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schestowitz> Poor MJ is conflicted because he serves two masters. On the one hand heNov 16 07:59
schestowitz> thinks himself an advocate because of his technical work, on the otherNov 16 07:59
schestowitz> he continues to prop up the enemy.Nov 16 07:59
schestowitz>Nov 16 07:59
schestowitz> He thinks we declared them an enemy, when the quotes (public and inNov 16 08:00
schestowitz> confidential memos) clearly paint their work as some holy war againstNov 16 08:00
schestowitz> our freedom.Nov 16 08:00
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:00
schestowitz> He will always be like this though, because on a certain level he is anNov 16 08:00
schestowitz> opportunist. He may take both sides very seriously, but he contradictsNov 16 08:00
schestowitz> himself wherever he goes. He doesn't have to deliberately play one sideNov 16 08:00
schestowitz> against the other. That's the struggle going on with him at all times,Nov 16 08:00
schestowitz> he brings it just by showing up to the party.Nov 16 08:00
schestowitz> Did Ariadne seriously just suggest (even jokingly) that torrents (whichNov 16 08:00
schestowitz> anybody is free-- in a technical sense but perhaps not legally in thisNov 16 08:00
schestowitz> context-- to use) are "classist" with regards to Netflix?Nov 16 08:00
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:00
schestowitz> Shit, I can't even afford fucking Netflix. Not only does it cost tooNov 16 08:00
schestowitz> much as a service, I don't have a budget for maintaining the sort ofNov 16 08:00
schestowitz> digital shitshow that is needed to run it. I could I suppose, get a RokuNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> box. I still don't have the money for Netflix.Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz> Netflix literally restricts people from watching things by region, andNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> keeps rich executives in charge of what you are allowed to watchNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> (constantly cancelling things.) If we are talking about classism,Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz> Netflix is far more bourgeoisie than torrents.Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz> I do not begrudge Ariadne for being so well off that they have not onlyNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> forgotten what it's like to not be able to budget Netflix in (I've onlyNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> ever watched it with other people who could) but that apparently NetflixNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> is the relatively neutral **champion of the masses**! But it isNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> hilariously absurd.Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz> Please Roy, save us from your elitist software tools! I have heard thisNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> argument before in various incarnations, and it's typically not fromNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> people who bump elbows with the poor as often as Stallman has. I on theNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> other hand, am a little bit more familiar with the technology used byNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> the homeless and in countries where classism is yet more brutal.Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz> Ariadne: get fucking real!Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz>> but gnu/linux is an operating system for the classes, not the massesNov 16 08:01
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz> Okay, Ariadne is just a fucking IDIOT.Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz> The homeless shelter was fucking crippled by old Windows shitware. INov 16 08:01
schestowitz> personally brought all their old computers online and back to WORKINGNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> usability. Even Facebook worked, and it's bloated.Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:01
schestowitz> The office computer was crawling, after I installed the "for theNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> classes" OS, the volunteer in charge of the office ran out and saidNov 16 08:01
schestowitz> "IT'S SO MUCH FASTER!" Do you know who needed classes to use the system?Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz> Nobody. These were all Windows users.Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz> **FUCK OFF**, Ariadne. You're talking out of your ignorant white-breadNov 16 08:02
schestowitz> asshole.Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz> I probably shouldn't bother trying to explain that one of the people INov 16 08:02
schestowitz> set up with Debian WAS a grandma.Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz> She didn't care about Netflix, she was on fixed income and living inNov 16 08:02
schestowitz> income-adjusted housing. She watched the Hallmark channel on her television.Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz> Open Source, corporate whores... when Netflix becomes a free service,Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz> the sort of argument being made will be HALF an argument, instead ofNov 16 08:02
schestowitz> none at all.Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz>> by the way, the ability to make tradeoffs is PART of software freedomNov 16 08:02
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz> Whereas constant compromise and erosion and entryism deliberately KILLSNov 16 08:02
schestowitz> software freedom.Nov 16 08:02
schestowitz>> free software is most widely deployed in service to the oppressor,Nov 16 08:03
schestowitz> incidentallyNov 16 08:03
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:03
schestowitz> Jesus fuck...Nov 16 08:03
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:03
schestowitz> ALL SOFTWARE is most widely deployed in service to the oppressor.Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> The oppressors have the most technology because they have most of theNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> world's wealth. No matter what sort of software exists, it's going toNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> scale that whoever owns half the world's economy is going to own halfNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> the technology in it.Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> Defence contractors don't have to honour copyrights or patents either.Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> You can't use software (or licenses) to fix how much software theNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> oppressor runs. You need other kinds political reform to reduce how muchNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> wealth is funneled to oppressors. That's not an easy problem at all, butNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> software won't fix that.Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> Free software removes oppression from the user's computer. It doesn'tNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> remove software from oppressors' computers. It wasn't designed to, andNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> there's no reason it could.Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> But saying "free software is most widely deployed in service to theNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> oppressor, incidentally" is like saying "most organic food is eaten byNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> fat rich people". It's a completely irrelevant metric that tells youNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> nothing about the nature of the thing being measured.Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> Ariadne for example Nov 14 10:51Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> Ariadne you think it is bad that ubuntu integrates widevine Nov 14 10:51Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> Ariadne because DRM bad Nov 14 10:51Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> Ariadne but the fact that they do has enabled more users to switch toNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> gnu/linux and gain freedom at large Nov 14 10:51Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> Ariadne which was the entirety of my point reallyNov 16 08:04
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> Yeah and Roy, you think it's bad that Bill Gates is a criminal, when theNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> fact is that Windows is a champion of grandmas who want to watch Netflix.Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> Ubuntu's growth predates Widevine existing. The bulk of what they'veNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> done has very little to do with DRM at all. If we go back not very far,Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> getting an ordinary DVD to play in Ubuntu was just as much of a pain asNov 16 08:04
schestowitz> it was on any other distro.Nov 16 08:04
schestowitz> Telnet is basically ssh without encryption.Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz> So a while back I decided I wanted to create a BBS like experience byNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> having a public-facing ssh login, a generic user and password andNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> instead of running a bash command line, I just wrote a program in PythonNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> and changed /etc/shells and /etc/password to the filepath of the "BBS"Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz> script. It takes 5 minutes.Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz> Then anybody with the user and password (you could make separateNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> accounts for everybody, that wasnt the idea though) could access anyNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> features the script had.Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz> Using it from ssh was just like using it directly. It did colour viaNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> ansi escapes (Fig has a few lines of code for that) and got input viaNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> raw_input() (in Python 3 it's just input()).Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz> If I was doing this on TR I'd put it in its own container like otherNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> things are, maybe chroot if necessary (I think the container makes thatNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> redundant, I don't typically use those) and probably choose Lua overNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> Python, since the number of features you're going to need are around aNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> dozen-- print, input, a loop, maybe functions.Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz>Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz> You can probably find a program to do this stuff for you, or a few. INov 16 08:06
schestowitz> had more fun. You do obviously want it to be robust as possible. I neverNov 16 08:06
schestowitz> trust networked input to Bash though. Use a proper scripting language.Nov 16 08:06
schestowitzWe've mostly given up on the idea as almost nobody would use it.Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz> I agree with Figos entirely here.Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz> I've seen this so many times that I have come to recognize it as _the_Nov 16 08:06
schestowitz> preferred rhetorical device.  First confound the domain you are talkingNov 16 08:07
schestowitz> about.  Then shift that domain solely onto your field of endeavor,  andNov 16 08:07
schestowitz> then you win.Nov 16 08:07
schestowitz> I've stated before that some people prosper precisely because theyNov 16 08:07
schestowitz> straddle the fence.  This way they can present themselves leaning oneNov 16 08:07
schestowitz> way or the other as the situation sees fit.   As long as they seemNov 16 08:07
schestowitz> sincere, this works like a charm.Nov 16 08:07
schestowitz> Ah,  I've seen _this_ argument many times also.  If someone is sincerelyNov 16 08:07
schestowitz> trying to appeal to the common man, where better to hit them than with aNov 16 08:07
schestowitz> charge of "elitism"?   We see this in the Green Party all the time.Nov 16 08:07
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techbytesNov 16 09:50
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 16 12:28
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techbytesNov 16 21:25

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