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schestowitz | > None of the five CSS files containing 'float: right;' rule, | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > appear to have a relevant class. I have tried applying several to the | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > fish icon in today's set, but no luck. So I have afflicted it with an | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > inline style. That's not the best work around but neither is it the | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > worst. | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | There were times I did lots of inline fixes. | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > If that does not render correctly, then please replace the | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > inline style with | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > align="right" | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > to set it back to the old, invalid way. | Nov 21 05:49 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | > However, most of the HTML for the site needs at least a light work over | Nov 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | > as does *all* of the CSS. | Nov 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | The risk has long been that countless old articles would have their layout compromised. After all, many articles I write with the style in mind, e.g. size of blockquote, image sizes etc. Backward computability is very important. | Nov 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | > | Nov 21 05:50 |
schestowitz | > = | Nov 21 05:50 |
-TechBytesBot/ | The Trump-Mueller Answer the Stone Trial Really Implicates: Pardoning Assange | emptywheel | Nov 21 05:50 | |
-TechBytesBot/ | IBM, Microsoft and Linux plan to send patent trolls back under the rickety bridge | Nov 21 05:50 | |
schestowitz | Re: After 65 years of marriage, I am appy to say we still look the same. Even if you look closely , there are hardly any differences. | Nov 21 05:55 |
schestowitz | wow! 65! Rianne would have to reach 100 to get there and I'd have to survive until 97. | Nov 21 05:56 |
schestowitz | | Nov 21 09:05 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: ZDNet is the Microsoft's megaphone, Microsoft is still taxing Foxconn for Linux and their Chromebooks… | Nov 21 09:05 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@zoobab: ZDNet is the Microsoft's megaphone, Microsoft is still taxing Foxconn for Linux and their Chromebooks… | Nov 21 09:05 | |
schestowitz | "ZDNet is the Microsoft's megaphone, Microsoft is still taxing Foxconn for Linux and their Chromebooks … #zdnet #journalism #capture" | Nov 21 09:05 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Microsoft Tim: Microsoft is Now Defending Linux | Techrights | Nov 21 09:05 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 21 09:10 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Sins of Microsoft : applecirclejerk | Nov 21 09:10 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 21 12:43 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Understanding Thierry Breton: Atos Healthcare – “The Ugly Face of Business” #Deception #Finance #thierrybreton… | Nov 21 12:43 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Understanding Thierry Breton: Atos Healthcare – “The Ugly Face of Business” #Deception #Finance #thierrybreton… | Nov 21 12:43 | |
schestowitz | "Understanding Thierry Breton: Atos Healthcare – “The Ugly Face of Business” #Deception #Finance #thierrybreton #Europe #France #politics #Politique" | Nov 21 12:43 |
schestowitz | | Nov 21 12:44 |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Justice Peter Huber of the German Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) Calls ‘Bullshit’ a Rumour Nobody Really Spread… | Nov 21 12:44 | |
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@Sheikh_al_Touar: Justice Peter Huber of the German Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) Calls ‘Bullshit’ a Rumour Nobody Really Spread… | Nov 21 12:44 | |
schestowitz | "Justice Peter Huber of the German Federal Constitutional Court (FCC) Calls ‘Bullshit’ a Rumour Nobody Really Spreads #Deception #Rumour #patents #Europe #judge #court" | Nov 21 12:44 |
schestowitz | | Nov 21 13:41 |
schestowitz | '" | Nov 21 13:42 |
schestowitz | I am waiting now for the proponents of the UPC to tell us, that the complaint will be dismissed…. | Nov 21 13:42 |
schestowitz | I have every reason to believe the judge when he say he was incensed with the number of letters pushing him to decide, and one can manifestly say to dismiss the complaint. Lobbying has its limits, and those have been broken a while ago. | Nov 21 13:42 |
schestowitz | I hope the complaint will be considered admissible and the numerous problems of the UPC will be discussed, and especially its conformity with EU law. | Nov 21 13:42 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Justice Huber: decision on German constitutional complaint against Unified Patent Court Agreement in first quarter of 2020 - Kluwer Patent Blog | Nov 21 13:42 | |
schestowitz | " | Nov 21 13:42 |
schestowitz | | Nov 21 14:01 |
schestowitz | "I meant that many anti IP advocates usually use include IP Economics in their argumentation. But as these are the same people that publicly call for the total destruction of IP, Right Owners tend to view and oppose any argument they make (even the reasonable ones)" | Nov 21 14:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Economics and IP: the good, the bad and the ugly (and a request for reader feedback)? - The IPKat | Nov 21 14:01 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 21 14:01 |
schestowitz | "Has anyone read the Research Handbook on the Economics of Intellectual Property Law by Depoorter & Menell (Eds) and can they recommend it? Would it help in informing IP scholars (without an Economics background) as the advantages of using economics to inform evidence-based policy making?" | Nov 21 14:01 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Economics and IP: the good, the bad and the ugly (and a request for reader feedback)? - The IPKat | Nov 21 14:01 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 21 14:02 |
schestowitz | "Thanks Nicola. Alice, Mayo and Myriad attempted for policy reasons to limit what was patentable in the computer-related and biotech field. Part of the reasoning was to make sure the 'building blocks of innovation' were not monopolised, i.e. stayed part of the commons. The IP community reacted by simply seeing the increased uncertainty, as you say, but there are much broader ramifications. Unfortunately economists have not jumped in and given | Nov 21 14:02 |
schestowitz | us the numbers for how much the economy would benefit or lose. They only do the easy analyses, and don't tackle the really complex things. And if economists don't do this, then government has no way of seeing the real impact of what the Supreme Court was doing. So government sees no point in trying to protect the commons, because in trying to do so it will only see the criticism of the IP and R&D community, without any means to look at the | Nov 21 14:02 |
schestowitz | gain." | Nov 21 14:02 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Economics and IP: the good, the bad and the ugly (and a request for reader feedback)? - The IPKat | Nov 21 14:02 | |
schestowitz | | Nov 21 14:03 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 21 14:03 |
schestowitz | Thank you, Stan. I've had some excellent offline conversations discussing some of these issues. One point was made that IP has suffers from a ratchet problem - it is easy to expand but extremely difficult (politically and otherwise) to 'reduce.' The point was also made that this is not the same case with other types of policies - including innovation policies such as R&D taxation, subsidies, competition. | Nov 21 14:03 |
schestowitz | I think it is fair to expect economists and policymakers to have a good understanding of how IP works. But the bar that is argued seems much higher than in other policy areas, and it strikes me as special pleading. | Nov 21 14:03 |
-TechBytesBot/ | Economics and IP: the good, the bad and the ugly (and a request for reader feedback)? - The IPKat | Nov 21 14:03 | |
schestowitz | What makes IP special? | Nov 21 14:03 |
schestowitz | " | Nov 21 14:03 |
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