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IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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schestowitz[TR2] 24 00:00
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 24 00:00
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 24 00:00
schestowitz[TR2]This is the CFO’s comments about Palo Alto Yep their revenue will go toward restructuring IBM had previously (1st q) said they were going to allocate 400 million. Now add in the 500 million from Palo Alto and you are at 900 million.Sep 24 00:00
schestowitz[TR2]Our focus on execution and the strength in the fundamentals of our business resulted in strong performance in the quarter across revenue, margin expansion, and growth in profitability and earnings. Looking to the full-year 2024, we are holding our view on revenue. We see full-year constant-currency revenue growth in line with our mid-single-digit model, still prudently at the low end. For free cash flow, given the strength in our pSep 24 00:00
schestowitz[TR2]erformance in the first half, we feel confident in raising our expectations to greater than $12 billion, driven primarily by growth in adjusted EBITDA.Sep 24 00:00
schestowitz[TR2]This also includes a modest contribution resulting from the Palo Alto QRadar transaction, largely offset by related structural actions to address stranded costs. We continue to expect the QRadar transaction to close by the end of the third quarter.Sep 24 00:00
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 24 00:00
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 24 01:32
schestowitz[TR2]Thanks for this feedbackSep 24 01:32
schestowitz[TR2]I feel the most important thing for your own complaint to the police is evidence where he blackmails youSep 24 01:32
schestowitz[TR2]Simply defaming me is not enough: what the police will want to see is that you would be warned about any prospective retaliation for linking to meSep 24 01:32
schestowitz[TR2]The retaliation itself doesn't have to be a crime.  E.g. it doesn't have to be a threat of violence.  It could be a threat to ban you from a conference or a threat to block you from some IRC service.Sep 24 01:32
schestowitz[TR2]Notice that some threats are not criminal.  E.g. if somebody threatens to stop reading Techrights, that has no real consequences for you and it is unlikely to make you feel any apprehension.Sep 24 01:32
schestowitz[TR2]Obviously any examples of blackmail are mutually convenient as I can also make a complaint to UK police that will support your complaint.Sep 24 01:32
schestowitz[TR2]Did you get any non-public news about the DebConf death so far?"Sep 24 01:32
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@bmuxke8hbdx4i.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 24 02:31
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*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@bmuxke8hbdx4i.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 24 02:36
*GNUmoon2 has quit (connection closed)Sep 24 03:57
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@yyunjisfxsv9q.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 24 03:58
*parsifal (~parsifal@6thegygyadsu4.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 24 08:04
*parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 24 08:05
schestowitz[TR2] 24 08:09
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 24 08:09
schestowitz[TR2]Four things:Sep 24 08:09
schestowitz[TR2]#1 No one cared when this was blue collar jobs. Now the offshoring is effecting white collar folks. Perhaps they will be more empathetic in the future to the next guy.Sep 24 08:09
schestowitz[TR2]#2 IBM has survived using accounting gimmicks for years. Be honest, much of what IBM offers isn't all that and a bag of chips compared to it's competitors.Sep 24 08:09
schestowitz[TR2]#3 Expect more layoffs in 2025 and 2026, and these will NOT be related to the AI cr-p. It's coming.Sep 24 08:09
schestowitz[TR2]#4 "But we deal with government and operations that have to be done in US." Well, they will just keep open a small number of people to handle those accounts, and ship the rest of the jobs overseas. Many other companies in oil and gas, tech, and multinational already do this for those kinds of accounts.Sep 24 08:09
schestowitz[TR2]To keep the hot air balloon afloat, they will throw the fuel source and burner overboard, if it buys them another 10 minutes of life. Logic doesn't enter into it.Sep 24 08:09
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 24 08:09
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]18 Month since job loss UpdateSep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]I would like to give an update.Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]I posted this a few months back:Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]Still looking after fifteen monthsSep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]I haven’t found anything IT after fifteen months. I hear the average time for finding a new job after layoff is 6 months but I am doubtful.Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]Me: 52 y/o male, 27 yrs in tech mostly on the software side with about 2 y sys admin back in the day when that was a title.Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]Questions:Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]Anyone else experiencing this?Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]Money will eventually run out. I am having trouble even talking about this so it’s just keeping me awake. I don’t even know how to approach this issue.Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]…….Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]Well money did run out and I never found another job in IT. But I was inspired by the response of the gentleman who drives a garbage truck. I wasn’t able to get that specific job but did find a job driving shuttles at the airport and another part time job with a tow truck company.Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]So at 53 I am not doing what I wrote on my PDP I want to do but I am more appreciative of jobs with benefits now that I don’t have health insurance.Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]Thank you and stay safe.Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 24 08:11
schestowitz[TR2] 24 08:11
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 24 08:12
schestowitz[TR2]" 24 08:13
schestowitz[TR2]The term “mass layoff” means a reduction in force which first, is not the result of a plant closing, and second, results in an employment loss at the single site of employment during any 30-day period for:Sep 24 08:13
schestowitz[TR2](i) At least 33 percent of the active employees, excluding part-time employees, andSep 24 08:13
schestowitz[TR2](ii) At least 50 employees, excluding part-time employees.Sep 24 08:13
schestowitz[TR2]Where 500 or more employees (excluding part-time employees) are affected, the 33% requirement does not apply, and notice is required if the other criteria are met. Plant closings involve employment loss which results from the shutdown of one or more distinct units within a single site or the entire site. A mass layoff involves employment loss, regardless of whether one or more units are shut down at the site. "Sep 24 08:13
-TechBytesBot/ | WARN Act Compliance Assistance | U.S. Department of LaborSep 24 08:13
schestowitz[TR2] 24 08:13
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 24 08:13
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytesSep 24 11:44
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techbytesSep 24 11:53
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Sep 24 12:33
*MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techbytesSep 24 12:35
* sets mode +a #techbytes MinceRSep 24 12:35
schestowitz[TR2]bSep 24 15:53
schestowitz[TR2]<li>Sep 24 15:53
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <h5><a href="">My Asus eeePC still rocks in 2024 (with MX Linux)</a></h5>Sep 24 15:53
schestowitz[TR2]                                    <blockquote>Sep 24 15:53
schestowitz[TR2]                                        <p>Long long ago, in a galaxy far ... Nah. Back in 2010, I got myself a netbook. It was an Asus eeePC thing, small, robust, lovely, and reasonably priced. Fast forward a good decade, I've used it everywhere. Inside and outside, in rough outdoor conditions, and it's survived a dozen business trips with pride. Practical use, too, including mail, browsing, music, videos, writing books, everythinSep 24 15:53
schestowitz[TR2]g you can imagine. </p>Sep 24 15:53
schestowitz[TR2]                                    </blockquote>Sep 24 15:53
schestowitz[TR2]                                </li>Sep 24 15:53
-TechBytesBot/ | My Asus eeePC still rocks in 2024 (with MX Linux)Sep 24 15:53
schestowitz[TR2] 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]For the OP: You do what you have to do to survive. Good job!Sep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]Truth be told, IBM is not alone as an IT industry dinosaur. Most of the companies you know today will be long gone in 25 years. Almost ALL of the IT workers you know today in any company will be doing something else in 15-20 years, and it won't always be a promotion for them either.Sep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]Life has its ups and downs, sometimes the ups are REALLY UP, and sometimes the downs are REALLY DOWN. Enjoy the action while it lasts, and prepare for rainy days whenever you can. We are in a time where the economy su-ks across the board, in all market sectors. People are getting canned from IBM, Intel, AMD, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Amazon, 3M, Ford, Stellantis, Wells Fargo, among others. IT people, lawyers, finSep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]ance people, bankers, factory workers, salespeople...people who did lots of great things, but were ultimately in the wrong place in the wrong time. It happens.Sep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]2 hours ago by AnonymousSep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Sep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @llq+1uFvxHS3Sep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2] +5 Sep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]IBM isn’t innovating in product development enough to grow revenue. Too much competition in IT and IBM has been left behind. Current CEO is cleaning up the mess that was left by his predecessors.Sep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]CEO reports to the board; the board only cares about the investors and the stock performance; CEO’s job is to move high paying jobs to low cost countries India, Vietnam, Mexico etc…Sep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]As a result thousands of employees from USA , Europe etc lose their jobs: CEO, executive management and the board aren’t gonna shed a tear for that. It’s just the nature of western capitalism.Sep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]Dinosaurs rejects from IBM , like OP, won’t find another job in IT and will have to find a job in another industrySep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 24 18:02
schestowitz[TR2] 24 18:03
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 403 @ )Sep 24 18:03
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2]Are you working from home? Maybe one of the criteria.Sep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2]2 hours ago by AnonymousSep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2]| 1 reaction (+1/-0)Sep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @gnn+1uFn8HKQSep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2] +2 Sep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2]There are dozens of criteria, which you can find by browsing through past postings. They are the criteria one might you're rated by management, how much you're paid, what benefits you're drawing (sick time, etc.), your pay band, your chances for advancement, etc.Sep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2]But the bottom line for getting RA'd is that the department needs to cut heads, improve their budget numbers, improve their organizational P+L...stuff like that.Sep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2]2 hours ago by AnonymousSep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2]| 2 reactions (+2/-0)Sep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2]Post ID: @rpp+1uFn8HKQSep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2] +4 Sep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2]Criteria: the job can be done cheaper somewhere elseSep 24 18:04
schestowitz[TR2]"Sep 24 18:04

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