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IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, September 22, 2024

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*lightbringer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 22 02:09
*MinceR` (~lb@iyhwsi75rjzuq.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 22 02:12
*MinceR` is now known as lightbringerSep 22 02:13
*lightbringer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 22 02:47
*MinceR` (~lb@iyhwsi75rjzuq.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 22 02:47
*MinceR` is now known as lightbringerSep 22 02:47
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytesSep 22 03:42
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 22 03:46
schestowitz[TR2] 22 04:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 22 04:14
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 22 04:14
schestowitz[TR2]IBM a great company, but many companies of jobs offered in the past can easily be outsourced to low-cost countries. If an organization as powerful doesn’t adopt this strategy, the competition will. Lowering costs and increasing efficiencies has always been the hallmark of sustainability. It’s always been prudent to keep shareholders happy,Sep 22 04:14
schestowitz[TR2]4 hours ago by AnonymousSep 22 04:14
schestowitz[TR2]| 6 reactions (+1/-5)Sep 22 04:14
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @bfi+1uCSZSqMSep 22 04:14
schestowitz[TR2] +8 Sep 22 04:14
schestowitz[TR2]It’s never good being one of the last rats on a sinking ship. IBM may do well at services, but software is all acquisitions and squeezing the cash cow while the best innovative talent gets the heck out once they figure out there is little in the way of true leadership and vision. It’s been a sad 10 years. Glad to say farewell - the grass is greener even in this climate.Sep 22 04:14
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 22 04:14
schestowitz[TR2] 22 04:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]IBM should really focus on what it has been doing very well for decades: enterprise-wide computing hardware. Invest more in Power, mainframe, Linux, storage, and quantum innovation that serves as the infrastructure backbone to run workloads and applications in any organization. Work with partners around data center management and sustainability. I do feel we should double down on what truly sets us apart from other IT and services Sep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]organizations.Sep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]7 hours ago by AnonymousSep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+1/-1)Sep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @1xxc+1uBbOjMqSep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2] +1 Sep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]Nobody has figured out how to monetize AISep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]It's crazy expensive and use cases are mostly on the creative side.Sep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]I think it'll take a decade or so before firms start to make big money on AISep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]Microsoft's copilots are a joke (worse than Clippy), OpenAI is solid but revenue is dismal, Anthropic makes even less, Google is still struggling but they are making some inroads as they are baking AI in existing tools (still no revenue). Consulting is struggling to sell anything AI related as use cases are still scarce and talent/resources is way too limited/expensive.Sep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]Anyhow, any time they mention AI and profits - just ignore themSep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 22 04:16
schestowitz[TR2]"Fortinet Completes Acquisition of Lacework"Sep 22 04:42
schestowitz[TR2]x 22 04:42
schestowitz[TR2]"Top 20 Cybersecurity Companies & Startups to Watch in 2024"Sep 22 04:42
schestowitz[TR2]x 22 04:42
schestowitz[TR2]# snyk is still spreading FUD and apparently getting paid for itSep 22 04:42
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ )Sep 22 04:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Top 20 Cybersecurity Companies & Startups to Watch in 2024Sep 22 04:42
*lightbringer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 22 05:06
*MinceR` (~lb@iyhwsi75rjzuq.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 22 05:08
*MinceR` has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 22 05:35
*MinceR` (~lb@iyhwsi75rjzuq.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 22 05:38
*Kermit has quit (*.net *.split)Sep 22 05:57
*logbackup has quit (*.net *.split)Sep 22 05:57
*lightbringer has quit (*.net *.split)Sep 22 05:57
*Guest14678 has quit (*.net *.split)Sep 22 05:57
*schestowitz-TR2 has quit (*.net *.split)Sep 22 05:57
*Techrights-sec2 has quit (*.net *.split)Sep 22 05:57
*logbackup (~quassel@freenode-50vmi7.ldvb.0amm.hij1op.IP) has joined #techbytesSep 22 05:58
*Guest14678 (~Guest1467@freenode-drv.aab.2jssns.IP) has joined #techbytesSep 22 05:58
*Kermit (sid393220@freenode/user/kermit) has joined #techbytesSep 22 05:58
*Techrights-sec2 (~quassel@freenode-50vmi7.ldvb.0amm.hij1op.IP) has joined #techbytesSep 22 05:58
*lightbringer (mincer@freenode/user/lightbringer) has joined #techbytesSep 22 05:58
*schestowitz-TR2 (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 22 05:58
*agentcas2y has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 22 06:32
*agentcas2y (~agentcasey@b6dc92btrdtrn.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 22 06:33
*parsifal (~parsifal@6thegygyadsu4.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 22 06:43
*parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 22 06:44
*agentcas2y has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 22 10:11
*agentcas3y (~agentcasey@b6dc92btrdtrn.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 22 10:12
*MinceR` is now known as lightbringerSep 22 12:03
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@gcs5ikfy64ubg.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 22 13:48
schestowitz[TR2] 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]IBM's AI tech is a joke. Until ChatGPT came on the scene Arvin had it buried in IBM Research's basement. The last couple of years has been about how to spin another company's success. It is so transparent and so obvious. "You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time". I doubt Arvind learned about what Lincoln said in school.Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]Now that every IBMer has had a chance to use it due to these id--tic challenges I think it is very clear it su-ks bigly. It's lacking core features and it's a laughable joke compared to AI you can use in the consumer space that's completely free. I would say we're playing catch-up, but let's get real – we will never catch up.Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]This latest layoff has been targeting designers who could've made this a very cool and easy to use product which it clearly is not. AskIBM is the most useless thing I've ever seen. It does nothing useful, is not easy to use, and is hampered by stupid limiting engineering decisions because IBM is a run by cheapskates. We aspire to mediocrity.Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]AI is an excuse for IBM, it is not a reality.Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]2 hours ago by AI lolSep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]| 5 reactions (+5/-0)Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @2oyp+1uBbOjMqSep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2] +5 Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]@1xxcSep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]IBM may be a profitable company but it run by unethical CEO and his unethical executives, which makes it an unethical company to do business with. No amount of Bluewash and technology buzzwords from Alvind and his Pipmunks in the press can change that. IBM pays to have articles in the press about their so-called successes in AI and quantum, while other technology companies like Microsoft and Google are miles ahead in the game. SimpSep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]ly moving jobs to lower cost counties like India does not translate into ground breaking research and development. As has been pointed out many times it takes 3 engineers in the US to do what it takes 6 or more engineers in India to do. India is extremely bureaucratic and inefficient in it's processes and not going to improve anytime soon.Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]At the end of the day you get what you pay for - if you pay peanuts, you hire monkeys.Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]IBM is on an unsustainable path to failure. Shareholders need to demand more and better results before the company is sold off.Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]7 hours ago by AnonymousSep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]| 5 reactions (+5/-0)Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @2aeo+1uBbOjMqSep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2] -5 Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]IBM should really focus on what it has been doing very well for decades: enterprise-wide computing hardware. Invest more in Power, mainframe, Linux, storage, and quantum innovation that serves as the infrastructure backbone to run workloads and applications in any organization. Work with partners around data center management and sustainability. I do feel we should double down on what truly sets us apart from other IT and services Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]organizations.Sep 22 17:23
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 22 17:23
*psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria 22 17:29
*Guest14678 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)Sep 22 19:00
*Vengeance_ (~Vengeance@freenode-drv.aab.2jssns.IP) has joined #techbytesSep 22 19:44
schestowitz[TR2]> Happy anniversary hope you had a good day.Sep 22 20:39
schestowitz[TR2]> Sep 22 20:39
schestowitz[TR2]> I'm chatting to Alexandre Oliva who is helping tweak a few ideas.Sep 22 20:39
schestowitz[TR2]> Sep 22 20:39
schestowitz[TR2]> Also I don't want to move too far until RMS has had a say.  I thinkSep 22 20:39
schestowitz[TR2]> it's important Richard gets to comment on why the word 'freedom' is orSep 22 20:39
schestowitz[TR2]> isn't doing enough work in 2024.Sep 22 20:39
schestowitz[TR2]> Sep 22 20:39
schestowitz[TR2]> I'm with you on splitting it up Rianne. Maybe 20 is too many sections,Sep 22 20:39
schestowitz[TR2]> but definitely more than 5. I'll let you find the right edit points andSep 22 20:39
schestowitz[TR2]> visuals.Sep 22 20:39

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