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schestowitz"Jan 13 01:01
schestowitzConcerned observerJan 13 01:01
schestowitzJanuary 10, 2023 at 2:02 pmJan 13 01:01
schestowitz“It is unfortunate that the EPO seems to prefer silence to transparency when it comes to what’s happening at the organization”.Jan 13 01:01
schestowitzWell, that is putting it mildly. On the occasion in question, silence served the purpose of the EPO avoiding answering (or even commenting upon) the question of whether the President had indeed used foul language at the GCC meeting. However, it seems that there are other occasions where the EPO is happy to comment, albeit by providing reports that everyone outside of the EPO’s management struggles to reconcile with their understanding (or Jan 13 01:01
schestowitzrecollection) of events.Jan 13 01:01
schestowitzSo why does the EPO make such deliberate attempts to evade scrutiny and/or to paint a misleading picture? Apart from the obvious reason (namely, that it suits the management’s agenda to do so), the sad truth is because they can. Frankly, concepts such as transparency, proper regulatory oversight and even the rule of law mean very little to an international organisation that has decided to set its face against such things.Jan 13 01:01
schestowitzReplyJan 13 01:01
schestowitzConcerned observerJan 13 01:01
schestowitzJanuary 11, 2023 at 4:49 pmJan 13 01:01
schestowitzI await with interest to lean what the German Constitutional Court (BVerfG) makes of the complaints relating to the EPO. The cases in question have been pending before the BVerfG for periods ranging from about 6 to about 12 years. However, it seems that the BVerfG is FINALLY ready to publish its decisions (on 12 January):Jan 13 01:01
schestowitz 13 01:01
schestowitzWhilst I am not a gambler, I would wager that the BVerfG’s decisions will essentially conclude that there is nothing to see here … most likely on the basis of (alleged) insufficient substantiation of the legal grounds raised in the complaints.Jan 13 01:01
schestowitzIn any event, the German government will of course already know the outcome of the complaints. Given that there have been no signs of frantic diplomatic efforts to patch up defects in the EPC, I think that it is safe to conclude that the BVerfG’s decisions will not force Germany to withdraw from that Convention. Thus, for me, the only point of interest in the decisions will be the extent to which it (plausibly) argues that the current set-up of Jan 13 01:01
schestowitzthe Boards of Appeal is acceptable. My guess is that the BVerfG’s reasoning on this point, if any, will be about as convincing as the Dutch Supreme Court’s argument that access to the ILO-AT serves as an adequate guarantee of the right of EPO staff to COLLECTIVE bargaining.Jan 13 01:01
schestowitzReplyJan 13 01:01
schestowitz    MismaJan 13 01:01
schestowitz    January 12, 2023 at 11:49 amJan 13 01:01
schestowitz    In any doubt about compliance of the EPO boards of appeal with ECHR 6.1 ‘independent tribunal’, i would encourage the complainants to escalate to the ECHR.Jan 13 01:01
schestowitz    Germany has a tradition to protect the EPO.Jan 13 01:01
schestowitz    ReplyJan 13 01:01
schestowitz    Concerned observerJan 13 01:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Resolving timed out after 10517 milliseconds ( status 0 @ )Jan 13 01:01
schestowitz    January 12, 2023 at 1:31 pmJan 13 01:01
schestowitz    Spooky! It is almost as if I have a crystal ball:Jan 13 01:01
schestowitz 13 01:01
schestowitz    Whilst there is still a lot for me to digest in the decision, a particularly noteworthy point is that the complaint filed by a UK legal entity was deemed inadmissible, but only because the BVerG did not issue their decision prior to Brexit. As Brexit happened nearly 7 years after the relevant complaint was filed, this result seems more than a little harsh on the UK-based complainant!Jan 13 01:01
schestowitz    If I understand the decision correctly, it also seems to conclude that LEGAL entities based outside of the EU are not entitled to protections provided by Germany’s Basic Law … INCLUDING the protection that is supposed to guarantee equality before the law. No doubt there is much more to this than meets the eye. However, it does seem to be a curious conclusion, especially if one considers its potential implications (eg with respect to Jan 13 01:01
schestowitzenforcement of rights guaranteed under the ECHR).Jan 13 01:01
schestowitz"Jan 13 01:01
schestowitz 13 01:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Resolving timed out after 10520 milliseconds ( status 0 @ )Jan 13 01:01
-TechBytesBot/ | Top 10 of most popular articles in 2022: less UPC than expected, much on EPO social climate - Kluwer Patent BlogJan 13 01:01
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #techbytesJan 13 02:35
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 13 04:05
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #techbytesJan 13 04:06
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 13 05:08
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #techbytesJan 13 05:11
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 13 06:38
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #techbytesJan 13 07:36
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 13 10:10
schestowitz  <li>Jan 13 11:41
schestowitz                                    <h5><a href="">Automotive trends at CES Las Vegas</a></h5>Jan 13 11:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Automotive trends at CES Las Vegas | UbuntuJan 13 11:42
schestowitz                                    <blockquote>Jan 13 11:42
schestowitz                                        <p>CES is a once a year opportunity for all industry professionals to showcase their innovations and meet with their peers and customers. This year is special for Canonical because although we attended as visitors in the past, it was the first time we had a booth dedicated to Automotive and Smart Home IoT at CES!</p>Jan 13 11:42
schestowitz                                    </blockquote>Jan 13 11:42
schestowitz                                </li>Jan 13 11:42
schestowitz <li>Jan 13 11:42
schestowitz                                    <h5><a href="">Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 Boasts Autofocus, HDR + More</a></h5>Jan 13 11:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Raspberry Pi Camera Module 3 Boasts Autofocus, HDR + More - OMG! LinuxJan 13 11:42
schestowitz                                    <blockquote>Jan 13 11:42
schestowitz                                        <p>The Camera Module 3 uses 12-megapixel Song IMX708 sensor. This is larger than the camera sensor offered in the Camera Module 2, first released in 2016.</p>Jan 13 11:42
schestowitz                                        <p>A bigger sensor means sharper images, plus better low-light sensitivity. The 16:9 aspect ratio means the unit captures 1080p HD video at up to 50 frames per second, using the full area of the sensor.</p>Jan 13 11:42
schestowitz                                    </blockquote>Jan 13 11:42
schestowitz                                </li>Jan 13 11:42
schestowitz<li>Jan 13 11:43
schestowitz                                    <h5><a href="">James Bruton’s newest robot climbs stairs</a></h5>Jan 13 11:43
schestowitz                                    <blockquote>Jan 13 11:43
-TechBytesBot/ | James Bruton’s newest robot climbs stairs | Arduino BlogJan 13 11:43
schestowitz                                        <p>This robot climbs stairs using an interesting series of mechanisms. It has three wheeled sections, and the first and third sections can lift up relative to the middle section. The front two sections have differential drive motors, while the rear section only has freewheeling omniwheels. A sliding lead weight on top helps the robot shift its center of gravity, so it can balance on whichever wheels it needs Jan 13 11:43
schestowitzto at any given time. Finally, the rear section slides forward and backward on rails, so the robot can move forward as it moves up each step.</p>Jan 13 11:43
schestowitz                                    </blockquote>Jan 13 11:43
schestowitz                                </li>Jan 13 11:43
schestowitz <li>Jan 13 11:49
schestowitz                                    <h5><a href="">Selecting HTTP Version (Three)</a></h5>Jan 13 11:49
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Selecting HTTP version (three) | daniel.haxx.seJan 13 11:49
schestowitz                                    <blockquote>Jan 13 11:49
schestowitz                                        <p>The latest HTTP version is called HTTP/3 and is being transferred over QUIC instead of the old classic TCP+TLS duo.</p>Jan 13 11:49
schestowitz                                        <p>An attempt of an architectural drawing could look like this: [...]</p>Jan 13 11:49
schestowitz                                    </blockquote>Jan 13 11:49
schestowitz                                </li>Jan 13 11:49
schestowitz<li>Jan 13 12:04
schestowitz                                    <h5><a href="">An M1 For cURL</a></h5>Jan 13 12:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-An m1 for curl | daniel.haxx.seJan 13 12:04
schestowitz                                    <blockquote>Jan 13 12:04
schestowitz                                        <p>A generous member of the wider curl community stepped up and donated an unused Mac mini m1 model to me to be used for curl development. Today it arrived at my home. An 8C CPU/16GB/1TB/8C GPU/1GbE model as per the sticker on the box.</p>Jan 13 12:04
schestowitz                                    </blockquote>Jan 13 12:04
schestowitz                                </li>Jan 13 12:04
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #techbytesJan 13 13:14
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 13 16:03
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #techbytesJan 13 16:04
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 13 16:14
*geert (~geert@t4z4bhg92y992.irc) has joined #techbytesJan 13 16:33
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #techbytesJan 13 17:52
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 13 18:16
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #techbytesJan 13 18:20
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 13 18:27

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