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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Tuesday, August 18, 2020

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schestowitz>Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz> Dear friends and colleagues,Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz> As you may be aware, there have been many developments with regards toAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> Julian Assange’s case in the last few weeks.Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz> We are seriously concerned for his well-being and are outraged by theAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> continuous violation of due process and countless other abuse of processAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> taking place. This is happening now, in the U.K. – prominentAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> publications remain silent on his treatment.Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz> Since March, Julian has not been allowed to see his family. Access toAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> lawyers, which was already limited, came to a full stop. He was finallyAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> given a computer to prepare his defence – it came with keys glued down!Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz> A new indictment was announced to the press almost two months ago, butAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.K.’s Crown Prosecution ServiceAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> only filed the updated extradition request two days before the latestAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> hearing – another abuse of process which will cause additional delay. AsAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> time ticks, Julian remains in solitary confinement.Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz> He attended his last hearing via video-link – he seemed weak andAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> confused, coughing throughout the proceedings. When asked to confirm hisAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> name and date of birth, he faltered but eventually stuttered his name.Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:07
schestowitz> Only five journalists were allowed to attend the latest hearing. Most ofAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> them, in addition to observers, were asked to use the dreaded dial-inAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> system again. On this occasion, instead of listening to the courtAug 18 00:07
schestowitz> proceedings, they heard Muzak. Dozens were left on hold the time!Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz> We are here to ask you to take action.Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz> 1) Report about the case and investigate. This is urgent and essential.Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz> Please email us any stories you publish relating to Assange toAug 18 00:08
schestowitz> <>Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz> 2) There is a new initiative “Lawyers 4 Assange” . Please find the pressAug 18 00:08
schestowitz> release attached. It was launched yesterday.Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz> Background about the latest developments:Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz> As always, if there is something more we can do to help you report aboutAug 18 00:08
schestowitz> this case, or if you have ideas on how we can do more, please get in touch.Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz> Thank you and warm regards,Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:08
schestowitz> Serena, Nicky, BlažAug 18 00:08
schestowitz>Aug 18 00:08
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Aug 18 00:54
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schestowitz> I gave it some thought and finally did it. I made a link to browse allAug 18 18:35
schestowitz> articles on the weblog. Note: See the bottom of the e-mail I sent youAug 18 18:35
schestowitz> re: Trump.Aug 18 18:35
schestowitz>Aug 18 18:35
schestowitz> To boost traffic I had been sending an *_email_* with a link to aAug 18 18:35
schestowitz> special article to my friends and relatives, directing them to a specialAug 18 18:35
schestowitz> posting, and adding another link below that in case they wanted to readAug 18 18:35
schestowitz> browse more articles.Aug 18 18:35
schestowitz>Aug 18 18:35
schestowitz> The problem, from my viewpoint was if the second tier recipients wantedAug 18 18:35
schestowitz> to browse they were unable to, unless they went back to the email page,Aug 18 18:35
schestowitz> and it was even worse if they wanted to send it to a 3rd party byAug 18 18:35
schestowitz>  passing  it on to through *email;  *it* *would be very unlikely theAug 18 18:35
schestowitz> recipients would do anything more than view the link to the special article.Aug 18 18:35
schestowitz>Aug 18 18:35
schestowitz> Now the Link to see the special posting and continue reading by usingAug 18 18:35
schestowitz> the link to browse all on the same page, makes it both a convenience forAug 18 18:36
schestowitz> them and a traffic booster for me. Of course, the original recipientsAug 18 18:36
schestowitz> could use “Send This To A Friend“ but that still only gives the friendAug 18 18:36
schestowitz> access to 1 article.Aug 18 18:36
schestowitz>Aug 18 18:36
schestowitz> Do you agree, or am I being paranoid in my senescence?Aug 18 18:36
schestowitzI think that in general terms sending people things to read by email unless they generally asked for it isn't good practice. Because they might be busy doing something else. I always recommend just using RSS feeds and RSS readers.Aug 18 18:36
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Aug 18 19:01
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