 12 06:38
schestowitz                                        <p>We all strive to maintain healthier lifestyles, yet the kitchen is often the most challenging environment by far due to it containing a wide range of foods and beverages. The Smart-Badge project, created by a team of researchers from the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), aims to track just how many times we reach for the refrigerator door or drink water using machine learning and a Oct 12 06:38
schestowitzsuite of environmental sensors.</p>Oct 12 06:38
schestowitz                                    </blockquote>Oct 12 06:38
schestowitz                                </li>Oct 12 06:38
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 06:39
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 06:40
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*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytesOct 12 06:55
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 06:58
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 07:09
*Noisytoot has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 07:12
*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 07:20
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*Noisytoot (~noisytoot@tkbibjhmbkvb8.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 07:43
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*pdopa (~9a1cbc6b@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 14:52
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*Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #techbytesOct 12 17:26
*schestowitz[TR2] has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Oct 12 18:55
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