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schestowitz__ | | Feb 14 04:52 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: IBM is number one lobby for software patents in the US and elsewhere | Feb 14 04:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Free Software is Being Abandoned by Opponents of Software Patents and It’s Being Attacked by Patent Trolls | Techrights | Feb 14 04:52 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: IBM is number one lobby for software patents in the US and elsewhere | Feb 14 04:52 | |
schestowitz__ | | Feb 14 05:03 |
schestowitz__ | "It is unclear who is on the panel other than Chris Mercer, who is an ex-PEB Examiner and runs his own private FD4 training courses. If this was a client matter there would be a serious case of conflict....." | Feb 14 05:03 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Gantry-Gate: Have your say in the Mercer Review - The IPKat | Feb 14 05:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | " | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | Tuesday, 11 February 2020 at 09:39:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | I was talking to a recruiter about this and apparently there seems to be more interest than usual about foreign moves, particularly to law firms in Germany. They mentioned that they might be organising a presentation/networking evening about this in the near future so follow some recruiters on LinkedIn if you want to be alerted of this! | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | Gilman GrundyTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 12:46:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:04 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Gantry-Gate: Have your say in the Mercer Review - The IPKat | Feb 14 05:04 | |
schestowitz__ | "ireland where nobody will care about CPA" | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | Umm, just which exams do you think "registered" Irish patent attorneys have taken and passed? | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 14:26:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | Gilman - honest question. Do you think there is absolutely nothing wrong with the PEB exams at the moment? | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 14:30:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | Any organisation would be concerned about the lack of diversity. Not PEB/CIPA though - they don't seem to care. | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | I don't expect anything to change. We have been asking for changes to exam system and the lack of action is beyond belief. | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 21:02:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | "Gilman - honest question. Do you think there is absolutely nothing wrong with the PEB exams at the moment?" | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | I doubt you will get an answer but based on the cherry picking of quotes and strawman/status quo arguments to date, it's reasonable to assume some just do not want to countenance any problems, which somewhat ironically is part of the problem. | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | It is very simple: those fit to practise pass FD4; those that are not fail. The exam is an essential type of assessment and I am surprised other professions are not adopting equivalent measures so that they too can have an edge over their foreign peers but get paid less for the privilege. Any positive suggestion about how the exam itself (i.e. not implementing coursework alternative) can be improved for all stakeholders is the same as | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | wanting qualification handed to you on plate, wanting to eliminate the exam altogether, or wanting to remove the IV skillset as a requirement for UK qualification. | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | Change is coming whether some like it or not, but bear in mind that an uncompromising resistance to change is usually met with uncompromising change. We don't have to look too far into our recent history to see this. | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | I will accept whatever the review recommends, even if it is the status quo. Will you? | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousWednesday, 12 February 2020 at 08:21:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | There has to be very good reasons as to why the status quo is recommended. If CIPA/PEB explore in detail other options and provide VERY good reasons as to why these credible alternatives cannot be implemented then yes, that is fine. | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | However, it is very clear that P6/FD4 needs to change. Otherwise, we are wasting time with review after review. Most don't like the current exam format (coming from qualified attorneys and trainees) so I think we should be more open minded about change. | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | Coursework is a good option but if more time is needed to fully assess the merits of this route then I can accept. But if CIPA/PEB basically go on to say that no changes are required because we think the current system is perfect then sorry, they are a joke. | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | Gilman GrundyWednesday, 12 February 2020 at 09:34:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | "Gilman - honest question. Do you think there is absolutely nothing wrong with the PEB exams at the moment?" | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | 1) I see bigger problems with the content of FD1/P2. Particularly the confused and basically incomplete way in which design law is covered. | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | 2) The 2018 FD4 exam was obviously not well done, but the rush to blame the entire concept of an I&V exam is basically misguided and based on the idea that anything (especially something widely believed to be easier like coursework) would be better. The solution is better validation of the exam before it is issued to uncover this kind of problem (e.g., no-one knowing what a gantry is). | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | 3) Look at how the French patent attorney community addressed their low pass-rates at the EQEs for a better solution to this issue. It wasn't by just concluding that the whole concept of the EQEs was wrong based mainly on the views of people who kept failing them, but instead taking training for the EQEs more seriously. | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | MaxDreiTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 09:31:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:04 |
schestowitz__ | As a person who was an equity partner for 15 years before taking early retirement, I weary of reading here the demands of students for the exams to be scrapped, or neutered, or rendered easy enough for all to pass who put in a solid measure of hard work. Why? Because I know from countless "beauty contests" what motivates corporations to choose one particular patent attorney firm as its "strategic partner", its preferred outside patent | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | counsel. it's the quality of the people. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | It is depressing, but fully understandable, that the profession in the UK finds itself recruiting more and more out of the pool of Oxbridge graduates. It was not always thus. Here is yet another sign of widening gulfs in society. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | The corporations now demand proof of "diversity" which is in principle a good thing, but competition, red in tooth and claw, between firms determines which firms survive, which ones prosper, which persons they recruit and, of course, how tough are the qualifying examinations. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Compare London taxi drivers, their qualifying examination and "the knowledge". We patent attorneys don't yet have an App that will navigate the client through the patent process or write an I+V opinion that the client can rely upon and use for making business decisions with budgets of hundreds of million dollars or Euro. Instead, as ever, we need talented and hard-working, socially intelligent and business-savvy human minds on the job | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | The exams must be fit for purpose. And that's so so hard. But the problem clearly must be addressed, in a way that retains the confidence in those students that have what it takes to succeed in our wonderful profession and bring reputation and success to their chosen employer. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Replies | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 15:17:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | If I follow your logic MaxDrei then half of the most successful entrepreneurs are clearly not smart enough/ not talented enough/ not deserving enough. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Bill Gates dropped out of university - no degree; Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of university - no degree; Richard Branson never went to University; Alan Sugar worked at the age of 16 - no university. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Many of my inventors and clients do not all go to Oxbridge. Some inventors are from the building trades or gained qualification via apprenticeship. They didn't go to university but can build a successful career and have a mind to invent things. They come from all walks of life so the profession should reflect this more. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 12:16:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | MaxDrei, I am not sure why you think that students are asking for exams to be scrapped, etc. They are not. They are only asking for exams to be fair. Which currently they are not. I am too weary to repeat everything many have said above so perhaps you should read all the comments before coming to such an ignorant conclusion? | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Also, is it really fully understandable that the profession selectively recruits from Oxbridge? I suppose it is also equally understandable that white men are more in demand. They are after all better than people of colour. Don't even get me started on women. Who told them they could leave the kitchen? | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 14:25:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | The reputation of the UK patent profession is actually viewed quite negatively. I went to a student fair about a year ago and they ask questions about the culture of the profession, how progressive is the profession etc... | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | We have a high drop out rate, bad work/life balance, high stress and workload, unfair exams, lack of diversity, incapable of change, installing a fear culture and no autonomy. I'm not sure if this is a wonderful profession as some have indicated it to be. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Sure, the money is not bad but other peers around Europe are paid much more and have a better work/life balance. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Not sure I am that proud to be part of this profession. But I'm in and would like it to change for the better... starting with exams. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Replies | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Gilman GrundyWednesday, 12 February 2020 at 09:50:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | "The reputation of the UK patent profession. I went to a student fair about a year ago and they ask questions about the culture of the profession, how progressive is the profession etc..." | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Really not sure what this is based on. Most people, even within general legal practice, have no idea what a patent attorney is or what they do. I have had solicitors try to claim that there was no such thing because "I have been in legal practice for 20 years and never heard of it!". | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | The questions asked are standard questions (and issues) for all the UK's professions. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousWednesday, 12 February 2020 at 10:34:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | You have literally just argued that the UK profession has global prestige, but now you say the UK profession is unknown. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Are you a troll? | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | GloraTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 14:31:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | PEB should explore all options: changes to exam format, coursework option, university option, viva option, work in practice option and explain in detail each option. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 14:44:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | I have no problem recruiting from Oxford and Cambridge, but other trainees from other universities also needs to be given equal chance. To say that the exam is demanding and so we can only recruit from OxBridge is wrong. To say that the exams are demanding and therefore it would be hard for single parents to put in the studying hours especially women is also wrong. To say that if you are disabled (mentally or physical) then it is | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | difficult to cope with the exams and carry out this job is absolutely wrong. To say that we cannot recruit people from different backgrounds and diversity is shocking in this day of age. CIPA/PEB are really really poor at supporting trainees in general especially from those who need it most. If they do provide this support, it is not clear enough where to access this support/help from. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | As an example, I did struggle at university at times especially financially as I did not come from a stable background, but thanks to bursaries and great student mentorship I was able to get through my studies. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | I'm afraid to say that I do not feel proud to be in this small IP circle if this is how we generally view things. | Feb 14 05:05 |
schestowitz__ | There is no reason to be so resistant to change. Change is a good thing and should be progressive to reflect the times. We should listen and support each other especially in this small profession. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | MaxDreiTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 19:42:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | The replies to my posting of Tuesday Feb 11 are disappointing. Consider the qualifying exam that concert musicians endure, when auditioning for a seat in the orchestra. Behind a screen they should play, else the old farts will choose the white man every time. Our qualifying exams are double blind and that's hugely important and to be defended with full vigour. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Replies | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 21:27:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | I have given up trying to understand you. What point are you referring to? | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | As a point about diversity, what if only white men have the money to pay for music lessons. Or what if the auditions are held in the school holidays. Chances are you will pick a "white man" without noticing anyway. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Exams are no different. Currently exams favour people who can spend the weekends working and can be taught exam techniques on JDD courses by teachers such as Chris Mercer himself, or the Head Examiner herself, Dr Sarah Boxall. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Gilman GrundyWednesday, 12 February 2020 at 09:47:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | The obvious point Max is making is that coursework (the main choice to replace FD4 of those protesting on this page) would not be a blind process, as the tutor would know the tutees. If anything, it would be more open to the biases that people mention. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousWednesday, 12 February 2020 at 10:30:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Hardly, you would still submit it anonymously with your candidate number. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | If anything it is the opposite, there would be no need for all these jdd courses run by examiners, so examiners would never have met the candidates unlike now | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousWednesday, 12 February 2020 at 10:48:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Marking coursework can be distributed to Examiners who are not involved in the process at all. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | You can have a different person setting the coursework and a completely independent panel marking the coursework. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | These things can be overcome. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | During my PhD, vivas are done by external professors so completely independent from the work you've done. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousTuesday, 11 February 2020 at 20:27:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | In the original blog post, it is mentioned that marked papers can be obtained via an FOI request. How is this possible since PEB is not a public body as far as I am aware? | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | I know that GDPR can be invoked to obtain data indicating which pages of your script had a mark, which is of limited use compared to a marked paper. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Either way, are FOI and GDPR really something to which candidates should have to resort? | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | AnonymousWednesday, 12 February 2020 at 08:22:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Not sure if this has been covered but has anyone spoke about the lack of training days trainees receive. I currently get 1/2 a day for an exam is which nonsense. Other profession give their trainees far more time for TRAINING! | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Replies | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | NMPWednesday, 12 February 2020 at 10:45:00 GMT | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | My firm gives 0.5 day per exam only once and pay exam fees only once. So nothing for retakes. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Reply | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Add comment | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | All comments must be moderated by a member of the IPKat team before they appear on the blog. Comments will not be allowed if the contravene the IPKat policy that readers' comments should not be obscene or defamatory; they should not consist of ad hominem attacks on members of the blog team or other comment-posters and they should make a constructive contribution to the discussion of the post on which they purport to comment. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | It is also the IPKat policy that comments should not be made completely anonymously, and users should use a consistent name or pseudonym (which should not itself be defamatory or obscene, or that of another real person), either in the "identity" field, or at the beginning of the comment. Current practice is to, however, allow a limited number of comments that contravene this policy, provided that the comment has a high degree of | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | relevance and the comment chain does not become too difficult to follow. | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | Learn more here: | Feb 14 05:06 |
schestowitz__ | " | Feb 14 05:06 |
-TechBytesBot/ | The IPKat Policies - The IPKat | Feb 14 05:07 | |
schestowitz__ | >> 3. recently I saw rather nasty propaganda there, so now I'm picky which | Feb 14 10:21 |
schestowitz__ | >> among their articles to link to | Feb 14 10:21 |
schestowitz__ | > Shall we remove it from the automated feeds and then just check it with | Feb 14 10:21 |
schestowitz__ | > RSS manually from time to time? That would be my proposal for a solution. | Feb 14 10:21 |
schestowitz__ | > | Feb 14 10:21 |
schestowitz__ | >> 4. in the feeds script it almost always picks up the author's name, | Feb 14 10:21 |
schestowitz__ | >> sometimes even twice | Feb 14 10:21 |
schestowitz__ | > Unfortunately their document structure is crap. It's not really | Feb 14 10:22 |
schestowitz__ | > solvable given current technology. | Feb 14 10:22 |
schestowitz__ | I think it needs to be cherry-picked, esp. for articles about space. | Feb 14 10:22 |
schestowitz__ | They recently promoted cancer and HEY HI bullshit. It made me feel like I was looking into a marketing outlet... funded by Big Tobacco lobbyists. | Feb 14 10:22 |
schestowitz__ | But there was some correct stuff in the mix occasionally; so it's like InfoWars with a better name/brand. | Feb 14 10:22 |
schestowitz__ | = | Feb 14 10:27 |
schestowitz__ | | Feb 14 10:27 |
schestowitz__ | # thanks for that post, it is an important topic, | Feb 14 10:27 |
schestowitz__ | # many organizations seem to be abandoning FOSS even if their charters | Feb 14 10:27 |
schestowitz__ | # indicate they were founded to support it directly or indirectly. | Feb 14 10:27 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Free Software is Being Abandoned by Opponents of Software Patents and It’s Being Attacked by Patent Trolls | Techrights | Feb 14 10:27 | |
schestowitz__ | | Feb 14 17:02 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jurasick: I don’t see why there’s a problem here. The FISA court issue should be investigated. Why is Salon trying to promote… | Feb 14 17:02 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@jurasick: I don’t see why there’s a problem here. The FISA court issue should be investigated. Why is Salon trying to promote… | Feb 14 17:02 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Feb 14 17:02 |
schestowitz__ | Srinivas Murty 🐊 Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) | Feb 14 17:02 |
schestowitz__ | I don’t see why there’s a problem here. The FISA court issue should be investigated. Why is Salon trying to promote a discussion on the use of AI for intelligence purposes? Is that such a as proven technology or have Schiff and their CA tech form friends pushed an agenda. #ITM | Feb 14 17:02 |
schestowitz__ | " | Feb 14 17:02 |
schestowitz__ | | Feb 14 17:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MSServices_info: @petrasorge @patcrit @IPProMagazine @kierenmccarthy @etuc_ces @dan_kersch @MarcAngel_lu @FranzFayot @SenateurRYung… | Feb 14 17:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@MSServices_info: @petrasorge @patcrit @IPProMagazine @kierenmccarthy @etuc_ces @dan_kersch @MarcAngel_lu @FranzFayot @SenateurRYung… | Feb 14 17:03 | |
schestowitz__ | " | Feb 14 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | More | Feb 14 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | MSServices Global 🌐 Retweeted MSServices Global 🌐 | Feb 14 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | @petrasorge @patcrit @IPProMagazine @kierenmccarthy @etuc_ces @dan_kersch @MarcAngel_lu @FranzFayot @SenateurRYung @claudinelepage @PhilipCordery @VivianeRedingEU @Sheikh_al_Touar @schestowitz @USF12152717MSServices Global 🌐 added, | Feb 14 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | MSServices Global 🌐 @MSServices_info | Feb 14 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | Hauts fonctionnaires et politiciens se couvrant le dos, mais pour combien de temps? @Mediapart @MediapartEN @Annonce_Legales @LesEchos @Le_Figaro @MagazineCapital #patents #France #Europe #brevets #inpi #PropriétéIntellectuelle … | Feb 14 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes | Feb 14 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | Reply Retweet Like Direct message | Feb 14 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | " | Feb 14 17:03 |
schestowitz__ | | Feb 14 17:03 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@SleepyPenguin1: Call us immediately if your child uses Kali Linux, squawks West Midlands Police @schestowitz | Feb 14 17:03 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Call us immediately if your child uses Kali Linux, squawks West Mids Police • The Register | Feb 14 17:03 | |
schestowitz__ | | Feb 14 17:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: @schestowitz @DavidGlaude @Pour_EVA | Feb 14 17:05 | |
*rianne has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | Feb 14 18:09 | |
*liberty_box has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Feb 14 18:10 | |
*rianne ( has joined #techbytes | Feb 14 18:15 | |
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytes | Feb 14 18:15 | |
schestowitz__ | | Feb 14 18:43 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Another New ‘Clown’ for the UPC ‘Circus’ #patents #Europe #Court #media | Feb 14 18:43 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Another New ‘Clown’ for the UPC ‘Circus’ | Techrights | Feb 14 18:43 | |
schestowitz__ | | Feb 14 20:08 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz Thanks for this significant news. We are all displaced from the Garden of Eden in this virtual hell. | Feb 14 20:08 |
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