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IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Friday, September 13, 2024

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*parsifal (~parsifal@6thegygyadsu4.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 13 00:33
*parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 13 00:34
*jacobk (~quassel@dt7mrnex4e9nw.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 13 00:43
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 13 00:47
*jacobk (~quassel@dt7mrnex4e9nw.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 13 00:49
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 13 00:51
*jacobk (~quassel@dt7mrnex4e9nw.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 13 00:56
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 13 01:02
*x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 13 01:54
*jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 13 01:54
schestowitz[TR2] 13 01:56
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]" It's as crooked an act as the introduction of RBA Savings garbage that Big Blue execs were peddling in 2023. Only fools would ever think that plan was a good investment for the long term.Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]1 hour ago by AnonymousSep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]| no reactionsSep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @gad+1utXXZvDSep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]It's called "de-risking" and it is a way for desperate companies to save money while sc--wing over those holding a pension.Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]My condolences to the tens of thousands of hard-working IBMers who (back in the day) built this once-great company into the biggest and best, and the best place to work.Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]Hard to imagine that now but IBM was once what Apple plus Microsoft is today.Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]4 hours ago by AnonymousSep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @cld+1utXXZvDSep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]Essentially IBM paid Prudential to take on your owed pension obligation. (defined benefit) The obligation is now on Prudentials books and off of IBM’s books Your pension checks will start coming from Prudential vs IBM come Jan of 2025. NOTE if IBM goes bankrupt or gets bought, you will see no impact as Prudential now has the money and obligation. Also note if prudential goes belly up, you are at riskSep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]4 hours ago by AnonymousSep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @ugi+1utXXZvDSep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2] 0 Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]I've received nothing (yet) from IBM. I'm part of the group NOT sold off last yesr. what does this mean, exactly?Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 13 01:56
schestowitz[TR2] 13 01:58
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]Not even a mention of the F&O guy who cooks the books every quarter - JK ?Sep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]Ain't this a wonderful life ? Some people have all the luck.Sep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]1 hour ago by AnonymousSep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]| no reactionsSep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @mrg+1ut3BL0ZSep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Sep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]Who knew that Time Magazine still existed?Sep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]5 hours ago by AnonymousSep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Sep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @kzv+1ut3BL0ZSep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2] +5 Sep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]Who could’ve predicted this outcome? Certainly not Watsonx that’s over in a corner hallucinating and spewing garbage and junk responses like a patient in a mental asylum. Certainly not the CEO who was too busy firing tens of thousands of people who might’ve contributed to making the company competitive again, who was too preoccupied with juicing the numbers to justify his fat raise to his pals on Wall Street. Certainly not thSep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]e board that caved to the demands of that whiny, entitled CEO, and gave him a 23% raise for doing jack-all. And certainly not the HR/PR team that too busy arranging for him to “win” that bogus HR award from a firm no one ever heard of, and that IBM probably paid for him to receive. This outcome is EXACTLY what you’d expect from a company with misplaced priorities that has completely lost its way.Sep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]I guess we know who Oprah WON’T be talking to tonight.Sep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 13 01:58
schestowitz[TR2] 13 01:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 13 01:59
schestowitz[TR2]If there's a layoff in the works in Consulting, it is gonna be a Friday surprise because they are sending out emails today for hiring new consultants and telling everyone what consultants at the Indian Bowel Movement Consultancy do :Sep 13 01:59
schestowitz[TR2] 13 01:59
schestowitz[TR2]Hilarious situation to say the least, except for the folks affected by a potential layoff.Sep 13 01:59
schestowitz[TR2]What would you expect from Alvind and his Pipmunks ? A higher IBM stock price, of course. The stock is on a roll to say the least !Sep 13 01:59
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 13 01:59
schestowitz[TR2]If there's a layoff in the works in Consulting, it is gonna be a Friday surprise because they are sending out emails today for hiring new consultants and telling everyone what consultants at the Indian Bowel Movement Consultancy do :Sep 13 01:59
schestowitz[TR2] 13 01:59
schestowitz[TR2]Hilarious situation to say the least, except for the folks affected by a potential layoff.Sep 13 01:59
schestowitz[TR2]What would you expect from Alvind and his Pipmunks ? A higher IBM stock price, of course. The stock is on a roll to say the least !Sep 13 01:59
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-What does a consultant do? - IBM Careers BlogSep 13 01:59
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 13 02:00
*x-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 13 02:00
schestowitz[TR2] 13 02:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]IBM stock has gained 28% this year -- plenty of gas left in its tank to keep goingSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]IBM Stock Can Keep Setting Records, Analyst Says. How High Shares Could Go.Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Barrons, Sept 12, 2024, 11:37 am EDTSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]IBM stock closed at a new high Wednesday, and there’s plenty of gas left in its tank to keep going, the team at Evercore ISI says.Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Shares ended the day at $209.89, their first time closing in record territory in more than a decade. The stock’s previous record was set on March 14, 2013, when shares closed at $206.12. The fresh record came after Evercore ISI analysts led by Amit Daryanani raised their price target on IBM to $240 from $215 and reiterated an Outperform rating.Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]The analysts say the company’s growth will accelerate next year. Wall Street’s estimate for 5% growth “is fairly conservative,” they wrote, and if the macro environment remains stable, there is “sizable upside” to the stock. Their new price target represents a 14% gain from Wednesday’s close.Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]IBM is one of the oldest tech companies around. It was founded in 1911 under a different name and has gone through numerous periods of growth and decline. The stock was a Wall Street darling in the 1950s through the 1980s and popped during the dot-com bo-m. Shares peaked around 2013, fell, and have stayed flat until the past year.Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]The stock has gotten a lift from the artificial intelligence frenzy. Last month, the company reported second-quarter earnings results that came in ahead of analysts’ expectations, citing rising customer demand for new AI projects.Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Shares were 0.1% higher to $210.12 in Thursday trading and have gained 28% this year.Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Write to Emily Dattilo at emily.dattilo@dowjones.comSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2] 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]5 hours ago by AnonymousSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]| 155 views | 1 reaction (+1/-0) | 4 replies (last 3 hours ago)Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @OP+1utqtHk2Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Click to get Alert when there is a new reply.Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]4 replies (most recent on top)Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]@oxo+1utqtHk2Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]You’re dancing on the graves of tens of thousands of peoples' livelihoods. "Hey, we all die, but I’m a beneficiary, so let's conga!”Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]3 hours ago by AnonymousSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+2/-0)Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @cns+1utqtHk2Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2] 0 Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Every company inflates their numbers and Wall Street is complicit with it... If the stock goes up, let's take advantage of it.Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]4 hours ago by AnonymousSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+1/-1)Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @oxo+1utqtHk2Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Looks like Alvind's PR minions troll this website after all. Maybe someone will write to Emily Dattilo at about the rampant unethical business practices employed by the company to artificially inflate those numbers.Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]5 hours ago by AnonymousSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+2/-0)Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @fyt+1utqtHk2Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2] -2 Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Go baby go!Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2] 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Just goes to show that some people can be great at their jobs yet clueless on handling life…only a simp would agree to come back under those termsSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]8 hours ago by AnonymousSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1fxd+1use0sUmSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2] 0 Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Stockholm syndrome anyone?Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]11 hours ago by AnonymousSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]| no reactionsSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1ehc+1use0sUmSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2] +5 Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]It is like an ex-con who decides he'd rather go back to prison...Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]12 hours ago by The PrisonerSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]| 5 reactions (+5/-0)Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1zes+1use0sUmSep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]I guess as Spock from Star Trek would say. Going back to IBM at 2 levels lower than when you left is illogical.Sep 13 02:03
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 13 02:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 401 @ )Sep 13 02:04
schestowitz[TR2] 13 02:04
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 13 02:04
schestowitz[TR2]I don’t have a lot of faith in any of these predictions or outlooks. There is a tremendous amount of competition out there in the AI space. Historically IBM has been slow to move and throttles their investment.Sep 13 02:04
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 13 02:04
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 13 02:05
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 13 02:05
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@hkzkvpsjrrw3q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 13 02:06
*tokwe has quit (connection closed)Sep 13 04:52
*techrights-sec5 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 13 04:55
schestowitz[TR2]"New research predicts networked edge computing will present a $26bn opportunity by 2032"Sep 13 05:01
schestowitz[TR2]x 13 05:01
schestowitz[TR2]"Microsoft Is Adding New Cryptography Algorithms - Schneier on Security"Sep 13 05:01
schestowitz[TR2]x 13 05:01
-TechBytesBot/ | New research predicts networked edge computing will present a $26bn opportunity by 2032Sep 13 05:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Microsoft Is Adding New Cryptography Algorithms - Schneier on SecuritySep 13 05:01
*pi (~quassel@m93jam5swqfas.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 13 05:12
*tokwe (~tokwe@m93jam5swqfas.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 13 05:13
*pi is now known as techrights-sec5Sep 13 05:14
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 13 10:02
*jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 13 10:05
schestowitz[TR2]  <li>Sep 13 11:49
schestowitz[TR2]                            <h5><a href="">Ardour 8.7 DAW Debuts with Enhanced Features and Bug Fixes</a></h5>Sep 13 11:49
schestowitz[TR2]                            <blockquote>Sep 13 11:49
schestowitz[TR2]                                <p>Ardour, the widely acclaimed digital audio workstation (DAW) that serves as a versatile platform for audio engineers, musicians, and producers to record, edit, and mix music on Linux, Windows, and macOS, has just released its latest version, Ardour 8.7 “Sonora Portraits.” </p>Sep 13 11:49
schestowitz[TR2]                                <p> This update is a somewhat unexpected addition to the 8.x series, initially planned to end with version 8.6. However, the developers decided to roll out another update due to significant bug fixes and feature enhancements gathered over the past few months. </p>Sep 13 11:49
schestowitz[TR2]                            </blockquote>Sep 13 11:49
schestowitz[TR2]                        </li>Sep 13 11:49
-TechBytesBot/ | Ardour 8.7 DAW Debuts with Enhanced Features and Bug FixesSep 13 11:49
schestowitz[TR2]  <li>Sep 13 11:50
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <h5><a href="">Slimbook Titan report 4 - The good mojo is gone</a></h5>Sep 13 11:50
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <blockquote>Sep 13 11:50
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p>As you can see, I'm writing the fourth long-term usage report for this laptop much sooner than I normally would. My typical cadence for these periodic (but not period ha ha) pieces is roughly three months in between (or longer), but I had to make an exception this time, and give you a more "timely" update. Why? Well, we shall soon discover. </p>Sep 13 11:50
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p> In my previous report, I remarked on how I'm finally happy with the Slimbook Titan. It's settled down after a rather rough start, and things are working smoothly. Well, were working smoothly. My system suddenly started experiencing some rather weird behavior. Things would sort of freeze for a few seconds, then go back to normal, but without the accompanying oops or kernel panic. This woulSep 13 11:50
schestowitz[TR2]d happen mostly early on in a session, but not just. And thus, my good feeling of progress has gone down the drain. Follow me. </p>Sep 13 11:50
schestowitz[TR2]                                    </blockquote>Sep 13 11:50
schestowitz[TR2]                                </li>Sep 13 11:50
-TechBytesBot/ | Slimbook Titan report 4 - The good mojo is goneSep 13 11:50
schestowitz[TR2]<li>Sep 13 11:51
schestowitz[TR2]                                            <h5><a href="">KDE Gear 24.08.1 Apps Collection Rolls Out, Here’s What’s New</a></h5>Sep 13 11:51
schestowitz[TR2]                                            <blockquote>Sep 13 11:51
schestowitz[TR2]                                                <p>KDE Gear, a comprehensive suite of applications developed by the KDE project, has launched its latest iteration, Gear 24.08.1. This new version focuses on ironing out bugs and delivering updated translations, ensuring a smoother user experience across various KDE programs. </p>Sep 13 11:51
schestowitz[TR2]                                            </blockquote>Sep 13 11:51
schestowitz[TR2]                                        </li>Sep 13 11:51
-TechBytesBot/ | KDE Gear 24.08.1 Apps Collection Rolls Out, Here’s What’s NewSep 13 11:51
schestowitz[TR2] <li>Sep 13 11:52
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <h5><a href="">Cinnamon 6.4 to Debut with Revamped Default Theme</a></h5>Sep 13 11:52
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <blockquote>Sep 13 11:52
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p>Addressing a long-standing issue with the aesthetics of the Cinnamon desktop environment outside of Linux Mint, the team will introduce a much-improved default theme starting with the upcoming Cinnamon 6.4. </p>Sep 13 11:52
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p> This move is part of a broader initiative to maintain a pleasing visual experience across different distributions, which often neglect their own themes, leaving Cinnamon with default settings and a look that, let’s face it, isn’t the prettiest. </p>Sep 13 11:52
schestowitz[TR2]                                    </blockquote>Sep 13 11:52
schestowitz[TR2]                                </li>Sep 13 11:52
schestowitz[TR2]                             Sep 13 11:52
-TechBytesBot/ | Cinnamon 6.4 to Debut with Revamped Default ThemeSep 13 11:52
schestowitz[TR2]<techrights-sec5> I don't get how otherwise educated people fall for the lies and misdirectionSep 13 15:54
schestowitz[TR2]<techrights-sec5> of social control media.Sep 13 15:54
schestowitz[TR2]<schestowitz-pi> it's all herd mentalitySep 13 15:54
schestowitz[TR2]<schestowitz-pi> chasing # of usersSep 13 15:54
schestowitz[TR2]<techrights-sec5> Yes but why do the herds chase disinformation and propaganda almost exclusivelySep 13 15:54
schestowitz[TR2]<techrights-sec5> with no regard to information and truth?  AFAIK they just absorb and takeSep 13 15:54
schestowitz[TR2]<techrights-sec5> to heart the first statements or assertions they run across without assessingSep 13 15:54
schestowitz[TR2]<techrights-sec5> them.Sep 13 15:54
schestowitz[TR2]<techrights-sec5> 13 15:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 13 15:55
schestowitz[TR2]<techrights-sec5> Anyway, the EFF needs to be far above social control media and its 'hot takes'Sep 13 15:55
schestowitz[TR2]<techrights-sec5> Sadly, it has not and keeps getting played again and again.Sep 13 15:55
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 13 20:40
*jacobk (~quassel@rr2rh58ht72yy.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 13 20:42

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