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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Wednesday, September 23, 2020

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*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Sep 23 00:45
*schestowitz ( has joined #techbytesSep 23 00:45
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Sep 23 00:45
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techbytesSep 23 00:45
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 23 02:21
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Sep 23 02:21
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techbytesSep 23 02:25
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 23 02:44
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesSep 23 02:44
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Sep 23 03:13
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Sep 23 03:14
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesSep 23 03:28
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 23 03:28
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Sep 23 03:43
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Sep 23 03:44
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesSep 23 03:44
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 23 03:44
schestowitz 23 06:38
schestowitz" kids are tougher than you think."Sep 23 06:38
-TechBytesBot/ | NixiИ: " kids are tougher than y…" - LinuxRocks.OnlineSep 23 06:38
schestowitz 23 06:38
-TechBytesBot/ | Popolon🐷 ᠫᠣᠫᠣᠯᠣᠨ🐎抱抱龙🐉: " Hu, Cortex-A5 ??? That…" - MastodonSep 23 06:38
schestowitz"Hu, Cortex-A5 ??? That's 2010~2012, 2e generation ARM Cortex-A5.  32 bits microprocessors that consume lot of power, relatively to today one."Sep 23 06:38
schestowitz 23 06:39
schestowitz"Sep 23 06:39
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Sep 23 06:39
schestowitz2 And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain.Sep 23 06:39
schestowitzPaul Misogyny, Kyle Vanroosendal, Utopia Pluto, Saturn Sonic, McDonald Mycrowsoft, Yttrium Ferrite, Bottle Gun Ninja Bear, Pirate Isaac, Abraham Winters, Mary Squares, Emily Maines, Barbituate Henson, Karen Shoulder, Futaba Rstarstardotdotdotslashslash, Jenkins Meredith, Roxy DoxySep 23 06:39
schestowitz"Sep 23 06:39
schestowitz 23 06:39
schestowitz"stay safe @Mitsuu"Sep 23 06:39
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaSep 23 06:39
schestowitz 23 06:39
schestowitz"wait you're back on @Mitsu again?"Sep 23 06:39
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaSep 23 06:39
schestowitz 23 06:40
schestowitz" I will not be able to go to visit Guizzy... stupid coronavirus"Sep 23 06:40
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaSep 23 06:40
schestowitz\Sep 23 06:40
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 400 @\ )Sep 23 06:40
schestowitz" basically the worst possible things I could think of happening in 2000 are happening now in the open and literally no one cares. Also told people that would happen too, is this Cassandra Syndrome?"Sep 23 06:40
schestowitz 23 06:41
-TechBytesBot/ | TheTrueWhiteBrother: " As long as no one is do…" - MastheadSep 23 06:41
schestowitz"As long as no one is doing anything about it, your world will become cursed"Sep 23 06:41
schestowitz 23 06:41
schestowitz"Please stop using my name in vain 😀Sep 23 06:41
-TechBytesBot/ | TheTrueWhiteBrother: " Please stop using my na…" - MastheadSep 23 06:41
schestowitz 23 06:41
schestowitz"Because they believe in mob mentality, that's why."Sep 23 06:41
-TechBytesBot/ | TheTrueWhiteBrother: " Because they believe in…" - MastheadSep 23 06:41
schestowitz 23 06:41
schestowitz" That is how a democracy ends, isn't it?"Sep 23 06:42
-TechBytesBot/ | TheTrueWhiteBrother: " That is how a democracy…" - MastheadSep 23 06:42
schestowitz 23 06:42
schestowitz"Sep 23 06:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Paul Sutton: " not sure if you have s…" - Qoto MastodonSep 23 06:42
schestowitz@schestowitz  not sure if you have seen thisSep 23 06:42
schestowitzNames of EVERY passenger to have flown on Jeffrey Epstein's aircraft 'to be revealed "sparking panic among the pedophile's wealthy friends"'Sep 23 06:42
schestowitz 23 06:42
-TechBytesBot/ | Names of EVERY passenger on Jeffrey Epstein's aircraft 'to be revealed "sparking panic"'  | Daily Mail OnlineSep 23 06:42
schestowitzPerhaps a certain big computer company ex - executive and CEO will get a mention,  if that happens I can just say I have known that for years.Sep 23 06:42
schestowitz"Sep 23 06:42
schestowitzI posted a link to this article TuesdaySep 23 06:42
schestowitz 23 06:43
schestowitz"hello thank you for the follow back"Sep 23 06:43
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Sep 23 06:43
schestowitz 23 06:43
schestowitz"Opera should hit them with a trademark infringement suit to give 'em a taste of their own medicine :blobcatgoogly:"Sep 23 06:43
-TechBytesBot/ | PleromaSep 23 06:43
schestowitzO is too genericSep 23 06:43
schestowitz 23 06:45
-TechBytesBot/ | Umbran Sand Witch: " Wingnuts are all about …" - witches.liveSep 23 06:45
schestowitz"Wingnuts are all about forcing people to wear uniforms unless the uniforms are actually good. If rainbow flair is compelled speech, so is the shirt that says Kroger and the lanyard-ass lookin' khakis they make you wear"Sep 23 06:45
schestowitz 23 06:48
schestowitz> 23 06:48
schestowitz>Sep 23 06:48
-TechBytesBot/ | mmu_man : " well, here we have the …" - Mastodon G3LSep 23 06:48
schestowitz> Thanks!  I just reposted it.  And read it.  ;-)Sep 23 06:49
-TechBytesBot/ | Guest Post: The Worrying State of Political Judgement in Free Software Communities | TechrightsSep 23 06:49
schestowitzRe: Various points about ExxonSep 23 06:51
schestowitz> Found today:Sep 23 06:51
schestowitz>Sep 23 06:51
schestowitz> #exxonknew (I know, fuck Twitter)Sep 23 06:51
schestowitz>Sep 23 06:51
schestowitz> exxonknew.orgSep 23 06:51
schestowitz>Sep 23 06:51
schestowitz> Exxon is responding on Twitter with "Don't believe the media" lol. TheySep 23 06:51
schestowitz> have made a video where they claim they didn't.Sep 23 06:51
schestowitz>Sep 23 06:52
schestowitz> The people (law firm? the people who paid it?) are Biden funders. worthSep 23 06:52
schestowitz> looking into. I mean it won't be surprising if Biden gets in, but it'sSep 23 06:52
schestowitz> still worth looking at any connections to Exxon.Sep 23 06:52
schestowitz>Sep 23 06:52
schestowitz> But the most fun is the three little words that Exxon is using toSep 23 06:52
schestowitz> promote their rebuttal of #exxonknewSep 23 06:52
schestowitz>Sep 23 06:52
schestowitz> "Get the Facts"Sep 23 06:52
schestowitz>Sep 23 06:52
schestowitz> I mean, lots of people use that phrase. But I associate it most closelySep 23 06:52
schestowitz> with that old Microsoft campaign.Sep 23 06:52
schestowitz>Sep 23 06:52
schestowitz> It's probably a coincidence, I mean "Get the Facts" is used in a lot ofSep 23 06:52
schestowitz> harmless or helpful contexts. But that was the part that made me laugh.Sep 23 06:52
schestowitzTwitter is profiting from misinformation.Sep 23 06:52
schestowitz> Get _their_ "facts".  The new improved approved facts.Sep 23 06:52
schestowitz> Well, without drawing attention to the thread itself:Sep 23 06:54
schestowitz>Sep 23 06:54
schestowitz> 23 06:54
schestowitz>Sep 23 06:54
-TechBytesBot/ | The sad decline of copyleft software licenses? :(Sep 23 06:54
schestowitz> There are a lot of good points rebutting the disinformation in some ofSep 23 06:54
schestowitz> the replies.  But the main problem identified in the first message seemsSep 23 06:54
schestowitz> to be that an anti-copyleft paragraph got piggybacked onto a mostlySep 23 06:54
schestowitz> sound article and people are taking it as the truth, though it is not.Sep 23 06:54
schestowitzA lot of money was sunk into anti-GPL rhetoric.Sep 23 06:54
schestowitz> And it might be good to remind people about the importance of describingSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> lesser licenses as non-reciprocal rather than "permissive".  They aren'tSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> permissive, they merely give more flexibility to the developers than theSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> copyleft licenses.  That includes the flexibility to take away softwareSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> freedoms.  The copyleft licenses, in contrast, give more flexibility toSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> the end users.  That is where the real balance lies: developer versusSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> end-users.  It is a divisive lie spread by M$ boosters to say that oneSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> style is more free than another, it is instead a matter of who benefitsSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> most, the developer(s) or the many end-users.  The article linked to inSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> the first message even identifies that dichotomy without calling it outSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> explicitly as such.  Either way, the licenses need to be called whatSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> they are, non-reciprocal, to get the debate back onto track.  Otherwise,Sep 23 06:56
schestowitz> microsofters just laugh and benefit from the in-fighting as a smallSep 23 06:56
schestowitz> number of developers are pitted against everyone else.Sep 23 06:56
schestowitzUsually I put 'permissive' in scare quotes.Sep 23 06:56
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Sep 23 07:42
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Sep 23 07:42
*rianne ( has joined #techbytesSep 23 07:49
*liberty_box ( has joined #techbytesSep 23 07:50
*GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 23 09:03
schestowitz 23 09:32
schestowitz 23 09:32
-TechBytesBot/ | Bromölla får inte förbjuda bön på arbetstid | SVT NyheterSep 23 09:32
-TechBytesBot/ | Google TranslateSep 23 09:32
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techbytesSep 23 12:19
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 23 13:00
*asusbox2 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 23 13:21
*asusbox2 ( has joined #techbytesSep 23 13:21
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techbytesSep 23 13:43
*Condor ( has joined #techbytesSep 23 15:45
*kermit has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 23 21:50
*kermit (sid393220@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit) has joined #techbytesSep 23 21:52
*GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 23 23:01
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techbytesSep 23 23:32
*kermit has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 23 23:50
*hook54321 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Sep 23 23:51
*kermit (sid393220@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit) has joined #techbytesSep 23 23:53
*hook54321 (sid149355@gateway/web/ has joined #techbytesSep 23 23:55

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