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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Saturday, May 16, 2020

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schestowitz> Sure, I have no problem with it.May 16 00:35
schestowitz>May 16 00:35
schestowitz> Let's jump right into it.May 16 00:35
schestowitz>May 16 00:35
schestowitz> I'm running on Linux 18.04 OS, and using Atom text editor, this is soMay 16 00:35
schestowitz> you know if I require any software installations, and what can andMay 16 00:35
schestowitz> cannot be done on Linux.May 16 00:35
schestowitzDo you currently use an RSS reader?May 16 00:35
schestowitzIf not, I recommend installing QuiteRSS. It's robust.May 16 00:35
schestowitz> Hi Roy:May 16 00:46
schestowitz>May 16 00:46
schestowitz> I'll send you a copy of the "cease and desist" letter to the FSF when IMay 16 00:46
schestowitz> write it.May 16 00:46
schestowitz>May 16 00:46
schestowitz> That will be in a couple of days. Right now I'm busy trying to finishMay 16 00:46
schestowitz> the "Notes to the Financial Statements" section of the biz plan.May 16 00:46
schestowitz>May 16 00:46
schestowitz> Have a great day!!May 16 00:46
schestowitzThanks, have a good day and thanks for keeping me in the loop.May 16 00:46
schestowitzI think it's important to keep one's tone low so as to avoid the impression of rudeness.May 16 00:46
schestowitzPeople are more sensitive right now because of the lockdowns.May 16 00:46
schestowitzKind regards,May 16 00:46
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)May 16 01:49
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*rianne ( has joined #techbytesMay 16 11:02
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schestowitz>> From a copyright POV, are we allowed to do anything with such texts anyway?May 16 17:49
schestowitz>May 16 17:49
schestowitz>May 16 17:49
schestowitz> You can cite them in quotes in future writing, which is enough reason to consider doing something. But if you don't automate grabbing all of the urls, you still might use the search feature in the upper right corner-- it will narrow the list down by string-match if you type part of a word (like "atent", or "icrosoft") so you can grab individual urls.May 16 17:49
schestowitz>May 16 17:49
schestowitz> But you should assume the possibility that this list will disappear, because there is a way for them to possibly do something about that. I won't say how. If you're going to do anything, consider doing it soon. Those could be there in a month or two-- or not.May 16 17:49
schestowitzCan you sent an email to that site/LF to ask them why the articles were removed? Depending on their reply, we might be able to reproduced all these.May 16 17:49
schestowitz 16 17:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?May 16 17:55
schestowitz"đź‘Ť (/posts/315526f0c4e401370667002590d8e506#f8b3cc70c5020137deec005056264835) @John Hummel"May 16 17:55
schestowitz"This (the rise of right-wing nationalism, aka fascism) is something we have seen before, always driven by extreme inequality in society. Historically, this inequality has been basically economic (as in Who controls what resources?) and social (as in What rights do which people have?). Global warming and environmental collapse will be a major contributing factor to this same inequality."May 16 17:56
schestowitz'@David Lazarus there was a quote of a passage in the article, and, below the quote, my own thoughts on its content in italics. While the quote involved pondering the origin of the works, my own comment was purely on a bit of choice language in the quote and did not relate directly to "who did it?"."May 16 17:56
schestowitz'No thanks @David Lazarus Videos are not evidence of anything.There are videos claiming to be proof of flat Earth, others that claim to be proof of chemtrails, others claim to prove there's alien life on the moon, or that we never went there."May 16 17:56
schestowitz"@A. Randomjack - There is evidence in many places around the world. Might I suggest this: It's not so much a "part 2" as it is a "version 2". It's a much more coherent production than the first one."May 16 17:56
-TechBytesBot/ | Ships of Light The Carlos Diaz UFO Experience Part 2 - YouTubeMay 16 17:56
schestowitz"@David Lazarus I support Sea Shepherd, but I'm also well aware of ocean warming, pollution, ocean acidification, dead zones etc, and yes, seismic exploration. As for ET's, it's just a modern day belief system based on scientism. There's no evidence for them. there are only beliefs of evidence. As for "my" spirituality: All Life on Earth is one It's not a cute philosophy, it is a fact demonstrated by genetics which connects us to everyMay 16 17:57
schestowitzother living thing on Earth. Do you know your body has more bacteria than it has cells? That rice has a much larger genome than humans? Which is true for lots of species. How come? simply because it's a much older species that evolved on Earth for much longer than humans and apes did. Humans have very little genetic variety because we we became almost extinct when a supervolcano exploded about 70 000 years ago and only a few thousandsMay 16 17:57
schestowitzof us, maybe even less, survived."May 16 17:57
schestowitz"@Boris B - Is that your thoughts on them or just echoing what is said in the article? Honestly, I think it was just some anonymous wealthy person putting them there because he could."May 16 17:58
schestowitz"@A. Randomjack - I agree regarding the population. Earth is not overpopulated by humans. We just need to be more responsible caretakers. As far as beliefs, I'm not religious. Never have been. However, I've been on a spiritual journey for my entire adult life. Also, I definitely believe in ETs. We are the newbies on the planet. And, yes, what we are doing to marine life, and not just by fishing, is absolutely criminal. I have signedMay 16 17:58
schestowitzmany petitions and written my representatives about that. I even wrote the leadership in New Zealand regarding seismic blasting. They responded positively to the issue thanks to me and many other people contacting them."May 16 17:58
schestowitz"@David Lazarus When it comes to religious texts and interpretations, I listen to people like AronRa. He has a YouTube channel. He describes what that worth means: breath, no more. Hence your soul leaves you at your last breath according to religious texts. Breath is that invisible immaterial thing ancients believed was the soul. All the scientific evidence points to mankind being just another species and I will humbly stick to that. IMay 16 17:59
schestowitzwasted too much life time, and breath, with irrational impossible beliefs like aliens and mysterious ancient. To sum it up, I think we are the only self defined as intelligent species in this galaxy, and possibly in the whole (observable) universe. Yes, I do know the Drake equation and all that, but Evolution of complex life (organisms) is quite likely an extremely rare and most improbable occurrence in the Cosmos. Most solar systemsMay 16 17:59
schestowitzare very unlike our own, giant planets occupying the closest orbits. (I know a good documentary on that topic and some lectures too) As for the ideal number of humans on Earth. that is a useless debate. I just finished "Inferno" (audio book version)by Dan Brown, which is about overpopulation. I will just say this 10% of the global population is responsible for 50% of greenhouse gases 50% of the global population is responsible for 10%May 16 17:59
schestowitzof them The problem is not really about the number of humans, it's about the consumption of resources. 500 million humans could also destroy the biosphere depending on how they live. We did not begin to extinguish species in 2000, we've been doing it for centuries. Who knows what unique species lived on Easter island for example. How many on Mauritius? In the seas, rivers and oceans? Commercial fishing will not be economically viable byMay 16 17:59
schestowitz2048, and that's from overfishing alone. This fishing season, since march I think, 1000 dead dolphins have been found on the Atlantic coast of France. Most have died from being caught in nets and thrown back to sea. Their wounds confirm that's why they died, Sea Shepherd has reports on that but we won't see that on mass medias, it might hurt the industry, the economy, relations, etc. Meanwhile, our house is on fire..."May 16 17:59
schestowitz"Conspiracy theorists and fundamentalists believe them to be the work of Satanists or the New World Order, – fueled particularly by certain commandments such as “Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity” which can be ominously interpreted. "ominously interpreted" I find a disagreeable euphemism, for "which clearly puts Darwin before Moses"... I think it's Satan hiding in the euphemism, because why couldn'tMay 16 17:59
schestowitzSatan just be the sum total of those taking observations of similar form, for decisive?"May 16 17:59
schestowitz"@Boris B - Are you aware of the Georgia Guidestones? A wealthy person's joke? Or something to be seriously concerned about?"May 16 18:00
-TechBytesBot/ | Georgia Guidestones – Elberton, Georgia - Atlas ObscuraMay 16 18:00
schestowitz"@A. Randomjack - Personally, I think it all stems from Enlil's desire to wipe out the human race. Per the Sumerian texts, his half brother Enki created (read genetically engineered) humans. Long story short, Enki wanted humans to be like them. In other words, live for thousands of years and possess great knowledge. Enlil didn't like that idea at all and wanted to wipe us out. Enki saved us, but at a price.May 16 18:00
schestowitzHis name has been forever tarnished. Enki was the serpent in Eden. I truly believe that it was Enlil who Moses met on Mount Sinai. His description fits. He was both the storm god and self-proclaimed jealous, vengeful god. For those who might not know, Enki is referred to as Adonai in the Old Testament and Enlil is referred as Yahweh. I think that is the real reason why Jews are not supposed to say that name aloud. They've just forgottenMay 16 18:00
schestowitzand made up another reason somewhere down the line. Enlil is also known as Zeus, Jehovah, Seth and Allah among other names. Enki is known as Poseidon, Neptune and Ptah. I could go into a lot more, but I'll stop for now. As for plutocracy, oligarchy, etc, Capitalists by any other name are still Capitalists. A completely free/unregulated market would be much worse."May 16 18:00
schestowitz"Is plutocratocide more like genocide or more like insecticide?"May 16 18:01
schestowitz 16 18:01
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Not a Diaspora post?May 16 18:01
schestowitz"Capitalism comes in a few variants. But this is not capitalism anymore, it's plutocracy and about since the mid 70's, although it roots back to WWII."May 16 18:01
schestowitz"I said back in 2008 that Capitalism will be the death of the US. Though I ended up changing the blot post title to indicate that it was a detriment to the US. I should have stuck with the original."May 16 18:01
schestowitz"Funny shit. The 1% will be protected species if/when mass human die-offs occur since they'll be the best positioned to survive. Everyone else will be rolling in the muck spouting "Lor' Bless the Duke and Dutchess" or whatever the 1% end up calling themselves this next time around."May 16 18:01
schestowitz"Profits is the deadliest of all addictions"May 16 18:02
schestowitz"Profits is the deadliest of all addictions"May 16 18:02
schestowitz"Well, we have a 1% ruling class that is hell bent on destroying the 99%."May 16 18:02
schestowitz 16 18:03
schestowitz"#singlepointoffailure #surveillance"May 16 18:03
-TechBytesBot/ A: my site is down B: so use #cloudflare [A switches to CF] A: my site is down B: I told you use CF A: Now I do. And that's why the site is down.May 16 18:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 16 18:03
schestowitz 16 18:04
schestowitz"this article lists some good observations. Gives a breakdown of most of the forms openwashing takes. tldr, if your company has deep ties with proprietary then investigate your free software options carefully, so as not to be tricked into installing crippled software leading to losses."May 16 18:04
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 16 18:05
schestowitzIt speaks not about open source but something mislabeled at bestMay 16 18:05
schestowitz 16 18:05
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 16 18:05
schestowitz" but do they use github for their cargo list?"May 16 18:05
schestowitz 16 18:06
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 16 18:06
schestowitz" yeah here's one fork.  searx lives on outside of #fuckinggithub and there was until recently live instances that ran on that code"May 16 18:06
-TechBytesBot/ | SaschaMester/Searx: A privacy respecting, hackable Metasearch-Engine - Free code hostingMay 16 18:06
schestowitz 16 18:06
schestowitz"i seem to remember seeing forks of searx on notabug"May 16 18:06
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 16 18:06
schestowitz 16 18:06
schestowitz" the anti-cloudflare crowd came to this conclusion months ago #greatcloudwall"May 16 18:06
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 16 18:06
schestowitz 16 18:06
schestowitz" xedit"May 16 18:07
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 16 18:07
schestowitz 16 18:07
schestowitz" That was rather short...I was all settled in for a Tome O' Apps. Was wondering if vim and/or emacs would be featured [and which way the author was biased... because we all Are]."May 16 18:07
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 16 18:07
schestowitz 16 18:07
schestowitz" Ok that was exceptionally nifty."May 16 18:07
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 16 18:07
schestowitz 16 18:08
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaMay 16 18:08
schestowitz"May 16 18:08
schestowitz interesting, let's hope it's user friendly enough. A friend of mine bought the braveheart version of pinephone and told me that it was not easy to install the operating system and make all the peripherals work.May 16 18:08
schestowitz Hopefully they will reach a level of maturity such that we can have products accessible even to less experienced users.May 16 18:08
schestowitz"May 16 18:08
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)May 16 18:53
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*rianne__ ( has joined #techbytesMay 16 19:05
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesMay 16 19:06

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